I was in my room trying to finish an essay when my mobile rang. I sighed when I saw it was Andy. I’d told him I had a deadline to meet, and he’d promised not to disturb me.
“I hope this is important.”
“It is, really important. You remember what you said this morning?”
“Erm, yes, but…”
“Well, I’ve got it sorted. But it has to be this afternoon.”
“Seriously? Right now, you mean?”
“Yeah. It’s the last chance you’ll get before the end of term. I know you’ve got an essay, but you said you really wanted to do it.”
“I do, yes. But who with, and where?”
“Just get ready, and I’ll tell you in the car. I’ll be with you in five minutes.”
I hung up. My essay would have to wait. If Andy really had fixed up my fantasy, I didn’t want to miss it. I remembered the conversation we’d had only that morning.
“Bukkake,” I’d announced, as I wiped Andy’s cum off my tits with my knickers.
“Bukkake. That’s what I want for my birthday. You were wondering last week what to get me, and that’s it.”
“Hm, I’ll have a look on Amazon, but I don’t think I’ll have much luck. Anyway, I thought you wanted some of that posh perfume you like.”
“Well, that too, of course, but seriously, you know how much I love cum. And the thought of having loads of guys jerking off all over me, it’s such a turn-on. Having all that sticky mess splashing all over my face and dripping down onto my tits.”
“Fuck, Annie, it’d be so hot to watch that. But seriously, I can’t think how I’d organise it. You can’t exactly put notices up around the Halls. ‘Men wanted for hot student bukkake session. Must have big cocks and loads of jizz’. I can’t see it going down that well with the college authorities.”
“Yeah, they’re such a bunch of snowflakes. And I don’t really care how big the men’s cocks are, as long as they’re good spurters.”
“I dare say. And I guess there must be loads of blokes who’d love to wank off over your tits. Maybe I should ask around in the bar tonight.”
“You do that. Tell them I want it dripping off my nipples by the time they’re finished.”
“Seriously, Annie, you’re just debauched.”
“You say the sweetest things, hun.”
“Okay, fill me in,” I said, strapping myself in as Andy pulled out into the road.
“Well, you know I was going to drive Lewis over to the rugby match this afternoon. His car’s off the road, remember? Anyway, I was telling him about your fantasy – I knew you wouldn’t mind – and he said the team had been talking about that very thing in the bar the week before. Maybe getting a girl for the Christmas Party. You know what the rugby guys are like. Not very PC, but a lot of fun if you like that sort of thing.”
“I think I see where this is going.”
“Exactly. Lewis said that if you wanted a bunch of fit guys to jerk off all over you, he was sure the First XV would be happy to oblige, especially as you’re pretty hot.”
“But today’s their last home game of the term, so unless you want to wait ‘til after Christmas, it has to be today. So anyway, I said I’d come straight over and pick you up, and he’d sort it out with the guys. If we do it in the changing rooms after the match, you can clean off in the showers afterwards.”
Just then his phone rang.
“Yes, I’m on my way. Yes, she’s with me. Yes, she’s looking forward to it. She says she hopes all the guys are well full of cum, ‘cos she’s dripping just thinking about it.”
“Cheeky fucker.”
“Well, you are, aren’t you?”
“Keep your hand off my skirt and your eyes on the road. I don’t want to end up wrapped round a big pole. Not yet, anyway.”
We arrived at the rugby club just after the match had finished. Most of the spectators had already headed off for the local pubs, and the ground staff were clearing up the discarded chip wrappers and beer cans.
“So, there’ll be fifteen of them?” I said as Andy parked the car.
“Well, fifteen as a minimum. Then there’ll be the substitutes, and maybe a couple of others who’ve come along to watch but are still part of the regular team. In fact, Lewis said there could be another five or six at least. So more than twenty.”
“You did ask me.”
“I know. I just didn’t think you would. But wow, it’ll be awesome. Anyway, do you mind me getting jizzed by a load of guys?”
“Just as long as you keep your knickers on. I did tell Lewis they shouldn’t assume it was an orgy. Strictly wanking and cumming on you. Though I did say you might suck some of them.”
“If they're big enough I might. Come on, let’s get over there. I don’t want to keep them waiting.”
Lewis was waiting by the changing room door with a big grin on his face.
“Hi, Annie,” he said. “Thanks for coming over so quickly. The guys are really looking forward to it. They’re always happy to help out a girl in need. I made sure they all had a shower first, so they’re as clean as fifteen rugby players ever can be.”
There was a pause. Then he went on.
“Actually, it’s a bit more than fifteen.”
“Yeah, Andy explained about the subs and all that.”
“Not just them. You see, the other team captain got wind of what we were planning, and he asked if his guys could join in. Well, I could hardly say no, they’re a great bunch. I hope that’s okay.”
“Fuck. Yes, of course.”
“Are you sure, Annie?” I think Andy was a bit worried I might change my mind. But the big grin on my face reassured him.
“Forty guys spunking all over me? Now I really am dripping. Come on, let’s not keep them waiting.”
