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Discoveries Of A Young Man - Part 1

"Young man start to see his matue co-worker in a new way."

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“I gotta hurry, thanks tho. I have to rush home to pick up the kids and make dinner. Walking home gives me a breather,” Melissa said, or Mel for short. I had just offered my coworker a ride home.

It was getting dark, and she firmly insisted on walking home, as usual. We worked from the afternoon to the evening so it was almost always dark outside when we finished. Additionally, winter was around the corner, so every shift ended with it being dark outside. We worked as janitors at an office building just outside downtown. Though I only did so occasionally (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mostly) as a side job while I attended college, and I’ve only been in the job for about two months at this point.

Mel on the other hand was a full-time janitor, the chief janitor no less. As the chief janitor or CJ as I liked to call her for fun, she had the building pretty under lock and key. She knew the building in and out, and had a firm, assertive aura about her that made most of the people in the building respect her.

I believe she was… thirty-five? Maybe even thirty-eight? It was hard to tell, and I was horrible with women's ages anyhow. Especially if they were good-looking. Mel had brown hair, well-kept and lightly styled up, as she was a former hairdresser. She had blue eyes, some freckles, a somewhat stern face, and a slender build. She had the look of a jogger. Mel was tall for being a woman, standing at 6 foot, maybe even 6 foot 1. Women tended to round the height down, opposite to what men usually did. Mel was at least taller than me, at 5 foot 8.

My name is Brandon, Bran for short. I am, if I have to say it myself, a fairly average dude at twenty-one years old. Shy, but most people would say I was kind, I think. I hope so. I worked out to stay in shape and did some powerlifting off and on. Anyone could see I lifted weights, but I’m by no means the most ripped or chiseled dude in the gym. As for my looks, I was average. I carried no illusion in that regard. Six or seven out of ten. I had nice eyes, brown hair, and a strong enough jaw. But as self-aware as I was, I knew there was nothing exceptional about my looks.

Sexually, I wasn’t very experienced. I had done some of the ‘basics’ in high school and all that. Fingering, handjobs. No blowjobs, though. I lost my virginity on my twentieth birthday to a girl who didn’t seem to be into me, or sex, all that much. She insisted on having the lights off, and she never seemed to get into it. It was an awkward situation. I was of course glad it happened though.

Other than that, I’ve done some other stuff too. You know, I’ve eaten pussy, and got a few handjobs. All that, but not all that much. I hoped to get a bit luckier in college, but so far nothing, in particular, had happened.

It had been a shit day at work. Usually, Mel had her section and I had mine, but apparently, some idiots thought it wise to use milk in the coffee machine to make lattes. It resulted in no latte and a carpet that needed to be cut out and replaced. And no one had bothered to clean it up until we showed up. 

Apparently, that task fell to me, as Mel had to follow her schedule in order to get everything cleaned. She was the boss, so I complied. I knew from the get-go it would be tedious. Being young and quick, I guess Mel figured it would be no big deal for me to clean it up. Though it may not look like it now, she was a very nice lady, but she also was pretty authoritarian in how she wanted things to be done. And she was very grateful for me taking the carpet.

The carpet stank of dried warm milk, and it was heavier than it looked, but an hour and a half of cutting and cursing, and then carrying the damn thing down several floors to throw it in a dumpster, I was able to get the job done. I got a pat on the back and 'well done', so I guess that was all worth it.

Anyway, Mel waved goodbye and started walking down the road and I jumped into my shitty old SUV, a beaten Cherokee. It had big comfy front seats, a huge trunk, but the perks ended right there. I had got it as a gift from my parents to bring with me to college. It was a far-fetched ambition, but I hoped it would last me through my degree, so I could buy a better car later. But I had barely started my educational journey, so who knew?


Later in the day, I was at my dorm, kicking back in my bed reading The Making of a Manager. That’s right, I’m taking a course in management. Is it boring? Yes. Are there plenty of jobs? Also yes. I thought if I could get through my bachelor's with decent grades, I could perhaps reward myself with a more exciting degree some time later in my life. But tuition was becoming ever more expensive, so maybe I’d stick to being a clerk and work my way up management.

