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His Mother's Half-Sister - Part Three

"With time running out, Marcie and Richard want time together but at what cost"

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Marcie Reynolds had parted from her lover, her half-sister's twenty-one-year-old son Richard Hewlett when he left her hotel room before seven in the morning. They first became lovers three days ago, and Richard had spent most of the last two nights in Marcie's hotel bed.

Forty-four-year-old Marcie was visiting the UK from the USA, where she had lived for the last sixteen years, and she was due to go back to the States in about three weeks. The next night was due to be her last in the town in which Marcie's half-sister Rosemary Hewlett lived with her husband Frank, with Marcie spending the remaining three weeks sightseeing in various parts of the UK.

She and Richard had had sex for the first time with a quick fuck in Richard's bedroom during a party at the Hewlett's lavish home, with Richard currently being home from university. They had since had intercourse several more times.

Marcie was due to visit her half-sister one last time this afternoon, and the intention was that Richard would again spend the night in her hotel bed. Rosemary had no idea that the two were lovers, and Marcie and Richard wanted to keep it that way. Rosemary, however, did think it strange that her son had spent the last two nights at short notice 'with a friend', although with him being twenty-one, she did not think that she should question him about it.

Marcie phoned Richard's mobile late that morning, "Hello sugar, I am missing you," she said, and they were both sad that they were on the point of what could be a permanent parting.

"Missing you too, so, so much," replied Richard.

"I am not going to be wearing any panties when I come to your house this afternoon," teased Marcie. The previous day when visiting the Hewlett's, she used the panties that she was wearing prior to a quick ride on Richard's cock to clean her cum soaked cunt and then left the panties with Richard.

"I will expect you to prove that," said Richard.

"Oh yes, I will make sure that you get a good view," laughed the gorgeous woman.

Rosemary had continued to wonder just who her son had been with the last two nights, although she kept telling herself that it was really none of her business. She also kept telling herself that there was no reason to think that the friend was Marcie, but she now had a nagging doubt, or even fear, that it might be. She felt guilty, but she also resolved to keep an eye on the two of them when Marcie paid what should be her last visit to the house.

Marcie duly arrived, and Rosemary was pleasant enough with her, although Rosemary again glared at her husband when he seemed to have his eyes popping out of his head as he looked at their guest. The previous day, Richard had stayed in his room because he was unsure how he would cope with being so close to his lover, but today he was downstairs when she arrived.

Rosemary detected a knowing smile between Marcie and Richard when the new arrival said, "Hi Richie," to him.

"His name is Richard; he is not five years old now, " interjected Rosemary sharply.

"No, I can see that he is a big boy now," replied Marcie, smiling sweetly at her half-sister.

The four of them sat down and had a drink, with Richard making a point of sitting directly opposite Marcie, inviting her to prove that she was not wearing panties under her quite short skirt. They hoped that they would get a little bit of private time; they had had two quickies in Richard's bedroom on Marcie's two previous visits, but that might not be possible.

Marcie, of course, knew what Richard was waiting for and occasionally teasingly moved a leg but deliberately did not move it enough. Rosemary was still watching them but decided to make a move that might prove or disprove her theory.

"Are you staying with your friend tonight, Richard?" she asked her son out of the blue.

"Um, not sure, maybe," replied Richard, who had obviously not expected the question.

Whilst Richard was answering, Rosemary had her eyes fixed on Marcie for any reaction, but there was none that she could detect.

"Richard has been out the last two nights, Marcie, all very secretive," said Rosemary to her half-sister.

"Well, he is a good looking young man, so I expect he has a lot of admirers," said Marcie wondering what Rosemary was leading up to.

"Hey, this is me you are talking about," said Richard.

"Just making conversation, dear; you don't feel guilty about anything, do you?" said his mother.

Frank, who had no particular interest in the conversation, said, "Leave him alone Rosemary, he is not a child."

