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Christmas Surprise

"An airport encounter leads to an intimate gift."

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

With final exams out of the way, Vince excitedly threw his clothes in a suitcase and gave a last look at his dorm room to make sure he had everything he would need for two weeks. Part of the reason for his excitement was that he would be leaving the blowing snow and cold of Minnesota for the warmer climes of Arizona. His parents and sibs were already there at his grandparents, and he would be the last to arrive.

Even though he was drained from all-nighters and exams, he found new energy as his Uber neared the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport where he would soon be boarding a flight for relaxation and sunshine by the pool. He had checked out the weather and Phoenix promised unseasonably warm temps for most of his stay with highs in the mid-seventies.

His grandparents lived in a high-priced gated and guarded development. Their three-bedroom spacious condo was first class and filled with amenities. Even with his parents and two sisters, there was plenty of room for him. He would likely get his usual spot on the couch in the den, but compared to a cramped dorm room, it would be luxurious. His sisters could share the spare bedroom with twin beds and Mom and Dad would get the queen guest bedroom. Besides, most of his time would be by the pool sucking on a cold beer disguised as water in an insulated bottle.

He’d done this before, but he was especially looking forward to this year. His sisters were older now and fun to be around. He wouldn't have to babysit them as he sometimes did in the past. And as a senior in college about to receive a degree in marketing, he was feeling extra excitement to be on the verge of independence. He had already accepted a job offer with a decent salary for a large California company with offices in Los Angeles and Phoenix. Life was good.

His wait at the airport gate passed quickly as he sent out email greetings and explored social media while stealthily people-watching. An attractive middle-aged woman seated across from him caught his eye with her prominent breasts straining the fabric of her top. Her erect nipples were clearly outlined as well.

When he finally boarded, he discovered his seat was unfortunately between two elementary-aged boys, but their mother asked if he minded trading seats with her so she could sit with her sons.

"It's another middle seat, I'm afraid, but it is closer to the front."

"Sure, no worries. I'm happy to help."

He grabbed his computer case and found his new seat several rows in front. A young lady was in the aisle seat and the same middle-aged woman with nice breasts sat next to the window. After the customary apologies, He squeezed into the middle seat. His solid, six-foot frame caused a bit of rearranging on the part of his two companions in his row, but soon they were all seat-belted and as comfortable as could be expected.

Both ladies were attractive at first glance, but the older woman by the window was stunning now that he could see her up close. She was dressed beautifully in a skirt that showed a pair of slim, nicely shaped legs and expensive high heels. Her low-cut blouse exposed a tempting slice of cleavage now visible from his new angle, and he could see just enough of her lacy bra to be tantalized even more. She had put her jacket back on but left it open so her nipples were unfortunately no longer visible.

He tried not to be too obvious with his side glances, but she was attractive and visibly more fun than a couple of cantankerous boys. The young lady on the aisle seat was cute but dressed more like a teenager in comfortable traveling clothes. She asked if he would be more comfortable in the aisle seat, but he deferred. Sitting in the middle next to a perfumed and stacked, middle-aged woman would make the the trip fly by, literally and figuratively. And Vince had a thing for women who were older than he. He had lost his virginity to a neighbor lady when he was sixteen and that event had tilted the dice toward more mature women in his view. His subsequent affair with her convinced him that experience trumped youth.

He opened his laptop to divert his attention for the time being and hide the swelling that was taking place in his dockers as he briefly fantasized about the lady in the window seat. Vince was a typically horny twenty-one-year-old, and her fragrance alone was enough to create graphic thoughts in his reptilian brain.

"Sorry if I'm crowding you," he offered.

"Oh, no worries. You're fine." She smiled with perfect, white teeth made only more attractive by the dark red lipstick she was wearing.

"Heading home for Christmas?"

"Sort of–I'm meeting my family at our grandparents in Phoenix. I just got done with finals and I'm looking forward to some sun and fun there. How 'bout you?"

"Phoenix is home for me. Returning from a business trip to Minneapolis. Glad to be returning to the Valley of the Sun and relaxing by the pool instead of wearing a parka."

The two shared small talk through the obligatory flight attendant instructions and when Vince asked what part of the city she lived in, it turned out to be the same as him. Even more amazing was that she lived in the same development as his grandparents and even in the same building. They both laughed at the coincidence.

During the flight, they traded names and during their small talk, he discovered that she was recently divorced. She had her own business, a small chain of high-end lingerie shops in the Phoenix area, and had been in Minnesota on a buying trip. They seemed to hit it off and Vince even thought she was flirting with him a bit. When she discovered that he was a marketing major at a good college, she perked up.

