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His Supervisor - Part 2

"Having lost his virginity to her, seventeen-year-old Kirk has another sexual encounter with fifty-six-year-old Gloria."

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The previous evening, Seventeen-year-old Kirk Theobald had lost his virginity.

The female that he had lost it to was fifty-six-year-old Gloria Williams, a lady of West Indian extraction and Kirk's supervisor at work.

Kirk did not sleep much, because of his elation. He had not slept much the night before either, because the after-work tryst had been arranged the day before, and he was excited and nervous.

"You seem very pleased with yourself this morning," Kirk's mother Sara said to him at breakfast. He had told her that he would not be home after work the previous day, but had not indicated what he was doing, and certainly not who with.

"Well, it is Friday," replied Kirk, pleased with his answer.

"Yes, I suppose it is, you just seem different, that is all," said Sara, pleased that her son seemed to be happier in recent times, and maybe more outgoing. She did not know what was different about Kirk Theobald from about twelve hours earlier though.

Gloria had slept well, she usually did after a good fuck. She was now a bit concerned about facing Kirk at work though, she had stressed that what they had done and would probably do again must not be mentioned, but she was still concerned.

Gloria thought that Kirk had been surprisingly good for the first attempt, and he had a lot of potential as a young lover. She thought that occasional, or maybe even frequent, sex with him would be very satisfying for both of them. She was also very conscious of it not spilling over into the office, work and pleasure had to be two different things. She liked the staff that she supervised to be happy, but she did not want the equilibrium of the office disturbed.

Although he was young and naive, Kirk did understand that he must try to keep his thoughts about Gloria under control in public, but being in the same room as her for hours without being able to touch her would be very difficult.

Kirk and Gloria both arrived at work feeling slightly apprehensive, Gloria was there first.

"Good morning Kirk," said Gloria, when the young man arrived, three other members of the section that Gloria supervised were already there.

"Good morning," replied Kirk, he usually called her Mrs Williams although she told her staff to call her Gloria. On this occasion, he used neither her first name nor her surname.

The two looked at each other, and a knowing smile passed between them. Gloria was pleased that Kirk had not blurted out 'I love you,' Not yet anyway.

As expected, the morning was difficult. Any verbal contact between them was work-related, but their eyes met once, and they both smiled. The weather was good so a lunch break next to the river was possible, something that they had done twice before.

Gloria was trying to make up her mind whether to suggest that they go to the river, she wanted to but was not sure that it was wise. They had first gone there about nine days previously when she was concerned about Kirk's happiness but she then had no sexual thoughts about him.

On the second occasion, their mutual attraction became obvious, Kirk announced that he loved her, and they discussed having sex together. That chat, and a further chat after work that day, led to the arrangement for Kirk to lose his virginity to Gloria the next day after work.

It would not go unnoticed in the office for long if they kept meeting at lunchtime.

Gloria had been fucked by two other men in the office but not in her section, they were both in their twenties, but they were on the understanding that their getting together was likely to be a one-off. She had also had one night of sex with a thirty-seven-year-old married woman, who was the supervisor of another section.

It was almost lunchtime, so a decision had to be made. Kirk looked at Gloria hopefully, she nodded her head and mouthed the word 'river.'

They could not be seen leaving the office in each other's company, but there was always the danger of them being seen together because the river was a popular place on a nice day.

Gloria and Kirk were both on the riverside but so were other people from the office, they had not yet made contact, although Kirk's instinct was to rush up to Gloria.

Gloria was aware of the other staff members in the area, she was hoping that Kirk did not do anything silly. She was thinking that this might not be a good idea.

Gloria turned and walked in the other direction towards a park, she hoped that Kirk would follow, and she also hoped that there were no staff members there. Kirk did follow her, resisting the urge to speed up and catch her up, although he was not sure that she had intended him to follow.

Today Gloria was in a black jacket and skirt, her large bottom stretching her skirt just as her large tits stretched her yellow blouse.

