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“Mmm, that looks delicious,” Erin said as she reached across the table to poke one of Luke’s chocolate-covered bananas with her fork. “I’m so impressed with breakfast here. I would have never imagined so many sweet and savory items could go together for breakfast.” She chewed and swallowed before adding, “You have to try these Vietnamese shrimp pancakes.”

“I had some yesterday. I agree, they are amazing,” Luke replied as he switched from fruit to pho. “I just can’t get over how much I like this salty soup for breakfast. Who would have guessed.”

“I know I liked my salty pre-breakfast snack,” Erin said with a twinkle in her eye. “Fresh from your cock, that is,” she added.

“Shh, baby, not so loud,” Luke said as he smiled and gently kicked Erin under the table. They grinned at each other as they both recalled the sex that morning after Luke’s run.

“Have you seen Natasha here yet?” Erin asked, curious to see the woman Luke had met and fucked that morning.

“No, she’s not here. I’m sure you’ll have a chance to meet her, though. She may not be your type of friend, but you would love her in bed,” Luke replied.

Luke and Erin chewed their food and gazed at the ocean only steps away. There were no clouds in the sky, and there was already a brisk, warm breeze from the sea. It was promising to be another gorgeous day.

“Oh, look, it’s Andrew and Sofia!” Luke said as he saw their friends coming down the beach. “Hey, guys, please join us!” Luke said as they approached their table.

“Why, thank you, indeed we will,” smiled Sofia. She looked radiant in a short yellow sundress that nearly matched her blond hair. Luke noticed the thin straps of her white bikini underneath.

“How did you two sleep? Isn’t the sound of the ocean just wonderful at night?” Andrew asked.

“Well, after our fun evening last night, we slept wonderfully,” Erin answered, smiling at Luke. “At least I did. Luke got up early to ‘run’,” Erin added in air quotes.

“What do you mean, my love?” Sofia asked, curious at Erin’s meaning.

“Well, Luke got way more than he bargained for on his run, to say the least,” Erin answered.

Luke blushed and leaned in toward Andrew. “Believe it or not,” he said, “I met someone on my run this morning, and we hooked up.”

“Before breakfast?” Andrew responded loudly. “I’m impressed, my friend. Your prowess continues to amaze me, and that’s saying a lot after last night!”

“Luke told me all about it when he returned,” Erin continued. “I got so hot listening to his story! We were all over each other.”

“Erin!” Luke exclaimed, “I’m sure our new friends don’t want to hear all the details.”

“Oh, quite the contrary,” Sofia responded with a smile. “Please, do tell, my love.”

“Hold on, there,” Andrew interjected. “Perhaps you two ladies can catch up while you’re on the beach today. First, I have a proposal for Luke.”

“A proposal, well, how formal!” Erin said jokingly. “Make sure he gets down on one knee first!” The girls laughed at Erin’s joke.

“Well, not that type of proposal, I’m afraid. I’m quite taken with my lovely bride already,” Andrew said. “Actually, I wanted to let you know that I have a reservation for two to go kite-surfing this morning, and Sofia is not feeling up to it. She twisted her wrist last time and it’s not quite mended yet. I wondered if you would like to join me, Luke.”

“It was nothing, really,” Sofia said, “just a little sprain, but it’s not so much my cup of tea, anyhow, and I thought Luke would like to take my place. Besides, it will give Erin and me a little girl time, if you know what I mean.”

“Well, I’m sorry about your wrist, Sofia,” Luke said, “but I’ve never been kite surfing, and I’ve wanted to try it since the last time we were here. I’d love to join you, Andrew,” Luke said resolutely. “Thank you for the invitation.”

“Well, that settles it. Let me grab a bite to eat, and we’ll head over to suit up,” Andrew replied.

Andrew and Sofia excused themselves and headed for the buffet. Luke looked at Erin and said, “I’m sorry, Erin. I should check in with you first. Will you be alright without me for a while? This is our vacation together, after all.”

“Of course, baby,” Erin replied. “Thanks for asking. I’d love to get to know Sofia better, and you’ll have such a great time.”

“I have always wanted to try it,” Luke said almost apologetically. “I love watching the kite surfers, and the water is so warm. Thank you, darling!” Luke leaned in to kiss Erin. She kissed him back passionately as she recalled their lovemaking this morning.

