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Discovering "M-Group" Fun

"Couple Experience Group Masturbation For The First Time"

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"Oh - I'm not sure I could do that!"

That was my first response when my husband Ray told me about it. True, we both liked new experiences and discoveries - but I didn't know if I could do this.

"There's no contact at all?"

"Correct, that's how it works."

As soon as Ray told me more, I knew we'd want to try it. It was outrageous. And so unusual. But the mix of fear and excitement and total outrageousness hooked me. 

Ray was so good at digging and finding interesting things that weren't widely advertised. We knew this would be outside the bounds of a Meetup Group. Ray, however, found that there were some other groups. People who might be interested just had to know where to look, and then had to take steps to pursue participation.

Ray's persistence in researching the possibilities had led him to "M-Group." He had already contacted the coordinators who had answered lots of questions. The sensitive nature of the group requires potential participants to pass a thorough screening process. Ray had talked with the coordinators to get the information we needed in order to decide. If we wanted to join a session, we'd first be vetted in person at a public location. 

Although somewhat skittish, I agreed to meet with Will and Beth at a local coffee shop to see if this was some sort of creepy thing. Ray and I met Will and Beth on a Wednesday night after work. I was instantly charmed by Beth's warmth and her smile. I don't know if I had expected less, but she was so easy to connect with. Will was a real gentleman, going out of his way to show his sincerity.

They told us that even though their group wasn't advertised, they still received queries from crazies and creeps. They told us how they, as a couple around our age, sought fun but safe experiences and started the local group after reading about a similar one in a distant city. Will explained that it wasn't always easy to detect the genuine people from the merely curious types. The group would not function if the participants weren't willing to join the fun.

Beth told us one of the most important factors in the operation of the group was the clear restriction that there be no physical contact of any kind. This, she said, keeps everyone on the same mindset and also makes women know they are 100% safe. 

Will told us that he and Beth usually go home and discuss potential group members, but the two of them had signaled during our conversation that we would be perfect for the experience. He said the regular meetings included five couples, for a total of ten people. He and Beth were included in that count.

Beth explained that their living room was just large enough to accommodate this size group - and she also said they'd discovered it is more intimate with five couples. She said they always enjoyed introducing new people to the group, and that each gathering usually included two new couples, along with three "experienced" couples. This mix, she said, strikes a good balance.

Will went on to explain that so far their vetting process had been well worth the effort, with every new member quite happy with the group. Of course, the nature of the group required some rather frank explanations, along with some frank questioning of the two of us. I guess we answered everything correctly.

Ray and I were both impressed with Will's and Beth's friendliness. We were given instructions on where they lived, along with their phone numbers, which we were encouraged to call with any questions or concerns.

I was more and more excited as Saturday evening approached. I spent the rest of the week in a mix of excitement and fear. I would never have thought of such a thing just a short time ago - yet here I was ready to do it. Would I look stupid? Would I freeze up?

On Saturday I made sure I looked as good as possible, although Beth had told me not to work too hard in that regard. She said all sorts of people participate, and that it was not a "perfect body" contest. I did want to look nice, though.

We arrived about 7 pm as instructed and were welcomed by Will at the front door. He led us to the large kitchen where snacks and drinks were set out. In our excitement, we had arrived a bit early and were the first couple.

Beth assured us three more were on their way. I heard the doorbell and looked out to see another car had arrived.


The next couple were quite a few years younger than us and told us this was their first time in the group. Despite the age difference, this gave us something in common from the start. They told us they had never even thought a group such as this existed and were excited to try it out. The "no-contact" aspect especially appealed to them. They were Morgan and Derek, and hearing their names confirmed their youthfulness. We chatted and ate a snack, though I think the snack served only as a crutch to help calm our jitters.

In just a few minutes, two more couples arrived. One couple appeared a little older than us, and the last couple seemed to be our age. Beth said the full group was now present and that she'd go over some preliminaries. First and foremost, there will be no contact.

