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Edge Of Bliss - Part 2

"Her first handling of a cock results in an exceptionally good outcome."

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Second Lesson

The next day, Dani woke unexpectedly at the beginning of the morning twilight.  She had a hot dream come sadly to an end, ironically because she was feeling uncomfortably warm in bed. Wearing her camisole and panties and a thin sheet over top was too much for the muggy summer night.

She normally would wear something each night to preserve her modesty, but the idea of sleeping naked had occurred to her recently.   Summertime was a good time to be naked while sleeping, and being naked also made it easier to engage in self-pleasure.   Despite her extended shower of the previous day, including abundant use of the shower wand, Dani was horny again, thinking about her lesson of the previous day. She started imagining how Jim might have starred in the dream that ended too soon. She flung aside the sheet and shed all her coverings.  Her thoughts, and hands wandering all over her erogenous zones, led to a beautiful release. Easily, she fell asleep again.

Waking fully naked on the bed, Dani found she had slept in longer than usual.  She dressed and went to grab some breakfast. 

Her Aunt May, already sitting at the table sipping coffee, smiled and asked, “How was your sleep last night? Were you warm enough?”

“I feel well rested. Maybe I was a bit hot in the middle of the night.”

“I looked in on you when I first got up.  Didn’t want to wake you.  I see you are getting used to relaxed cottage life, and not so worried about what your mom might think is right.  I often sleep in the buff, too.  It feels natural.”

Dani was blushing a little.  Her aunt seemed so much more relaxed.  Maybe Dani could confide in her about recent events, without news getting back to her mom.

Dani was certainly keen to start her morning walk.  Again, her initial steps were prompt, out to the access road, down to the second drive, and with a quick check everything was clear, she jogged down towards Jim’s cabin.  Arriving on his deck, she found the door was a little ajar behind the closed outer screen door. 

Gently, she rapped on the screen door frame.  No one came to greet her.  Feeling bold, she tried the screen door, and found it unlocked.  Opening the door enough to stick her head in, she could hear a shower running.  She decided to enter, as it was better than loitering outside and possibly being seen.  Once inside, she made sure the screen door closed silently behind her. 

The shower sound soon stopped.  About thirty seconds later, Jim walked out, his towel over his head as he dried his hair, but otherwise he was completely naked.

Dani was pleased she had caught him well prepared for the day’s lesson. “Good morning.”

“What!!” Jim exclaimed, as he frantically tried to cover up.  Dani began laughing. 

Jim wrapped the towel around his waist.

“You scared the crap out of me!  I didn’t really recognize your voice at first. Do you always break in and sneak up on naked men in the shower?”

“I’m sorry. The door was open a little…and I thought I should not be out in the open for long, in case I was seen.”

After a heavy sigh, he said, “It’s OK. I just was not expecting you this early.”

“I’ve already seen everything anyway.” Dani said with a big smile. 

“True… Just let me put something on….”  Jim stopped mid-sentence when Dani closed the distance between them.  She reached out to take hold of the edge of his towel around his waist.

“We could save a little time,” Dani said, looking into Jim’s eyes with affection.  “I remember yesterday’s lesson started with you dressed. We could skip a few steps and jump to the part where I help you… get naked.”  Speaking her final words,Dani slowly tugged on the towel, causing it to come loose and fall to the floor.  A somewhat damp but totally naked Jim was amused by her boldness.

“Mmmm.  I see you are already jumping ahead a few more steps,” Dani added, noting Jim’s cock was already hardening up.  “A teacher of mine said one learns first by ‘watching’, then by ‘doing’.  So, I thought today I’d go over yesterday’s lesson again as the doer.”

Jim’s cock was soon at full attention, without even being touched. Dani, staring down at it with a smile, reminded him, “If I am to ‘do’ instead of just ‘watch’ today, can I …touch it… with my hands?”

“Yes.  I’ll let you know if you are doing anything wrong.”

“Good.  I’ll sit on the couch, like yesterday.”

Dani went to sit on the edge of the couch. Jim stood about a foot and a half away, facing her. With him already hard, she was right at eye level, staring at his beautiful fully erect cock.

