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The Actor: Episode II

"Aging actor gets another shot at Hollywood, and love."

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Author's Notes

"My friend Mel (Melanieatplay) collaborated on this story with me. We both contributed equally to its content, and we hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to Pat Harvey for his editing expertise"

Chapter Six

Mama grizzly watched her cubs splashing in the water, making noise and scaring the fish. She was trying to teach them how to catch the fish, but they were still too young to learn much just yet, having been born the past winter in her den. 

She caught a whiff of horses … and humans. She looked and saw them as they slowly came into view across the meadow. She recognized the horses and wasn’t concerned, but the humans smelled wrong with all kinds of odors she didn’t recognize. Still, she was the queen of the forest and no animal ever dared to challenge her, including the humans. She kept an eye on them as she escorted her cubs away from the creek to where she knew some berries grew.

Suddenly, she looked up as the sound of an approaching horse alerted her, and she saw that a horse and human rider were coming right at her, right for her cubs.

Her instincts kicked in immediately: Danger!

She got up on her hind legs and roared to her cubs. They immediately scurried up a tree to safety. The horse dumped its human, but that human kept approaching her. She saw a second horse and human approaching; she bellowed again and splashed into the creek, the ice-cold water spraying everywhere. Nothing would stop her from protecting her cubs, and nothing would stop her from killing these humans. Kill them all! Protect the cubs!

- - - - -

Jake drew a bead on the bear with his rifle even as Sailor galloped at full tilt. He didn’t think one shot would kill her, but it would at least slow her down. He was about to pull the trigger when the bear disappeared in a white mist. Disappeared? Bears don’t … ohhh, he thought.

The water was about forty feet wide where the bear was crossing, and in her furious rage, she’d forgotten about the deep pool in the middle of the creek. She sank completely underwater … it took her a full twenty seconds before she could continue her assault, and by then she was too late. Jake had already reached Chad and helped him get on the back of Sailor. They high-tailed it back to their group as fast as Sailor could carry them, and he was only too happy to be heading away from the bear.

Jake looked back to see the big grizzly on her hind legs bellowing at them again, but she had given up the chase; the horse and riders were heading away fast, and she didn’t want to leave her cubs. He slowed Sailor to a canter, still putting distance between him and the bear. The riding group cheered and waved their hats at the rescue party.

Jake whoa’d up as he rejoined the group amidst hearty shouts of “Way to go,” “So awesome,” and “You saved his life!” Chad pumped his fist in the air and then clamped Jake on the shoulder. “This guy’s a hero!” exalted Chad.

“Get … off,” Jake growled.

The crowd quieted down as they looked at Jake and realized something wasn’t right; his normally friendly face looked set in stone with his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. Jake got off of Sailor as soon as Chad did, then stepped up to Chad and grabbed his shirt just under his chin, making a fist with the fabric.

Everyone flinched when Jake roared almost as loud as the bear. “Do you have any idea exactly how fucking stupid you are?” Jake shook Chad hard. And although Chad was two inches taller and looked bigger and stronger than Jake he slowly backed up, never having had someone yell at him like this before. He didn’t even think to wipe Jake’s spittle off of his cheek. “You were either going to get mauled, or I was going to have to shoot that bear! That bear belongs here! You don’t! This is her land, her home, and you were going to make me kill that magnificent animal just so you could take a better picture? Do you know that if I killed her, her two cubs would also have died? I should have let her kill you!” Jake shoved Chad hard, and he stumbled a few steps before falling on his ass. He got right back up, though, his eyes wild with fear and anger, the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

“Hey! You can’t … you can’t talk to me that way!” Chad brought his fists up in a rather wobbly fighting stance, as if his brain and his ego were at odds and his ego was winning but only slightly.

Jake just laughed. “Buddy, if you needed to piss you coulda just gone and done it behind a tree.” The rest of the crowd snickered and smirked as Chad looked down at the massive wet spot on his shorts; his pants had been dry when he got off the horse a minute ago. Jake crossed his arms and shook his head. “Calvin! Get this … man … off my trail.” 

Calvin saw the fire in his eyes, and though he didn’t work for Jake, Calvin wasn’t about to cross him at this moment. “Yeah, Boss. Are you, ummm … are you gonna be okay by yourself?”

Jake looked at the riders. “Well, I don’t think we’re going to have any more trouble staying on the trail, will we, folks?”

They all shook their heads and answered with various versions of “No, Boss.”

“Send Jimmy up here,” Jake instructed Calvin. “We’ll wait for him at the lunch site.” 

Calvin got on the radio and explained the situation to Marcy, who promised to send Jimmy up as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Chad had collected and mounted his horse, who had returned to the group on his own earlier. He called out, “C’mon, Jamie. Let’s go.”

Jamie froze as her cheeks flushed. Thoughts of fear and elation swirled in her brain, but they were overridden by other thoughts–shame and anger. Jamie felt deeply embarrassed to be associated with Chad because of his selfishness and recklessness, and she was almost as mad at him as Jake was for nearly causing the bear’s death. “I, ummm, I …” 

“Miss Jamie,” Jake offered in a slow, soothing voice. “You seem very upset right now. You don’t have to go nowhere. You’re welcome to ride with us. We’ve got a nice lunch waiting for us just up the way. You can … gather your thoughts and talk to him in a couple hours.”

“Why don’t you just mind your own fucking…” Chad started, but he stopped as Jake whirled on him and pointed his finger.

You got no say in this matter.” Jake’s demeanor went from warm and friendly with Jamie to stone cold when he spoke to her fiancé. The effect wasn’t lost on Chad, who visibly tried to back up, except he was sitting on his horse. His cheeks flushed, and his eyes widened; he was afraid, and everyone knew it.

Calvin rode up to Chad. “Let’s go, buddy.” As they rode back on the trail towards the ranch, Chad muttered something about “Yelp Reviews,” but the group couldn’t hear anything else. 

