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The Soothsayer - Part 5 (Finale)

"Now that Alice has returned, Landon must make another choice."

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Countless times, Landon had imagined what he might say if he ever saw Alice again. He'd tried to think of the words which would make her explain why she left, and which would convince her to return.

But now, with her standing in the shadows before him, he could only sputter, "You've missed me?" Taking a step back, he shook his head. "That won't fucking cut it, Alice, not when you left without so much as a goodbye."

She held out a hand, as if to bridge the distance between them. "Please, Landon, can we just talk? If you'll let me in, I'll explain everything."

"Oh yes, you left your key behind," he said, his voice mocking. "Didn't think you'd be needing it again, did you?"

Alice lowered her head, concealing her face behind waves of black hair. She didn't speak again but merely lingered there, making no move to leave. Releasing an exasperated sigh, Landon unlocked the door to his apartment. "Come in so I can hear all your excuses," he told her. "You owe me that much."

As soon as he turned on the light, Alice hurried inside after him, as though she was afraid he'd change his mind. Studying her now, Landon was shocked at how much she'd changed. Her frame was noticeably thinner, and when she finally met his eyes, he saw that her face bore new lines. The past couple of months she'd spent with Van clearly hadn't been all roses.

"Sit," he practically barked, pointing to a chair. It had been her favorite when they lived together. Wordlessly, she obeyed, and he sank onto the couch. She smoothed her hands over her slacks, a nervous gesture he instantly recognized. The bones of her wrists looked so delicate now. There was a faint stain on the collar of her cream-colored blouse. A smudge of lipstick? he wondered. Or a drop of blood? She never would have worn that while living with him. No, the soiled garment would have gone into the trash.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

Alice snapped her head up, her large blue eyes pleading. "Landon, I'm so sorry. I was unbelievably selfish and hurtful in leaving the way I did, but I didn't know how to tell you..." Her words trailed off into silence. He watched as she crossed her legs, then bobbed her foot up and down. Even her slingback heels looked scuffed.

"You didn't know how to tell me... what? That you were fucking Van?" Landon derived a visceral satisfaction from the sight of Alice's mouth dropping open in shock. "That you were going to run away with him?"

"How do you know that?" Her face grew even more ashen. 

He wasn't about to reveal the source of his knowledge. "I have my ways. Now, what I really want to know is..." He leaned forward, narrowing his eyes. "Why the hell are you back here?"

Without warning, her face crumpled and she began to sob. Landon turned away, unwilling to witness her grief or do anything to comfort her. 

Finally, she managed to choke out, "I made a terrible mistake; I realize that now! I took you for granted when I should have appreciated the love you had for me. Van was charming, and I was stupid to let him sweep me off my feet. He promised me everything"

Those words made something snap inside Landon, for he glared at her with utter contempt while shouting, "What did he promise to give you that I couldn't? I did everything to make you happy!" Spittle flew from his lips as his face twisted in fury.

"I know you did!" Alice wailed.

"Then answer me, goddammit! What did he promise?"

She shook her head, her shoulders heaving. "He promised we'd get married and live in a house by the beach. He said he'd never loved anyone the way he loved me."

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Landon threw up his hands in disgust. "So he seduced you, promising some kind of fairytale life. And how were the last two months for you at the beach? Did you have a good time?"

Alice frowned in confusion. "We weren't at the beach, Landon. He took me to some dilapidated cabin in the mountains, where we were literally off the grid. He said it would be for just a little while, but weeks turned into months, and..."

"Holy shit!" Though he burst out laughing, there was little humor in the sound. "He had you roughing it in the woods? You, who've been spoiled and pampered your whole life? That must have been one rude awakening from the dream he promised!"

Indignation flashed in Alice's eyes. "He was cruel to me! Once we were so isolated, his whole personality changed. He said the most vicious things, and I realized everything he'd told me was a lie."

