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Do You Like My Arse, Mr Shepherd - Part 3

"Lisa, aged twenty, continues her relationship with her fifty-something married employer, Mike."

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"Good Morning, Mr Shepherd," said twenty-year-old Lisa Garner, when she entered the shop in which she worked for Mike and Sandra Shepherd. It was Friday morning.

"Good Morning, Lisa, how are you?" responded Mike, who was aged in his late fifties.

"Wonderful; I got a good fucking last night," smiled Lisa, before kissing Mike, the man who had fucked her.

"I am so glad that you enjoyed it; it was wonderful for me too," said Mike, returning the kiss.

"I can't wait until next Thursday," said Lisa, feeling the bulge forming in Mike's trousers. Thursday was the night that Sandra played bingo, and usually the only evening that Mike could go out without raising suspicions.

"I think that we will have to," replied Mike, wishing that he could give Lisa another fucking right now.

They kissed again, and only Mike's realisation that they had a shop to open stopped them from ripping each other's clothes off.

"Lisa, we can't do this now, we have to open the shop," said Mike, his penis stiff in his underwear.

"But I want your cock, Mike," said Lisa, who almost invariably called him Mr Shepherd.

"This is mad, Lisa; I am older than your father," said Mike, who was about to unlock the shop.

"I love getting fucked by older men, and I want you again, again and again," said Lisa, who was also turned on.

"I have to open the shop," said Mike, pulling up the blind, switching the sign from closed to open, and unlocking the door. There were already two customers, both women, waiting, and Mike was glad that he could stand behind the door that he had just opened, to hide his erection.

"Morning ladies," said Mike, cheerfully, and Lisa greeted the customers too.

The early part of the morning was busy, but Lisa did manage to brush her body against Mike's when it would have been easier for her to take another route. She smiled at him after she had pushed her arse against his crotch.

It was only eight days previously that Lisa had started flirting with and teasing Mike, and that night he had gone to her flat whilst his wife was at bingo. That evening, Mike had paid some attention to Lisa's arse and she had tossed him off before he gave her a bare-arsed spanking. On the following day, Lisa gave Mike a blowjob in the backroom of the shop, after they had closed up.

There had been more flirting done on the occasions that they were together in the shop, and the previous evening they had fucked for the first time. Mike was surprised and pleased with himself for his performance because he was concerned that he would be a disappointing lover for Lisa.

"I want you to give me another spanking before we fuck next time, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa matter-of-factually when they had a quiet moment.

"Oh, you do, do you, young lady," responded Mike. Neither of them seemed to have any doubt that they would fuck again, despite the big age gap and the fact that Mike was married. Things had moved on rapidly since Lisa's teasing of just over a week before.

"Yeah, I want you to give me a good fucking while my arse is sore," replied Lisa.

As often happened, a customer entered the shop before the conversation went further. Mike again had to will his stiffening penis to soften.

It was getting close to lunchtime, which meant that Sandra would soon be coming into the shop she covered so that Lisa and Mike could take a break, in turn. Occasionally, Sandra spent a day or a half-day in the shop, certainly on Saturday because Lisa rarely worked on Saturday.

"Is there any way that we can get together on any other day?" asked Lisa, who really did want to have more sexual time with her employer.

"Not really, the only evening that Sandra goes out is Thursday," replied Mike.

"I want us to be together more than once a week," said Lisa.

"We are together five days a week in the shop," replied Mike, although he knew what Lisa meant.

"Yeah, but not fucking," said Lisa, confirming what she was referring to.

"I know, Lisa; I would like us to be able to do it more, but I do not see how we can," said Mike.

The shop door opened, and Sandra came in.

"You two look serious; what is going on?" said Sandra, smiling.

"Nothing, nothing is going on," replied Mike, getting defensive.

"Did you enjoy your bingo last night, Mrs Shepherd?" asked Lisa, thinking that the subject needed to be changed swiftly.

"I did thank you, Lisa, I can't tempt you to come with me one week, can I?" responded Sandra.

"Don't think so; as I said when you asked me last week, it is not really my scene," smiled Lisa, hoping that Sandra had forgotten what was said when she first entered the shop.

It appeared that Lisa had diverted Sandra from the original conversation because no more was said about Mike and Lisa looking serious, and Mike regained his composure.

