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The Brightest Black You've Ever Seen

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Competition Entry: Toy With Me
Weightlessness still made Bethany a little queasy. Watching the stars outside the window, she stalwartly braced herself between narrow confines of her bunk, as if it helped. Eight weeks up, then back. She was studying what happens to human reproductive glands in zero gravity. The stars outside of her window shone so much brighter than they did on the planet below. Two weeks in, she still wasn't used to it. They lit her cabin as bright as day. Of course, when the sun came round it was just time to close the window or be cooked, as far as Bethany was concerned. Solar filter my ass. She thought to herself as morning neared. Glorified friggin' welding mask.

“Doctor?” a soft, but confident voice asked, knocking on her open door.

“What can I do for you Giselle?”

Giselle was the closest thing that Bethany had to a friend in her very temporary home. They had spent some time chatting, mostly during their increasingly awkward medical appointments to try and relieve some of the social tension. Though an invaluable genius in many ways, Giselle was also quite socially isolated.

“Honestly, I just wanted to check on you,” the much younger woman said, “You didn't look well during our last appointment.”

“I'm sorry about that. Life in space doesn't seem to agree with me.”

Giselle laughed at her, but kindly. The young astronaut had, herself undergone a number of incidents during her early training and deployment before becoming something of a prodigy.

“I understand,” she said.

“You do?”

“Yeah. You've seen my personnel records.”

Bethany laughed now too, and Giselle comfortingly slapped her shoulder. Being jostled like that didn't help.

“I guess I have at that,” she smiled.

“So you know it gets better, right?”

“Maybe. Every time I start to get over it though... No. Ignore me.”

“Come on, doc. You can tell me. We don't have a counselor or another doctor up here, and you clearly gotta talk to somebody.”

“No. I don't,” she insisted, “I can ignore it too. I can just stay in here by myself and be space sick for the next six weeks.”

The look on Giselle's face communicated perfectly to Bethany exactly how ridiculous she sounded.

“You could. Could do that,” the twenty-two year old lieutenant said, “But I think you'd have a much better time if you didn't, because that sucks. I think I can say for the other astronauts and myself, that we'd prefer you didn't.”

Bethany rolled her eyes, “Whatever...”

“So, every time you start to get over it a little...”

“I get... I, I start to...” try as she might, she just couldn't share it.

“You start to get a nice tingle, kinda down low?” Giselle's voice changed from it's usual smooth quicksilver tone to a rougher, almost gravelly accent for a moment. The viscous alteration in tone was accompanied by a movement Bethany had never seen Giselle – or anyone else – make before. The kind of thing that maybe could only be done without gravity to interfere. Incredibly sexy, even provocative, but without the pull of the earth, it was impossible to say if she meant it to be.

The pause was increasing, and Giselle asked again, “Well...?”

Bethany paused, but finally, quietly said “Yes.”

“Don't be embarrassed. It's more common than you think. Me too. For me it's weightlessness and speed.”

Not knowing what was happening inside of her, Bethany leaped upon this girl she instantly felt a close, close friend, bursting into tears at the same moment. Misty, crystal teardrops hung in the air trailing past her, and hurt as they splashed back into her eyes. Embracing warmly, they coasted gently across the room.

“Hey now,” Giselle said, holding her for a moment, “It's okay.”

Bethany calmed, but it took considerable effort. “Please,” she said, “Excuse me. That was wildly inappropriate.”

“No, it's alright. We've already gotten pretty personal, you and I.”

“You're right,” Bethany laughed, “Oh, and you're right, maybe. I did need someone to talk to, and it may as well be you. Can I come by your cabin later? Right now I think I need a bit of rest, though.”

While Giselle wasn't overwhelmed with the inherent praise of Bethany's phrasing she simply said “Yeah, alright,” and floated for the door.

“Look, thanks for checking on me. It means something that someone up here was thinking about me,” a wave of dizziness took Bethany for a spin, “Definitely. I need to lie down. Or... whatever.”

A bit disappointed and still a little concerned, Giselle nodded and kicked gently off the wall. She waved and sort of sympathetically half-smiled as she floated out the door.

Asking God to adjust the laws of physics and make the galaxy spin a little slower, she thought I swear I can feel it turning. Why does this hurt so much? as she prayed sarcastically and groaned in protest of her current suffering. Bethany closed her eyes and hoped for the best. It didn't help, in fact it made her feel far worse. The lights there were terrible. Wrong tone, wrong brightness. They gave her a headache. The rooms were all too small, and too close together. Outside was too big. Sunrise was coming.

Bethany hated sunrise. The radiation of it could fry every synapse in her brain if it weren't for the primitive lining in the hull of the station. The window went dark, absorbing or reflecting most of the light that hits it, only allowing what's manageable to human eyes through. Of course, she is a doctor, and realized it wasn't going to cook her in her bed, but she couldn't help but mutter Still a worse environment cancer risk than a fucking reactor meltdown. Once during school, Bethany had been in a play. Trying something new, she had discovered she liked it. During the opening, she had gotten lost backstage. It was dark, and confusing, she didn't know where she was. The heavy velvety fabric of the curtains had fallen on her, trapping and dazing her.

