Katie and Emily stumbled into their hotel room, laughing at Katie’s lengthy fumbles with the key card, owing to her slightly tipsy state. The night had been a whirlwind in a London buzzing with life as they’d watched one of their favourite bands from years ago make their big comeback. After the show, they’d soaked up the bright lights of Leicester Square, knocked back a few drinks, then hopped into a cab back to the hotel, still wide awake and full of beans despite the late hour.
Barely five foot three, with her trademark black bob, Katie made a beeline for the minibar, flashing a cheeky grin that suggested the night was far from over. Dressed in a fitted black top and skirt that hugged her curves just right, Katie’s look was as bold and daring as she was. By far the more adventurous of the two, she never shied away from a challenge or an experiment, particularly in the bedroom. At twenty-two, she’d long since lost count of her sexual partners and was never one to pass up the chance to add another to her list.
Emily couldn’t have been more different. With her long blonde hair tied into pigtails that cascaded over her shoulders, she had the look of a classic English rose. Tonight, she’d chosen a light, summery yellow dress, perfect for a warm summer evening in the city. Unlike Katie, she was a one-man woman, having been with her childhood sweetheart, Alex, since her late teens. More reserved and naturally shy, Emily preferred to keep her thoughts to herself, a stark contrast to her bold, outspoken friend, who never hesitated to speak her mind.
Though opposites in so many ways, they had formed an unbreakable bond that dated back to their first days at primary school. There were no secrets between them, and Katie never hesitated to share stories of her sexual experiences with Emily, tales that often left the quieter girl blushing as Katie’s outrageous tales unfolded. Although she was happy with Alex, and had no desire to live the way Katie did, she couldn’t help but occasionally feel curious, and her embarrassment was often down to the tingling down below as she listened to Katie’s revelations.
“What are you having?” asked Katie, rummaging through the minibar and pulling out a miniature Smirnoff. “Vodka for me!” she declared with a grin.
“Is there any white wine?” asked Emily, then added, “Wasn’t tonight incredible?”
This was the first time the girls had shared a room away together since a school field trip, years before, and Katie could only agree.
“Absolutely. We should do this more often,” Katie said, pouring the drinks as Emily gazed out at the cityscape, shimmering with a million lights. From their twelfth-floor room, the view was stunning. Emily lingered for a moment before turning back to Katie, taking the glass of white wine from her, and settling on the edge of her bed. Katie then plonked herself down on her own bed, fluffed up the pillows, and leaned back against the headboard.
She watched Emily sip her wine with a smile, her green eyes sparkling from the thrill of the night out they had just had. “I haven’t seen you enjoy yourself like that in ages,” she remarked, propping herself up on one elbow. “You’re always so reserved when you’re out with Alex.”
Emily laughed and replied, “Well, it’s not every day we come to London. I suppose I just want to make the most of it.”
“That’s my girl,” said Katie, her grin widening as a forbidden thought crossed her mind, one she tried to push away but the seed had been planted now. She couldn’t…could she?
She reached for the vodka she had placed on the bedside table and lifted her glass, leaning over to clink it with Emily’s. “To making the most of it,” she said, her eyes locking suggestively with those of her best friend.
She allowed the look to linger a moment longer than usual, just enough to hint at what might be on her mind. There had never been anything sexual between them; in fact, Emily had never expressed any interest in her own sex. Katie, however, had been fantasising about women for years, and a few months ago had taken the plunge, an experience that had surpassed her wildest expectations. Since then she had slept with two more women and was hungry for more.
Emily knew nothing of this because Katie hadn’t told her yet. She had been saving it for tonight when they would be alone. Initially, she had planned to confess everything, curious about how her friend would react - squeamish, perhaps, or intrigued?
It hadn’t been her intention to take things further, but as she looked at her gorgeous best friend in her cute lemon dress, wicked thoughts began to form. There was something special about tonight; she could feel it in the air - a sense of anticipation and an opportunity she couldn’t let slip away. If anything was ever going to happen, this was the perfect moment. Away from home, just the two of them, ensconced in this luxurious hotel room, with no boyfriends, no work, and no distractions. It was now or never.
“You know,” began Katie, trying to sound casual as if it were no big deal, “we’ve shared a lot of intimate secrets over the years, but there’s one thing we’ve never really talked about.”
Emily looked at her with curiosity in her blue eyes. “What’s that?”
Katie set her glass down, leaning forward, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. “My experiences with women.”
Katie watched as Emily’s cheeks flushed pink, as they often did when she heard about Katie’s escapades. Was it embarrassment, or was there a hint of arousal? At least there was no sign of disapproval or disgust, which was a promising start.