After a little while, Lisa went to lunch. Sandra had not forgotten what she saw when she entered the shop.

"Is everything alright between you and Lisa?" Sandra asked her husband.

"Yes, why do you ask?" responded Mike.

"Well, the atmosphere seemed a bit strained when I arrived; we don't want to lose her, she is good in this shop," said Sandra.

"There is nothing wrong between us; she is happy here," said Mike.

"Well, you see that you keep her happy because we would not get anyone better if she left," said Sandra.

"I will," said Mike.

Sandra intended to ask Lisa a similar question when she was back from lunch, and Mike had gone for his because she still thought something was strange when she arrived in the shop.

With Lisa back from lunch and with Mike gone for his, and no customers in the shop, Sandra questioned Lisa.

"Lisa, Mike is not bothering you in any way, is he?" asked Sandra.

"Bothering me? No, what do you mean?" responded Lisa, wondering if Sandra suspected anything.

"Well, you are a very attractive girl, and he is, well, at a certain stage in his life. I wondered if he was making suggestions to you or anything like that," said Sandra.

"You mean sexy stuff?" asked Lisa.

"Yes, I suppose that is what I mean; you can tell me," said Sandra.

"No, Mr Shepherd never suggests anything like that," responded Lisa, which was just about true.

"Good, it is just that when I arrived, I thought something had happened; I do not want you getting uncomfortable here," said Sandra.

"Oh, I am very comfortable here, Mrs Shepherd, if you are happy with me," replied Lisa.

"Yes, I am very happy with you, and I don't want anything upsetting you and making you leave," said Sandra.

"I do not intend to leave, Mrs Shepherd," Lisa reassured.

"I am pleased to hear it; maybe I misread the situation when I arrived," said Sandra.

"Yes, I think that you did," replied Lisa.

The conversation was just about over, but the arrival of customers made sure that it was.

Mike came back from lunch, and not long after, Sandra left, but not before again speaking to Lisa, out of Mike's earshot.

"Remember, if he makes any improper suggestions, you can tell me," Sandra said to Lisa.

"I am sure that he won't, Mrs Shepherd," smiled Lisa.

Sandra left, and the shop got busy for a while.

"Your wife asked me if you were being a dirty old man," laughed Lisa to Mike when the shop was empty.

"Did she? What did she say?" asked a concerned Mike.

"She wondered if you were making any improper suggestions to me, and told me to tell her if you do," said the still smiling Lisa.

"What did you say?" asked Mike.

"Told her the truth; I said that you don't make suggestions; it is the truth, it is always me that makes the running," chuckled Lisa.

"She doesn't suspect anything, does she?" asked a still-concerned Mike.

"No, she just thought that we were acting strange when she arrived; we were discussing when we could have another fuck, remember?" said a very happy Lisa.

"Yeah, I remember," said Mike, wondering if his wife did have any suspicions about him and Lisa.

"How about a quickie after we close the shop?" asked Lisa, hopefully.

"I need to get home, or she will wonder what held me up," replied Mike, who wished he could give Lisa another fucking.

"Okay, but next Thursday is such a long time away," sighed Lisa.

"It is, but we must not do anything to make Sandra suspicious," said Mike.

"Well, can I give you a wank after work? that should not take long," smiled Lisa.

"Well, yes, but what is in it for you?" grinned Mike.

"I will probably cum when you cum," answered Lisa.

"Okay," replied Mike.

The afternoon was quite busy, so time passed swiftly. Mike wasted no time in locking up, and they cashed up before going into the backroom.

"I am going to wank you into my knickers; I can take your cum home with me then," said Lisa, removing her jeans and knickers, giving Mike no time to argue, even if he wanted to.

"Drop your trousers and underwear, Mr Shepherd," smiled Lisa.

Mike did as he was told, and, not surprisingly, his penis was stiff.

"You said we do not have much time, so I will make it quick," said Lisa, putting her knickers over Mike's cock and wanking fast. As expected, it did not take long.

"Oh Lisa, oh Lisa," groaned Mike as he ejaculated into Lisa's knickers. Lisa kept wanking until Mike stopped cumming.

"Mike, I am cumming," said Lisa, pressing her thighs together. As you had predicted, the excitement of making Mike ejaculate had made her orgasm.

