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Karen Loses Control

"A middle-aged, condescending coworker who is entitled and kind of a bitch is taken back when a young man she usually berates for fun makes a sexual advance while at the office."

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Mark put the car in park in his office parking lot, sighed his daily defeated sigh, and then opened his door to begin yet another day of pointless office work. The Tesla driver parked beside him was parked on the dividing parking space line, so he could only crack open his door and hold his breath as he squeezed out of the parking spot. He grabbed his shoulder bag and coffee, but the cup slipped from his fingers. He dove inside to grab it, but the cup was a lost cause, and it spilled over the floorboard. Worse yet, during his dash to save the cup, he’d jammed his door open and dinged the Tesla with his door.

“Great, just great,” Mark said as he used a fistful of forgotten napkins from the door to blot up most of the coffee, then walked around the backside of the Tesla to confirm what he already feared.

Of course, it was fucking Cynthia’s car…

Cynthia was the office ‘Karen.’ Everyone knew to steer clear of her, and yet she was integrated so deep into the company that no one could run far. Cynthia was Human Resources Outreach, so her job was basically to get into every other department’s business about every little thing: training, reviews, customer relations, employee relations… you name it. Basically, it was a dream job for this bitch because it gave her a license to bother.

Mark knew it was hers from the single bumper sticker on the back of her vehicle that read:


‘My way or the highway’


He sighed, tried to rub the scuff mark away, and then resigned himself to marching toward his fate like a man.

God, I need to get a new job.

Entering work, he was thirty seconds late for the company round table meeting that they had each morning, AKA all the teams stood around their desks and cubicles in the middle of the office and listened to the manager, supervisors, and HR blabber on about menial tasks and changes that everyone had already read about in emails. Any movement or signs of life stood out, so all eyes were on Mark as he scooted to his cubicle.

Without effort, his eyes found Cynthia standing at the front of the office beside the rest of the speakers. Her eyes already glared at him for tardiness.

“So just remember to refill the copier with paper when you're done,” his manager said for the third time since Mark entered the room. “That way I don’t have to fight with it for twenty minutes again like I did yesterday. Okay, Cynthia did you have something.”

“Yes,” Cynthia cleared her throat and seemed to angle her chin even higher as she stepped forward, “I’d like to remind everyone that the breakroom is a shared place for everyone. It is not a hang-out spot. It is not a socializing club. There should be no cliques forming in there. We are here to work, ladies and gentlemen, and the longer you waste company time gathered around the coffee pot, the less time others have to be in there and get what they need.” Cynthia elongated her neck to look down on as many people as possible. “Just so you know, time theft from the company is a disciplinary offense if HR notices a pattern.”

Mark used every muscle in his body to keep from laughing and rolling his eyes. If Cynthia didn’t try, so she had to act and look like a Karen, she would actually be kind of attractive to a woman in her late thirties. She had her brunette hair cut short in the inverted bob cut with it longer in the front and shorter in the back. He didn’t know if she had kids, but her ample breasts and curvy ass made him think that she might. Honestly, Mark mostly felt sorry for her husband. The dude really took one for the team being married to her.

“Right, then. Let’s get to work, guys,” their manager, Steve, said.

The meeting broke down, and Mark trudged between his coworkers toward Cynthia’s obnoxiously loud and high-pitched laugh. She had a flock of other bitchy clones gathered around her as she regaled them with a story.

“…I said, listen, idiot, this is costing the company seventeen cents a minute. Why don’t—” she paused her story when she saw Mark. “Well, Mark. Looks like you were late again. We’ll have to mark that down on your performance review if you keep this up. Didn’t you just put in for a promotion too?”

Mark eyed the half dozen middle-aged women who now scowled at him like vermin that needed to be crushed. He was a twenty-six-year-old man who didn’t submit to their authority or berating, so he was not accepted.

“Right, yes. And thank you for telling everyone,” he said. “Cynthia, may I have a word in private?”

