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All Things Considered; You've Probably Had Better Days

"Ron discovers, then recovers"

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Ronald Fairhurst drove home in a very sombre mood. He tried to cheer himself up and force a smile to appear on his face. He knew if he could smile then he would feel better. He had been driving aimlessly for an hour. He had taken two walks in the park, but had begun to think people were regarding him with suspicion. He had no dog or child that would legitimise him, and he realised that he had to go home sooner or later. He had to tell Alice the news.

Turning into Elm Drive he had hoped that Alice’s car would be missing. If she was out at Heather’s, or the shops or somewhere, he could get in and compose himself first. No, there was her shiny red BMW standing on the double drive. With a determined effort he forced a wide smile onto his face, then he opened the door and walked into the hall. He listened and for a moment could not comprehend what he was hearing. His heart seemed to stop, and he felt weak.

There had to be a different explanation. Walking quietly up the stairs he went to the door of the guest bedroom, which was ajar, and from which the sounds of passion and ecstasy were coming from.

Ron watched as the animal passions played themselves out before him. There were loud grunts and obscene commentary from the man, accompanied by his wife’s excited encouragement. He took out his iPhone and recorded the scene as he could see it direct, and also as reflected in the wardrobe mirror. For a moment he thought of interrupting the pair, but then retreated quietly down the stairs. In a surreal way he was being given the opportunity to compose himself. Quietly he moved a chair so that he had a clear view of the stairs and then set a small table beside it. On it he set a tumbler, a small jug of mineral water and a bottle of eighteen year old Ardbeg. He poured himself a very large measure, and waited.

Normally he sipped such nectar slowly, but after a minute he poured his second, equally large, measure. He was feeling more relaxed and in control. Whatever happened next, he was determined it would not degenerate into a shouting match. Glancing at his watch he saw that he could be expected home any time after another thirty minutes, and this was borne out by the subsiding noises from upstairs. He did not have long to wait. When he heard the shower he smiled; “Somebody doesn’t want to smell of sex,” he thought.

He had just poured a third, but far more modest glass, when the sounds from upstairs indicated that the lovers would soon be coming into view. They would be almost at the foot of the stairs before he was visible to them, but he rose when they were part way down.

“Hello my darling, hello Sean.”

The guilty pair froze.

Alice had gone white. “Ron?” she gasped and was about to say something else, but her husband held up his hand.

“There is a peculiar surrealism and some black humour here,” said Ron. “Come into the lounge both of you, I need to explain something.” He stood back to let them pass and then turned his chair.

“Sean help yourself to a drink and pour a very large G&T for Alice please; you’re going to need it.”

In a dream-like state Sean served the drinks then sat on a chair away from Alice. Words began to flow from them both in a torrent of sorrow and regret. Pledges of love from Alice accompanied by, “I didn’t expect you home this early.”

“I am relieved to hear that,” said Ron. “Would you like to begin on the why and how long? Please? Does Heather know you have been screwing my wife Sean? I could send her the video I took upstairs, if you think that would be an easier way for her to find out. What do you think?”

“Please Ron, don’t do that... please.”

Gradually it all emerged. Once the confessions began, both Alice and Sean found them cathartic and continued. It had not been planned and had begun, as such things often do, innocently. An extension of the banter and flirting the two couples had being doing for years.

“You always seemed so tired my darling. You work so hard, and I thought you were losing interest in me.”

“Yes, I do work hard. Hard work buys this nice house and your shiny red car. I haven’t lost interest in you Alice my love, very far from it. Yes I am tired, and won’t have given you much joy in bed for a while. Being tired is the reason I’m home early.”

Ron took a card from his jacket pocket; stood up, and passed it to his wife.

“That’s my next appointment with Mr Prakesh in the Oncology Department at the Royal. The cancer diagnosis was confirmed this morning. I have been driving round and round wondering how to break the news to you. I was thinking to myself, “Thank goodness we will have Sean and Heather for support. Things look a bit different now.”

Alice looked stricken. Words were spinning in her head. She was trying to comprehend the depth of torment her darling husband was going through. Her mouth was moving, but very little sound was coming from it. Sean likewise was looking at his friend, and glimpsing the awful magnitude of his betrayal. At another time he would have rushed to Ron and hugged him. It was Ron that broke the spell.

