The plan to walk home seemed more ill-advised by the second. The drizzle had turned to steady rain, and then Alan found himself caught in a downpour.
Alan decided to take refuge in a bar. He wasn't familiar with it, although its proximity to the university quarter made him feel sure of the crowd it was aimed at.
It was a Monday evening. The bar wasn't busy, but a group of eight women around one of the tables was certainly adding some atmosphere as they spoke and laughed noisily.
Alan was seated next to the boisterous revellers at a small table.
"Third letter, ignited, or is, we hope." One of the women said.
Alan grinned upon hearing what had been said, recognising the format of a cryptic crossword puzzle that was similar to those he had solved with ease prior to his brain injury.
Alan laughed aloud in a recollection of his better days.
"I think I've just found your 'c-lit-or-is'," Alan said with a smile directed at the young woman who had posed the cryptic teaser.
Seven of the eight women present burst into fits of laughter, while the one who had set the challenge sat looking rather shellshocked, her face flushed with embarrassment.
"Otherwise, gram, as Roman thousand," Alan announced, looking at the reddened cheeks of the member of the group who had set the first challenge.
"You've just given me an orgasm, I believe." The shy member of the group, Tanya, whispered.
Tanya's friends looked at each other in amazement. Tanya's crippling shyness was something they desperately hoped to help her overcome, and within a minute of a stranger appearing, she'd found a clitoris and shared an orgasm with him!
Alan introduced himself. as did each of the group in turn. Tanya was the last to speak, but said her name with unusual confidence.
"That was some welcome, ladies, memorable in fact. I think I'd like to incorporate that scene and the dialogue into my next erotic story. It's far too good to waste, although I'd change the names; of course, I always do," Alan said with a cheeky smile.
Alan's news about his creative outlet of storywriting was of interest to all of those present. They had become firm friends since sharing a house together, and they preferred some thoughtful escapism to the meatmarkets of finding an easy fuck quite often.
Alan watched the women go into an exaggerated huddle.
"We have decided to invite you to be our guest speaker for the evening," Tanya announced, looking far more confident than she had appeared earlier. To some, Tanya electing herself as spokeswoman for the group would have been unimportant, but to her friends around the table, it carried a significance that made them joyful.
Within minutes of arriving at the shared house, its occupants were all seated and waiting for Alan to begin. He'd read out his flexible stories to individuals previously, but this was a new challenge.
Before he began his story, Alan encouraged anyone who felt uncomfortable to speak up immediately, and he would stop. None of those present felt this was likely to be necessary, but they were delighted to hear it being said nevertheless.
Alan explained a group of students had returned from an evening out with a storyteller.
"The girls had shared laughter and had agreed amusing themselves in a different way was what they needed now." Alan read out.
Eight faces smiled as they listened to what Alan had to say. but Alan's gaze was fixed on just one, Tanya.
"This is for me; how beautiful is that?" Tanya thought dreamily as she looked at Alan.
Alan detailed how the group had listened to the storyteller set the scene and then described how he had walked over to Tanya and placed a slow kiss on her lips before returning to his seat to continue.
"Tanya felt strength in the presence of those around her and confidence in the storyteller she could draw upon," Alan explained.

"The storyteller stood in front of Tanya, and she felt driven to rise to her feet from the sofa. She listened to the words of his story as he spoke of his slow touch beginning to undress her. His eyes never left her face; a smile never left hers." Alan continued.
"I don't want to spoil the mood, but this is making me as horny as fuck, Tanya," one of the housemates told her.
"Me too," Tanya mouthed silently, having turned her head for a second to do so.
Alan painted a picture of the storyteller slowly unbuttoning Tanya's blouse and slipping it away from her body.
"She felt his touch as he pushed the blouse away from her body and listened to him describe her warm feeling of arousal perfectly. She could feel the energy of all those with her and hear their own sounds of pleasure at the privilege of escorting her safely on her journey." Alan continued.
Tanya was spellbound. The storyteller standing in front of her had undressed her with his words, and she could feel every movement he made as he spoke about them.
The combination of the story and seeing Tanya aroused made her friends eager to support her. Without a word, seven women rid themselves of the clothes on their lower bodies and slipped fingers inside their knickers. Just for Tanya.
Looking into Tanya's eyes, Alan continued to read as everyone else began to slowly finger their aroused wetness together.
"Tanya was heading towards her most beautiful destination, and those around her were driving her on. Every touch Tanya's friends made inside their excited bodies was for her. Tanya knew that a gesture such as this would be the key to unlocking her demons."
Tanya did not utter a word. Her hands slipped inside her knickers, and her lips joined in a sensual kiss with Alan as they faced each other.
Seven on-lookers waited with wild excitement pulsating around their bodies; their fingering paused, each of them on the brink.
Tanya's fingers plunged between her swollen, wet lips with purpose, her sounds of excitement inside the kiss she shared with Alan. Tanya rubbed fast, sank deeply, and thumbed expertly and unstoppably.
When Tanya lifted her lips briefly from the kiss, they did so to allow a scream to tumble from her mouth. Alan held Tanya firmly as her body convulsed in climax, seven other bodies feeling a return to being fucked with fingers as it did.
As Tanya convulsed, cried out, and burnt with the intensity of climax, each of her friends joined her in the most beautiful of places. Hearing Tanya's deliverance and being a part of it ensured all of her friends climaxed spectacularly too. Alan knew this wasn't about him, but he felt certain this was the most powerful expression of erotic joy he had ever experienced or even dreamt of.
The sound of her friends' pleasure made every second of Tanya's intense climax the most beautiful imaginable. They stirred fresh waves in her wildly excited body that were beyond anything she had dared to dream possible, and she felt secured by the arms that supported her writhing torso. Tanya enjoyed every second wrapped in Alan's arms and with a smile that only those who had been present would ever fully understand.
There were storms of release in the house. They mirrored those lashing wildly outside in their intensity. The tenants insisted Alan delay his departure until morning because of the weather.
"Thank you for bringing 'Roman hundred, Peruvian capital, sealed with a kiss' of my dreams to life," Tanya said to Alan as she closed her eyes to go to sleep.
"Climax!" Alan replied. He knew this was a night that had been all about Tanya's for her friends.