Stumbling, she came up, still between runners, unsure which direction to choose. Careful, creeping, crawling, not knowing when to stand she had to move slowly so she wouldn't disturb the shimmering black of the velvet corridors. Each turn led her to more narrow passages until a part in the way... and she emerged. Suddenly the lights came up, and she was blinded. The audience was there but she couldn't see them. She did not remember what to do, or how to behave...

Being up there was like both moments stretched out for weeks. She was lost and alone in the dark, but she was constantly noticed and watched, and nobody said anything. She was the new girl, after all. She had taken over the project from the previous head research when retired, whose second was deemed unfit by the governments responsible. God know why I'm up here, though. Politicians. It was tremendously challenging, fascinating, exciting work. She still didn't know why she'd agreed. Eight weeks in space? Six more? Fuck this. I can't. With those thoughts echoing in her mind, she finally drifted.

- - - - -

Later, after she awoke, Bethany straightened her extremely jumbled clothes and hair, before stretching, and groggily drifting toward Giselle's cabin. There was nothing nonchalant about her that morning, but with fewer than a dozen people on board, nobody's movements go unnoticed. As she drifted in the open door, it was obvious that the occupant of the room was not home. Bethany took note that the cabin she hung in was almost completely bare. No photos, no décor, nothing to remind its resident of home, or that this was home. She laughed to herself. That's not a half bad idea.

Momentarily, Giselle returned, “Hi!”


No further welcome or invitation seemed necessary. Both women were quiet for a moment, and curled back through the room, orienting themselves as comfortably as possible against the so called furniture built in to the indistinguishably homogenous walls, ceilings and floors.

“How are you feeling?”

“A little better?”

“Can I get you something to drink?”

“A pouch of coffee vacuum sealed six months? Thanks, but no thanks.”

“No. I meant something for the nerves. Smuggled this up. Takes some finesse to drink, but...” She held up a bottle of scotch older than she was.

“Oh my God. Yes, please.”

“Thought you'd be happy to see one of these.”

“You have no idea. I keep a bottle in my desk at work. Don't tell anybody.”

“I promise,” Giselle uncorked the bottle and swilled deeply from it. It was only half or so full, and she had to coax it out a little. Re-corking it quickly, she changed the subject to the heart of matters, “So. How bad is it?”


Giselle frowned at this, “I'm sorry to hear it...” There was another long pause before she said, “You look really uncomfortable, and I'd wager it's not just the furniture in here.”

“You're not wrong.”

“Do you want to just sit here and drink for a while?”

- - - - -

Inebriated laughter filled the small room as both women cackled uproariously at a dirty joke at Rex' expense. He had been the target of a number of Giselle's innuendos that evening. A bit more drinking and the conversation got around to what Giselle thought Bethany really needed to discuss.

“Velocity and Zero G training were bad, but it's nothing compared to what it's been like since I've been up here. Not to mention the trip up,” Bethany explained.

“Bad launch?”

“Strapping in, I was worried I was going to be sick, but once the capsule started shaking I could feel it start. When we actually launched I flipped. We were burning so hot, so fast, and I was cumming the whole ride up, sitting between two men I barely know. I could hardly believe myself. All I could do was cry over the pleasure and the embarrassment.”

“Pretty much the same thing happened to me. My suit was so sticky when I got out I didn't know if I'd be able to pry my legs apart. Hey, are you alright?”

Another wave had hit Bethany and she looked faint. Eyes closed, her head drifted back behind her. She started to float away for a second, but only for a second. “Ughhh... Yes. I'm nauseated, or horny all the time. Usually both, and it's hard to do anything about either one.”

“Look, I'm not going to tell you it's ever like normal, but you will get used to it.”

“You sure about that?”

“No, but I bet if you give it a shot. If you get better at dealing with the stress the nausea will pass a little and you'll be able to enjoy the ride a little more, if you get my drift.”

“Enjoy it? I don't think so.”

“That's exactly the problem in your thinking.”

“How's that?”

“Come on, you're a doctor. You know how important positive thinking is toward healing. Damn, it's not just a stereotype. You people really are terrible patients.”

Rolling her eyes, Bethany said “Thanks,” and sipped the scotch again.

“I'm serious. I cum six or seven times a day, just because I have to. Don't look like that, you're supposed to be here learning about this shit.”

Bethany couldn't argue. She'd been had. She was drunk, but she'd definitely been had. “You're right. Sorry about that. I'm listening.”

A bit off balance, as though there were such a thing Giselle said, “Take some time to get used to it. Try masturbating tonight. Really try to have an orgasm. Trust me when I tell you it won't be hard.”

“I don't doubt it...” the doctor's eyes were wide. Bright, but distant.

Catching Bethany's gaze, Giselle whispered, “I'm on the edge of one almost all the time.”

Bethany smiled, subtly.

Leaning closer still, she Giselle whispered quieter, straight into her ear, “Every second you're in the room.”

Long seconds of silence separated them, but neither knew which words came next. After an appropriately long break in conversation, Giselle rather abruptly switched direction again.

“Have you been outside yet?” she asked.


“Come on. Let's go for a walk.”

