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The Lonely Salesman Chapter Three Part Two

"Philly and Connie visit “Holiday Lights” and become lovers for life."

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Author's Notes

"Philly surprises Connie with a visit to a romantic setting where they both declare their love. We've come to the end of Philly and Connie’s love story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoyed reading it."

At seven thirty-five, much to my surprise, Connie came in. She smiled broadly and said, "Marsha, let me leave a half-hour early."

"That's great. Let me grab my stuff, and we'll get out of here," I said.

Ken had just finished with his big sale, and Connie and I waited until the customer left to talk to Ken.

"You're opening in the morning, right, Ken?" I asked.

Ken replied. "Yep, take your time coming in, Phil. I'll see you whenever." Starting the following day, the mall would be open an extra hour in the evening for the rest of the holiday season, so Ken and I adjusted the schedule.

I said, "I should be here by one or one-thirty tomorrow, Ken." 

"No problem," he replied.

As Connie and I left, I offered her my elbow, and she happily slipped her arm through mine as we strolled across the crowded mall toward the exit.

 She asked, "So, where are you taking me tonight that I need to change into warm slacks?"

"Sweetheart, it's still a surprise," I answered.

She stopped and turned to me. "I love it when you call me sweetheart, and I love your surprises."

I smiled at her, happy with the knowledge that she liked the term of endearment I’d used for her.

As we walked toward Connie's car, she snuggled close to me to ward off the brisk air of this early December night. She slipped behind the wheel of her car and started the engine. I leaned down and kissed her softly, caressing her cheek.

I suggested, "Wear some warm slacks, sweetheart, okay."

She smiled and said, "Are we going to be outside?"

"It's a surprise. I'll follow you to your place, okay," I replied.

Traffic was quite heavy on the second Friday after Thanksgiving, and it took us twenty minutes to get out of the parking lot. As we made our way along Rt. 12 toward Wynnwood Apartments, I tried to think of the best way to tell Connie exactly how I felt about our relationship. I wanted her to understand that I hoped our relationship would grow beyond the obvious lust we have for one another without feeling pressured into letting it advance beyond where it was.

Connie's car was parked in her assigned space outside her apartment when I pulled into the lot. I parked a few spaces away and shut off the engine. I walked to the entrance and rang her bell. The entry door buzzed; I pulled the door open and stepped inside. Two older women greeted me as I entered the lobby. They were busy decorating the potted trees in the lobby with Christmas lights. Both of them glanced toward me as I came through the lobby door.

"Evening, Ladies, getting ready for Christmas?" I said.  

The younger of the two smiled at me and said,” Yes, we do this every year.” “Who are you here to see?” She asked.

"Connie in R-23," I responded.

"She just got in from work. And from the look on her face, she's looking forward to your visit too." The woman offered.

"We're going out," I said as I walked past them to the elevator.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

I put one finger to my lips and said, “It’s a surprise!”

The woman smiled as I entered the elevator before the door slid closed.

I arrived at Connie’s apartment to find the door cracked open an inch or so. I knocked lightly and pushed it open.

The hurricane lamp on the end table by Connie's sofa was lit, and I stood there for a second looking at that soft sheepskin rug Connie and I had made love on two nights before. The memory of that first time we'd made love brought a massive smile to my lips.

I called her name, "Connie, I'm here, sweetheart."

She replied from her bedroom, "I'll be out in a minute. Make yourself comfortable."

I slipped off my coat and sat in the matching loveseat, which faced her entertainment unit. I was still formulating the perfect words to say to her later tonight. I finally just decided I’d let the moment guide my words.

From behind, I heard the door to her room close and turned toward her as she walked through the short hall to her bedroom.

She smiled as she approached me and said, "How do I look?"

Connie had changed into a pair of black jeans and lower-heeled boots. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had a fluffy white scarf loosely wrapped around her neck.

I smiled and said, "You look incredible as always."

"Think I'll need a hat?" She asked.

"It might be a good idea if you take one along, sweetheart," I replied.

Connie walked over to the loveseat and sat down beside me.

She grinned and asked, "So, won't you at least give me a hint where you're whisking me off to tonight?"

I answered, "No way, I don't want to spoil the surprise. But we better get going 'cause it will take a half-hour to get there, and traffic may be heavy."

I stood up and offered my hand to her, which she happily accepted. As we walked toward the door, I was behind her. She opened the foyer closet and pulled a white ski jacket from its hanger. I took it from her, and as I held it for her to slip her arms into it, I leaned forward and lightly kissed her on the neck just behind and below her ear. She tilted her head to give me full access to the spot and sighed softly as my kiss sent a shiver down her spine. I broke the kiss before it led to a change of plans for the night.  