"I know, but I just hope that he has not been spending time with someone that he shouldn't be," said Rosemary with her eyes again on Marcie and this time there seemed to be a flicker of concern or guilt from the guest.

"Oh well, I am just going to do some work on my computer. I will leave you three to your chat," said Frank, who was not one for small-talk at the best of times.

Rosemary was determined to keep pressing the point short of asking if her son was having sex with her half-sister. In fact, she was rather enjoying the game that she was playing.

"I have a friend, Catherine, who is a receptionist at the hotel that you are staying at, Marcie, " said Rosemary and Marcie certainly squirmed in her chair. Rosemary glanced at her son, and he had a concerned expression on her face.

"Do you? I have possibly met her then, " said Marcie hoping that Rosemary was not about to make some announcement about a discovery that she had made.

"Possibly. I was asking her about the CCTV at the hotel," said Rosemary, who was rather sadistically enjoying apparently making Marcie uncomfortable.

"Why ever ask that? Were you checking up on me or something?" said Marcie with a weak and forced laugh.

"Oh no, Marcie, not checking up on you at all; should I be?" replied Rosemary, who was now thinking that her suspicions about the two of them were quite possibly correct.

Richard then entered the conversation by blurting, "What did Catherine say about the CCTV?"

"You tell me what you think she said, Richard," said Rosemary looking coldly at her son because she thought that she was about to force a confession.

"I don't care what she said, I am twenty-one and it is nothing to do with you," snapped a very flustered Richard and Marcie gasped because her lover had just as good as told his mother who he was having sex with.

"Actually she told me that she could not reveal details of CCTV, even to a friend," said Rosemary as she smouldered and Marcie and Richard panicked.

Neither Marcie nor Richard spoke, so Rosemary went on, "So you have just told me that you spent the last two nights with this whore!" said Rosemary with eyes ablaze and pointing accusingly at her half-sister.

"Look, Rosemary, it..." started Marcie as she stood up.

Rosemary shot to her feet and slapped Marcie's face really hard with her right hand, "You slut!" she shouted.

As Marcie recoiled and put her hand to her cheek and tears started to flow, Richard stood up, "Mother, it wasn't like that."

"This woman has probably had countless cocks between her legs; she is a filthy slut," said Rosemary in a rage that Richard had never seen before.

Despite her stinging face, Marcie snapped at Rosemary, "Yeah, and your little boy is one of the best fucks I have had," but Marcie then screamed as Rosemary slapped her face again, even harder.

"Come on, Marcie, we are going back to the hotel, " said Richard, grabbing the arm of the now loudly crying Marcie.

"That's it, take your whore back to where she is best... bed," shouted the raging Rosemary.

"I will not be home tonight," said Richard as he ushered Marcie away.

"No, but you will be once your slut leaves town," spat Rosemary.

Marcie was still crying, and her face still stinging, as Richard drove back to the hotel. He did not need to worry about his car being seen in the hotel car park this night. 

Once they got back to the hotel, Marcie composed herself and wiped smudged make-up from her tear-stained face before thinking of going to get her room key. At some point, she would have to eat because she had had little to eat all day. She was not in the mood for sex right now, so Richard said that he would wander around town and be back in a couple of hours. Marcie assured him that she would be more than ready for sex later.

With Marcie still in his passenger seat, Richard said, "Hey, you have not yet proved that you have not got panties on."

"Oh no, I haven't, have I?" she chuckled weakly before getting on her knees on the car seat and raising her skirt at the back to show Richard her bare arse.

"Looking forward to seeing that again later, " said Richard, who now had a semi-erect cock in his jeans.

"You will, sugar. We are going to fuck the night away," smiled Marcie as she covered her backside before getting out of the car.

When Marcie got her room key, the receptionist was a mature woman with the name tag 'Catherine', so Marcie assumed that she was Rosemary's friend. Marcie wondered if Rosemary had actually asked her about the CCTV, but whether she had or had not, it didn't really matter now.

