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Misguided Love

"Love can be beautiful, or it can lead you down the wrong path, which path will be taken?"

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Author's Notes

"It's a little different story this time. We hope you enjoy it. Read, Share, and ENJOY... Maxx and Rachel"

It was Friday, June 30th.

That day you had always hoped would come, and when it did, nothing could happen that could bring you down from the personal high you achieved that day.

Well, this is that day for me, and nothing could or would bring me down.

On this day, at 12:00 noon, I was announced as the new president and CEO of Martel Industries, the company to which I have devoted the past eleven years. I sacrificed almost everything as I strived to reach my personal goal, which I achieved today.

The announcement was a big deal, orchestrated by my personal assistant and loyal employee, Allison Quinn, and the company's senior staff. It was held in the main warehouse so all the local company employees and those close enough to drive in could attend. Later, a big party was to be held at the Marriot Hotel for all the staff and their spouses. All the senior managers had been flown in and would attend both events.

The announcement was made by the retiring CEO, Samuel Trainor. He had been CEO of the company since its first day for almost twenty years. He was sixty-five years old now and in great physical shape. We work out together at the company gym every morning, and he is very fit. He was retiring to travel the world and enjoy the rest of his life. I was happy for him and hoped to do the same thing in another nineteen years.

As we all gathered, my wife of eighteen years, Constance Walker, stood beside me. She was a statuesque woman with a model figure, standing 5’9” tall. All the curves are in the right places. Her breasts were magnificent, and her bubble butt balanced her form. Her close-cropped natural blonde hair matched the permanent thin landing strip below with everything else lasered off permanently, making her skin baby smooth.

Also in attendance were our three children: Rebecca, named after her grandmother; Daniel, my namesake; and Suzanne, our youngest; we just liked that name. They were all two years apart and full-blown teenagers, seniors, sophomores, and eighth graders. They were all great kids, filling out our wonderful, happy family.

Once the announcement was made, there was a reception with refreshments. Everyone congratulated me and wished me a great future and a happy retirement for Sam. As people were milling around talking, Constance and I stayed together, greeting people. It was busy, with most of the two hundred people coming to speak to us.

Once we cut Sam’s retirement cake and things started to settle down, I had a few documents I needed to sign for Human Resources.

Connie rounded up the kids to head home. We kissed, and each of them congratulated their dad. Then Connie gave me a long, firm kiss and looked me in the eye: “Congratulations, Dan. You have what you have always wanted and deserve. I am so proud of you.”  

As I listened to her, I noticed something odd in her voice. Her statement seemed less than sincere and mechanical, and no “I love you” was added. That was strange to me.

“Connie, can you please come with me for a minute?” I asked.

She told the kids to meet her in the SUV, and we walked inside my office.

As we walked, I reached for her hand, but she brushed my hand aside. That was odd, and I thought Connie’s behavior over the past several days had been somewhat different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but she wasn’t her usual self. I didn’t question her about this; what was it?

We reached my new office, and there was a bottle of good champagne and two flutes. I walked to the bar and poured them full. I brought them over to Connie, who was looking out the window at the nature preserve that backed up to the plant.

Connie turned and looked at me. I saw a small tear in her right eye, which confused me. I sat the flutes down and reached into my jacket pocket to get my gift for her. I felt the box, but there was also an envelope in my pocket that I had not put there. I took it out. Nothing was written on it, so I opened it as Connie turned back, looking out the window again. I slipped out the note and read these crushing words written in Connie’s hand.


This is a special day for both of us, but for different reasons. For the past twenty years, we have worked together toward this day for you. We have sacrificed, and you have succeeded in being made CEO of this company, your baby, your dream. You should be enormously proud of your accomplishment.

During the past four years, you have been driving yourself so hard that you have almost totally ignored me and the children. I can count the number of weekends you have been available for us as a family. It has been less than ten. Not to mention the hundred nights and numerous business trips taking you away from us.

