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Finding Happiness Ch. 2

"Henry worships his neighbor"

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Henry excused himself from his family after dinner and retired to his bedroom. He said he was tired after a long, hot day cleaning pools and doing odd jobs around the neighborhood. But he just wanted to be alone.

The day had started out like many others for the eighteen-year-old. He had scheduled a lawn mowing for the Osborns and then a pool cleaning for Mrs. Haas. It was not necessarily his favorite kind of work, but it bought gas and wasn't difficult. He had wished he could get a regular job instead of what he saw as kid work--that is, he had wished that until today.

The lawn project went fine. It was the pool cleaning that had made his day.

First off, Mrs. Haas, recently widowed, was gorgeous and stacked, and she happened to be lying next to the pool in a skimpy two-piece. Those big tits of hers had tantalized him before, but today they were especially tempting.

Then, out of the blue, she asked Henry to sit and chat with her for a while. She was obviously lonely and even said so, But when Henry tried to console her, she broke into tears. He clumsily tried to comfort her with a hug, and that's when the day got brighter. The next thing he knew he was kissing her and her big boobs which was a prelude to her taking him into her bedroom and erasing the virgin designation from his resume'. She had even given him a blowjob before they fucked. And she indicated that as special as today was, there might be similar days in the future.

Henry removed the pair of silky panties he later stole from her bedroom as a souvenir. They were a used pair that had been discarded on the bedroom floor. All the better. He put them to his nose and inhaled the earthy perfumed scent of Jodi Haas. Instantly his cock became rigid.

For the rest of the day, he couldn't wait to get to his bedroom and beat off to the memory of that event. And now he was behind the locked door to his bedroom with a raging boner. Even though his door was festooned on the outside with warning signs to keep siblings and parents at bay, he didn't want to take the chance of his mother barging in unannounced while he had his cock wrapped in his neighbor's thong panties.

'Jesus, what a body!' he thought to himself. 'Mrs. Haas is way better than I imagined. Despite being in her mid to late thirties, she was trim and fit--except for those big tits that he had kissed and sucked. Her bra said 36D, but when he held it, even those huge cups seemed too small for those magnificent hooters. And then they were capped with huge nipples and areolae. He hadn't been able to get his lips around the whole nipple! Jesus, what a turn-on!

He was now sitting on the bed with a pillow for support and his cock already leaking pre-cum. Mrs. Haas' lavender panties were wrapped around his thick shaft and as nice as that felt, it was nothing compared to the velvety feel of her cunt. Jesus, she had a beautiful pussy and he had actually fucked it. The mental image of his cock entering her cunt was nearly too much. And she had commented on how big his cock was. The vision of his plum-sized cock-head slipping between her labia and entering her pussy was cemented in his brain, and he prayed he would never forget it. Hers was the first pussy he had ever fucked or even come close to fucking. What a fucking day!

"Oh my god, Henry--your cock is even bigger than my late husband's!" she had told him when she first saw it. Wow! And she actually sucked him off and swallowed his cum. A blowjob was until then only a thing of his fantasies. So as of today, he was no longer a virgin and had received a blowjob. There would be no bragging about it though-- as much as he'd like to boast to his friends. This had to remain a secret or it would never happen again. She had reminded him of that several times.

"Please, God. Let me fuck her again and I'll promise to be good for the rest of my life," he spoke out loud to no one.

Just then his reverie was interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door.

"Henry, what are you doing in there? You just disappeared all of a sudden."

"Nothing, Mom. I'm just taking a short nap. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm worn out." The panties were quickly discarded and his shorts pulled up just in case. His mother's voice erased his erection in a heartbeat.

"Ok, but don't sleep too long or you won't sleep well tonight."

"No worries, Mom. I'm just going to read in here. Thanks. I'll see you in the morning."