Connie asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't like to settle here for the evening?"

"No way, I've been planning my surprise all day," I said.

Connie hugged me and whispered, "I love the idea that you're making plans ahead of time. Let's go. I'm excited to find out what you've been planning."

We made the short walk to the elevator, and in a moment, the door slid open in the lobby. The two women I'd spoken to earlier were still hard at work with their decorating. As we walked past them, the friendly one said, "Have a good time tonight, kids."

I grinned at her and said, “I’m already having the time of my life.”  

As Connie and I walked to the parking lot, she said, "Those two are the biggest gossips in the whole complex. I'm sure that by this time tomorrow, they will have everyone in the building convinced we will be married by Valentine's Day."

I let the reference to marriage pass without comment.

As Connie and I walked toward my car, she said, "It's getting quite chilly tonight. Maybe I should have brought gloves, too." She was still trying to get me to give up a clue as to where I was taking her.

I said, "If it gets too cold, we can just leave."

Opening the passenger door, I let Connie slip into the seat. I walked around and slid into the driver's side, started the engine, and flipped on the seat warmers and stereo.

The radio station was already playing Christmas music, and I turned the volume down a little so Connie and I could talk as we drove to my surprise destination.

Pulling from the Wynnewood entrance back onto Rt. 12, I turned away from town and started heading into the countryside.

Connie didn't ask where we were headed, knowing I wouldn't explain our final destination.

Traffic was much lighter outside town, and we made a good time. I made several turns and had her completely lost. My final turn was onto a back road that skirted along a small stream. In the spring, this stream would be teaming with stocked trout, but tonight, its calm water would reflect what I hoped would be a romantic setting.

As we crested a small hill, our destination came into view. Off in the distance, the night was aglow with what looked like a billion twinkling Christmas lights.

Connie exclaimed, "Oh my god, Philly, that is so beautiful!"

I slowed the car to let her enjoy the view and said, "Welcome to Holiday Lights, sweetheart."

Connie reached over and placed her hand on mine before she said, "What a beautiful surprise, Philly!"

I felt the warmth of her heart through her hand and smiled to myself in the darkness, knowing that the first glimpse of my surprise had dashed some fears. Time would tell if other worries would be dashed that evening.

I turned into the parking area and stopped at the small booth to offer the attendant our donation for parking.

The lot wasn't full, and I had no trouble finding a space near the pathway that led into the heart of Holiday Lights.

Connie seemed so excited to walk that path with me. As I turned the engine off, she didn't wait for me to come around and open her door. She was out and standing in the cold, crisp winter air, already enjoying the view immensely. I slipped my digital camera into my coat pocket and joined her. The sky was cloudless, and the moon hadn't risen, so along with the twinkle of holiday lights, the sky was twinkling with the light from a billion stars. I couldn't have asked for a more romantic setting.

Connie gave me a huge hug and said, "This is incredible! I'm so pleased about your surprise for tonight."

I put my arm around her waist, and she snuggled in against me as we started walking down the path toward the main entrance. As we passed under the brightly lit archway at the gate, white lights spelled out, "Welcome to Holiday Lights." The trail led downhill, passing evergreen trees on both sides covered in multi-colored lights. Off in the distance, we could hear Christmas carols playing on a loudspeaker. Behind the Christmas trees and partway up a slight slope, we could see a moving train. The lights that outline the wheels turned on and off in sequence, making it look like they were turning.

There was so much to enjoy, and we both commented to each other each time we saw something we liked. Glowing figurines were everywhere, set up in groups or as individual displays. A large barn at the end of the path was outlined in lights. At the corner of the barn, there was a signpost with several arrow signs directing visitors to the different areas. At the top was one that read North Pole Santa's workshop. The next one down read, Feed the reindeer, below that Christmas train display. The next to last one read Path of Reflections, and finally, the bottom read Holiday Treats.

I said, "So, Connie, which way first?"

"Oh my Philly, I want to see everything. You decide I want to see everything. I'm just so happy to be here with you," Connie said.

"Okay, let's look at the trains first," I suggested.

She giggled and said, “Boys and their toys.”

It was a short walk to the small building with a sign hanging over the door that read Train Shop. We stepped inside and were greeted by a beautiful miniature scene. The room was dimly lit, and trains were running through the display everywhere. One end had a mountain snow scene complete with a ski slope and a working chair lift. There were thousands of delicate little trees, each covered with a fresh coat of snow. Toward the center, where the display was narrow, there was a train storage yard with all kinds of model trains displayed. The operators would carefully pull one train in the yard and send another out to make its trip around the display. At the opposite end, the show depicted a small city complete with Christmas decorations and miniature Christmas trees. Each one is carefully modeled and lit with fiber optics. It reminded me of the town of Bedford Falls from the classic holiday film It's a Wonderful Life.