As for us, your family, our personal life has been in a shambles for four years but has worsened in the last two years. You never have time for me. We make love maybe once a month and never have a date night where it is just you and me. Yes, we go out for dinner and drinks and perhaps even dance a little, but it is always between your schmoozing and your business family. I am really uncomfortable with that, but you are oblivious to my feelings.

I was on board for many years, knowing what your plan was. Back then, our home life was beautiful every day, and we made love all the time and did family things together, but Daniel, somewhere in there, you forgot about us, not just me but the kids, too. They love you as I do, but you’re the absent dad. Your work family seems to be more important to you than your real family.

So, here we are on our special day… no, Daniel, it is your special day. You have finally achieved the career goal for which you have given up absolutely everything. For me… it is my day of freedom. Later today, when you arrive home, a process server will wait to serve you divorce papers. I will be leaving you today, Daniel. The children and I will have left our current home for our new home. We will no longer live with you at 1265 Devonshire Court.

As you will see from the divorce papers, I want nothing myself. I have planned this for two years, not knowing when it would happen but knowing it would happen one day. As for the children, I will need your support through college and grad school if they should choose to pursue further education. I would like you to give me half ownership of the beach and mountain houses. We can work the usage schedule at a later time. I want my Mercedes SUV and Becky’s car to be paid off, and you can purchase a vehicle for the other two when it’s time.   

I will leave visitation rights up to the children. They are old enough to decide what time they want to spend with you. I will not influence them in any way. As for holidays, let us try to maintain a family plan. Until it becomes too much, we should have Thanksgiving, birthdays, and Christmas together.

Daniel, I want to be clear: I still love you with all my heart. I am not leaving you for another man. There is no man in my life other than you. I love you so much that I doubt I will ever lose my love for you. I do know I need male companionship devoted to me, not their work wife and work family. I don’t know what that means exactly, but I will not be a spinster for the rest of my life.

I hate that this is happening, but nothing I have tried to do behind the scenes over the past few years has worked. Answer this one question. Daniel, when was the last time you held me, kissed me passionately, and took me to bed, making beautiful love to me? I bet you have no idea! Daniel, it was seventy-six days ago. Did you even miss it or think about it? How many nights have you spent with your family over the past six months? Thirty-four Daniel, out of one hundred and eighty days, is all. You missed school events with the kids, many date nights, and our friends gathering that you can’t find time to attend. You missed Danny’s birthday, my God, which was horrible. There were way too many other things to cover them all.   

The bottom line is that today, you married the company you have been dating and wooing for your whole career. Now, the company is your wife, not me. You are no longer married to your family. I am so sorry you did this to us. I am angry and sad, but I love you more than you will ever know and always will.


I stood frozen in a place like my feet were encased in concrete. I could not move them.

“OH GOD!” I gasped

Constance turned and looked at me, knowing I had read it all. Tears were running down both our faces.

My God, what had I done? Had I been so absent, uncaring, and aloof that I couldn’t see this happening right before my eyes?

I tried to speak, but for once, I was utterly lost for words. I stumbled backward and fell into a chair. I didn’t know what to do or what to say. I didn’t know anything.

I looked up at Constance.

“I am so sorry. Is there any way to mend this to save us, the family? I will do anything. Anything!”

Constance looked down at me. “Daniel, I don’t know how you could do that. From your past doings, I don't think You can change, and with this new position, The demands on your time will be even worse. So, no, Daniel, I do not see any way you can save us without doing something you will not do.”

“Connie, what would that be?” I asked, knowing what she was going to say.

“Daniel, when you were in line for this position for the last four years, your life has been devoted to the company and your dream of becoming CEO. With that goal achieved, another goal will be more immense, demanding, and all-consuming. It is inevitable; it is who you are, and I love you despite it.

Daniel, only one thing will stop the events later today. You will have to admit to yourself what you have done. Say it to the kids and me, and then you must call Sam into this office and explain what is happening to our family. Then you must resign from the company to save your family. If those things happen and tell your family that you are devoting the rest of your life to us, to me specifically, then we can all go home together, and life will move on.

