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"Finally, we indulged, and fall fast"

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I gently rap my knuckle on the cracked office door. 

“You wanted to see me?” 

“Yes, come in. Close the door."

Nervously, I step into his office. Lightly pushing the door closed behind me. Taking the seat across from him, I sit up straight and cross my long legs. The charcoal pencil skirt rode slightly up revealing my thigh. I look over and lock eyes with his piercing ice-blue ones. A slight shiver rides down my back. He quirks up his lip in a half smile, Leaning back in his chair and adjusting his tie. That tie. Thee tie. My breath catches at the memory. The silk on my skin, the roughness of the texture. I cross my legs tighter together to try and relieve the ache that has settled there. He notices the change in me, as he always has, no matter how close or far we are from each other. He knows. 

“Nathan,” I breathe in a small plea to break this pull he has on me. 

“Miss Grey, I have called you into my office today on an important matter,” Nathan begins. 

“Yes sir?” I say with growing confidence.

 “I need you, to spend the day thinking about and growing on the idea of what transpired last night.”

My heart slams against my chest as I suck in a deep breath and am transported to our evening together. 

The ambient light casts the perfect atmosphere in his apartment as he flicks the lights on. It’s a posh area. All dark woods and rich fabrics, grays and silvers lightly glint in the light of the sitting room. Splashes of bold turquoise through the room in perfect accents. 

He pushes the door closed behind me with a soft click and takes my hand to lead me to the bar on the far side of the room. My sky-high blood red stilettos clicking across the wood. He pulls a high bar stool out for me and I slide myself up on it, highly aware of the lack of panties I now pose under my short skirt.  Nathan leans down and presses a light kiss to my cheek grinning like he’s just read my thoughts. He turns away from me and slides his hand into his pocket where the lace of my panties is no doubt threaded between his fingers. 

“What can I get for you?” he asks as he walks behind the bar.

“A glass of red, please.”

"Funny, I would have pegged you for a whiskey girl." He chuckles. 

“Oh I am," I tease. “However, tonight I’d like to keep my wits about me, at least some.”

The way he looks down his lashes at me says I do not have a chance of being able to do that tonight. He sets down my wine in front of me with a devilish grin and turns his back to me. Nathan steps over to a stereo and sultry music starts from unseen speakers around the whole place. He then pours his drink, a whisky straight up. Oh, how I can’t wait to taste that on his lips. Coming around the bar he pulls out the stool next to me and rotates towards me. 

“So, has the night started to fulfill your fantasy?” he asks.

“We’ve barely touched the surface. Dinner at a fancy restaurant. You demand my panties, but yet you haven’t even kissed me tonight,” I state on a slight pout. 

Slightly leaning in like he is going to kiss me, he rests his strong hand on my bare thigh, passes my lips to my ear.

“Don’t rush perfection, love,” Nathan whispers, as he sits back against the stool smirking wildly.

I let out a breath between my teeth I hadn’t realized I was holding. My pulse racing at what he has planned for us. Warmth pools deep in my belly. My want coursing through my veins. His strong hand is still resting on my too-hot skin, intentionally tracing small circles with his finger. I stare him down. Locking his blue eyes with mine, till his grin fades to a wanting look of passion. Nathan stands up, lacing his fingers between mine and drawing me with him. He leads me slightly into the sitting room and pulls me tightly into his body. One hand firmly on the small of my back, the other still laced together, and we began to sway to the music. Our bodies move in unison, slowly. Pressed together. Feeling the heat between us rise. 

Even in my heels and being tall for a lady, Nathan has several inches on me, his stout frame making me feel petite against him. I breathe in deeply letting his spicy, wooded, cologne take over my senses and making me dizzy with need. I sigh against him as I press my temple to his cheek, closing any distance between us. I feel him lean into me. A tender moment of just us. Our emotions known so deeply between each other but yet to be voiced. 

“Frankie.” My name, a breath on his lips.

This is my undoing. My heart thudding against his chest, my body shivers. He pauses before lightly pressing his lips to my cheek. 

“Are you ready?” he whispers.