Landon didn't want to hear the gory details. Though he took no pleasure in knowing Alice had suffered with Van, he also had no desire to save her. Instead, he climbed to his feet. She tilted her head back, her gaze entreating.

"We made a good life here, Alice," he said quietly. "I would have married you in a heartbeat; you were the one who wanted to wait. And when you disappeared..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It almost destroyed me. You put me through hell, and I can never, ever forgive you for that."

"Please, Landon!" She quickly stood and reached for him, but he grasped her shoulders, holding her at arm's length.

"I've moved on," he continued. "I've met someone else."

That revelation prompted fresh tears to spill down Alice's cheeks. "If you give me another chance"

"Never." Abruptly, he released her. "You have friends in this city. You can stay with one of them while you decide what to do. Or you can fly out to your hometown. I'm sure your parents would love to see you." A bitter smile pulled at his lips. "That was really nice, the way you instructed them to provide no information to me whatsoever."

Alice opened her mouth to speak, but he held up a hand to stop her. "I'll let you gather some of your clothes and other belongings, but after tonight, I don't want to see you again."

As she searched Landon's face, he sensed she was looking for some vulnerability to exploit. Some way to change his mind. Finding nothing, she eventually turned on her heel and strode toward the bedroom they once shared. He quickly followed, keeping a close watch while she collected her things and threw them into a suitcase. 

Neither of them spoke, not even when Landon walked with Alice back to the living room. After she stormed out, retreating into the night, Landon closed the door to the apartment, and to the life he'd once shared with her.


It was a few minutes past midnight when he arrived at Selene's apartment building. For a long moment, he sat in the car, wondering if he should call on her or drive back home.

Before he could make up his mind, one of her windows, previously dark, suddenly glowed bright. That was all the invitation he needed to rush to her door and gently knock.

She opened it quickly, wearing a filmy blue nightgown. Her dark hair was tousled from sleep, but her eyes were wide and expectant. 

"I'm sorry to show up like this," he said, breathing fast. 

"It's fine," Selene assured him in a soft voice. "Come on in."

Landon was relieved she was alone. Roger must have gone home, or back to his wife. When they were sitting next to each other on the couch, he turned toward her. "You knew, didn't you?" he asked. "You knew Alice was back."

Selene's expression grew grim. "I sensed her, yes, but earlier tonight, you seemed so happy, and I realized she hadn't contacted you." Taking Landon's hand, she added, "I don't know all of the future; I could only hope she was here to tie up loose ends, and that she would leave you alone before disappearing again."

"You should have told me," he insisted.

She looked down at their hands clasped together. "I'm sorry, Landon, but I was afraid that if I did, you'd go crazy searching for her again. And if she didn't want to be found"

"Oh, she wanted to be," he revealed. Selene locked eyes with him, anxiously waiting. "She showed up at my apartment tonight, begging for me to take her back."

Her shoulders stiffened. "What did you tell her?"

Landon was suddenly so tired; it was all he could do to stay upright. Selene must have discerned his exhaustion, for she silently eased him toward her until he was stretched out on the couch, with his head resting in her lap.

Gazing up at her, he smiled faintly. "Before I met you, and Mara, I might have welcomed Alice back with open arms." That realization filled him with shame. "Of course, I also might never have known about her and Van. She probably would have lied and told me she'd run off to find herself, or some such bullshit. And I would have believed her."

Selene stroked his hair. "But now?"

"Now that I know who Alice truly is, I no longer trust her," he said. "And I no longer love her." Grasping Selene's hand, he brought it to his lips, just as he had earlier that evening. "You really did save me."

She gave him one of those smiles he loved, warm and comforting as the sun on a chilly spring day. "You always knew the answer, Landon," she whispered. "I just guided you to it."


The following evening, Landon stepped into the shop just after seven. Mara was at the front desk, as he'd hoped she would be. 

"Hi there, stranger," she said to him in a low, unmistakably seductive voice. "Back for another session with me?"