Gingerly, she took just one finger, and gave the head a little poke.  Predictably, his cock waggled a little and bounced right back.  Then, she took her fingertip, and gently caressed down the veined underside of the shaft.  Jim gasped, “Ohhhh…”. Dani giggled.

She slowly raised a hand and gently grasped his shaft.  Her fingers of one hand could barely fully wrap around due to his impressive girth.  Grasping the shaft gently, her hand held still.  She could feel how a cock pulsated, how warm it felt, for the first time ever.

Giving it a little squeeze, she commented, “It feels so warm, with soft skin on the surface, but so very hard inside.”  How it got so hard and stayed that way was a mystery to Dani, but she loved now knowing what it was like to take one in hand.

Just the fact that Dani was now touching him, talking about his cock, had Jim already breathing faster.  He had to resist the temptation to suggest to her what to do, to put his hand over hers, or put his hand on her head to guide her.  He intended to stay passive, and let her play with her new toy..

Dani, still gripping his shaft, started slow strokes up and down.  “I recall you doing this… and liking it,” Dani said with a smile, looking into Jim’s eyes. Jim made a soft low moan.  Just to be sure, she asked, “Is this good?”

“Yes,” Jim sighed.  “Stroking is best started slowly and gently, exactly like you are doing it now. Then, over time, you either build it up, or change it up.  Never do too much of the same thing for too long, or the excitement won’t grow, and it may in fact diminish.  You could try instead a changed grip, some longer strokes, or go a little faster… or other things.”

Jim did not want to elaborate too much on the “other things” until Dani had mastered using her hands.

After twenty strokes, Jim’s breathing suggested he was maybe close, so she let him go.  Concentrating her gaze on his bulbous head for a few seconds, she then caressed it with the lightest touch of one fingertip, especially along the edge of the corona.  She remembered to be very gentle with her touch until she could get some lubricant. Jim was not pulling away, and instead was breathing harder, occasionally giving a little low moans. She felt from Jim’s feedback that she must’ve been using just the right touch intensity.

Her other hand took hold of his shafts, while her finger continued to gently caress the head.  Seeing Jim’s buttocks tense as his pelvic muscles made his cock twitch, Dani let go once more.

After a pause, Dani took his shaft between thumb and forefinger, and gently pulled it a little to either side while examining him below his shaft. With her free hand, she poked gently at one testicle, then the other, at which point Jim asked her to be very gentle, to treat them like delicate empty Easter eggs.

“If you are too rough with them, you won’t break them, of course, but it could hurt like hell.”

She very gently prodded each testicle some more, noting how they had some freedom of motion within the sac, but when she took her hand away, one would naturally hang a little lower than the other.

There were a few fuzzy short hairs on the sac that she stroked gently, to Jim’s delight. Jim often groomed himself to be free of most pubic hair, but he had about a week of growth on his sac, because it was more difficult to keep his sac hairless. There was just enough fuzz to feel pleasantly stimulating when Dani ran a finger through it.

Dani returned her two hands around the shaft, gripping it like a baseball bat, starting just below the corona.  Gentle tugs elicited faster breathing and soft, low moans.  Soon, a drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip.  Dani touched the drop with her index finger, then rubbed together her finger and thumb. Not unlike some of her own secretions when she was excited, she found it felt very slippery.  She was already wet from feeling Jim and seeing his reactions.

A much bigger drop of pre-cum oozed out after another edging cycle of a dozen strokes, so Dani continued her grip on the shaft with her left hand, while her right index finger spread the pre-cum all over the head of Jim’s cock.  Circling the corona elicited even louder moans and a lot of twitching.  Again, Dani thought it wise to stop, leaving Jim perilously near to cumming

“How am I doing?”

“Fantastic!  Your hands feel so good,” Jim panted.

Another drop of pre-cum appeared.  Dani took that one on her finger tip, and started gently teasing Jim’s frenulum.

“Uuuuughh ohmygod!” 