When she got to her room, Marcie first had a long soak in the bath before getting dressed to get herself a meal in the hotel restaurant.

Meanwhile, Richard wandered around town doing a lot of thinking. He thought of the sex that he would soon be having but was sad that tonight would almost certainly be his last time with Marcie. He knew that his mother's relationship with her half-sister was probably broken forever, but they had not been close anyway. Richard could not remember much about Marcie from sixteen years ago, but she and his mother never had much contact over those sixteen years.

What was a concern to Richard was his own relationship with his mother because they had generally been close. He hoped that the relationship was not damaged, but he guessed he would find out in the morning.

Rosemary too was thinking now that she had cooled down a little bit. She did not regret the words that she used about her half-sister nor regret slapping her face because she felt that it was all correct and justified. She did worry if she had made her son hate her because her relationship with her only child was very important to her.

Rosemary had to explain to Frank the sudden disappearance of Marcie and Richard and, although he dared not say it, Frank was very envious of his son getting to fuck that incredibly sexy woman.

Both Rosemary and Richard had thought of phoning the other, but both decided it best to let things cool down a bit first.

Richard had been wandering and brooding for about two hours, so he decided to call Marcie and see if she was in the mood for him to go to her room.

"Oh baby, how are you?" said Marcie on answering his call.

"I am fine but how are you?" replied Richard.

"I am okay. Are you coming to see me soon?" said Marcie hopefully.

"Yes, I was not sure if you were still up for it," replied Richard.

"Ha, it is you that needs to be up for it, yeah sugar, come and fuck me," said Marcie, sealing the deal.

Richard hurried to the hotel and phoned Marcie again when he was downstairs before making his way to her room.

Once he was inside, they had a long, loving kiss before Marcie got a bit serious. "It is such a mess. How will things be for you with your mom?"

"Oh, I don't know, but she shouldn't have talked to you like that or hit you," replied Richard.

"Well, in her eyes, I deserved it, and I might have reacted the same if I was a mom,"  said Marcie philosophically.

They were both a bit subdued, but they lay and cuddled on the bed, still fully clothed, and occasionally kissed. They knew they had the night, or at least they thought they did, but it was also due to be their last night.

"You don't think that we are going to have your mom hammering on the door trying to rescue you do you?" asked Marcie in all seriousness.

"That did cross my mind, but I hope not," responded Richard.

Actually, that thought had also crossed Rosemary's mind, but she decided that as her son and her half-sister had obviously already had sex, then interrupting another night would not change anything.

Richard had already been in Marcie's room for close to an hour, and they had usually been having sex within minutes of being alone together, but now their thoughts were turning towards rectifying that situation.

The kissing took on a new passion, and hands started to move up and down bodies. One of Marcie's hands found the bulge in Richard's trousers, "Mmmm, I remember this," she giggled as she gently squeezed the lump.

Richard was now caressing Marcie's tits through the dress that she was wearing, and Marcie unbuttoned Richard's shirt.

Marcie sat up, and Richard undid the zip in her dress, and as she stood and let her dress drop to her feet, Richard removed his shirt. Marcie was wearing both bra and knickers, she had been down to the hotel restaurant, and she got back onto the bed and unzipped Richard's trousers. He lifted his bum so that she could pull his trousers down and off, but for now she left his erection-stretched underpants on.

The two, now just in underwear, kissed with increased passion, with Marcie lying on top of Richard and him with his hands on her bare arse under her panties. Richard then undid Marcie's bra, and she moved for it to be taken off and her large tits to hang free.

Marcie started kissing down Richard's chest, and she eventually reached his underpants. With Richard expecting her to now lower his pants, she giggled and put her lips around the erection that was still inside clothing.

Richard breathed, "Fuck!" as Marcie's head started bobbing up and down on his still pants-covered penis.