Instead of moving to follow him right away, Cynthia scrunched her brow and then looked to her flock of judgmental hens, and they exchanged a mocking smile before she finally relented and followed Mark away from the busy office. He led her to the copy room, which was more like a large walk-in closet in the back of the office. With printers all over the office, the copy room was used more for stationary supplies storage than copying, so it gave them a little privacy. Especially if she began to yell at him which he predicted.

“Okay, what is it?” Cynthia sighed and looked at her watch. Mark closed the door to the copy room behind him.

“So I wanted you to hear it from me rather than find it on your own, but I just wanted to let you know that I parked beside you in the parking lot and when I opened my door it accidentally scuffed your door.”

Cynthia crossed her arms as he chest inflated like a balloon. “You did what?!”

“I’m sorry, but you parked right on the line so—”

“I know where I parked. Do you think I’m stupid? I parked like that on purpose. So idiots like you wouldn’t park next to my Tesla! Now I hear you go out of your way to vandalize my car!”

“As you know, there aren’t enough parking spots, so you can’t take up—”

“I work hard for my money and buy nice things like that Tesla so I can do whatever the hell I want to protect my investments! Don’t you dare take that tone with me!”

Mark pinched the bridge of his nose as she took step after step nearer to him. Her badgering shouts became too much, and his headache formed as the fog of her overused perfume filled his lungs.

“I will not only be putting this in your performance review but will be telling Steve directly about your behavior,” she shouted, wagging her finger in his face. Mark’s eyes became focused on the shade of red of her lipstick as her mouth moved at lightning speed. “Then I will sue you for every dollar you own if you do not pay to have my car restored to tip-top shape and in a timely—"

The kiss happened so suddenly, Mark wasn’t sure who was more surprised by it, him or her. Cynthia’s eyes went wide as the tip of his tongue brushed hers, and for the briefest of seconds, she kissed back before she pulled away, shaking her head.

“What are you—what was—you kissed me!” she said, taking a step back and touching her lips as if checking to see if they were still there.

“Well, if you’re going to get in my face like that, I’m going to assume it’s either because you want to kiss me or fight me.”

“You’re disgusting,” she scoffed. “A depraved animal. I should have you fired.”

Mark let the moment take him as he committed to this improv decision. He stepped forward, reciprocating Cynthia’s aggressive advance on him by getting in her face. A flash of shock morphed into fear as she ducked back, leaving his face to linger over her breasts.

“Now, you tell me,” Mark said in a calm, almost whispering voice. "You tell me, am I trying to hurt you or kiss you?”

His eyes searched hers, and her gaze danced between his eyes and lips. The pretentious scowl lingered at the side of her mouth, but Mark could feel her willpower waning before she finally gave in. They kissed again, this time Cynthia’s lips parted, eagerly accepting Mark’s tongue as his arms enveloped the petite woman. The pair made out like animals. Cynthia stumbled backward and caught herself on the copier as Mark slid one hand behind her neck and another behind down to her round ass cheeks. He wasn’t sure what had come over him. His hate and anger for the woman were at an all-time high, but so was his lust for the annoying bitch. His kiss was rough, and his hands aggressively squeezed at her ass cheeks and pulled at her hair.

“Ugh—mmm!” Cynthia groaned in response as Mark manhandled her body.

To Mark’s surprise, it was Cynthia’s hands that moved to his crotch, groping his surprisingly hard member through his work pants. He broke the kiss because the excitement had him panting. Grabbing her chin and pulling her head to the side, he used the time to kiss her neck and taste the sweet sting of her poured-on perfume.

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“Oh, God… Of course, you’re already hard,” she growled as her hand continued to squeeze and roughly palpate the length of his shaft, which was quickly becoming an iron rod. “You’re a filthy animal coming into the office with that thing, you really—ah!”