The weight of the day and of holding himself together while Mr Prakesh talked to him; the wrestling with how to break the news to Alice; and then the discovery of her and Sean, was suddenly too much to carry. He collapsed back on his chair. His chest and shoulders began to heave, and he cried uncontrollably.

Alice bounded toward him and held him tight. Her reassurances tempered with her own tears. Sean made to move, but Alice turned on him.

“Stay there! You’re still his friend and he is going to need you,” she went back to helping her husband regain some composure. She worked on his breathing, and all the while whispered her love. She whispered love, not sorrow and regret, because it was only love that was going to rebuild her man. Eventually he took the long glass of water that Sean had the thought to fetch from the kitchen.

When his breathing was near normal Ron gave a deep sigh, and then a short laugh.

“I was even going to ask if we might have some gentle lovemaking tonight my darling. Some of the possible treatments might have some side effects that make even my, obviously inadequate, endeavours impossible. Now I am wondering about bothering having treatment at all.”

Alice was pierced to the core, but she knew she had brought the barb upon herself. She took command and the painful way was clear.

“You will have whatever treatment is needed my darling. I shall be with you every step of the way, and you will know that I love you. So will Sean and Heather. Now, I am going out for a short while, and Sean will stay with you.”

“Where are you going?” asked Ron looking surprised. Sean was also puzzled by this turn of events and was made decidedly uncomfortable by them. He really would have liked to have crept off quietly. Alice’s reply rocked him to the core.

“I am going to fetch Heather.” She downed her gin and tonic and marched out of the door.

There was an uncomfortable silence, but Ron was encouraged by his wife’s move, while Sean felt a sense of dread.

“Sean, I have a feeling that life is about to get very interesting. At this point in time, cancer or no, I’m glad I’m in my shoes and not yours. Ron sipped his malt once more.

Alice’s resolve was fired by her love. It did not waver as she approached Heather and Sean’s house, a few hundred yards from their own. She was, however, still tossing words around in her mind, about the earthquake she was about to trigger in her friend’s life.

Heather Fielding glanced out of her lounge window, and saw Alice walking briskly toward the house. She smiled and went to open the door. The smile collapsed when she saw her friends tear streaked face that was a mask of desperation.

Alice had been determined to remain focused, and to be brisk in her briefing and confession, before her supplication for her friend’s help for Ron, and for them all. She stood no chance. Heather swept her into her arms and almost squeezed the breath from her, as she sought to find out whatever had happened, and to re-assure her friend of love and support, in whatever was needed.

Ron was spared the emotional roller coaster of the next hour. He fell into an exhausted sleep, and Sean propped him in the chair carefully. He resisted the temptation to drink himself into oblivion. All he could do was endure the agonising wait to see what happened next.

Heather pulled her car up onto the drive. It would only have been a short walk, but she decided that both of them looked too dreadful to endure much public gaze. She had felt a sick anger sweep through her whole being, as the details emerged, but this had been assuaged by the outpouring of Alice’s loving fear for her husband, and the tidal wave of remorse. The rage had passed, and along with it the urge to strike out.

“I’ll put the kettle on,” she said. “We need to get back to Ron, but we need a plan. Sean and I are going to have a very interesting conversation later, but Ron is the priority. We cannot have him losing hope, and being anything but positive.”

Sean braced himself for whatever was about to come through the door. He had stationed himself in the archway into the lounge. As the two women came in, he raised a finger to his lips for hush, and pointed to the peaceful figure still sleeping in the chair.

Alice and Heather smiled.

“This is good” said Heather, "just give me a moment in the kitchen with Sean, please. I’ll put the kettle on while I’m there.” She crooked her finger at her husband who was only too anxious to obey even the slightest instruction.

Heather put the kettle on, and stood facing her husband. She raised a finger to her lips, when he made to speak.

“I love you Sean Fielding but you are in deep shit mister. Do you love me?”

“I love you Heather and I’m…” she cut him short.

“Alice and I are going to work on Ron, and for the moment we do not need you here. Go home, but be ready if we call you to return. When I come back, we are going to have a talk. You better rest a bit, because I might ask you to prove you love me - in bed and, if I do, then you had better deliver. Before you go though…”

Sean didn’t see it coming. He had no idea that his wife could hit so hard.

After Sean left the house Alice came into the kitchen.

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“I heard that. I really expected you to slap me. In fact, I almost wish you had.”