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” Bethany screamed as soon as Giselle touched her, recoiling, “No! Absolutely fucking not. Out of the god damn question. Take your bloody hands off me!”


“Whoa,” Bethany said, pausing, “I'm sorry. That was completely uncalled for.”

“No, it's not that. Just, I wouldn't expect you'd swear like that. You know, with that crucifix floating around your neck like that.”

“What, you thought I wouldn't curse because I'm Catholic? We can usually blaspheme the best of them right under the bloody table. I'm NOT going out there though.”

“Alright. Fine. We won't go outside,” Giselle said, surrendering completely, “No problem.”

“No, no problem. It's, it's just me. I'm just... I'm going to go.”

- - - - -

The next day, the entire crew gathered in the lab at Bethany's request. It was an odd feeling to have that sort of authority – partial command even over a group of astronauts. Everybody floated lazily about the converted room, waiting for Bethany to start the briefing. Civilian contractors weren't exactly welcomed with open arms; some of the crew had certainly been at least polite, but others had been quite brusque with her – until she had them on her table. Strapped down, to boot. So they wouldn't float away, of course.

“Thanks everyone for coming.” Bethany said loud enough for everyone to hear throughout the large lab, “Of course I won't ask everyone here to stay for a group appointment,” she joked. Some of the astronauts laughed bawdily, but others demured, “I just wanted to do this speech all at once. You all know why I'm here, and I've collected all my data from your physicals. You all know you've been selected instead of other volunteers because you're accustomed to life in space already, and because you've been up here for varied lengths of time. Jenny, John and Rex are my control group, since they came up with me. Giselle volunteered to be my research assistant, if that won't bother anybody.”

Nobody objected.

“You're welcome to work out amongst yourselves if you want any... company in the room with you. It's important that everyone to get through this as comfortably, and maybe more importantly, as pleasurably as possible.”

There was some chuckling and a soft murmur from the group.

Giselle chimed in. “We'll definitely be getting comfortable with one another, or this is where it will get extremely awkward. Does anyone have any questions for the doctor, or myself?”

John asked, “Sure. Do we get copies of the results?”

“Um. Yeah I guess. If you want them, by all means. Pretty technical,” Bethany told him.

“I did my undergrad in human sexuality.”

Everybody cocked their heads toward him and looked askance or raised an eyebrow.

“So I changed direction,” he said quickly.

“I have a question,” Ella piped up.

“Yes?” Giselle answered quickly, and shut the room up with her great gesture of her hands and command of attitude.

“What kind of, you know, tools are you going to use in this research?” Ella was definitely on the demure side of the crew; a proper lieutenant, and it showed every time she spoke.

Giselle giggled a little, but the doctor jabbed her in the side to shut her up. “That's a good question. Pretty much the same things you or I might use at home.”

More hoots and laughter, mostly from the men.

“You too, boys,” she said now.

Three of them looked quite confused, but two looked at each other and smiled.

“Any other questions?”

With no more responses, Bethany dismissed them all so she could prep the lab. After everyone had cleared out, Giselle stayed behind to help get set up. All the machines had to be readied, from the EEG to the EKG to every other damn thing. It was a couple hours prep work between sterilization and the untangling of wires. Once it was completed, there was nothing to do but wait for the first appointment.

“So, who's first?” Giselle asked, as she finished cleaning the leads to the electrodes.

“John is first.”

“Alright, that's easy.”

Nothing else was said. They kept working until John knocked and said “Doctor Galyn, Hi.”

“Bethany, and hi.”

“So, what's easiest?”

Very professionally Bethany said “Well, just make yourself comfortable ask for any assistance you may need. This is the sample container. It's obviously a bit more complicated up here than the usual.”

“Sure. That's pretty much to be expected with everything up here. So... Okay, I just slide in here, when I'm ready to... give my sample.”

“Yes. Of course you should do your best to make the orgasm as pleasurable as possible. The neurological data is the most valuable to us, maybe.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” John said as he started unabashedly playing with his soft cock, which floated lazily in front of him. His penis was long, but not too wide. Twenty-one point four centimeters long, once erect, Bethany recalled from his measurements. Maintaining a relative professionalism, she remained at her workstation and monitored the whole event carefully.

When it was time, he spent himself into the tube she had provided him with. The head of his cock plunged into it's seal and ejaculated a massive quantity of semen into it. His cum floated within the transparent walls of the container as he pulled out of it, his softening glans completely clean. He handed the self sealing tube back to her and she examined it in the light, floating like little pearls before her, swirling in a steady circle.

“Thank you, John.”

“I hope it's enough.”

Bethany laughed, as he dressed.

“It'll be plenty. You're dismissed, Lieutenant.”

- - - - -

The rest of the day proceeded more or less on schedule. Colin and Jacob wound up needing privacy in order to orgasm and therefore record, which was noteworthy to the study, if a little disappointing. Jenny didn't want any assistance either, but was extremely professional about it all. She was in and out, really. Stripped off immediately and got herself situated on the bench so they could sort out her wires and apply the leads. Once they were, she let it go, though. The observers gave her some space and offered her the same choices in tools.