"I have some ideas about my business I should run by you. Vince. You might have some fresh perspectives about my company."

"Well, I can't say I'm an expert regarding lingerie, but business is business. I'd love to hear your ideas. I do love lingerie, but not because I wear it, in case you are wondering. I'm not a closet dresser–at least not at this time." He winked at her.

"Hmmm, I bet you'd look good in a teddy. You should swing by one of my shops and I'll set you up. You look to be a large." Sharon giggled and winked back at him.

Once the plane reached cruising altitude and the attendants brought the service cart around, Vince and Sharon were already laughing and joking as they leaned into one another. The young lady on his left occasionally joined in the conversation, but she ended up watching a movie with headphones and kept to herself for most of the flight. Sharon bought the first round, and Vince insisted on buying the next one. At one point, they both dozed off and when he awoke her head was leaning on his shoulder. By the time the plane descended into Phoenix, Vince was feeling no pain.

When they landed and everyone started gathering their items and taking their phones out of airplane mode, Sharon asked if he needed a ride to the condo.

"Oh, no troubles. Thanks. I can catch an Uber. No problem."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm going to the same place and my car is at the airport. I'd be happy to give you a ride."

That phrasing wasn't lost on Vince, and he was tempted to say something about that being his favorite position. But he decided that would be a little too risque at this point.

They both had carry ons, so they headed directly to the parking garage and her car. The weather was a godsend after blustery Minneapolis, and they both removed their jackets in the warm sun. Vince tried not to stare, but her fleshy ass nicely filled out her tight skirt and her breasts bobbled with each step in those four-inch heels. He guessed she was in her early forties, but regardless, she was a babe by his standards. He was pinching himself even though he realized this was too good to last. But his brain was already scheming as it found a home at the end of his cock. And then an opportunity presented itself.

They found her car–a late model Mercedes and hopped in. Once we were on the road and Sharon could talk more freely without traffic distractions, she smiled and asked, "So how is it in college these days...lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Wait, you're too young for rock and roll. You probably listen to more recent stuff. I'm out of it and stuck in the seventies."

"I wish I had time for that stuff. ! I've been pretty much nose to the grindstone lately. Grades have been the priority, unfortunately. Sex–not so much. Drugs–not at all unless you count lots of coffee as a drug. But I do listen to rock and roll in my earbuds when I'm working out. I've got to do something to keep in shape so the gym is my only comfort when I'm not studying. I feel like a celibate priest these days. I'm looking forward to soaking up the sun, beer, and whatever life brings me."

"That sounds like the story of my life. Since the divorce, I've become an untouchable. Wine is my only solace these days and that's after long hours trying to find responsible help in the stores. Good saleswomen don't come cheaply."

"So how about this? Let's get together and talk about your business. We can do some relaxing at the same time. Here's my cell number. I'd love to hear about the lingerie business and get an insider's view. And you can fit me for that teddy."

"It's a deal. And by the way, the condo here has a nice gym, not to mention a great pool, hot tub, and sauna. All the creature comforts. But tell you what, why don't you get settled in and give me a call, and maybe we can have dinner at my place. Very informal. Maybe just pizza or something. I've got lots of beer and wine as well."

"I'd love that. I'll be in touch."

They arrived at the development under the auspices of a glorious Arizona sunset. After exchanging all the pertinent information, Vince headed off to his grandparents' spacious apartment and endured all the official hugs and kisses. Everyone was there and a bit disappointed when he said he was meeting someone for a casual dinner.

Dad and Grandad gave him knowing glances, but he assured everyone that this was just a friendly gathering, although it might have some future business consequences on down the road. He did not reveal that his friend owned several lingerie stores and was a middle-aged, attractive prospect.

He hopped in the shower, and when he came out, his mother gave him a knowing nod.

"Must be a good friend if you are showering and even using cologne, Vince. Don't stay out too late, Honey. We need to catch up and hear about school."

Sharon's condo was on the Fifteenth floor of the high-rise unit. Vince pressed the buzzer and heard the muffled padding of bare feet on the tile and then, after a second or two for peephole viewing, the huge eight-foot door opened. Sharon was dressed down for the occasion, as promised. Her flaming red hair was in a ponytail and the expensive skirt was replaced by a pair of nylon shorts. She was wearing a white T-shirt with a logo emblazoned across the front, "Yes, they're real and they're spectacular." She had a Santa hat perched on her head in the spirit of the season.

"I'm a Seinfeld fan as well. Teri Hatcher–right? But you've got her beat, hands down. And nice hat as well."