It took several tries, but he was finally able to yank Cynthia’s pencil skirt up over her bulbous fat ass, exposing her white panties and her even whiter ass cheeks.

“Quite forward, aren’t we?” Cynthia said in a mocking tone. “You think that just because I’ll make out with some incompetent employee that you’ll actually get a chance to fuck—ugh god…”

Cynthia buckled over Mark’s shoulder, clapping a hand onto his upper back to keep from falling. Having slid her moist panties to the side, Mark sliced his ring and middle finger deep into her hairy pussy. The warm, gooey center choked his finger and covered his hand in her juices as he stuffed her. The muscles in his arm flexed as he fingered the woman at a hard, steady pace and he couldn’t help but smirk at the sounds the woman was making.

“Ohh… Oh, Lord…” she gasped, and her breathing became stagnant as he felt more of her weight hang on him. “Yes, do it—do it—do it!”

Biting his lower lip, Mark slammed his fingers inside the woman faster and harder until the sound of her wet pussy filled the copy room, and he felt her trembling thighs clamp shut.

“Ahhh ahhhmmmmm!” Cynthia panted a scream and quickly muffled it with his shoulder, then her hand. The orgasm came quick and strong. Her pussy squeezed his fingers tight until there was no room to maneuver, and in an instant, a shudder went through her body, and a squirt of juices rained to the carpet from between her legs.

“God, yes!” she moaned, raising to her tiptoes before crashing. Tilting on wobbly legs, she still clung to Mark’s neck to center herself as she panted like crazy. “Oh my god…”

Mark listened to her mindless cooing and moans as she caught her breath but didn’t pay attention to her. Turning her around so she leaned on the rigid copier to keep her balance, Mark glanced back at the door to make sure no one had entered yet. It was rare for the copier room to be used, and it was mostly HR using it before big meetings, but supervisors did as well on occasion, and the door didn’t have a lock. Mark didn’t care. Whether it was his peaked annoyance brought on by the office Karen or the pheromones of her pussy after having just came all over the floor, Mark was locked in like an animal.

“We… we… should get back out there before—Oh!” Cynthia started to try and fix her hair and skirt when Mark pressed on her back, flattening her chest to the copier. “What—what are you—oh shit!”

Mark grunted as the tip of his hard cock pressed between Cynthia’s pussy lips. For as wet as the middle-aged woman was, his cock struggled to push inside from how tightly she squeezed on him.

“You think you can just—ah—stick your filthy fucking, ng! god! Your filthy fucking cock wherever you want?” Cynthia balked from over her shoulder. Mark pulled out some and leaned forward again, this time getting more of his shaft inside her hole. “Fuck, you’re a big fucker, aren’t you? Makes sense. Ah—goddammit! Figure an office prick like you would have to have a big cock to match between those—oh, Jesus!”

“I’m the prick?” Mark growled through gritted teeth. “You’re the bitch that’s always on my ass.”

Cynthia’s eyes went wide with anger as she started to look over her shoulder, “Did you just call me a bitch!?”






“Ahhhhmmm!” Cynthia cried out as Mark took the opportunity to fulfill his fantasy since first meeting this bitch of spanking her fat ass. The white, pale skin jiggled and bounced wildly with each slap. There was a pink circle on her right ass cheek by the time he finished.

“That’s right, bitch. Now it’s my turn to get on your ass,” he said.

His fingers dug into her love handles on both sides of her hips as he jerked her back as he thrust forward, spearing his long hard cock deep inside her. Cynthia gasped as she threw her head back and arched her back. Gritting his teeth, he began fucking her tight pussy with rough thrusts going in and out.

“Oh my god, oh my god…” she repeated as she squinted up to the ceiling as if praying to the Human Resource gods. Her obnoxiously long and large necklaces shook and rattled over the top of the copier as she grabbed at its edges desperately to stabilize herself. “Yes, yes, yes. Don’t you fucking stop. You worthless fuck. Fuck that pussy. Do something useful for once and—gah!”