Landon grinned even as his pulse quickened. "Tempting as that sounds, I was hoping to take you out to dinner. Have you eaten yet?"

Mara's eyes widened a little, letting him know he'd caught her by surprise. "Um, no, but..." She stood and glanced over her shoulder at Selene's doorway. "We don't close till nine, so I can't"

"Yes, you can," they heard Selene call. A moment later, she appeared in the doorway, smiling. "My schedule's clear for the rest of the evening, so I can take care of things here, Mara."

"But your eight o'clock"

"We rescheduled for tomorrow." 

When Mara turned back to Landon, he saw she was beaming. "In that case, I'd love to have dinner with you." Glancing down at her outfit, she added, "Am I dressed okay?"

Beneath her cardigan, she wore a camisole which showed off her lovely curves. Her knee-length skirt was modest in comparison. 

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful," Landon said. 

He didn't think it was possible, but Mara's smile widened even more. "Give me just a sec to grab my purse."

After Mara disappeared down the hall, Selene strolled over to Landon. Wrapping her arms around him, she said, "You two have fun." Then, in a lower voice, "And don't fuck it up, because she's crazy about you."

"I'd be an idiot to fuck things up with Mara."

Selene winked at him. "That's the spirit."

"Thank you for everything," he whispered before planting a kiss on her forehead.

Mara returned then, her excitement dimming a little as she saw Landon and Selene embracing. Landon quickly withdrew, and Selene took several steps back as well. 

He made his way over to Mara, placing a hand against the small of her back. "Hope you're hungry," he said.

"Starving! I normally eat an energy bar around this time and then have a late dinner after we close." Glancing at Selene, she said, "What if Roger shows up and asks where I am?"

"I'll take care of Roger," Selene replied firmly. "Now get out of here!"

Landon and Mara wished Selene a good night before leaving the shop. "My car's this way," he said when they stood on the sidewalk. While they walked toward the vehicle, he held her hand. It had been a long time since he'd experienced the throes of infatuation, and he realized how much he enjoyed that mixture of adrenaline, yearning, and arousal coursing through his veins. It made him feel like a younger man.

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He hurried to open the passenger door for Mara, and she displayed her usual grace while climbing into the car. Once he slid into the driver's seat, he turned toward her in the shadows. 

The young woman leaned toward him, and they shared a kiss both sweet and passionate. It was their first, and it was more perfect than Landon could have ever imagined. He loved the way she took his lower lip between hers and gently suckled it. With his arousal quickly building, he dared to cup her breast and tease her nipple through the camisole. 

Mara released a soft moan, then reluctantly pulled away. "There's something you should know about me."

Though Landon immediately tensed at those words, he manage to hide his anxiety behind a smile. "What is it, Mara?"

No longer appearing as a sultry seductress, she was clearly nervous as well. "I shared you before, with Selene," she said, "but I won't do that again. And I realize some other woman broke your heart recently, and you've missed her terribly. It wasn't just your sacral chakra that needed rebalancing, but your heart chakra, too." She pulled her cardigan together, covering her breasts. Or maybe she was trying to shield her own heart. Landon then understood that she feared getting hurt.

Reaching for her hand, he quietly explained, "Someone did break my heart, and that's why I came to Selene for help; I wanted to find Alice so I could get an answer as to why she left. But last night, she found me."

Mara's eyes grew wide, yet she stayed silent, waiting for Landon to go on.

"She wanted me to take her back," he said, "but I told her I'd met someone else, and that she and I were through. I made it clear I never wanted to see her again." He caressed Mara's cheek, unable to hide his tenderness for her. "When I said I'd met someone, I was talking about you, sweetheart." Hesitating for a moment, he worked up the nerve to continue. "Earlier in the evening yesterday, I was with Selene and Roger at her apartment."