Jenny favored the wand massager. Nothing matched the power of it, except maybe a really good shower head, which obviously wasn't an option. After she switched it on, it went though. She went. Pinching her nipples, crying out, throwing herself against the walls. Just watching her had left Bethany's panties embarrassingly soaked.

When Jenny yelled out “Here it comes!” Bethany hadn't been able to watch the results come in, and Giselle had to jump on, careful to capture the right data. “Fuck, yes! I'm cumming,” she yelled rapturously. Drops of clear fluid dripped about the air of the room, misting and reforming into shifting glass marbles. Some of the wires dislodged from their electrodes, but all the backups held. “Yes... Yes. Fuck. Oh yes...”

“Thank you, Jenny.”

- - - - -

Damn it. Another one. Bethany thought. Quite a day. She was so wet she could cry, but she was sick of the way the tears stung her eyes splashing about. Immediately she went back to her cabin to change. Her stomach was doing cartwheels. All the excitement of the day wasn't mixing well with the sudden calm, or the sight of the stars. Clutching her abdomen, she curled into her bunk and stayed there until morning, careful to slam shut the window and turn out the lights. The complete black put her out again faster. Something about floating in the dark like that was so similar to dreaming already. Like being in the place where dreams come from but do not live, ready to be carried at any moment.

- - - - -

Work progressed, the appointments with the astronauts spaced out so they could analyze the results and consult existing data. Each individual provided useful, interesting information, but in truth, Dr. Galyn had no idea what to do with it yet. The sickness in her and the tickle lurking below it were driving her mad. She couldn't work like this.

“Alright. Help.”

“What?” Giselle asked her.

“You've been saying all week that you can help, so now I'm saying do it. I trust you, I'll do what you say. I want this to stop. Or change. I don't want to be sick.”

“I'm so glad to hear it! After work today.” Giselle said.

Bethany smiled. “Who's first today?” she asked.

“Ella. This should be fun!” Giselle said, licking her soft, perfect lips.

Bethany longed to kiss them even as she scolded, “Giselle!”

“Sorry, doctor.”

“Will you go get her?”

“Alright, I'm gone.”

With that, she did, and Bethany returned to her computer, reviewing Ella's personnel file...

- - - - -

Half an hour later, Ella was naked in the exam room, the proper lieutenant. Completely bare, she was very embarrassed. Giselle had the touch, though. She could put a frenzied bull at ease. Even the way she opened up the 'toolbox' as they called it. She was just showing Ella an array of beautiful objects to choose from. Whatever looked good. It wasn't long before...

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, YES!”

Ella's tiny body thrashed weightlessly through the chamber, tangling the wires as she screamed in ecstasy as Giselle assisted her to her climax. She had been fond of her superior Lieutenant since they were originally assigned, and that had only grown once they were deployed on the station together. Moreso since neither had any true military background, but were aerospace from the ground up.

As the doctor recorded the monitored the results carefully she couldn't help but get aroused. Over the past weeks and especially the past days she had become increasingly attracted to Giselle. Watching her pleasure this tiny thing of a subordinate officer was just too much. While she watched her new fantasy plunge a very real, very active vibrator into her patient she couldn't help but start to play with herself, concealed behind the console from the others. Just a little, and very controlled. She didn't make herself cum – that came later – but she couldn't help it.

The active responses were exciting to watch as they occurred. Maybe it was her personal attraction to her superior, but physiologically Ella's orgasms were more than interesting. Far more neurologically active than normal, and it showed in how she moved, how she screamed! People in their cabin heard that scream. It wasn't over though.

“Fuck! Oh, fuck! YES. God, fuck, oh yes fuck me Lieutenant! Mmmhh, yes Giselle!”

This is too fucking much. Bethany thought to herself as she played and watched the data spike again.

Giselle, without further ado pressed a finger against Ella's ass firmly. There wasn't much more to say or do after that, though. Ella took only a few more minutes to begin shaking violently under the touch of her superior crush.

“Ahh, ah-AAHHhhh...”

- - - - -

It was only just a little, but it had been a year since she fancied him. Giselle was pleased to finally have the chance to see his cock. Rex looked at her, almost snarling in anticipation. He looked to her like the kind of guy who'd wear denim overalls without a shirt and chew on straw as he talked with that slow southern sound, but something about him still drove her up the walls of her cabin. Something about her definitely cranked his shaft too, and he doesn't go for subordinate officers.

As he slipped his pants over the taught musculature of his thighs and calves, both the women stopped a moment. The clearly erect outline of his penis stretched his tight shorts and Giselle couldn't help but smile. The doctor, of course was more reserved.

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She allowed him to undress and motioned for Giselle to back off a bit. Rex shook his head.

“Nah, it's alright,” he drawled.

“Wanna give me a hand, Lieutenant?”

Giselle froze mid-drift, gawking at him. “Excuse me, sir?”

“Well, the Doc said to work out amongst ourselves if we needed any help, an' I just might need a little bit o' help,” he said with his thumbs inside his waistband, tugging suggestively.

Bethany rolled her eyes but looked to Giselle, shrugging her shoulders and said “It's up to you, Lieutenant. If you're comfortable.”