At the sound of her disappearing footsteps, the panties reemerged and were once again wrapped around his rigid penis and sliding up and down his thick shaft. Henry figured that if he masturbated enough, he could learn to control his orgasms so he wouldn't cum so fast the next time he screwed Mrs. Haas. He figured he probably couldn't always count on a blowjob to make him last longer. But then the thought of her full lips stretched around his cock was all it took and suddenly Henry was spilling his seed all over his fist and those wonderful panties. Thankfully he had remembered to grab a roll of paper towels. He was going to need it. God, he was so horny.

He wasn't scheduled to clean Mrs. Haas' pool for another two weeks, and the time dragged incessantly. Years later, the day finally arrived and Henry wore a clean pair of shorts, a haircut, a perpetual hard-on, and even a shave. He wanted to look his most desirable for the job at hand.

He had been watching the house next door carefully all morning. The last thing he wanted was to arrive when no one was home and ruin his chances. But around noon, he saw a car pull into the driveway and into the garage. At long last, she was home.

Henry waited a few minutes before yelling to his mother that he'd be gone for the afternoon doing jobs, and then headed next door. Rather than go directly into the backyard and start cleaning, he knocked on the front door. He heard footsteps and then the door opened and there she was.

She was wearing a pair of jogging shorts and a nylon top with a broad smile to go with it. Henry was hoping for no bra and his prayers were answered. Those big boobs jutted proudly, straining against her top and gravity.

"Oh, hi, Henry. What's up?"

"Pool cleaning day, Mrs. Haas. And anything else you might need." Like a hard cock from a horny teenager.

"Oh, that's right. Well, you know where everything is. I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything else. I'm just putting away some groceries in the kitchen and doing a little straightening up. The house is a mess."

Henry felt rejected. He had hoped for an open-arms welcome with passionate kisses and a romp in the bedroom with his big pole buried in her. Instead, he was dragging a twelve-foot aluminum pole around her pool collecting leaves and other debris. This was not what he had in mind or had been praying for during the last two weeks.

Henry continued to work in the yard and clean the pool, but his thoughts were elsewhere. When he was done he put the tools away and was preparing to leave through the back gate, his face a picture of disappointment. Just then the atrium door opened and Mrs. Haas stepped out.

“Henry would you come in for a few minutes I think we need to talk.“

Henry trudged to the door, expecting to get a "dear Henry" lecture, or at least the equivalent of one. As he was cleaning the pool he realized that his dreams were too good to be true. He'd been busy practicing with her panties for two weeks and was confident he would be a new and improved, longer-lasting version, but it looked like it was all for naught.

He gave her a shy smile as he approached the door. His six-foot frame towered over her. "Hi Jodi...umm...Mrs. Haas. What's up?" He was doing his best to act casual as he steeled himself for the bad news.

"It's still Jodi, ok? No more Mrs. Haas. Come on in, Honey. I've been doing some thinking. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? Water? Iced tea?"

He accepted her offer and when she set the tea in front of him, she sat down across from him at the kitchen table.

"Henry, I'm guessing you were hoping for a different kind of reception from me when you showed up. I could tell you were disappointed. You were probably hoping I'd open the door in a negligee or even naked. I do know something about the way men think." She smiled and reached across the table and held his hand in her two hands.

"Well, maybe, just a little like that. Honestly, you are all I've thought about since the last time I was here, Jodi. And, I guess I was hoping for something similar. I'm sorry if that sounds selfish. I know that you are lonely and I probably took advantage of that before. Now, I'm feeling sort of ashamed."

"Oh, Honey, please don't feel that way. If anyone was taken advantage of, it was you. I needed a man and you were there. Please don't feel bad about it. You were wonderful. And I loved what we did. Of course, I've had second thoughts about it, but I want you to know that I've thought about you as well. And, well, I just need to be honest with you."

'Here it comes, the Dear John part.'