Connie and I marveled at the display's details, pointing out things we enjoyed most about the scene. As we watched the trains running around, I stood behind Connie and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her tight against me so I could whisper in her ear.

"This is so wonderful, Connie. I'm so happy we could share this." I said.

As we left the Christmas yard train display, I said, "You want to pick our next stop, sweetheart?"

Connie said, "Well, I'm not interested in feeding the reindeer. But if you'd like to walk over there and check them out, we can."

"Let's pass on the reindeer. Besides, I'm sure that is full of little kids," I answered.

Let's stop at Santa's workshop." She suggested.

We walked toward the small rustic-looking building that served as Santa's workshop. There was a short cobblestone path that led to the front door. Lined with lighted candy canes, the smell of burning firewood made the scene look and smell very inviting. I pulled the door open, and we stepped inside. To our left was a small gift counter and a grandmotherly-looking woman offering trinkets and other cute little gifts. We glanced at them but didn't see anything that caught our fancy. On the other end was a big stone fireplace. The open hearth and burning logs inside gave off warmth and glow that made every visitor feel very welcome. Of course, the centerpiece of Santa's Workshop was Santa himself. He carried on just like any Santa would, Ho Ho Ho ing and laughing whenever anyone spoke to him.

I said, “Well, Connie, here's your chance to tell Santa just what you want for Christmas.”

She giggled and said, "I'm too old to sit on Santa's lap."

"Oh, come on, sweetheart, give the old guy a thrill," I said. "And while you're treating the jolly old elf, I can get a picture of you on his lap."

She smiled and said, "Okay, maybe he'll give me what I really want for Christmas."

Connie approached Santa; his eyes got as big as saucers. She carefully sat down on his lap, and his smile got even more prominent.

"HoHoHo, What's your name, little girl?" Santa said, keeping in character.

“I’m Connie.” She replied.

"Have you been a good little girl this year, Connie?" Santa asked.

"Oh yes, I've been especially good this year, Santa," Connie said. Her devilish grin gave away just how good she'd been.

“I’ve checked my list and saw that you’re on the very good girl side.” He replied.

I was happily snapping pictures of Connie sitting on this jolly old gentleman’s lap and could zoom in for a close-up of her face with that devilish grin she had just flashed him.

"So, tell Santa what you want for Christmas?" Santa asked.

Connie thought for a second, then leaned close to Santa’s ear and whispered something. I snapped a picture of her as her lips spoke softly in his ear.

Santa smiled broadly and said, "That's a pretty tall order, Connie. I'll try my best to see that it makes its way under your tree on Christmas morning."

"Oh, thank you so much, Santa!" Connie replied. She leaned over and kissed him on his rosy cheek and whispered something else in his ear.

"HOHOHO" Santa exclaimed after Connie finished telling him something very private. "That would make Santa very happy," he concluded.

Reaching beside his chair, Santa presented Connie with a little candy cane and said, "You have a Merry Christmas, Connie!"

She slid off his lap and smiled widely as she walked toward me. I was dying to know what she had asked him for and what she promised him to make him very happy. I'd have to ask her, but I doubted she would give up her secret with Santa.

Santa smiled widely as Connie and I left his quaint little workshop.

Returning outside to the frosty night air, I slid my arm around her waist, and Connie snuggled close. "Getting too cold for you?" I asked.

"Oh no, I'm feeling very warm inside." She replied, then suggested. "Let's head for the Path of Reflections."

From Santa's Workshop, we walked to a wooden footbridge across the stream to the Path of Reflections. Halfway across the bridge, Connie stopped and leaned back against the railing. She looked into my eyes and smiled.

Connie hugged me and whispered, "You're such an incredible man. I can't remember when I've felt better about being with someone. I want you to know that since we met, especially the nights since Wednesday, you have been everything I could have dreamt of. You've made me so very happy, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” 

I placed my hands on either side of her face, gently caressing her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled brighter than all the glowing Christmas lights of this magical place. Her lips shimmered like the slow-moving water of the stream we were standing over. My lips moved closer to hers, barely touching them. She trembled in anticipation of this kiss. Our lips touched, and we felt the sparks of love ark between us. She parted her soft, beautiful lips and offered me the very tip of her tongue. I slid my hands around the vision of beauty standing before me and pulled her tightly against me. My mouth opened, and I took her tongue between my lips.