After thinking for a moment, the young blonde said, “Alright,” as he slipped the rest of the way out of his underwear.

Rex was completely naked in front of her now and her eyes were glued to his rapidly hardening cock. After donning exam gloves like a good girl, she pulled herself a bit closer, careful not to tangle his wires. The heat of him was easy to feel through the cool air of the lab and the glove.

“Oh yeah baby,” he said.

“Behave yourself, Major,” the doctor warned.

Giselle coiled her cute, nimble fingers around his throbbing, thick shaft and pulled him toward her. He threw his head back exaggeratedly, and moaned out loud. Pretty soon she was jerking him off properly, and he was gritting his teeth hard with the attention.

“Yeah girl, do it!” he said, “Uhh!!” he thrust his cock into her closed hand.

“Be careful of your wires, Rex,” Giselle said.

“That's Major, to you!”

He yelled at her, but paid no mind of her warning, wantonly tearing free of a few. The backups held but he didn't seem to care. Neither the Doctor nor her assistant cared at all for his words.

Giselle continued stimulating him, but she was upset. She grabbed his balls, playing rough with them. She stroked Rex' shaft furiously, wanting him to finish now. She had wanted to help and she liked him but he was starting to piss her off. Constricting a ring with two fingers she stroked him off hard between under his glans, and not passing it. Soon he was moaning in unenumerated pleasure.

“Tell me...” she asked him, looking up at him, jerking towards her.

As he gasped and groaned at her attention she started enjoying herself again, though it made her half sick to think it did. Bethany could see, and felt another tinge of unwanted jealousy well up between her legs. This time it was stronger.

“Fuck, I'm cumming!” He yelled suddenly, looking neither woman in the eye.

Before Giselle had a chance to capture the sample, several white streams of semen ejaculated from his hard, thick cock. The first went straight into Giselle's face, hot and sticky. Two, three, four. Thick and white. It flew far, too. For a moment they stayed in line, like floating white bars, before separating into spheroid globs, liquid pearls drifting lazily away from him.

Giselle was going to stop, before Bethany yelled “Don't! Keep going!”

“Yeah!” Rex yelled.

Bethany shot nails from her eyes like she never had in her life, and Rex was immediately quiet.

Five, six and seven, next. He slowed and dripped, but still pulsed sharply, gasping and blinking each time. His seed hung clear in the air, like mist as he panted, watching.

“Shit!” Giselle exclaimed in fury.

“It's alright, we have the first two. Just get as much of it as you can,” Bethany turned to Rex, as Giselle attempted to gather as much semen as she could, hunting the globules like tiny immobilized fairies, “Are you alright?” she asked him.


“Don't forget your questionnaire on the way out,” the doctor said, removing the electrodes from his body, and the stimulation from his ass. She helped him clean up, and said, “You're dismissed, Major. I need to collect and analyze the data here.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Rex told her, cleaning himself a bit more thoroughly with the moist wipes and pulling clothes over his shimmering musculature.

After he exited the compartment, Giselle turned to Bethany, “Is he fucking kidding me with that shit?”

“I agree. That was inexcusable. I'll be having a chat with him. And with his C.O. Try not to let it bother you.”


“Take tomorrow off?”


- - - - -

Just heading back from the lab, toolbox still in hand, Bethany found Giselle in full lotus, mid air. “Bethany!”

“Hi. How's it going?”

“Great. This feels amazing!”

Stating a fact, Bethany simply said “I can't do that.”

Disentangling her legs, Giselle said, “Oh yeah. I know. That was just for me. I'm still fucking pissed off at that guy. Can you belie-” she interrupted herself and calmed down, “I want you to do the breathing I showed you. I'm going to work on your back, and see if I can't find help relieve some of that tension.”

“Do you have any idea what you're doing?”

Giselle said “More or less,” as she started working her thumbs carefully into the tense muscles of Bethany's upper back. The tension was unbelievable, “Don't forget, breathe.”

“What does that mean, more or less?”

“I'm very intelligent,” Giselle defended.

“Yeah, you are.”

“You say that, but in a way that I question.”

“I just meant that I suspect that you're going to turn out to be schooled in one or more types of folk medicine. Aren't you?”

“Well educated, yes. This job is hard on the body. I had to learn how to cope without a visit to my doctor's office every three days. Do you want my help or not?”

Fueled by pride, a short pause faded and gave way to thanks. For the next hour, everything changed. Time slowed, and stopped, yet still slipped away from them somehow. Fingers peeled clothes from skin and pressed the muscles beneath. Sensation was lending one with the sound of their breath, the light of the stars. Every touch felt like a new star somewhere, and for the first time in weeks, Bethany's stomach felt fine.

Exposed nipples were played like delicate instruments. While she had been occupied Giselle had been in the box, gotten out a little bullet vibrator. The moment was nearing, but time was like a telescope, and she couldn't tell when it would happen. No. Yes. Fuck. Please! Giselle quickly activated it, and applied the small but powerful creature to her nipples first! She yelped in surprise and it started.