“Alright, then,” Jake spoke loudly to the group. He took a big breath and let out a heavy sigh before he resumed in a more reasonable voice. “I’m sorry for my outburst. I’ve just never had anyone do something so, well, stupid. He not only put his own life in danger, he put mine and the bear’s life in danger, too.”

“Would you have really shot the bear?” Jamie asked. 

Jake bowed his head for a moment before looking back at her. “I was about two seconds from pulling the trigger. And it wasn’t so much to save his life as it was to save the ranch. Having a bear kill a guest, no matter whose fault, would severely damage the ranch’s reputation. Bookings would dry up and this place would go under, I have no doubts about that. So yeah, I would have. I also would have beaten him to a pulp for making me kill such a majestic animal; I have no doubts about that, either. Then I would have gotten fired because you can’t have the hosts beating up the guests, can you?” He said that last bit with a smile and got a few little chuckles from the riders.

“You did the right thing, cowboy,” one of the riders spoke up. Jake couldn’t remember his name, but he was a competent rider. “It’s part of the Cowboy Code. You’re supposed to ‘Ride for the brand’, right? Nobody would have blamed you for anything. You were trying to save his ass.”

“Well, I appreciate that, son. What’s your name, pardner?”

“Mario, from New York.”

“Alright then, Mario from New York, will you watch the rear for me? Just holler out if someone needs assistance or if you see a bear.”

“You bet, I’m on it, Jake.”

“Miss Jamie, are you up to riding point with me?”

“Yes, of course, Jake.”

They exchanged little smiles, and he could feel the tension leaving his body. She studied him for a moment: His hard, lean body, his handsome weathered smile. She’d never met anyone like him, a man who could be so gentle, tender, and doting, yet fiercely brave and protective. This is what a man is supposed to be, a real man, she thought with a sense of wonder.  

“Let’s go, folks!” He and Jamie rode side by side with the others in tow. “You doin’ alright, Jamie?”

“I don’t know, I’m still kind of in shock. I mean, I’m kind of used to him showing off and doing some … well … dumb things. But he almost got himself killed, and the bear, and you risked your life, too.” Jake watched her face; she seemed like she was going to say more, so he stayed quiet. Jamie looked up at him. “You, you’re … very heroic.”

Jake shrugged his shoulders. “Just doin’ what needed to be done, ma’am.”

“No, it’s more than that. You just acted without regard to your own safety, to save the life of someone you … despise…”

“Now I wouldn’t say that, Jamie. He is, after all, your…"

“No, it’s okay. I know how you feel. I think everyone feels that way about him right now. I know I do. I’m disgusted. Oh, I can’t believe I just said that! Oh, my God.”

“You’ll be okay. I just wanted you to know that nobody thinks poorly of you, leastways not myself.” 

“Thank you, Jake, that means a lot. I … don’t want you thinking poorly of me.” Her cheeks blushed and she looked away. 

“I would never think poorly of you. I, you know, you can tell a lot by the way someone dances; their body language reveals their true nature. And the way you danced with me last night, your dancing shows you have a, ummm …” Jake stopped talking, realizing he was revealing too much. She’s engaged, cowboy. You seem to keep forgetting that, he said to himself.

“I have a what?”

“I was going to say you have a, a beautiful soul, but it’s not my place to be saying that.”

Jamie’s cheeks flushed again. “You don’t know anything about me. You can’t know that from dancing.”

“I know you're honest and kind, very giving, very … loving.” 

Jamie looked into his deep blue eyes. She felt like he was peering into her soul. Then his eyes traveled over her firm round bottom that was gently swaying in the saddle. “I also know that you fill out a pair of Levi’s mighty nice, Ma’am.” 

Jamie leaned over and playfully smacked him on his shoulder, her cheeks blushing their brightest yet. 

- - - - -

“So, Jake?” one of the lady guests asked between bites of her cold barbecued bison sandwich. “What’s that Cowboy Code Mario asked you about earlier?”

Jake set down his ice-cold Coors bottle, noticing all the other conversations had stopped at the big table as all the riders wanted to listen in. “Well, I’ll tell you…” He looked at her expectantly.

“Karen, from Kansas City,” she said. 

“Well, KC Karen, there’s kinda more than one code. Gene Autry came up with one list, anyone remember him? Famous singing cowboy?”

“Didn’t he also own the California Angels baseball team?” one of the older men asked.

“Yes, he did, and good for you for knowing that. Basically, the code is something that a real cowboy, a good cowboy, should strive for in the way he or she lives their life. The list has things like … well, always help someone in trouble, no matter if you’re doin’ somethin’ else. Let’s see, a cowboy can’t shoot first or hit a smaller man. He must be true to his word. He must be a hard worker. There’s another list too, I’ve seen it in the gift shop. And on there it says a cowboy must ride for the brand like Mario said, meaning work hard for your employer, have some loyalty, ya know? I guess the code boils down to always do your best, help other people, be a person of honor, just … be a good person, right?”

“Do you live your life by that code?” Jamie asked. 

“Well, my life has been pretty long, Miss Jamie! I certainly didn’t when I was younger. But yeah, even though it seems a little corny these days, I think a person should have a code to live by. And for the last fourteen or fifteen years, that's how I tried to live my life.”

“That’s pretty admirable, Jake,” Karen said. “But you weren’t always a cowboy, right?”

“Right. I lived the Hollywood life for quite a few years, but I lost my way … and I lost my wife, then I lost another wife.” He paused for comedic effect and got a few chuckles. “And then my career tanked and I couldn't hardly buy a role … lost my money and couldn’t even afford to live in L.A. anymore so I came here. But I guess I always loved the … the romance of the cowboy life; the mystique, I guess you could call it. And that’s what was so great about the Old West and is still great about life here in Montana, or Wyoming, or Idaho—you can reinvent yourself out here. Montana doesn’t care where you’ve been, or that your life took a dump. You can start over out here. You can … reconnect with the earth, and reconnect with yourself, who you’re supposed to be. Maybe find yourself, or find something real.” 

