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The Auction: Part 7 - Cynthia

"Kath and Cynthia form a bond"

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I don't know how it happened, but Cynthia became my closest friend and confidant after Michael passed. She always had the right thing to say whenever I had a problem I couldn't resolve via Jillian and her legal wizardry. She was the voice of reason when making decisions regarding things I wanted to do or buy.

I had thought about a trip to Europe, taking my time and mourning over there. Cynthia thought it would be better to be close to home, get things in order, then maybe take a trip. As it turned out, I didn't need a trip. As time passed, I grew accustomed to being single and living my life alone, at least temporarily.

I met her kids and her husband at the memorial service. It wasn't the best place to meet someone, but Her husband Eric was amiable, offering to help with any moving or work the house needed before selling it. He's a contractor and does very well. He's also the person who suggested the interior decorator who did my Townhouse. Cynthia's kids were adorable and polite and looked like younger versions of their parents. Active like their mom and on the honor roll at school. Cynthia had the perfect family and life. With one exception, she was bisexual, although her husband was aware and was okay with it. She was lacking that 'girl' time with a steady lover.

That's where I slowly fit into her life. I'm not complaining, but a friend who is a lover makes for a perfect combination. Someday I hope to find that again; in the meantime, I'm slowly enjoying my current situation.

The first time Cynthia and I made love was a few weeks after my night with Marina and Janice. Cynthia didn't seduce me; it was mutual and spontaneous, which added to the experience.

Eric had taken the kids camping for a week. His parents were on a road trip to Alaska when they called and suggested they meet up along the coast on the Olympic peninsula. Cynthia had sprained her ankle, and the thought of hiking with them all while pleasant wasn't the best idea to get back to normal.

So, Cynthia was home alone when she called to see if I wouldn't mind stopping by. She hadn't had adult company all week and wanted to sit and gab for a bit. She also had ideas about new workouts for me and an improved nutrition plan.

I told her it would be just after lunch because I had errands all morning. She mentioned she'd be in the backyard getting some sun, so I should walk in. I laughed, telling her I wasn't so sure about that. She replied to text her when I got there, and she'd meet me at the front door.

When I arrived, I texted as planned. I heard the front door unlock and another text to meet Cynthia in the backyard. I smiled, shaking my head, then entered the house. I listened to the door lock behind me as I headed out to the yard. When I got there, Cynthia lounged in her bikini, her abs visible as she smiled—wearing a green bikini that showed off her ample cleavage, a smoothie resting on a side table next to her. She got up, arms wide, to hug me.

When we hugged, she asked, "How are you doing, Kath? Something to drink? I should have told you to bring a suit to tan together while we chat."

I replied, enjoying her body against mine, "I'm good, thanks. Water is fine. I just had lunch."

I followed her into the kitchen, admiring her ass jiggle as we walked. I'd seen Cynthia completely nude in the sauna, but something about that suit on her made me tingle. She fixed a glass of ice water for me and then insisted I put my purse down and have a seat at the kitchen table. We started talking about my workouts and nutrition as I sipped. My eyes wandered to her breasts and those lovely abs now and then. She complimented me on sticking to the plan, she knew it was tough, and I'd done a great job. She asked me if I'd consider competing at some point. It would take more work. However, she'd love to help me if that was a possible goal of mine. I smiled, thanking her and declining the invitation.

Cynthia slowly changed the subject to more personal things, like how I was feeling, whether I was talking to anyone about my situation, or if I had started seeing anyone. When she asked if I was seeing anyone, I turned crimson.

Her eyes lit up as she asked me who. I didn't want to tell her and being the nice person she is, she didn't pry.

We returned to the competition topic. That's when Cynthia began the seduction by buttering me up.

She looked at me, gesturing with a finger, "Stand up."


Once more, "Stand up. Let me look at you."

I stood, wondering what she was up to.

Twirling her finger, “Turn.”

I gave her a quizzical look but turned.

“Flex for me.”


“Come on, flex.”

I flexed my biceps as I blushed.

“Here, no, like this.”

Cynthia rose and began flexing for me. I stood staring as she teased me showing off her muscles. Cynthia isn't overly fit; just looking at her. But, when she was flexing, there was definite muscle tone, and I was tingling.

She stopped, “Take off your top and show me.”

I replied, "What? Here in the kitchen? Why? You've seen me before."

She smiled, "I've never seen you flex. I think you could do very well in your age group in competitions. You seem to love working out and are at the gym more than ever. Show me."

I sighed, “I'm at the gym to get my mind off other things, not to show off.”

Her smile disappeared, and her voice became stern, "Show me."

Another deep sigh, "Fine."

