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Having A Break Part 1

"Plain Jane has a break..."

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Author's Notes

"Jane Grey (aka Plain Jane) had been having a difficult time, and now her day started badly and then began to get much worse... What she needed was a break or a knight in shining armor... But the break she was about to have was not the kind she had hoped for."

I woke to hear my alarm clock radio telling me the weather forecast for the next district, having just missed my district. The weather forecast should come on just after I get out of the shower, so I can then decide what I need to wear for the day. But it should not be already on when I wake up. I had slept in again, and I was running at least twenty minutes late.

I quickly dived into the bathroom, getting the shower running as I made my way to the loo. I simply could not afford to be late for work again. I had been late a few too many times lately. Somehow I managed to pull back almost fifteen minutes, but it was still a few minutes later than I'd like.

I made my way into my garage, slipped into my car and turned the key. Nothing. I tried again, still nothing. I swore, tried a third time, not a flicker of life from my car. I sat for a moment dumbfounded, pulled the catch for the bonnet, and then had a quick look at to see if I could find out why it would not start.

After another couple of minutes, I knew my car was going nowhere. My next best option was to catch the bus that passed two blocks away. I knew I was going to be late as the bus took twice as long to get into town. I scurried out the door and down to the corner, along the next block then around the corner towards the bus stop by the shops.

I watched in dismay as the bus I wanted, pulled out then moved on through the lights ahead of me. If only I had taken the time to swap out from my heels for my sneakers, but then, I might have missed the bus anyway. I knew the bus ran on a fifteen-minute schedule. I was going to have to wait, and now there was nothing I could do about it either.

Fifteen minutes full of self-doubts. After a rather nasty split with my boyfriend a few months ago, my life had been turned upside down, in and out and generally not making any kind of sense. While I had paid the rent, he had purchased most of the things we had together, and he decided to take more than his fair share away.

I didn't really want to be at work, the day had started out bad, and I would get a formal telling off for being late again. Adding to that was my car troubles, I had no idea what was wrong, and I couldn't really afford to get it repaired.

What I needed was a Knight in shining armor, to take me away from my dull and meaningless life. Just someone nice, modestly rich, that would help, but not a cheater, I had more than enough of them. Just someone who could hold and hug me, kiss me when I needed it, just someone sweet. Yeah right, like that was going to happen. NOT!

The bus arrived and I joined the queue to board, I found a seat near the back and hunkered down to ride out the journey until I was at the stop closest to my work. As I tried in vain to ignore most people about me, I noticed most had jackets. Having missed the day's forecast, I had hoped that today would be much the same as the previous day, mostly warm and sunny, and I had dressed accordingly.

Quite a few minutes later, I was at the stop where I needed to get off and head to my work. As the bus pulled away, I felt a cold draft about my knees as the wind began to pick up. I gave a quick shiver and then hurried along with the wind whipping in behind me. I didn't give it that much thought until I reached the small bridge over the local stream. I moved as quickly as I could, but there were some road repairs going up and onto the footpath, making the pathway quite rough.

Disaster struck me as I tried to quickly make my way over the rough area. The wind suddenly picked up, a powerful gust caught me, swirling and curling about my legs, lifting my skirt right up and slapped it hard against my face. As I staggered back half a step, my heel slipped on the rough stones, my right foot twisting one way as my body twisted the other way.

As I tumbled down, there was a horrible cracking noise from my right ankle. I crashed down, landing hard on my hands and knees, before nose-diving into the ground. I was stunned by the impact. I shook my head to clear the moment of dizziness, then I squealed as the pain in my right ankle shot right up my leg.

I began to untangle my skirt from around my chest, hoping that nobody had seen such a display. But looking up, I saw a few others staring at me, clearly, they had seen my sudden upheaval, and now unsure of what to do. I tried to sit up more but my ankle gave a horrific jolt of pain. I squealed again.

I heard someone come up behind me, calling out to me, "Whoo, whoo, take it easy. Can I help you?"

A man's voice came closer, just too awkward for me to turn and face him. I heard other more distant voices, calling out... "Are you hurt?", "Are you alright?", "You will be fine."

"Can I help you," the voice restated, this time much closer, and I could begin to see his shadow coming closer. Then he knelt down next to me, and I briefly saw the face of a rough young man. "Don't try to get up, I think you have broken your ankle."

A woman then approached, "Are you alright. Can I do anything?"

Before I could get my wits about me, the man answered for me. "Yes, can you please call for an Ambulance for her, suspected broken ankle. Please let me know when you have made the call." His voice strong, clear, and straight to the point.

I slowly turned my head towards the stranger beside me, he looked into my face and I back into his. In spite of his rough exterior, his eyes smiled and sparkled concern towards me. He moved closer, and helped me sit up, but stopped me from trying to get to my feet.

I heard the woman again, telling us that an Ambulance was now on its way. She came close to me and held my hand, her hands so warm against mine, I didn't realize that I had become so cold. I gave a shiver and sat staring at my ankle which was twisting out at an awkward angle.