She moaned softly as I kissed her more passionately than I'd ever kissed her before, the first kiss between two lovers who have fallen deeply in love. My lips moved from hers and slid toward her ear. I kissed her ear lobe before I whispered, "I love you, Connie, with all my heart; I love you." 

I leaned back and looked deeply into her eyes; tears welled up in them as she smiled at me. Her hand came to my cheek, softly cupping it in her palm. Her fingers lightly stroked at my jaw. A tear escaped the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheek. I started to speak her name, but she touched my lips to silence my voice.

Connie smiled and said, "Phil, I asked Santa for the gift you have just given me. I asked him to have you tell me tonight that you love me. I've been in love with you since the first time you smiled at me, Phil, since the first time you touched me, since the first time you kissed me. I love you with my heart and soul." 

I gathered my love into my arms and hugged her tightly. I could almost feel her heart racing through her sweater and coat. I gently wiped the tear from her cheek and kissed her softly where that loving tear had been. Connie turned her head and returned my kiss. Two new lovers taking the time to express our love with gentle, soft kisses. She felt so good in my arms. We fit so perfectly together.  

I was feeling such warmth inside, such a beautiful glowing warmth. I tried to explain that feeling to Connie, but words could not describe the sensation.

Connie said, "Phil, you don't have to describe your feelings. I'm feeling the same thing, love."

I kissed her again and circled her waist, leading my love across that footbridge that I'd always remember being where Connie and I had expressed our love for each other the first time.

As we walked along the Path of Reflections, the shimmering of Holiday Lights mirrored in the calm waters of the stream. Mirror images that would forever be burned into our memories. We stopped many times along that path to hug and kiss each other.

At one spot, Connie was standing in front of me. My arms were around her waist, and my nose was nuzzled beside her ear. She said, Tell me again. I want to hear it again."

"I love you, Connie." I whispered, "I love you now and forever."

She leaned against me and said, "Those words are so beautiful. Please never stop speaking them to me."

"Always and forever!" I said, "I promise you that I'll love you always and forever."

We reached the end of the Path of Reflections. Darkness was all that lay ahead, but as we turned to walk back toward our little footbridge, the full moon rose above the horizon and reflected its glowing light in the still waters of the stream.

Connie smiled at me and said, “How much more romantic a night could you have planned, Phil? Your timing is perfect.”

I took her hand and brought it to my lips to kiss the back of her soft hand.

I said,  "Our timing is perfect; this setting, this beautiful romantic setting, will only serve to enhance our memories of tonight.  

Connie and I walked back along the Path of Reflections arm in arm, basking in the glow of our newly pledged love for one another. As we strolled along the path, the Christmas lights from the other side reflected in the stream, and the moon shined brightly in the crisp winter air.

Reaching the footbridge where we had promised to love each other always, I stopped another couple and asked if they could take a picture of Connie and me.

We stood with the twinkling glow of Holiday lights behind us at the exact spot where we had told each other we were in love. Several poses later, I thanked the guy I'd asked to take pictures and retrieved my camera. They headed down the path, enjoying the sights.

I turned to Connie and said, "I feel like the luckiest man on earth tonight. I feel so good inside.”

Connie looked into my eyes and said, "Philly, I'm the lucky one here. I've fallen in love with the most romantic man on earth. I wish I could describe how safe, how complete you've made me feel tonight." I took her hand in mine, and we slowly returned toward our last stop, the big barn that served as the refreshment stand and gift shop.

As we walked by Santa's workshop, the jolly old dude was standing around the side of the building, sneaking a smoke. He saw us and waved at Connie. She smiled at him and gave him the thumbs-up sign, letting him know her Christmas wish had already come true.

I pulled the heavy door to the gift shop open and ushered Connie inside.

"Want some hot chocolate?" I asked.

Connie giggled and said, "No, I want some hot Philly in a little while!"  

I led her to the gift display and said, "We'll be putting up a Christmas tree at your place soon; let me buy you a special ornament for our first Christmas tree together.

Connie looked at me and said, "God, is there anything you haven't thought of to make me feel so special tonight."

She instantly picked a tiny, delicate angel.

"This one is perfect. It'll forever remind me of my guardian angel, my sweet romantic guardian angel," Connie said.

I smiled my approval and leaned close, giving her a soft kiss.

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The sales clerk wrapped the angel carefully with white tissue and placed it in a bag. I thanked her as I paid for Connie’s special ornament.