I removed my top, setting it on the back of the chair. I started making muscles, not knowing what I was doing. Cynthia stood, watching me try to flex. I did the best I could, not knowing what I was doing. I remembered how Hans and Franz did it on Saturday Night Live, so I did the thing where they ball their fists and bend forward. That made Cynthia laugh.

"No, sweetie, only men do that. Let me show you. Here. Let's go to my room, and I'll put on the heels I used to wear when I competed."

She took my hand and then led me to her bedroom, my top still on the kitchen table. Her bedroom was typical, with a king-sized bed, dressers, and nightstands, but she had one huge walk-in closet. I think that closet was the size of my guest room. Eric had one wall for clothes and shoes, while Cynthia's wardrobe took up the other two walls. I thought I had a ton of shoes, but Cyn's collection put mine to shame. She had heels, running shoes, boots, you name it, and not just one pair or style. The girl was addicted, not that it was a bad thing.

I marveled at all of them as she fumbled around for her clear Olympic Mules, as she called them. I would have said stripper heels because I don't know the difference. She found them tucked under some other boxes. Pulling them out, she looked at them and sighed. Probably recalling how it was to compete in them.

She stood, holding them out to me, “Seven? I'm guessing. They only come in full sizes.”

I looked them over as she handed them to me. They were strapless to elongate the legs for a sleek, fabulous look she mentioned.

She finished describing them as I stepped out of my flats to try them on.

Cyn was bubbling, "They have a five-inch heel and a three-quarter-inch platform, flexible, somewhat soft plastic upper, cushioned insole for amazing comfort, and rounded footbed. I loved the clear and silver rhinestones. Sort of slutty, but not too much. Let me see how you look in them. Oh, take off your skirt first. I want to see those leg muscles."

What was I getting into? Competition? Me? I humored Cyn, removing my skirt as she returned to the dusty boxes pile, looking for another pair. I left the closet to put my skirt on the bedroom chair and my shoes. I returned and used the doorway to help balance myself as I slipped on the heels.

In my absence, Cynthia had found another pair and slipped into those. I tried putting the mules on but kept getting distracted by Cyn's legs in those shoes. I could see why they used them. Her calves looked amazing with them on.

Those shoes were a bit more slutty you might say. Six-inch spike heel in black with a clear ankle strap and peep toes. I was getting moist looking at her as she twisted and turned, looking at herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door.

She saw me gawking at her, "You like these, I can tell."

I swallowed hard, "You look amazing in them, Cyn, and yes, I do."

She grinned as I stood there wearing her mules in my plain old panties and bra. Cynthia is at least two inches taller than me. With me in five-inch heels and her in six-inch ones, I felt she towered over me, somewhat like Jillian. Both being blonde and fit added to the appeal of both women.

With a sly grin, she suggested, "Let's walk around a bit so you can get used to them. Strut for me, Kath."

“As long as you do too. I feel a bit weird walking in your shoes. They do feel kinda comfy despite being different.”

We started walking around her bedroom. I was surprised I managed so well. Most of my heels are four inches or less. That extra inch wasn't so hard to deal with. After a few minutes, I became more confident strutting around in them. So confident that I started walking like a runway model, strutting and showing off. It was becoming a little game. I'd stop, look at Cyn, pose, flex, and walk more around her bedroom. She'd smile, correct my pose, hands-on, and then let me continue. She got into it, too, showing me how to puff up, smile, turn, and bend to show off my assets.

After a bit, she sat on the edge of the bed to watch. I thought I saw her squirm as I got bolder, posing with more enthusiasm. She whistled and did a little cat calling to which I replied with a purr and a grin.

That got her back off the bed to 'correct' a pose or two. I think she just wanted to touch me, which I didn't mind. I was getting worked up seeing her reactions, amazed at how it excited me. When she sat back on the bed, she motioned me over. I walked over slowly and stood with her legs between mine, looking down at her.

She looked up, her hands cupping my ass cheeks, fingers softly massaging me.

Smiling, she whispered, "Are you as turned on as I am?"

I blushed, nodding.

With a sly grin, she continued, "You know what I need?"

I shook my head, “No, but I can guess.”

Her eyes met mine as her hands squeezed my cheeks, “I need your face buried between my legs, Kath. Not here in my room, though. In the guest bedroom, if you don't mind.”

I smiled, “I'd love that, Cyn. I understand about your room. Shall we?”

I backed up to let her stand. When she did, we kissed long and hard. My hands roamed her tight body enjoying how she felt.

When we broke our kiss, she mentioned that she might have something I'd like. My curiosity got the better of me, so I asked. She smiled, telling me it was a surprise. Before going to the guest room, we headed to the closet. Cynthia dug through a pile of boxes tucked away in a corner. She pulled one out, tucked it under her arm, then led me to the other room.