Gloria entered the park, but she had not looked back to see if Kirk was following, she scanned the park and there were two people from the office there but they were deep in conversation, Gloria smiled at them as she walked past.

When Gloria had got well beyond those two people, she did turn around and she was delighted to see that Kirk was not far behind. She pointed to a path that ran off the main path and beckoned for Kirk to follow.

The path that Gloria went down was less busy, but she was still keeping an eye out for staff from the office as she slowed for Kirk to catch up.

"Sorry about this, but we do want people seeing us together and getting suspicious," explained Gloria.

"I understand, but I want to be with you," replied Kirk, moving towards her.

"No touching, just in case," said Gloria, although the youth's lips looked so kissable and his eyes were pleading.

"Okay," said Kirk, stopping in his tracks, but very close to Gloria.

"So how are you today, no regrets I hope," smiled Gloria.

"No regrets and I feel wonderful, can we do it again?" said Kirk.

"Yes we can, do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?" asked Gloria.

"No, no plans, just watching some sport on television," responded Kirk.

"Ha, well I have got a television in my bedroom," smiled Gloria, looking so sexy.

"Oh yes, can we?" beamed Kirk, wanting to throw his arms around the woman.

"If you promise not to cheer if Arsenal score a goal," laughed Gloria, a supporter of their rivals Tottenham.

"I will try not to," laughed Kirk.

Just then Gloria saw someone from the office looking as though they might join the path that she and Kirk were on.

"Sally from the office looks like she is coming this way, we must separate," said Gloria, walking off and leaving Kirk disappointed.

"See me after work," said Gloria, before continuing to walk away from Kirk.

The young man stood still for a moment, and then walked back down the path, smiling shyly at Sally as they passed. Gloria was long gone in the opposite direction.

The afternoon dragged for Kirk, he and Gloria smiled at each other a couple of times, but at least he had the prospect of a Saturday afternoon with the sexy black woman.

With it being Friday, few staff hung around at the end of the working day, and soon Kirk and Gloria were just about the only two still in the building.

"I can pick you up in town at noon tomorrow if you want," said Gloria to her young lover, with nobody else near enough to hear what they were saying.

"Yes please, where?" answered Kirk.

They arranged somewhere for Gloria to pick Kirk up, and then Kirk left the building. They wanted to kiss, but couldn't.

"I will be out this afternoon. Mum, not sure when I will be home," Kirk told his mother on Saturday morning.

"Oh, okay," said Sara, thinking her son might have himself a girlfriend, which would delight her.

If Sara knew who her son's 'girlfriend' was, she would not be delighted, because she was almost forty years his senior.

Gloria picked Kirk up at the appointed time and place. He had only ever seen her during the week at work, where she was always smartly and classily dressed, today she was in a T-shirt and jeans, but she still looked gorgeous.

"Well hello to you, young man," smiled Gloria, as Karl got into her car. He was also in a T-shirt and jeans.

"Hello,..., Gloria," replied Kirk, he was still finding it difficult not to call her Mrs Williams.

"So, shall we go and watch sport in my bedroom?" asked Gloria, as she drove off. They had not touched.

"Um, I am not bothered about watching the sport," said Kirk, believing that Gloria meant what she had just said.

"I know, I think we will be too busy doing other things to think about sport," laughed Gloria.

"Yes," said Kirk, feeling silly for thinking that she meant her original question.

"I imagine your mother asked you what you were doing," said Gloria.

"No, but I think she wanted to," answered Kirk.

They pulled into Gloria's driveway, and as they did two evenings before when she switched the car engine off, they kissed. It was again tongue-in-mouth kissing, but it was not a shock to Kirk this time. Gloria also massaged the bulge in Kirk's jeans as they kissed, Kirk put a hand on Gloria's tits.

"Mmmm, let's get indoors and do some fucking," said Gloria, when they stopped kissing.