Jake realized everyone’s eyes were glued to him, and he felt a little embarrassed talking about things so personal. “Sorry that I’m boring everyone like this,” Jake apologized. “Usually I just tell some made-up cowboy tales and try to make people laugh.”

The group reassured him they weren’t bored at all. Jamie put her hand on his arm. “Jake, this is better than any made-up story. I think we all needed to hear something like this, especially after what just happened. That’s why we are probably here also; we don’t just want to ride horses, we want to discover that real cowboy experience for ourselves, too.”

“Well, shucks, Ma’am,” Jake joked as he smiled at everyone. “Folks, let’s have one more beer before we hit the trail, whaddya say?”

He received unanimous approval, even from the micro-brew snobs who agreed that it’s hard to beat an ice-cold Coors Light after a trail ride. Jake felt pretty good; he had taken an ugly situation and gotten the group to bond over the experience. The only thing left to worry about was what the asshole Chad would have to say when they returned.


Chapter Seven 

The late afternoon wind blew the hat off of Jamie’s head and it rolled down into the gully of Cripple Creek. But she held the wire taut, making sure not to grab the barbs like Jake had shown her. 

“Got it,” Jake called out. “You can let go now.” He watched as she shook her arms and then rubbed her shoulders a little bit. “You sure this is what you want to be doin’?”

She turned her face into the wind so it blew her long red hair off her face. She wiped the sweat from her brow with her arm before answering. “Can’t think of anywhere else I want to be right now.”

“Well, we’re almost done. Just two more posts to dig and wire up. You’ve been a big help, Jamie.” He tossed her a bottle of somewhat cool water, which she drank fully.

“Let’s do it.” She went and got her hat out of the dirt and put it back on.

Jake had never known anyone to be so enthusiastic about fixing barbed-wire fences, but Jamie proved very helpful for a rookie. However, she had barely spoken since they left the lodge, only answering questions about the work. “You feel like talkin’ yet?” he asked.


“Alright, then, grab me that post-hole digger, would ya?”

- - - - -

When they had returned from the trail ride a few hours earlier Jake noticed one of the courtesy vans in the roundabout in front of the lodge. They rode past the front to the corral, where everyone unhorsed themselves and said their farewells before going on to their next activity. Several people put twenty-dollar bills in Jake’s hand, something that rarely happened on the first day. Jake had only taken three saddles off the horses when Jamie charged back into the corral. “What’re you doing the rest of today?”

“Ummm …” Jake looked past Jamie and saw the courtesy van leaving the lodge–it had a male passenger in the back. “Well, I’ve gotta get these horses situated, then finish up some fence-fixin’.”

“Feel like some company?”

His eyes widened. “You wanna help me fix fences?” He studied her beautiful alabaster skin and her fiery red hair. Does this woman have the faintest clue how stunning she is? he wondered. 

“Yes, I do.” She paused for a moment. “If you’ll show me what to do.” 

And now here she is, helping me dig fricking holes and stringing wire for the last three hours. I know that Chad left in that van, and she knows I know. When is she gonna talk to me?

Snow blanketed the nearby mountains a couple of thousand feet above them, but the direct sunlight, unfiltered by smog or clouds, beat down mercilessly. And though Jake sweated profusely in the late afternoon sun, he kept his shirt on. He knew the damage that the sun could cause, so he, like most older and wiser cowboys, stayed as covered up as he could and slathered sunblock on his face and neck twice a day. 

Jamie, however, couldn’t take the heat anymore, and she unbuttoned her long-sleeve shirt, took it off as an enthralled Jake watched, and threw it on the seat of The Donk. Her blue sports bra strained to keep her large breasts in place and covered but still left a lot of skin exposed on her stomach and her back. She noticed Jake staring at her as she stepped back into the work area. “What? There’s nothing to see here. Nobody gets excited about a chubby girl.”

Chubby … girl? What the fuck? “Ummm, Jamie,” he said as he slammed the post-hole digger into the soft bank of the creek. “I admitted earlier I was guilty of philandering … hey, you don’t have to do that!”

Jamie had picked up the other digger and started to dig her own hole. “We’ll finish faster this way.” She slammed the digger into the ground, squeezed the handles, and pulled out some dirt.

“Well, as I was saying, you know what philanderin’ means?”

Ka-chunk went her digger. “Not really. Maybe messing around with women or something.”

“That’s exactly what it is. My point is, I’m … somewhat of an expert on the female form, having seen quite a few.”

“That’s good to know. In case you’re wondering, you’re not impressing me, you’re just, you know, digging a hole.” Ka-chunk.

“Jamie. Listen. Look at me.” She stopped working and their eyes met. “Even if you were chubby, you’d still be a beautiful woman, believe me. But you are certainly not chubby. Not at all. Not even a little bit.”

“It’s your job to be polite and respectful to the guests, especially the chubby ones. I appreciate it, so … thanks.” She raised her hands and drove the tool into the earth. Ka-chunk.

Jake stared at her, trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about. “You’re not chubby! Stop saying that!”

Jamie’s digger clanged against a rock; the hard vibrations hurt her hands and she screamed, throwing the tool down the embankment. Then she screamed again for as long as her breath held out. She panted a few breaths and screamed again. The valley was too far from the mountains for an echo; the wind swallowed her cries, and the valley quieted until she screamed again.

Jake grabbed her and turned her around, then wrapped his strong arms around her and squeezed her tightly. Her arms imprisoned by his, she beat her fists against his chest, but with little force. “Leave me alone!” she cried, her tears streaking her cheeks. But Jake held tight and her screams stopped, to be replaced by heavy sobs. She slumped in his arms, her head against his chest as her shoulders lurched. 

“That’s a girl,” Jake's soothing voice replaced her screams, “let it all out … it’s okay … I’ve got you … let it go … get it all out …” He held her for several minutes, talking softly while swaying her gently as they stood, comforting her while trying not to say anything too forward, like calling her honey or something.

“He blames me, you know,” she said eventually, sniffling. “He said I should have told him that there were wild bears here.”