I could hear the hubbub coming from the changing room as I walked down the corridor. Lewis motioned Andy and I to wait in the corridor while he went in first and told the guys what was going to happen. He laid down the rules: I’d keep my knickers on; there’d be no touching, except with their cocks, though I might suck some of them if they were lucky. Otherwise, they could jerk off wherever they liked - “especially on her tits.”
“Okay, Annie, we’re ready for you now!” I heard him say. I opened the door, and went in.
Even I was a bit shocked at how full the room seemed to be. Forty or so suddenly seemed like a hell of a lot. Most of the guys were still wet from the showers, and just wearing towels round their waists, though a couple of them near the front were already naked and stroking their erections. They were a fit crowd, as you can imagine: a nice mix of big, muscular, bulky forwards, and lighter wingers and backs. I was shaking slightly, but with excitement rather than nerves. This really was going to happen.
“Hi guys, thanks ever so much for agreeing to help out,” I said with a grin.
There were a few cheers and whistles, and one cry from the back of “Get ‘em off!”, which was quickly hushed. I was surprised at how disciplined they were, but I guessed they were used to that as a team, and of course rugby is famous for being a game for thugs played by gentlemen.
“Everyone ready?” I went on and without further delay pulled off my t-shirt. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so they straight away had a good look at my little tits. My nipples were rock hard with excitement already. There were plenty of appreciative noises. I then slipped off my short leather skirt, revealing my skimpy black thong underneath. There was a chair ready for me, so I sat down on it and looked around at them.
“Okay, guys, it’s over to you. Show me what you can do.”
Three guys from the front stepped forward first, having discarded their towels. They all had good-sized dicks and were stroking them keenly. Two had bushy pubes, but one was smooth and hairless. I saw a little dribble of pre-cum spurt over his hand.
“Can I have a suck?”
He smiled and came over, holding his dick in front of my face. I leant over and took the smooth head between my lips, tasting the little drop of salty liquid. I licked round the helmet, and then took as much of the shaft as I could into my mouth, sucking and slurping on it.
“Oh, fuck yes, that’s good,” he gasped. The other two guys were rubbing their dicks harder, and I could see that most of the rest were now masturbating as well. They began to form a semi-circle around me, a cordon of throbbing erections.
Then one of the two guys standing next to me began to moan.
“Here you are, love, I’m coming,” he breathed. I stopped sucking for a moment and turned to face him. His purple, shiny knob was facing straight at me, and as I watched a great loop of spunk shot out of the end and I felt it splatter across my cheek. A second warm, creamy rope went even further, spreading from my hair down my forehead onto my chin.

The guy whose dick I’d been sucking now pointed it at me as well. He was breathing faster and faster, before he too shot his load over my face; several warm, fresh, pungent spurts. A big string of goo hung over my left eye, and I carefully wiped it away.
The third man was rubbing his dick against my right boob, flicking my hard nipple with the tip. Then he ejaculated, most of his cum splattering over my tits. It looked so hot, slowly dribbling down the sides in little creamy rivers.
More of the guys had stepped forward now, dicks clasped in their fists. I reached out and took one in each hand, just for the fun of feeling the thick, warm, throbbing rods. Another bulging knob was pressed against my cheek, and I sucked the helmet into my mouth.
I was feeling so turned on. I’d only taken three loads of semen so far, and already the heady aroma was filling my nostrils. As I sucked and rubbed, I felt another warm splatter of ejaculate across my tits. Then one of the men whose dick I’d been rubbing took it from me, gave it a few more strokes, and shot his load over my face.
I saw another guy come over and begin to rub his dick in my hair. Maybe that was his kink. He seemed to be wrapping my hair right around his erection, and I could hear him mumbling with pleasure, then gasping and panting as he came all over my head.
Now the ejaculate was coming in buckets. It was so thrilling watching as cock after cock spurted great ropes of creamy jizz across my body. My tits were pretty much covered in it by now, and it was dripping off my chin onto my chest. I watched as one guy carefully spilled his load over one of my feet, and another shot several big thick dollops onto my thighs.
I spotted Lewis in the group, naked now and holding his dick in his hand.
“Hey, Lewis, come here,” I said, “thanks a lot for setting this up.”
“No problem, Annie, it’s not as if any of the lads were going to turn down something like this.”
I put Lewis’s knob in my mouth and gave it a good going-over with my tongue. I decided he deserved my party-trick, so I took a deep breath and sucked him right down my throat, his balls flopping against my chin. He fucked my mouth vigorously for a few minutes, before pulling out and shooting a massive quantity of cum over my face.
As Lewis was wiping the last drips of semen off his cock with my hair, four more rugby players gathered round me, two on either side.
“This is called synchronised cumming,” said one. “Are we ready, lads?”
“Just a sec, I’m not quite there,” said one of his mates, strumming at his banjo-string.
“Come on, Rob, look at Annie’s tits, that should get you off.”
“Oh, fuck, yeah, that’s it, okay guys. I’m there now.”
“Here we go then.”
They all gave their dicks a few quick strokes, then practically simultaneously they spurted their mess right up my body, splashing onto my tits and tummy. It was like a fancy fountain, but with semen instead of water. They high-fived each other across my cum-streaked torso, then stepped back to allow the next group through.