My mind seemed to go a bit numb, I could hear voices about me, asking me questions, but I was unsure who was wanting to know. I gave a shiver again, and then I felt a warm jacket being placed over my shoulders. I felt tired, confused, bewildered, I was at a loss to know what was going on any more.

The woman next to me said that she needed to get to her work, but she could hear that the Ambulance was on its way. That left me with the young guy next to me who was trying to reassure me that I was going to be fine. No, I was not going to be fine, I knew that I was going to be in a whole lot of trouble with my work.

I looked down at my ankle again, the pain had dulled to a soft annoying throb. Why did it not hurt? I shivered again as the cold wind made goosebumps on my exposed legs. The young guy stayed next to me, again trying to tell me not to worry.

My mind drifted again, then I realized the guy was asking me my name.

"Oh, I'm Jane, Jane Gray," I hesitated to see if he picked up on my usual nick, "Plain Jane".

"Well, Jane, I'm Kelvin, Kelvin Johnstone." He replied, his eyes sparkled as he told me. "Do you need anyone to stay with you when you go into the Ambulance? I don't mind helping if you want."

"Umm, I don't know, you must have things you need to go and do. Are you going to be late for work?"

"No," He chuckled, "No, I'm not really working today, just got to run a few errands, as well as met my wife."

Oh. Okay, he was married, why did that make me feel glum? I felt somehow disappointed. "Nice," I replied. "Umm, how long have you been married?"

"No, no," He chuckled again. "No, I'm not married, I came into town so I could find and meet my wife today."

This just turned very weird, I was totally confused now. I tried to say something a few times but changed my mind about what to say. Finally, I decided to tell him, "I don't understand."

"That's alright, I live out on our farm, Fleece Hills. My Gran and Uncle mostly run the place, and I work with them. I don't get out and into town that often, but my Gran told me it was time for me to get into town and find a nice girl to marry, so, here I am."

"Oh," I had no idea what to say then, I looked at him to see if he was joking, but he was serious. I was still feeling quite confused, why would he just turn up in town and expect to find a nice girl? This was really messing with my head.

I looked at him again, trying to figure out what to say, then asked. "What do you do on the farm?"

He smiled, "We do all sorts, we have sheep and cattle, some cropping for winter feed. I look after fences, moving the stock about, tractor work, making sure things run smoothly, we work as a team most of the time." He looked at me again, his eyes sparkling as he did so, "Have you been out on a farm before?"

"Not for about fifteen years, when I was ten, our class did a farm visit, I honestly don't recall much about it at all." I looked down at my ankle, "I doubt I'll be going anywhere near a farm for quite some time."

Something made me look at him again, and he looked back at me.

"A broken ankle shouldn't really stop you if you decide that you wanted to come and visit."

Did I really want to visit his farm? Did I really not want to visit his farm? Confusion struck me again. Until a couple of minutes ago, I had no idea about visiting any farms anytime in the near or distant future. The thought never occurred to me.

"Are you sure, I would just get in the way, I wouldn't be of any help at all. What would your Gran say if I turned up? Would she think I was going to be your wife?"

"Well, Gran is Gran, and if she thinks you are going to be my wife, well you just could be the one she sent me into town to find. And, I think, I would like that very much."

"Wow, wait, hang on a minute, Me, your Wife? I, I..." My mind spun, I looked again at my ankle, I was totally helpless here, and I kind of just got the impression he was wanting to know if I was going to be his wife. And now part of me grabbed hold of that idea and began to send wild and weird thoughts racing through my mind.

"Well, that is really up to you, if you want to."

"Are, are you, asking, asking me, to, to be your wife?" I stuttered for the first time in my life. Shock must have been setting in.

"Yes, I guess I am asking you to be my wife if it is okay with you." He looked at me and his eyes looked deeply into mine, I felt the sparkle bridge the gap into mine. Then he looked serious, "Jane, will you be my wife?"

Oh my God, Kelvin just asked me to marry him, hardly romantic, but the way things were going on in my life, not really that unexpected. Did I want to marry Kelvin? I knew almost nothing about him at all. Half of me wanted to jump at the chance, while the other half was trying to scream at me, don't be so stupid. But before I could answer, the Ambulance had arrived and two medics approached us.

It didn’t take long for them to confirm the I had a broken ankle, it seemed a straight forward break, but I’d need to get it seen too and put into a cast. The officers took my details and then the next thing I knew, I was being moved onto the stretcher to go into the Ambulance. I looked about to see if Kelvin was waiting, but I could not see him close.

With the stretcher in place and secured, I looked up at the medic and burst into tears. My emotions overwhelmed me for a minute or so, it was just too much happening for me to comprehend. I felt a small bump as we began to go to the hospital, after that, I had no idea what I was going to do.

I finally managed to get a few thoughts together and rang my work, telling them I had a broken ankle and would let them know as soon as I could when I could get back to work. My boss did not sound at all impressed. Then I tried to ring my sister, but there was no reply as she usually had her phone off during work hours. I let a message for her hoping she might be able to come and collect me if she found the message in time.