"The hat is just for you. Ho, ho, ho! One of the girls in the shop bought this T-shirt for me as a joke, but as they say, 'If you've got it, flaunt it.'" Sharon noticed a swelling in Vince's chinos and smiled. Her tight T was having the desired effect. She had been attracted to Vince when she first set eyes on him in the airport lounge, and the subsequent airplane flight had only enhanced that attraction: he was not only cute and "hunky," but smart and funny.

"No arguments from me! Just don't let it bother you if I keep rereading it. I have a terrible mammary memory."

"I'm used to stares. Boobs do that to guys but I don't take offense. I call them "boy magnets."

"Well, models with big boobs make the products they advertise even more desirable to men. I imagine that would hold for lingerie as well, as long as it is tastefully done."

"The secret to success in my business is to offer naughtiness that also hides deficiencies. Lingerie should be tantalizing with being blatant. Crotchless panties are the stuff of porn mags, but lingerie that hints at what is underneath is what sells. Not everyone who buys it has the body of a high-priced model. But we can talk details later. Would you like a beer or some wine?"

"Whatever you are drinking is fine by me."

Sharon led Vince into the den, an open area off the kitchen, and poured two crystal glasses with an expensive Pinot Noir.

"I'm so happy we ran into each other today. Here's to new friendships. Oh, by the way, I made homemade pizza. I hope that's okay. I'm fussy about cooking. I think you'll like it. And I never get to cook for anyone these days, let alone a handsome college student."

"I'm not fussy about eating, so no worries. I'm used to dorm food. Cheers."

So for the next hour, the two shared stories about work and school as they ate Sharon's delicious pizza and finished off one bottle and then opened another. In short order, they were next to one another on a love seat in the living room and Sharon was showing Vince a catalog of her stores' products. The lingerie was tastefully portrayed, and then Sharon asked if he wanted to see the X-rated line.

"We're not exactly a Fredericks of Hollywood, but we do have items for those who want to show a little more flesh." She opened a thin glossy catalog she retrieved from under a stack of magazines. Most of the models were slinky and sexy, not to mention large-busted. The products included garter belts, bras with holes where the nipples reside, and sheer robes that hid nothing and excited the imagination.

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Vince studied them with a serious look on his face as if he were studying for an exam, but he felt that old familiar swelling in his groin and tried unsuccessfully to minimize it by separating his knees. Then he came across a familiar face in a sheer teddy. The model's large breasts tented the thin fabric, and large thumb-sized nipples protruded even further.

"Is this you?" Vince was unsure how to react. The pages were black and white, so Sharon's red hair was not obvious, but the face was a giveaway. A neatly trimmed pussy could be faintly seen underneath the bikini panties."

"Oh, my god. Sorry. I forgot about this. This is an old catalog. I didn't mean for you to see this!" she lied. "I started as a model. I hope you're not offended. This is really old."

"Offended! Hardly. Wow, you are a knockout here. This gives credibility to your T-shirt."

Vince was turned now, facing Sharon and trying to read her expression. Her full lips glistened with a glossy pink lipstick and her emerald eyes looked into his almost pleadingly. Her perfumed aroma wafted over him, and he just reacted. He couldn't resist, and he leaned into her and kissed her. Sharon did not try to stop him.

The kiss immediately turned into a full-blown, blown open-mouthed tangle of tongues and a passionate embrace. As he pressed forward, Sharon leaned back so that her head was supported by the armrest and pillows of the loveseat. Vince was on top of her, her large breasts pressing into him and his now rock-hard cock appropriately in place between her parted thighs but made inoffensive by their clothing.

Neither spoke, but both were moaning in pleasure.

Vince moved one hand under her shirt and found a thin, sheer bra. Sharon's large nipples had hardened and could be easily felt through her brassiere. But that wasn't enough. Vince reached around her and deftly unclasped it with one hand. With the clasps unhooked, the stretchy material easily separated from the strain of supporting Sharon's large globes, and in seconds it was loose, and he felt the actual flesh of those double-D mounds for the first time.

After several minutes of unbridled passion in this manner, Sharon gripped Vince's face in her two hands and smiled. She gave him a motherly peck on the lips and then paused as if a brilliant idea suddenly came to her.

"Let's just get this out of the way, okay?" She first removed the ridiculous Santa hat and then scooted up and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt in both hands and pulled it up and over her head. She shook her ponytail free and tossed the shirt onto the back of the loveseat. Her bra now hung loosely around her neck, and she slipped the shoulder straps off and added it to the T-shirt. She was bare-chested, her large breasts settling slightly on her torso as she threw her shoulders back to emphasize just how big they were.

Vince stared at her fleshy twin peaks. The pink, dollar-sized nipples were each capped by large nubs that begged to be sucked. Sharon smiled at his reaction.

