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You'll Always Be In My Heart

"A Young Couple's Experience"

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Author's Notes

"Thank you so much for reading! I'm inviting you into a very private part of my life. While the names have been changed to protect anonymity, the feelings and emotions are real. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Please feel free to post if you've had an experience similar to the one presented in the story. Perhaps, like me, your first love will forever live in your heart."

Naked and breathing heavily, Jon and Anna gazed into each other's eyes. Two broken people were, for the first time, poised to be made whole by becoming one. As they prepared to experience each other's bodies in life-altering ways, Jon's mind flashed through the entirety of their relationship.

They had met four years earlier in the most non-romantic of places, a high school math class for low-performing students. Jon, a freshman, was certainly no hunk. Stocky with a mop of unkempt, dark brown hair, his deep-set blue eyes were his defining feature. Anna, a sophomore, had arrived from Columbia two years prior. Fearing violent gangs in Bogota, her parents sent her to live with her Aunt Maria in a city a few miles north of Boston, MA.

Anna's long, jet-black hair complemented her high cheekbones, thin lips, and beautiful brown eyes. Her flawless, tanned skin was dotted with a slew of adorable freckles. Although a bit shy, Anna projected a certain maturity.

The boy didn't ask her out right away, specifically because he was pretty screwed up. Jon's parents and sister (a senior at the high school) regarded him as, "ugly," and an "idiot." Thus, Jon believed himself undesirable, unlovable.

For reasons beyond comprehension, on the third day of class, Anna took a desk next to Jon's, and they struck up a conversation. Having attended an EnglIsh-language immersion school in Columbia, Anna was able to enjoy Jon's humor. Over the next few weeks, she dropped multiple hints for a date. Gaining confidence, Jon asked to take Anna to a local pizza joint. Soon Jon and Anna became inseparable.

Jon's closest friend, Millie, was extremely supportive of the couple. After meeting in middle school, Millie and Jon developed an immediate connection, especially because they both hailed from challenging home environments. Her dad, a widowed drunken immigrant from Ireland, frequently targeted the fair, green-eyed Millie for verbal abuse. Since they met, Jon harbored a secret crush on the curvy Millie. More on Millie later.

Anna and Jon continued their innocent relationship throughout high school. After graduating, Anna enrolled in a few courses at the local junior college, while waitressing full-time. That summer, they’ll couple introduced each other to their families. Disaster ensued.

In their native French, Jon's family made snide comments. Jon's father cautioned him that Anna might get pregnant to "trap" Jon. Jon's looks conscious mom warned that Anna, "was going to become fat."

Things went no better with Aunt Maria, who referred to Jon as "poor white swine," and implored her niece to find a Columbian boyfriend.

Despite the family drama, the romance continued. The couple now went beyond kissing. They introduced heavy petting and mutual masturbation into their relationship. By summer's end, Anna allowed Jon to perform oral sex on her.

Anna desired go further, but wanted to be ready and to feel no regrets. Although disappointed, Jon agreed to abide by whatever timeline she needed.

In March, Eduardo upended the couple’s plans. Having met the handsome young man through a family at church, Aunt Maria rushed to introduce him to Anna. Anna was immediately attracted to Eduardo, and told Jon she wanted a break from the relationship to explore her feelings.

Although broken-hearted, Jon agreed to the break. The timing was uncanny. His parents promised Estelle, a family friend from Marseille, Jon’s help. Estelle lost her husband one year prior and was seeking assistance with setting up her seasons cheese shop in Vermont. Although he didn’t know her well, Jon was empathetic towards Estelle, and thus agreed to take a few weeks of leave from his part-time job to help her out.

Estelle was waiting outside for him when arrived at her small dairy farm. The petite, fifty-two-year-old mom of three looked like a stern librarian. Despite having worked hard all morning on the farm and in the shop, Estelle’s short salt and pepper hair was neatly styled without a hair out of place. Her pale blue eyes hid behind glasses frames, which rested upon her cornichon-shaped nose.

Talking as they worked, Estelle told Jon about her three children. Two were in college, and one had returned to France. The widow was now by herself, and lonely. Somehow, the mature mom and the student rapidly developed an attraction and bond, and soon became initiate.

For Jon, spring break was filled with hard labor during the day and incredibly pleasurable evenings. While he was having the time of his life, Jon felt an emptiness. Some nights, Jon would leave a sleeping Estelle to wonder in the farm’s small field. He was comforted knowing Anna was under the same stars.

Meanwhile, Anna wasn’t having as much fun. Eduardo seemed like a gentleman at first, but quickly became obsessed with getting in her pants. He’d persistently tried to pressure her into having sex. At one point, he attempted to forcibly remove her pants. She kneed him in the balls before fleeing the scene.