If you cannot do that, and I know that you don’t have it in you to do that, then our family will be destroyed today! It is totally up to you. Which family is more important to you? Me and the children of your work family? It is that simple, though I know it is not for you.

Danial, there is one last thing. If one of your concerns is money, please remove that from your decision-making process. I have been very frugal and saved, invested, and socked away much money over our marriage. We are very wealthy. Our home is paid for, as are our two vacation homes. We have tangible assets worth well into the millions. Danial, you never have to work again.

Danial, the kids, and I are going to our current home. You have one hour to make up your mind. But if you decide to perform a miracle and resign, I will not allow you to push that back on me or the kids. It will be done and will never be discussed again. Do you understand?

Constant stepped to me, leaned down, and kissed me softly on my lips. I wanted to grab and hold her, but she quickly walked out the door, leaving me with her letter, words, and a huge dilemma.

I walked to the window, looking out at nature. I reflected back to an hour ago. I thought I was on top of the world, not knowing my foundation was crumbling to dust beneath me. How could I have been so blind to what I was doing or not doing, which is more accurate to my family?

I walked to my desk, picked up my cell phone, and made the call: “Sam, could you come to your office, please? We need to talk.”

I slumped into the CEO’s chair, having trouble breathing. I got up, walked to the bar, and poured two glasses of 12-year-old scotch. I sat back down and started writing on a yellow legal pad.

To whom it may concern.

I, Daniel Walker, as of this day, resign my position as President and Chief Executive Officer of Martel Industries. The effective date of my resignation will be September 30th.  


Danial Walker.

Just as I finished reading, a smiling, happy Samuel Trainor walked through the door.

“Hey Daniel, Mr. CEO how are you doing?” he trumpeted, stopping at the desk. He saw the glass of Scotch and the look on my face, and he sat down without another word.

“Daniel, you look perplexed when you should be overjoyed. What is the matter? Do you look like someone died?”

“Something did die, Sam. My marriage just died!” I handed him Constant's letter.

He read it and looked at me, shocked at what he had just read. “My God, Daniel, what the hell just happened?” Sam asked.

“You read the note. That pretty much sums it up! What it says right in the letter are my only two options.”

“Options?” Sam asked.

“Yes, Sam, I have options. You’re not going to like one of them.” I stated.

“What is it?” Sam asked anxiously.

"Option one is this.” I handed Sam the yellow legal pad.

Sam looked up at me with confusion on his face. “You can’t be serious! Would you resign from the position you have worked your whole career for, your dream job? What is option two?”

“Option two is I remain as CEO, and my wife divorces me, and I destroy my family!” 

I took a drink of Scotch and looked at Sam. “The real issue is I have.” I looked at the clock. There were only forty-two minutes left for me to decide.”

“Oh, Shit! What are you going to do?” Sam asked, taking a big gulp of Scotch.

“Sam, I cannot lose my family. You are holding my decision. I am sorry, but I have no choice. My family is everything to me, but I didn’t realize that until I read that letter. It became clear that all the work I did here was for them, not me. Yes, I desperately wanted to prove that I could do it. But my family was my true purpose behind it all. It’s the same for you and most average working people. I was great at work and have sucked at home. I needed to be great at both, but I wasn’t.

Look, Sam, you are retiring, and that is not changing. We will not announce this to anyone. Davis and you will be the only two people who know. We will quietly do a national search in total secret through a third-party firm. We will find a replacement for me in ninety days or more if necessary. Then, all this will come down here at the company, and I can resign.

Constance doesn’t think I can quit, so she expects to continue her plan. She will be shocked when I walk in the door in thirty minutes and tell her, showing her my resignation, which you have accepted.

Everything will go as planned, including the celebration. No one will know until the right time!

Sam, I have to thank you with all my heart and soul. You made my dream come true. I didn’t know that my dream was my family's nightmare.

“No, Danial. You earned it, and you would be a great CEO. I do understand your decision. I would be nothing without my family. Do what you must, son, and God be with you.” Sam said, blessing my decision.