“Jesus Christ, I should have shot him when I had the chance. There are signs literally everywhere. He had to sign an acknowledgment form saying he understood about the dangerous wildlife here.”

Jamie chortled. “He said he thought that was just to impress the city people.” She wiped her face with her arm. “He had all our bags packed. Said, ‘Let’s go.’ And I said I wanted to stay, I wanted to be on vacation with him. He just got up and went to the van.” Jake relaxed his grip on her and fixed a few hairs that hung on her face. “I paid for this trip. Me. He didn’t contribute a dime. And there’s no refunds. It’s not the ranch’s fault he’s a jackass.”

You paid?” Jake couldn’t believe his ears. “Doesn’t he work? Like, an investment advisor or something?”

“He’s just doing that until his inheritance comes through. His parents were very wealthy, but there was a lot of squabbling with the lawyers and all the different companies they owned, so probate is taking a long time. He’s supposed to get like twenty, twenty-five million.”

“I see. That’s a lot of money.” 

“Yes–oh, I ruined your shirt! I’m so sorry!”

He looked down at the big wet spot on his chest. “It’s okay. Tonight is my laundry night. Speaking of night, the sun will drop down behind those mountains in about fifteen minutes, and the temperature will start dropping quickly. Let’s get our stuff and head back–”

No.” Her adamance seemed to surprise her. “I’ve wasted a lot of your time, but there’s still work to be done. A cowboy has to do what’s right, correct? Ride for the brand? Let’s get this finished.” They hustled hard and got back to the lodge before it got completely dark. 

“Will you … have dinner with me, Jake? We can get cleaned up and meet…”

Jake held his hand up. “Whoa there, young lady. They, ummm … they feed us in the bunkhouse. We aren’t technically allowed to eat in the dining room. But thank you so much.”

“I could have it sent up to my room,” Jamie suggested, not looking at Jake. “Would that work? I don’t want you to break the Cowboy Code or anything.” For the first time that afternoon, a little smile broke over her face. 

She’s so beautiful, he thought, and vulnerable, and she needs to see what a real man is like instead of that sniveling shithead she’s engaged to. But Jake took the high road. “I think tonight … you should call your Chad instead of … doing something you will regret.” No! part of his brain screamed at him. Take her right now! She needs to see some real lovin’! He gripped the steering wheel, willing his hands to stay there and not reach for her flesh again, like when he was patting her bare back when she cried earlier. 

Jamie looked down to the floor before slowly sliding out of the seat onto the ground. “You’re probably right. Say, ummm … are you going on any trail rides tomorrow?”

“Matter of fact, yeah. I’m on the advanced ride tomorrow since Darryl is still hurt. We will run the horses, not just walk them like today.”

“I’m signing up for that.” She turned and walked into the lodge.


Chapter Eight  

The pretty red-headed female doctor entered the waiting room, read from her clipboard, and called out, “McClinden, for Daisy?”

“McClintock,” Jake corrected her.

She looked up and saw Jake sitting there next to an extremely attractive young woman, surrounded by several empty seats. “Oh, Jake, it’s … you. It just has the first initial here.”

Jake got up to shake the doctor’s hand. “How you doin’, Liz?”

The doctor frowned and didn’t shake his hand. “Well, first things first. Daisy has Equine Influenza, which is really weird because you told Becky she’d had all her shots. But our records indicate she didn’t receive any of her last round of injections.”

“Aww, shit.” He paused for a moment, “sorry for the language. She must’ve been down on the other ranch when you came by last fall, maybe passed on the highway or something.”

“Whatever,” the doctor continued. “Old Man Gilroy should’ve caught this. He needs to get a database, maybe catch up to the twentieth century.”

Jake thought for a moment. “Aren’t we in the twenty-first century?”

“Exactly. Can you leave her overnight? I want to make sure she’s not going to react poorly to the medication because she’s going to get a heavy dose. You can pick her up first thing in the morning.”

“Yeah … I guess.”

“Is that a problem?” The doctor leaned to the right and looked directly at Jamie, who was still sitting down. “I’m sure you and your, ummm … granddaughter, can find some accommodations in town. Save you four hours of driving time.”

“Cute, Liz,” Jake scowled. 

“You used to think so.”

Jamie watched silently. Obviously, Jake and this doctor have some history.

Jake looked at his right boot for a moment, then looked up at Doctor Liz again. “I’ll see you first thing. Six okay?” He gave her a one-armed hug.

She patted his back. “Six is fine, Jake. Have fun tonight. Don’t keep her out too late; it’s a school night, you know.” 

Jake winced at the sarcasm and the obvious dig about Jamie’s age. Then he left the veterinarian’s office with Jamie in tow as they headed toward the truck. “So, I can probably get you home before they close the kitchen.”

“And then what, you get up at 3:30 in the morning to come back here? That doesn’t seem like a very smart idea.” 

Jake shrugged. “It’s just ranchin’. Some days are better’n others.”

Jamie stopped walking. “Let’s go over here,” she pointed.

“Huh? Why? We gotta get some gas and get a move on.”

“There’s a nice little Italian restaurant over there and you’re going to take me to it. Unlike you cowboys, I can’t have steak every night! Come on.” She linked her arm in his and began crossing the basically empty street. Jake didn’t seem to have a choice in the matter. 

- - - - -

Antonio’s Italian was quaint, the decor surprisingly tasteful for a small town. They waited near the door but didn’t see a hostess, then a waitress came by and said, “Sit anywhere you like.”

They chose a cozy table by the front window and settled in. Finally, a pretty, middle-aged, red-haired server approached them. “Well, look who’s back in town,” she said in a decidedly unfriendly tone. She eyeballed Jake, tapping her pen on her pad, seemingly waiting for an explanation as to his incursion into her space.

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“Hi, Bonnie. I’ve, ummm, I’ve got a sick horse, and the Doc is tending to her.” 

“And I see you have a new … friend.”

“This is Jamie, and she’s a guest at the ranch.” 

“A guest, how nice. I hope you’re enjoying your stay in our little neck of the woods,” she said while giving Jamie a faux smile.

