Even though you’re an ocean away
How I'd love to be with you today
Thinking of you on Christmas Day
I see us in our house by the sea
Snuggled in front of a fire
You drinking wine and me iced tea
Holding you is all that I'd desire
We'd have a small tree
And exchange presents
This would be our reality
This would be pleasant
I’d be in a dress with heels
Looking so nice for you
We’d enjoy a nice meal
And later on we’d screw
Probably a very tender night
Of kissing and holding hands
This would feel so right
Tonight life is really grand
We’d have some sweet treat
Then to the bedroom we’d go
Enjoying kisses that would be sweet
In the window we'd notice the snow
We'd undress very slowly
While enjoying kisses and hugs
We’d be embracing quite closely
Enjoying each other like a drug
We’d make love together
Enjoying a passionate kiss
We’d be hot and passionate lovers
This would be our happy bliss
This is just a poem and a dream
I really wish this so much
We'd be an amazing team
I ache to feel your touch
If I could be with you
This is how I dream it would be
You’d be my loving beau
It would be you and me