Two of the best weeks of Jon’s life came to a close. The mismatched lovers promised to keep the affair secret and agreed to see each other again. Their goodbye was sorrowful and sweet. As Jon drove away, neither he nor Estelle could’ve predicted that they’d have several more liaisons throughout the years, each filled with passion, confusion, weirdness, and pleasure.

While driving through New Hampshire’s White Mountains, Jon received a call from Anna. She explained what had happened, and asked to rekindle the relationship. Jon enthusiastically agreed.

Jon kept his promise to Estelle, and never told Anna (or anyone else, for that matter) about the spring break romance. But she somehow knew she’d would no longer be his first. Far from resenting this new state of affairs, Anna appreciated getting a second chance with Jon, and embraced this new wrinkle.

Later that spring, Jon was accepted to several colleges. Still, he prioritized seeing Anna, and chose a school close to their home city.

Jon continued making small, romantic gestures: picking wildflowers for Anna, writing her poetry, and cooking meals to introduce her to his favorite dishes. The couple grew more in love by the day.

Then, one Friday in late June came an earth-shaking moment. Aunt Maria was working an overnight shift, and Anna invited Jon over to cook for her. He snuck a bottle of white wine out of his house, purchased groceries, bought a baguette from a local bakery, and cooked an elaborate meal. That evening, they dined by candlelight.

After cleaning up, the couple made their way to the living room sofa. With slow, sexy Latin rhythms playing in the background, they held each other, engaging in sweet, gentle kissing.

Jon helped Anna remove her shirt and bra. "I love your body," he whispered as he fondled and sucked on her large, beautiful breasts. Moaning, she arched her back, and removed her panties and skirt.

Jon touched Anna in ways he knew would bring her pleasure (incorporating moves he’d learned from Estelle) He caressed her inner thigh, working his fingers toward her labia. His gentle rubbing caused her to become very wet.

She moaned even louder as he crawled down to her waist and worked his tongue all over her clit. The candle in the dining room continued to flicker as Anna let out a loud squeal of delight, her cream now dripping down his chin.

Anna removed Jon's shirt and helped him remove his pants. He sank into the sofa, expecting Anna to work his shaft with her hand. But this night would be different from their previous sexual adventures

Although she had touched his cock many times before, she'd never actually seen it up close. Anna marveled at the ridges, and the head before whispering, "I'm ready."

"Are you sure? Do you really want this? No regrets?"

"I want this."

Anna climbed on Jon's lap. They continued to kiss and touch. While silently staring into each other's eyes, Anna guided Jon's throbbing cock into her thirsty vagina.

Anna's pussy felt like a vice around his penis. Once he was all the way inside of her, the two simultaneously let out a deep exhale, followed by giggling. This feeling of pleasure was new and intense.

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Anna wiggled around as Jon's member rubbed against different areas of her most intimate parts. His hands caressed her ass and breasts as her body rose and fell. As Anna continued to bop up and down, they both felt twinges of pain mixed with an amazing, indescribable heavenly sensation.

Jon traced Anna's face with his fingers as she continued to work their bodies. The young man had ejaculated many times before, but this time was different. The volcanic explosion caused him to lose his breath.

Once Jon's breathing stabilized, he kissed Anna deeply. The two cuddled, and exchanged the words, "I love you." Touched by the beauty of the moment, Anna teared up. Jon dried her eyes with a tissue from a nearby box, and then they settled down for a short nap.

An hour later, they awoke for more sex. Jon maneuvered on top of Anna, his cock plunging deeper into her. Sensitive parts of her vagina, previously untouched, came alive. He could feel her vaginal walls expanding to accommodate his manhood. Finally, he came. Anna smiled, and kissed him.

As the night rolled on, they continued to experiment with sex. Their bodies experienced indescribable pleasure, followed by slight pain, only to be rewarded with more pleasure.

Early the next morning, Jon was getting ready to leave before Aunt Maria was scheduled to arrive home. Before departing, he watched as Anna admired the rose-colored stain on her sheet, evidence that their night together wasn't some sort of magical dream. The lovers kissed, and Jon left.

The rest of the summer brought great times and sexual ecstasy. The couple's lovemaking became more bold. They fucked in Aunt Maria's apartment, his house, the backseat of his car, in a corner of the city's library, on a hiking trail, and (feeling defiant one Sunday afternoon) in Aunt Maria's bed.

As summer was grinding to a close, Jon began college. He continued to speak with Anna nightly and saw her several times a week. They frequently discussed marrying once Jon graduated. They even fantasized about raising a family.

One Wednesday in early September, Jon called Anna to invite her to a movie. Once they decided on a film to see, they planned for him to pick her up at seven on Friday. Before hanging up, Anna sadly uttered words whose meaning would forever torture Jon: "I'll always be with you, and you always be in my heart. I love you."

