Today was the day, the day I would finally get rid of my baggy sweatpants and oversized hoodies. My friends had genuinely never seen my curves before. I live in my own apartment so I don't even have a roommate that could've sneaked a peak or something. But today, I'd change that all.
I was extremely nervous, spent about forty-five minutes figuring out which pieces I'd wear and which I'd leave in my closet. Should I wear that yellow sunflower dress my sister bought for me, and was just a size too small? No, we'd just hang out at my place so it'd be weird to dress up all fancy like that. My mind was racing, with every outfit I tried on I found a reason why not to wear it. I almost backed out. What if they didn't say anything about it and just ignored it? What if they didn't like what they saw?
Eventually, I just pulled a tank top over my head and stepped into a skirt. My bra strap was wider than the strap of the tanktop which gave away I was wearing a basic white bra. They held my C-cups up nicely. The tank top was a little tight so besides already seeing the size of my breasts, my friends would also be able to see the edge of my bra through the fabric.
The tank top was pitch black while the skirt I wore underneath was white, matching my bra. The skirt went down to about the middle of my thighs, showing my friends just how nicely shaped my legs were. Not to brag or anything but my legs are definitely the highlight of my body. I had thick thighs which constantly rubbed against one another paired with perfectly slim legs.
The tank top also exposed my tummy and hips, which I think would give my friends the biggest surprise as I had an hourglass figure. Something you wouldn't directly expect from a girl who always wears baggy clothes.
It was finally time for my friends to arrive. Well about half an hour before we agreed Melissa knocked on my door. That girl always arrived way too early. Which could be annoying at times but this time, I was glad she came early. She was by far the sweetest of my friends and would give me the most assuring feeling, allowing me to warm up to exposing my body like this.
I walked over to my front door on my bare feet and opened the door. Just like always, she lunged forward and gave me a big hug. Perhaps she was the only one with any idea that I had some big breasts as she constantly hugged me. She's a few inches shorter than me so I could feel my breasts squishing up against her upper chest as we hugged. She pulled back and took a moment to look me up and down, smiling softly.
"Damn, girl - you were hiding this for so long?" she said, acting a little shocked at the sight before her.
She placed her hand on my stomach. Trust me, I have no idea why she did this either, and softly rubbed it. It was a little weird, not gonna lie, but feeling her soft and oddly warm hand on my soft skin felt rather soothing and seemed to really help me. I invited her into the apartment and we sat on the couch and started talking about school and work and the basics, waiting for Elody to arrive.
When I opened the door for Elody, I wasn't sure who was eyeing the other up more. I could definitely feel her eyes fixated on my chest but I wasn't much better myself.
"Giving me a run for my money eh?"
Elody teased. She wore a brightly coloured yellow crop top herself, her own crop top had a lot of cleavage on display while my own covered all of my breasts. She was definitely blessed with her breasts. Much later on she told me that they're DD's and, well, they're definitely fun to look at - let me tell you that.
So the three of us hung out at my apartment, we had some wine to drink and just talked about the most random things, some gossiping ... well, a lot of gossiping. We didn't really talk about my outfit that much that night but I could feel their eyes constantly exploring my body.
Melissa's eyes were mostly fixated on my breasts while Elody's were constantly going from my thighs to my breasts and back. With me sitting down my thighs squished together even more and created quite the sight if I must say so myself.
While Elody was bisexual I thought Melissa was fully straight. But what first started to make me question that is what she said as they both left to go home at around midnight.

"You should show yourself off more like that ... gives me something fun to look at," she said with a wink before leaving through the door.
Both Elody and I were a bit shocked at her words. And I quickly started to blush which Elody saw, and decided to add onto it.
"Well, she's not wrong. Though next time I hope to see even more," she said with a soft chuckle before closing the door behind her.
I was a fucking puddle at that point. Both figuratively and literally. I was so embarrassed by what they had said, but their constantly eyeing me up had created a 'little' wet spot on my panties.
So as any sane lesbian does at that point, I went into my bedroom, stripped completely naked and took my vibrator. I placed it against my pussy and turned it on, immediately putting it on the highest frequency. What can I say, ya girl was horny and needed a release.
I sat on my vibrator and started to rub my pussy over it as it went on. I started to softly moan and pant as I felt myself getting closer after about ten minutes. I couldn't help but imagine both girls playing with my body while I masturbated like this. Something I emulated by groping my own breasts, imagining it was their hands playing with them. This quickly turned to me imagining both of them completely naked in front of me.
I don't squirt often, and usually, I have to put in a lot more work than this to get myself to squirt. But once my climax came around, I felt my juices shooting out of my pussy and covering my covers in between my legs, even splashing my thighs.
After a brief breather, I took a shower and went to bed as I had to work the next morning. But I knew what I'd do next, wear something like this to classes so my friends would get to see this again.