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Marcie was quite enjoying giving a blowjob that was not a true blowjob but then she thought of something else. She stopped her 'through cotton' cock sucking and looked up at Richard. He actually had an arm across his eyes, but when he realised that that particular stimulation had apparently stopped, he looked down at the smiling Marcie.

She had her hands at the top of his underpants, "Lift up," she said, and when Richard raised his arse off the bed, she lifted the front of his pants clear of his erection and dragged them down and off.

She looked at his twitching penis for a moment. She even gave it a couple of slow strokes with her right hand, then she shifted to remove her knickers. She was going to ride him but having ridden him on this bed previously, she was going to make this one reverse cowgirl.

She gave Richard a wonderful view of her gorgeous ass before very, very slowly lowering herself and guiding his penis into her cunt. She held the position for a moment with just the head of his cock inside her before she slowly sank down, taking more and more of it inside her.

Richard was mesmerised as he watched her ass as his penis started disappearing from view. When Marcie had got his full length inside her, she started stimulating him by the movement of her muscles, and she then started slowly moving up and down his rod.

She grinned back over her shoulder at the expression on Richard's face that was one of lust and pleasure. "Do you like your auntie Marcie riding your cock, honey?" she said seductively.

"Oh fuck yes, I do, I do," Richard panted.

"Not sure that your mommy would approve," teased Marcie as she slowly moved up and down, stimulating both of them.

Now facing away, Marcie had her eyes shut tight and mouth wide open as she absorbed the sexual excitement generated by sliding the length of Richard's cock. Richard meanwhile, whilst his own excitement mounted, was fascinated by watching Marcie's arse as she slowly moved up and down.

Marcie knew that she was on the point of orgasm, but she hoped that she could make Richard cum when she came. She suddenly increased the pace of her riding which she knew would take her over the edge, but she hoped to take Richard with her.

She succeeded, because as she shrieked, "Fuck, ummm, oh shit," Richard's penis suddenly started spurting jet after jet of spunk into her as he groaned, "Oh, fucking hell."

For a moment they were each in their own worlds as they climaxed whilst being linked by the fact that they were cumming at the same time.

After they finished releasing their sex juices, Marcie smiled back over her shoulder and said, "Good eh, baby boy?"

"Better than good, fucking unbelievable, " replied the panting Richard.

Marcie slowly raised herself, and Richard looked at the cum trickling out of her cunt and the cum stuck to his penis. Marcie turned and lay on top of Richard, and they kissed. In fact, they kissed as if it was to be their last ever kiss, and they both had their fast approaching parting on their minds.

"Richie, I have really enjoyed my time with you the last few days, " said Marcie as she gazed into his eyes and gently stroked his hair.

"Oh Marcie, I have been fighting not to say it, but I love you," said Richard, who seemed to be close to tears.

"Oh honey, you and I have something very, very special but...." said Marcie trying to think of what to say after 'but'.

"I know, it is impossible, but I love everything about you," said Richard.

Marcie then burst out giggling. "Ha, honey, I was just thinking of Rosemary becoming my mother-in-law," before her giggling turned to shrieks of laughter.

"Fuck, that would be interesting wouldn't it?" laughed Richard, seeing the funny side of it.

They kissed and cuddled as they dwelt on the impossibility of their situation, and then Marcie got serious again, "Honey, your mom is right; I probably am a slut. You deserve much better than me."

"Marcie, you are not a slut, you are a gorgeous and sexy woman, and whatever happens, I will always love you," said Richard.

Marcie's right hand was now stroking Richard's penis, and she said, "Well, whatever I am, I want you to fuck me."

"Oh Marcie, it will be an honour to fuck you," said Richard as he positioned himself between Marcie's spread legs and slid his penis into her cunt once again.

She had requested a fuck, but it started as tender lovemaking as Richard slowly moved his hips as his cock slid in and out of her. They were concentrating on the here and now as their sexual organs stimulated each other as the slow and rhythmical sex continued.