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The room was tastefully furnished with a queen-sized bed, dresser, chair, and a desktop computer. Cynthia mentioned she uses this room for planning her clients' workouts and a guest bedroom.

She placed the box on the nightstand, pulled back the comforter and the sheets, then sat on the edge of the bed.

With a wide grin, she asked, "Would you show me some more of your moves, Kath?"

I obliged, walking around the room, pretending I was showing off to the judges. I got a little more provocative, cupping my breasts, bending over to show her my ass while grabbing my ankles, then running my hands up and down my body as slowly as I could. It was more of a stripper routine at that point than a bodybuilder. I didn't care, nor did Cynthia, whose eyes were fixated on my body.

Cyn asked, "Remove your bra, please, sweetie?"

I smiled, “I don't see why not.”

I paused, reached around back, unhooked it, then let it drop down my arms onto the floor. It felt good to be out of it. I continued my routine, feeling more like a stripper.

Cyn smiled, “I love your nipples, sweetheart. They look so tasty.”

I pinched them for her making them swell as I swayed, “I'm glad you like them, Cyn.”

She slipped off her heels, moving them off to the side. Slowly, she stood, removing her bikini bottoms. They joined the shoes, soon to be followed by her top. I thought I was pretty sculpted, but Cynthia was a goddess.

She sat back on the bed, one arm behind her, resting on it while the other began to massage her bare labia. She continued watching me as I watched her. When she was ready for me, she lifted her hand, beckoning me with the curl of her finger.

I walked towards her as she whispered, “Knees, please, sweetness. Kitty needs you.”

I removed my Mules, placing them near Cynthia's pile. I knelt in front of my goddess, hands resting on her quads. They looked so firm but felt so soft to my touch. Leaning forward as Cyn sifted her fingers through my hair, I began kissing the inside of her right thigh.

Cynthia spoke, “I've wanted this since I first met you, Kath. I've gone way too long without someone as wonderful as you.”

With her praise, I began to move higher, licking, kissing, and holding my cheek against her thigh, enjoying the feeling against my skin. Her fingers gently worked through my hair, repeating their soft stroking as I inched closer.

I felt her legs spread further apart, allowing me greater access. Soon she began pressing my face into her. Not hard, just anxious for me to slip my tongue inside her. I was anxious, too. I loved her musk in my nostrils. Different than my two young lovers.

Cynthia continued in her praise as I covered her labia with my tongue. One long slow painting of it upwards sent shivers through Cyn's body as she gasped. Tracing those swollen lips, I teased her briefly before parting them with the tip.

My face pressed into her as she sat back on her elbows. My hands found their way under her legs, my hands caressing her taunt abs as I continued. I could feel her warm goodness on my cheeks as I pressed harder into her. My tongue curled upwards under her hood, encountering her clit, stiff and ready to be played with.

Cyn said something which I didn't hear due to my concentration. Her hand pressed me harder despite being already buried in her. My tongue moved faster and faster since I could hear Cyn's instructions now that she was almost yelling. I smiled, thanking Cassidy for that first kiss at the auction.

My lovemaking to Cynthia's clit lasted longer than I thought. Not that I minded, I love eating pussy. Cynthia's was the most delicious of all the women I'd been with to that point.

When she was ready, she pushed my hand away from her abs.

I took that to mean she wanted my fingers, also. So, under her leg and up to my mouth, my right hand went. Easing in one finger while I played, I soon heard my new lover exclaim a loud and grateful 'YES!'

Soon one digit was joined by another, then a thumb massaging Cyn's rosebud as I kept up the pace. I felt like the energizer bunny going, going, going. Cyn's thrashing became more frequent, along with her encouragement.

I guess I'd been there for a good while when she clamped down on my head with those fantastic thighs. My tongue slowed but didn't stop as she gripped the bed with both hands, grunted a few times, then released me. My cheeks glistened, and I could taste Cynthia on my lips as I backed out, resting on my heels. My hands were on her thighs as I watched her cavort in bliss, enjoying how her muscles twitched.

When she calmed down, she looked at me, "Come here, sweetheart. That was just, wow!"

We embraced, hugging and kissing as she thanked me. We lay there for a bit until she excused herself, moving to the nightstand to retrieve the box.

I wiped her juices from my cheeks as she opened it, "I think this is something you've needed for quite some time, sweetheart.”

From within the box, she pulled out a strap-on belt. Following that was a nine-inch black penis, perfect in every detail. My jaw dropped looking at it. Yes, it had been a long time since I'd had anything like that. I was more than ready for Cynthia to use it on me, and I told her so.