I was lucky when it came to my dorm situation. Lucky in the way that my roommate Trent, was rarely at the dorm. He was the typical jock, out partying and all that jazz. I have been tagging along from time to time, but there is no doubt in this world that I am a homebod first and foremost. 

Loud music and screaming conversations versus sitting at home with a good game or reading, was much preferable to me. I might sound like a real downer, but I promise, it’s not that bad! I just really enjoy staying at home.

Trent hanging out all day also meant I practically had the whole room for myself, which was another perk of having him as my roommate. I think that guy slept more in other places than he ever did in his own room.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed. I half expected it to be Trent trying to get ahold of me. As the irresponsible typical frat boy he was, Trent was actually surprisingly responsible in that way. If he was not coming home, he would always let me know. Which was almost every day. Maybe it was his mom telling him to. Or maybe it was his way of bragging about getting laid, or whatever. But usually, he would just shoot me a text.

Up until now, I was a person who preferred to play it safe. To play by the books, and stick my neck out as little as possible. Yet, for some mysterious reason, I picked up my phone with my right hand, and I saw that it wasn’t Trent. It was my co-worker, Mel. The thing is… the timing wasn’t the best. I know I said I was reading.. the reality was, I had been reading at first but had trailed off… She called me in the middle of me watching porn, jerking off. Hard. And I was getting into it pretty heavy, all sweaty.

I have no idea what made me do it, or how my sudden burst of impulsiveness would change everything from then on out… but for some unknown reason, I decided to pause the porn and swipe the green button, answering the call. 

My heart was starting to pound like crazy. It felt like it was going to rip through my chest. I hadn’t really thought of Mel in this way at all before, but her calling me while I was horned up and all, was almost a sign from the gods. It had to be!

I certainly would take full advantage of my luck. I just hoped I would be able to cum before the call ended. Often these calls were nothing but brief updates.

I grabbed my uncut, and now rock-hard cock and slowly started to jerk up and down, as I lifted the phone to my ear to answer the call. I almost felt lightheaded. This was some of the boldest shit I’d ever done.

“Hello. Bran here, what’s up,” I said, trying desperately to sound like nothing was going on. 

Still, I could feel my voice slightly shaky. I released my cock so I could muffle the mic, and released a big sigh, drawing oxygen back in heavily. I steadied my breath and resumed tugging. Slowly. Too fast and I would probably get caught either by me, or the vibrations, or even by the slick sounds of my hard steel getting stroked. I was pretty sensitive at this point. Slowly. Slooowly. It was almost painful to go this slow, with how excited I had all of a sudden become. As I regained my breath I resumed tugging ever so slowly, edging my very erect cock.

“Hey, it’s Mel,” she replied, oblivious to me jerking it to her voice. Up and down, feeling the growing sensation. Her voice seemed ever softer than usual. Even sensual, almost like she was moaning. “God I’d love to hear her moan,” I thought. A moan would drive me crazy right now. Maybe it was due to me being turned on so fucking much, that her voice seemed so seducing. Or maybe she always sounded this way. Either way, it helped push me towards the edge. But not over it. Not yet. Thank god.

“I hate to be a bother this late and all. I know you’re studying and everything, but I need you to cover for me this Thursday. My husband drove his car into a ditch and has to borrow mine,” Mel explained, sighing irritably. 

“I know I walk every day, but there is construction everywhere and walking around it takes so long now. It just makes everything a hassle.”

I was barely able to pay attention, alternating the rhythm between painfully slow strokes and slightly faster ones. My body was almost spasming. I hoped she would talk more so I could finish and be a functional member of the conversation, but it seemed like she waited for me to reply.

“Uhm, yeah sure. No problem. Is it the same as the other days? What about Friday, then?” I replied, hoping I asked enough so she would talk for a while, allowing me to cum. It was a feat to hold my voice steady at this point, with my heart beating hard.

As she replied, I focused on trying to reach an orgasm. I slowly and steadily picked up speed. But I still held form, never going too fast, remaining a steady, firm grip, with edging strokes.

