It all begins with you.
Love cannot be taught,
It should be felt from within.
True love is one sided
Selfish if you will,
Beginning with self love.
Adoring ones self is fine,
Not appalling.
Cherishing this fact
Is the key.
Lips speak volumes.
Souls cast auras.
Mirrors reflect images.
Hearts emanate feelings.
Eyes reveal souls.
Hearts bleed
When bruised or broken.
Scarring over time.
Leading to doubt,
Trusting no one,
Not even oneself.
Love yourself foremost.
Radiate brilliant rainbow colors.
Let mirrors reflect your perfection.
Dance with jubilation to your drum.
Live your dreams with abandon.
Listen to your inner voice with an open mind.
Quit doubting yourself.
Love yourself unconditionally.
Others will see that and love you too.
Throw your fears upon the wind.
Celebrate your uniqueness.
Wear your beautiful heart on your cuff.
Rejoice with tears of happiness.
Let your heart expand with true love,
Knowing you are perfect just the way you are.