“More than,” I sigh back.

He pushes our hands back, dropping me into a deep dip, his other arm holding me tightly at the waist. My head falling back revealing my neck, my hands grasping his biceps tightly. Taking his free hand, Nathan gently traces down my jaw, to my neck stopping just above the cut of my top and following that line across the slightly revealed part of my chest. Goosebumps arise on my flesh where his fingers leave trailing fire. 

“You’re breathtaking,” he says to me and pulls me back up to look him in the eye.

Those ice-blue eyes I could get lost in for years. Taking my hand to his cheek, touching his perfectly salt and peppered beard. The softness surprises me and all I can think of is how that will feel on my bare skin. He leans into my hand, closing his eyes and deeply breathing in. Nathan places his hand over mine, and moves it to his lips. Placing a kiss on the palm of my hand. His eyes open revealing love and deep passion, and the slightest hint of the devil. 

Our tender moment over, he takes my finger and pulls it between his lips, sucking lightly and flicking his tongue over the pad of my finger. A small tease to let me know what else he plans on flicking with his tongue. With our bodies pressed so tightly together, I can start to feel his excitement grow. I push my hips into him, trying to release the pressure that has settled between my own legs. A low growl sounds from Nathan and I know he wants me as much as I want him. 

Letting go of my hand he takes his turn in cupping my cheek, running the pad of his thumb over my cheekbone. He tilts my head towards him, lightly kisses the top of my nose. And finally, after the entire night of waiting, he kisses me. Tender at first. The slightest touch of our lips. I gasp. I hadn’t anticipated how deeply his kiss would affect me. At my sound, he intensifies our kiss. Pressing his soft lips firmly against mine. I break first and part my lips trying to taste more of him. Nathan lets me take control. I slowly pass my tongue across his bottom lip, tasting the whiskey of our long-forgotten drinks. 

Desperately wanting to close the connection between us I force my tongue between his lips. Finally connecting with him. I graze my tongue on his. Drowning in his kiss. His taste. His heat. A moan escapes him and I press closer into Nathan’s body. He brings his hand into my hair and grasps the base of my head holding me into him and our tongues dance together. We’ve waited so long for this moment. Both of us wanted so much more but not want to rush our time together. We remain like this for long moments. Our bodies pressed together. Or tongues dancing and getting to know one another in a way we both have craved. 

Nathan starts to slowly walk me backwards, never breaking our kiss. Thinking we are making our way to the bedroom, I allow this easily, till my backside is pressed against a wall. He breaks our kiss abruptly, grasps both my wrists, and pins me with my hands above my head against the wall. Nathan gives me a devilish grin and presses his erection between the apex of my legs. The contact and firmness make my breath catch. I thrust my hips forward trying to get any form of release, causing the fabric of my skirt to rub on my bare flesh underneath. Shivers run down my body. 

 “Not yet,” Nathan breathes, shifting both my hands to one of his, keeping me pinned.

He frees his right hand, cups my cheek, kisses me gently then steps back a half step. He takes his hand to my knee and starts to track up my thigh. Want has pooled desperately between my legs. I need Nathan to complete me. His fingers lightly moving up my leg, pushing my short skirt farther up my body. Almost to my core, he feels my wetness dripping down my leg. 

“That's my girl,” he whispers as he spreads my juices across my skin.

Trying for contact I push my hips forward, needing this man I’m in love with to touch me.

“Patience, sweet love, I’ll make it worth the wait,” he tells me. 

Deflated I release a breath and let this man do what he sees fit. I know in my heart he knows what I want and need. Nathan brings his fingers almost up to his lips to taste my want. But stops and moans showing a restraint unlike any other. 

“You are so sweet, Frankie. I've longed for your taste. However I’m going to wait to take it right from the source,” he tells me and kisses me.

Releasing my arms he pushes my head to the side and begins kissing my neck. Goosebumps tease up my skin to his lips. His breath hot and wanting. Breaking contact Nathan leans back and pulls my silk top over my head. Leaving me standing in my black lace demi bra.