We clinked glasses and downed the last of our scotch.

“I have to go tell Constant and the kids. I shook Sam's hand, “You're still the boss until Monday. See you at the party later. Mum is the word!”


I raced out of the executive parking lot down the freeway home. As I drove out, I texted Connie.

My text: “Home in 15, have the kids there!”

I pulled in the drive. I jumped out of my Mercedes 540GL and ran through the front door.

Inside, my family was all sitting on the sofa like schoolchildren, from oldest to youngest: Constance, Rebecca, Daniel, and Suzanne. I stopped in front of them. They all looked so cute sitting there with their hands in their laps, looking at me.  

“Family today has been a wonderful day in many ways. You were there to see my dream come true when I was named CEO of the company. You know I worked hard to get to this position, and now I am there.  Then my wonderful day became a nightmare like I had made your life for several years. I am so sorry about that. I was blind to what I was doing or not doing. But I am happy that my day is again rosy and bright after a great high and deep low.”

They were confused, looking at each other and then at me and my cheerful face.

“I can see that you are all confused. Well, let me clear it up for you. You, my family, are everything to me. What I was doing to reach my dream job was all for us: you, me, and your mom. I never really talked about that with you, but it is true. Becoming CEO means nothing to you all. Enjoying it with me, and we as a family love our lives together. So, after your mom shared your feelings and plan, I realized what I had been doing. After you left, I called in Sam, Mr. Trailor, and presented him with this resignation letter.” I waved at them.

“Effective September 30th, I am resigning. I cannot do it any sooner; it would hurt the company, so I need time to find my replacement. Sam and I agreed to leave on the same day, giving us enough time and dual power to find the right new CEO.”

There was a silence in our house that I had never heard before. The looks on all of their faces were ones of shock and disbelief. I let this think for a minute, then asked, “Would you rather that I stay in the job so you all could leave me? “I hoped my decision was what you wanted, but maybe not. Should I call Sam and tell him I am not resigning?” I asked with a bit of ire in my voice.

That shook them loose. Daniel ran to me, "Daddy, I am so happy." Then, the girls surrounded me in a group hug and gave me a few kisses. Constance was still seated, looking at me with doubt on her face.

“Kids, take off now. Your mom and I need to have a serious talk. Don’t bother us for a while,” I told them.

I walked to Connie. I held out my hand and pulled her up. Without a word, I led her across the room, down the hall, up the back stairs to the back of the house, a long way from our kids. I closed the mother-in-law's suite door and pulled Connie to me. I kissed her hard, then softly, creating severe passion. Connie moaned into my mouth and pressed her body against me.

Then Connie broke the kiss and pushed back, separating us. She looked at me, not believing what had happened. There were little tears in her eyes,

“My God, Daniel, you did it. You really did resign?” Connie gasped.

“Yep, I did.”

“How could you? You are that company.” She questioned.

“It was easy. Once I realized what I had been doing or not doing with you and the kids, I knew that I loved you and the kids more than the company. I never stopped loving you; my love was misguided in the wrong direction.”

“So, please call off the process server, and let's stay married for the rest of our lives,” I asked.

“I already did when you texted me. I knew you would not be coming home unless you wanted us more than a job!”

I pulled my wife to me again, kissing her, then quickly began to undress her.

“What are you doing? It's in the middle of the afternoon.” Connie pleaded.

“Yes, it is. If I am going to be home earlier in the day more often, be prepared for what may happen any day from now on. We must talk with the kids about parents' rights in our house. If I want to make love or we want to just fuck at 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m., we are going to do it, and the kids will just have to deal with it.” I stated.

Connie looked at me, and her concern quickly turned into heated lust. Her eyes glowed, and she began untying my tie. Off came my tie shirt and wife beater T.

My hands were busy stripping Connie naked, leaving on only her sheer black thigh-high stocking. I love how they feel when her legs are locked behind my back, pulling me deep into her hot wet pussy.