Earlier this week, Kirk might have wondered if he would ever hear a female say something like that to him, yet here he was with a beautiful, curvy black woman much older than him, saying it to him.

Kirk followed Gloria into her house, her jeans were tight on her big arse.

They kissed again as soon as they were inside.

"I guess that I will not need to wank you to cum before we fuck this time," smiled Gloria, as Kirk wondered if he was dreaming this and the events of the previous three days.

"No, I don't think so," replied Kirk, much more confident than he recently was, but still not overconfident.

"Do you want a drink, or do you want to go upstairs and get straight at it?" asked Gloria, she had given Kirk a rum to try to calm his nerves before they had got down to sex on Thursday.

"Go straight upstairs," replied Kirk.

"Good, I want your jeans off and your cock in me," said Gloria, turning to climb the stairs.

Kirk eagerly followed Gloria to her bedroom, where they kissed again.

Gloria undid Kirk's jeans and wasted no time in getting them and his underpants down, taking his rigid penis in her hand.

"Mmmm, I am sure that you are going to give me a lot of pleasure with this lovely cock this afternoon," said Gloria.

"I hope so," said Kirk, fumbling to undo Gloria's jeans, it was still a nerve-wracking situation for him.

"Relax, honey, you sit on the bed and I will do a little striptease for you, okay?" smiled Gloria, sensing Kirk's tension.

"Okay," replied Kirk, moving to the bed but stumbling a bit because his jeans and underwear were below his knees.

Gloria blew him a kiss, gave him a sexy smile, and then undid the jeans that Kirk had been struggling to undo. With her eyes on his, Gloria slowly pulled her jeans down and stepped out of them. She then lifted her T-shirt over her head, leaving her in a green bra and knickers.

She turned her back on Kirk and smiled over her shoulder as she undid her bra. Kirk's eyes went to Gloria's bulging buttocks in her green knickers.

Gloria then turned to face Kirk, holding her undone bra over her tits, before discarding it and having her large breasts swinging free.

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Gloria then turned her back again, and very, very slowly lowered her knickers, gradually baring her backside. When she had got her knickers to her knees, she bent over thrusting her large bare backside at her young lover, Kirk squirmed and almost fell off the bed because he was sitting on the very edge.

Gloria held the position with her arse towards Kirk for a moment, before stepping out of her knickers and turning to face him again.

She stood with her legs apart and her hands behind her head and a gorgeous smile on her face as she thrust her cunt at Kirk.

"You seem to be overdressed," Gloria said softly.

It took a moment for Kirk to catch on, then he took off his T-shirt, followed by the completion of the removal of his jeans and underpants, and lastly his socks.

Gloria moved to Kirk and pushed him onto his back on the bed. She lay on top of him and locked her lips on his, as Kirk's erection prodded her. Kirk put his hands on Gloria's bare back and slid them down to her buttocks, as the woman's tits mashed against Kirk's chest as the snogging continued.

Although Kirk was no longer a virgin, Gloria's vast experience of sex dictated that she should lead. She decided that it was time that Kirk's penis was inside her again.

Gloria rolled on the bed, taking Kirk with her. Almost before Kirk realised what was happening, Gloria's hand had got his cock at her cunt lips and was feeding it into her.

Feeling his penis entering the woman, Kirk started thrusting, he did not need to be told this time. Gloria wrapped her legs behind him as Kirk thrust his hips and Gloria whispered words of encouragement.

They were soon working together, this was an inexperienced youth and a very experienced mature woman fucking hard.

"Yes, yes, give me a fucking, fuck me hard," panted Gloria, her excitement building.

Kirk was panting too, as he thrust his hips, eager to please the sexy woman beneath him

Kirk's thrusting was at a more even pace than the first time, his rigid penis was driving Gloria wild.

"Oh, oh, baby, nearly there, oh fuck, cumming, fuck," said Gloria, delighting Kirk. When Gloria had orgasmed for the first time when they fucked the first ever time, Kirk momentarily wondered if the woman cumming ended the fuck and that he should stop, he now knew not to stop and kept thrusting, possibly even thrusting slightly harder and faster.

