You broke my heart and made me cry
You promised to stay but then it was a lie
All that talk of never going was just a lie to say goodbye
You say you will return but will I be here
Of course I will as I need you here
I stumble and fall without you near
I called you master and you called me sub
I wanted that collar to make me yours
I waited a year it did not appear
I should have known it never would appear
That dream died when you sad goodbye
You broke my heart and you lied
Sometimes I wish I never replied
Your first message said so much
Yet your last message said so little
I never will forget the day you said the words I love you
Sadly I wish I could forget the day I said the words I love you
Worst part is I do believe the reasons for you to leave
Does not mean I have to like it or accept your short goodbye
There was no love in your goodbye
You just left and broke my heart
Just words that you must leave me
That your life needs you but you don't need me
Am I easy to leave I can not tell
Maybe I pushed and did not please
Maybe a bad sub for you to leave
I promised not to write or even call but my love for you will never leave
Goodbye my master hope you see one day you should have never have left me
You promised to stay but then it was a lie
All that talk of never going was just a lie to say goodbye
You say you will return but will I be here
Of course I will as I need you here
I stumble and fall without you near
I called you master and you called me sub
I wanted that collar to make me yours
I waited a year it did not appear
I should have known it never would appear
That dream died when you sad goodbye
You broke my heart and you lied
Sometimes I wish I never replied
Your first message said so much
Yet your last message said so little
I never will forget the day you said the words I love you
Sadly I wish I could forget the day I said the words I love you
Worst part is I do believe the reasons for you to leave
Does not mean I have to like it or accept your short goodbye
There was no love in your goodbye
You just left and broke my heart
Just words that you must leave me
That your life needs you but you don't need me
Am I easy to leave I can not tell
Maybe I pushed and did not please
Maybe a bad sub for you to leave
I promised not to write or even call but my love for you will never leave
Goodbye my master hope you see one day you should have never have left me