In due course, I had my ankle in plaster, I had also been poked, prodded, and otherwise thoroughly checked over, along with my knees bandaged. Looking and feeling somewhat worse for wear, the Doctors and Nurses had done their best, and it was time for me to go back home. It was then I realize I still had the jacket that had been placed over my shoulders to keep me warm.

I slipped the jacked off for a moment, and began to look at it. Inscribed on the front right breast was Fleece Hills, while the left side was inscribed, Kelvin. I had Kelvin's warm jacket, and I had no idea how to let him know that I would not need it anymore. I slung the jacket back on and dug my hands deep into the pockets, I quickly discovered the jacket had numerous pockets.

I found a rather battered business card, but one with Kelvin's number on it, and a note, “ring me”. I hoped that I could arrange for him to get his jacket back and to thank him for being so kind. Then I recalled what he had asked me just before the medics arrived. Did I have an answer ready for him?

Twenty minutes later, Kelvin was helping me into his four-wheel-drive truck outside the hospital. It was somewhat awkward, but I realized it would have been much worse in my sister's mini. Then we were on the way back to my place, Kelvin seemed to be good at not making me bump or twist about at all as we maneuvered through the streets till we arrived outside my place.

Kelvin helped me out of his truck and inside my flat. He made sure I was as comfortable as possible and then made me a cup of tea. Then he did a double check of me, to make sure I was going to be all okay, then he asked if I would like him to visit later in the day. I thought it was a good idea.

Then as he was heading out my door, I had a sudden crazy moment of reckless thought. I called out to him.

"Kelvin! Yes, the answer is yes."

There was a pause, then Kelvin returned back to look at me, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I want to be your wife."

Kelvin walked back over to me, then he very gently kissed me, "That is wonderful, I know you won't regret this." He kissed me again. "I need to get a few more things done, but I will be back later and we can discuss how and when you would like to get married.

I began to stretch out on my sofa, starting to slowly relax. The pain killers had finally kicked in. I closed my eyes for a moment, sucked in a deep breath and slowly blew it back out. I woke nearly four hours later, as I needed to pee. I hobbled off to the bathroom, then hobbled to the kitchen, putting on the kettle for a hot drink, then I returned to the lounge and straightened the cushions on the sofa.

I never knew just how heavy the plaster would be on my leg. I slowly returned back to the kitchen, making myself an instant coffee, then started back to the lounge.

There was a brief knock on the door, so I hobbled over and slowly swung the door open, Kelvin stood there grinning at me.

“Hello again, are you feeling a bit better now?” He asked as I ushered him in.

“Not too bad now, I actually fell asleep for a while.” I hobbled back to the sofa. “The kettle just boiled if you want a drink.”

“Thanks, I give it a miss this time. I just really wanted to see how you were and if you still stood by your decision."

I thought for a brief moment, trying to get my thoughts into some kind of chaotic order. I looked at Kelvin.

“Yes, I stand by what I said, I do want to be your wife.” I took a deep breath, “Do you want to be my husband?”

“Yes, I do wish to be your husband, thank you for accepting my offer.” He smiled at me then took a couple of steps closer and kissed me. I kissed him back. God! It felt good.

Kelvin broke the kissing, “So, when would you like to get married?”

My brain when it to chaos, a date to get married? “Umm, I think we can rule out this coming weekend,” I pointed down at my ankle, “but, I’m free after that.” Did I really just say that?

“Well, anytime soon will be fine with me too. The following weekend, the fifteenth?”

“Yeah, The fifteenth sounds good to me. I have no idea where though.”

“I guess that depends on what kind of wedding you would like, a church, the registry office, country fair, lots of guests or just a few?” Kelvin grinned at me. “If you like, there is a big hall at Gem Valley, which is about fifteen minutes from our farm. The local Country Women’s Institute would love to do the catering too. I’m sure you would get on well with them

The less I had to organize, the better, I quickly agreed to use the hall. Now I had to get a few friends to attend before I disappeared into the high country.

“Just one more thing.” Kelvin asked, “Did you want to come out for part of this weekend and meet up with my family, and I could then meet up with yours too?”

Meet up with my family sent a slight chill through me. My sister was okay, but sometimes she bullied me, my older brother was somewhere on a hike in the Andes. My father had passed away, and while I was ok with mom, her boyfriend who she hooked up with since, was a total rotten ass, and he controlled my mother. He had cleaned out most of dad’s inheritance too. He also had tried to take what had been left for us kids too.

"Most of my family won't be able to attend, but I don't mind, my sister should be able to make it. I'll see what I can do, I have a brother, he's off somewhere in the Andes. I can send him an email, but I doubt he will be able to make it."

"No worries, just see who can attend. I need to go and get back to the farm. Can I pick you up after lunch on Friday? Bring you back Saturday or early Sunday?"

"Yes, Friday would be good, I still need to learn to walk on crutches. Sunday morning should be good too."

Kelvin kissed me again then he departed, leaving me with my mind in a whirl. I was going to get married. Oh Yeah, I was going to get married!