The fucking was going very well and was starting to last a quite considerable time, Gloria had orgasmed for a second time, but Kirk was now feeling that he was about to cum.

When he came, he came very hard, his spunk splattering in Gloria's cunt.

"Oh honey, you are getting so good at this," complimented Gloria, when their climaxes had subsided.

"Am I really? Do you really like it?" asked Kirk, doubting that he was really giving this sexy and experienced woman pleasure.

"Honestly, baby, you just gave me a good fucking," confirmed Gloria and Kirk was so happy to believe her.

Although they had spent quite a bit of time fucking, it was still only earlyish in the afternoon, they had plenty of time for more, or so Gloria assumed.

"Did you tell your mum what time you would be home?" asked Gloria.

"No, I said that I didn't know," replied Kirk.

"That is good, we can pleasure each other a bit more leisurely later," said Gloria, although Kirk was not certain what she meant. He understood that there would be more sex though.

Kirk rolled off, they were both very sticky in their sexual regions.

"I know I said it before, but it is very important that what we are doing remains a secret from everyone," said Gloria, as they lay on the bed.

"I know," answered Kirk, who was not going to do anything to jeopardise what they had got.

"Did you want the sport on the television? Seriously," said Gloria a bit later.

"Not unless you do, but maybe check the football scores later," replied Kirk, who thought that Gloria's arse was more interesting than his Arsenal Football Club at the moment.

"Okay, don't want you sulking if Arsenal are losing," teased Gloria.

"Tottenham are more likely to lose than Arsenal," responded Kirk, with a smile.

"You remember that it is your boss that you are being cheeky to, young man," laughed Gloria.

They lay chatting some more, and then Gloria thought that she would give Kirk some new experiences.

"Would you like to find out what a lady tastes like between her legs?" asked Gloria.

"Yes, okay," replied Kirk, who had never pondered such a thing before.

"Get your face in there then," said Gloria, opening her legs wide.

Kirk had not thought that he would have to put his head in there, but then he did not know how he was going to taste a woman's vagina without doing so.

He got his head between Gloria's legs and got a very close-up view of a cunt for the first time.

"Lick it, baby, taste it," said Gloria from above.

Kirk stuck his tongue out and it touched Gloria's vagina lips, he was unsure what else to do.

"Lick me, lick inside, taste me, turn me on," encouraged Gloria.

Kirk got a bit more adventurous and moved his tongue about, getting his first taste of cunt. As with his first shot of rum the other evening, he was not sure if he liked it.

He did some more licking, and Gloria squirmed her big arse trying to force her cunt into Kirk's face.

"Mmmm, you are turning me on," said Gloria, but this was mostly for Kirk's benefit, not necessarily her pleasure, so she was not going to force him.

Kirk was still licking, and still not sure if he liked the taste.

"It's okay, baby, you have tasted pussy, what do you think?" said Gloria, more or less telling Kirk that he could stop if he wanted to.

Kirk stopped licking, he had to, to be able to answer Gloria's question.

"Um, it is a strange taste," said Kirk, not committing to whether he liked it or not.

"Yes, I have licked a lot of ladies there, it is a taste that you can get used to," said Gloria.

"You do that with women?" asked a shocked Kirk.

"Yes, are you disgusted with me?" responded Gloria.

"No, no, just surprised," said Kirk.

"Now I want to suck your cock, can I do that?" asked Gloria.

"Um, yes," answered Kirk, who was about to have yet another new experience.

There were changes of position, Kirk was on his back and Gloria was kissing his balls. His penis was already erect when the woman locked her lips on its head and started sucking.

Kirk's body tensed, if he was asked now whether he preferred being sucked to licking cunt, the answer would certainly be yes. Gloria knew that she would be able to blow Kirk to ejaculation, but that was maybe for another time.