"Was my T-shirt right?"

"Yes, they are spectacular, and they are definitely real." Vince hefted a heavy boob and then planted a kiss on it. He loved large nipples, and these were magnificent.

"I hate to seem forward, but why don't we go into my bedroom? It's a lot more comfortable on the bed than on this loveseat."

Hearing no argument, Sharon rose, grabbed Vince's hand, and led him into her large bedroom.

Like everything in her condo, the furnishings were first-class, including a king-sized sled bed. Sharon led Vince to the bedside and patted a spot next to her as she sat down.

"I was hoping we might get to this. I'll admit I noticed you right away at the airport and serendipity finished the job. Here we are? Are you okay with this? I hope you don't think I'm too old for you, but by the tent in your pants, I'd say you are alright with things so far."

Vince looked down and smiled. His chinos fit him loosely but only made his erection all the more obvious.

"Yeah, this snake has a mind of his own. And, Jesus, of course, I'm okay with this You are fucking gorgeous, Sharon. I'm pinching myself. And, you are not old!"

"Then, why don't you climb out of those things so I can get a first-hand look at you, or maybe "fist-hand" look would be more appropriate, hmmm?"

Vince wasted no time unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants to the floor. His Tommy Hilfiger briefs were fortunately clean for a change and a sizable bulge was outlined in the tight fabric. Sharon motioned him to stand in front of her so she could lower them. And when she did, she erupted in a huge grin.

"Oh, my! You're a big boy, aren't you? We're going to have to go slowly, Vince. I've been celibate for a long time." She did not add, "Except for the toy I keep in my nightstand." She gripped him in her hand and smiled as her fingers did not meet her thumb. "Mmmm, so thick. You have a beautiful cock, Honey."

Vince's penis was a thing of beauty–long and thick with a sculpted, plum-sized, circumcised head and taught skin that resembled ivory. She stroked it and then reached out with her tongue and licked the crown where a drop of precum had formed.

"And tasty, too. I wonder if I can even fit you in my mouth? I bet you'd like that–watching me suck on your big, college prick. Take off the rest of your clothes. I can't wait to try this on for size. It's been too long since I've felt a nice, big prick inside me, and I'm as excited as I think you are."

"Fuck, Sharon. You have no idea. I can't believe my luck meeting you. This is like a fantasy come true."

Both Vince and Sharon wasted no time removing the rest of their clothes. Sharon grabbed Vince by the cock again and wrapped her lips around it. She strained to take in more than just the head, and briefly choked on it. She sucked on it a minute or so before removing it and catching her breath. A pink ring remained just below the glans from her lipstick.

She put it in her mouth again and slowly stroked him as she sucked, her cheeks hollowed from the effort. After a couple more minutes of this, she removed him and looked up into his eyes. Saliva dripped off the head of his cock. Sharon looked dazed.

"Wow. You're more than a mouthful, Vince. Let's get on the bed so you don't have to stand there. I can't wait to get this inside me."

Sharon slid back on the bed, her head propped up by a large pillow, and motioned Vince to join her with a motion of her first finger. Vince stood and stared–his cock a full mast and glistening with her spit.

Sharon reminded him of a ginger-haired, Greek goddess, but with breasts larger than the statues in his history books. Her neatly trimmed maidenhair formed a perfect V above her engorged clitoris. As she spread her legs, the large lips of her labia came into view. They were loosely folded together, forming a jagged slit, and she reached down and spread them like the wings of a butterfly.

"I know! I have large pussy lips, don't I? I hope you don't mind. I kind of like them. But they are unusually large Come up here, Sweetie. It's been a long dry spell for me since the divorce from my asshole husband."

"Fuck, Sharon. I love your pussy. It...and you...are beautiful."

Vince kneeled on the bed between her parted thighs, but he decided he'd better do some warm-ups first. His training with his next-door neighbor had prepared him to be patient as well as considerate. This was to be no wham-bam-thank -you-ma'am teenage sex in the back seat. This was going to be slow and deliberate with a mature and experienced woman. As such, it required the appropriate build-up Even so, he loved the taste of an excited pussy, and so without preamble, he gently separated Sharon's thighs and after first kissing the inside of her legs, worked his lips and tongue down to her cunt.

Sharon jumped at first, but then relaxed and let him have his way with her.

"Oh, Honey, I didn't expect that. No one has done that to me in ages. Mmmm, right there. Jesus, that feels wonderful. You know how to treat a lady, Vince. My labia and clit are super sensitive. That feels wonderful."

Sharon watched in abandoned pleasure as her handsome twenty-one-year-old lover licked, sucked, and fucked her with his experienced tongue, lips, and fingers. Sharon ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him into her groin, writhing in ecstasy and moaning his name mixed with occasional instructions and encouragement.