Andrew and Sofia returned with plates of delicious food. Sofia took her time eating, while Andrew scarfed his breakfast of fruit and traditional English sausages, slurped down his Vietnamese coffee, and announced the boys should be off. The girls kissed their men goodbye and settled back for a leisurely morning.

“Well, my love, what sounds like a wonderful, relaxing day to you?” Sofia asked Erin as she sipped her tea.

“I honestly haven’t planned ahead besides sitting on the beach working on my tan,” Erin answered. “It sounds shallow when I say it out loud, but damn it, I’m on vacation. I also have an erotic book that can wait, and I thought I’d get a massage later, but that’s about it.”

“Ooo, a massage sounds delightful,” Sofia said. “I’ve had one nearly every day we’ve been here. I’ll tell you what. I’m already in my bikini. Why don’t you get beach-ready, and I’ll meet you. I’d love to discuss with you what we did last night, and perhaps you can fill me in on what you and Luke did this morning. I’m afraid Andrew and I didn’t have as much fun as you two. We slept in and then came right here.”

“I’m sure you two have had lots of fun since you’ve been here. Certainly, Luke and I had such a great time with you last night,” Erin said. “I hope we aren’t disrupting your vacation,” she added as an afterthought. She knew how valuable time together was, especially on vacation.

“Quite the contrary, my dear,” Sofia replied. “You and Luke spiced up our vacation quite a lot, even in just one night. We’ll have quite the story to tell when we return home!”

“Well, okay then. I won’t worry about it anymore. Luke and I are so glad to have met you. I’ll go change and meet you at the loungers in a few minutes,” Erin said as she stood to leave.

Sofia took her time finishing her breakfast of fruit and tea, then wandered back to the beach to find a spot to watch the boys kite surf. There were hardly any people on the beach at this time of the morning, and she had her pick of beach chairs. She found two close together under a thatched beach umbrella, then removed her cover-up and settled into her spot. Instantly, one of the beach attendants was by her side, holding a set of towels. Sofia ordered two bellini cocktails for a refreshing morning drink, then settled back into the warm padded lounge chair, turned her face to the sun, laid her head back, and closed her eyes.

“Is this seat taken?” Erin asked jokingly several minutes later. She had changed into a blue halter-top bikini with cheeky bottoms. She planned to get a sexy ass tan line for Luke to enjoy later.

“Why, please sit down, my love,” Sofia said as she offered Erin a bellini. The two women clinked glasses in the morning heat and took a moment to enjoy the sunshine warming their bodies all the way through.

Erin glanced down the beach. She could see Luke and Andrew gearing up for kitesurfing. It required minimal equipment in the warm Vietnamese water. Each man donned a waist harness clipped to risers attached to a parasail. The risers had a bar stretched across them about head height. The idea was to allow the risers attached to the harness to pull the rider up and forward from the uplift of the parasail, which was steered using the crossbar. It didn’t look easy, but Luke had bragged that he could learn it without too much difficulty. The really good kite surfers could do all kinds of tricks and get mad air, but Luke had told Erin that he was just hoping to get some decent speed across the water.

“Andrew will be a good teacher for Luke,” Sofia told Erin when she saw the direction of Erin’s gaze. “He’s been kite surfing for a few years, from Australia to Hawaii, but this is his favorite place. The wind and water are ideal on this little stretch of beach right here.”

“Oh, Luke will love it!” Erin responded, then took a drink from her beach cocktail. “Speaking of loving it, we both loved having sex in front of you and Andrew last night. That was kind of a new experience for us. We’d just met you, after all, but it’s like something just sparked between all of us.”

“I agree, darling,” Sofia said. “Andrew and I had a great time, also. You and Luke are so hot together! I can tell you two are experts at making each other feel good. It’s the kind of thing that only comes after years of experience and patience.”

“You’re right, Sofia!” Erin said. “I can tell the same about you and Andrew. I don’t know if I should apologize for not feeling ready to switch partners last night.”

“Oh, my friend, no need for an apology. Andrew and I have been in enough situations like that to feel comfortable swapping, but there’s really no need to feel embarrassed about being a relative newbie. There’s no pressure ever to do something you don’t feel entirely comfortable with,” Sofia said.

“I have to admit, though,” Erin answered hesitantly, “that Luke and I thought it sounded very hot when we discussed it before going to sleep last night. Give us another chance, and I think we may surprise you.”

