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Running With Ruby

"An unexpected running partner and a surprise adventure."

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Amy pulls into the hotel driveway. Distracted by the view of the lake, she almost runs down the bellhop. Slamming on the brakes, her face flushes red in embarrassment. "Holy shit, what a way to start a relaxing getaway," she mutters sarcastically.

Pulling to a stop, she gets out and hands the valet the keys. She reaches into the back seat to retrieve her small travel bag and work backpack. Everything she needs is in these two bags.

Walking into the lobby, she spies the self-check-in kiosk. Wanting to avoid all contact with people, she walks over, swipes her credit card, and quickly completes the displayed form. A key card drops into the slot at the bottom of the machine, and she is on her way to the bank of elevators. After the crowds of Las Vegas and the constant requirement to 'be on,' she just wants to collapse into a comfortable chair and read.

The key card opens the door to the junior suite, revealing her room for the next few days. Surveying the space, she realizes she made exactly the correct decision on the room. The vast balcony overlooks the hotel pool, lake, and mountains. The sun is warm as she opens the sliding door. The fresh mountain air greets her as she stops to soak the sensations.

Reluctant to leave the comforting scene, she backs into the room to throw her bags on the bed. Unpacking quickly, she spies her running kit amidst the confusion and decides that a long run should work out the kinks from the drive from Vegas.

She kicks her boots into the corner and removes her socks and jeans. Pulling her sweatshirt over her head, Amy glimpses her shoulders, arms, and the side of her breasts highlighted in the mirror. She can still feel the glow from her encounter in the sauna the previous evening. She realizes she is still worked up by the situation. She throws her sweatshirt on the bed, pushes her jeans down over her hips, and wiggles her butt suggestively in the mirror.

"You are a little slut aren't you," she teases herself with a smile.

As she bends to pull off her jeans, she looks back at her ass and remembers Tina's tongue exploring there. A flush spreads quickly across her chest. She looks away, focusing on her running kit and the exercise ahead.

The temperature outside hovers around 50F, so she throws on her running tights and two long-sleeved shirts. A mesh running hat completes the ensemble. She never runs with music, preferring to listen to her surroundings, her breath and using the time to clear her head of any unresolved issues. She is soon down the elevator, across the parking lot, and onto the running trails. She smiles into the crisp mountain air.

The run starts to slow as she works the kicks out of her legs. The trails are incredibly well maintained so that she can look around without fear of tripping. The sun shines down in streaks through the forest canopy. Glimpses of the lake are revealed periodically when the forest thins. After thirty minutes, she stops to turn around, her belly complaining vigorously about the lack of healthy food that morning. As she stops to turn around, she sees a snow-topped mountain in the distance. She walks for a few minutes to enjoy the view.

After another forty minutes, she is back in the hotel parking lot, sweaty and out of breath. The return route took longer as it was mainly uphill. She is exhilarated.

"That was exactly what I needed," she thinks.

Walking back into the hotel, she notices several male and female employees take the time to watch her walk by. Her tights hug her ass, separating her butt cheeks nicely. She is slightly embarrassed by the looks but excited by the validation provided.

"I guess I am looking okay for an old lady," she smiles.

Spying the hotel restaurant, she walks over to make a reservation for later that evening. She figures she will sit at the bar, and the casual conversation provided by the bartender is likely the maximum social interaction she can handle right now. As she approaches the reservation desk, Amy notices the young hostess has a warm, inviting smile, not fake like the people she encountered all over Las Vegas. Despite herself, Amy finds she is smiling back as they complete the details of her reservation.

"How was the run?" the hostess asks. "I love the trails out there; I get out as much as I can."

'It was amazing, not too hilly, and few of the tree roots and rocks you find on some running trails..." she replies. "I was able to run at a fair pace without worrying about my footing."

"Did you take the path down to Pine Bay?" she inquires.

"I don't think so; I only saw water through breaks in the trees," Amy replies, disappointment obvious in her voice.

"I love the Pine Bay path. Most people can't even find it. It is hidden around a corner off the main trail," the hostess continues, "there is a small beach you can access off a little side path which is so private. You can take a quick dip in the water with no one around to watch."

"I will look for it next time," Amy replies. "Although running in wet clothes after a swim can be a bit yucky."

"Who swims in their running clothes?" the hostess replies with a mischievous grin. "How long are you staying? I plan to head out for a run before my shift in the morning. If you want to join me, I can show you the path so you know where it is next time."