"Henry, I'm an old lady compared to you and the girls you should be chasing. But I do have needs and quite frankly, I don't want to get involved in messy affairs with married men or other's who just want to bang me. So, here is what I'm proposing: I would love to extend our little experiment, but only under certain conditions. You'd have to agree to all of them and that may not be easy."

Henry's cock hardened immediately. He couldn't believe his ears. She still wanted him.

Whatever you say, Mrs...Jodi. I'll do anything for you. Just name it."

"Well, first this has to be by mutual agreement--always. Anytime either of us says no, no means no.

"Of course!"

Secondly, you'll be going off to college in the fall. By then, things may have changed, but we will tentatively plan to end it then if, in fact, it lasts that long. We can reassess, of course, but either one of us may have found someone else, so I'm calling a cease-fire in advance. Once you leave for school, no more talk of this unless we both agree to continue.

"Sure." Henry didn't want any deadlines or ultimatums, but at this point, he'd agree to waterboarding if need be.

Finally, no one can know about this. No one! I'll tell your mom that I'm hoping you can do some of the chores that James used to do, and that won't be a lie, will it? I don't want to sound like this is sex for hire, but I'll pay you to do other chores as well...mowing, painting, things like that. But if I hear even a hint of a rumor about any of this, it all stops. Understand? No locker room bragging about how you are shagging Mrs. Haas."

"Oh, no worries, Jodi. I swear. Lips sealed. I think too much of you to tell anyone about us. And I'm not like that anyway."

"Look, Honey. This changes everything. You are a man now and with that comes responsibilities. I think I can teach you a thing or two if you will accept these conditions. But one other thing, Henry...."

"Sure, anything. Name it."

"This will not be a romantic relationship per se between us. I know you have a crush on me, but mostly you have a crush on my body and having sex with me. You need to treat me with respect, but understand that this is about needs for both of us, and while I hope love is involved, we will be lovers, but with no hope for more than that. I'm old enough to be your mother. But at the same time, I know how these things can evolve. We need to keep it in perspective. I love the fact that you are becoming a man but already have a man's body. And you are getting the benefit of a fully formed lady who will teach you what I can about how to please a woman in every way. One of the keys to happiness that James and I shared was mutual respect in and out of the bedroom."

"Thank you so much for all of this. I will be a great student, I promise. You are already making a difference in my life."

"Just one final thing."

"Anything, just name it."

"You should probably give my panties back for now. We don't need your mother discovering them, do we? I don't think you'll need them anymore, either."

"I'm sorry about that. I just wanted something to remember you by. That was stupid. I'll get them back to you."

"Ok, no worries. How about this. Bring them over when you are done with your chores for the other neighbors today. I'll try to give you a warmer welcome at the same time. Truth be told, I've been horny all week waiting for you to clean the pool." Jodi grabbed a key from a kitchen drawer. "Here's a key to the back door. When you come in just give a shout so I don't think it's a burglar. As long as I'm expecting you, no need to knock."

They both stood, and Jodi kissed him. It started as a motherly peck but once their lips touched, both mouths opened and found one another's tongue. Jodi felt a swelling in her partner. His six-foot frame put his penis in her 5'5" midsection.

"Somebody's getting excited. I can hardly wait as well, but I'll see you later, Henry. Right now I'm going to take a nice, hot, bath."

Henry imagined those big tits floating in a bubble bath as he mowed the Wilsons' lawn down the street. When he was done, he raced home and took a quick shower.

"What's the hurry?" his mom asked as he quickly dressed and was heading for the door. "By the way, you're on your own tonight. Your father and I are going out to dinner. There's leftover lasagna and salad in the fridge. So where are you heading in such a rush?"

"No rush. Just dropping by Mrs. Haas' house next door. She said she had more work lined up for me and I said I'd drop by later today to see what she needs. More work means more college money. Sound like she needs a guy for some heavy lifting and stuff. See you later. I'll be fine for dinner. Enjoy your evening out."

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'This is perfect,' he thought. His cock was already rock hard.