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"Mmm, a lot of spunk," said Lisa, revealing the pool of semen in her knickers.

"That was amazing, you are amazing," said Mike, kissing Lisa and having a feel of her bare arse.

"Now, shall I put these knickers back on, or not?" smiled Lisa.

"They look a bit messy," said Mike.

"Yeah, talking of messy, you had better clean your cock a bit," said Lisa.

"Yes, and I had better get home," said Mike before cleaning himself and pulling his underwear and trousers up.

"I will take these knickers home; I can take a paper bag, can't I?" said Lisa, putting the spunk-splattered knickers in the bag and putting her jeans back on.

"Have a nice weekend, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa.

"You too, Lisa," said Mike, and they left the shop.

The first thing that Lisa did when she got home was masturbate with the spunk-stained knickers. Soon her cum was mixed with Mike's. She wondered about contacting one of the other married men that she had sex with from time to time or, failing that, one of the males of her age that she fucked, but she settled for some more masturbation, thinking of Mike Shepherd fucking her as she came.

Mike and Sandra worked in the shop together on Saturday, and Lisa decided to visit them, although she was not sure of her objective.

"Hello Lisa, we don't often see you here on a Saturday," smiled Sandra.

"No, I was nearby, so I decided to come in and say hello," smiled Lisa in return.

Mike was both pleased and perturbed to see his young lover appear.

"Say hello to Lisa, Mike," Sandra prompted her husband.

"Hello, Lisa," said Mike, feeling uncomfortable.

"Hello, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa, who was wearing a pair of jeans that were almost disgustingly tight.

"Would you like a coffee while you are here?" asked Sandra.

"That would be nice, thank you," smiled Lisa.

"I will go and make it," said Sandra, going through to the back.

"What are you doing here?" said Mike to Lisa in a whisper.

"Aren't you pleased to see me? Don't you like my arse?" said Lisa quietly, turning her back on Mike.

"You know I am, and I do," replied Mike, almost to the point of panic because he did not know what Lisa might do or say.

"Calm down, Mr Shepherd," smiled Lisa.

Mike had just about calmed down by the time Sandra returned with Lisa's coffee.

"Thank you, Mrs Shepherd," said Lisa, sweetly.

Mike was pleased to have a couple of customers to serve, leaving Sandra and Lisa talking.

"Thank you for the coffee, Mrs Shepherd; see you Monday, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa, having finished her drink.

"Bye, Lisa," said both Sandra and Mike.

"She is a nice girl, isn't she?" said Sandra, after Lisa had gone.

"Yes, she is," agreed Mike, not wanting to sound too enthusiastic.

Lisa doubted if she could remain celibate until Thursday but decided to try. Mike had little choice about remaining celibate because Sandra was off sex at the moment, even if Mike still fancied her, which he didn't really.

Monday morning arrived, and Lisa entered the shop prior to opening. She and Mike had a long snog, and Mike had a good feel of Lisa's gorgeous backside over her trousers. She was wearing trousers and not jeans, but they fitted her buttocks very snugly.

"Mmm, Good morning, Mr Shepherd," smiled Lisa, her eyes sparkling.

"Good morning, Lisa," smiled Mike, his penis far from soft.

"I think about you a lot," said Lisa.

"I think about you a lot, too, but I imagine you have other males to think about, too," replied Mike.

"Yeah, but it is you that I am thinking of fucking me when I masturbate," answered Lisa.

"That is good to know, and I am very flattered," said Mike.

"You sure we can't do it until Thursday?" asked Lisa.

"I don't know how we can," replied Mike.

"Well, I want you to promise to give me a good spanking and then a good fucking," said Lisa.

"I promise, assuming that Sandra goes to bingo; now we have to open the shop," said Mike.

The day and the next, and the next went as most days go in the shop, busy at times and not at others. Sandra covered for lunch as normal, and in quiet moments Mike had a feel of Lisa's arse, and she felt his cock. They occasionally kissed and even snogged after closing.

It was now Thursday, and Sandra had already confirmed that she would be out playing bingo. Lisa and Mike could fuck.

"I am so looking forward to this evening," said Lisa on Thursday morning.

"So am I," replied Mike.

"I want you to give me a long and hard bare-arsed spanking," said Lisa.

"I should be able to manage that," grinned Mike.

"Then a long and hard fucking," smiled Lisa.