I found a note pad and began to write down all the things that I was going to need to get done and a list of whom I wanted to invite. I definitely would need a dress, my sister would need to be my bridesmaid, and I would need to get to a beauty parlor to get my hair done. I had no idea how on earth I was going to pay for any of this.

My phone rang, my sister was getting back to me.

"Hi, Trudy."

"Hi, Jane, what on earth have you done now? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"Trudy, I broke my ankle on my way to work this morning, so I guess not so much okay, but hanging on in there. I'm back home now."

"God, Jane, you sure know how to make things difficult for yourself. Are you okay by yourself or do you need me to come over?"

"I'm currently doing well enough, but I'd like you to come over a bit later if you can. Just one other thing, are you free next Saturday, the fifteenth?"

"Yes, I think I'm free, but why?"

"Umm," I just had to tell her and hope she didn't fly off the handle at me. "Well, I'm getting married, and I want you as my bridesmaid."

"What the fuck are you on about? I thought you ditched that meathead, Caleb. Did you bang your head when you broke your ankle?" Her voice was very terse to me.

"I. Yes, no, I, I mean yes, I did bang my head, but no, it's not Caleb. It's Kelvin, He's really nice." I added hopefully.

"Jane, you're not pregnant, are you?"

"No, no, I'm not pregnant, Kelvin and I haven't been together yet."

"God! Jane, you didn't tell me you have a new boyfriend, how long have you known him?"

My heart sank, this was not going well. "Umm, I met him this morning."

"YOU WHAT?" Trudy began to screech, "You met him this morning? And he asked you to marry him? Are you out of your mind?"

"Yes, I met him today, and he did very nicely ask me to marry him. So I agreed."

"FOR FUCKS SAKE, JANE!" Her voice went up an octave, making me cringe. "Have you totally lost your marbles? That is the dumbest thing I have heard from you in a long time. You can not be for real."

"Please, I really want to marry Kelvin, he's very sweet."

"Jane, listen to me, this is crazy, you can't get married, you have no idea what he really is like. Don't make the mistake mom did, you will end up being badly hurt."

"Trudy, it's not the same, please, I really want to go through with this."

"Jane, you are in shock or something," She sighed, "I'll be over in about an hour, we can sort this out then, Okay?"

"Yes, I think you need to meet Kelvin, then you will know and understand how I feel."

Trudy hung up the call. I slumped back down on my sofa. Was I really crazy? I guess a bit. Was it a really dumb thing for me to do? Well, looking back at my past boyfriends, this seemed to make a lot more sense that the runabout I had from most of them.

Did I really want to marry Kelvin? Yeah, I did, I had no doubts about that one. Something about him made me trust him, the way he was kind to me, and how he helped me when I took the tumble. Ok, it was really weird being asked to marry him inside five minutes of meeting him, but he was honest about it. And, when he kissed me, that sparked like nothing I had ever felt before.

I went back over my list again, then I decided to email my brother, hoping that somehow he might be able to make it, or at least send a card. I hummed and hared about inviting mom, I knew she would be put out if I did not ask her, but I also knew that her partner would just cause trouble if he attended. I decided it was too hard to figure out now, and I would decide to follow up in a day or two.

I had to keep reminding myself I just wanted a simple country style wedding, nothing flash. I had no idea about getting a dress, did I still need to wear white? What should I do about flowers? in the end, I decided to put my list down and come back to it in the morning when I had a chance to clear my head some more.

My sister arrived, we did a fair bit of yelling at each other, then I cried. She finally agreed to reserve her judgment until after she met Kelvin on Sunday. We hugged and then got a bottle of wine. The evening seemed to rapidly disappear, and then I went to bed.

I woke the next morning feeling kind of fuzzy, still in a dither from my fall and the following events. I wanted to shower, but had no idea what to do with the plaster, I didn't think it a good idea to get it wet. In the end, I gave myself a sponge bath and hoped I didn't miss too much.

Getting dressed proved to be somewhat awkward, I had wanted to wear my track pants, but I realized they would not go over the cast, and for that matter, I struggled to get my panties to go on as well. Finally, I was dressed in a baggy top and a longish skirt. I organized some laundry, knowing my usual weekend days were going to be too busy.

I fluffed about for some time, trying to figure out what I should do first, then I settled down and began to go back through my list. I contacted a few of my friends, telling them about my wedding. I again hesitated about inviting my mom, but in the end, I sent her an email, letting her know what was going on. Then I began to rework the list adding in more things I needed to do, or things that both of us would need to do over the weekend to get everything ready.

I went out for a brief walk just to try to get used to using crutches. I made it as far as the corner shop, I bought a couple of bars of chocolate, then I hobbled back home again. I slept for a couple of hours in the afternoon, then it was dinner time, and soon after I was in bed, quickly falling asleep.

I woke up late the next morning, Friday morning, Kelvin would arrive just after lunch. I had to get myself ready. I needed to pack as well as get myself dressed again.