Marcie had one orgasm, and then Richard started thrusting faster, then faster, then faster again.

"Oh, oh, fuck, shit, " Marcie panted into another orgasm as she was now getting fucked.

Richard was getting close to ejaculation, but he managed to have Marcie loudly cumming again before he groaned and shot his sperm into her.

It took them a while to recover from that, but they eventually calmed and, after some gentle kissing and cuddling, they showered.

It was early morning, and Marcie had a train to catch for her next UK destination soon after breakfast. Marcie gave Richard a list of the towns and hotels she would be in over the next three weeks, some just for a night and a couple for four nights, just in case they could get together before she returned to the USA.

Marcie knew that she should get some sleep but did not think that she could sleep, so for about the next hour, they just lay in each other's arms. By now it was about four in the morning, and with her needing to be up by seven, there seemed little point in attempting sleep.

"Honey, will you play with my ass one more time, please?" asked Marcie, who loved having her ass played with, especially how Richard did it.

Richard adored her backside, so he was very happy to agree as Marcie rolled onto her front, leaving her bottom for his attention.

Richard had twice made her cum with ass play and they both knew that it would very likely happen again as he set out to make this occasion extra special. He first gently caressed her buttocks, sometimes with the flat of his hand and sometimes with the tips of his fingers.

Marcie purred contentedly as he did this and then followed it with some gentle kissing, licking and nibbling, she now squirmed with her eyes shut and her cunt getting wet. Richard had discovered that she loved having attention paid to her ass crack so now he lightly ran one finger up and down its length and Marcie had her mouth wide open as her sexual region bubbled.

Two fingers were now in her crack and with a bit more pressure, and Marcie whispered, "Oh, oh, oh."

Fingers were now at her ass hole, and attention to her ass hole had triggered her previous ass worship orgasms, and Marcie was on the point of another one. She was squirming and "Ooohing" as Richard fingered around her anus, and if he kept doing that, it would have made her climax, but he wanted her to climax in a big way.

Another discovery of Richard's was that having her ass hole tongued sent Marcie delirious, so he now replaced his fingers with his tongue, and as he licked around her ass hole, Marcie twisted and bucked. As she came she bit on the pillow because she knew if she didn't, she would scream so loud that someone would call the police.

Richard watched her convulsing through her orgasm. The first time that he had made her cum by licking her anus, her climax was violent, but this time it was even more so. She seemed to have been cumming for hours, and her body was still trembling when she said, "Richie, fuck me one more time."

Marcie rolled on her back and pulled her legs towards her chest with her hands, and Richard slid his rock-hard penis into her soaking wet vagina. There was no subtlety as Richard thrust hard and fast into her, and Marcie very soon wailed, "Shittt" as she orgasmed, and she was still cumming when Richard came inside her.

After that, all that was left was some after sex kissing and cuddling before they both showered. They sat naked and talking before time dictated that Richard should leave her room, not that there were any concerns about his mother finding out about them anymore.

Richard got dressed, and, as it was now after six, it was agreed that he would leave Marcie to get herself ready for her breakfast and then to check out of the hotel. Richard would be in the car park to take her to the station to catch her train, which was due to leave at 0810.

They were both subdued, and there was a lot of hugging and kissing on the station platform, with them not concerned who saw them, before they tearfully separated, and Richard waved Marcie off.

There was a possibility that Richard would visit her in one of her hotels over the next few weeks, but the "I love you" that they both shouted to each other as the train pulled away might be the last face to face words they ever shared.

A very subdued Richard eventually went home, and his meeting with Rosemary was not too bad, although she had not changed her opinion about her disgust at what had happened or opinion about what sort of woman her half-sister was.

Richard and Marcie were already missing each other, and Marcie was actually contemplating changing her plans for the remainder of her UK stay and cancelling a string of hotel bookings. The forty-four-year-old woman and the twenty-one-year-old male had clicked not just sexually but also emotionally.

Written by PJH
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