"I will do my best," answered Mike.

Although the shop was busy, time seemed to drag, and they were both watching the clock.

Lunchtime, and Sandra, came and went, Sandra telling Mike that she would have left home before he got there because she was meeting two of her friends for a drink before bingo. She told him that his meal would be in the oven.

He did think of forgoing the meal and going straight to Lisa's flat, but if he did not eat the meal, he would have to dispose of it somehow before Sandra got home, and there was the danger of her seeing the evidence.

Mike and Lisa hurriedly closed up and cashed up when the time came. Mike went home, ate, freshened himself up, changed, and headed for Lisa's flat. They had a little less than three hours to give Mike enough time to get home and appear not to have been out before Sandra was due home.

"The moment that we have been waiting for," said Lisa as she let Mike into her flat.

"Yes, the highlight of the week," replied Mike before they snogged. Mike squeezed Lisa's buttocks, which were currently in tight jeans.

"I want you to tan my arse, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa.

"I will gladly do that for you, Lisa," replied Mike.

"I think that you will be more comfortable without your trousers, don't you?" said Lisa, undoing Mike's belt and trousers.

"I think so too," said Mike, as Lisa lowered his trousers. He stepped out of them once his shoes were off. His erection was stretching his underpants.

"Do you want me to bare my arse, or are you going to do it?" smiled Lisa.

"I will, if you don't mind," said Mike, unzipping Lisa's jeans. Lisa turned her back on him, and Mike slowly pulled Lisa's jeans down, her buttocks bulging in her brief knickers. Mike pulled the knickers down and once again saw Lisa's wonderful, bare backside.

"A thing of beauty," said Mike, caressing Lisa's arse cheeks.

"Thanks, now make it sore," said Lisa, stepping out of her jeans and knickers.

"I will," said Mike, sitting on a chair and gently placing Lisa over his knee. His erection prodded her.

Mike ran his hand over Lisa's bottom, before commencing the spanking. He spanked hard from buttock to buttock, Lisa was feeling it, and finding it a hell of a turn-on.

The spanking went on and on, and Lisa's cheeks went from white to pink, to red, to crimson as she squirmed on Mike's lap. She was about to orgasm.

"Fuck, oh yes, fuck, fuck," panted the writhing Lisa as she came, with her arse red hot.

Mike was unsure whether to continue spanking or start fucking, but Lisa made his mind up for him.

"Now fuck me, for fucks sake," Lisa, still over his lap, implored him.

"Okay," said Mike, breathlessly, as Lisa scrambled off his lap and Mike removed his shirt and underpants. Lisa got herself naked up top and was on her bed, legs spread and eyes wild.

Mike got in between Lisa's legs, and Lisa's hand guided Mike's erection into her; they both groaned.

Mike had given her the long and hard spanking that she wanted. He aimed to give her the long and hard fucking.

Mike's cock moved rapidly in and out, and Lisa headed for another cum.

"Yes, give me a fucking, oh fuck, oh shit, fucking cumming, shit," said Lisa, increasing in volume with just about every word.

"Cum, you horny slut; cum, you bitch," panted Mike, hardly believing what he was hearing himself saying.

The fucking went on and on, Mike was very pleased with his performance, and Lisa came again and again.

"Oh, oh, oh Lisa," Mike finally groaned when his spunk rose and shot into Lisa's cunt. They were both soaked in sweat.

"Fucking hell, Mike, just fucking hell," laughed Lisa when their bodies relaxed.

"Lisa, being with you is a wonderful experience," replied Mike.

"We need to do this more often," said Lisa, knowing that it was not practical.

"I wish," said Mike.

After Mike had dismounted, he spent time kissing and stroking Lisa's spanked buttocks. He truly loved her arse.

They had to be aware of the time, so Mike showered and got dressed.

"Once a week is not enough, is it?" said the still-naked Lisa.

"No, but I do not see how we can change it," replied Mike.

"Think about it," said Lisa.

"I will, but I do not know how we can manage it," said Mike.

They had a long kiss, with Mike's hands on Lisa's sore arse.

"See you in the morning, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa.

"Yes, Lisa. Good night," said Mike, then he was off.

The twenty-year-old girl and the man almost forty years older than her wanted to ramp up their affair, but neither of them could see how.

Written by PJH
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