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The Education of Diana (ch. 03)

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As Diana woke up that summer morning she heard a shower running. The bungalow they lived in was rather small, but she and her brother Bradley each had their own room. That was one of the nice things about living here in the village along the coast. The very best thing was her friendship with Tony.

She took her time getting up. She needed to use the bathroom, but she had to wait for whoever was in there. As she gathered up clothes from the floor, she was humming. Her window was open, and she could smell the sea air softly blowing into her room. Only five minutes away, the coast was her usual destination every day.

It had been a lovely summer. It was getting closer to the time when she would begin classes at her new school. Tony had told her all of the classes she should take. They had different tastes but most classes were required to graduate. They would be together for most of the day. Diana was looking forward to it.

She sat at her vanity and looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her wavy brown locks. Her green eyes were smiling back at her as she giggled, thinking of the kiss she had given to Tony the other day. It was right outside her house as they were parting. She picked up her phone and read the text that Tony had sent right after that happened.

The shower stopped and she gathered up the things that she needed to take to the bathroom. She left her room just as Bradley was walking out of the bathroom. His hair was wet and he hadn't shaved off the mustache he was trying to grow. It looked ridiculous on him, but he was proud of it. She tried to hurry past him but he blocked her way.

"What's the hurry, sis? Gotta get down there and play with your friend?"

"Brad, just chill out. Please? I really need to use the bathroom now."

"Yeah, sure. I think I ought to talk to the folks. You know?"

"Can you just leave it be? It's none of your business!"

"We'll see. We'll see."

She scuttled into the bathroom, almost dropping her lotions and shampoo. She felt like crying, but she wasn't going to. She wasn't. This was going to be a good day. Why was he like that?

She completed her morning preparations and was ready to leave the house. She was wearing her wide-brimmed straw hat, one of her father's long sleeve shirts, some yoga pants, and her high top Converse Allstars. In her basket she had everything she needed to spend the day down at the shore, including some fruit and sandwiches. Enough for herself and for a few others, if they happened to show up.

She was hoping that Betts and Shelby might stop and talk to her. Of course she wanted to see Tony, but they didn't have any plans for the day. It was just summer and people came and went as they pleased. She was passing through the front hall to the door when her mother called to her.

Diana went into the library across from the front room. Her mother was at her desk with her computer active. Probably working on her Great American Novel. Diana wondered if her mom would ever actually publish anything.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Hi, sweetheart. Come over and sit down. Please?"

Sitting down, Diana wondered what was up.

"So. Brad tells me something that's a little upsetting to me."

"What, Mom? I mean, what's he saying now? You know I'm not doing anything wrong."

"Honey, please. I'm upset with Brad. Not you. Listen. Maybe we've never talked about some things. I never thought we needed to. But, anyway. He just told me you're friends with someone he called a dyke. He's in his room now. He'll stay there, or in the house, for a week. He's grounded. I don't want to hear that kind of talk from my children. I really can't tell you how upset I am."

Diana was almost in tears. Her emotions were so mixed up. At first she had feared she would be told to never see Tony again. Now she was about to cry because she loved her mother so much. And she was a little ashamed she had doubted her parents. They really were the best.

"But, anyway. I guess it's not really my business. I'll just say this, dear. If your friend, Tony? If she's gay or whatever, I don't really give a fig. But I do want to make sure my baby girl isn't hurt. So, what kind of friend is she to you? I mean, is she a good friend? Oh, damn. I just want to know you're not going to get hurt."

"Mom, please. You don't have to worry. Tony's nice. She's never done anything wrong. We just like each other. She's a friend. I like her a lot. I don't see why she'd ever do anything to hurt me. Really, Mom. No worries."

"Good. Well, you know best. All I ask is that you be careful. But you're a lovely, bright girl. I know you'll make good decisions. And if you ever need to talk about anything, you know, personal? You just talk to me. Or your Dad. Either one of us. Okay, so go ahead and have a good time. I need to get to work."

Diana got up and leaned down to hug her mother. Then she wiped the tears off of her cheeks and from the corners of her green eyes. She was out the door quickly, tripping down the steps from the porch.