Oh, my God, she’s acting just like the doctor, Jamie thought. “I’m having a good time, I really enjoy it here.” 

“Well, that’s wonderful, dear.” Jake was nervously fidgeting in his seat while silently praying that she wouldn’t say anything else to Jamie. Fortunately, she moved things along. “So, can I get you started with some drinks or maybe an appetizer?” 

Jake finished perusing the menu. “We’d like to start with the Autumn Fritto Misto and maybe a bottle of red?” 

“We have a beautiful Chianti that’s on special this evening.” Then, she cut her eyes at Jamie. “Of course, I’ll have to see some ID, dear.”

“Bonnie…” Jake growled. “Is that really necess…” 

“What? I’ll get in trouble for serving alcohol to a middle-school girl.” 

Jamie’s face turned a dark shade of red as she dug her ID out of her little clutch purse and handed it to … Bonnie

She exaggeratingly scratched the piece of plastic with her fingernail, making a very obvious reference to its authenticity. “Twenty-four, really?”

“Yes, I’m twenty-four,” Jamie whispered. She’d better not say one fucking thing about it being a school night.

“Well, Jake, it’s so good to see you moving on and finding new … friends … to pal around with. What are you, now? Let’s see, your birthday was in November, that was your sixtieth, right?”


 “Is this going to be a problem?” Jake asked. “Because we can go to Maxie’s…”

“Relax, Grandpa, just pulling your chain. I’ll get your wine and the Misto, and it was so nice to meet you … dear.” Bonnie sashayed off to another table, her hips swishing more than Jamie thought necessary.

Jamie looked at Jake, who was intently studying the menu. “Jake, I can’t help but notice, there seems to be a string of broken-hearted redheads all over town.”

Jake embarrassingly looked up and shrugged his shoulders. “There aren’t many single guys around.”

“Hmmm. I got the feeling if we walked over to that clothing store, some red-headed clerk named Sylvia would throw a shoe at you, and maybe at me too.”

Jake looked across the street at the clothing store. “Naw,” he said laconically, winking at her. “They’re closed. Sylvia’s gone home. But let’s not go to the feed store, okay? Ow!” 

Jamie playfully kicked his leg under the table, then stuck her tongue out at him. “Okay, mister, we’ll change the subject if you like. It seems your face has been lying to me.”

Jake cocked his head to one side as he considered his response. “I hate when it does that. But, ummm, what exactly did it lie about?”

“Your face is telling everyone you’re forty-eight, maybe forty-nine. No way are you sixty years old.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that.”

“Well, I identify as forty-two, if that makes you feel better.” She laughed, not knowing how else to respond. “All told, the years have been kind considering … my youth. I guess I was pretty wild in my younger years … drugs, alcohol, all that.” 

“But not anymore, right?” 

He laughed and then looked seriously into her eyes. “The strongest thing I drink now is Coors and, ummm, I guess, Chianti.” 

“And no drugs, correct?” 

“No, not in thirty years.” 

“Okay, good.” 

“So, you don’t have a problem with my age?” 

“Well, Bonnie referred to you as Grandpa, is that true?”

He laughed. “No, it’s not. I’ve been married twice, but no children … so … no grandchildren either.” 

“At least none that you know about … you’re going to have to move to Wyoming because you seem to have run out of women in Montana,” she teased.

“Hey, now! Don’t you start with me, too.”

She giggled. “Your age isn’t a problem, okay?” 

He looked deep into her eyes. “Okay.” 

“Are you … okay with my age?” she asked. 

“You’re a little, you know, old for my taste.” Her jaw dropped open. He could only hold his stoic expression for a couple of seconds before he burst into laughter. 

She laughed with him. “I’m going to kick you again, and this time it’s going to be in a place that’s a lot more painful,” she quipped.  

“Okay! I surrender!” He paused for a moment before getting serious. “I don’t understand why you’re interested in me, but I have absolutely no problems with your age.”

“Well, good. And maybe I’ll tell you later about my supposed interest in you.”

Jake smiled at her. Bonnie showed up with a green wine bottle. “Is Chianti a white wine?” he asked.

“Jesus, I’m sorry. Back in a minute.” Bonnie walked away, muttering to herself.

“But Jamie, I do have a question.” He paused again, then plowed forward. “What’s up with Chad?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Whatever you’re willing to tell me. But mostly, why are you here with me while you’re engaged to him?” 

Dishes clattered in the kitchen, customers laughed and talked at their tables, and a lonesome train whistle sounded far off in the distance. “I’m sorry, tough questions, I know,” he added.  

“No, we’ve spent so much time together, you have a right to ask me this, to know this.” 

“I’m trying to be a good guy, you know? I, I can’t be the reason you guys break up.”

She thought for a moment. “He came into my jewelry store about four years ago. After he bought a Rolex, he asked me out.” She paused. “We moved in together, and after about two years he proposed. He was … very charming back then. I didn’t even think about it, I just said yes. But now …”

“Second thoughts?” 

“I don’t know … maybe? Maybe I’m trying to sort some things out since I … met you,” she whispered. “Things just don’t seem as clear to me like they once were.” 

- - - - - 

“Alright, so Chianti is a nice thing!” Jake raised his glass of the red wine for another sip.

“Better than Coors?” Jamie asked. She set her glass down on the red-and-white checkered tablecloth. The dining room was thinning out as the locals finished their dinners.

“Nothing’s better than Coors, trust me on that. But this does pair well with the chicken parm.”

“Listen to you, sounding all sophisticated,” she teased. “Sometimes I forget you had a life before ranching.”

“Yeah, that …. was a long time ago. My last gig was in the fall. You heard of that series Yellowstone with Kevin Costner?”

“Yeah! You got to work with him?”

“No. I got to be him. From a distance, anyway. We have a similar build, so I rode a horse all around for about a week, wearing different outfits that his character wears, while they filmed me from afar. They also followed me from above with a drone. They probably got ten or fifteen hours of me riding my horse through all kinds of backgrounds. And they might use ten or fifteen seconds of it during the season, for, like, fill-in shots, you know? The main character is riding around, that kind of thing. But I got paid $11,000.”