"Oh, yes, Vince. Just like that. My god, you're going to make me cum, Honey. Go ahead and add another finger. Mmmm, yes, I need to get stretched for that fat cock of yours, Sweetie. Oh my fucking god! Yes, yes, yes! Just like that!"

Suddenly, Sharon grabbed two handfuls of hair and gripped Vince in her fists as she ground her moist pussy into his face. Her body began a series of convulsions and jerks and a torrent of pussy juice covered his mouth and face. Vince continued fucking and massaging her with his fingers and tongue until finally, she begged him to stop. Her hips gave a couple of last, involuntary spasms.

"Oh, my god, Honey. You have to let me get my breath. Oh, Sweetie. Thank you. I haven't had anything like that in ages, if ever. That was wonderful. Slide up here and kiss me before I repay you."

She grabbed him by the shoulders, and he slid up, kissing her fat tits along the way. Vince's face was shining with the nectar from her orgasm. She kissed him passionately and then smiled as his mouth went back to her breasts.

"You like my big tits, don't you, Baby. That's it. That's what they're for. Go ahead and suck on my nipples. That's a direct line to my pussy, not that I need anything at this point."

Vince's cock was searching on its own for a home in Sharon's moist cunt, and Vince wriggled his hips until the head slipped in between her labia and found the sweet spot with guidance from his hand. Once the head was in, he slowly pushed forward until over half of his cock was buried in Sharon's tight honey pot.

"Ummm, there you are, you devil. That was pretty tricky. Oh! careful. Go slowly at first. You are so thick. My husband was much smaller than you. I need to get used to a big cock. You feel wonderful, Vince. Just be careful. Once I get used to you, you can fuck me like you mean it. I love a good pounding."

Sharon gave Vince a motherly kiss and then smiled mischievously as she raised her legs in the air and bent her knees so he had full, unrestrained access to her fertile valley. He kissed and fondled her big tits as he began a slow, steady rhythm, sliding his cock in and out until only the tip remained. Sharon reached down with one hand and grabbed him between her thumb and forefinger. She loved the sensation of his big cock sliding through her fingers as well as her pussy.

Gradually, Vince increased the tempo, and Sharon responded with husky words of encouragement in his ear. Occasionally, she licked the inside of his ear, something that never failed to send a bolt into his groin, and he responded with a series of quick, deep thrusts.

"Oh, fuck, Honey. God, you are fucking me so good. I haven't been fucked like this forever. I want you to cum in me, Sweetie. It's ok. Go ahead and give me all your sweet sperm. I want to feel you cum deep inside me. I think I can cum again if you wait just a little."

"God, Sharon. You are so tight. Your cunt is squeezing me so hard. I can't believe how good you feel."

"Yes, Sweetie. That's it. Play with my big tits while you fuck me. Oh, shit. You are so deep, Honey. I'm almost there."

Sharon wrapped her legs around her young lover until her ankles were crossed and pulled him into her with her arms around his neck. They were both sweating and grunting in an act of primal sex, no different at heart than their ancient cave-dwelling ancestors might have done. Vince was now jackhammering his big-titted lover with almost a fury, and she was meeting him thrust for thrust.

"Oh, fuck, Sharon. I'm going to cum. It's going to be a big one."

"That's it, Honey. Shoot all your cum in me. Fill me up. God, you feel so good."

And with those last words, Vince plunged into her and held it there as a bolt of ejaculation shot out of the end of this thick cock and into the depths of her waiting pussy. When the first spurt shot into her, Sharon's eyes rolled back into her head and she began shaking as if she were having a seizure. Spurt after spurt emptied into her until there was little room left, but Vince only held his cock there until, finally, it started to soften. Neither one said a word for several minutes.

Finally, he slowly backed out of her, his cock flopping to the bedspread, followed by a thick, milky trail of sperm.

"I told you it was going to be a big one. I've been saving up."

"No joke, Honey. I don't think I've ever felt that much cum in me. Jesus, look at that."

She pulled her knees up and they both watched as a pool formed on her bedspread. She reached down and scooped a gob in two fingers before bringing it to her mouth.

"Mmmm. Want a taste? There's a little of me in there as well, I'm sure."

Vince grabbed her hand and licked her fingers before placing them in his mouth and sucking.

"This is better than egg nog. But don't worry, I think there will be more to come. I'm here for two weeks.

"Merry Christmas, Vince. I'll see if I can come up with an appropriate present for you. It might involve lingerie."

"I can hardly wait, Sharon. Merry Christmas."

Written by johndoe7
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