I checked my emails, I had a few replies about my wedding, most in a similar vein to my sister's reaction. Was I crazy? Quite possibly. There was no reply from neither my mom, nor my brother, but that was to be expected. I hobbled about trying to get ready, but in my usual style, I still managed to waste a fair bit of time on details before I knew what I was going to do.

All of a sudden, it was time, where on earth did the morning get off to? A knock on the door and Kelvin was there ready to help me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. Yeah, it sure felt good again.

Kelvin carried my bag out to his truck, then he helped me hobble out as well. He asked about my car, and I told him it was broken, again. He promised to look at it when we got back. I swung up into the passenger seat, then Kelvin climbed up into the driver's seat. Then we kissed again. Bliss.

As we drove out of town, we began to talk. We ranged in topics and viewpoints, but all in all, we got on very well together. Then we talked about the wedding. We discussed several ideas and what we both wanted, agreeing that the hall at Gem Valley would work out fine, we could even have a look at it on the way.

We turned off the main highway, then began to climb into the ranges of hills that bordered the province. Soon we arrived at a more rural town, where we stopped for refreshments and trip to the bathroom. Kelvin explained this was the last town before we entered the high country. There were a couple of villages, but none with shopping. We still had over half an hour to go.

For the next twenty minutes, we listened to some music, singing and clapping to songs, it seemed we both liked the same kind of music too.

We then walked slowly about the Hall at Gem Valley, it was one of those old-time kinds of halls that dotted the rural landscape. It looked wonderful. The only downside was the lack of accommodation close by, but there had been a couple of good motels back down the road at the town, along with some bed and breakfast stays.

We then headed for Fleece Hills. The road wound its way up through a narrow valley, before opening out into a broad plateau. there was a big gateway with a sign for Fleece Hills. We wound our way alongside a river then the homestead came into view. I was quite impressed.

We pulled up and Kelvin helped me out of his truck, then took me around the big wide veranda to the other side where the view overlooked the river beyond a lush green lawn. Several large and broad trees skirted the view, but in the distance were snow-capped mountains.

Kelvin got me seated at a table and made sure that I was comfortable, then he told me he needed to unload his truck and let the others know he was back. For a moment I was alone, admiring the view.


I looked down, I saw a large grey and white cat looking up at me, checking me out. Then with a quick flick of its tail, it leaped up and landed on my lap, and burst out purring. Growing up, we did not have pets, so it was only at my friend's places that I had anything to do with cats, and that really wasn't that much. I began to slowly stroke it, and the purring increased.

A couple of minutes later I heard footsteps approaching, I looked about and saw Kelvin and an older woman approaching.

"Jane, his is my Gran, Isobelle, Izzy for short."

"Hello," I replied, not sure if I should move or not. "Thank you for letting me stay. It looks like a wonderful place to live."

To say that Kelvin's Gran looked anything like a Gran would be a total understatement. She was tall, taller than Kelvin, a slender build and she wore overalls and boots and had a beaming smile on her face, and short golden hair pulled back. She and Kelvin walked step in step, and it was clear she carried herself in total confidence, and dare I say it, she was in command.

"Hello, Jane, wonderful to meet you. You are very much welcome here." She beamed at me, I knew then I had made the right decision to come out to visit and then to get married.

Then she noticed the cat on my lap. "Oh my goodness, is that Jojo on your lap? You really are honored. That's a first, Jojo usually keeps her distance with strangers."

Jojo purred louder at hearing her name. Izzy chuckled and shook her head. It was then I realized that Izzy did not have short hair, but her hair was in a long plait down her back to her waist.

Izzy sat next to me at the table, while Kelvin went inside to get us some refreshments. Jojo purred even louder, then stretched up and put her paws on each side of my neck and kind of gave me a hug.

"Well, I think that settles that. Jojo has already decided that you are here to stay." Izzy smiled at me.

Kelvin returned with refreshments, and sat on the other side of me, looking quite sheepish.

"I must admit, that when I sent Kelvin into town, I was only just kidding about him finding a girl to get married. But, I must say, he did rather well, although I didn't quite expect him to want the wedding next weekend. We will, however, look forward to that."

We chatted for about half an hour before Izzy showed me to the room where I was going to stay.

Something here just felt right to me, this was where I belonged, not the city where I currently lived, I was just out of step with it. It seemed as if all my cares and worries no longer existed here. I sat on the bed, trying to think about what I should do when Jojo jumped up and sat next to me purring again. Maybe doing nothing was the best idea.

Having a broken ankle is hard and tiring work, and with Jojo snuggled up next to me, I quickly fell asleep. I woke when Izzy came to tell me dinner would be ready in a few minutes. I freshened up and then went to the dining room to see if I could be of any help.

At dinner, I met Ivan and Daphne, Kelvin's Uncle and Aunt. They were pleased to see me and were very friendly to me. They were looking forward to having the wedding as it was quite rare for there to be a wedding in the area now. We chatted about all sorts of things over dinner, and I quickly began to listen and absorb all that they said.

After dinner, I was taken by Izzy to a different room where there was some clothing laid out, including a rather stunning wedding dress. Izzy explained that some of it belonged to Kelvin's mother, and it was too good to part with and it may just fit me.