“So, kinda cool, but that doesn’t sound like actual acting.”

“Nope. I can still do it, though. My agent says he might have something next month, he’s been telling me to get ready. But he’s said that before, and I told him so, but he says this thing is going to be perfect for me.” Jake drank half his wine. 

“Well, that sounds great, then!”

“Yeah, well, I don’t count my horses till they’re inside the corral, ya know? Speaking of horses, what did you think of our ride today?”

Jamie’s face lit up at the memory of their excursion earlier in the day. “Oh, my God! It’s been so long since I’ve been on a galloping horse! Just … the power of those creatures, it kind of took my breath away. And with the wind in my hair, the incredible countryside, I felt like, like I was home. Does that sound crazy? I want to do it again tomorrow.”

“Not crazy at all, little darlin’. That’s Mother Earth callin’ to you, tellin’ you that you’ve spent too much time in the concrete jungle.”

Is he teasing me? Jamie thought. He seems serious. I didn’t think of him being … like a hippie Zen-master or anything. “Maybe you’re right. I just know I love it.”

“You’re a natural on a horse.” He picked up the bottle of wine and looked at her. Jamie shook her head; he poured himself the last of the Chianti. “Are you trying to get me drunk on this stuff? It’s pretty damn good. Another glass and I won’t be able to drive you home.”

“Oh, no, that sounds like quite a tragedy,” she said sensually. She saw his eyes widen. Did he take that as sarcasm? Maybe he’s not interested? She moved an errant lock of her fiery red hair out of her eyes as he watched her intently. Then his gaze traveled lower to the swell of her breasts. Okay, he’s interested. That damn Cowboy Code, though, he’ll never make the first move. I hope he remembers that John Wayne always kissed the girl and wound up with her at the end of the movie. He just needs a little help and encouragement. “So, any dance halls around here?”

He laughed. “No dance halls. The townsfolk here think that society peaked at running water and indoor toilets.”

She grinned. “So … not much to do here, right?”

“No, not much at all, except hard-core drinking at the Wrangler Saloon.” 

She ran the tip of her finger around her wine glass. “We’ll have to make our own entertainment, then, I guess.” 

“If someone is painting their fence, we could always watch it dry.” She giggled, then looked at him seductively and raised her hand for the check. “Hey, what are you doing? I’m paying for dinner.” 

“No, I’m paying for dinner. You’re paying for the motel room.” 

His jaw dropped, and a shocked look broke over his face. “Are you suggesting we …”

“I’m not suggesting anything, I’m telling you what’s going to happen. I’ve never been with a real cowboy, so you’re either sleeping with me or you can spend the night in the truck, but I hear it’s supposed to be below freezing tonight and I guarantee I’ll keep you a whole lot warmer.”

“Well, in that case, we’ve got the ever-popular Cowboy’s Rest motel, which features genuine cable TV, or you’ve got the old standby, the Lay-Z-Inn, conveniently located about a hundred yards to the west.”

“Well, we’re not going to be watching much TV,” she said seductively. 

Bonnie came by with the check, but Jamie just laid a hundred-dollar bill on the table, having done the math in her head and leaving a very generous tip despite all of the digs Bonnie had thrown Jamie’s way. She spoke loud enough for Bonnie to hear. “Let’s go get you laid, Gramps.”

Jake winked at Bonnie, who rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Chapter Nine

In her fantasies, Jamie always pictured herself being nervous when it came to … this. But she wasn’t. They stood and faced each other in front of the king-size bed in the little motel room that looked like it hadn’t been updated since the sixties. That didn’t bother her, though. She wasn’t here for the decor. It would be a lie to say that she wanted him from the moment she saw him. It was the dance when he swept her off her feet and held her body tight against his as he moved her around the dance floor. She’d never wanted anyone or anything as badly as she wanted him.

He, on the other hand, was terrified. He’d been with a lot of women, but never one like this. He thought she was stunningly beautiful, but she didn’t seem to believe it. She also had an inner strength that shined like a beacon. Yet she was delicate and fragile, like a newborn colt who clung to her mother for life. Her beauty drew him in, but it was her spirit that captivated him. He’d simply never met anyone like her, and he felt irrevocably drawn to her. 

She slipped into his arms, and they shared a deep passionate kiss that only built in intensity. Again he felt unsure of himself, but she didn’t. As their tongues delicately played inside each other’s mouths, she began unbuttoning his shirt and then loosening his belt buckle. He’d just slipped her shirt from her body when she tugged down his jeans and desperately tried to hold back a little giggle. “Tighty-whities, we definitely have to update your style, it’s boxers now.”

A little blush broke over his face. “Boxers let my balls bounce in the saddle, not fun. We’ll make finding something else a priority, but not right now.” He eased her back on the bed, and under his lustful stare, she slipped off her pink bra. Even though she was lying down on her back, her large round breasts held their shape and her pink nipples were hard and erect. He undid her jeans and slipped his fingers through her belt loops, and she lifted her bottom off the mattress to assist him in the removal of her jeans. As he moved them down her thighs, they revealed a pretty pink silk thong, complete with a wet spot in the center. He took a moment to drink her in: Large perfect breasts, a tapered waist, full round hips, and toned tight arms and legs. She should be on the cover of some fashion magazine, not here in some dank motel room with me, he thought.

She looked into his crystal-blue eyes. “You’re not finished unwrapping your present yet, cowboy,” she whispered. Is it the wine that has given me such confidence?

He slipped his fingers underneath the delicate silk and slid her thong down her thighs. She had a little tuft of red hair above her vulva, but her wet, blood-engorged lips were shaved clean. Jake’s nervousness vanished as lustful thoughts filled his mind. 

