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Marcy's Ticket to Ride: Chapter 2

"When one person wants to help the other two"

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Marcy and I stand frozen, not knowing what to do. Even though I may not feel her emotions, I know Marcy feels afraid. She gets closer to me and I feel her heat as her hand in mine is sweating profusely out of nervousness.

I turn to her and smile. Her eyes give me a sense that we can both turn around together. At this point we didn’t know each other, but the adventure we had on the train made us unique, some sort of couple, even though, in truth, I didn’t know her real name and she didn’t know mine.

As we turn Marcy spoke first. “I didn’t realise we were being watched.” The woman in front of us is in her early forties and you can tell she is an executive as well. Her business suit is well fitted showing off her cleavage and high tight ass. Her legs are long and slender while her red hair is in a bun. She is ready for work, like we all are, but something told me she isn’t done watching Marcy and I. 

I speak up to take the lead with Marcy, “We are headed for coffee. You should join us so we can talk more privately about your wet funds.” 

The woman smiles and starts walking towards us. She gets close as if we are all colleagues. “I think we should do more than talk. I too have a place in the city and don’t share it with anyone. Why don’t all three of us go and have coffee there. Then we can see what we can all do about our, hum, wet funds.”

Before I can say anything, Marcy speaks up for both of us. “Lead the way.”

The mystery woman leads us and Marcy and I follow her, hand in hand still. I can’t believe what had happened so far on my train ride to work. I had Marcy in front of me and I made her cum with her vibrator, another woman that just invited us over to her place, and here we are checking her out as she leads the way. 

To break the silence, the strange woman speaks as we walk. "So do you guys do this a lot?”

Marcy laughs and blushes at the question. I smile and say, “Actually this is the first time we ever spoke. In my mind her name was Marcy. I have no idea what her name is.”

Marcy turns to me with a surprised look on her face and grips my hand harder. The woman leading us turns to us as she walks. “Well, I guess names don’t matter. There is a definite attraction between you two. That’s what made me look even harder and realised what you two were doing. I’m Layla, but that’s not my real name either. I like the mysterious names.”

“Well, I’m Marcy then.” Marcy says smiling.

“I’ll let you two beautiful women choose what name I should have then. It’s only fair since I made up Marcy’s name.” What will they call me? 

Marcy immediately speaks , taking charge of the conversation. “I think you should be Eric. Her name is Layla, and Eric Clapton wrote the song Layla.”

“Eric it is then.”, I say agreeing to her proposed name.

Five minutes later and after casual conversation, we get to Layla’s condo in an executive high rise 2 blocks away from where I work. The doorman ushers us in and silently Layla brings us to the elevator. She places her key card by the sensor and the elevator closes and starts to ascend. “You two have not let go of each other’s hands. It’s really cute. But now, I want to hold your hands too.” She reaches out and takes both our hands in her hands. We all face each other in a circle and slowly make our way to an elevated floor.

Marcy smiles. “Whatever happens, it stays between us. I’m married and …”

“I am too, but all that doesn’t matter. I have a husband out of financial convenience. I have never cheated on him but he doesn’t pay much attention to me either. Watching the both of you on the train just compelled me to reach out. I don’t know what will happen. It’s a safe place and we can all be whatever we want to be and do whatever we want to. No expectations.” As she says this, she holds our hands together. I am surprised how she is taking charge and how I am turning into somewhat of a victim. I had to say something to ensure I was being heard too. 

“I’m separated. My ex-wife didn’t want me, she wanted someone else and cheated on me constantly. I haven’t had sex with a woman in a long time. I want to feel wanted and valued. That’s all.”

Marcy looks at me and comes forward. She kisses my cheek and reassures me. Layla watches us and said, “You and me both, Eric. I have a funny feeling that Marcy is feeling the same” 

The door opens and we walk into the condo. It's not just a condo, it's the penthouse. The entire perimeter is adorned with windows. The place is very open. Layla lets us walk around and look at the art on the walls. “Please, make yourselves at home. I’ll make us some coffee and I’ll meet you in the living room.”

Marcy smiles at me and turns to me. She comes in close as I put my arms around her. Her head bends a little and her mouth opens. I kiss her passionately. We hadn’t kissed since our first kiss on the train. “I’m still wet and throbbing.” She reaches down and feels the front of my pants. She starts making my cock hard again and feeling the warmth of my cock along with its girth. “Mmmmm, I can’t wait to see it and maybe feel it on my mouth.”