Nathan then grabs the knot of his silver tie and begins to loosen it. He grasps my wrists in one of his hands, and takes his tie off. Taking the tie he wraps my wrists with it, binding me. Wickedly he grins. Leaving me exposed and helpless.

“Follow me, love,” Nathan chuckles.

He grabs the tie and leads me to the back of the apartment. We enter his master suite. The same richness from the front of the house flows in here. Dark woods, warm lights, rich fabrics. But only sheets on the bed.  Nathan sits me down on the bed and turns to the dresser to light candles. The room is warm but not too hot. The candles Nathan lights cast a golden glow into the room and a soft scent of vanilla.

Turning back to me Nathan unbuttons the top two buttons on his shirt and releases the cuffs but he doesn’t take it off. He comes back to the bed and stands between my legs forcing my knees apart so he has a place to stand. Tilting my head up, I gaze at him. Needing him. Not sure how much longer I can wait for this man to touch me before I start to beg. 

“I need you, Frankie. It’s no longer a want but a need. You are the air I breathe, and the life I live is for you. You are my everything.” 

As tears begin to well in my eyes from his tender words he leans down and kisses me. Feeling all his passion and love is this desperate kiss, he’s needing me to understand how much he feels. And I feel it all. The breath has left my lungs and I begin to feel dizzy from his kiss. I’m buzzing from only Nathan.

He breaks our kiss and I whimper from lost contact. Nathan stands and lightly pushes me back on the bed. I scout my butt back as well as I can with my hands being tied, and he lays me down. Crawling on the bed next to me, Nathan starts to tease my skin, gently running his fingers up and down all my exposed flesh, which currently is more than half my body. Closing my eyes I revel in his touch. Nothing else matters but his hands on my body. 

I feel Nathan’s weight shift on the mattress and then a different sensation on my skin. Looking down I see he has my panties and is dragging the lace across my chest, from breast to breast. Down my stomach and back up again. My body trembles as he continues to tease me. Oh, how I enjoy this. How I need him to tease me and turn me on. 

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Nathan continues his torment on my flesh with light touches as the lace tickles me. Before I know it Nathan has draped my panties over my eyes taking yet another sense from me. Fully at his control, I lay waiting. After what seems like a lifetime my hard nipple is pinched and rolled between his strong fingers. I yip at the sudden sensation that goes through my body before it turns to a low growl deep in me. I hear Nathan chuckle at my reaction as he replaces his fingers with his teeth, biting me gently through the lace. 

I squirm under his light assault, desperately wanting to touch him. He releases my nipple and I feel his weight get off the bed. Hearing clothes rustle and the known clank of a belt I can only hope that Nathan is standing in front of me naked. He reaches down and grasps both my hips in his firm hold and slides my butt closer to the edge of the bed, with only my bra, little skirt, and heels on; my wrists tied in Nathan’s tie above my head and panties across my eyes. I’m silently begging he is about to push inside of me. 

Instead, Nathan takes my long leg and placed it on his shoulder. He kisses my ankle, slips my shoe off and in the slowest most agonizing way he kisses up my leg. Lightly nipping at my skin moving close to my core. Setting my leg down he grasps the other and repeats the process. Rubbing his hands back up my thighs Nathan grasps my skirt and pulls it off me. His hands back on my hips, he embraces them firmly and flips me onto my stomach. Letting my knees fall to the floor Nathan kneels behind me. 

Running his fingers up the back of my thighs, across my butt, up my back. Shivers rack through my entire body, my skin covered in goosebumps. Nathan undoes the clasp on my bra and presses a kiss on my spine where it was released. The entire length of his body pressed to mine. I feel his hot skin and the light tickles of his chest hair on my back. The full length of his shaft is nudged between my backside. He is hot and hard and I wiggle against him for more contact. I’m desperate to have this man inside me, to claim me. I need him. 

Nathan sucks in a breath as I move against him. My hands still tied, I push up against the mattress to force us both to the floor. Nathan on his knees sitting back on his heels, me on his lap, skin on skin. He kisses my neck, cups my breast and holds me to him. Taking my hands around the back of Nathan’s head I push my slight chest into his hands and hold his lips to my neck. I have never felt this full of love and passion as having this man behind me, nothing between us.