Assuming Anna had become too busy to call him back on Thursday, Jon spent every waking hour dreaming about being with her. On Friday, he arrived at Aunt Maria's apartment, flowers in hand. His nemesis answered the door with a look of smug satisfaction.

"Anna's not here and won't be returning. She doesn't want you. Leave."

Jon assumed that Maria was hatching a new scheme to end the relationship, and headed to his car. He tried Anna's cell, and left multiple messages.

Jon called Anna a few more times that weekend. He even went by her restaurant to see if she'd been working. Her manager said she hadn't worked her shift in days. As the next week began, the neglected flowers died, and Jon's prayers went unanswered; Anna never called back.

Without any communication, and lacking any answers as to Anna's whereabouts, Jon fell into a stupor. He withdrew from friends to focus solely on work and his studies.

Glorious summer turned into somber fall, which then became dark winter. The Sun disappeared into the night sky earlier, and earlier. Jon used his time to study, to work, and to lament the death of love.

One December evening Millie came by for a visit. She was traveling home on winter break to spend a dysfunctional Christmas with her dad.

Millie always enjoyed laughing with Jon, but she could see that he wasn't able to muster humor. She resolved to end her friend's deep pain. As they were sitting on his sofa, she took off her shirt and asked him to fondle her.

Although shocked by the unexpected request, Jon leaned forward and the two kissed. Like Anna, Milie had beautiful curves, and amazing breasts. Millie's skin tone was much closer to Jon's, making it sometimes difficult to tell where one of their bodies ended, and the other began. Touching Millie was incredible. He’d loved Millie as a friend, and now they were taking that love to another level.

Whereas Estelle’s intimate parts felt like a warm hug, and Anna's vagina felt contoured to fit Jon's cock, Millie's pussy was smooth, allowing him to glide into her deepest parts. She'd been with a few lovers, and used her experience to pleasure her friend. After Jon came, Millie smiled and, patting him condescendingly on his chest, "There, don't you feel better?"

For the first time in months, Jon laughed.

Throughout winter break, the duo couldn’t stay out of each other’s pants! Millie was touched when Jon confessed that he'd had a crush on her since they met. To his surprise, Millie admitted she'd had a crush on him, too.

Millie returned to her school a few weeks later. Deciding not to become romantically involved, the two maintained an exciting sexual relationship which lasted for years (except, of course, when either was in a relationship). Millie had given Jon a most valuable gift, she taught him that it was ok to move past Anna.

Jon went on to find other loves, including a steady college girlfriend whom he dated for many years. Although his life was pretty full, every so often his thoughts turned to Anna. Was she ok, was she happy?

Despite his best efforts, Jon still harbored hurt. He feared that anyone he'd truly fall for would, one day, simply vanish from hIs life.

After graduating college, Jon went on to pursue an advanced degree. One sunny spring Saturday, he took a break from studying to visit his now-mellowed parents. Upon arriving at their home, his mom handed him an envelope that had arrived that morning.

Spotting a postage mark from Columbia, Jon spirited the letter to his old bedroom and shut the door. With his hands trembling, and heart pounding, he tore open the envelope. The note read:

"Dear Jon, I'm so sorry to have left you the way I did. You must believe me, it was not my choice to go. Without telling me, my parents promised me to another. I can only ask your forgiveness. I wanted to tell you, but I was forced to leave before our date and Maria stole my phone. You cannot imagine how many tears I've shed missing you, and hoping you were ok. I still cry a little every day. I've written you so many times, but our servants refuse to mail them under order of my parents. I'm married now, and we're expecting our second child, a daughter. My husband, Miguel, treats me well. I really love him, but I miss you. I know that one day we'll be reunited. Until then, you'll always live in my memory and my heart. Yours forever, Anna."

Jon's eyes flooded with tears. Any lingering hurt he had about losing Anna melted away, and took new shape in the form of relief. He was relieved Anna was alive. He was thrilled that she was (at least metaphysically) with him. Most of all, he was elated that Anna's life sounded (overall) happy. Regardless of where they were or what they did, Anna and Jon would always carry some piece of each other.

Jon went on to have several more relationships, eventually finding a partner who made him happier than he'd ever believed he'd had a right to be. Millie, now a married mom of three, teased that Jon's partner greatly resembled Anna. Of course, Millie also observed that her husband possessed many of Jon's traits.

Jon will be forever thankful to Anna. She taught him about love, tenderness, and made him capable of appreciating life’s most sensual and precious gifts. Most importantly, she taught him that he is lovable.

Anna and Jon may live thousands of miles apart, but she touched his soul. Thus, they will always be tied together through their special bond.

Written by Experinceisfun
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