He eased himself on top of her and she wrapped her arms around him. They shared another slow hot kiss, and then he licked and sucked on the delicate flesh of her neck. She ran her hand through his thick salt-and-pepper hair as he moved lower, taking her nipple into his mouth. He loved hearing her little moans and whimpers as her body responded to him. After he let her rigid nipple slip from his mouth, he kissed and licked her stomach, leaving a little saliva trail on her delicate alabaster flesh. 

It had been so long since Chad had given her this type of attention and pleasure. It was something he’d done occasionally, way back when they first started having sex, but his skills were sorely … lacking … and she’d never been able to achieve release. She only hoped that Jake would give her a better experience.

When his mouth reached her navel, he dipped his tongue in and out of it, filling it with his saliva. His mouth was sending little tingles through her core, and it felt like every nerve ending in her body was on fire. He ran his nose through her pubic hair and then took some strands between his teeth and gently pulled them, which elicited a little moan from her lips. He inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. 

“Please, Jake,” she whimpered. His tantalizing tease was almost more than she could take, and it felt like her mind was slipping in and out of consciousness. He slid between her legs and she opened them wider. Her vagina looked like a wet flower, with the petals glistening like just after a gentle spring rain. He gently bit her inner thigh, and she let out a little groan. Then, using the tip of his tongue, he ran it over her lips, collecting some of the moisture. She tasted tangy and just a little sweet; he couldn’t get enough of her. 

Jake slipped his tongue inside her and slowly began working it deeper. She ran her hands through his hair and gently pulled his head towards her, sending his tongue further into her. Involuntarily, her hips began to move towards him, grinding her pussy into his mouth. Her secretions were now covering his face as he licked the walls of her vagina. She’d never experienced anything like this. The times she could recall Chad going down on her had never felt like this. Jake’s enthusiasm and enjoyment of his efforts made her feel very special and very desired. Chad was just clumsy and inept, at best. 

Jamie lost herself as the pleasure overwhelmed her. She moved her hands to her breasts and pinched and pulled on her nipples for added stimulation. Jake had taken her on an incredibly quick climb, the tension inside her body rising to nearly unbearable levels. He withdrew his tongue, and she gasped when he slipped a finger deep inside her. He took her clit into his mouth and gave it a few hard sucks, and then he rolled the little nub around on his tongue. Her orgasm hit without warning, and she was in no way prepared for it. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her body began to shake, and he wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold her still. 

After almost a minute, she finally got her breathing somewhat under control. She looked between her legs and their eyes met. “Was that, ummm, okay?” he whispered with a smile. 

She felt like her head was somewhere up in the clouds, and she had to focus on being able to respond to him. “More,” was all she could muster. 

She let out a low guttural moan when he inserted two fingers deep inside her and then curled them upwards towards him, putting pressure on her G-spot. She closed her thighs tight around his head and he took her clit back into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue. “Oh, Jesus, Jake,” she groaned. 

He could listen to this beautiful woman say his name for an eternity, and he reveled in giving her pleasure. Again she started grinding her hips into his mouth, and he reached up and gently kneaded her breast but then pinched and pulled her nipple. Her body just exploded as wave after wave of her orgasm consumed her. Again, many long moments passed until her senses began to return. Jake slid up her body and pulled her tight into his arms, rousing her further. When their eyes met they exchanged a deep passionate kiss, and she could taste herself on his mouth. 

Jake pulled her with him as he rolled onto his back. When they broke their embrace, she rested her head on his muscled chest and he gently ran his hands through her long red hair. “Are all cowboys like this?” she teased.

“Nope, just me, Ma’am.” 

She giggled. “You’re, you know, pretty good at that.” She looked up at him through her tousled hair.

“Well, I aim to please, you know.” 

“I’d say your aim was dead-on. I can see why all the women in this town are pining over you,” she quipped. 

“I’m sorry you had to see all of that,” he said sincerely. 

“It’s okay, I’m a big girl and I can handle it.” She closed her eyes and listened to his strong heartbeat. She felt a little vulnerable, yet he made her feel so safe, so protected, that she decided to open up a little bit. “You’re only my third lover,” she whispered. 

“Really? How the hell are men not chasing you around everywhere you go?” 

Now she really felt vulnerable and exposed. “Why would they? I’m … chubby and I’m not that pretty, and I know that, remember?” 

He gently pulled her chin up. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Jamie.”

She could feel her heart melting, but she wasn’t sure she could believe him. “You don’t have to say that.” 

“I’m saying it because I mean it because it’s the truth,” he said a little more sternly. “You don’t know how perfect you are, do you?” 

She wasn’t sure how to answer him. He seemed so sincere, like he genuinely believed what he was saying. Slowly, she began to come around, at least a little. “Really?” 

“I’ve never met anyone like you, honey.” He thought for a moment. “You have this beauty, an inner strength. I’m not a poet, I’m just a simple cowboy, but I know it when I see it and you have it.”  

Tears were now forming in the corners of her eyes. She was overcome with emotion, and she didn’t know how to express it, but she wanted to try. “You’re twice the man that Chad is, that he’ll ever be, Jake.” 

“I’m just me, Jamie, an old actor and ranch-hand trying to find his way like everyone else.” 

“You’re much more than that,” she whispered. She placed her hand on his stomach, and she felt his muscles quiver. She slowly moved lower until she reached his underwear. “How about we get those tighty-whities off.” They slid them down together, and he threw them onto the floor. She giggled. “Jesus.” 

“Am I, ummm, adequate?” 

She was still trying to wrap her mind around the size of his member, and it took her a moment to formulate a response. “Adequate and a half,” she whispered. She’d never seen one that big. Chad’s was average, at best, and her high-school boyfriend had been about the same size. She leaned in, kissed him, and then took his cock in her hand. It was so thick her fingers barely got around its circumference. As their tongues played in each other’s mouths, she began to gently stroke his cock. “That feels really good, honey,” he groaned. 

