Love stroll.
Part 3
Saturday AM
Anna's eyes fluttered open; the room was still dark, the sun barely up yet. She felt it again, the now-familiar need and hunger between her legs, the wetness that had flooded its way into her world and consumed it. She sighed, a sound full of longing. She slid her hand down through her cleavage, her fingers brushing against her clit, already swollen and sensitive. She smiled, a lazy, slow curve of her lips, as she began to rub out; her body was already humming with need. Her mind thought about the new skimpy clothing she wore to the walk last night, how revealing and clingy it had been. She had ignored the others' stares and looks, except for Zayid; she had smirked when his eyes had widened upon seeing her; she thought his reaction had been cute and somewhat flattering.
Anna sat doing her makeup; she leaned into the mirror, and as she did, she recognised and loved how her cleavage looked in her new black lace underwear, a complete change from what she would have dared to wear when married to her wife, Marie.
Anna nervously ran her lipstick-stained finger around her mouth, checking for any smudges; she pouted her freshly applied lipstick lips with a smack into her reflection, and she blew herself a small kiss in the reflection she had been so admiring; she quickly removed her hairband that was stopping her long brown hair from cascading over her face so she could make herself perfect for her coffee with Zayid.
She had fretted about what to wear for what felt like hours, settling on a low-cut black and gold top that hugged her tit perfectly and a pair of tight, ripped skinny jeans; she had worn them the night before as a trial run, and she had worn loads of outfits in preparation, but she was now happy with her choice, out of the fifteen or more she had tried.
Strolling into her living room, she put on her large gold hoop earrings, something more in-your-face than she normally wore. She had noticed Zayid had looked at a woman the same shade as himself in the park. Anna had noticed the woman's earrings first about her appearance.
As she walked, she glanced at the clock; plenty of time, but she was so nervous of being late.
She stepped into her black heels, knowing they would be uncomfortable but deciding appearances should come first today, or comfort, impressions were to be made, well, second if she counted her orgasm; she giggled at the realisation of how cheeky her mind was working today.
Anna slung on her leather jacket and grabbed her bag.
She arrived at the coffee shop, her heart pounding in her chest, as she waited outside. She felt like time had stopped as she kept checking her expensive watch.
The idea he might not show scared her.
She paced, her heels clicking on the sidewalk, her breath misting in the cool air. Then she saw him, striding towards her, his face set in a determined line.
“You’re late,” she wanted to say, but never dared.

He shrugged. “Hi.”
She raised an eyebrow and bit back her retort. “Well, you’re here.”
“Yes, I am.” He smiled, a slow curl of his lips that sent a shiver down her spine.
Awkwardly, she leaned in to hug him, leading the way into the coffee shop. Aware of his eyes on her ass, she wiggled as she moved, slightly lifting her leather jacket to allow him.
She ordered them both coffee, the barista's eyes flicking between them, an unspoken curiosity as Anna paid, then made her way over to Zayid, who had taken a seat by the window.
Anna watched as Zayid removed his jacket, his shirt loose across his chest, the thin, worn fabric washed out with age.
She noticed how his eyes darted around the room; Anna removed her jacket slowly, intending to catch his attention, before finding his line of sight settling on her, his gaze intense on her cleavage; Anna was now very happy with her choice of top.
"So," she began, her voice low as she placed her jacket on a spare chair. "I'm so glad you agreed to come; it's nice to meet outside of the group environment."
"Yeah, just you and I," he said.
"Yes, just you and I." She repeated. "I like that," she told him, sincerity in her voice.
Zayid gave her a half smile, his eyes never leaving her cleavage. "I like your top, Anna," he said, his voice low and husky.
Anna blushed, but she felt a thrill at his words. "Thank you, this old thing? It was just hanging around my wardrobe." She murmured, her voice barely audible as she placed her elbows on the table and leaned forward, encouraging his eyes.
Their coffees arrived.
Anna took a sip, her eyes still on Zayid as she waited for the waitress to leave.
The pair made small talk; Anna repeatedly drifted off into sexual thoughts about him and had to pretend like she had heard his every word.
As they finished their second coffee, which Anna had paid for, Zayid said it was time to go. Anna felt a worry set over her, not wanting their catch-up to end.
She looked around the coffee shop, noticing it was beginning to fill up with people. She bit her lip, her eyes darting back to Zayid. "Listen, if you want, we could... I mean, I don't know if you have plans, but we could go back to my place." She blurted the words out, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Zayid looked at her, his dark eyes unreadable. "Your place?" he asked, his voice low.
Anna nodded, her heart pounding in her chest, feeling like a silly little girl waiting for an answer. "Yeah, you know, just to hang out. So we can talk a little longer." She shrugged, trying to play it cool.
Zayid studied her for a moment, his eyes flicking over her face and her body. He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright. Let's go to your place."
They both walked to her house. Without her heels, she was taller than him, but with them, she towered over him. it annoyed her as he would never be able to appreciate her cleavage from his view, Anna made a note that she would make up for it when they got back to hers.