“Not much surprises me anymore,” said Sofia, “but I’d love to give you all the chances you’d like.”

Erin smiled at Sofia’s kind words and leaned back in her chair, content to sit silently for a while as both women pondered their potential futures together on this vacation. Erin wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, then adjusted her sunglasses as she looked out over the water.

“Look, Sofia, our boys are doing it!” Erin exclaimed. Sofia followed Erin’s gaze and saw that Luke and Andrew had their kites up and were skimming across the water. Luke appeared much more shaky than Andrew, but both men were surfing along nonetheless.

“That’s so great; I’m so happy for Luke!” Sofia responded. The two women clinked glasses again in salute of their husbands and then burst out laughing.

Erin and Sofia watched their men and chatted about their travels until late morning. The sun was getting very hot when the hotel staff came by to advertise the resort masseuse, as they had before. Both women headed over to the small beach hut for a massage. As luck would have it, there were two masseuses today, so Erin and Sofia readily agreed to get massages side by side in the open-air hut. The hour nearly flew by, and both women left their massage feeling relaxed and happy.

Sofia suggested they get lunch at the small beach bar near the kite surfing shack. They were finishing a lunch of banh mi sandwiches and white wine when the boys came in for a break from kite surfing.

“You guys looked great out there this morning! How are you doing?” Erin asked Luke as he leaned in for a long kiss.

“Whew, I’m getting smoked, but I’m loving it. Andrew is a great teacher!” Luke replied as he winked at Sofia, then signaled to the waitress for two beers. 

“I don’t know how much credit I can take,” Andrew said as he squeezed Erin’s shoulder, then kissed Sofia hello. “Luke, you’re a real natural.”

“Well, we are having a ton of fun,” Luke responded as the waitress returned with the beers. “The wind and water are perfect.”

“Yes, the conditions are great. They are most days here,” Andrew said, accepting a beer from Luke, then they clinked bottles.

Luke and Andrew chatted about kite surfing with the girls, enjoying their beers and scarfing some sandwiches. Soon, it was evident they were itching to get back on the water.

“You boys go have fun together,” Sofia said, kissing Andrew before he stood to leave.

“Thanks, and I think you girls should have some fun, too,” Andrew replied.

“Oh, we have already,” Erin said. “We had bellinis, then massages, and now we get to watch you two walk around with your shirts off.” Erin smiled. “What could be more fun than that?”

“I can imagine…” Luke started, then glanced around the small, crowded beach bar. “Maybe I’ll draw you a picture later,” he said, smiling.

“Okay, I hope I’m in that picture!” Sofia said, then reached out and slapped Luke playfully on the back of his board shorts.

Luke intentionally glanced at Sofia’s generous chest, then looked back to her face and waggled his eyebrows.

“Oh, behave!” Sofia said playfully and winked back at Luke. Erin felt herself tingle in excitement, watching the two of them flirting.

“See you later, beautiful ladies,” Andrew said with gentlemanly Britishness. “Perhaps we can have dinner together?” he asked.

“Certainly!” Erin responded quickly.

The boys disappeared out the edge of the open-air bar. Erin and Sofia smiled at one another as if they shared a secret about how great their guys were.

“Erin,” Sofia started slowly. Would you like to come to my bungalow for a drink or two? We have some white wine we purchased on a little excursion a week ago that is much better than what we’re drinking here.”

“I’d love to,” Erin replied innocently. 

The two paid and left the bar. They walked arm in arm a few hundred feet to Sofia’s bungalow and up the short steps to the porch. Erin plopped down on the small sofa while Sofia went in to fetch the wine. She came back moments later with two wine glasses.

“This Chardonnay is the result of a French vintner’s experiment near here during colonial times,” Sofia said as she offered Erin a chilled glass of golden wine.

“It looks delicious,” Erin said, then took a sip. “Mmm, it is delicious!” she added.

The two women sat silently momentarily, enjoying the shaded porch and the sun reflecting off the ocean only steps away. Sofia boldly reached out and laid a hand on Erin’s bare thigh, then leaned over and gave her a small peck on the lips.

“I hope you don’t find me too bold,” Sofia said, her eyes half closed. “I’ve wanted to do that all morning.”

Erin responded by reaching up, placing her palm against Sofia’s cheek, and drawing her close for a long, lingering kiss. When she pulled back, both women smiled hungrily.