Handing the bag to Connie, I took her hand in mine, and we left the shop. As we walked along the path to the parking lot, she said, "I want to come back here every year from now on. This will be our special place. The place where we can share memories of Christmas past and present. Where we can dream of Christmas' yet to come."

We stopped along the path several times to hug each other tightly and kiss. Soft, loving kisses. As we approached my car, Connie said, "Take me home, love, take me home to my apartment and our bed.”

As I drove toward her apartment, I thought to myself. Connie had let me into her life, opened her heart to me, and given me her soul. I felt as if the doubts and fears she had expressed had been vanquished from her mind. Time would tell if that were true, but we would cherish our feelings for one another for this night.

As I closed the door to her apartment behind us, Connie turned to me. She lifted her face toward mine, and her eyes sparkled lustfully at me.

"Make love to me, Philly, make sweet passionate love to me." She asked.

I slowly slid her coat off her shoulders and dropped it on the chair next to the door. My coat joined hers, and I scooped her up in my arms to carry her to the bedroom. Our mouths met in a tender, loving kiss. She parted her lips and offered her tongue to me as I slowly let her feet again touch the floor.

She spoke in a lustful whisper, "God, I want you so much!"  

Reaching behind her head, I released her hair from the constraint that held it in a ponytail all evening. Connie shook her head slightly, and her hair cascaded down and over her shoulders. I pulled her tightly against me. Our mouths melted together, tongues entwined in a passionate, sensual kiss, a lustful kiss that intensified as it lingered.

Pulling her sweater from the waistline of her jeans, I lifted it over her head. As her sweater came off, she again shook her hair, framing her lovely face. I took a half step back and gazed at her beauty; her breasts strained at the lacy material edging her bra. Her eyes looked like dark pools of passion. Her lips begged to be kissed.

Connie smiled and said, "Take your time, lover. I want this to be another incredible memory we make tonight."

My hand slid up her back and into her hair. I grabbed two handfuls and tilted her head back just a little. Leaning toward her, my lips touched her neck, and she shuddered as my lips traced along the soft skin below her chin. Slowly my lips inched their way down until I was kissing between her beautiful tits and into her succulent cleavage.

Connie moaned deeply as my lips made their way across the soft, warm flesh of her tits.

She begged, "Oh yes, kiss me everywhere."

I continued kissing the heaving flesh of her tits above the material of her bra. My hands slid down her belly to the button that held her jeans tightly around her waist. Unbuttoning her jeans and sliding the zipper down allowed me to circle her waist with fingertips inside the material. As I reached the sides, I pushed her jeans down and off her hips. Her shapely thighs still held the denim material in place, and I hooked a finger in each side of her thong and pulled it up and over her hips.

Connie moaned as the material of her thong dug into her crotch.

She whispered, "God, you make me feel like a Christmas present the way you're unwrapping me."

Slowly, I crouched down as my hands pushed the denim material the remaining length of her very sexy legs. Connie placed the toe of one boot against the heel of the other and stepped out of the boot. I held the other as she pulled her other foot from its leather confinement. Her jeans followed my hands the remaining distance down her legs until they were a heap of black denim around her ankles. She stepped out of them and spread her feet apart.

As I straightened up, I took a step back to gaze again at her near-naked body. The look in her eyes was becoming increasingly lustful with each passing second. My cock was nearly fully erect and straining at the material of my slacks. I wanted her to unwrap my body just as I had done hers.

"Your turn, Connie," I said as I took her hands in mine and guided them to the top button of my shirt.

Connie smiled lustfully at me as she scratched her nails down my chest through the cotton material of my white dress shirt. She reached for my belt and unbuckled it slowly. One hand pulled the belt from around my waist as the other slid along the bulge's length in the front of my slacks.

She grinned and said, "What is this? It feels so hard, and it seems to be pulsating.

"You'll just have to unwrap it to find out what it is," I said, playing along with her.

Her hands slid back up my chest until she reached the top button. Connie wanted to tease me as much as possible.

She said, "I usually just rip the paper off my gifts, but this paper is so nice. I think I'll be cautious to save it for another gift."

Her fingertips moved almost in slow motion as she unbuttoned one button after another. Each time she exposed more of my chest, she scratched at the skin with her nails. I began to quiver with anticipation. Chills ran up and down my spine as her fingertips and nails caressed me.

I never lost eye contact with her while she worked down my shirt. Her eyes hypnotized me, their lustful pools of passion screaming at me how much she wanted me.

After what seemed like an eternity, Connie reached the last button above the waistline of my slacks. Grabbing the cotton material on either side of the line of buttons, she slowly pulled my shirt out of my slacks. Two more buttons slowly came undone under her expert fingertips. The final one just in front of my now rock-hard cock. As the last button slipped from its corresponding hole, my shirt fell open and away from her hands.