Nathan slides his hand down my stomach to just above my core, stopping to toy with my well-groomed splash of hair. He pulls lightly on it causing me to keen quietly. He's taking his time, knowing I'm ready, knowing he's ready, but yet Nathan holds restraint. Creeping down one side of my leg, lightly touching the outer fold of me, then he is at my sweet spot. Pushing on me. His fingers firm against my clit, not moving, just applying pressure. Under his touch I weaken, my body going limp. Finally, Nathan has found me.

“Baby,” he whispers.

“Yes,” I almost hiss in response.

Nathan inches into me. Little by little letting me adjust. My body is alive with lighting as he continues to push his fingers farther into me. 

“You are soaked, Frankie.”

"It’s what you do to me, Nathan.” 

As he continues this slow agonizing rhythm inside me I start to feel the build. Nathan is using his thumb to rub my clit with each push into me, driving me closer to the edge. My breath is ragged and shallow. My legs start to clench around Nathan’s hand and then he stops. I let out a frustrated grunt. His hand still holding my breast, he toys with my nipple, his other hand still inside me.

Behind me, he chuckles, “Don’t worry, love, I will make you cum but by my tongue or erection.” 

With that, Nathan shifts and picks me up by my hips, places me on the bed and rolls me to my back. He crawls on the bed next to me and reaches up to untie my wrists. with my hands-free, I can finally touch his skin. Instantly, I put a hand on his chest, rubbing my fingers through his chest hair, loving how he feels. I can’t wait for the roughness to be rubbing on my nipples. Nathan leans over and kisses me, slowly, deeply, and drags a hand up and down my side touching as much of me as he can. We lay like that for what seems like a lifetime, bodies pressed together making out like teenagers, hands wandering over steamy skin. 

“I can’t take it anymore!” Nathan growled, breaking our kiss. “I have to taste you!”

With that, he is set on a path south. Kissing and nibbling my skin on the way down until he is settled between my legs, my knees easily falling to the mattress. From his vantage point, Nathan looks up my long, lean body, into my eyes. 

“You, my dearest Frankie, are stunning,” he says, his hot breath teasing my swollen center.

A warm smile forms on my lips just before he makes contact. I shriek at the feel of his lips on my too-sensitive clit. His warm mouth encircles my bud and lightly pulls it into his mouth. I can not control the moan that escapes me. Long and low. As he takes the tip of his tongue and lightly flicks me. Again and again. I reach down and put my hands on his head and hold him to me, slowly circling my hips. Already feeling my orgasm build. I need more of this man, all of this man. 

Nathan murmurs his delight between my legs as he continues the assault on me. Pulling back slightly he looks up at me, grins, flattens his tongue and glides it up me, me entire length,  from my dripping entrance to my swollen hard bud. Sucking my clit into his mouth, then quickly releasing and starting all over again. Up and down gently but firmly. I cry out his name in pure bliss. If he keeps this up, I’m going to cum. 

“Nathan,” I pant. “I can’t hold out much longer!”

“Cum for me, Frankie. Let me taste your orgasm.”

With that and a few more strokes of his tongue, my body explodes! My orgasm hits me with an intensity I never thought I’d feel. It racks through my body, my vagina pulsing with every bit of energy and I cum hard against his tongue. I’m breathless panting, my body shaking with aftershocks from what Nathan has done to me.

“Oh god,“ I breathe.

“Frankie, you taste divine, I’ve longed to have you on my tongue since I met you. So sweet.”

He leans in and kisses me. I taste my juices on his lips and on his beard. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. 

“Nathan, I need you inside me. I need you to complete me,” I whisper a little shyly.

He smiles that half smile I know is just for me. 

“Your wish is my command love,” he says as he crawls on top of me.

Nathan stares into my eyes as I place my hands on his chest. Feeling his hot skin, wanting nothing more than to have him close to me. I grab his biceps and pull him nearer. The hardness of his head bumps against my swollen center. I gasp as the contact. He toys with me bumping and bouncing his erection against me. 