The other two experienced couples nodded and said this was key to the enjoyment of the group. They had been here several times and always appreciated this rule. They said they were not looking for something else and this keeps things 100% safe and fun.

Beth took us into the family room where a large sectional sofa, two love seats, and several comfortable-looking chairs were arranged in a large oval.

Since none of us "newbies" had talked with experienced members ahead of time, Will went on to explain how the activity proceeded. He said there would be five ten-minute segments. At the end of each segment, the men would change places - or rotate - while the ladies would remain in place. Will said it was important that the ladies remain comfortable and that the guys could deal with the change more easily.

Will told us there would be brief stories, or vignettes, pre-recorded and playing through the speaker system. He said at least one of the stories is in two segments and would therefore continue after the men change locations. 

Beth told us she and Will, as hosts, would take the lead on removing clothing and would both be nude during the first segment. She said we participants could remove clothing as slowly or as fast as we felt the urge - but that we were all expected to be nude by the end of the third segment. This, she said, would allow full freedom during the final two segments totaling twenty minutes.

Beth and Will had, of course, confirmed ahead of time that all participants were comfortable being naked around other people. Usually the group members are already social nudists with no hangups about being seen naked.

When Ray and I had met Will and Beth beforehand, the first thing I thought about Will was that I'd like to see him naked. He had an outdoorsy, experienced look about him that was appealing to me.

Beth told us that since we didn't know the other couples, people usually start the evening facing their partner, though this isn't a rule or requirement. We decided to follow her advice. I picked a spot on the love seat and Ray sat across from me in a chair that might not have been as comfortable as he'd prefer.

Before things got started, Will explained to the men that they would want to go slowly and delay excessive excitement, considering the nature of the activity and the fifty-minute duration. The guys chuckled and Ray made a comment about how lucky the ladies were, as they didn't have to concern themselves with things happening too quickly. 

When Will had received assurance that everyone was comfortable, he used a remote control to start an audio recording that played through the speakers. It was a woman's voice. She began to narrate a story that seemed somewhat bland at first, but after a minute it was obvious that the plot could become quite interesting.

At about five minutes in, things were happening that began to have some effect on Ray and me. I looked over where Will and Beth were sitting, and they both had removed some of their clothing. I could feel that familiar tingle, but I still wasn't ready to show any reaction. Ray was smiling at me because he could sense my slight arousal The bulge in his pants was obvious as well, though he just sat there listening.

Near the end of the first ten-minute story, Beth was wearing only her panties and was touching herself through her panties. Seeing this began to make me feel even more aroused. The others in the room were looking around at one another - and then at Beth and Will to see what they, as the leaders, were doing.

There was an especially erotic scene at the end of the story, and that's when Will removed his boxers, revealing a thoroughly stiff dick. Will made the announcement that the men would now rotate to the next chair.

I waved goodbye to Ray as he changed seats and said hello to James as he took Ray's place across from me. James and Kim were one of the "experienced" couples we'd met earlier over snacks. James hadn't removed any of his clothing just yet.

After about thirty seconds, Will started the next story. This story was narrated by a man with a rather sexy-sounding voice. Hearing his voice - and then hearing the first couple of minutes of the story - caused me even more feelings of arousal. I crossed my legs tightly to provide some pressure where I felt I needed it. The others in the room were also feeling the same, because Beth stood up and removed her panties, now totally nude.

James, sitting across from me, began rubbing his penis through his pants. This only caused me more arousal, so I bit the bullet and stood up to remove my pants. I didn't think I could get naked just yet but the pressure was building to release some of the tension between my legs.

James must have sensed my relief because he also removed his pants. I looked across the room and saw that Will, who had already removed his boxers, had also taken off his shirt. 

The story progressed into a scene that was straight out of my imagination. I cautiously, but gently, touched my pussy through my panties. It felt like it was on fire down there! James was clearly interested in what I was doing, because he stared intently at my hands on my panties - causing his underwear to become quite tight.