I stripped off and with Izzy's help, I pulled on the wedding dress, I was a bit of a different shape, but with a bit of care and attention, it could quite quickly be made to fit. Izzy told me that it would be an honor if I could wear the dress, I agreed. We arranged to use Saturday afternoon to make the adjustments and ensure it fitted correctly.

I stopped and took a good look at myself in the mirror, I had a wedding dress, and in just over a week, I was going to be married. It kind of hit me hard, this was actually happening, and somehow I was very happy for it to be happening like this.

I slipped off the dress, then put on my own clothes again. I thanked and hugged Izzy, then we went back to the lounge to chat with Daphne, as she was chairwoman of the local Country Women's Institute. She would be the one who would organize the Hall and the catering for the wedding. We all talked deep into the evening.

Kelvin then escorted me off to bed, as I was getting very tired again. We kissed and cuddled for a few minutes before I changed ready for bed. For a minute, I wasn't sure if he was wanting to get into bed with me or not. He grinned at me, then told me that I looked beautiful. I giggled. I had never been told I looked beautiful while in my nightie before.

Kelvin pulled me close kissing me passionately, his body firmly against mine. "Jane, I know you are very tired, and we will have quite a busy day tomorrow, while I think both of us would like to be together a bit longer, we both are a bit too tired and need to rest. I will see you in the morning. Now would you like toast or cereal for breakfast?"

"Umm, a couple of bits of toast would be wonderful, thank you. And, Kelvin, thanks for being so sweet too."

I snuggled down in the bed, quite exhausted. "Burrow." Jojo arrived and settled next to me.

I woke the next morning as the sun began to stream into my room. I heard voices coming from the kitchen, and decided that I needed a bathroom visit first. I found a dressing gown over the end of my bed and pulled it on. Then after the trip to the bathroom, I hobbled out to the kitchen.

I was promptly offered a cup of coffee and directed to sit at the kitchen table. Izzy and Daphne were there, the guys had already headed out for the day. They chatted over breakfast, talking about the farm, what stock they had, the different parts of the farm and some of the future plans that they had.

After breakfast, I had my cast wrapped in plastic, so that I could get to have a decent shower, and also wash my hair. I felt good to be able to shower again. I went back to my room and quickly dressed.

I spent the next hour or so with Daphne, going over the details for the wedding, the hall, and the reception after. Sitting and chatting with her made me feel wanted and accepted. But with such a short time frame, I found it hard to know just how many guests that I would be inviting, I knew my sister would attend, even if she did not think it a good idea, and about five had replied to my requests so far, I hoped to at least double that number.

Izzy arrived with coffee and a plate of small cakes. We chatted again about the farm, and Izzy suggested that we could take a whirl around the place so I could see just how big it really was. That got me confused, I didn't think that I could go too far with my ankle in plaster. Daphne chuckled and tried to reassure me that I would be fine.

I hobbled as we headed outside then around the back of the house, through a gate in the hedge, and then past a couple of big sheds. As we rounded the end of the closest shed I got quite a surprise, there in front of the sheds was a blue helicopter. I had never ridden in a helicopter before.

Izzy grinned at me, “There are a few ways we use to get around the farm. We can walk, we can drive, we can ride, and we can fly. I like flying the best.”

Izzy and Daphne helped me into the helicopter and then made sure I was well buckled in. Izzy then went to the other side and swung into the other seat. we put on headsets and plugged them in. "We are prepped and ready to go."

We took off and then flew around the house, then over to the river that ran near to the house and followed it up into the hills beyond. I was feeling ecstatic, looking all around at the different things that we passed over. Then we banked over and went up a side valley. A short distance up there was a pond with a small dam. Two figures waved at us, and I realized it was Kelvin and Ivan.

From there, we then flew further up the valley till we reached a ridgeline with a long wire fence, Izzy told me it was the farm boundary. We flew further into the mountains, then again we followed another fence line, back down towards some hills and valleys. Izzy told me the land beyond was mountain reserve, and sometimes hunters crossed over the land to gain access to the reserve.

We then flew down a valley, where a hut was nestled against a grove of trees. I was told it was mustering hut with basic stockyards where they would stay while bringing in stock from the surrounding area. There were another three huts located in different parts of the farm.

We swung back and followed a river back down out of the hills and then I saw in the distance the homestead. Again we circled over the house and sheds, then we came into land. Daphne was there waiting for us and was ready to help me back out from the helicopter.

To say I was giddy with excitement was perfectly true. I just had one of the most amazing trips I could ever dream about. Daphne helped me out and we moved clear, then Izzy went through her procedures to shut down the helicopter. I sure could understand Izzy's rational about flying.

I helped Daphne arrange a light lunch for us all, then helped out in the clean up after. I knew that I was going to be with Izzy to sort out and fit the wedding dress. I looked about but Izzy was nowhere to be seen.