Dani quickly took her hands away, and after a few heavy sighs, Jim explained, “That was close!  Someone else’s touch is ten times more exciting than touching yourself.  Masturbating is something like being tickled.  It’s not as much fun to tickle yourself as is having someone else tickling you.  Not only is it easier to do, but the results are much more intense.

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Dani took Jim’s cock in her two hands again, and started stroking it, saying, “I like the way you are reacting to my touch. It’s almost as exciting for me as it is for you.”  Her words and touch brought Jim close to exploding again.  This time she stopped the stroking, but maintained a soft grip.  His cock’s throbbing pulse was quite noticeable.

Just for fun, she then gave his cock a good squeeze, then another, and then another. Jim groaned.  Dani giggled.  Jim was reminded by Dani’s squeezes how it felt to him when his first lover orgasmed while riding cowgirl.

Giving Jim another edging cycle of a dozen strokes before stopping, the pre-cum was now abundant.  Dani took one of her two hands from his shaft to cup the head and twist the pre-cum all over it.  Jim let out a loud groan, almost exploding from the intensity of her touch.  Dani let both hands go.  “Mmmmm, maybe a bit too much?” she asked.

Jim panted, ”Just right!  You sure learn fast!”

Jim explained, “Just remember, please, if I cum sooner than you’d like, it’s never a failure on your part. You haven’t done anything wrong.   When I feel it is unstoppable, I’ll try to let you know. 

Dani recalled how she had tried some edging herself.  As often happens with edging, you unintentionally tip over into orgasm sooner than you might want to, and the orgasm you get is not as intense as it could be.  All it takes is one especially hot thought, and its too much to avoid the inevitable finish, which is either so-so, good, or mind-blowing.

Dani continued edging Jim.  It was challenging for her to sense Jim’s exact level of excitement as it was already quite high.  If anything, she would back off a little too soon.  Jim reassured her that it was all good fun, regardless.  But she did love occasionally timing it perfectly, stopping and releasing her hands just an instant before Jim let out a huge groan, without orgasming.

Jim wanted to prepare Dani for his eventual release, but he also wanted to help her know exactly how close she got him to orgasm, know when she should stop exciting him if she wanted him to be deliciously teased to the edge several times. “When I say ‘Stop’, let go immediately and stop all stimulation.  But if I say ‘GO,’ think of it as the final sprint to the finish line.  Keep going with whatever exciting thing you were already doing, to you will help me to cum long and hard.  OK?”

“Got it.” 

Dani wanted to experiment a little as she edged him, backing off, but restarting only after a shorter pause to deliver a smaller burst of five intense strokes.  Jim almost seemed to be in agony. She had Jim’s orgasm under her total control, and she could see he was absolutely loving every second of being close, but not yet over, the cliff edge.  She felt intensely empowered, knowing she was the one making Jim feel so good, maybe even better than he could ever make himself feel.

Seeming to prepare for his finish, she shifted herself a little sideways, so as not to be in the direct line of fire for his ejaculate.  But that was part of the tease, letting him think he would finally get his release.  No way! It was so much fun already, she wanted to tease him some more.

Seven more edges, and Dani was ready to trigger Jim’s explosion. After a longer pause, Dani began with slow, little strokes. She increased the frequency and depth of the strokes as she detected each incremental increase in Jim’s excitement. When it seemed like she might back off one more time, Dani said simply “Go time!” and tried to give his cock fast and furious strokes in her little hands, never intending to stop until she had finished him. 

Jim screamed as he came with tremendous intensity, seemingly in multiple waves of pleasure.  Some of the many globs of cum he expelled managed to land on Dani.

By the time Jim almost doubled over, his balls long since drained, Dani simply stopped her movements, but kept a soft motionless grip on his cock. She could feel the final few orgasmic muscle spasms, though there was no cum left to expel.  ‘’

Panting hard, Jim straightened up and gently placed his hand over Dani’s, signalling she could let his cock go.

She noted the abundance of sperm coating her hand, and the few far flung globs that had hit her upper arm.  She was unaware that a glob had also hit her left cheek until it had cooled down a bit from Jim’s body temperature.  With her finger, she wiped the shot off her cheek and brought it close to her nose, rubbing it between her index finger and thumb to confirm its inoffensive scent and texture.