"Umm, sure, that sounds like fun. I am here for a couple of days. What time do you want to meet?" Amy replies, feeling a funny flutter in her belly.

"6 am is when I usually go; is that too early? It gives me time to do a nice run, a quick swim, and then get back to recover before my shift at 9 am. Is that too early?" she repeats.

"No, that is perfect," Amy replies. "I'm Amy!" she says, extending her hand.

"And I am Ruby," replies the hostess with a warm smile. "See you later; I will be here when you come down for dinner."

"See you in a bit," Amy smiles as she turns and walks towards the elevators. "What the hell just happened?" she asks herself.

She turns to look back at Ruby as she enters the elevator. The hostess is, at most, twenty-five. She is sporting a lean body and stands a few inches shorter than Amy. Her short hair and cute face made her look like an innocent little pixie, but the conversation proved she was anything but.

Amy returns to her room, then checking her phone, she notices she has a couple of hours to kill. Throwing her sweaty clothes on the floor, she pulls on the sweatshirt from earlier and a loose pair of pajama shorts. Sitting at the desk, she opens her laptop and is soon lost in the work issues of the day. Eventually, she looks up and realizes she has only half an hour to get to her dinner reservations.

Pulling off her clothes, she jumps into the shower, finally washing the day's sweat off her body. As she stands under the hot water, thoughts of Ruby swirl around in her head.

"She is just asking for a running partner, nothing else," she tells herself.

Although as she says this, she notices that her hands are slowly soaping up her breasts and playing absently with her nipples. Shaking her head, she rinses off and exits the shower. Drying off, she pulls on a clean version of the sweatshirt she wore earlier, a tight pair of black jeans, and her go-to Converse high tops.

Applying minimal eyeliner, she grabs her phone and room key and strides down the hall to the elevators. A quick shake of her head encourages her damp curls to fall over her shoulders.

The elevator delivers her to the lobby, where she heads straight to the restaurant. She sees Ruby talking to a couple at the reception desk and feels the same flutter in her belly as earlier. Her nipples harden, the feeling produced by brushing against her shirt's rough fabric becoming increasingly distracting. Waiting for her turn to get seated, she notes Ruby's casual friendliness with all the guests. She jealously wonders if Ruby is constantly flirting with the hotel guests and then admonishes herself, admitting that flirting is part of the job.

"Get a hold of yourself, girl," she mutters.

She finally gets to the front of the line. Amy notices that Ruby has opened one more button on her work shirt, revealing more delicious cleavage than earlier. Amy reassesses Ruby's body shape; she is lean but sporting impressive breasts. Amy smiles broadly as Ruby looks up.

"Hi there, I'm back," she exclaims like a frigging schoolgirl.

Ruby's smile could have lit up the Vegas strip.

"I have you in a corner booth instead of at the bar," she proclaims. "I know you wanted a bit of privacy, so I tucked you away in the corner. You will not have to deal with anyone staring at the pretty lady eating by herself; except me."

"Thank you so much; that will be great," Amy replies. "As long as it isn't too much trouble."

"No problems at all," Ruby reassures her. "Come with me."

Ruby grabs a menu and leads Amy over to a corner booth. Ruby's hips are swaying suggestively, at least in Amy's view. Ruby stands out of the way as they approach the booth, allowing Amy to walk past. Amy can feel Ruby's full breasts brush against her arm. She looks over, and Ruby stares directly into her eyes.

"Have a great meal; if you need anything, just wave, and I will come right over," Ruby remarks as she sets down the menu. Looking up, Amy sees Ruby bending over to place the menu before her, encouraging a glance down her blouse. Amy catches sight of nicely tanned cleavage with stark white tan lines. It might be her imagination, but Amy thinks she spots the edge of a small pink nipple. Meeting Ruby's eyes once more, Amy can tell that Ruby knows she is starting down her top. "Anything you need," Ruby repeats with a smile and walks off.

The meal is perfect, t-bone steak, cooked perfectly, with seasonal vegetables on the side. A fantastic glass of red wine, followed by a second, and Amy feels the past week's stress finally leaving her body. Occasionally she sees Ruby flitting about the restaurant, like the hummingbird that is her namesake. Amy is desperate for Ruby to look over. Like a teenager, she feels an electric jolt when she catches Ruby looking her way.