Her fingertips and incredible nails slid the length of my erection, eliciting a throaty moan from deep inside me. She scratched up and down along the pulsating length of my cock several times, feeling it twitch.

"Oh god, take it out, please!" I begged.

She smiled and said, “But baby, half the fun is unwrapping such a special gift.”

Her fingers finally gave in to my begging and undid the button above the zipper. One hand held the material at the button while the other moved the zipper, inch by inch until she reached the bottom.

My cock was so hard I thought it would tear the material of my jockey shorts in an attempt to be released into her soft sensual hands. Connie slid the waistband of my slacks over my hips, and they fell around my ankles. She slid her fingernails once again along the length of my cock, causing it to twitch and actually lift the elastic waistband from my skin. My erection begged to be uncovered, begged for her touch, and used for her pleasure.  

Connie licked her lips, stepped back from me, and then said, "Now I am going to let you watch me finish unwrapping my gift to you, and then you can finish unwrapping your gift for me.

She began swaying her hips side to side very seductively. Her hands began sliding along the sides of her thighs up and down over and over again as she seduced me with her movements. Her fingertips hooked into the sides of her thong, and she pulled it higher on her hips. Letting the material snap back against her flesh, she slid her hands up to cup her tits pushing them together to form deeper cleavage between her delicious mounds of pleasure.

My eyes were bigger than saucers. I stood there motionless as she continued her seduction by movement. Her hands slid up to the creamy skin above the lace, and she dipped her fingers between her tits. Slowly sliding them out again and toward the sides of her heaving breasts. Lifting them, she lowered her head and extended her tongue to trace small wet lines across the soft skin with her tongue.

Connie was enjoying this seduction as much as I did, and I told her, "You are so sexy! So hot!"

She flipped her head up, and her hair followed, falling behind her shoulders, exposing the soft, smooth skin only broken by her bra's straps. Her hands slid behind, and I watched as the fabric of her bra lost its tight grip on her tits. She brought her hands back to the front and slid them up over her tits once again. Leaning slightly forward but still holding the cups firmly against her tits, she allowed the straps to fall along the sides of her arms.

I was so turned on, so completely mesmerized by her seduction, that I couldn’t speak. I could only moan as she reduced her grip and allowed the material to fall from her tits.

The bra fell from her hands, sliding off her arms between us. Connie slid her hands back up to her now naked breasts to caress and pinch her erect nipples.

She finally spoke, “Oh baby, I can hardly wait to feel your hands on these.” Cupping her tits and rubbing the nipples with her thumbs as she spoke.

I couldn't wait! I reached for her, but Connie stepped back and wiggled one long, sexy finger at me before saying, "Not till your gift is completely unwrapped. Then you can play until your heart's content."  

"You're killing me, baby," I said.

She just smiled and continued with her seduction by motion.

I could only imagine how long it would take for Connie to remove the final bit of wrapping from her gift to me. But I was more than willing to endure since her seduction only heightened the anticipation of what we both knew would be spectacular.

She began the final unwrapping by sliding her fingertips along the edge of the triangle covering her pussy. First down, then back up to continue along the thin slivers of material over her hips. She pulled the cloth away and made it like she would slide it down but released the straps, letting them snap against her hips.

Connie took another step back and leaned against the side of our bed. She smiled as she slowly sat down. Her hands slid backward, supporting her while she lay down. As her head made contact with the soft white comforter, her legs lifted off the floor. As they continued up, she slid her hands down to her ass, then up along the back of her thighs, until her legs were pointed straight up toward the ceiling.  

I groaned deeply at the sight of her gorgeous legs extended up in the air but gasped as her hands slid between her knees and pushed those beautiful legs apart. The gap between her thighs widened, and her hands slid down toward the bottom of the vee her thighs formed. Reaching the lacy material that covered her, she pulled it away with one finger and showed me the rosebud it covered.

Connie moaned as her finger slid inside, then up to circle the hood of flesh, hiding her clitoris. She finally spoke again, "I need you inside me!"

Her fingers slid to the thin straps of material at her hips, and she pulled them away, stretching the material until it broke. The remains of her thong fell between her thighs on the bed, and she again slid her hands to her glistening pussy.

She moaned deeply as the effects of her seduction by motion took their toll on her.

My lover was ready for me; she'd unwrapped the most precious of gifts, and I gladly accepted that gift!

Connie smiled seductively at me before she said, "Do you like your gift?"