“I was hoping you might feel that way,” Erin said, then took a long drink of Chardonnay and placed her glass on the small table in front of the sofa. Sofia did the same.

“Would you like to come in?” Sofia asked coyly, knowing the answer already.

“Yes, Sofia, I would like that very much,” Erin responded.

Sofia took Erin by the hand and led her into the bungalow, then over the edge of the bed. Sofia reached up to Erin’s face and cupped it in the palm of her hand, then leaned forward, rising on her toes to reach Erin, and kissed her longingly. Erin closed her eyes and savored the kiss. Sofia’s lips were soft - softer than Luke’s and somehow more sensual. Their lips interlocked, and then their tongues began to dance together. Erin felt herself become instantly wet from Sofia’s kissing.

“It’s too bad the boys aren’t here,” Erin said, breaking for a moment. “They would love to watch this,” she added.

“Don’t worry, my love,” Sofia responded with a smile. “We can give them a show later that they’ll never forget.”

Sofia kissed Erin once again, then pulled back once more. “And can we let the boys join in, Erin?” she asked, fairly certain of her answer.

Without answering, Erin broke away from Sofia’s embrace and slipped her cheeky bikini bottoms to the floor, leaving her halter top on. Then, she lay back on the bed and spread her knees wide.

“Do you think Andrew will like my bald pussy?” she asked Sofia flirtatiously. 

Sofia smiled broadly, then quickly removed the top of her bikini, exposing her perky tits. “Erin, my love,” she said, “he will adore you, and I will love to watch him fuck you properly.”

Erin stroked her swollen cunt as Sofia slid out of her bikini bottoms. “If Andrew fucks me properly, Sofia, my love,” Erin said in a terrible British accent, “then Luke can fuck you till you can’t see straight.” Erin laughed at her attempt at humor, then motioned to Sofia to join her on the bed.

Sofia laughed in response and then slid between Erin’s long legs. She positioned herself right in front of Erin’s smooth, bald pussy lips and licked Erin from the bottom to the top of her swollen muff.

“Oh, yes!” Erin cried in delight as she felt herself tingling through her abdomen. “Please, Sofia, I’ve wanted you to do that since the moment we met!”

Sofia smiled as she continued to tease Erin more enthusiastically. Erin responded by running her fingers through her long brown hair and encouraged Sofia with moans and exclamations. Soon, Erin started to tremble and felt herself spasm, starting in her toes and working upwards.

“Yes!” she cried and looked down between her legs. She saw Sofia’s eyes were watching her responses to her licking and sucking. Sofia’s eyes glinted in the warm Vietnamese sunlight streaming through the windows. Erin came hard, and her hips bucked in orgasmic bliss as Sofia hung on for dear life.

“Oh, my god, Sofia!” Erin exclaimed as she came down from her intense climax. Sofia switched to gentle pussy kisses, and her face was covered in Erin’s arousal.

“Your turn, Sofia,” Erin said as she gently cupped Sofia’s face with one hand. “I want you to get up here and straddle my face,” she commanded confidently.

Sofia complied with Erin’s request and climbed forward over Erin’s body. Her taught, flexible figure easily managed the task, and Sofia wrapped her calves around Erin’s shoulders, positioning her pussy directly over Erin’s mouth.

Erin looked up to see that her vision was filled with Sofia’s lovely, swollen muff and her under-boob. Sofia’s pert nipples poked forward, and Erin thought she looked amazing like this. Erin ignored the tingling she felt rising again in her pussy, deciding instead to focus on Sofia’s enjoyment for the moment.

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“God, Sofia,” Erin nearly shouted as she took in the sight above her. “You look delicious!” Without another word, Erin slurped Sofia’s lovely, dripping pussy juice and began to lick Sofia’s puffy pussy with abandon.

Sofia placed her hands on the wall above her head and closed her eyes, concentrating her senses entirely between her legs. She deftly applied varying amounts of pressure to Erin’s mouth and shifted her hips forward and back along Erin’s eager tongue. Erin’s hands reached behind Sofia to squeeze her ass, then slid up to caress Sofia’s perfect tits. Quickly, Sofia was crying out in ecstasy as her body orgasmed on Erin’s thirsty face.