Amy has been having a conversation with herself the entire dinner. In the past, she has never found herself attracted to women in any way but platonic. After meeting Sue in Vegas months ago, she admits she has noticed them more frequently and sexually. The idea of being with a woman exclusively does not appeal, but she is intrigued by the potential of exploring that aspect of her sexuality. She wonders if she missed a chance with Sue those many months ago. She acknowledges that night they had together was special, and it might have been ruined if one of them had tried to push it in a physical direction.

She needs to talk to someone but doesn't know who to confide in. Mylene would understand, of course, but she wonders if Mylene's sexual leanings would skew her opinions.

She feels she needs to chat with someone closer to her own situation. Her thoughts turned to Syd. She understands Syd is in a tenuous position, her marriage on the verge of breakup. Syd is quite open about sex, which might be compensation for her husband's lack of interest. Syd had confided recently that they had not been intimate for a couple of months and that she suspects it was the end of the line for them. Amy makes a note to grab a coffee with Syd on her return to try to share her feelings.

Looking back at Ruby moving around the entrance to the restaurant, she wonders if she is reading too much into the situation. She resolves to go with the flow and see where things end up, if anywhere, during tomorrow's run.

Waving the server over, she signs the bill, noting her room number and adding a generous tip. She hopes Ruby gets some of it, as the service was terrific.

As she leaves the restaurant, she catches Ruby's eye one final time.

"Meet outside the front doors at 6 am," Ruby exclaims. "No sleeping in!"

With a big smile, Amy waves, nods yes, and walks back to the elevators.

Back in her room, Amy strips down and climbs under the covers. She is a little worked up but also confused and exhausted. She closes her eyes and has visions of Ruby sliding between her legs, tongue tracing a line across her fit belly.

Forcing her eyes open, she sits up against the headboard. Simply rubbing herself to orgasm seemed lacklustre compared to the visions flowing through her head. She needs a distraction, so she turns on Netflix and is soon watching a mindless movie.

Amy wakes with a start, crumpled in a ball on her bed, blanket half on, her butt sticking obscenely out into the room. She looks around, confused; the first night in a hotel is always disorienting. Focusing on the clock radio, she determines it is only 4 am; she has been asleep for only six hours. Surprisingly she feels incredibly refreshed.

She grabs her phone and sets the alarm for 5:30 am to be sure she wakes up in time to grab a coffee before heading down for her run with Ruby. Laying back down on the bed, pulling the covers across her, she tucks her phone under her pillow and falls back into a deep sleep.

The soft melody of her alarm stirs Amy. She feels even better now than at 4 am and quickly rouses herself out of bed to get ready to run. Jumping in the shower, she rinses the sleep off her body. Her thoughts are purposefully on her run, avoiding thoughts about her running partner.

Pulling on the same tights as the day before, she drags a running bra over her head, followed by a long sleeve Lulu shirt. She checks the weather; it is already warmer than the day before. Leaving her shoes untied, she stuffs her room key in her pocket and is off to the elevators. Some light stretches on the way down, and she feels limber and ready to go. Glancing around the hotel lobby, she realizes how early it is. The restaurant is closed, and only two people hang around the coffee shop.

She walks to the front of the hotel and steps through the front door. As she turns to ensure no one is caught in the door behind her, she spies Ruby stretching against a wall across the parking lot. Ruby is wearing black running tights and a similar top to Amy's but in a bright yellow. Ruby is also wearing a black headband. Amy ambles over as Ruby continues to stretch. Ruby seems incredibly flexible and likely has zero issues pulling muscles while she runs.

Amy bends down to tie her shoes as Ruby waves to her upside down between her legs in the middle of a stretch. Amy laughs and glances from Ruby's shoes up her long legs to her incredibly shapely butt. As she stands, Amy marvels at Ruby's breasts. They are firm and large, contrasting dramatically with her lean body.

"You ready?" Ruby asks. "No point in waiting."

"Let's go," replies Amy.

Off they go, following, for the most part, the same path Amy followed the day before. The miles rush by underfoot, rolling hills and smooth trails. Ruby is a great runner, and they pace each other easily. They chat about running, races, and locations. Amy tells Ruby about triathlons, in which Ruby expresses a sincere interest. Ruby concedes she is a decent swimmer but doesn't really enjoy biking.

Eventually, they reach the trail junction where Amy had previously turned to go back to the hotel. Ruby takes them in the opposite direction. "Don't worry, this only adds half a mile to the route," she explains.