More experienced, Giselle saw the look in Bethany's eyes and smiled. She kissed her friend and toyed with her a bit more. Pushing her at the edge, she didn't have to even touch her between the legs. Not even close. At first she shook, but soon she was thrashing violently. If they had been in the lab she would have destroyed it. All Giselle could do was hold her under the shoulders, and kiss her as she cried. The height of it lasted maybe thirty or forty seconds, but another minute or two of shaking and crying followed. Unable to speak, Bethany shuddered into the Lieutenant's breast.

“Thank you,” she sobbed.

Bethany slept again.
- - - - -

A quiet lab was a welcome change of pace the next day. In the morning while Bethany was working on Ella's results, Rex came back to the lab. “Doc?”


“I'm here...” he paused, as though his voice had run away for a moment. “Sorry. I'm here to give you my last, uh, sample.”

“Thanks, Major.”

“This is a bit embarrassing for me, you know, young fit officer.”

“Well, this is exactly the kind of thing we're here to discover. None of the data my predecessor collected indicated you've ever experienced this on the ground, so if it makes you feel any better you might be helping advance science,” Bethany said trying to be reassuring.

Try to chuckle along with her, Rex said “Yeah. We'll see how I do with solid ground under my feet again.”

“I'm sure you'll do fine,” she said smiling, and succeeding this time in comforting her now patient. “Please,” she gestured to the other room.


“Well to be honest, I don't want to find semen floating around the lab for the next two days again, and I gave Giselle the day off. You didn't make her very comfortable the other day.”

“I know. I'm sorry about that.”

“Look Major, I know you were embarrassed, but you owe her an apology.”

“She'll get one,” another awkwardness passed a moment between them, “I promise.”

“Thank you.”

“Where's she at then?”

Before she answered, Bethany noticed two things. A slight swelling between his legs, and a slight but strict dilation of his pupils. As he waited for her response, his respiration sped.

“She went for a walk. Been out there a little while now.”

“Guess I really stepped in it,” he said.

“She's pretty brassed off. I'd stay out of her way a little while if were you.”

“I'll try.”

She said “You really like her, don't you?” she asked.

“Yeah. Quite a bit.”

“Yeah, but I mean, you really like her, don't you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it seems like you've got a bit of a crush on the Lieutenant. It's okay. I just want to know, is that why you... you know, a little early?”

“Yeah, I mean, in the interest of not fucking up your study... yes. Yeah, I guess I like her. That's between us, though, right?”

“Of course.”

Bethany did feel strange keeping that from Giselle, but she knew how to be a good girl.


“Alright. Ready? Just one more.”

“Almost a disappointment.”

“Don't start, Rex.”

“That's 'Major',” he joked.

“That's 'Doctor', to you,” Once he acknowledged her, she said “Alright. Let's get to work.”

- - - - -

Forty-five minutes of nothing. Really nothing, this time. A little movement, but that was all.

“What the fuck's wrong with me Doc? First I cum early and now this?”

“Probably nothing a bit of solid earth and fresh air won't cure.”

“I'd feel a lot better if I could get out of here having, well, you know...”

Bethany smiled, trying to tease him as much as she could still delude herself into thinking was professional, “Not to worry, I'm not letting you go without my last sample.”

Even flaccid, the shaft of his penis was large, the glans of him was full and pink. He was holding it firmly, but it wouldn't respond, despite lubricant and visual stimulation. Time to step in, she decided.

“Let me help you,” she said, slipping into a pair the familiar blue gloves.

“I'm going to do a quick prostate exam, just to feel and see if everything's okay.”

“Whoa there. Hey now.”

“Just calm down, be a man and turn around, Major. It'll be nice and easy up here, just spread your knees a little.”

Reluctantly, he complied and Bethany put a little bit of lubricant on her gloved finger, inserting into his ass. She smiled at his groan, neither knowing nor caring if it was pain or pleasure or both. After feeling around a little, she determined that there was nothing wrong, at least nothing that would be revealed that way. As she removed her finger and she felt him tighten quickly, expelling her, closing quickly he moaned loud and his cock jumped. It twitched again, after.

“Oh?” she asked, putting her finger against him again.

“Wow! Wow. That's news to me,” Rex said, astonished.

“Alright. I need to check again,” she flat lied this time “Are you alright?”

Rex held onto the wall as she pressed against him again. “I think so,” he said.

As she pushed into him he grimaced. Simultaneously, his cock grew. Three times its size, and fast. Bethany took hold of it now, just letting go and enjoying the experience. God, he loves having his me in his ass like this... she thought.

“Everything feels okay,” she said as she pulled her finger from him again.

“Ahh...” he moaned aloud before speaking, “That was really working for me, Doc.”

“I can see that,” Bethany said, aroused by a man for the first time in a great while. Smiling, she reached into her 'toolbox' and removed what she thought was an appropriate toy, “I need that sample, you know, do you mind if I use this on you?”

Rex looked back at her and saw what she was holding; a steel vibrator, tapered only slightly and about five inches long, perhaps three quarters thick at the base. He smiled and said, “Go ahead, but don't forget to lube me up good first!”

The doctor obliged and then pressed the cold tip of the toy against him, fondling his testes as he whispered his pleasure inaudibly. At first he clenched, but when she pushed he opened with a gasp. When she had entered, she asked, “Still okay?”