Mara's sharp intake of breath was audible, but Landon knew he needed to be completely honest. "I've been intimate with Selene several times, and I'm still very fond of her. That being said, I'm no good at sharing, either. Selene is obviously a free spirit and isn't interested in monogamy, so she and I would never work." Again, he found himself struggling for the right words. "What I'm trying to say is, if you and I are in a relationship, I will be totally committed to you, Mara. I promise I'll never hurt you the way Alice hurt me."

Those were apparently the exact words Mara needed to hear, for she leaned toward him and slipped her arms around his neck. "Sorry for making things heavy on our first date."

"No need to apologize," he assured her. "I'm glad we can be honest and upfront with each other." Flashing a grin, he asked, "And how are my chakras now?"

"Perfectly aligned." Mara planted another kiss on his mouth, then slid a hand between his thighs. "Your sacral chakra's wide open." Landon moaned as she rubbed him through his pants. "And after dinner," she whispered, "I'll help you keep it that way."


Landon couldn't quite believe the scene taking place before him, though he was an enthusiastic participant in it. As he fucked Mara from behind, she leaned forward to bury her face between Selene's thighs. He well knew how talented Mara was with her tongue, so it was no surprise to see Selene rocking her hips in unadulterated pleasure. Her moans were muffled by Roger's cock, which she'd welcomed into her mouth. He'd positioned himself by her side, making it easy for her to suck him off while Mara ate her pussy.

It had been six months since Landon had taken Mara on that first date. Six months since his life had changed in such a profound way. Now, the two of them lived together in a spacious apartment, and it was their bed they'd invited Selene and Roger to share for the evening. 

Landon had to give Roger credit; while the older man cast plenty of lascivious looks at Mara's naked body, he made no attempt to touch her. Instead, he showered his attention on Selene, and Landon focused on pleasuring Mara. Of course, Landon took his own pleasure from seeing her and Selene play in such an erotic manner. He'd once claimed he was no good at sharing, but he certainly didn't mind sharing Mara with Selene. It delighted him, the way they could be so overtly sexual and then afterward revert back to close friendship. 

As Landon thrust into Mara with a fluid rhythm, Selene pulled off Roger's cock to cry out, "I'm almost there! Keep doing that, oh fuck!" Her thighs quaked around Mara, and she wove her fingers through her friend's hair, pressing her even more firmly against her pussy. 

Landon was caught off guard by the tautening of Mara's muscles; he hadn't expected her to reach climax before Selene. As her flesh constricted around his cock, he continued his fucking, driving her into greater throes of bliss. The sound of her wails mingling with Selene's made his dick throb. 

Looking up, he saw Roger watching the women orgasm, his expression rapt while he stroked his cock. Maybe he sensed Landon studying him, for he met his eyes, then grinned. "We are two very lucky bastards," he said.

"That we are." Landon took a moment to catch his breath, his cock slipping from Mara's pussy as she kissed her way up Selene's body. The two women shared a kiss, and he heard their playful giggles, followed by whispering. 

Finally, Mara sat up, pulling Selene along with her. Landon didn't know what to expect when Mara positioned Selene on her back, with a pillow under her head. Her mouth was now just inches from Landon's erection. Though he and Selene had remained close friends, he was always careful to keep his word to Mara. Never did he want her to doubt the trust she'd placed in him. So he now grew very still, waiting for her move.

"Go on," she urged him, her cute blonde bob tousled from Selene's fingers. "She wants to taste my pussy on your cock."

A faint groan escaped his lips at the thought of that, yet he forced himself to ask Mara, "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

"Very," she replied with an emphatic nod.

Selene stared up at him, seeming wide-eyed and innocent. But she readily opened her mouth wide when he guided his dick to her lips. The moment he felt her hot tongue gliding against his skin, a fierce shudder went through him. He allowed himself to give shallow thrusts, fucking her sweet, sexy mouth, and she moaned in encouragement. Mara sat back to enjoy the show, a hand between her legs, and Roger approached to fondle Selene's breasts.