Mark snarled as he slid a hand up her back and squeezed the back of her neck while going back to smacking her ass with the other hand. Biting down on his lip hard, he was releasing years of frustration between the spanking and the punishment his cock was doing to her pussy.

“Christ! Just like that, baby, yeah… fuck me… fuck me like a dirty fucking tramp!” she growled as she stuck her ass out like a porn star.

“Mmm, I knew you were a fucking whore,” Mark groaned between heavy breaths. The sounds of his cock slamming into her pussy filled the entire copy room.

“Ohhhh, yes… yes…” she squealed in a high-pitched voice. “I’m a whore… fuck—fuck me like a whore!”

Reaching under her arms, Mark roughly palmed at her breasts and heard the fabric stretch as he pulled her fat tits out from the neck of her shirt and bra. They flopped around even more wildly than her ridiculous necklaces with every thrust. Mark squeezed them and loved how the enormous breasts spilled between his fingers as he did.

“Yes, take me… take me… take me!” she demanded.

Mark grabbed a lock of Cynthia’s hair in the ball of his fist and yanked back on her head as she moaned a strained sound as he stuffed his cock all the way into her.

“Ahh, god, yes! I’m going to fucking cum!” she cried.

Every impact of their bodies made the woman’s fat ass jiggle like a tsunami went through it. Mark railed this bitch’s pussy raw as he felt her begin to seize and clench on his throbbing shaft. Her hands clapped at her breasts, then at the base of the copier, looking for a hold to keep her balance as the orgasm overcame her.

In an instant, Cynthia’s knees locked, and her thick thighs became vice grips that clamped together as her pussy forced his cock out. The squirt of juices drenched her legs and high heels as she screamed a muffled moan into her palm. Mark gave her no reprieve, though, as he quickly fed his pulsating cock back into her pussy and went right back to pumping inside her wrecked cunt.

“Oh my god!” she screamed through clenched teeth, and Mark could feel the most powerful orgasm building inside him. “It won’t stop—Jesus!”

Cynthia laid her tits across the copier as she gasped, and her thighs vibrated from her never-ending orgasm. While gripping her hips and shoulder, Mark’s eyes rolled backward as he shoved his throbbing shaft inside her for the last time and came. An ache rose in his ball sack from the power of the orgasm as he pumped his semen deep inside her sloppy pussy. She continued to sing a high-pitched moan with every flex of his cock as he emptied his balls.

When Mark finally pulled out, his cock glistened from her dripping pussy, and Cynthia struggled to stay standing as she hugged the machine like it was a life raft. She was cum drunk and beside herself from her orgasms for several minutes as she staggered to find her footing and slowly adjusted her clothes. When she finally did gather herself together, Cynthia used a small makeup mirror from her purse to fix her hair, touch up her overdone makeup, and adjust her dress to cover her breasts more.

“Well,” she said in a familiar Karen-esk voice. “I’ll be sending you the bill for the scratch to my vehicle.”

And with that, the woman Mark just fucked like a street whore and came inside of left with her chin raised to return to her Human Resources desk. Mark snickered to himself and shook his head. Whatever the payment would be, it was worth this happening. He felt better being at work than he ever had before. He worked a lot of stress out.

Making final adjustments to his clothes, Mark waited an appropriate amount of time, so he didn’t leave at the same time as Cynthia. He was about to leave when a stack of papers on the copier caught his eye. Sifting through them, Mark couldn’t help but laugh. There must have been a hundred colored copies of Cynthia’s chest. Some with clothes and others with her bare breasts pressed in various positions. None of them had her face, but anyone with an eye could identify the gaudy necklace in all of the images.

Mark held up the stack of copies, about to drop them into the recycle bin then hesitated. Wearing a wicked smile, Mark tossed the copies back onto the copy machine and left the room for his office. He had some work to get to. After all, he didn’t want to get called into HR’s office.

Written by djmiles
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