Looking around the room, I saw that Ray already had his pants and undies off and was stroking his cock. He is quick to become aroused and loves to massage his meat.

I felt strange with my pants off but my top still on, so I went ahead and took it off. The intensity the story was causing was even making my breasts feel that familiar urge, so I pressed my hands against my bra to feel the exciting sensation, With James sitting across from me and staring, I might have felt some inhibition - but not too much.

I let myself go (partially) and went ahead and touched myself firmly through my panties. I was still afraid to take them off but it felt so good even with them on. James, in turn, took my lead and got out of most of his clothes as well. I thought he was the "experienced" one, but he had been waiting for me to get more comfortable.


The second segment was still not over yet, and I could see others removing more clothing. We were all there for the same thing, of course - and it seems all of us were sensitive to literary erotica and easily aroused. James - a man I'd met only half an hour earlier - was now playing with his penis as he looked at me and listened to the story being narrated.

Watching James was interesting: He played with his dick in a stretching motion, with long, slow pulls. He wasn't so much pumping or rubbing like most men, but instead was just firmly pulling it as if to make it longer. I was trying to focus on the narrated story but was also watching James with his penis. I know men are more visual than women, and I guessed we ladies were helping the men become more excited.

I could hold back no longer. My clitoris was boiling hot and needed direct pressure, so I obliged and put my hand inside my panties right where it needed to be. I had become so aroused that it was almost like an electric shock when my fingers began touching my pussy lips.

James held his dick a little tighter when he witnessed the look on my face. Segment two was almost over as my fingers went wild on my pussy, bringing myself to a powerful orgasm. My body shivered and shook and the feelings inside were fantastic. I had never before sat and played with my pussy in front of anyone other than my husband, but I was loving this.

Across the room, I saw Beth doing the same. She had told us earlier that she was easily aroused and reached orgasm quickly. A few of the others were nude by now, and others were partially undressed. 

Beth stood up and said it was time for the men to change places again, and she reminded us that we should all be nude by the end of the upcoming third segment. She also said she was happy to see the recorded stories were having the desired effect. As she stood, this was the first time I'd seen her naked. She had nice, rounded breasts and a nice figure. Ray would probably have said her thighs were a bit large, but I didn't think so. I thought they looked very nice, though my eyes kept returning to her unusually round breasts. They were not huge, but firm and pretty.

I had been so absorbed in the story - and in looking at James' dick - that I hadn't looked around much to take notice of the others in the room. 

As segment three began, Derek, the younger man who was here for the first time, sat down across from me. We had chatted only briefly during our introductions. He had seemed somewhat shy earlier. I was now topless but still wore my panties and hadn't fully relaxed after my orgasm. Derek was shirtless but still wore his jeans.

Beth told us segments three and four were actually one story, so I knew this would be longer. It was an unusual story at the start - and looking around the room I could see the men were more aroused by this than the ladies were. Several of them were openly stroking their cocks, but not too rapidly. It was rather surreal seeing hard dicks all around me.

The scene in the story finally got to Derek and he pulled off his jeans. His cock was straining inside his underwear and he was massaging it through the fabric. With such a large age difference, I was a bit concerned that Derek would find an older woman not-so-interesting. He was so youthful and muscular - yet probably inexperienced in many ways. 

After a couple of minutes the scene in the story changed and I once again felt myself becoming aroused. Again, I rubbed myself through my panties, but it felt so confining that I knew I'd have to strip completely to get some relief. I finally raised my bottom enough to pull my panties off. Three of the other ladies had also done so by this time - and just as I removed mine, Derek took off his undies and let his gorgeous, thick cock spring free.

Seeing that caused me even stronger sensations. I guess I hadn't seen a young man's penis in a long time - and his was so thick I wanted to grasp it and feel it, but of course, that was not possible. He tugged on it gently as I touched my clitoris. I was still sitting "ladylike" with my legs together, afraid I'd look too forward if I spread them. I could feel my lips and was warming up my clit sitting like this, though not as easy as it would have been with my legs wide apart. 