“Well, OK then, we have a party to go to, but we have a good three hours before we need to get ready. I believe that we have some catching up to do.” I said

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I pulled the covers back and looked at my beautiful wife, realizing how stupid I had been to completely neglect the lovely woman I loved. It had been so long that it was hard to get started. Who would make the first move? What would I do first? I decided I was taking control. That is what Connie always liked.

“On your knees!” I demanded.

Constance stood in front of me. Her eyes never left mine as she kissed me and worked her way down my body, biting my nipples hard and making my cock row, making my trousers tight. Connie mewed as she kissed my chest, chewing my thick chest hair. Her hands were busy opening my belt and zipper, letting my pants slip to the floor. My boxers were bulging as my cock throbbed in anticipation.

Connie kissed my cock through my shorts, licking along my shaft. She teased my cockhead, then pulled my shorts down, letting my seven inches spring out. It bobbed in her face as she looked up at me and smiled.

Connie licked her lips. She rose, kissing my innie navel, rimming it, and licking down my hairy belly. Her hands were on my cock, now slowly stroking me and playing with my ball sack full of months’ worth of creamy cum.  

Connie stroked me and licked my cockhead, rimming the crown. God, I was so hot I started to shake, ready to cum. As she took me in her mouth, I remembered what her mouth felt like. I must be a fucking idiot ignoring Connie all this time, and for what? More money, more prestige, Jesus, I was so fucking selfish. No wonder Connie wanted to leave me.

Connie's hot mouth glided up and down my shaft, taking my shaft deep in her mouth, almost to her throat. Her tongue slithered along the sensitive underside, teasing, and licking the bulging veins. Her mouth was like magic as she sucked me. My memory was refreshed, and I saw us over the years as we loved each other. What a crime I had perpetrated on my family. I didn't deserve them after what I had subjected them to.  

Connie squeezed my balls, shaking me out of my stupor and back to the moment. My cock was deep in her throat now, something Connie had not done often. She swallowed, squeezing my cockhead, and making my knees buckle and start to shake. Her hands cupped my hairy ass cheeks, pulling me deep into her mouth.  Her nose pressed into my pubes as she took my whole seven inches down her throat. Connie looked up at me and squeezed my balls again.

I groaned deeply, “OH FUCK CUMMUUNNNG!” and I exploded. My balls emptied, filling Connie’s belly with what felt like a gallon of cum. She pulled back, stroking my cock, taking the last several salvos on her tongue. She held my cock with her lips sealed behind the head as it pulsed, dribbling out the last of my gift.

Unable to focus or stand up, I fell back on the bed, totally spent. I was breathing hard, and my cock was twitching. Connie gripped it, slowly stroking it, keeping it hard and ready. She crawled up my body trapping my cock against my belly. She looked at me and popped a little blue pill in her mouth. My eyes widened. In ten years, Connie had not blown me like that, and we had never used a blue pill.

“Daniel, for what I have planned for you tonight, I believe you may need one or two of these little cock hardeners.” Connie giggled and opened her mouth, and showed me the “V” pill swimming in a pool of my cum. She kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth, letting the pool of cum and the pill slide onto my tongue. She kissed me hard, pushing her tongue deeper, making me swallow it all.

I moaned and held her tight to me, my cock pulsing and growing harder as I thought about what was ahead.

I turned Connie over and pulled her up on the bed. Connie loved to be fucked from behind, but I needed to see her face as I connected entirely with her after months of neglect. I moved up over her and looked down into her eyes. Little tears were lying in the corners.

“Daniel, I am so sorry I had to take it this far for you to wake you up to your family. I was terrified you would choose the company and not us. Thank God you didn’t, or I would not have known what to do.” Connie whispered.

“Connie, I was fooled by my selfish desires for money and power when everything essential to me was right here. Thank you for waking me up. I am so sorry it came to that.”

I kissed Constance with more passion than I could remember. I slowly rolled my hips, seating my cock in her hot pussy. She moaned into my mouth and broke the kiss. “Please don’t make love to me. I need you to ravage me. To fuck me hard like an animal’s fuck, take me, own me, make me yours forever.”