“I nearly did Al. But it’s out of my system now; though I don’t guarantee Sean might not suffer a bit more pain before the day is out. No! You’ve gone through a taste of hell love. Let’s have another hug shall we?”

They made a large pot of tea and carried it through, then set two low stools in front of Ron’s chair. They sat at the feet of the sleeping figure, and each took a hand. He stirred slightly as they massaged gently, but he remained asleep. They would wait. Sleep was re-charging him, and was the best healer around. Alice poured two mugs of tea.

Thirty minutes later there were signs of Ron beginning to wake. He was aware his hands were being massaged, and he woke with start. He felt wonderfully refreshed, and for a moment had no memory of his awful discovery. As that came back to him, he saw the loving smiling faces of both his wife, and Heather. If Heather was here too, then something must be alright.

“How long have I slept?” asked Ron.

“Best part of two hours my darling. Would you like me to bring you a cup of tea?”

“Yes please, and a glass of water as well please.”

Alice went to the kitchen leaving Heather to talk.

“All things considered Ron, you have probably had better days than this. Diagnosed with cancer, and then you come home and find my husband having sex with your wife. You and I have had a nasty surprise with that one love. I had no idea until Al came and saw me and told me everything. That took some guts I reckon, but that was for you. She loves you Ron my love, she really does. She and I are straight now with each other. I’ve done my screaming and rage and we’ve hugged.”

“Where’s Sean?”

“He looked after you while Al came to see me, and propped you up with these when you went to sleep. I gave him a slap he will never ever forget, and sent him home. I don’t know how much he’s looking forward to me getting back, but I have told him we are going to have some more words. Also, he had better be ready to fuck my brains out later if I want it,” she finished with a grin.

Alice returned with a fresh mug of tea and the glass of water.

“Would you like a glass of wine or a G&T Heather?” she asked.

“I think opening a bottle of wine is an excellent idea, please Al.”

“Darling your malt is still to hand if you would like another? But we’re desperate to know more about the diagnosis. How much do you feel like talking at the moment””

“I tell you what, I am suddenly very hungry; any plans for tea?”

“My God it’s gone seven,” cried Alice. “I was going to do us a pasta and that won’t take long. But Ron is there something you really feel like my darling?”

“Well, I think I fancy something with a bit of zing to it. What about an Indian takeaway?” Would that be alright with you two?”

“Oooh! That sounds good to me,” said Heather. “I could phone Sean and get him to go down to the Star of India for us, but do you two want to be on your own for a bit?”

“The takeaway sounds a good plan to me,” replied Ron. “I think I would like to tell all of you the medical side of things together. Sweetheart, I’d still like us to have some private time cuddling later?”

“Of course my darling, that’s a given.”

“Now, you two have really had a hug and you’re okay with each other aren’t you?”

Alice looked at Heather with a hopeful smile, and her friend responded with a huge hug.

“Yes Ron, still a bit shell shocked I suppose but we’re good, don’t worry. I love Sean, but he’s still going to get a talking to and tonight, he’s going to do some of the things I enjoy. I’m not saying what they are, but watch his face when I tell him that.”

Sean had simply phoned the restaurant and ordered Special Menu D for four. He had only a few minutes wait, when he called to collect. By the time he arrived at Elm Drive the girls had heated plates and dishes and laid the dining room table. He walked in to the house a little unsure of his ground. He handed the bag to Heather and turned to Ron.

“Sean my old mate! The girls are good with each other, and we need to be as well. I’m going to need my friends, come and shake hands and give me a hug.”

The exchange was overheard by Heather and Alice who gave each other another hug. The feast was enjoyed, no more so than by Ron, but Alice looked at her husband and struggled. His eyes were calm, but he was clearly washed out.

He had told them of going to see their GP a week ago, with what he thought was a virus making him feel so tired, but Dr Phil wanted him checked out with X Rays. That morning he had been to the hospital and the ‘shadow’ had been explained. He should have taken Alice with him, he now realised, but he hadn’t wanted to worry her.

“Sean, we need to leave these two alone now for a cuddle, and we need to get back. After we have had some words you are going to take me to bed and we are going to do a couple of things that you know I particularly enjoy; aren’t we?”

“Of course darling! That’s a wonderful idea,” he replied, with a smile that suggested eating raw lemons would be preferable.