Then about a minute later, Izzy did reappear, but it took me a moment to realize that it was Izzy. She looked stunning. She had on a long, bright yellow sun frock, her hair was loose, cascading down her front, sides, and back, and she had her wonderful grin on her face. Her hair caught the sun and she looked like she was a glowing nimbus of light. The transformation from serious overalls and flight suit to almost hippy dazzled me.

I spent most of the afternoon with Izzy, putting on and taking off the wedding dress, then sitting or standing around in my bra and panties while she made an adjustment. We carried on talking and getting to know each other better. All in all, it was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

Once the wedding dress had been sorted, We went out for a brief walk to look at what was near to the house. There was a large orchard, vegetable gardens, a stable and yard for horses, kennels with runs for the working dogs, a number of sheds, and a well set out flower garden. As we walked about, I became aware that I was being followed, a ball of grey and white fluff darted about keeping a close eye on me.

“Come on, Jojo,” I called out.

Jojo bounded up to me, smooched my hand, purring hard out, then with a bound, she took off again to hide amongst the bushes, ready to follow me again.

Having Jojo chase after me, made me realize that I was very happy to be here, I felt content for the first time in ages. I just felt like I just fitted in, nobody was trying to judge me, nobody was trying to catch me out. There was just a warm air of acceptance for me being there.

Kelvin and Ivan returned late in the afternoon, then we set about preparing to have a nice dinner out on the veranda. Another car arrived; Ivan and Daphne's daughter Maggie and her husband Mitchell would also be attending dinner. They were both vets at the nearby town. They were very much down to earth, excited at the prospect of the wedding, and were very friendly to me.

We again talked late into the evening. I found out what Kelvin and Ivan had been up too. The pond and dam had eroded during a storm a couple of months ago, so they were repairing the damage, and also planting a few trees to give more shelter. I quickly learned that water was critical for the operations of the farm.

My leg began to ache, so I made my farewells and went to bed. A moment later, Jojo joined me, then Kelvin came in to make sure I was well settled. We kissed and cuddled for a few minutes, simply enjoying being close together. Then Kelvin bade me goodnight, and I snuggled down with Jojo next to me, happily purring into my ear.

I woke the next morning feeling much better. Jojo yawned and stretched, then headed out, no doubt to find something to eat. I decided to do much the same but with a bathroom stop along the way.

Breakfast was toast, and everyone was gathered at the kitchen table. We figured out a list of things that we needed to get organized and ready for the next weekend. Then I showered and began to pack, much to the disquiet of Jojo. I tried to let her know that I would be back, but she was unsure and wasn't quite ready to believe me.

All packed and ready to go, I gave both Izzy and Daphne, a hug and a thank you. Then Kelvin began to help me into his truck.


I stopped and hobbled over to the veranda where Jojo sat, looking disgruntled. It was hard to pick her up while I hobbled about on my crutches. I rubbed Jojo behind her ears, and she began to softly purr. I tried again to promise that I would be back soon.

After a couple of minutes, Izzy came over and took over patting Jojo, allowing me to hobble back to the truck. Once in place, I waved them farewell and then we were on our way again.

We called in at the hall again, then we carried on to the nearby town, where we visited the local motel and made arrangements for visitors who were likely to come to the wedding. The lady at the reception was very helpful, offering a group discount, and putting me in the best room for a couple of days prior to the actual wedding, telling me not to worry about the arrangements.

After the motel, we had one more person to contact, and we quickly found their address, an old cottage almost covered in climbing roses. There was a sign at the gate, Karen and Oliver Hobbs, JP.

Before we could knock at the door it opened and I older woman welcomed us and invited us inside. She looked and me and then at Kelvin, she grinned at him.

“Kelvin, wonderful to see you again, and who is this lucky lady?”

Kelvin replied, “Karen, this is Jane, Perhaps not quite so lucky.” He pointed to my ankle, “I guess you heard the news about the wedding.”

Karen Laughed, a warm and pleasant laugh. “I gathered that is why you came to visit me. And yes, I can do the honors. It’s been a while since we had a wedding in these parts. Come, come through and sit in the kitchen, I will go find the paperwork that you will need.”

A few minutes later, we had tea and cake, along with several forms to fill in.

Then Oliver arrived, and Kelvin greeted him as Granddad. For a moment I was confused but then it dawned on me that he must have been from the other parents’ family.

That made me think about my family again, and I wondered just how many would make it to the wedding. I didn’t recall my grandparents; I only had very vague memories of them from when I was small, but they had not survived the intervening years. No, I didn’t have much of a family left to invite.

We chatted and then we were back on the road, heading back into town. Why did I not want to go back to the city? I knew then it was time for me to move on from my life in the city. I still needed to sort out my car, my work, the back rent I owed on the flat. It was going to take a bit of time to get it all sorted out.

We arrived and Kelvin helped me out of his truck and inside. The place was still a bit of a bombsite from when I departed a couple of days ago. I headed to the bathroom while Kelvin went to the kitchen to sort out some lunch. Yep, Kelvin knew his way around a kitchen and made us a very nice lunch.