Her words were more than I needed. I slammed my cock into her, drawing back and slamming into her again. She was moaning as I began to fuck her even harder, driving deep into her again, and again. Her legs raised, wrapping around me. I could feel the silk stockings on my skin as she was digging her heels into my ass, pulling me deeper into her, matching my rhythm.

I knew I was getting close and was about to cum inside my incredible wife for the first time in months. It was overwhelming. Tears rolled down my cheeks, dripping on her breasts. I looked at her through tear-blurred eyes and saw tears rolling out as well. We were bonding like never before. It was beautiful.

Connie pulled me down, kissing me hard, then whispering, “Baby, I need your cum. Can you give it to me now, please? Her words lit my fuse, and my balls tightened. I kissed Connie hard, slamming into her one last time. Then we both went off like fireworks. There was a rainbow of lights in my head as my balls emptied into her steaming hot pussy for the first time in forever. At that moment, I vowed to myself that nothing would ever separate us again.

We collapsed, with my total body weight lying on her. She loved that and wrapped herself around me like a cocoon. The sweat and heat were intense, and our breathing was ragged. We were now basking in the wonder of renewed love.

I rolled off, taking Connie to her side facing me. We kissed and professed our love.

“Constance Walker, I commit my life to you forever. I pray you will do the same?”

“Daniel Walker, I commit my life to you forever.”

We kissed and rested in each other’s arms.

Later after I fucked Connie doggy and she came as hard as I have ever seen her cum, we showered and went to our room to dress. We left this room a mess and plan to visit it several times over the weekend if the kids weren’t around.


The party that night was fun and exciting. Sam, his wife, Connie, and I vowed to keep the secret. Unbeknownst to anyone, my first duty was to give out bonus checks to all the staff. They were shocked at the size of the checks. We gave them thirty percent of the net profits for the past year, an unheard-of thing to do. Either give it to the government or share it with them; they deserve more.   

At the end of the night, near 2:00 a.m., the limo delivered us home. The kids were off to their friends for the night, so we stripped naked as soon as we walked in the door, and I chased Constance Walker into the bedroom. She was kneeling on the bed, wiggling her bottom at me. That little blue pill kicked in, and my hard cock went to work.

It was just after 5:00 a.m. when I collapsed, balls empty and exhausted.

We lay beside each other, and I asked the question. “This afternoon, you said you were set financially, and I never had to work again. How is that possible, and if it is true, how set are we?”

Connie smiled. She rolled me on my back with the sheet over my hips. She played with the hair on my chest, twisting it around her fingers. “Well, let’s say that our job together is to find a way to spend as much money as possible over the next twenty or thirty years. We will never run out, and the kids will still be set for life after we are gone.”

I sat up and looked at Constance, completely baffled. What was she saying? How could we be that well off? 

“Connie, I don’t understand. How much money do we have, and how did we get it?” I asked.

“Okay, you are very confused, so let me show you.” Connie got out of bed and pulled a sheet off, wrapping it around her. She looked like a Roman goddess.

“Come with me, man, and I will show you.” She took my hand and pulled me out of bed.

I pulled on my shorts and T-shirt. I took her hand, and we walked through the house to our home office. Connie locked the door, which I thought was odd. The house was empty, so who could come in?  

“Connie, why are you being so mysterious? No one is in the house, so why lock the door?” I asked.

“What I am going to show you is years’ worth of work. I have kept it secret because I thought you had abandoned us. I needed to ensure we would be financially secure if that happened. I know that sounds terrible, but I was becoming desperate. I thought I had lost you to the company, and you no longer cared about us. Your only interest was in the company. We were window-dressing with no emotional bonds. We had all been torn apart. We slept in the same bed, but I don't remember the last time you touched me. We hardly ever kissed, and you had no interest in doing things with the family. Daniel, I was so scared.” Connie explained.

Seeing Constance telling me how she felt sent cold shivers up my spine. Was I that inhumane? Did I forsake my wife and my family for the crown jewel in my company? Was I that callous and selfish? How could that be?