Sofia crumpled onto the bed beside Erin, and both women took their time gently stroking each other’s smooth skin and gazed into each other’s eyes. They smiled at one another in post-orgasmic bliss as they cooed about how wonderful the other was at making love.

“To clearly answer your question from earlier about the boys, Sofia,” Erin said, “the answer is yes, I want Luke to fuck you and I want to watch.”

“And is it okay for Andrew to fuck you, too, Erin?” Sofia asked, smiling. “I want to watch that, too.”

“Yes, Sofia,” Erin answered. “Luke and I both want to swap with you and Andrew. Luke and I discussed it, and we both want that. Frankly, I think Luke is quite taken with you,” Erin added.

“Okay, then,” Sofia responded. “The only one that doesn’t know is Andrew. I propose we leave it that way for now,” she said.

Erin laughed. “Yes, that sounds like fun, my friend!” she said. “Let’s flirt a lot and give some mixed signals just to throw Andrew off, then we can really blow his mind!” she added.

“Erin, my dear, I like how you think,” Sofia said, then leaned in to kiss her new friend.

The two women enjoyed kissing and stroking each other for several more minutes before Erin sighed and proposed they enjoy some more wine.

“Wonderful idea, Erin,” Sofia said. “Let’s finish the bottle before the boys get back. I don’t think they’ll appreciate it the way that we do.”

Erin and Sofia slipped back into their bikinis and went back to the porch to drink wine. They enjoyed watching their fellow resort guests on the beach wander up and down the pathway in front of the bungalows.

Soon, they heard a couple arguing in Russian. They were hidden by a bend in the path, but Sofia and Erin could clearly make out the passion in their voices long before they came into view. Soon, a gorgeous brunette and a very large, bald man came around the corner and they could see the impassioned gestures of the two as they continued to argue.

“Oh, my god, Sofia, I wonder if that’s Natasha!” Erin exclaimed quietly, referring to the woman that Luke had fucked that morning after his run.

“She certainly seems to fit Luke’s description, Erin. She looks amazing!” Sofia said.

Natasha was wearing a floral print underwire bikini with a sheer cover-up open in the front. Her tits looked enhanced compared to her slender dancer’s body, and her thin, muscular legs moved gracefully across the paving stones. Her partner was the complete opposite. He was tall with a muscular frame but was sporting a bit of a beer belly and was pale despite the Vietnamese sun. He wore a swimsuit and a gaudy open Hawaiian print shirt that accentuated his belly. His head was shaved and he looked the part of a Russian oligarch on holiday.

“That’s got to be her,” Sofia whispered. “Should I say something?”

“Do you want to say something?” Sofia asked, curious to know if Erin felt any jealousy toward the gorgeous ballerina-looking woman approaching them.

“I’d kind of like to get to know her. Luke says she’s into photography. Maybe that could be my lead-in. He also says that he thinks I’d like to fuck her,” Erin said nonchalantly.

Sofia nearly choked on her wine. “Well, that escalated quickly!” she said as she giggled.

The two Russians were approaching their bungalow, and Erin made her mind up quickly. She rose from her seated position on the couch and took a step forward to lean over the porch railing.

“Excuse me,” she said, interrupting the argument. The two Russians stopped talking and turned to look at her.

“Hi!” Erin said with a smile. “I’m curious, are you Natasha?” she asked kindly.

Natasha seemed surprised and it took her a moment to answer. “Yes,” she said hesitantly. “And who are you?” she asked in a thick accent.

“Hi,” Erin said again. “You don’t know me, but you met my husband, Luke, this morning. I’m his wife, Erin.”

Natasha froze and her face belied a hint of fright. She seemed to size Erin up before answering. “Hello, Erin,” she said, “that’s right, I am Natasha. This is my oaf of a husband Demitri. Don’t worry, he can’t understand a word of English. If it weren’t for his money and his gigantic cock, I’d have left him long ago.”

Dimitri nodded impatiently after hearing his name, then looked down the beach, clearly ready to finish this interruption.

Erin laughed easily at Natasha’s ribbing and gave a very American wave to Dimitri, who begrudgingly lifted his wrist slightly to acknowledge her with a scowl on his face.

“Sofia and I are enjoying this delicious Vietnamese Chardonnay, would you like to join us for a drink?” Erin asked Natasha, surprising Sofia a little.

Natasha looked to her large husband before turning back to Erin. “Right now, I’d do anything to get away from this guy for a while. He was just heading to the bar. I’m feeling like something a little stronger than wine, would you be interested in joining me at my bungalow for cocktails?”