The path leads them closer to the lake than Amy had run yesterday. The running remains easy as the side path is well maintained. Approaching what looks like a turnaround point, Ruby suddenly veers to the left. Pushing a low branch aside, she ducks into a barely visible tunnel in the foliage. Ruby reaches down and pauses her watch; Amy does the same.

The increasing sounds of small waves alert Amy that they are approaching the water's edge. Brushing past one more bush, they stop on a short stretch of very secluded beach. Amy looks out onto the lake and realizes no buildings are visible. The bay narrows at its entrance, so they would likely miss the beach even if someone boated by.

"Total isolation in the middle of a busy tourist area. Amazing." Amy marvels.

"What do you think?" questions Ruby.

"It is wonderful," Amy responds as she looks around.

Amy gazes at the pristine nature surrounding her when she hears a giggle behind her.

"Let's go, chickie, let's see how good a swimmer ol'miss triathlete is," Ruby yells as she sprints by Amy, totally naked.

"What the hell? How did you take your clothes off so fast?" she yells at Ruby's retreating figure.

Amy is mesmerized by Ruby's body, watching as she sprints by and dives into the water. Strong strokes propel her out into the middle of the small bay. Amy looks around, still curious if they are truly alone.

"Fuck it, I am on vacation," she thinks as she peels off her shirt.

Her bra follows, exposing her breasts to the cool air. Her nipples harden instantly. She toes off her shoes and then peels her tights down her legs. She walks to the water, conscious that Ruby has stopped swimming and is observing her. The water is cool but not unbearable. She walks a few steps, tests the temperature, and then dives into the water. A few quick strokes, and she joins Ruby in the middle of the bay.

"Hey there, sexy lady," exclaims Ruby, making Amy blush. "I thought you had a nice shape, but I wasn't sure until you let everything hang loose."

"Hang and loose are not words you should use with an older lady," Amy admonishes her with a smile.

"Ha ha, true, and to be fair, nothing is hanging loose on you; your body is fucking incredible," Ruby continues. Ruby looks over. "Follow me," she says and then sets off across the bay.

Thirty seconds later, she pulls herself up on a rock on the other side of the bay. Still in the water, Amy looks up and marvels at Ruby's shapely ass. She feels a familiar tingle return to her belly.

She pulls herself up to sit beside Ruby on the flat rock. Ruby has her knees pulled up to her chest. Amy can only see hints of white skin through the tangle of arms and legs. She is hugging herself to stay warm while glancing over surreptitiously, trying the catch a glimpse of Ruby's body. Feeling heat under her butt, she turns and stretches face down on the hot stone to absorb warmth like a snake in the desert.

After a few minutes, she feels a bead of sweat growing on her toned back. One bead of sweat becomes another and another. Before long, she feels the beads pooling in the small of her back.

A few more minutes and she notices the feeling of sweat sliding down her back has changed slightly. She can now feel Ruby slowly tracing the outlines of her shoulder blades. Fingers barely touch her skin, evoking a strong electric connection; the feeling is intense.

Tracing each ridge of her skin and the outline of each muscle, Ruby's fingers continue their winding path down Amy's back. Amy feels a sudden surge of heat and wetness. She can feel the heat building as Ruby's fingers trace around her back, moving from shoulder to neck, slowly spiralling down her spine to her lower back, hips, and firm butt.

She arches her back slightly, subtly encouraging exploration. She doesn't know how to acknowledge what Ruby is doing properly but figures a subtle indication of agreement might be warranted. She starts to shiver despite the warmth from the rock. She feels a gentle kiss on her back and a hot tongue following the beads of sweat. Her back subconsciously arches even more, reaching for Ruby's tongue.

The light kisses continue, moving around her back, down to her butt. The flutters in her belly swell. Amy begins to bend her legs under her to give Ruby more access when the contact stops.

"Let's go back to your room," Ruby suggests as she jumps up and dives into the water.

Amy is distraught. She feels like she is in a fairy tale, left on a hot rock in the middle of a lake in a strange forest by a young nymphette in running tights and horny as hell.

She slowly regains her composure. Diving into the water, string strokes allow her to catch Ruby before she reaches the beach. As they drag themselves out of the water, Ruby grins, obviously proud of herself. Amy stands defiantly before her, watching Ruby squirm into her running gear. Ruby's breasts are fabulous, full, heavy, and well-tanned, with delicious tan lines across the edge of her dark, pink nipple. Ruby sees her watching and laughs gently.