I suddenly felt sick, so I unlocked the door and ran to the bathroom. I threw up until there was nothing more inside. I felt ill and suddenly hated myself. I washed my face and then looked in the mirror. What I saw was not a bad man, but I had made a deal with the devil to be CEO at all costs, even sacrificing my whole family.

Connie was at the door, “Danny, let me in, please.”

I rewashed my face and opened the door. I looked at my wife. I was embarrassed for her to look at me. She was protecting the family when I should have been doing that. What kind of husband and father was I?

I couldn’t look at her, so I looked away. “I am so sorry. I have no excuse. I am so ashamed.” I cried

“No, Danny, that is not it. You thought you were doing what you and I wanted. You were working toward your goal, and that would benefit the family. The problem was that by the time you reached your goal, you had abandoned your family and didn’t even know it!

We all love you. We all want us to be a family, but you never saw that things were sliding into the abyss. So, you never saw a problem. Life just went on day after day for you while we wondered if you were ever going to be active in our family again.

Constance took my hand and led me back to the office. This time, she did not close the door.

She pulled a second chair to the desk, and we sat together.

“Danny, I will show you how rich we are and how I made us that way. First, I need to explain a few things. I have one admission: I must be 100% honest and transparent about everything between you and me. Four years ago in August, I had a three-month affair with a woman. It was a business trade with her, more than an affair. Melody had the information and knowledge I wanted, and she wanted me in return. So, every week for three months, I gave her my pussy, and she loved me, making me cum, satisfying my carnal needs. Then, I did the same for her while eating her pussy, fucking her, and doing everything she taught me about lady love. I admit I liked it. Melody was an exceptional lover.

Then, she taught me how to be a successful day and commodity trader. She knew it all and taught me well.

Danny, I am sure that shocked you, and it should. Even after three months of incredible sex, I had developed no feelings for Melody. There were no emotions other than the delight every time my pussy exploded in ecstasy l. Ultimately, it was a relief for me that it was finally over.

My body was barter currency during that period. I paid for her services with my currency. I am sorry that it happened. It was the only way I could get the information to protect us and our family.

I hope you can see it for what it was and forgive me. I think you will understand better in a few minutes and see that what I did was worth it.

I looked at Connie, realizing there had been true desperation then, and I had been blind to all of it. I was so fixated on my goals that I could never have seen or known them. I felt no anger or jealousy, only shame for my mental and physical abandonment of my family.


I could see that Danny was suffering. I was glad he was, but I didn’t want him to hurt too badly. He was always a loving man. He was doing what every good man does: reaching for goals that would benefit his family. Only Danny had taken it way too far.

I knew what I was going to show him, and two more days of heavy sexual reconnecting would bring him out of his shame and depression. He would be my old Danny again and forever more.

“Danny, what I am going to show you will shock you. I have worked on it for four years and have been extraordinarily successful. Every minute I spent with Melony four years ago has paid off 10,000-fold. I am now an expert day trader. I could go to Wall Street and make millions as a trader for any of the big banks. I am proud of what I have done for us and our family.

First off, I need to explain how this all started.

Things quickly changed when you moved into position to start your drive to be the CEO. You worked long hours and traveled constantly, and our personal and family life began a downward spiral. I saw it coming on, but I hoped you would see it too and do things to change it, but you didn’t. I tried to make it work and to wake you up, but nothing worked. You were laser-focused, and nothing was changing that. 

I decided I needed to find something I could do if things went wrong and we didn’t survive. I had been in an investment club for women for a while and had met a day trader there, Melody. She was single and beautiful. I never thought about her in any way other than as a fellow investor.

When I realized things were not going well. I asked her to coffee to learn about being a day trader. I had looked online to learn the basics. She was extraordinarily successful, so I wanted her advice.

We had coffee, and she volunteered to show me the ropes, you would say. I made an appointment to go to her house the next week to spend the day going over everything: how to set up an office, the best sights to trade on, everything.