Erin and Sofia exchanged glances. Both women raised their eyebrows in approval and as if to ask the other if they were interested. They burst out laughing, both clearly curious to see where the afternoon may lead them.

“Thank you, Natasha,” Erin answered for them both, “we would love to join you.”

“Perfect, one second,” Natasha said, then chattered something to Dimitri, who grunted and took off on his own down the beach without another word.

“Thank god,” Natasha said when Dimitri was a few steps away. “That moron doesn’t understand a thing about the world or about women. I was telling him I want to go shopping, and all he wants to do is drink.”

“Men,” Sofia said, placing Natasha at ease. “Well, let’s enjoy some girl time, shall we? What kind of cocktails did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Vodka,” Natasha answered unironically. “Although I can make you some mai tais if you would like.

Erin giggled and Sofia slapped her friend’s hip to stop her. “Mai tais sound wonderful, thank you, Natasha.”

The Russian beauty led them a short way down the beach to the largest bungalow on the property. Erin watched Natasha’s small hips sway as she walked in front of them and couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of her poise and grace. She decided much of it was due to her perfect posture.

Natasha gestured casually to the large porch couch and disappeared inside to get the drinks. Sofia and Erin sat on either end of the long couch and settled in. They spotted Luke and Andrew again on the water. Luke looked more confident than he’d been that morning.

Natasha returned with two perfect mai tais, each with a float of dark rum on top and garnished with a pineapple wedge. Erin wondered what Natasha’s bar looked like. Natasha disappeared once more inside and returned with an expensive-looking bottle of vodka and a shot glass. She poured herself a shot and raised her glass.

“Na Zdorovie!” Natasha said, then clinked glasses with Sofia and Erin, who took a sip of their cocktail. Natasha downed her vodka in a single drink then set the glass down for a second pour and downed that one, also. Sofia caught Erin’s eye and raised an eyebrow.

“So, Luke told you that we fucked this morning?” Natasha asked Erin as if she were referring to the weather.

Erin nearly spit her mai tai out of her nose at Natasha’s directness. “Yes, he did,” she managed. “He said it was amazing, too,” she added, hoping to not come across as jealous.

“Mmm,” Natasha answered. “He has a nice cock. I liked him very much,” she added.

Sofia cleared her throat, clearly new to this type of situation. “And what does Dimitri think?” she asked.

“That asshole doesn’t give a shit whom I fuck,” Natasha replied coldly. ‘In fact, there’s no way I could ever keep up with his extra women. He likes me to do as I please. Sometimes, I let him watch. He really gets off on that.”

Erin took a long drink of her cocktail. This day just kept getting stranger, and she wanted some social lubrication for this conversation. She noticed Sofia was doing the same.

“Well, Luke and I are kind of new to an open relationship, but I want you to know that I’m okay with him hooking up with you this morning,” Erin said.

Natasha looked up in surprise as if she hadn’t considered Erin’s feelings on it before. Sofia choked down a giggle.

“Well, thanks then,” Natasha said. “You are a lucky woman,” she continued in her thick accent. “I would fuck his brains out every chance I got if I were you. Me, I have to have sex with that oaf of a husband, Dimitri,” she said condescendingly. “His cock is enormous, but he doesn’t really know what to do with it. His wallet is even bigger, though.” Natasha chuckled at her own joke, then downed another shot of vodka.

Sofia watched Natasha’s graceful movements, even after three shots of vodka. Natasha had removed her cover-up inside the bungalow and was wearing only her bikini. The supportive cups of her top pressed her large tits together, creating some beautiful cleavage, and Natasha looked like she didn’t have a once of fat elsewhere on her dancer’s body. Sofia felt herself tingling as she admired Natasha.

“You know,” Sofia said, feeling bold, “Erin and I just had sex.”

Erin’s eyes went wide with shock at Sofia’s revelation. Sofia tried to give her a look of reassurance.

Natasha replied without emotion. “I can see why. You are both lovely ladies,” Natasha poured herself a fourth shot of vodka, clearly intending to get day drunk. “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

“Well,” Sofia said slowly, “I think you are a lovely lady, too. I’m wondering if you ever like to be with women.”