Henry let himself in through the back gate and peered in the window of the back door. He tried the handle, but it was locked so he used his key and entered. He could hear soft music coming from the bedroom.

"Hi Jodi. It's just me."

"I'm back here. Come on back."

He tried to act casual, but when he entered Jodi's bedroom, he nearly fell over. She was sitting on the bed, but instead of the tank top and shorts she was previously wearing, she was now dressed in a sheer black two-piece Teddy. Her midriff was exposed and the top barely covered her twin orbs. Her large nipples were plainly visible, even from the door. The bottoms were nothing more than black see-through panties. She was reading a book by lamplight. There was still enough daylight outside to illuminate the room, but she had pulled the curtains.

She was wearing bright red lipstick, and her auburn hair was loosely hanging to her shoulders.

"I decided to get ready for bed early, as you can see. I thought you might appreciate this choice of clothing. Come here and sit next to me, Henry. And you must have showered. Your hair looks like it is still wet."

Henry joined Jodi on the bed after she fluffed up a pillow next to her. She leaned over and kissed him and put her hand on his tented crotch and squeezed it.

"Oh, my! Is this for me? You just got here. Why don't we dispense with the formalities and you slip those shorts off. I can't wait to see that big cock of yours."

Henry wasted no time and slipped his shorts to the floor. Jodi smiled and motioned for his boxers as well, and in a nanosecond, Henry was on the bed with his thick cock pointing at the ceiling.

"There we are. Look at you, Henry. Your fat penis is even bigger than I remembered. By the way, speaking of remembering: did you bring my panties?"

Henry reached down and pulled a pair of silky panties out of his shorts' pocket. He had cleaned them as best he could without drawing the attention of his mother, but Jodi giggled when she saw a patch of what she assumed to be dried cum. She put them to her nose and sniffed.

"Smells like a horny goat has been using them. Anyway, thanks. No sense in taking chances. Your mom might think you are a cross-dresser." She wrapped the panties around Henry's cock and playfully stroked him before setting them aside. "But no need for these anymore. We're going to use the real thing, aren't we?"

Henry was rapturous. He reached over and fondled a heavy breast through the thin fabric of Jodi's Teddy as their lips met.

"God, I love your breasts. They're so big and firm." He kissed her again and felt her tongue search for his as a firm nipple pressed into the palm of his hand.. He had wanted to suck on those big nipples for the last two weeks. He lowered his mouth to her breasts and Jodi fed her tit to him.

"You are tit crazy, aren't you. I love it when a man sucks on my big tits. My nipples are so sensitive."

She placed her hand on his chin and raised his face to hers with a sloppy kiss.

"We're going to take this nice and slow. So before I let you stuff me with this big snake, we need to do some preliminaries. It only makes fucking better in the long run, ok?

First, just lie her and cuddle with me. A slow workup only makes sex better, as you'll see. We'll tease each other with kisses and fondling, but then you are going to learn the fine art of cunnilingus: pussy eating. That may sound distasteful to you, but I promise you're going to like it. And my pussy is cleaned and perfumed from a long bubble bath, just in case you might have second thoughts about that."

"Oh, no worries. I can't wait. I want to make you feel wonderful, Jodi. Just tell me what to do."

The only real pussy Henry had ever seen was Jodi's from their first fling two weeks before. He hoped he wouldn't mess up somehow, but at the same time, he couldn't wait to sink his tongue in her. He was like a twelve-year-old at Disneyland, only this was strictly adult fun and games.

Without another word, she wrapped her arms around him and they slid down into a prone position, tangled in each other's limbs. Henry's naked cock only stiffened more as Jodi rubbed her groin against him and dry-humped him. Worried that he would ejaculate before even entering her, he practiced a mantra of thoughts about baseball, taking the SAT, even a family reunion with his ugly aunt: anything to avoid cumming too early. Fortunately, he was able to get control, at least for the time being.