We hit it off, so I met with her the following day and a third day. On the third day, Melody started flirting with me. I had never been attracted to women before, but by that time, we had not had sex in over three months, and my vibrator was not getting it done for me anymore. As she flirted with me, I became pretty horny.

On our third afternoon together, we had a glass of wine after our training session, and Melody made me the offer. “Constance, I am a lesbian, and I find you extremely attractive. I have a proposal for you. I will be your investment mentor for as long as you like. In return, you will become my lover during that time. I am not interested in an emotional relationship, but I do want to have a lot of great sex with you.”

I was shocked, but I was also very turned on by the thought of a woman being attracted to me. I thought that maybe my sex appeal was gone since you didn’t seem interested in me anymore. 

I told her I had to think about it; I had just gotten the words out of my mouth when Melody was on me, kissing me passionately, pushing her tongue in my mouth as her hands roamed my body. I was instantly in heat and surrendered to her. We spent the next two hours in her bed with her making love to me. It was incredible. I was instantly hooked and accepted her proposal.  We met twice a week for almost four months. We fucked a lot, and she taught me all about lesbian sex and being a day trader. All my sexual needs were taken care of, and I began to make money.

I know your next question would be, why did I stop? Well, Daniel, it was a business transaction. Melody and I fucked a lot and learned all I needed to know. Once I realized I knew all I needed to know about trading, I told Melody we had to stop fucking, and we did. I will admit that we did hook up a few times over the next year when I was so horny I was about to go crazy, but then it stopped.

My sex drive was finally replaced with my drive to succeed as a trader, just like your desire to be CEO, Danny.


I listened to my Constance tell me she had fucked a woman in exchange for teaching her to be a day trader. My God, what had I done to my family?

I was shocked but even more ashamed that I had driven Connie to do what she did because of my lack of attention and selfishness. How could she want to be with me after I abandoned them?

I needed to know more, but I really had to take a good look at myself. I had to find a way to earn her devoted love again. Not that I deserved it, but I needed her and always had. I was just too blind to see what was happening.

“Connie, I interrupted. I have to pee, think a minute, and get a drink.” I got up, walked out of the room, went to the bathroom, made a tall drink, and went out on the back deck to get some fresh air. I sat in an Adirondack chair and thought. This was a lot to take in.

Today, before noon, I was the happiest man. I was just about to reach my goal. A goal I had worked on for the past eleven years. Four years ago, it became clear that if I worked harder and committed myself to it, I would have an excellent chance to become the next CEO when Sam retired. I discussed this possibility with Constance and thought she was on board. I am sure she was at first, until I must have made her, and the kid's lives a living hell and not even realizing what I was doing to them. I was coasting along as my plan came together, and my home life was just there, existing on life support, but I was not paying attention enough to see it.

So, my reward came, and the announcement was made. I was THE NEW CEO! My God, I did it. I succeeded. Everyone seemed excited, but then my world collapsed in an instant.

I had lost my family and was totally oblivious to it. If I had moved forward with the company, they would be gone, and everything I thought I was working for would have been destroyed and in vain. I was totally blind to what I had done or not done with my family. I was so driven and focused on the CEO position that I had completely abandoned them. It took an earthquake to wake me, and I see it all now. How can I ever earn their love and trust back? 

I quickly made the only decision. My family meant everything to me, and I did achieve my goal, but my family was worth far more. Honestly, resigning from the position I had held for less than an hour didn’t hurt like I thought it would.

Then, minutes ago, my wife told me about her exploits over the last four years. They were things she did in a survival mode. Things I could not shame her or be angry about. She had no choice. My actions forced her to act, and she did what was necessary to protect her family.

As I was thinking, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at my beautiful naked wife standing beside me.

“How are you doing?” she asked.

I couldn’t answer. No words came out. I didn’t know what to say now.

“Come back in, and let me show you our future,” Connie said, taking my hand in hers.

I looked at her. How could she want a future with me after I had treated them all this way?

I stood and followed Connie’s sweet naked ass back into the office.

Part 2 Coming

Copyright © 2024 MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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