“Well, there is no real difference between the days, so Thursday shouldn’t be any different. As for Friday, I hope you can still work that day. If I am able I’ll hurry my stuff up early and then I could perhaps help you out downstairs.“

When she said she would help me out downstairs, I almost lost it. It felt like my head was spinning from her words. It was time. I started to increase the rhythmic strokes even slightly more than before and grabbed my rock-hard steel even firmer. It was not long before I came now. I could feel my legs twitch.

“I don’t really have much to do Fridays. The guys always leave early for the weekend. I should be able to hang with you a bit. You know, to give you a helping hand for being such a nice gentleman and helping me out. Might speed things up with a helping hand. Finish a bit earlier than when you do it yourself. Wouldn’t that be a great start to the weekend?”

My whole body jolted and spasmed as I came. There was no way she could’ve done that on purpose, but it was too much. My whole body spasmed as my cock pumped out spurts of cum that shot from the head of my cock. It was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had. I had to bite my fist to not make too much noise, suppressing hard groans.

“Thursday will then of course be extra, so don’t worry about that. I won’t drag you out of your bed on your days off for nothing… Are you alright? You sound a bit exasperated,” Mel asked, sounding somewhat worried. 

A small moan had escaped. I became flustered as I tried to regain my senses. Not only was it insanely hot to jerk off while my co-worker, an older woman no less, was talking to me, but it was also one of my biggest and hardest orgasms. I couldn’t believe it. I felt slightly dizzy. Dizzy and dazed. And now I had to come back down to earth quickly, so as not to alarm Mel. I didn’t want to sound annoyed, realizing my moan might have been given off that vibe.

“No.. uh, no sorry. I’m just—” I trailed off. I had no idea what to say, but luckily Mel went on, seemingly unfazed.

“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver! Talk to you later,” Mel said cheerfully and hung up.

What. The. Fuck. What the fuck was that? I don’t know what made it hotter, that it was my older coworker, my boss no less, or how brazen it all was. I had never been so bold before. I could not fathom where it came from. Or how much I came. “I better clean this up,” I muttered, lifting my ass out of my chair and stumbling over to the bathroom, still weak to my knees.


The next few days were weird. It was like a switch had been flipped within me. I could not stop thinking of my Mel. Just from that one event yesterday, Mel went from my mature colleague, to a hot cougar. I had never realized how good she looked, but the more I thought of her, the more I realized it. And I could not stop jerking off. She became subject to many fantasies. I kept reliving and replaying the conversation in my head. I knew she was not deliberate, but maybe that made it even more hot. I found myself hoping for her calls, even trying to find excuses for me to call her. Desperately wanting to subject her to another undeliberate jerk-off session. Was I a horrible person for this? Was this how junkies felt it? It was like chasing a high.

The extra work was no big deal, it came and went. Tedious and annoying, yes, but after two months of janitor work, I more or less had got the hang of it. But doing the extra work meant helping my co-worker out, and felt like I was scoring points. Scoring points for what? Who knows. And also, extra pay, but that sort of became second nature at this point.

Finally, on Thursday night when I got back to my dorm, I gave in. I didn’t dare call her. I didn’t have enough to talk to her about. We never talked, really, except for work-related stuff, and occasional small talk. And we especially never really chatted on the phone like that. So I went for a middle ground. After some thinking about what to write, I finally shot her a text.

“Good evening. How’s everything with the car? - Bran,” I wrote.

No idea why I signed the text message like that. She was my colleague after, boss no less. She of course knew who I was. It was so stupid! My heart was starting to beat faster once more, eagerly waiting for her response.

A few moments went by. I tried to watch some porn to stay distracted, but it only made it worse. Maybe playing some deathmatch on my computer? Then my phone buzzed. I almost jumped at my phone as I grabbed it and read the text message.

“Hello, Bran. What a coincidence I was about to call you about tomorrow,” the message said. 

I almost screamed. God damn it, I could’ve had a perfectly nice jerk-off session, but oh no. I just haaad to be impatient. I shook my head and read on.

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“The car is apparently worse than we thought. Bumper all messed up. David (my hubby) needs my car the next week or so. I have to use my bike to work tomorrow. Thanks for asking,” she wrote.

I hurriedly wrote my reply.