She was walking down the cobblestone covered street. Her basket was on one arm. Her cell phone let her know she had received a text. She searched and found it on the bottom of her basket. She saw that the text was from Tony.

"Peek-a-boo. I see you," it said. She put the phone back in her basket, smiling.

She saw a shadow appear beside hers on the concrete sidewalk. A hand took hers, and she knew it was Tony.

"Hiya, DiDi. What's up little girl? Heading for the beach? Me too. I'm not surfing today. I just wanted to hang out. Yeah, I think I'll just hang out. You don't mind, do you? I guess there may be other guys around. That's cool. So, anyway, you wanna meet some people? From school? I think you'll like 'em. They gotta like you. You're my friend. They gotta like you. What's up? Why aren't you talking?"

"You're so silly. Gad, Tony. Catch your breath! Sure, I'd love to meet people if they're cool."

"I don't hang with people who aren't cool. You'll see. So, what's new? Reading anything good? I don't have a lot of time now. You're looking pretty today. Everyday. Yeah, you got that creamy skin going for you, don't you? Green eyes. Nice. So, anyway, I think you know Shelby and Betts. Hey, they're really pissed at that bro' of yours. You know? He's got a big mouth."

"Tony, he's grounded. He's gonna be at home for a week. Maybe he'll learn his lesson. I don't know."

"Wow. Cool." She laughed loudly, startling some tourists looking into shop windows. "So what did the twerp do, anyway?"

"Oh, well. He said something. And Mom got upset. So, anyway, he's grounded. My Mom is cool!"

"Well, maybe you take after her." Tony grinned, and, ducking under the straw hat, quickly gave Diana a peck on her pink lips.

Diana was startled, but not upset. She held her head down, smiling. She squeezed Tony's hand. She had started wearing some pink lipstick because Tony did. It made her feel closer to her friend. They continued down to the seashore, wanting a spot far down the strand, away from tourists and townies closer to the marina. There was already a group of young folks on large beach towels. They were laughing as Tony and Diana approached.

"Hey, you guys. Start the party. I'm here. Hey, Stefano, what's going on? This is Diana. Kinda pretty, isn't she? See, DiDi, that's Stefano. He's on the wrestling team. You already know Betts and Shelby. Stefano, is your boyfriend coming over? See, his boyfriend is from another school. Why's everyone so quiet? What's going on?"

Everyone was laughing. Tony was like that. Once in a while you could get a word or sentence out, but it could be hard going when she was in full flight.

Stefano had risen, and he bowed to Diana. She gave him a curtsy, just for the fun of it. He grinned. He was shorter than Tony, but he was bulky. He looked like he would be a good wrestler. He was in a speedo and was rather hairy. But he looked like a nice person. She'd see. She hoped they were all nice people. She did want to be part of Tony's group.

There were two surf boards standing in the sand, and Diana supposed they belonged to Shelby and Betts. She put down her basket, smiling and greeting those two girls, and then spread out the large beach towels she had brought, for her and anyone else who came along. Then she started taking off her outer garments, displaying her bikini clad body. In the near past she would have been embarrassed by this but she felt safe here. These were going to be friends.

The two senior girls were sitting close together, holding hands. They would talk with the others, and then take time to give each other a kiss. Sometimes just a peck. Sometimes more intense. No one else seemed to care so Diana just ignored it, as much as possible. But it did give her feelings that she was trying to understand more clearly.

Tony had gotten rid of the work shirt she usually wore. She was sitting on the towel watching Diana as she put tons of lotion on her pale skin. Diana hated to get freckles, which came whenever she allowed the sun to try to tan her creamy skin. She didn't tan, she just burned, and then the spots appeared. Tony liked to help her put it on and that was pleasant. It made Diana feel so good when Tony's strong hands rubbed the lotion on her flesh.

All of the girls were wearing bikinis. And they were all attractive in their own way. Shelby and Diana were both small, but Diana had more curves. Shelby was like a little pixie, with black hair. Her friend Betts was tall. The tallest in this group. Her hair was short and blond. Tony was about five feet eight inches. Taller than Stefano, who did seem out of place here.

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But he didn't seem to mind.