I kiss her back and she places her arms around my shoulders. She reaches for my jacket collar and starts to take it off. My jacket comes off with ease and she places her hands flat on my chest. She can feel the muscles through my shirt and presses on them. 

To my surprise she then walks away. I realise she was teasing me the same way I teased her on the train with the vibrator. I have to turn things around, to maintain control of her. From what I saw on the train, she likes to be controlled. 

As Marcy walks away from me, I pull out my phone and unlock it with my fingertip. The app is still on the screen. I hit the play button. Immediately Marcy stops in her steps as if she got hit with a surge and reaches for the window as her legs go weak. She turns around with wide eyes and leans her back to the window. She smiles but her lower lip is shaking.

As she leans she undoes the front button of her business suit and puts a hand through her hair. The window is holding her up and her shoes are placed hard down on the floor. She spreads her legs a little and raises her free arm and hand up her body.

“I wasn’t expecting that.” She reaches her right breast with her free hand and squeezes, feeling her nipple through her blouse. I reach my tie and undo it.

“Let me do that. Marcy can watch me undress you.” Layla startles me as she walks behind me and pulls my tie out of the collar in swift move. I can feel her behind me as she presses her breasts to me. The cell phone is still in my hand and Layla reaches for it as she increases the intensity level in one upward movement. Marcy immediately reacts to the intensity and lets a moan escape. She watches me intensely as Layla comes to my front, faces her and rests her back onto my chest. Layla’s red haired bun is just under my chin and I can feel her heat on the inside of my arms. Layla reaches down to my pants and feels my cock tenting in my pants. “Oh my, he is thick and warm.  And you, Marcy, are so beautiful” As she says this, she switches the mode on the app to a saw tooth wave.

“Oh Fuck!” Marcy says as she feels the vibrations hitting her pussy even more intently. “You both are beautiful and I am really loving watching you and Eric in front of me.”

Layla reaches to her suit jacket and undoes the top button all the while facing Marcy. She slowly removes her jacket and throws it away. She places herself back against my chest, takes the phone in her hand and doesn’t let go of Marcy in her sight. Layla places an arm to the back my neck and whispers to me while still looking at Marcy. “Touch me, please.”

I place my hands on her thighs and immediately feel her body push back on my hands. One hand goes up to her stomach and explores her. I brush my hand, pressing into her and feeling the side of her breasts. Her breasts are large and feel the heat from them even through her bra. I undo the first top buttons of her blouse and see her cleavage. I can tell she is enjoying my touching as she vibrates on me. She continues to play with Marcy’s vibrator, never letting go of her with her eyes.

Marcy mimics Layla and takes her jacket off as well. She keeps her back to the wall and throws her jacket away. She undoes the buttons on her shirt, slowly displaying herself to both Layla and I. As each button is undone, I can feel Layla moan in my arms. “Do the same to me, Eric.” I undo her buttons one by one as she commands me. She presses her shoulders even more into me as she changes the modes on the vibrator. A large sine wave comes into view and I look at Marcy. She relaxes a bit, but Layla plays with the intensity going up and down on the screen, 

Marcy takes her blouse off and we both sigh at our view. Her bra shows off her dark hard nipples and they stick out an itch and a half. She raises a hand to one of them and pinches it as the sine wave goes up and releases the hard nipple as the sine wave subsides. She pushes her shoulders onto the glass window and reaches the back of her skirt. She slowly removes it and lets it fall down as Layla reaches for the zipper on the back of her pants and lets them fall down. 

Layla removes the blouse to be in the same state of dress as her competitor as I look at them both. These goddesses are very different but both are very beautiful. 

Marcy, in a bra with the peaks cut off and is showing off her bare pussy to us. The vibrator is resting on her clit and can tell her pussy lips are engorged as her they hug around the vibrator. 

Layla is leaning in front of me in her white thong and bra, letting me touch her. She leans forward indicating to me to undo her bra. As my hands touch her skin, she shivers and presses back. I unclasp the bra and she lets it fall. Her breasts are very large, and the size matches her pink nipples. She leans back on me and my hand immediately feels her left breasts. I knead it with strong hands all the way to the nipple. Layla moans as she holds my phone in her hands, never letting go of Marcy. She presses her ass into my crotch, teasing me. She feels my hard cock pressing against her ass and reaches back with her free hand. She grips it hard, squeezing and trying to get around the full circumference. She kneads it slowly and accelerates her breathing.

