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You Me #4– Finally, but still not Final -Discovery

"Belinda and Caderyn Finally - Discovery"

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You Me – Finally, but still not Final

“No… I suppose not, we should go somewhere.” I said, my baritone voice dropping to a whisper. And with that, I took her hand, our fingers immediately interlocking, the electricity still evident as I pulled her, coaxing her to come with me. She resisted, her eyes questioning mine, I smiled and her gaze warmed, she then squeezed my hand, and I led her down the alley. My desire for her left me with few options, but my apartment was near; we could be there in a few minutes time. Then we would be alone. Alone? No, then we could be… as one.

When I had softly told him, “We can’t do this… here”, his eyes had immediately warmed. He had responded that we should go somewhere. Somewhere… Saying that, my mind remembered seeing him in the shower, his body, so muscular, lean and firm. His cock, thick and full, as hard as steel. His eyes, so intense. His eyes… Had he seen me watching him shower, as he masturbated, as I masturbated watching him? He was pulling me, our hands now clasped… I looked into his eyes, and he smiled; his smile assured me that he thought only about the night ahead. My voyeurism was safe. Thus I followed him, thru the labyrinth of pathways that make up the Gothic Quarter.

We arrived outside my apartment, and unlocking the door, I led her inside. Despite our quick passage to my door, our passions had subsided, the hardness had left my cock, but it was still engorged and eagerly awaited further stimulation. I felt our night ahead assured, and wanted to savor each moment. Leading her into my kitchen, I sat two brandy sniffers down and while she smiled at me, I poured several fingers of Lazzaroni Amaretto in each. Just as I was about to take a sip, she paused me, then taking a sip of hers, she pulled my mouth to hers, and we shared the delicate fruit flavor. Her lips, still so full, but softer, without the heat of our passion from our embrace earlier; I savored the moment.

He continued leading me and we were soon at his apartment, I was sure now; he was my beautiful neighbor. Still leading me inside, we paused at his counter, and he poured some sweet liqueur into glasses. Smelling it, an aroma of almonds and apricot filled my senses; I suddenly held back his arm, and taking a deep sip of the flavored liqueur; pulled his lips to mine. Spreading my lips, I shared the taste of the liqueur with him. His lips firm, his tongue suddenly awake, he drew the taste into his mouth, the taste of the liqueur mixed with the taste of me.

He led me to the terrace; I had left his jacket inside and feeling the cool night air, I shivered ever so slightly. He immediately sensed it and pulled me closer to him as we walked to the railing. We were looking at the stars, but as I glanced across the courtyard toward my own terrace I realized I had left the bath light on this morning. I could see deep into the shower and realized that I must be careful to close the blinds before showering. As we held each other, I felt him tense; looking up to his eyes, I found him looking directly toward the light in my bath.

I led her to the terrace, to embrace the night, and feeling her shiver in the cool night air again, I pulled her close. We continued to sip the Amaretto, seeing the stars. Across the courtyard, I could see her apartment. She had left the shower light on, and remembering seeing her shower that first day; I wanted her still more.

The shower… With the light on, she must surely be aware that from my vantage point I could easily see her bathing. She must realize I had seen her, and that I sought her now only to consummate my voyeurism. I felt her gaze upon me; I could feel she had turned her head and was looking up at me. Expecting a sudden slap against my face I turned to face her, ready to confess my sins or plead my innocence.

I realized he must have seen me showering each morning, my gawd, he would have seen me in the shower this morning! I had found climax in the heated steam of the shower, all the while fantasying of his body, his eyes and his delicious cock. He was still gazing at my bath, the light now seemed a beacon for my lust. I was embarrassed, humiliated and ashamed.

Then I remembered, I had see his shower, his lust, his grasp of his manhood, the slow stokes that drove me into seeking release as I watched him. And I remembered that as he drove himself to that agonizing slow climax he had looked out his bath window, directly across to where I lay, my fingers massaging my breasts, then thrusting into my mouth whilst my other hand drove itself deep into my pussy; pushing me into a climax to match his own. I must confess to him, explain why he had seen me in the shower, why I had been pleasuring myself.

“Caderyn, I saw…”

But he spoke simultaneously.

“Belinda, I saw you…”

“Caderyn, I saw you in the…”

“Belinda, The other day, I saw you taking a shower in the afternoon…”

“Caderyn, I saw you in the shower, stroking your…”, I paused, he had seen me yesterday, not today? He had not seen me seeking release this morning? I was safe, my “virginity” intact!