“Aw, thats ucks. U could sit on me all weke, no prblem,” I wrote and hit send without thinking. I reread the message and my heart skipped a beat. I wrote another text.

“Sorr, typos . I meant you could catch a ride with me, if you want?” She was likely on her phone because her replies came pretty fast.

“That’s nice of you, but I don’t mind riding the bike. Maybe if it rains :-)” she wrote. A smiley face? She never writes smiley faces! Maybe offering her the ride to and from work was more points scored. 


I started the next morning with a brutal jerkoff session. I knew my horned-up mind had been out of place, and I still wanted to have a decent work relationship without any weirdness between me and Mel. So I did the ole trick, bust one to clear the head. It did wonders. Like releasing the pressure. Having that post-nut clarity really helped me stay focused throughout the beginning of the day.

It certainly worked to jerk off beforehand, and I was able to relax way more. The day started as any other day. I saw her bike as I arrived, and knew she was somewhere doing her duties. I hung my jacket in the wardrobe and changed into indoor shoes. My shoes looked huge next to hers, I noticed. 

The first part of the day slowly eased away and I felt way more relaxed. Maybe I had just been going crazy for a few days. Hopefully, I could calm down a bit over the weekend.

I was wiping the floors of one of the offices when I heard a slight knock at the door. It cracked open, and in popped Mel's head. She had her brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and looked pleased to see how far I’d gotten.

“Wassup, need an extra hand? Though, it looks like you have everything under control,” she said, cheerfully.

“All good. Always nice to have some help. Like you said, two could make twice the work,” I said.

“I’ll grab the paper bin then head down to the other end and work my way up the offices. We’ll meet in the middle.”

She wandered in and I got a good look at her outfit. She wore a regular loose-fitting t-shirt and champagne-colored sweatpants. Fuck! She caught me checking her out. But she just smiled at me and said, “Laundry day.”

I smiled back at her. She walked over to the bin and as she walked, I couldn't help but notice how the loose pants formed in her ass. He hadn’t noticed before, but god damn, Mel had a nice ass! She had wide hips, so it made sense, added with that she jogged and kept in decent shape. She squatted down and picked up the paper bin. 

As she stood up her pants almost came down a bit, but she quickly grabbed the waistband and yanked the sweats back up, the back part going slightly into her ass, showing briefly the outline of her panties. I could tell she wore boxer shorts. Tight ones, not those granny-loose ones. Tight boxer shorts. It was brief, but it was enough. I felt my cock starting to swell. Fuck, I needed to get this under control. I was wearing sweatpants too (they’re comfortable to work in), so it would be obvious if I walked around with a hard-on.

“These damn old things,” she muttered, annoyed. She looked over her shoulder and laughed a little.

“They keep sneaking their way down. Can’t walk with my pants at my ankles. Makes walking more difficult, you know. Don’t wanna cause a distraction,” she chuckled. 

As she joked around, I felt my heart beat faster. The thought of my married co-worker with her pants around her ankles forced its way into my mind.

“I wouldn’t mind being distracted,” I quipped completely without thinking. I then realized what I’d just said and turned red in an instant. 

She smiled again, walking over to the door, bin in hand.

“Sure, I guess it would’ve looked silly,” she said, dismissing my comment. Maybe she didn’t realize what I meant. No, she’s not stupid. Maybe she just played it off to not make it awkward. Yeah, that had to be it.

“Well, anyway. I’ll head down the corridor. Talk t’ ya later.”

As she stood by the door and was about to leave, I swear to god, she glanced down at my crotch. I couldn’t prove it, and I might even have imagined it. There was no denying that there was a bulge down there, by now. If she indeed had looked down, she definitely would’ve seen it. She closed the door and disappeared down the hallway.

“Phew,” I sighed heavily, relieved. I didn’t want to come off as a staring creep. Although, I guess that’s what I was. It was just not possible to not stare at her shapely ass and wide hips. It was also hard to focus on work, having a now raging hard-on, thinking of how she inadvertently was teasing me.