After several minutes of foreplay where they explored each other with groping hands and lips, Jodi sat up against the headboard and propped a pillow behind her hips.

"Ok, slide down between my legs and slip off my panties, Henry. There, just like that. I even trimmed my pussy for you. I'm going to spread my knees so you can have free access to me. Cunnilingus is slow and unhurried. The key is to use your tongue and lips as sensory organs, gently licking and kissing. Use lots of saliva, and start by licking all around my clitoris as well as my labia. Yes, mmmm, you've got the idea. You can coax my legs apart even more if you'd like. Once in a while use your tongue like a penis and insert the tip inside me."

Henry inhaled the sweet scent of Jodi's cunt as he meticulously worked his tongue over her sensitive labia and clitoris.

"Mmmm, can you taste how wonderful that is? You've already got my pussy juices flowing, Honey. I knew you'd be good at this. You have a wonderful tongue. After a while, you can use your thumb and fingers to gently rub around my clitoris and even insert a finger or two in my pussy as if you were fucking me. Oh, Honey, you are a natural. Can you feel how my clitoris is getting hard and growing just like a little penis."

Jodi continued giving instructions and Henry followed them explicitly. The fact that she was directing him with plain language about body parts and what she was feeling between moans and squeals only excited him more.

"Yes, right there. My clit is so sensitive--don't rub too hard. That's it. Suck it between your lips like that. I love that. And pretty soon instead of your tongue, you'll be stuffing me with your big cock. And Henry, no condom this time. I'm on birth control. You get to fuck me with no protection and shoot inside my moist pussy. You're going to love that!"

Jodi's hands gripped the back of Henry's head and pulled him into her groin as she ground her hips against his face. At the news that he would not need a condom, Henry thought he was going to cum right then and there.

"Oh, fuck, Henry. You are making me so hot. You are really turning me on, Honey. If you keep this up I'm going to climax. I haven't had a climax with a man in months, Honey. Yes, yes, yes...right there. Oh...fuuuckkk. Jesus, don't stop! I'm so close."

Suddenly Henry felt Jodi's body stiffen and go completely rigid before a series of spasms jerked through her body. She ground her pussy into his face. He realized that his fingers working in and out of her pussy while he sucked on her clitoris had driven her over the edge. She gripped his hair in her fists and screamed as if in pain. His face was flooded with pussy juice and his fingers made slurping sounds over her moaning and muffled screams until she finally gently pushed his face away from her groin and grabbed his wrist to stop his fingers.

"No more. Oh, fuck. Please stop. I can't take anymore, Henry. Jesus, I came so hard. I had forgotten how that felt. Jesus, Honey. What a quick study you are. You made me cum the first time you ate me. Oh my Lord, thank you. I thought I was going to die there for a second."

She pulled him up and kissed his glazed face from his chin to his forehead. Henry was beaming. It was one thing to be lying in bed with his goddess neighbor, but actually getting her off was beyond his wildest expectations.

"Let's just lie here a few minutes until I catch my breath. Then I'm going to fuck your brains out and repay you for that. You are a wonderful lover, Henry. I knew you would be."

Jodi kissed and hugged him. She removed her top so that she was completely naked and then stripped off his t-shirt. They lay together for several minutes, kissing and fondling one another. Jodi reached down and stroked his cock. Henry had only softened slightly, and at her touch, his cock became a steel rod. He sucked on her big nipples in turn, feasting on them as he had been dreaming about for the last two weeks.

"I love the way you suck on my big tits, Honey. But now I'm going to suck your cock for just a minute or two. Not that you need it, but just because I love the feel of your big prick filling my mouth. If you have to cum, that's ok, but if you can hold it, try to do that. Then, I want you to fuck me missionary style so I can watch you fuck me."

Jodi kissed him and then kneeled beside the eighteen-year-old and began kissing and licking his glans. Finally, she slipped her full lips over his cock head, her red lipstick highlighting the action. Jodi worked her tongue around the glans and shaft as she jacked the shaft in her small hand. This continued for several minutes before Henry realized he was about to cum.