His eyes looked deeply into hers, the pain, the shame was all too evident, “Belinda, you saw me in the shower, the other night?” in his mind he could picture the masturbation of that moment, the release he had required after seeing her shower.

I felt the sudden need to tell him, to confess to him, to equalize ourselves. “Yes, I saw you, and I watched as you gazed out the shower, thru the window and toward my flat. I saw you because I was there, on my terrace watching you, the vision of you driving me to pleasure myself. Yes, Caderyn, as you were driving yourself to climax, I was doing the same.”

As I finished, I pulled his lips to mine, pushed my tongue past his lips, and felt him respond. He pulled me into him, and I could feel his manhood, his glorious cock twitch, then; like a snake, rearing its head, growing in stature, pressing against my tummy. And I wanted him.

As she finished speaking, I realized we were really one and the same, our desires matched, our passion equal, and the desire felt in my cock was felt in her pussy. My cock awoke, still engorged, soft, but stiffened in a moments time; the hardness pushing it upright, against her. I pulled her tightly against her, my cock throbbed. And I laughed.

He laughed, and suddenly I laughed as well. “My, we are a sordid lot, masturbating and watching each other.” I said as I laughed. He laughed even deeper and then, feeling his cock continue to push into my tummy, I realized how wet I had become. His chest pressed against my nipples, each now as hard as pebbles.

I could not contain myself, I was laughing and she commented on our watching each other while masturbating. My cock was as hard as granite now and I could feel her nipples pressing hotly against my chest. I could wait no further, picking her up, I quickly carried her into the bedroom. As I sat, she jumped up to her feet, “Not so quick, Mister!” she laughed. She then pushed me back on the bed. As I smiled looking at her, she smiled back, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse, letting it drop to the floor, she reached up and undid her bra.

“Belinda, the lights are on. The neighbors will see…”

Caderyn had carried me to the bed, but I pushed him down on it instead. He had already seen my naked body, and seeing it before had driven him to masturbate. Well, now he would see me close, much closer. I removed my blouse and quickly removed my brassiere. His eyes became as large as my areolas, and he licked his lips.

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Then he reminded me that the neighbors would see.

I laughed and reminded him the neighbor was here, and he had already seen, and he was going to see a lot more tonight. A moment later I had unzipped my skirt and dropped it to the floor. Caderyn’s eyes were taking in every inch of me, and I could see his reaction in both his eyes and the bulge in his trousers.

She was now in her panties, I couldn’t wait any longer, I stood to remove my clothing, but she now came to me. I attempted to put my arms around her, but she stopped me. Unbuttoning my shirt, she then pushed it from my shoulders and started to massage my chest, pinching my nipples Obviously not satisfied yet… she reached for my belt, undid it and quickly pulled my zipper down. She unbuckled them, and then she followed them to the floor. Now on her knees, she looked up my throbbing member pushing out my boxers, and then looked up in my eyes.

She smiled; pausing to gaze into my eyes, surely seeing only unbridled lust. Her eyes returned to my cock, and she kissed it, gently through the fabric. Then her gaze returned to my eyes, questioning me. My cock found its voice in my eyes and she seemed satisfied with its response. Still gazing in my eyes, she slid my boxers over my ass, down my thighs and finally to my feet. I stood there, pants and underwear around my ankles with her gazing still in my eyes.

I had removed Caderyn’s shirt, teased his nipples, and pulled his trousers down to his ankles. His cock hidden only by the silken fabric, I now gazed in his eyes. Ahh, his eyes shown like a wolf, the blue-green were locked on my brown eyes. He was devouring me with his eyes and I could feel the wetness spread into my panties.

I returned my gaze to the bulge in his shorts. I could see a moist droplet of his pre-cum shining on his shorts, and I kissed it, feeling his head soft yet firm through the fabric. My eyes returned to his, and even in his eyes I could feel his lust, his desire for me. Satisfied, I smiled slightly, and eased his shorts down, over his glorious arse, down to his ankles.

His cock was mere millimeters from my lips, yet I still gazed in his eyes. He did not move, but I could see the difficulty he was experiencing restraining himself. My tongue flickered over my lips, and I slowly eased my tongue toward his cock. Still locking his gaze in mine, I was resolved to savor him as slowly as he had stoked himself in the shower.