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Marcy looks at both of us. Her eyes are showing us where she’s looking. Her eyes start at Layla’s eyes and slowly go down to her breasts, her waist, her legs and finally the floor. Marcy pushes her eyes back towards Layla’s waist. From her distance ten feet away from us, she commands us.  “Eric, touch her like you touched me. Make her feel your strong hands. Tell me how wet her pussy is and how hard her clit is. Feel her large breasts in your hands and pinch Layla's nipples like you pinch mine."

My hands go to her waist and Layla grabs a hold of my hand. She slides my hand all over her body as she moans and looks at Marcy. She slides the thong panties down one leg to give me access, inviting me to touch her. I flatten my hand and feel her thigh bone. I reach deeper and feel a faint line of hair. I place two fingertips and dig my nails onto the line. I feel her thin line pushing back up as I scratch the line. Layla moans as her legs bend and straighten as I tease her pussy. At one point she feels like her legs are giving way but she bounces back up in my arms. I can feel her pressing harder into me

”Yessssss,” is all Layla says. 

Marcy watches Layla as I intensely pinch her hard nipple, pull on it, and let it go violently. “Oh god. Eric keep playing with her,” is all Marcy says. 

I reach down and feel her legs open to my hand. She invites me to touch her most intimate parts. My finger snakes and feels her large clitoris poking out. I go deeper and feel her engorged pussy lips. When I do so, she squeezes my cock even more and lowers her thong to show Marcy what I’m doing to her. She displays her pussy clad with my hand so Marcy can see what I’m doing to her. She reaches up with her other hand and switches modes on the app to saw tooth again. Marcy screams to the instant change and Layla opens her mouth to take deep breath as the cool air hits her moist clit and watches Marcy.

Marcy pushes off the window and starts to walk over. The vibrations in her pussy is making her legs feel weak. Each stride is laboured and Layla and I just watch her. As she walks, her pussy is clenched around the remote controlled vibrator and she reaches to the back of her bra to release her breasts. As the bra falls Marcy grabs her large breasts and pinches each nipple as she shudders to the feel. She comes to Layla’s proximity and places her index finger on her pelvis, pressing hard to let her know she is within reach of her. Her contact makes Layla shudder in my arms and I can see her breasts heaving up and down as she tries to breathe through her moaning. 

“How does her pussy feel?” Marcy is having a hard time keeping composed and her voice is shaky. She reaches down to her own pussy, places her middle finger between her lips and on top of the vibrator and feels her juices coming out of her. She brings it up to her face and shows Layla. “I hope she’s as wet as I am.”

Layla pushes off of me, let’s go of my cock in my pants, grips Marcy’s hand immediately takes her finger in her mouth, tasting Marcy’s juices. Marcy opens her mouth in shock looks straight into Layla’s eyes. She then moves her face to watch me. Her eyes stare at my face and then to my pants. Marcy's  hand instinctively reaches for my pants and undoes the belt. Layla, still sucking on Layla’s pussy-juiced finger releases and turns around. Her hands come up to my shirt and undoes each button. 

Marcy releases my pants and they drop to the floor. With each button released by Layla’s hands, Marcy touches my chest. With no words, Marcy is commanding Layla one button at a time. It's as if Layla was told, “I want to feel his chest, undo his shirt.” 

Marcy comes closer pressing her body in Layla’s back. I reach out and take them both in my arms. I spin Layla so I can continue to feel her pussy. This time, Marcy is in our proximity and pushes Layla's back to my chest. I rest my back to he pillar as Marcy presses her chest against Layla’s and their breasts rub on each other.

Marcy looks at Layla in the eyes. “Feel what you’re doing to me. Touch my pussy and the vibrator.” Layla reaches out and feels the top of the vibrator. Marcy moans as Layla feels the engorged lips wrapped around it and brings my phone back up. She changes modes as she feels the immediate reaction by the vibrator on her hand. She plays with the intensity and notices the immediate reaction in Marcy’s eyes. 

Marcy reaches out to my cock and grips it. She starts stroking it, feeling the full seven inches poking up to the sky. As she strokes it, she pulls me closer to Layla’s ass and makes sure Layla can feel her hand stroking my cock. Layla breathes deeply. “Oh My god. Your pussy is so soft and wet. Eric’s cock feels amazing as you rub it on my ass. Come closer. I want to feel the vibrator on my pussy as well.”