Finally, after having a bite to eat, Betts and Shelby decided to get some surfing done. They took their boards and ran down to the waves rushing up the shoreline. Stefano apparently didn't surf. But he decided to get wet. He waved at the remaining two, and joined the seniors in the water. Tony took Diana's hand.

"So did you say Stefano had a boyfriend?"

"Yep. Not a problem, is it DiDi?"

"Please, Tony. It's all good for me. Just want to know. So why did he have to find someone from another school? I mean that's miles away, isn't it? I don't really know the geography around here that well. We have, what, two high schools in this county?"

"His friend is going to the high school in the county seat. He lived around here, but he transferred so he could play football. We don't have that here. We're lucky to have wrestling. But, he and Stefano are friends from way back. I think they were the only gay guys here in school. At least, that have come out."

"Was that hard for them? I don't know people here yet, but I know that can be so hard. I mean, so I hear."

"Tell you what. If you're good at sports it isn't a problem around here. It has been, but it's getting better. It's really a good place for us. I mean, people like us. You and me. You know?"

"Like us? What's that mean, Tony?"

"DiDi. Come on. You and me. And the girls in the water now. Us. We're gay. Lesbos. That's us little girl."

Diana was struggling inside. She guessed Tony was right. But she hadn't really come to terms with it. Not really. Not yet. Was she a lesbian? She wondered if her Mom thought she was gay. Would that matter? She didn't think so. But she couldn't be sure. Did she even know, herself?

"What's happening, DiDi? Diana, are you crying? Don't do that little girl. Please. I'm sorry. I thought you were cool with this. Please, Diana. Don't cry."

Tony was holding her now, as her tears fell. She hugged her friend. She didn't even know why she was crying. It didn't feel bad to her. She was actually pretty happy, being held by Tony.

"Hey, what's going on? What'd you do, Tony? What's wrong with her?" That was Stefano, grabbing a towel to dry himself off. Diana looked up at him. He was frowning. She shook her head.

"I'm fine. I'm just being silly. It's nothing."

Tony was still hugging her. "She just got it, dude. She just got it. She didn't understand, and now she knows."

"Oh. Okay. I see. Yeah. It can mess with you if you let it. Hey, Diana. It's cool. You'll be fine. The world can be good. It's gonna be fine."

He plopped down and touched her hair. Tony gave her a little kiss on the cheek, and she wiped her eyes, for the second time today. She was feeling good. She was. She was happy. She had friends. And she thought maybe Tony really, really liked her. She felt okay now.

She whispered to her friend. "Tony? Tomorrow? Can we go to your secret cove? Just the two of us? That would be nice."

Tony squeezed her tighter. She chuckled, and Diana giggled. Then they both laughed.

"What's funny now? Are you two wacky?"

"Nope. It's great, Stef. Nothing crazy here. Okay. It's getting cooler. I'm going home. Can I walk you home now DiDi?"

"Yes, please. Stefano, I should be getting home anyway. I'm so glad we met. Oh, I didn't ask. What grade are you going to be in?"

"Little girl, I'm a senior. But as we say around here, I'll still talk to you juniors."

He laughed and got up to go to his own large towel. He dropped down and put in some earbuds. He waved as they walked away together, after they had gathered up all of their things.

They held hands all through the village, heading for the Liddle place where Diana lived. Some tourists gave them odd stares, but the townspeople just went about their business.

At Diana's house they parted. This time Tony gave her a hug, and then they kissed each other. Quickly, but thoroughly. Then Diana giggled and ran into the cottage. Her mother was standing in the hall.

"Was that Tony, just now?"

"Yes, Mother." She ducked her head.

"She's a pretty girl. Athletic looking. Well, just be careful, baby." She went back into her office, sipping her cup of hot tea.

The next morning Diana walked over to Tony's house just two blocks away. It was early enough that the sun was just above the horizon, over the ocean. She could hear the gulls calling as they swooped down to pick up debris from the boats setting out to sea. It wasn't a red sky so it should be clear sailing for the fishermen.

She had passed her brother in the hallway as she left. He was just heading back to his room. He was sleeping in since he was grounded, but he had just been to the bathroom. They didn't speak.