Gloria licked and sucked Kirk's cock for a while, and then had a further plan.

"Now baby, you and me are going to make nice slow sensual love," said the very sexy black woman.

"What do you mean?" asked Kirk, wondering what they had done before.

"I mean that you just slide your cock in and out of me nice and slowly, as we tenderly kiss, sweetheart," replied Gloria, laying on her back and gently pulling Kirk on top of her.

Gloria guided Kirk's penis into her, and he did as she said, moving his hips slowly and sliding his cock in and out.

Their lips met, and they kissed tenderly as Gloria had said, Kirk had to remember to keep moving his hips slowly, although he was fighting an urge to thrust faster.

"Mmmm, it feels so good," purred Gloria, and she meant it. Kirk was still finding it difficult not to speed up, but he was determined to try to follow his supervisor's instructions.

"Oh baby, I am going to cum," whispered Gloria, and she did.

Kirk was loving this, but given a choice, he would want to thrust faster.

They kissed and made love for quite a while, but Gloria was aware that Kirk was finding the slow pace difficult.

"Now fuck me," Gloria ordered, and Kirk was pleased to oblige.

Kirk started thrusting harder and faster and he and Gloria were soon panting.

"Shit, oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck," shouted Gloria, as she came hard.

Kirk was now in his element, he was willing himself not to cum yet.

Kirk delighted himself and Gloria by going on and on and on, Gloria came loudly twice more.

Kirk knew he was about to ejaculate, there was no stopping it, but when he came, he came harder than he had ever done, either with Gloria or whilst wanking. That made Gloria orgasm again.

They were both out of breath, and both sweating, when they stopped cumming.

"Haha, I think you enjoy fucking more than lovemaking, don't you?" laughed Gloria.

"I think I do, sorry," answered Kirk.

"Nothing to be sorry about, you are great at fucking," chuckled Gloria, and Kirk felt pleased with himself.

"Shall we see what is happening at the football?" said Gloria, reaching for the television remote controls, after Kirk had withdrawn and rolled off her.

"Yes, Arsenal are winning," said Kirk, seeing the latest scores.

"Oh shit, not only that but Tottenham are losing," said Gloria.

Normally that would be a footballing nightmare for Gloria, the only thing worse being Arsenal winning and Tottenham losing when they were playing against each other, but it did not seem so bad at this moment.

A little later, they got the final scores and Arsenal had won and Tottenham had lost, Kirk was elated, and Gloria hid her true feelings.

They stayed together naked for a while, and Gloria had been doing some thinking.

"I am not sure that this is doing you any good," Gloria said seriously.

"It is, I love it, don't you like it?" responded Kirk.

"I like it very much, but look at us, I am way too old for you, and I am your boss at work; not only that, we support footballing rivals," said Gloria, chuckling at the last bit.

"But I love you, I want to be with you," said Kirk.

"You think you love me, you are probably infatuated with me," said Gloria.

"Don't you like me?" asked a concerned Kirk.

"I like you very much, too much in fact, that is another problem," answered Gloria.

"Are you saying that we can't do this anymore?" asked Kirk, not far from tears.

"I am saying that we shouldn't," replied Gloria.

Gloria felt so sorry for Kirk, who looked distraught.

"Look, I am not saying that we won't do this again, but we do need to cool it a bit," said Gloria, trying to soften the blow.

Kirk did not answer.

Eventually, Gloria persuaded Kirk that he should have a shower and then she would drop him in town, the atmosphere was now subdued.

"I am only trying to think what is best for your future, and I cannot be part of your long-term future," explained Gloria, after they had showered and dressed.

"But can't we have sex sometimes?" asked Kirk.

"Maybe," replied Gloria, and they kissed.

Gloria dropped Kirk off in town but they did not speak much on the journey. Monday at work would be the next challenge.

Gloria Williams loved getting fucked by the teenage youth that she supervised at work, but she did not want to risk damaging his life if she had not already done that.

Written by PJH
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