I nodded yes and said, "The most precious gift I've ever received."

"Aren't you going to finish unwrapping your gift to me?" She asked.

I smiled at her, and the little boy in me took control, wanting that gift unwrapped as quickly as possible. I reached down and yanked my jockeys off in an instant. 

Connie giggled, “Just like a man, can’t wait to play with his gifts.”

I moved between her thighs, my hard rock erection pointing straight at her glistening moist pussy. Wrapping my arms around her legs, I pulled her ass to the edge of the bed.

I looked into her eyes and said, "Tell me what you want?"

She responded with two words, “Fuck me!”

Holding my rock-hard throbbing cock in my hand, I rubbed the head along the slit of her pussy. She moaned softly as the velvety flesh slid along the lips to her love cup. She wanted me inside her; she wanted my cock soaking inside her.

My cock spread those luscious lips and was coated with her moisture. I pushed forward, slipping inside. I could feel her heat surrounding me. I wanted more. Pressing forward, I slowly sank my cock deeper and deeper into her. Her internal muscles clamped down around me and invited me deeper into her steamy tight cunt. Forward until my balls were resting against her ass, I stopped and flexed my muscles, causing my cock to twitch up inside her, rubbing against her cervix. Connie moaned deeply as my twitching member filled her. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and she locked her heels behind my back. I withdrew until only the head of my cock remained inside her soaking wet pussy. She pulled me in again with her legs. My balls slapped against her ass. Leaning forward, I slid my hands under her and lifted her off the bed and up tightly against my chest. She was impaled on my throbbing cock.

Our mouths met in a deep, sensual kiss. Tongues circling one another like snakes of pleasure. She bit my lips, and I moaned. I sucked her tongue deep into my mouth. My hands were under her ass, holding her up

I turned around and sat down on the edge of the bed. Releasing my grip on her, I fell back onto the bed. My hands instantly went to her firm full breasts, kneading them gently.

"Fuck me!" I pleaded.

As she started moving up and down on my cock, I began thrusting up into her. Our bodies slapped against each other. My hand was always moving, always exploring her body. I pinched her nipples hard, and she groaned.

"Oh yeah, that's it, Philly, pinch them hard," She screamed.

I lifted my body as I pulled her toward me so I could take one nipple between my lips, suck it, bite it, and lick around it. Connie reached behind my head and pulled my mouth harder against her tits.

"Oh, god, that feels so fuckin' good." She said as she bounced her hips up and down on my cock. Her pussy was so wet. Splashing sounds came from us as she drove me deep inside.

"You are so fucking hot!" I squealed. "Fuck me faster," I begged.

Connie began shaking. First, her head, her long auburn locks flying everywhere. She was quickly turning into a quivering mass of passion.

"Oh, I love how you fuck me!" She said.

Her pussy became the center of that quivering mass of passion as she approached the summit of sexual pleasure.

"Yes, oh, fuck YES!" she cried as her orgasm crept up on her quickly.

Her hips lifted further than before, and she slammed back down, driving me hard inside as her orgasm began. Over and over, she slammed her sopping wet cunt down on my cock.

Inaudible sounds of pleasure escaped her throat as her orgasm peaked. She flooded with juice. Hot, wet woman juice. I love the way that first flood of her juices fills her pussy. I love the way it scorches my cock. I love the way it flows from her onto my balls.  

Connie’s hips slowly began lifting less and grinding more as she rode the final waves of her orgasm. She’d cum very hard and very fast, and I wanted to give her more.

I pulled my lover down tightly against me, and our sweat mingled. She rubbed her tits against my hairy chest and cooed softly as her orgasm subsided. Only her hips twitched as she kept the feeling going as long as possible. She buried her face in the crook of my neck and just moaned over and over again.

She finally regained her senses to whisper in my ear, "I love you, Philly."

I turned my head and kissed her softly before whispering, "I love you, Connie."

Our kiss expressed our love for each other almost as well as our words. A soft, sensual, passionate kiss only two people completely in love can share.

Breaking our kiss, Connie said, "What an incredible orgasm. You make me cum so hard and fast.

"Do you want more?" I asked. Knowing her answer before I asked the question.

"Oh god, please, give it to me again. Fuck me from behind," she pleaded.

Connie slid off my rock-hard cock and reached down to stroke it several times. She looked deeply into my eyes before she begged me again, "Please, fuck me nice and slow from behind."