After Heather and Sean had left Alice turned on the fire in the lounge, and she and Ron sat together with their drinks. He chatted easily about his fears, and hopes, but the reality was that they would not know what the treatment plan was going to be until Tuesday the following week; five days away. Ron wanted to talk about money – with death in service benefit and life assurances, Alice would have about half a million after the mortgage was paid off, and a pension of about £30K.

It was not a subject Alice wished to even contemplate, but she could see it was important to Ron, so she let him continue until she just had to change the focus.

“What are we going to do tomorrow?” she asked, “Are there some things you need to do about work?”

“Yes, I’ll call in and have a word with the boss and also Phyllis – she’s going to be devastated. She lost Alf to cancer a year ago and if the HR chap’s about I will see him. Mr Prakesh told me to make an appointment at the surgery to see our GP as well.”

“I’ll come with you to the office love, it’s not going to be an easy visit. Then we ought to think of doing something really nice for the weekend. Do you fancy us finding a nice hotel up in the Dales for a couple of nights?”

“I don’t know love. Part of me says that’s a really nice idea, and part of me just wants to be at home. Let’s see how we feel in the morning shall we?”

They sat in loving companionship, until Alice realised that if they didn’t go to bed soon, Ron would simply fall asleep. She knew he wasn’t going to be energetic, but they needed to re-connect sexually. It was important to them both. But first she had to say something about the elephant in the room.

“Come on my darling, I think it’s time I had your cock in my mouth, and you playing with my tits. If you want details I’ll tell you them, but there are three things I want you to know. We never had sex in our bed, always the spare. I never put his cock in my mouth, I made it clear that was reserved for you. He always wore a condom – so if you do feel inclined to use that very expert tongue on me, then you can be sure that all the juices are mine.”

Ron laughed and brightened considerably.

“Okay then gorgeous, let’s go and see what we can do. I’m glad I’m not in danger of savouring any of Sean in the process.”

An hour later Alice was feeling at peace. Ron had made her squirt, and so knew she wasn’t faking her orgasm. She had become a bit concerned he was pushing himself a bit much, and had gently moved him onto his back.

“Which would you like Ron? Shall I ride you gently, or would you like to see how long I can keep you on the verge with a blow job?” His grin answered her question, and she licked her lips. Fifteen minutes later she was playing with the spunk in her mouth before swallowing most of it. The last few drops they shared in an intimate kiss.

Alice watched her husband drift off to sleep, a contented man.

A few hundred yards away Heather was riding Sean, and taunting him.

“Stop fighting it mate, you know it’s going to happen. Watch my pussy riding up and down you. Look at my tits swaying in your face. Come on buddy shoot.”

Sean groaned in pleasure as he fired his load. Then he saw the look of glee on Heather’s face, as she scooted up the bed.

“Oh you know how much I like you to lick me to orgasm again, don’t you my darling? You really want to please me, don’t you? Eat up your creampie like a good little boy. Ooohh yeesss! Here it comes.”

“You say you fucked Alice about fifteen times? Well let’s round that up to twenty shall we? You owe me twenty specials Sean Fielding.”


Six months later Ron and Alice were walking over the summit of Pen y Ghent.

“Not bad for a man with only one lung Alice?”

“My darling you are remarkable, truly remarkable and I love you. And thank you again for this wonderful little holiday. The hotel is amazing. This is the best wedding anniversary we have ever had, and the all clear from Mr Prakesh the best present I could have asked for. I am so very,very happy.”

“We’ve a lot to be thankful for Al my love.”

“Mr Prakesh has always said your positive attitude has had an awful lot to do with it,” said Alice.

“Let me tell you what turned me round. Here, let’s sit over there, and just soak up the view. In a perverse way your fling with Sean helped. When I first found you two, I was all for giving up altogether and I’d be under the ground now if I had. But you and Heather turned me round. You went to face someone who had every right to slam the door in our faces. Then she came and worked with you. What she said to me made me realise just how much you love me. I realised how precious we were to each other, and there was no way a disease was going to make me lose you. If we hadn’t had that extra thing to deal with, I think I might just have drifted into the treatment passively.”

Alice squeezed his hand and smiled, but a few tears had formed.

“I told you about the slap she gave Sean while you were asleep. I expected her to give me one of those, but she was bigger than that. She loved me, and came round and loved you, and she hasn’t stopped giving me strength since.”

“Did you ever find out what it was that Sean had to do that was special?”

“Yes, my darling; but while you keep performing as you are, I am not going to tell you.”

Written by Rheged6
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