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Near the end of this segment, I saw a few others getting out of the remainder of their clothing. The story became especially erotic at this point, and I looked across the room and saw Beth breathing heavily and going wild on her pussy. She was lying back on the other loveseat and had one leg flung over the back of the seat, causing her pussy to be open wide as they played with it. She was sliding a finger partway into her vagina while rubbing her clit vigorously with two fingers on her other hand.

Seeing this made me even more aroused, with the story scene plus the actual scene right in front of me. Beth made some whimpering sounds as her orgasm seized her. I think everyone in the room looked at her, and at least two of us ladies joined her in simultaneous orgasms. It looked as if every muscle in Beth's body tightened and relaxed as her body was overcome with pleasure. I almost spread my legs wide as I came, but I controlled myself (mostly).

As the end of segment three arrived, I scanned the room again just to observe the variety and diversity of people who were into this exciting activity. Derek's partner Morgan looked so young compared to the rest of us. She was just a bit chunky but still height/weight proportional. With her youth, she had the firmest breasts of all. I doubt her bottom was any firmer than mine, though. Ray was often pointing things out to me about other women, and I no longer pretended not to notice these things. I was anxious to hear the rest of this story to be told in segment 4, coming up next. 

I didn't have much time to relax, because the men changed places pretty quickly, I think they were all interested in hearing the rest of this particular story - and they were obviously excited at seeing how strongly we ladies were affected by the story so far.

Kevin was soon sitting across from me - and now that my panties were off I was completely naked and feeling hot and sexy all over. As soon as he sat down - and before the 4th segment began - he began looking directly at my pussy. He grasped his hard penis. He then looked up at my eyes and licked his lips. He looked again at my pussy and licked his lips in a wide motion, left, right, left.

Just thinking of this man putting his tongue on me immediately brought strong feelings to me - and finally the 4th segment began and we all listened. The beginning of this segment was rather tame, so the story wasn't instantly arousing, but with Kevin looking at me this way my need to be touched was overwhelming. I cupped one of my breasts with my left hand, pressing just enough to partially satisfy the ache. 

As expected, the 4th segment began to heat up. The characters from Segment 3 were beginning to do some shocking things. Things I might not have thought I'd be interested in - but were obviously causing me to reconsider. I could not deny the effect this story line was having. I finally could not resist, and opened my legs for better access to my sensitive genitalia.

Kevin grabbed his scrotum and squeezed his balls as he kept gently pumping his cock. Kevin's cock was no doubt the largest in the room. It looked almost as big around as my wrist. Wouldn't that be painful for a woman? (I'd like to find out) I could sense his straining not to go too fast and let it explode.

As the scene progressed, I was glad for the no-contact rule. I started thinking how I'd love to get up, walk across the space to Kevin, and sit right down on that massive cock. My need to be filled was roaring inside, yet I knew that was not to be. 

A little more than halfway through this segment, I didn't think I could prolong or delay my next orgasm. I could see the other women were all captivated by the story. Sheila, in particular, was engrossed vigorously. Not having done this in a group before now, I was somewhat surprised when she started screaming and trying to suppress her screams. She had her eyes closed and had the most intense look on her face. Everyone in the room watched as her body convulsed as she screamed again - then said, "Oops, sorry."

I had read something about "screamers" a long time ago but only now had I witnessed it. I think her screams super-charged everyone else because within the next thirty seconds, all the rest of the ladies had cum. Kevin again licked his lips as I came three times in a row - all within twenty seconds. With the intense erotica from the story, coupled with Kevin's tongue, I was more fired up than ever. Kevin's intent was obvious, and he had been successful in making my orgasms hotter than I could have imagined. 

I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but honestly, I think I was so charged by this time that I could have gladly invited any or all of the men in the room to fuck me. I suspect I'm not the only woman feeling this way at this point in the evening. I know my insides were aching with each touch of my fingers against my clit.