Turning toward the headboard, Connie got on all fours, pulled a pillow under her, and lowered her head to the soft pillow. Her ass was sticking up; she spread her legs so I could move between them. As her thighs parted, the lips of her pussy opened, and droplets of her juice oozed out of her. She was dripping wet and ready for my raging cock. I knelt behind her and slid my cock between her ass cheeks rubbing it against her anus. Moving back a little, I let my cock slip below and against the pulsating lips of her soaking wet cunt. I rubbed it up and down along the length of her slit.

Connie groaned deeply and begged me, "Inside me, put it inside me now, lover!"

My hands came to rest on her ass, and I could look down and watch as the dark blood-red head of my cock disappeared between her swollen lips. I gave her several quick thrusts with just the head inside, and she cooed her delight.

"Oh baby, that feels so fucking good," she said.

I started giving her a little more with each successive thrust, and she moaned louder with each deeper thrust into her.

I groaned as the last inches disappeared inside her soaking wet pussy. With my balls resting against her pubic mound, I pulled her hips back harder against me as I flexed the muscles that caused my cock to slide upwards inside her. The head rubbed against her cervix, causing my lover to shudder with delight.

Connie said, "Oh my god, that feels incredible. I love it when you do that."

I slowly withdrew until only the tip of my cock kept the lips of her pussy spread.

She begged me, "Again, bury that fucking cock inside me again."

Her swollen pussy grasped at my cock as I moved forward again. Slowly burying it to the hilt.

Connie reached down between her thighs and rubbed her clit with her middle finger as I withdrew from her again. I slid my hands to her hips and thrust my erection into her fast and hard until it slammed into her cervix. She squealed with pleasure and slid her nails over my scrotum to my ass, holding me inside her. Her nails scratched at my balls as I withdrew again.

"God damn, you're so hot inside," I said.

Slowly, the tempo of our lovemaking increased. My cock thrust into her faster and faster with each passing second. Her hips pressed back to meet each thrust.

I started to feel that incredible tingling deep in my loins as I fucked her harder and faster. She felt my cock swell as I approached orgasm.

"Oh god, yes, faster, baby, fuck me faster. Make me cum with you," She screamed.

My hips couldn't move faster, I couldn't drive my cock into her harder. I pulled her pussy back toward my invading cock just as I felt the cum boil up into the shaft of my cock. Connie's pussy flooded with juices.

"I'm cumming," I screamed. "Cum with me, Connie."

"Yes, oh my fuckin' god, I'm there baby, I'm cummmmmingggg," she cried.

Her muscles clamped down on me as hot cum shot out of me, drowning her pussy with hot sticky sperm. A flood of cum shot from me, mixing with her fluids.

I groaned over and over as my cock emptied itself into her.

"Oh god, yes, give it all to me; I want every drop deep inside me," Connie said.

She moaned as wave after wave of sexual pleasure crashed between us. Our bodies twitch in unison. Sweat was pouring from every pore of our bodies. Her pulsating cunt held my cock tightly as the final few drops of sperm flowed into her.

Entirely spent, I collapsed down on top of her. Every muscle in my body twitched. Connie moaned as my weight pressed down on her and my still-hard cock soaked in the pool of juices inside her pussy.

I slid off her, and my cock slipped from its soaking white-hot sheave. Connie rolled onto her side and slid against me. Our lips met in a passionate, searching kiss. I slid my free hand into her hair, pushing it back from her face. My hand grasped her head and pressed her mouth tighter against mine. Our tongues danced between parted lips as our kiss of loving passion continued.

Connie finally broke our kiss and gasped for air. She moaned deeply as our bodies pressed against one another. Looking deeper into her eyes than I'd ever looked before, I said, "I love you!"

Connie sighed and moved her lips to kiss me tenderly. Her hand stroked my face. She smiled and said, "I love you too."

As we lay there caressing each other tenderly, I could begin to feel the emotional walls she had built around her heart and soul begin to come crashing down.

I was her man, lover, confidant, and best friend.

She is the love of my life; I've known that since the first moment I laid eyes on her.

She spoke again, "I feel so connected with you. I can read your mind."

"If you're reading that I'll love you always and forever, Connie, then you truly can read my mind," I responded.

"Always and forever," she said. "It feels so good hearing those words from your lips. I've never felt safer in my life," she continued. "I want this feeling to last until I take my last breath."

"I want your name to be the last word I speak," I replied.

Connie and I were deeply in love; we'd share countless memories over the next four decades. A wedding, the birth of three children, and the joy of watching them grow and start their own families. As Connie and I approached our 40th anniversary together, we made our 40th trip to Holiday Lights. I still held her like I had that first night. Tenderly, lovingly, and her eyes never stopped sparkling like the twinkling lights and stars of the night, we fell in love.


Written by JdRobbins
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