We discussed what we wanted to do for a honeymoon, but with my ankle in a cast, I would not be able to do too much. So after a bit of discussion, we agreed to postpone the honeymoon for about three months, so my ankle would heal and not give me any problems. It also would work out well for Kelvin, as it would be a quiet time for on the farm.

After that, I began to do a tidy up but quickly began to run out of steam. I told Kelvin I needed a break, and he helped me onto my bed, He slipped onto the bed beside me and gave me a very nice cuddle. Then we kissed and then kissing got heated. We began to rub each other’s backs, then I felt Kelvin’s hand on my breast, God it felt nice.

Thirty seconds later, I had Kelvin's tee off and he had my top off, quickly followed by my bra. His skin on my skin, we hugged each other fiercely, hands running up and down our bodies while we kissed. Then Kelvin lowered his head and I felt his mouth fasten onto my nipple.

"Yes, Yes, Oh, Yes," I groaned as my nipple was sucked firmly into his mouth. I was in heaven again, it felt so good!

Kelvin took his time taking both my nipples deep into her mouth, then softly and gently squeezing my breasts, The effect was electrifying, and I started to get really wet.

Kelvin helped me take down my skirt, then he ran his hand over my panties. "Mmm, ice blue panties. I've got the feeling that I've seen these before," he teased me. "Let me see, you wore these on the day we met."

I blushed and cringed slightly at that thought, recalling that day and having my skirt blown up into my face, leaving me totally exposed from my waist down. "You saw?" I squeaked.

"Yeah, I saw, I was walking towards you, about a dozen paces away from you when the wind caught your skirt. I got a good eyeful of the view. Dare I admit, I thought it was a nice view."

I tried hard not to blush even more. "So, so, that's why you wanted to propose to me?" Then I lost it and laughed. Kelvin quickly joined in as he began to pull my panties down.

A moment later, Kelvin climbed back on my bed totally naked. His hand glided over my mound while I reached down and took hold of his swollen cock as we kissed again. Gently we both began to rub each other and our arousal increased. It sure felt good to be touched again.

I wanted Kelvin inside me, and he wanted to be inside me, but my right leg and ankle were a bit of a problem, as it lay straight out from my body, and shifting the angle was too awkward. I could ease my left leg wide, but it still meant my body aligned straight on to my right leg, not giving much room for his cock to access my pussy.

We tried a few positions and angles but it was still too awkward. Then, at Kelvin's suggestion, I placed my pillow under me, then I lay back with my legs fairly close together with a small gap in between. Kelvin then straddled me, aiming his cock at the gap between my legs. He leaned up over me and began to push his cock down between my thighs.

There was very little I could do then, I couldn't move much at all as Kelvin's cock began to press in against me. To say it was somewhat awkward would be an understatement, but we tried, and slowly but surely, Kelvin's cock began to worm its way into me.

Kevin began to slowly fuck me. It felt good, it felt right, it was what I really needed, the position wasn't the best, but it was better than anything else we could think up. Kelvin's cock began to go in deeper and deeper, feeling better and better. I began to pant and puff as the euphoria in my lower belly began to spread.

I groaned and quivered as I orgasmed, happy to achieve the peak while in the awkward position. A moment later, I felt Kelvin climax as well, I hugged him tighter. It sure was a good result for our first fuck together.

Kelvin slipped slowly off me and lay next to me cuddling me, he had a sheepish grin on his face. I felt drowsy, happy in the warm afterglow of sexual pleasure. I began to doze, then I felt Kelvin slide slowly off the bed, pulling the blanket up over me, then heading out from my room.

I woke to the sound of my car starting, then being turned off again. Kelvin poked his head around the corner of my bedroom door, looking to see if I was awake. I slowly opened one eye and looked at him hopefully.

"Your battery was totally dead, but as luck would have it, I do have a spare you can use in the meantime."

"Thank you," I replied, trying hard not to yawn at the same time.

Time was progressing an I still needed to organize dinner for my sister. I went to the bathroom for a pee and refreshed. Then I dressed again. I hobbled out to the kitchen and began to gather up all that I wanted for dinner.

Dinner was about halfway ready when my sister arrived, and I introduced her to Kelvin. She eyed him warily, unsure what to make of him. She brightened when he offered her a glass of wine. Kelvin and Trudy chatted and began to warm to each other while I carried on cooking dinner.

Over dinner, we all chatted and got to know more about each other, then we began to discuss the wedding plans.

Trudy told us that we were both crazy, but she agreed that we were somehow meant to be for each other. She did have concerns about the rush to get married, but then she agreed to be there for me. We hugged as I thanked her. After that, we began to go through all the details that we needed to get sorted for my big day, making lists to ensure we did not forget anything.

Trudy departed once we had thrashed most of the details, then I invited Kelvin to stay the night, but I knew he would have to leave very early the next morning. Both of us were quite tired, so we cuddled in bed, promising us a much more fun night after our wedding.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, I woke briefly when Kelvin got up and made himself some toast. He came back to kiss me and we had a good hug before he needed to go, I then went back to sleep.

To be continued...

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Written by Katiewest
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