Not surprisingly, I was getting pretty turned on by now and couldn’t resist slipping my hand inside my cum-coated thong and giving my clit a quick rub. That made me feel even hornier, and I decided the guys deserved a treat for doing so well so far.
“Okay, lads, I’m going to show you a bit more,” I said, reaching down and pulling off my thong, letting them see my plump mound and tiny patch of bush. “You can cum on my pussy if you like, just no penetration, okay?”
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” said one naked guy with a cock that must have been nine inches long. He rubbed his dick up and down my thigh, pressing the smooth helmet into my firm flesh, before pointing his shaft at my pussy and coating it in creamy dollops. Several other guys followed his example, and soon my pussy was as creamy and sticky as the rest of me.
They really were very thorough, and by the time they were starting to slow down I really was well coated in creamy goodness. Some of it was thick and gooey, sticking in lumps to my tits and tummy, while some was thinner and more liquid, running down my body and dripping onto the floor. My bellybutton was a little lake of cum, and there was another pool of it between my tits. I’d had several more loads in my hair, and quite a lot down my legs.
I’d noticed Andy taking lots of pictures, which was great. I knew we’d have a lot of fun looking at them afterwards. But he was the only guy still fully clothed, and I couldn’t have that.
“Come on, Andy, strip off, you’ve not given me your load yet,” I said.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he laughed, undressing quickly. His dick was rock hard already.
Then I had an idea to finish the session in style.
“Come and fuck me,” I said. “I need a cock in me, and yours is the only one I want.”
This raised a cheer from the watching crowd.
“Come on mate, she deserves it,” said one, and Andy didn’t need asking twice.
A bunch of towels were thrown down onto the floor, and I lay back on them with my legs spread wide. Andy got down between my thighs and I guided his erect dick between my sticky pussy lips. Teasing him, I rubbed it up and down my slit, before easing his thick knob inside me.
“Fuck, Annie, you should see yourself,” he said as he pumped his dick in and out of my pussy, “you’re a total cum slut.”
“Mm, and you know you wouldn’t have me any other way.”
I pulled him down on top of me and kissed him, making sure he got to taste some of the semen that was smeared over my lips. Then I got him to lie down on the towels while I got on top and rode him.
Several of the lads were masturbating again, and I got a few more helpings of cum sploshed all over my body as I bounced up and down on Andy’s dick. As my little tits jiggled around, gobbets of cum were shaken off and flew into the watching crowd.
“I’m gonna cum now,” cried Andy, and I quickly jumped off him and let him shoot his load all over my face, adding to the mess already there.
That pretty-much brought proceedings to an end. All the guys came up with big grins on their faces and thanked me. I had a feeling this afternoon would be talked about at many boozy rugby club sessions for years to come.
One man introduced himself as the captain of the visiting team.
“This has definitely been the best match of the season,” he said. “The lads who weren’t here today are never gonna believe this. They’ll be green with envy.”
“I can’t promise the same next year,” I said, shaking his hand, “but do please come again.”
“Do you want to clean up before we go home?” asked Lewis, “You can use the showers if you like.”
But I was still feeling horny, and just washing all this lovely cum away so soon seemed like a bit of an anti-climax.
“No, I want to enjoy it for a bit longer. Is it okay if we just borrow a couple of towels so Andy’s car doesn’t get too messy?”
We laid out a big towel on the front seat of Andy’s battered old Golf, and I wrapped another round me so at least my tits and pussy were covered. My face was still covered in creamy spunk, and there was quite a lot dripping off my bare arms, so luckily we didn’t get stuck at too many traffic lights during the drive back.
I teased Andy by letting the towel drop down a few times so he could see my sticky boobs, and by the time we got back to the student house he had a massive erection again.
I jumped out of the car, still wrapped in the towel, and ran down the path. I saw a thick dollop of cum drip from somewhere between my legs onto the doormat as I fumbled for my key, hoping that no-one else would be inside when I opened the door. Fortunately, I was able to scurry upstairs, Andy right behind, and get into my room unseen.
Without any hesitation, I let the towel drop and flopped down onto the bed. Some of the thinner splashes of semen were already starting to dry and form little flakes on my skin, but the bigger blobs were still sticky.
“Come and taste me.”
I knew Andy loved eating his own cum off me, so I hoped he’d enjoy others’ as well. He quickly stripped naked and then went straight for my tits and began to lick up the sticky streaks, his saliva moistening the bits that had dried. He began to suck my nipple, which was instantly hard again.
I pulled him down on top of me and wrapped my legs around him, smearing as much cum as I could between our sweaty bodies. He pulled my legs apart, pushed his hard cock inside me, and began to fuck me again. I fingered my clit, bringing myself to orgasm just as he shot his second load, this time coming up inside me.
As we both lay panting from our orgasms, I hugged him.
“Thanks for the best birthday present ever, babe.”
“I dunno how I’ll match that next year. Maybe I’ll have a word with Gerry. He plays with the University Orchestra. I hear its horn section is particularly impressive.”