Emily took her time replying, her gaze dropping as she traced the rim of her wine glass with her finger. “You’ve never mentioned it,” she said slowly, “but I’ve often wondered if you had. I mean... you’re not exactly shy about trying new things.”
Katie chuckled softly, recalling their conversation a few months ago when she’d told Emily about her first threesome with two men. “Well, what would you say if I told you I had?” she asked. “With three different women in the past six months?”
Emily had always been fascinated by Katie’s stories, the way she spoke so openly about her adventures, as casually as if she were talking about shopping or lunch. But was this a step too far? She wasn’t sure how she felt discussing women touching each other. It didn’t repulse her, but her more vanilla nature made it something she had never imagined herself doing.
Katie was waiting for a response, and Emily didn’t want to seem prudish. After an awkward pause, she asked, “What’s it like?” her eyes avoiding Katie’s. “I mean, I don’t need the gory details, but does it feel... different?”
“In some ways, yes; in others, not so much. It’s more intimate, though - a kind of closeness that’s hard to describe unless you’ve experienced it.”
Emily’s heart skipped a beat, a flutter stirring in her belly, and she quickly chastised herself. She couldn’t possibly be curious about this. She wasn’t interested in women; at least, that’s what she’d always believed. Taking another sip of her cool, refreshing wine, she tried to calm her nerves, unsure of what to say. The silence lingered until Katie broke it, getting up from her bed and sitting down next to Emily.
“I mean, I could show you... if you like,” said Katie, a rare hint of nervousness in her usually confident voice. She knew she was taking a huge risk. If Emily reacted badly, it could jeopardise their lifelong friendship. But with the vodka fuelling her boldness, she was ready to take the gamble. The shocked look on Emily’s face told her she might have already crossed a line.
“Umm... oh my God, I don’t know what to say,” Emily stammered, genuinely at a loss for words. When Katie had suggested this trip, she’d never imagined something like this would be on the cards. Yet, the mere suggestion of exploring this taboo was stirring something within, causing a surge of adrenalin to flow through her. She couldn’t do this – could she?
“I’ve never cheated on Alex,” Emily said, grasping weakly for a reason to resist. Katie was closer now, leaning in and tracing her fingers lightly across Emily’s bare shoulders.

“How often does Alex fuck you?” asked Katie, softly.
“We make love about once a week,” replied Emily, slightly taken aback by her friend’s choice of words. She rarely swore herself.
“Make love!” exclaimed Katie. “I haven’t heard anyone use that phrase in years. Do you think once a week is enough for a woman in the prime of her life?”
“We’ve been together a few years,” said Emily. “We’re not going to be at it like it at rabbits anymore. And Alex works hard – he’s tired a lot.”
“I think he’s neglecting your needs,” said Katie, allowing her fingers to trace further downwards, towards the top of Emily’s dress.
“I don’t think we should be doing this,” said Emily, as Katie’s fingers grew ever more daring, slipping inside, just above her breasts. She didn’t try and take her hand away because she could not deny the excitement that Katie’s touch was rousing within her.
“But you’re not stopping me, are you?” asked Katie, turning to face Emily fully, her gaze steady as she prepared to lean in for a kiss. Inevitably, their faces drew closer together.
“No, I guess not,” said Emily, as their lips brushed together in a brief, tentative kiss. Katie was testing the waters, not wanting to come on too strongly too quickly. But Emily didn’t pull away; instead, she leant forward more and began to move her lips slowly against Katie’s, gradually relaxing into the exploration of this new, unfamiliar territory.
The desire the kiss ignited inside her spread through her body, like wildfire, rushing through every fibre of her being and she knew she’d passed the point of no return. Katie was right, once a week with Alex wasn’t enough, and as the kisses became more passionate, she couldn’t deny that she hadn’t felt like this turned on for a long time, if ever. Sex with Alex had become very formulaic, almost a weekly chore, like taking the bins out. This was different, and the thought that she was cheating on him never even entered her head. All she knew right now was that she wanted this more than anything else in the world.
Katie pulled away briefly and gazed into her friend’s eyes, brimming with desire.
“OK?” she asked, looking for the green light to confirm that Emily wanted this as much as she did, though in reality, she already knew. There was only one way this was going now.
“OK,” confirmed Emily, taking the lead, and leaning forward to kiss Katie again. They continued, passionately, as she felt Katie’s hands pulling at her dress, easing it off her then running her hands down towards her bra. With a single movement, she skilfully unbuckled it, exposing Emily’s full beautiful breasts, nipples hard with desire standing out around her small, pink areolae. Breaking off the kiss, Katie began to trace small, fluttery kisses down the side of her neck, before homing in inexorably on her breasts.