Jodi sensed what was happening and squeezed the base of his cock before removing her lips.

"Ok, Honey. Enough of that for now. I'm going to get on my back and see if you can remember how to fuck me."

Jodi switched positions and propped her fat breasts between her arms, her big nipples pointing to the ceiling. Henry placed himself between her parted legs and using both hands, guided his rigid prick to the entrance of her cunt. Her labia separated as the fat glans slowly entered and disappeared until the crown was buried. Jodi moaned in delight and raised her head to watch as Henry removed his hands and slowly pushed in all ten inches of his thick cock. Jodi's eyes fluttered, and she squealed in a combination of pain and pleasure at the invasion into her pussy.

"Oh, Honey. You are so big. Fuck, that feels good. Go slowly at first and then once I'm stretched out, you can fuck me like you mean it. I need a good teenage fucking. Can you do that?"

Henry grabbed her large breasts and proceeded fuck her slowly, occasionally pulling all the way out and rubbing his crown against her clit. Over time he began to gradually pick up speed until, with Jodi's encouragement, he was eventually ramming her like a jackhammer. He bent forward and kissed her neck and her mouth before she placed her lips by his ear and uttered filthy directions to him.

"That's it, Sweetie. Fuck your neighbor's cunt like you mean it. Give me that huge cock. I need a good fucking so bad. I want you to shoot a big wad of cum in me. No rubber this time, Sweetie. Shoot your sticky sperm into my cunt and fill me up. Fuck me so I can't walk tomorrow. I love your big cock, Honey. You fuck so good."

Henry was close. They had only been fucking for about fifteen minutes, but he was amazed he had held on that long. He strained to keep from cumming, but it was getting more difficult by the second.

"You're so deep, Honey. Deeper than anyone has ever been. Go ahead and cum in me. I've already had my climax. I want you to feel as good as me, Baby. Isn't it wonderful without that clumsy rubber. This way you get to feel my velvety cunt grip you like a vise. And I get to feel all your sperm filling me up. Give me a huge creampie, Henry."

And on that note, Henry felt a surge of sperm erupt from his balls into the shaft of his cock and into Jodi's juicy cunt. He grunted like a wild beast and held his hips pressed into his big-titted neighbor. When she felt the first surge, Jodi reached around and after searching for a second, found what she was looking for and wormed her finger into Henry's anus. Henry's face registered surprise, but suddenly rockets were firing in his brain. He momentarily lost all control as Jodi wiggled her finger deep in his ass until she felt the cum finally slow to a trickle.

"Mmmm, that's it, Honey. Fill me with your hot sperm. You came like a fire hose, Henry. Doesn't that feel wonderful--shooting your sticky sperm into my tight pussy."

Jodi continued squeezing his cock with her vaginal muscles until she could feel the pulsing dissipate and then finally stop. They lay together without saying anything for some time, both covered in sweat. Finally, Henry rolled over and watched as his flaccid penis slipped out of her neatly trimmed pussy followed by a trail of white goo.

"Jesus, that was wild. Holy shit, Jodi. I'm not sure what just happened, but I loved it. Talk about nearly dying, I came close, I swear."

"I'm glad you liked it, Honey. I know I did."

For another ten or fifteen minutes the two lovers lay there, murmuring and kissing until finally, Henry got up and put on his clothes with Jodi's gentle encouragement.

"Don't worry, Honey. This is just the first lesson. And it was wonderful. I'll look forward to you cleaning my pool, if you know what I mean. But for now, give me a kiss and sweet dreams tonight."

And Henry did have sweet dreams. Sweeter than he'd ever had before. As did Jodi. She was getting serviced by an eighteen-year-old stud who was a quick study. Her plan to enjoy guilt-free sex was working, so far.

Written by johndoe7
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