An hour and a half later, I finished the last few offices when I saw one of the doors slightly cracked open. I could hear voices from inside. Or, one actual voice, and one voice that came from what had to be a phone. One voice belonged to Mel of course. Both seemed agitated. I totally wasn’t going to eavesdrop, I was just… going to check if everything was OK.

“Sure… yes. I know… Yes. I’ll pick the kids up. I shopped for groceries yesterday, there should be some cola in there. Have you looked? Yeah, I’ll wait.”

I could hear the yelling from the other end all the way from where I stood, though not what exactly was said.

Mel sounded agitated, but also like this was a conversation she had had before. Maybe many times. It gave her agitation almost a defeated sound. It made me feel bad, sad even. Here I was ogling her, subjecting her to my fantasies. But she did after all have a husband and kids. A life. While the conversation was not sounding like paradise, it was nothing but one instance. It wasn’t right to not respect her life.

“Is that this weekend too? Sure. It’s fine, you can borrow it. See you at home. Bye.”

I heard her hang up and hurried away from the door. Maybe I could poke a bit and see what the gist of it was. If not for anything else than to be her friendly coworker. But first, we had to wrap up our work before the weekend.

I waited a few moments before I returned. I knocked and entered. Mel was over by the window, with her back to me. Giving me the perfect view of her ass. It was just astonishing. I had not noticed her hot cheeks hugged by sweatpants before. But here I was, barely able to look away. She was just about done vacuuming the windows, which meant the mopping was all that remained.

“Need any help?” I asked, leaning forward against the front of the desk.

“Wow, you finished fast! No, I’m good actually, thank you though. Can’t wait to get out of these awful pants, however.”

“I wouldn’t mind it either,” I said, without thinking. She looked over her shoulder again and looked at me questioningly. “I mean, erh, eh, like out of my pants. At home. At the dorm. Sorry.”

I pointed my thumb awkwardly over my shoulder towards the door. She went back to vacuuming, with a small smirk as she did.

“I’ll be done in a few,” she said, somewhat dismissively. I took my cue and went outside, grabbing the paper bin on the way out. The way she paused and looked at me… I was fucked. She probably caught me. 

I’m not even sure why I was so afraid of getting caught. Well, of course, there’s the creep factor. And the unwarranted attention from a kid almost twenty years her junior. And of course, the husband, kids. All that. And who knew if she was even interested in that kind of attention? I was not a huge hot frat boy or a lady's man. I wasn’t anything special. And interested in what? I wasn’t even sure what I wanted. I knew I wanted to see her hot cougar body, but that was pretty much it. If only there was a world where I got to see what she looked like without those sweatpants, and not lose my job to an HR incident, or get slapped in the face by a woman in her mid-thirties. 

It was not like the girls at my age. You could go all in and try your luck. At least to a certain extent. Mel was different. She had a steady job, probably lived a healthy life, had a family, had a hot shapely ass that filled even a pair of sweatpants, nice wide hips, a sexy voice, even some freckles, and… wait, I think I trailed off. What was I saying?

I was leaning my head against a window out in the corridor, trying to cool my head.

“Mind getting the garbage? I’ll fix the trolly,” Mel said behind me. 

I looked over at her. She looked tired. We were over three hours early, but maybe the week had zapped her energy.

“Yeah, sure. Need a ride home? You look tired,” I asked.

“It’s alright. I need the exercise, I’m an old woman!” she teased, with a half-smile.

“You’re not that old? You’re what, thirty-five? ” I said, genuinely trying to make her feel better. Thirty-eight was not old at all. My mother was way older than that.

“Thirty-five? Where’d you get that from, young man?” Mel asked, planting her fists at her sides, looking at me with a serious face, as if I was about to get scolded.

“What, erh, I don’t know. You look thirty-eight, I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“Aren’t you a flatterer,” Mel laughed, easing the tension. She seemed to cheer up a bit. So I went for more.

“And besides, you’re in great shape, by the looks of it.”

“By the looks of it? You like looking at old women?” Mel teased.

“I mean… erh… you’re not old, though!”

She smiled at me stammering, not answering immediately, and I blushed. I stepped too far, no doubt. I couldn’t even keep eye contact. I just realized how brazen I’d been. Or maybe I was overthinking it. Probably. Hopefully.