Erin realized what her friend was doing and suddenly felt very excited. Picking up on Sofia’s direction of questions, Erin reached out and laid her hand on Natasha’s forearm, then slid her hand up and down on her wrist.

Natasha froze, considering what was happening, but quickly recovered. “Oh, I see,” she said. “You want me to join your fuck group.” Natasha set the vodka bottle on the table in front of them and casually announced, “Okay.”

Sofia and Erin exchanged stunned glances, surprised at Natasha’s forwardness and openness. Perhaps she was drunk already, but Natasha didn’t seem phased by this direction of conversation.

“Wow, okay then,” Sofia said, sitting as still as a statue. Erin responded before Sofia and intrepidly leaned forward and kissed Natasha gingerly on the lips. Natasha’s eyes remained open, but she quickly gave a little chuckle and grabbed Erin’s cheeks, then pressed her mouth firmly against Erin’s lips and slid her tongue deftly between Erin’s teeth.

Sofia watched with wrapt attention as Natasha instantly transformed from a new acquaintance to Erin’s lover. Natasha pulled back for a moment and Erin smiled widely, feeling sexy and instantly turned on. Natasha, clearly more comfortable in her skin than the other two women, reached behind her back, unhooked her top, and slipped her top down her arms. Her large bulbous breasts were free. Erin and Sofia gawked openly, slack-jawed at the perfect symmetry of Natasha’s tits.

“You like them?” Natasha asked when she saw the look on Erin and Sofia’s faces. “Dimitri bought them for me. They are perfect, no?” she asked.

“You are gorgeous, Natasha,” Erin said for them both. “You have the most amazing, perfect body. It’s no wonder that Luke wanted to fuck you.”

“That’s nice,” Natasha said flatly. “Now, let’s go inside. I want my pussy licked,” she said forwardly.

Natasha stood and stepped inside the bungalow. Erin and Sofia looked at each other and smiled widely.

“Like Andrew said, sometimes you just have to swing the bat, and you’ll get a hit - or something like that,” Sofia said.

Erin laughed. “Yes, something like that,” she responded. “Come on, Sofia, let’s see where this leads.”

Erin and Sofia grasped hands and stood. Erin led them through the doorway and into the relatively dim interior of the bungalow. Natasha was slipping her bikini bottoms down to her ankles as the women entered. She stepped out of them and reclined back on the bed. She spread her legs to a nearly perfect splits, exposing her bald pussy except for a strip of hair above her slit. She began rubbing her clit with manicured fingers as she alternated her gaze from Erin to Sofia.

“So,” Natasha said, “who wants to lick my pussy.”

Erin stepped forward and bent at the waist to place her face directly in front of Natasha’s exposed sex. She imagined Luke fucking Natasha’s pussy hours before and wondered if she may find any traces of Luke’s cum still inside of Natasha. The thought caused her pussy to tingle in excitement. She inhaled the familiar aroma of womanly arousal, surprised to find Natasha was already wet.

“I’ve been thinking about fucking your husband all morning,” Natasha said. “I’ve been so horny, not that Dimitri noticed or cared. Come on, darling, lick my pussy,” she commanded.

Erin slowly craned her neck forward and gingerly licked at Natasha’s slit. It tasted salty and feminine. Erin pressed her hips back and put her weight on her elbows as she began to lick Natasha in earnest. She allowed her hands to roam up and down Natasha’s muscled thighs as her own arousal heightened.

Sofia watched Erin from behind and had an overwhelming urge to finger herself. There was a chair behind her, and she quickly made a plan. She wanted to watch Erin’s ass and pussy while she pleasured Natasha. Sofia stepped forward and pulled Erin’s bikini bottoms to the floor. Erin stepped out of them without breaking her rhythm. Sofia then quickly pulled her own suit bottoms off, sat down on the chair, and spread her legs wide. She rubbed her clit in a circular motion as she watched her friend fuck Natasha.

Erin continued licking Natasha’s swollen cunt and brought one hand in closer to help. She rubbed Natasha’s opening with her thumb as she licked. It was instantly dripping from Natasha’s juices and Erin’s saliva. Natasha moaned and laid her head back against the bed. Erin then inserted one finger, then two, as she continued licking Natasha’s clit. She began to thrust and curled her fingers forward to rub against Natasha’s G-spot as she licked her.