“You bet, Doc.”

“Good,” she said.

With his pleasure in mind completely in mind, she began to fuck him. Slow, pushing in, then pulling out before going to far. Just opening him enough to play. He was hard as rock again. The motion forced him to hold onto the bench as she pushed it into him.

“I'm going to turn it on, now.”

She did. Rex lost it. He groaned and croaked with joy. “OH YEAH!!”

Just in time, Bethany grabbed the sample tube and forced his big cock through its lubricated, self-sealing cap. A single, enormous stream of cum shot from the head of him, forming one pearly sphere, hovering in the center until it splattered on the side. She pulled the container sharply off of him.

Once he was cleaned up, she said casually, “Dismissed... Major.”

- - - - -

The days passed quicker as they worked together. Bethany and Giselle were becoming quite close. The secret they shared had helped them form a bond, but the work they were doing then was engaging all their focus and they needed to perform well together under stress as well. Dangling upside down behind her and gently, the younger woman brushed against her and touched her shoulder as the doctor worked on her analyses.

“Giselle...” she moaned, “Not now. I've at least an hours more work to do.”

“But I'm bored!”

“I can see that.”

“What can I do right now?”

“Anything you want. Play with your friends. Do some more of that ridiculous zero-G yoga. Have a cocktail. Just, don't do it in the lab.”

A painful moment of silence fell between the two friends like a heavy blade trying to cleave the connection it found. Neither of the them spoke. The doctor's cold, static eyes locked into Giselle's stony gray ones as they began to well. The first drops of saltwater stung as they left her eyes and she stopped, angry. The small drops hung like ice in the air. Rain that wouldn't fall, but round like hail.

Bethany and Giselle glided gently in a slow circle, facing. Small, soft crystals floating between them, reminding them of what had just been said.

It's been stressful... But she did not say that, “I'm sorry. I'm really, very sorry about that. I guess I'm still not used to it up here, and having you treat me like I was doing just fine was getting to me.”

Giselle looked away, “You could have said something...”

“I didn't realize.”

There was another pause. Both women scrunched up their faces in that unique way that says they're accessing their left brains. Giselle's eyes flashed suddenly and she smiled. They narrowed with idea to a squint, “Come on.”

Giselle seized Bethany's wrist along with her doctor's bag, and rushed her toward the door. As she pulled her now closest friend toward the opposite end of the station Bethany asked with well baited breath and grounded suspicion, “Where are we going?”

For several seconds, the young lieutenant did not answer. They simply continued to float together down the central corridor. A few seconds later, out in the open she said quietly “For a walk.”

“You can't-”

Before Bethany could react in an outburst, Giselle interrupted, again quietly, “Relax, I'm not going to make you come with me,” she paused, “I hope you do, but of course I'm not going to drag you kicking and screaming into the void.”

Calming down, but aggravated as usual with her young paramour's typical need for flair Bethany asked “Then why am I here?”

“Because I hope watching me go for a little swim might help you see that it's not so bad.”

“Oh my God, you're making me... just stop.”

Gracefully, Giselle landed on the edge feet first where she caught Bethany, helping her down carefully. As they folded into the next room, the doctor swallowed hard. No part of her training had really prepared her at all, she was certain of it.

Even just logging out her suit was almost too much. As they stood together, removing their clothes and placing them in their lockers, she said “I don't know if I can.”

“You can. I know you can.”

“This is... What you're doing... Thank you.”

“Of course.”

As they dressed, Giselle said, “Only if you trust me,” Holding up a small sleek vibrator, and opening the front of Bethany's panties with a single finger.

Gasping, she nodded and agreed. Twenty minutes later, the were suited up, waiting at the air-locks. Fifteen minutes of staring later they were inside. One last control. That's all... Push it. Push it.

Giselle pressed the button and the air rushed away, sucking into the interplanetary vacuum. Half floating, half standing inside the airlock's open chamber, Giselle bounded outside like an excited child. Fingertips slipped apart, and separated in the night. Awestruck, Bethany watched her new lover slip backward into the blinding bright black. As Giselle floated back she stopped as the tether between them ran out and drifted in the unreal current of her own lack of inertia. Bethany held the tether as they locked gazes, painting the other's with their own.

Slowly, one foot followed the other to the edge. The terrified, shaking doctor was filling with the familiar exhilaration and fury that she was growing more and more accustomed to. The sensation was growing inside of her like a some kind of beautiful blossom but she didn't know what to compare it to. Except that she knew it had thorns.

Giselle switched on her microphone and spoke. “Channel seventy-seven. It's mine. Nobody's supposed to use it unless I invite them to.”

Bethany switched on her own and said, “Why don't I have one of those?”

“I'm sure you were issued one, babe. I just know you well enough now to know you didn't bother to read your briefing manual in very thorough detail.”

“Hey. You've known me four weeks.”

“Did you?”


“And it's hard to deny, we've gotten pretty close.”

“Yeah, it is,” Bethany laughed.

“I mean, look where you are,” Giselle teased. “Naked, in a space suit with a vibrator between your legs.”