Her parents had still been in bed, too. She didn't bother eating much breakfast. Just a muffin. Then she gathered some bread and cheese, along with some fruit. She was eating an apple as she left the house. Soon she was approaching Tony's place and saw her outside at the shed, waiting with a grin on her face. Diana had to smile back, in happiness.

They chattered as they brought two bicycles out of the shed. Both girls set out on the road north towards the secret cove. It was only thirty or so minutes up the coast, but it was hidden below cliffs. The trail down to the beach was completely hidden from the road that went past it. They were sweating as they arrived. It wasn't a difficult ride, but the sun was out today with few clouds in the shy.

Both girls were careful on the pathway because it could be dangerous. Arriving at the bottom, they dropped their baskets and towels on the rocky beach. They looked around and saw no one else was there. The patches of sand were clear of footprints. Diana looked at Tony and giggled. They picked up the gear and found a soft area of sand.

"Okay, so let's get comfy, DiDi. I decided I wasn't even going to get my bathing suit wet today. Off it goes."

Diana knew that was the real reason to come all the way here, away from the beaches near the village. Still, her natural shyness was still with her. She held her head down as she was taking off her outer wear. Then, before releasing the ties that held her bikini on, she glanced over and say that, as always, Tony was faster than she. Tony was standing on her bare feet, letting the breeze from off shore play over her naked skin as she held her hand up, shading her eyes, looking out to sea.

She really did look beautiful, to Diana's eyes. And her dark nipples were erect. That was clear, and Diana didn't mind looking anymore. But it still felt odd, even as she felt her own puffy nipples becoming hard.

Diana quickly dropped her bikini onto the sand, and then, trying to act naturally but knowing she was blushing over her whole body, she grabbed the large towels from her basket. She was spreading them out as she heard Tony laughing.

"What are you laughing at, you silly hyena? I'm just getting this stuff out for us. You could help me, you know?"

"I just love the way you blush at everything, little girl. You look sweet, DiDi. Here, I'll help you. Then we have to get some lotion on your tender, precious skin. We can't have freckles, oh, no."

Both girls sat down and Diana got her sunscreen out of her basket. Tony seldom used anything, but today she was spreading the lotion on her own skin as Diana was doing the same to herself. Then Diana felt Tony begin putting the cream on her back. Tony's hands were firm, but gentle. It was so pleasant that she almost fell asleep. Then she realized that Tony had started softly caressing her puffy breasts.

She sighed and let herself fall back against Tony. Tony wrapped her arms around her and held her close. Diana turned her head, looking into Tony's eyes. They smiled and their lips came together. The kiss was the most intense feeling she'd had in so long. Diana reached up, wrapped her fingers in Tony's wavy brown hair, and kissed harder, allowing her tongue to touch her friend's lips.

Tony laid her down and stretched out beside her. Their breasts were touching as both held the other, still kissing. Tentatively Diana put one delicate hand on Tony's breast. She felt the nipple, not sure what would please Tony. But she heard her friend moaning now and Tony forced her tongue into Diana's mouth. Both girls were now eagerly touching the other's breasts and feeling the hardness of their nipples.

"Oh. Tony. Tony. Oh, something's happening." Diana's body had begun to tremble and she had broken off the kiss.

"It's okay, little girl. Oh, wow. You're learning. You're learning."

Tony had continued pinching Diana's nipples, but now stretched her hand down and placed it on the mound between Diana's legs. She quickly rubbed the top of her friend's vulva. Faster and faster, as Diana kept on shaking. Finally Diana placed her hand on Tony's and pressed her pussy up against the hand giving her so much pleasure. She cried out.

Holding her tightly, Tony kissed her friend as both slowly came down from the intensity of the moment. At last they broke apart and Tony grinned at Diana.

"That was your first time, wasn't it? That was sweet. Nice, little girl. That was why you wanted to come here today, right? You were ready. God, I'm glad I was the first one."

Diana buried her head in Tony's shoulder, not really knowing how to react. She just knew she couldn't remember ever feeling this happy. She never wanted it to end. And the day was barely starting. They had a long time ahead of them. Most of the day. A long time together.

Written by Green_Man
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