Sofia’s fingers flew across her swollen pussy as she watched Erin’s slit and ass waggle back and forth. She could see Erin’s fingers inside of Natasha and listened to her moaning. Sofia moaned as well as she felt herself quickly nearing orgasm. She was already feeling on edge from Erin’s lovemaking only moments before.

Natasha’s loud moaning changed to Russian expressions of pleasure and cursing as Erin quickly brought her to a crashing orgasm. Natasha’s spread legs began to shake, and Erin intensified her finger thrusting. She kept Natasha right on the edge of over-stimulation. Natasha screamed again and again, and Sofia felt herself cumming along with the ballerina. Sofia’s knees caved inwards as her pussy spasmed in convulsions of pleasure.

Sofia recovered quickly, and she stood, hungry for more. She stepped behind Erin and began caressing her round ass and admiring her tan lines as she slipped her hand down Erin’s pale bikini line. Her fingers grazed Erin’s asshole then she palmed Erin’s pussy. It was swollen and wet, and Sofia began to apply pressure and rub it up and down.

Erin’s body shook from Sofia’s attention, but she stayed where she was and continued kissing Natasha’s pussy. Erin looked up and saw that Natasha’s eyes were closed tightly, and she was gripping the bedding. As Sofia pleasured Erin from behind, Erin worshiped Natasha’s amazing body and slid her hands over her strong legs and flat stomach, then up to her perfect tits. They felt firm and round and feminine.

Natasha looked up and connected with Erin’s eyes. “Now it is your turn,” she said in English, clearly accustomed to fucking women. Natasha effortlessly raised herself up to a sitting position and then swung her leg up and over Erin’s head with flexibility and grace. Erin pressed her hips back into Sofia’s hand, then straightened and turned to kiss Sofia. Natasha kneeled on the bed next to them and ran her hands up and down the smooth skin of their backs, then squeezed their asses hard. Her manicured nails dug into their skin.

Sofia gently pushed Erin onto the bed. Erin lay down next to Natasha, and Sofia lay down on Erin’s other side. Erin alternated between kissing both women as two pairs of hands roamed over Erin’s body.

Natasha sat up and positioned herself with her ass up in the air and her face between Erin’s spread legs. She began to aggressively lick Erin’s swollen bald cunt with fervency. Erin turned her head to the side and passionately kissed Sofia, whose hands continued to caress Erin’s heavy breasts.

“Sofia,” Erin panted, “I want you to kneel over my face.”

Sofia smiled and winked at Erin. “Oh, my love,” Sofia said in her lovely British accent. “You know just how to make a girl feel special.”

Sofia sat up and swung her leg over Erin’s shoulder, facing Erin’s body. Sofia had a wonderful view of Natasha’s fiery cunt licking. She watched for a moment before lowering herself onto Erin’s waiting mouth.

“Oh, my God!” Sofia exclaimed as Erin’s tongue danced across her puffy pussy. Sofia dripped onto Erin’s mouth and chin as her arousal heightened even further. “Yes, Erin, just like that!” she yelled. Sofia closed her eyes and threw her head back, then looked down hungrily at Erin’s body. Sofia squeezed Erin’s tits for dear life as Erin brought her to the brink of yet another orgasm.

Natasha’s licking slowed, but she applied more pressure to Erin’s clitoris, which caused a small spasm of pre-orgasmic bliss to spread through Erin’s abdomen. Erin’s body was shaking uncontrollably from the attention and excitement she was receiving and giving.

“Oh, my God, Erin, I’m cumming!” Sofia yelled. Erin felt a splash of pussy juice from Sofia’s cunt and felt her friend’s entire body spasm over her. Natasha resumed a vigorous licking of Erin’s cunt, and soon Erin was over the edge. Her body shook as she came hard against the Russian’s tongue. Both of the women’s orgasms seemed to last for several minutes, and it wasn’t until they were coming down from their intense feelings that they heard the clapping.

“Well done, all of you,” came a thickly accented male voice from across the room. Erin felt shocked and tried to sit up but bonked into Sofia’s ass. Sofia scrambled to get off of Erin. Both women wondered who could be applauding them.

Natasha turned her head casually to the chair where Sofia had masturbated. “You asshole,” she said condescendingly.

“What?” Dimitri asked. “This is my fucking room. Why can’t I watch the entertainment?” His sunburned face smiled oily. “Besides,” he added, “it was quite a show!”

Written by 2koots
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