Heck, I was so fired up I might not have limited my imagination to the men. With a room full of aroused masturbating people, what would one expect? Without the restriction, an orgy could have broken out. 

Beth stood to ask if we were all having a good time - and every one of us emphatically said, "Yes!" She said it looked like the ladies approved of the stories so far, and told us the final segment was hopefully as interesting. She said the men would love this final segment because they'd have the pleasure of releasing all the pent-up energy they'd been keeping under control.

The men rotated to their new positions and we all prepared for Segment 5. Between each segment up to this point - when the men rotated - I had checked out each man as he stood to change places. This may have been the intent. I don't know. I enjoyed looking at those firm, long penises. Who wouldn't enjoy that? And since this time was the final opportunity to see the men so hard, I looked even more closely. Five men standing and walking to a different chair while hard was a wonderful scene for us ladies. 

The final segment of the evening began and we all settled back for one more round. I was getting pretty comfortable doing this. I never would have thought that would be the case, but it was. I was loving it. Was I some sort of exhibitionist at heart? Or just a tease? Whatever it was, I felt empowered and enjoying myself on my own. Boy, was I ever enjoying myself! My excitement at showing my genitals to total strangers was more than I'd have imagined - but here I was getting hot while someone watched me.

My partner in Segment 5 was Will, who was obviously experienced and had put so much into arranging the evening at his home.

We were about two minutes into segment five when I started thinking the story was familiar. Had I heard it before? I kept listening, and my arousal began slowly. The men had also relaxed just a little - but not for long. Shortly it became clear that the story was a story about exactly what we all were doing! The story being told described each of us and how we had discovered this very private group activity.

Using the information our hosts had gathered about us and our backgrounds and likes/dislikes, the hosts had written a story delicately and carefully telling about our desire to be members of this group. And then the narrator went on to accurately tell what we were all feeling as we participated. The story became even hotter when it began describing our activities with our partners after we returned home after the group activity. The narrator created wonderful scenarios for each couple.

This really got me going and made me feel a little voyeuristic, as if I were listening in on things the other couples were enjoying at home afterward. When the narrator began a scene that could have been describing ourselves, I felt even more excited as I thought about the others watching the two of us after we got home.

The creative storytelling was so good it even included possible conversations among the couples as they discussed other group members that especially intrigued them. How could the writer have known who I'd be so interested in? How could she/he be so accurate? How could she have known that the hosts - she and her husband - were truly the couple I would love to have another private session with, but with fewer rules and even more fun? 

It was during the 5th segment that I looked across the room and witnessed a most unusual thing. Kim, whom I'd noticed enjoying herself a few minutes ago, had turned herself around in her chair into a strange position. It was a relatively high-backed upholstered chair, and Kim was on her knees in the chair with her back to everyone else. She was reaching down to touch her genitals with her right hand while her left hand was holding on to the chair back. Her tits were pressed against the chair and her bottom was toward the others in the room.

I thought at first this was her way of showing her ass - but after a short time I could see her slowly moving her breasts back and forth slowly on the upholstery. She was getting some breast stimulation from the fabric on the chair as she pressed them against it. I'm sure the men were enjoying seeing her hot ass and her fingers working her pussy lips, but she was clearly getting some added stimulation through her nipples while she masturbated.

The story progressed, and she began moving her hips in an up and down motion and panting. She then took her hand off her pussy and gripped the chair back, causing her tits to rub the chair even more rapidly. She then let out a few soft moans as she reached a climax. I had never seen a woman reach such an orgasm with tit play in addition to pussy play.

With all of us so excited about the story and the predictions in the final segment, we again reached a sexual peak where it was impossible to prevent a strong orgasm. My tits became hypersensitive and the tingling inside built and built - especially after seeing what Kim had been doing with hers.

The men were working their dicks vigorously by now, and we ladies watched them all as closely as possible. We heard rapid breathing and then some groans as the men let themselves go and began cumming in quick succession. Will, my partner for this segment pumped semen all over his chest and stomach, and his dick seemed to keep twitching after he was spent. All these ejaculating men caused me to have one final orgasm as I imagined each of them pumping me in all sorts of positions.