Cynthia smiled, “How would you like it?”

I replied, blushing a bit, “Slow at first. In whatever position you'll last the longest, Cyn.”

She laughed, "It's been a while for me too. Let's start with you on your knees and me behind you on the bed. We can always change things up if that's not working. I want you to be as satisfied as I am, if not more so."

I purred, “I'm sure I will be.”

I took my position on the bed as Cynthia lubed the pseudo-penis. I'd watched Michael masturbate once or twice during our marriage, and Cynthia's actions were the same as Michael's, except slower. It was interesting watching her. A fit blonde female with magnificent boobs sporting a huge black penis between her legs. It was another contrasting and exciting image for me.

Cynthia took her time, smiling at me as our eyes made contact. I think she wanted to be sure she didn't hurt me. I was moist already, but that thing was bigger than anything I'd experienced before. So, after it was all lubed up, Cynthia joined me on the bed.

With my ass in the air, my new lover slipped between my legs. She teased me for a few minutes holding the penis in one hand as she moved the tip back and forth against my perineum. Her other hand was on my lower back, massaging me as I became more aroused. Her words also helped get me where I needed to be.

Cynthia leaned over me, whispering, "You like this, sweetheart?"

I nodded, whispering back, “I do, Cyn. Very much.”

Continuing her back-and-forth and up-down movements, "I knew you would; I think we've embarked on a long and yummy relationship, lover."

I purred, arching my head back and enjoying how I was feeling, "I hope so, Cyn."

“You're getting close, but I want to taste you first.”

With that, she backed off, laying down on the bed. Face up told me to lower myself on her face. I couldn't say no to that, so I gently lowered myself as she guided me.

Her hands were on my sides as she got to work on me. I rocked back and forth over her, hovering over her. I was happy with that, and she has the most amazing tongue. I slowed down, letting her savor my juices. Feeling her expert tongue in me reminded me of my times with Jillian and Cassidy.

After a few more minutes, when I was lost in bliss, Cynthia told me to get back on my knees. We did some fumbling as we got back into position. I was ready for whatever she wanted to give me.

With my ass high in the air, Cynthia gently eased the head of 'Pete,' as she called it, into my vagina. Holding it in one hand, she teased me by inserting it a little at a time, repeating that while slowly increasing its depth. I grimaced initially, then, as things progressed, welcomed it more than I thought I would. We kept whispering back and forth, with Cynthia asking me how it was and me replying.

I'm glad we went slow. It felt different than Michael in more ways than one. We never did this position and never talked during sex like Cynthia, and I were doing. With my face planted on the bed, I began moaning while trying to answer Cyn's questions about how it was feeling. I think she stopped asking when she realized how much I loved it. That's when she gripped my hips and got into a rhythm. I matched her thrusts as she continued with her sweet talking and an occasional slap on my ass. Varying her rhythm, along with the angle, felt amazing.

Somewhere in my mind, I kept waiting for her to cum, and it would all be over. That never happened. Cynthia kept pumping away as I moaned, winced, and enjoyed one of the best climaxes I'd ever had.

With my forehead on the bed, palms flat, I finally came. Oh my Gawd, I was almost to tears when my climax peaked. I said a few f-bombs praising Cynthia, who had slowed down as my body rocked. When she finally removed Pete, I gasped. It felt good inside me, something I had missed for a long time.

I rolled onto the bed, managing not to smack Cyn in doing so with my feet and legs. She was still on her knees, smiling at me, her hand massaging Pete as I looked up at her. She seemed to enjoy stroking it, and I have no idea why.

I beckoned her to join me, opening my arms wide. She smiled as she loosened Pete, who wound up at the foot of the bed. Cynthia joined me, my arms clamped around her, hands squeezing her butt cheeks as we kissed.

We made out lying there for a very long time. Her body felt beautiful against mine, her legs intertwined with mine.

We talked, kissed, and eventually slipped into a nap together. When we woke, Cynthia escorted me to the master bath for a long, soapy, delicious shower.

We were intimate once more, taking turns going down on each other. Afterward, we talked more about how we could get together regularly. It couldn't be at her house, which I was okay with. My house was perfect for intimate liaisons. Perhaps sometime down the road, I'd invite others to join us. But, for now, Cynthia and I would explore together.

It's been an interesting two years since this all began. Full of joy, heartbreak, and many changes. Some might say I've become a slut, but I think I'm making up for lost time as far as my sexual adventures go. I miss Michael, and maybe someday I'll find another man I care about. For now, I'm happy with five different ladies who occasionally join me in bed.

Well, not all five simultaneously, at least not yet.

Written by _O2_
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