At long last, I felt his cock, now touching my tongue, and I slowly licked his head, tasting his pre-cum. I could feel the marvelous texture of it, soft and yielding, yet so firm. Still holding his gaze, I slowly licked down his shaft, feeling each vein ribbed against the hard steel of his shaft. Finally reaching his base, I paused and brought my hands to his bum. As my tongue slowly returned up his cock, I squeezed his bum, feeling the muscle within and found my fingers parting his arse.

Never taking her eyes off mine, she had finally licked me, my cock, excruciatingly slowly. Her tongue felt like liquid suede leather, smooth yet textured, and as hot as my cock. She had run her tongue over my cock and finally moved down the lower side, my cock long since finding full stiffness. As her tongue found the bottom of my cock, she paused, and then I felt her hands move to my butt. I expected her to pull me into her, but instead she merely massaged my butt, her fingers kneading into my flesh. I suddenly realized she was parting my cheeks. I was momentarily flustered, but my eyes continued to gaze in hers and I did not move.

Her tongue had returned to the head of my shaft, her fingers now slowly pushed against my rectum; pushing my cock against her mouth. Her lips parted and my head slipped between her lips. Her teeth grazed my cock and yet I did not wince. But nor did I move. I could feel her tongue flicker against my cock, pushing its tip against my head, as though it were invading her. Yet her fingers still applied pressure to my butt, pushing me in deeper, I clinched my butt while wishing to feel her throat on my cock. My cock was held firmly in place by her lips, and the warning pressure of her teeth kept me from pushing in; but I suddenly felt her tongue slip into my urethra, just a bit, and I jumped. As I momentarily relaxed, I felt her finger tip slip into my butt. I felt as though I were the one being fucked, and I loved it. I could not move, she still maintained her gaze in my eyes as though she were gauging my desire and I would not allow myself to loose control.

I continued massaging his asse, but now had my finger deftly placed against his rectum. I pushed against it, but his asse was too tight; pulling him in, I brought his cock into my mouth, holding him tightly with my lips and teeth whilst my tongue savaged his poor head. His cock eagerly accepted my lavishing tongue, and after a few moments I pushed the tip of my tongue into his opening. I laughed to myself as I felt him jump, but as he relaxed, just a wee bit too much; I slid my finger into his asse. Oh, this was fun, I felt I was fucking his cock and his ass, he will not soon forget this night. I still sought his expression, gazing in his eyes; my eyes had not left his, and although his gaze had not left mine, I could see he was having a difficult time of it.

He was such a good sport, but I knew I should bring him to his knees. I released the tension of my teeth against his cock and using my finger in his asse; pushed him slowly into me, my tongue fucking his cock but slowly I eased it out; I still had him on the tip of my finger! My finger was only half into his asse, and he eagerly pushed into my mouth. My tongue returned to its duty, licking the underside of his cock as I slowly pushed it into my mouth. I continued to allow him entrance, his head was now at my throat. This paused his stroke, and I used the opportunity to further ravage his asse. My finger was now just over half into his asse and I released the muscles in my throat. Pushing his asse again, I eased his cock down my throat. Although he did not push, I could feel the throbbing pulse of his cock still against my tongue. Finally I felt his base against my lips and leaning my head further back, I felt his scrotum against my chin. He could venture no further, but still I pressed; my finger now slipped fully into his asse. Oh, such pleasure!

I heard him groan, Gawd, this was his first moan; he surely was a man of self-control. But here, I was his queen, I held him captive, he could not venture forward, and feeling the pressure of my other fingers against his asse, he dare not venture back. I paused then, with my eyes still holding his gaze; and waited for him. Would he beg? Would he cry out? How strong was my man of steel?

She had relented her pressure on my cock, and with her finger pushing I had ventured to the back of her mouth, now against her throat. Now, blocked from the front, yet still feeling her push from the back; I could venture no further; still the pressure increased. Suddenly, her finger slipped in further and as I stifled a moan her throat opened. I slowly slid deep into her recesses, pushed by the incessant pressure in my butt. She tilted her head back and my shaft buried against her lips; I felt my balls against her chin. The immense pleasure of being totally engulfed in her mouth was beyond comprehension, and just as I relaxed, I felt her finger slip fully into my butt.

The felling was too intense. I moaned. I was buried in pleasure, yet I could go no further. Feeling her remaining fingers also against my butt, I could not back out. I was awash with pleasure, and lost without escape.

To Be Continued...

Written by Michael
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