“Nathan,” I beg.

He smiles, leans in to place a kiss on my nose and slowly guides himself between my legs. He lets me adjust to his full girth as he enters me. He is big and I am very tight, even with how turned on I am. Nathan feels incredible. I’ve longed for this man for so long and we are finally together, as one.    

“More,” I whisper against his mouth.

Nathan obliges, pushing himself farther into me. I gasp at how he feels. Wrapping my legs around his waist I pull him into me fully. He bottoms out against my public bone and we are closer than we’ve ever been. I exhale in content. A slight mmm leaves my lips against Nathan’s cheek. 

“I know baby I feel it too,” he says to me.

Slowly Nathan begins to move his hips. Pulling almost fully out of me then agonizingly slowly he pushes back into me. His full, long length, in and out of me. A slow rhythm that starts to build my next orgasm. I let my legs fall loosely around his as he takes control. Looking into my eyes, Nathan pushes deeper into me finding that perfect spot. I gasp and push harder against him. He knows me better than anyone else, knows what gets me there. I grind my public bone into the base of him getting more friction. As he pulls out of me again I whimper with need. 

“Don’t stop, I’m close!” I gasp.

Nathan finds the perfect rhythm and continues to drive me closer to the edge. I’m moaning with pure unashamed pleasure. I’m so close. I need the release. Two most deep pumps into me and I fall over the crest of my orgasm. I dig my nails into Nathan’s back and ride the wave of release. Pulse after pulse, wave after wave, heat after heat. Cumming around his hard cock as he continues to push into me. My vagina grasps him, pulling him closer. My body deflates after I cum so hard. Nathan has pushed all the way into me pinning me to the bed. Letting the aftershock of my release subside. 

“Oh my God, Nathan!” It’s all I can say as I come down.

He chuckles and kisses me deeply as he slowly starts to move his hips again. I know he needs his too. He’s given me multiple orgasms and he has yet to take his. How I love this selfless man. I meet his light movements, thrusts for thrusts. 

“Your turn,” I smirk and wiggle my hips. 

“Frankie, it is taking everything in me not to cum right now. You are so sexy and so wet for me and tight. God,” he groans as I push against him. 

“Cum for me, Nathan. Fill me. Don’t hold back. I need to feel your release.” 

He starts to move in that perfect way again. Soft moans escape him and he closes his eyes and gets lost in us. I close my eyes too, feeling only Nathan inside me. Nothing else matters but him completing me. Feeling my releases start to build for a third time, I can’t believe it, this has never happened, I meet him thrust for thrust. Faster as we both want it. I feel his dick harden even more, I know he’s as close as I am. 

Crying out I bite his shoulder. His skin between my teeth sends us both over the edge and our body pulse hard in release. I feel Nathan cum inside me. Hot streams of him deep into my core. I can’t take it anymore and cum right after he starts. Both panting, Nathan’s lays on top of me his hands finding, my hair as we both try to regain ourselves. Our breath slows as we lay together intertwined. Nathan still inside me, still firm. He pushes up on his elbow and looks at me with love in his eyes. 

“I couldn’t dream that you'd feel that good. My god Frankie you have me mesmerized. Why did we wait so long?”

I kiss him softly, “Good things are always worth the wait,” I smile. 

“Damn straight but I’m not waiting any longer to love you. I need you again,” he says as he moves, his shaft inside me, still firm. 

I moan with want again. I wiggled underneath him small slow circles of my hips. Nathan moans deep in his chest. I have this man around my finger and know I can have my way with him. I want him again but I don’t want to rush our night together. 

“Not yet Nathan. I need to feel all of you…with my mouth.”

He chuckles at my comment. “Looks like when I untied you I let the beast out. Let’s take a moment, finish our drinks and see where the night takes us.”

I sigh and the sound of a throat being cleared brings me back to Nathan’s office. I am searing red as Nathan is smirking at me. 

“That’s my good girl,” he praises and lets the heat linger between us.

Written by SinfullRed
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