“Thanks for that, good to hear.”

Mel turned and pushed the trolly away, and disappeared down the hallway. My eyes fixed on her ass.

I walked out with the garbage. The garbage was in a separate small shed-type building, at the opposite direction of where their wardrobes were. As I shut the door and locked it, I glanced up. I was so happy I drove because it looked like it was about to start raining. Poor Mel, having to bike through that. I was thinking of again offering her a ride, but I felt I’d pushed my luck enough today. Still, by the time I made it back to the main building, the rain was pouring.

“You think I could maybe catch a ride, after all?” Mel asked as we both stood in the doorway. Standing this close to her made my heart race.

“Yeah sure, no problem,” I beamed.

“I’ll have to leave the bike behind tho, not too happy about that,” she muttered, looking over at her bike chained up.

“Nonsense, I got a huge trunk. I’ll throw it in the back for you,” I said, waving it off. It was no problem at all.

“Thanks! You worked pretty fast today. Excited to call it an early day?”

“I’m just a motivated worker,” I joked. She laughed with me. It felt good to make her laugh..

The ride was a bit awkward at first. We never really talked about much other than work. But all that was of course normal. After all, we barely knew each other. Only for two months, we’d known each other. I searched my brain for something to break the ice with.

“So, anything planned for the weekend?” I asked, glancing over at her.

“Nah. David is going to a poker game on Saturday. And he’s taking the car. So I guess I’ll hang with the kids,” she said. “How about you?”

“Er, nothing really. Work out, wait. I don’t know. Sounds cool to hang out with the kids though?”

“Yeah, it is. They’re the best. But sometimes, a woman might need a little break. But Dave provides, so I guess I’ll watch the kids,” she said, starting to look out the window as she finished her last sentence.

We rode a few more moments in silence. I didn’t really know what to say. I also didn’t want to step out of line. Sitting next to a woman such as Mel made me really nervous. And like I said, we did after all barely know each other.

“What are you waiting for?” Mel asked, now looking over at me.

“Huh, what?” I asked confused.

“You said you were going to work out and wait.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I feel like weekends are just waiting for the next week. Like all my classes, work, and all that is happening during the week, not the weekend,” I explained, a bit flustered.

“I guess that is one way of looking at it,” Mel laughed. I chuckled too. It was weird.

“Don’t you have parties to go to? Boys to play beer pong with, girls, and all the whatnot you guys do in college?”

“Nah, I’m more of a homebod. Parties are too noisy, dude. You never went to college?”

“Nope. Or, I did take some courses in muscle and physical therapy, but I never used it, so I guess it doesn’t count.”

“Sure it counts. Why don't you use it then?”

“Hubby doesn’t think it’s appropriate. I don’t know what fantasy world he lives in, but here I am. Besides, it has been way too long, I would have to get back in the swing of things,” she explained. “I dropped out when I got pregnant with Hope, my eldest.”

I glanced over at her. She looked so tired, leaning her head against the window, staring at nothing in particular.

“No, I think it is best to just stick the ride out. Gotta raise kids, so… yeah.”

Again. An awkward silence. But we were close to her house. It was not the most appealing of neighborhoods, to be honest. I pulled into her driveway and we both got out.

“I’ll get your bike out,” I said.

I opened the trunk and yanked out the bike. Meanwhile, I heard a door slam open.

“Who the hell is this?” I heard some grumpy growling from the other side of the car, talking to Mel in a very accusing tone.

“It’s just a coworker giving me a ride. It started to rain,” Mel answered.

I came around the car and handed her the bike. David was a big, bald man, with a mean look, and a thick beard. He had to be at least 6 foot 2 or something. And he stunk. Even from where I stood I could smell the alcohol. I extended my hand, and he shook it, only without stopping staring down Mel.

“You don’t have a jacket? I recall getting you a jacket,” he said, laughing without humor. He gave me a short nod and turned to walk inside, and yelled to whoever was in there. “Better not touch my cola!”

Mel looked awkwardly at me. I just brushed it off and handed her the bike.

“See ya around,” I said. Mel waved me farewell as I drove my merry way.

Written by Antarctica77
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