“Let me do something that will feel even better,” she said wantonly. She gave him another little kiss and then slowly began to work down his body. She flicked and gently sucked on each of his nipples and then kissed down his stomach before nestling between his open legs. She deeply inhaled and smelled that manly, musky scent that delighted her nostrils. Jake wasn’t a boy; he was a man, something she felt she’d never had. She always enjoyed giving head, but it was something that she rarely did with Chad. If he wasn’t willing to please her with his mouth, why would she want to reciprocate? But Jake had exceeded her every expectation, and she wanted to return the pleasure that he’d given her.   

She took his bulbous head into her mouth and gave it a few gentle sucks. She loved hearing his little pants. She ensured her mouth stayed warm and wet and worked him in a little deeper. Saliva was now dripping down his shaft, and he gently ran his hand through her long red locks. When the head reached her throat, she tried to work him in deeper, but it triggered her gag reflex, and she coughed and sputtered for just a moment. She’d been able to deep-throat her other lovers, but she quickly realized that wasn’t going to be something she’d be able to do tonight. 

She quickened the pace, concentrating on his head and shaft as she worked about half of him into her mouth. He lovingly stroked her hair as her saliva collected in a little pool on his testicles. 

He studied her beautiful green eyes as he watched her fellate him. Her mouth felt so amazingly good, he wanted this experience to go on forever, but all too soon he felt his orgasm begin to build, and he wanted to be a considerate lover and warn her. “Baby, I’m close,” he said through ragged deep sips of breath. Undeterred, she kept bobbing on his cock, working him in and out of her mouth at a fevered pace. She closed her lips around the head, and his hips lifted off of the mattress, sending his cock a little deeper into her mouth.

She placed her hands on his thighs as he erupted, sending strong hot shots of semen spurting into her mouth. As she swallowed, her mouth filled up again, and she had to swallow two more times to get it all down. When she looked into his eyes they were tightly closed, and his breathing was still deep and ragged. She gently took his cock at the base and then ran her tongue up and down his shaft, collecting the few drops of semen that she’d missed. 

She rested her head on his thigh and gave him time to get his breathing under control. When his eyes finally opened they met hers, and he pulled her into his arms, where they shared a passionate kiss. Kissing her after he’d come in her mouth was something that Chad would never do, but Jake was obviously comfortable with it. She snuggled into his arms as he held her tight. He loved how her body molded to his, and he couldn’t get enough of her. “I’m going to want more of that,” she said sexily. 

He reached down and squeezed her firm bottom and laughed. “You’re going to have to give me a little time, I’m not eighteen anymore.” 

“I’ll give you all the time you need,” she said in a tone barely above a whisper. She loved his hard body pressed tightly against hers. She felt connected to him, listening to his soft breathing and feeling his heartbeat, and she wasn’t sure why. 

“You’re, ummm, pretty good at that, little lady.” 

She giggled. “So are you.” 

There were a few moments of comfortable silence as they enjoyed being in each other’s arms, then Jake broke the silence. “I have to check on one of the herds in the bottom forty tomorrow morning when we get back to the ranch. There’s been some coyotes sighted in the area and I need to make sure my ladies are alright. I'm not sure that I’ll be able to see much of you until tomorrow afternoon,” he said.

“Will you let me go with you?” 

“You’d want to? It’s a long ride.” 

“Yes, if you’ll let me.”

“Of course, I’ll let you, Jamie.”  

She loved being in his arms. He made her feel so safe, so protected. It was a feeling that she’d never experienced with any other man. As she felt his erection pressing into her thigh, she knew he was ready. “I need to feel you inside of me, Jake,” she whispered. 

He gently pushed her away from him; she slid onto her back and opened her long legs invitingly for him. He moved in between them, and he took his cock at the base and ran the tip up and down her wet lips, splitting them. “Go slow at first,” she said softly. 

He nodded in acknowledgment. Once he found her opening, he eased the head inside her and she let out a little moan. Slowly and carefully, he pushed a little deeper, simultaneously opening and filling her. Already, the muscles in her vagina contracted around his cock, squeezing him. She felt like a warm, wet glove that was made only for him. Methodically, he moved forward, taking his time and being gentle and patient. She put her hand on his muscled chest, and he pushed forward one last time until their bodies touched, and she let out a low deep moan. “Are you okay, baby?” he said.

She took a deep breath, “Yes, give me a moment, Jake,” she murmured. He was exploring recesses deep inside her body that no man had before, and she needed time to acclimate herself to his girth. After a few moments had passed, she was ready. She looked up, and their eyes met. “Okay, slowly, Daddy.” Her words shocked both of them, and she wasn’t sure where that word came from, but it ignited their passion. When he eased out of her and pushed himself back in, it nearly took her breath away, but she’d never felt anything so incredibly good. He established a slow, steady rhythm as he rocked himself in and out of her. It felt like every nerve ending was on fire and ready to explode. 

Jake picked up the pace and moved forward a bit, changing the angle, so his thick cock perfectly caressed her clit. Her orgasm caught her by complete surprise–she shook and convulsed underneath him, and she let out an ear-piercing scream that he was certain the entire motel would hear. When her senses were beginning to return, Jake had increased the tempo. He reached down and squeezed her nipples and her body exploded in multiple, successive releases, something that she’d never experienced.

He wanted to stay inside this ethereal woman forever, but the contractions of her vagina were squeezing and milking his cock. Normally, he had very good control, especially after already coming earlier, but this exquisite young woman underneath him was giving him pleasure that he’d never experienced either. “Jamie, I … I … can’t hold it back,” he said through deep, ragged breaths. 

“Inside me, Daddy … inside me,” she moaned. Just as she felt powerful spurts flood her womb, her world went dark as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed her to her very core. As she began to come back around, she discovered that he’d collapsed on top of her, and both of them struggled to catch their breaths. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, their lips met, and they shared another deep, passionate kiss. 

“So, I’m your Daddy now?” he gently teased.

She blushed. “I don’t know, maybe?” He gently kissed her and ran his hand through her fiery red hair. “I’m not sure of anything anymore, but I am certain that I’m going to want a lot more of this.” 

- - - - - 

To be continued … 

Written by Mojavejoe420
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