Marcy comes closer and squeezes me in with them. My cock is between Layla’s two butt cheeks and Marcy’s hand is still wrapped around it. Marcy spreads her legs so Layla can put a leg in between them. As Marcy strokes my cock, she brings Layla closer and lets her make contact with the vibrator. 

“Ahhhh.” Layla reacts to the vibrator nestled to her large clitoris as Marcy strokes my cock. The stroking is causing Marcy and Layla to hump each other and feel the vibrator together. Layla puts an arm around Marcy’s waist bringing them closer. Marcy’s hard nipple is pressed hard against layla’s breasts and Layla reaches for it, pinching it. Marcy’s head instinctively goes back as her body arches to the feeling of Layla’s fingers on her nipple, causing her to press harder into Layla’s pussy.

“Layla, Oh my god! Your clit is huge. I can feel it in my pussy lips.”

Layla’s hips buck to their own movement. Her ass cheeks stroke my cock as she sways back. Marcy’s hand is now still and Layla’s hips are doing all the movement.

I reach one hand between the two beauties in front of me and grab hold of Layla’s right breasts. I kneed and pinch her nipple as she gyrates and releases her cries of pleasure. Marcy watches my hand and presses her free breast to hers. I touch both breasts in one hand. 

Marcy opens her mouth and reaches for my mouth. She kisses me hard as she moans in my mouth. Layla reaches one hand to wrap around both our faces and presses her face against ours. She kisses my cheek as I kiss Marcy and then kisses Marcy’s neck. The contact of Layla’s lips on her neck causes Marcy to open her mouth and breath-in hard. She squeezes my cock hard in her hand. Layla feels the tensing behind her and presses her head back on my chest, exposing her breasts to Marcy. Marcy leans over and takes Layla’s large nipple in her mouth and sucks on it. Layla screams, “Yes, suck my nipples hard.”

Marcy releases her mouth and looks at her. “Grind your pussy on mine. I want to feel you cum on my pussy.”

Layla looks at Marcy as she places her mouth back on her nipple. “I want you to make Eric cum at the same time.”

The powerful thrusts of each woman causes me to get closer to the end. I feel My cock start to fill with heat and I know I will be cumming soon. The girls are starting to slow down but increase the strengths of their grinding. They are about to cum as well.

The vibration sounds coming from Marcy’s pussy subsides as her pussy clenches on the vibrator. Her legs seize and Layla grips her closer to her chest. Layla lets a scream out. “Ahhhhh! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” is all she can say as she cums. 

My cock explodes between Layla’s ass and Marcy’s hand. My cum shoots straight up in the air and lands its sticky self on Layla’s back. 

As we each cum together, we hold each other tightly trying to gain our breaths. I am the first one to say something. “I need to lay down.” In a euphoric smile the girls look at each other and smile. We all lay down on the floor. Layla lays on her stomach as my cum is all over her back. Her legs are still tense and she brings them up to stretch her quads. 

She reaches to her back and dips a finger in my cum. She brings her finger to her mouth and sucks the cum off. “Mmmm.” 

Marcy grins and looks at her, “I don’t know why you take it from there, the source is on Eric’s body.”  As she says this. She grabs my cock, still hard from cumming, and takes the whole thing in her mouth. Her tongue swirls around, cleaning every drop of jizz of with her mouth.

“Mmmmm. Yes that looks good, Marcy.”

Marcy releases my cock as Layla crawls over. Holding my cock, Marcy feeds it to Layla. Layla has a smaller mouth but licks my cock clean as well. Marcy then bends over and starts licking Layla’s back for my cum as Layla keeps licking and sucking my cock. With each lick, Marcy doesn’t swallow, but brings it back to my cock and lets it drop on the surface. Layla then sucks it in. they take a few minutes swapping my cum for each other as I lay there. Trying to catch my breath. Once they are done they come join me, each one takes a side in my arms. 

After a few quiet minutes, Layla says, “I think the coffee is ready but since we are like this, who’s up for some wine. It’s five o’clock somewhere, right? 

“Oh yes, wine sounds wonderful, thank you,” I say as I try to catch my breath and realise what just happened. I made a stranger cum on a train, basically had threesome with the same woman and another, and now I’m uptown, naked on a floor, about to have wine. 

Marcy sits up, “What about the hot tub? Can we go in there too?”

Layla smiles and sits up as well. “I told you guys to make yourself at home, right? Let’s go in it.”


To be continued...


Written by Dukeofkingston
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