Emily could barely contain her excitement, as she felt a familiar, warm, damp feeling forming between her legs. Rarely did she get this turned on with Alex, only really getting this horny when she masturbated at home alone, several times a week. This was her private time, something she never confessed she did to anyone, not even Katie. Often, when she played alone, she fantasised about the sordid tales Katie had told her, wondering what it would be like to do the things her friend had done. Now she was here, becoming part of one of those stories, and right now she was ready to do pretty much anything her friend wanted.
After giving both of Emily’s nipples attention, Katie resumed her southward journey, laying a trail of kisses down her stomach. By the time she reached her belly button, Emily was almost crying out for more, but Katie took her time, teasing her with more kisses, before eventually reaching inside the elastic of Emily’s knickers to ease them off her. As she did, Emily lifted her bum off the bed to make it easier for Katie to remove them, finally leaving her naked, and fully exposed. She spread her legs widely, surprised at her boldness, as she had everything on display for Katie to gaze at adoringly.
“No one other than Alex’s ever seen my pussy before,” she said. Katie paused, her face just inches away, as she admired the fleshy, pink folds, glistening with the juices her kisses had drawn from it.
“Pussy, how cute,” said Katie. “I don’t call mine that…I call it what it is…my cunt.”
She said this, knowing it would shock Emily, but with the hope that it would turn her on even more. She had suspected for some time that her friend wasn’t quite as puritanical as she claimed, and she was determined to draw out the lustful animal that she was convinced was locked up inside her.
“I don’t like that word,” said Emily.
“Sure you do,” said Katie, teasing, as her lips hovered over Emily’s most intimate spot, so close now that she could feel her warm breath on her slit. She was almost begging now for Katie’s tongue to give her the release she desperately craved.
“Ask me,” she teased as she inched ever closer, running her tongue under her top lip to tempt Emily some more. “What do you want me to do?”
“Kiss me…” she replied. “Down there.”
“Down where?”
“My pussy,” said Emily, reluctant to use the term that she knew Katie wanted her to say.
“Call it what it is,” insisted Katie. “Then I’ll do it.”
And then Emily didn’t care anymore, as she uttered the word she had never spoken before, the one that had always disgusted her.
“My cunt,” she said, in almost a whisper.
“What was that?” asked Katie, still enjoying making her wait. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
And then, lust took over, and Emily even shocked herself at the torrent of filth that began to pour from her lips.
“My cunt,” she said, loudly, in almost a yell, as the wait for release became almost unbearable. “Lick my cunt. Lick my cunt and make me come.”
“That’s better,” said Katie, and finally she dove in, going for the fleshy outer labia first. She began at the bottom and ran her tongue up each side in turn, as if slurping at a freshly made ice cream.
Emily squealed in delight, unable to conceal the mind-blowing sensations flowing through her, as Katie performed long leisurely strokes up towards her most sensitive spot without ever quite reaching it. She couldn’t suppress the moans coming from her mouth, letting out a little yelp each time Katie came towards the target, getting tantalisingly closer every time.
Katie felt she’d made Emily wait long enough and homed in, seeking out her clit and licking all around it in a rhythmic, circular motion, allowing the tip of her tongue to lightly swirl across the centre with each revolution. Emily’s moans grew steadily louder, and Katie knew she wasn’t far away. But she still had one more trick up her sleeve, something the first girl she had been with had done to her. It had sent her delirious with pleasure and she wanted to do the same for Emily.
She placed her lips around Emily’s clit, and drew it into her mouth, sucking on it like a teat, and swirling her tongue all around it. A few seconds of this was all that was needed to bring Emily to an earth-shattering orgasm, warm juices flowing across Katie’s chin as Emily screamed with a passion she never knew she possessed, almost passing out from the incredible sensations spreading outwards from her cunt, like ripples in a lake.
Katie held her clit in her mouth throughout her climax before gently letting go and looked up at her friend, who was drenched in sweat and gasping as if she had just done a high-intensity workout. As she came to her senses, Emily looked down to see Katie’s green eyes looking back at her, a cheeky look on her face.
The whole time Katie had been going down on her friend, she had felt incredibly horny but hadn’t thought about her own needs, wanting only to please Emily. She hadn’t removed a single garment of her own clothing but she needed to because by now, her knickers were sopping wet. She got up onto her knees, and pulled her low-cut black top over her head, then reached behind to remove her bra, exposing her sizeable breasts, more rounded than Emily’s with large, brown aureola.
“It’s my turn now,” she said, never taking her eyes off her gorgeous best friend.
To be continued.