“Wow!   Just… wow!!” were the only words Dani could say.

Jim took several tissues from the nearby tissue box, then took her sperm-laden hand gently in his, to help wipe up most of the mess.  He handed her a couple more tissues so she could finish cleaning up on her own.

Having left his cock until it was the last thing to be wiped up, Jim was pleasantly surprised to feel Dani reach for his shrinking member to wipe his cock with tissues.  It gave her a great opportunity to see the final resolution of a man’s orgasm.

“Can I get cleaned up, please, in your bathroom?”

“Of course. You probably know your way.” 

Jim followed Dani into the bathroom.  She started washing her hands in the sink, and could see Jim’s heavenly naked body in the mirror slowly moving up close behind her.  Holding a washcloth in one hand, he momentarily wetted a corner of it in the running water stream.  Dani watched his reflection as he gently dabbed her cheek where his cum had landed.

They stared deeply into each other’s eyes in the mirror, silently, before Dani spun around and gave Jim a long-lasting, huge hug, ending up with her hands caressing his tight buns and pulling him into her still-clothed body.  Feeling his warm nakedness almost in shin-to-skin contact with hers, she knew then that this was a man that could teach her everything. 

Jim regretted ending the hug.  They again looked into each other’s eyes as they parted, and Jim said, “Today, you really deserve an A plus.  Well done!”  Then, he dia quick check of her clothing in case he’d manage to transfer any more of his sperm onto her clothes during their hug.

Soon, Dani was heading out the door, and again, deep in thoughts of the day’s events as she hurried back to her aunt’s place.

Leaving Jim’s place after this second lesson was harder than before, but Dani was feeling like she had to slow things down. Feelings for Jim were potentially creeping in, yet she knew it would only be a limited time she would be staying at her aunt’s cottage.  She did not want to have all the good times dampened by having a broken heart. She tried to remain pragmatic, rationalizing to herself that he was not “Mr. Right”, but he was definitely “Mr. Right Now”. Her body’s reactions that day said something entirely different.

The most important feeling she had from that day’s lesson was empowerment– knowing she could excite a man, and it was personally exciting too.  In the shower that soon followed the conclusion of her walk, holding a shower wand in her hand was symbolic of the beautiful, warm hard thing she had been playing with.   Play with it she did, until satisfied multiple times.

After Dani’s long shower, her Aunt May gave her a little wrapped present.  Dani eagerly opened it, to see it was a new mobile phone.

“It’s for graduating with such high marks. I’ve arranged for you to have unlimited data too.  Your mother might not approve, but you will need it when you go to university.  There’s a big world out there to explore, and I know how much you like learning, so here’s your way to find out about everything you might have wondered about.  But be careful!  Not all of what you read or see is good.  Be sure to ask people you trust with experience, to help you find the truth.” 

Someone like Jim, Dani thought.

Dani’s aunt then sat with her just long enough to give Dani guidance on how to unlock her phone and use basic functions, including the browser.  Aunt May knew Dani’s intelligence and curiosity would do the rest, to open her eyes to things she should have seen, learned, and experienced by now, had her sister, Dani’s mother, not held Dani back.  Dani deserved better.   She might otherwise be at risk of getting hurt due to her naiveté, especially now that she was a beautiful young woman, soon to be leaving home to further her education.

Dani soon was amazed by browsing “A Dozen Incredible Health Benefits of Masturbating.”  Then her mind was totally blown by “18 Things He’s Secretly Dying For You to Try In Bed”.  Happily, she discovered she had already tried items 5, 7, and 9 on the latter list.  She knew which two other ‘things’ on that list she wanted to try in tomorrow’s lesson.

That evening, recalling the day’s events, Dani did not hesitate to touch herself as soon as she could get in bed, totally naked.  A beautifully long and satisfying night’s sleep resulted.  She might have made a little too much noise due to the intensity of her orgasm, but she was beyond caring.

Aunt May smiled, hearing an orgasmic moan through the thin walls as she was still awake, reading her novel in bed. Relieved, she knew that her niece would probably be OK after all.

Written by MorePleasin
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