Beth stood and said we could all hang around a while and talk about the evening after some cleanup. She said people usually prefer to remain naked after the main event, and then they dress before heading home. We all had another small snack and a drink, chatting about how much we enjoyed the evening - though not getting too specific.

Being with all the naked men when they were "at rest" was still interesting. This was such an unusual way to get to know people, and there was nothing creepy about it. The other "new" couple said they wanted to do this again as soon as possible. Morgan was even more enthusiastic than Derek. I think she enjoyed the older men lusting after her. I suppose any young woman would.

After "enjoying myself" with each of these men, I did feel as if I knew them well. I must say, though, that my earlier desire to see Will nude was occurring again now that we all were just chatting nude. I found myself looking at him across the room - and actually making an effort to talk with him directly. I feel truly desirable when people are looking at me naked, and it was thrilling to stand and talk with Will. Well, and with all the others.

As I talked with the others I couldn't help but envision them as I'd seen them just a short time earlier when they were up and hard. I didn't pay as much attention to the women, of course, but I still thought a little about their figures and their attributes as Ray and I talked with them. Each of the men told me it was nice to meet me and get to know me tonight. It was a new way to "get to know" someone else - and I loved it. 

We finally said our goodbyes and our good nights and headed home. 

Driving home gave us a few minutes to cool down after a most amazing evening. Ray is usually pretty frank with me, and it wasn't long before he started talking about the women. He said he thought all of them were interesting and fun. I expected him to ask me about my own comments about the guys - but he quickly launched into something he'd been holding back?

"Did you see her pussy?" 

"Whose pussy," I replied. 

"That delicious little Morgan's."

"No, I can't say I paid any attention to that. I did notice her firm breasts."

"Oh, you should have seen her from where I was sitting. Her pussy is gorgeous!" 

"Ray, she's at least twenty-five years your junior."

"I know. I didn't say I was going to do anything. But I'm sure she drove the guys crazy with that delicious-looking pair of lips. And her clit protruded perfectly. You’d love the gentle way she touched it. And the look on her face when she felt an orgasm approaching."

We were about halfway home and I reached over and felt of Ray's pants. He was developing a hard-on talking about Morgan's pussy. I love how honest he is about these things. 

"I want to do this again. I hope Morgan and Derek do too, and will be at our next event."

"I want to too, Ray. I'm not too particular about who is present, though."

My heart was still racing from all the excitement when we got home. Ray's description of Morgan had gotten him all worked up, and in turn, me as well. I was re-living the evening and growing moist again as we walked into our bedroom.

To get Ray fired up again, I asked him to tell me more about Morgan. As he went into a little more detail, I rubbed his cock through his pants. He was rock hard and I was wet. 

"Fuck me right now, Ray. No preliminaries. Just fuck me the way you know I was thinking while we were at Beth and Will's house."

I quickly stripped and ordered Ray to do the same. I backed up to our bed and lay down, spreading my legs. Pointing to my vagina, I said "Right there. Now."

Ray obliged and finished off the night the way Segment 5 described just how we'd finish it off. The narrator in Segment 5 hadn't specified which woman Ray would be talking about - but I guess it usually happens that there's some hot talk about some of the participants after the party is over. I kinda thought Ray would have mentioned Beth, but Morgan had gotten him hooked. 

The next morning, we awoke snuggling. "Did we really do that?" 

Ray responded, "It wasn't a dream." 

I said, "I'm dreaming of some fun with you. Tell me again what you liked so much about Morgan."

"Only if you'll tell me exactly what you want to do with Will."

Ray again described in detail certain things. Seeing him become excited again, and, honestly, noticing myself become excited, I tugged on Ray's penis until it was a hard shaft. Sitting up in the bed, I slowly sat down on it and engulfed it, clamping firmly.

"Let me sit here and tell you about Will." 

And I did. And we did. 


Written by tester0331
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