"You just love sucking cock, don't you, baby?" the older man murmured to Selene. His own dick swayed from the strength of his arousal.

Landon withdrew so she could take a deep breath. "Only certain cocks," she said, then winked at Landon. "And especially those that taste like Mara's cunt."

Mara's fingers worked faster at her clit, and Landon knew she would soon give herself another orgasm. Roger's hand moved between Selene's thighs so he could stimulate her tender bud. His efforts made her suck Landon's cock even more fervently. 

"Ah, that's so good!" he praised Selene. She held his tip in her throat while her hand moved along his shaft. Soon, it became too much, and Landon reluctantly withdrew. "You brought me right to the edge," he confessed with a sheepish grin.

Selene looked plenty proud of herself until Roger's merciless fingers became her primary focus. "I'm so sensitive," she whined. "I don't think I can come again right now!"

"Oh, you will," Roger told her. "This doesn't stop till you give it up for me."

Selene begged but didn't try to pull away. Instead, she lay there and let him deliver that sweet torment to her clit. Landon tentatively stroked his cock, unable to resist masturbating as he watched her come. 

"Good girl," Roger said, his fingers slowing and then growing still. Only now did he dare to touch Mara, for he lifted his slick fingers to her lips, and she greedily sucked them. The sight made Landon desperate for release, yet he remained where he was until Selene slowly sat up. 

She planted a kiss on the head of his cock, then smiled up at him and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Finish inside the woman you're going to marry."

Mara gasped at those words, and Landon gave her a tender smile. He hadn't told Selene of his plans to propose, or of his fear that Mara would think he was moving too fast. For weeks now, he'd grappled with the timing, though he'd already picked out a ring. It was only self-doubt that made him hesitate.

But of course Selene had known. And in her uncanny way, she'd just given her blessing to them both.

Landon reached for Mara, drawing her down onto the bed. As she lay beneath him, he kissed her mouth and tasted Selene's juices lingering on her lips. "I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you, Landon." She gazed at him with something like wonder, as if seeing him in an entirely new light. And perhaps she did, for he was now the man who wanted to make her his wife. 

Very soon, he would ask her properly. He'd be down on one knee as he presented the ring, an antique from the Victorian era with a rose-cut diamond, for he wanted the proposal to be perfect. But right now, the need to be inside her was all-consuming. 

Guiding his hard cock to her entrance, he slid inside. Beside them, Roger had placed Selene in a spooning position, and he now lay behind her. Landon could hear their passionate fucking, far more frenzied than the way he made love to Mara. 

His eyes locked with Mara's, and he smiled again even while breathing fast. With their bodies moving in perfect rhythm, they quickly approached climax. As her eyelids fluttered closed, her cries grew pleading. 

"Come for me!" he urged. 

She lifted her head, muffling a scream by pressing her lips against his skin. He held her through the orgasmic contractions, and his own cry sounded helpless when he finally let go. His cock twitched and pulsed within her, filling her pussy with his seed. She'd once revealed she could sometimes feel those spurts, and that must have been the case tonight, for she moaned, "Yes, yes, come inside me!"

Finally spent, Landon didn't pull out. Mara always enjoyed that lingering connection, and as she lay back, basking in the orgasm's residual glow, he dared to glance at the other couple. 

Selene's stare was intense, almost pained, as Roger's skin slapped against hers. Yet the lust in her eyes momentarily cleared when she looked at Landon. 

"Thank you," he mouthed. 

She managed a sweet smile before Roger's thrusts commanded her full attention once more.

Turning back to Mara, Landon showered her face with kisses. She giggled before offering him her mouth, and as their lips met, he felt a rush of gratitude toward Selene, who at that very moment was reaching climax. 

She had indeed guided him to the life he was meant to live, and to the woman in his arms, whom he would love for the rest of his days.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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