“I'm wearing panties,” Bethany said, averting her eyes a little, biting her lip and feeling half her age. She hated how Giselle did that. And loved it.

“Cute ones. You're not even dizzy, are you?"

Looking into her eyes, “Not in the slightest.”

“Care to join me?” Giselle asked, reeling herself back in along the tether, until they were face to face again, body to body.

Indoors weightlessness was one thing, but here, outside, it was entirely another. She wanted to so desperately, so when Giselle took her hand, Bethany released her grip by one foot, stepping out into the vacuum. She gasped, breathing in her helmet and expecting to find nothing. She did, though. Gazing back at her, Giselle freed her remaining fingers from their grip on the outer door.

“Now push off,” she said.

“What?” Bethany demanded.

“Push off.”

“I'm not...”


For a moment they stayed. A moment later, Bethany looked again into her lover's eyes, bit her lip, held her breath and did it. With both legs down again she pushed the bare mass of them both from the edge of the station, free in the night but for the safety of the tether.

Beating a thousand times a second, Bethany's heart stayed in her throat. She knew a kiss would put it back where it belonged but that, of course was impossible. There was nothing, and everything around her all at once. The brightest darkest night she'd ever seen enrobed them both, swallowed them whole. The stars were needles pricked through the curtain of her nightmares, blinding, burning.

For a moment, Giselle lost her hold on Bethany and lost her adrift. Though only for a moment, the doctor's heart raced and her heart flashed with memories of terror, abandonment, and resilience. They were coasting, Giselle had caught her. Drifting away from the station, they were not far. The stars didn't move at all. Perfect points of light. Nothing but the station changed as they moved. She didn't feel anything but Giselle's arms around her now. Bethany smiled, content and happy, drifting in the darkest night she'd ever imagined. Brighter than day and dawn they weren't falling, weren't falling, weren't swimming. There just wasn't a verb for it where gravity was king.

“Are you alright?” Giselle whispered.

“Amazing...” Bethany managed, barely.

“Just wait.”

Giselle held her tight as she activated a jet, and maneuvered them toward the other side of the station. There was nothing between them and the south star field. No obstruction, no trace of the planet, the moon, or anything else to remind them of...


...Lost in an ocean of midnight, staring into the brightest black she'd ever had the pleasure to look upon, Bethany could hear and feel only one thing. It was the breath of her love. Giselle's diaphragm opened and closed with the motion of her deep, heavy inhalations. The sound of each breath over channel seventy-seven was something to hear. Each one was so intense, such sensory purity that Bethany held her own just to listen. The rise and fall of Giselle's relaxed abdominals against her back put the terrified doctor's heart at a strange sort of ease.

Giselle rested her arms carefully under the surprisingly soft fabric of Bethany's suit, beneath her breasts. “What do you think?”

“Incredible,” Bethany said, breathless.

“You could fall forever,” Giselle told her.

“You could fly forever. You could do both.”

“Long as I was with you.”

They both smiled.

Minutes, or hours it was they hung there, gazing into the south field. Just lightly touching at first, Giselle clung onto Bethany, holding her tight. As they stayed though, her arms slowly constricted tighter, her breath getting heavier. The breaths were now turning their pitch up. A hand fell between Bethany's thighs and she gasped.

Holding her breath again as though it were the last one she had, she could not respond when asked “Are you alright?” so she just nodded and took hold of Giselle's wrist as if to say, 'Slowly'.

God, I didn't want her to stop. Keep going. Just keep going. Bethany worried that she had ruined things for a moment. She hadn't. The first she heard was Giselle's lip biting “Mm...!” followed by the quiet whirr of something inside her suit and a “Uh...Ahh!”

Bethany wanted to see her friend's face, but just as she was going to turn the hand between her legs returned to work. It pressed down between them firmly now, reminding her of what lay between the panties she wore and her own labia. I need you. She wasn't sure who she was thinking of, thinking to now. Giselle, home, God, herself. Right now she felt closer to all of them than she ever had.

Giselle held up the dial to the vibrator in Bethany's suit. “Are you ready?”

The rush was already nearly enough to soak her. She turned and wrapped her arms around Giselle's lithe body. “Ready.”

“This is it,” she said, turning the dial. The buzz between her legs was minor at first, but the stimulation was overwhelming. Bethany was moaning, screaming in her helmet and willing the universe to listen to her.


Giselle turned the dial up slightly higher and Bethany clutched their bodies close together. She clamped the Lieutenant between her thighs, driving the toy harder against her clit, and with this, Giselle turned it to its highest setting, sending her to a screaming frenzy. For the duration, there were no stars, no station, no Giselle, no Bethany. Nothing but the black.

- - - - -

Landing inside safely and changing out of their suits, the two women remained silent. Mostly back in regular clothes, Giselle turned to Bethany. “Well? How do you feel?”


Bethany parted her hair as she said “I meant do you feel sick?”

“Not a bit,” she answered as her arms wrapped around Giselle, pulling her close.

“Good. Do you think we'll finally be able to get some fucking work done then?”

So glad to be able to kiss her girlfriend for the first time Bethany only said, “No...”

Written by TheScheherezadeFeint
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