"You like what you see?" she asks.

"Definitely!" Amy replies.

Amy watches Ruby finish dressing before she tries to dress herself. Pulling lycra over a wet body is always a challenge; being as distracted as Amy is, doubles the challenge. Ruby helps by tugging material as necessary. Finally, tying her shoes, she joins Ruby at the edge of the clearing.

Ruby slides gracefully through the trees back to the trail, turning around just before the last tree. Pulling Amy's face down to hers, she kisses Amy full on the lips. Amy has never kissed another woman in that way. The feeling leaves her wondering why she has waited so long.

Giggling, Ruby reaches up and pinches one of Amy's nipples before turning and running down the path. Amy laughs and follows quickly, catching Ruby. She slowly covers the last couple of yards to closure so she can watch Ruby's ass move in her tights.

"I am turning into a slutty old woman," she mumbles.

Ruby turns to yell over her shoulder, "First one back gets to be on the bottom."

Amy's brow furrows, trying desperately to absorb the challenge.

"Bottom of what?" she wonders. "Shit, wait, do I want to be on the bottom?"

Would it be better on the bottom? Regardless, Amy's competitive nature takes over as she sprints to catch Ruby. Amy knows it is only 500 yards back to the hotel. She has to move her ass. She can see Ruby rounding the last corner, so she surges forward. She catches Ruby just as they enter the parking lot, slowing to a walk as they approach the hotel.

"Nice job, sexy," whispers Ruby as she walks by. "I am not supposed to hang out with guests, so let us walk in separately. I will come up to your room in the employee elevator. Give me five minutes."

Amy turns, smiles, and nods as she walks into the hotel and over to the bank of elevators. Turning back, she returns to the coffee shop and orders two lattes which she charges to her room. Amy has yet to learn what Ruby drinks, but drip coffee is in the room, giving them alternatives.

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Up the elevator and into her room, she leaves one coffee on the desk and takes the other to the balcony to enjoy the morning breeze. Standing in the fresh breeze distracts her from thinking about the young lady coming to her room in the next few minutes. Feeling bound up, Amy pulls off her shirt and running bra, throwing them in the corner. Pulling on her loose pajama top, she walks back onto the balcony to let the cool breeze play over her face and under her shirt, cooling her sweaty skin.

Two minutes later, she hears a soft knock at the door. "Quick, let me in before someone sees me," she hears from the other side.

Running to the door, she quickly opens it as Ruby scrambles in. She is still in running attire but now carries a small bag, obviously, her outfit for the day.

"I just called in sick for the morning, so we can hang out until noon if you want!" Ruby says with a smile.

Amy stares and smiles, "Do you want a coffee? I have a regular or a latte."

"Excellent," replies Ruby. "A latte would be perfect."

Seeing that Amy has traded in her running gear for a loose shirt Ruby pulls open her bag and extracts a long sleeve dress shirt.

"Here, let me get you something so you don't sweat in your work clothes," Amy suggests as she opens her bag. Grabbing a button-up pajama top, she throws it at Ruby.

Ruby holds the shirt to her face. "It smells like you," she says with a smile.

Ruby then removes her running shirt and pulls her bra over her head. Amy can only stare.

"Those breasts are simply fantastic," she mutters under her breath.

"Pardon me?" responds Ruby.

"Nothing, nothing, don't let me distract you."

Ruby pulls the silk pajama top over her arms but leaves the buttons undone. She walks over to the balcony to look out over the lake. While she sips her coffee and takes in the view, Ruby casually slips out of her running tights. Her round bottom just peaks out from below the hem of the shirt. As she stands on her toes to view something closer to the hotel, the shirt pulls up, revealing her entire firm round ass. Amy draws in a sharp breath.

"Nice room you have here," Ruby remarks.

"Ya, it is nice but not as nice as the person standing in it," she replies.

Ruby turns around to look at Amy. Leaning back onto the railing, the shirt slips open to expose one of Ruby's breasts. Ruby's smooth belly is visible, her skin bare and smooth down past her waist to the top of her fit legs. Amy is mesmerized. She sits on the bed, lost in her thoughts. Ruby grins at her like a fool.

"You have never done this, have you?" Ruby questions.

"No, not really," admits Amy sheepishly.

She looks down at the ground for a second, unsure what to say or do. When she finally looks up, Ruby walks back into the room and places her coffee on the desk. She is now standing barely six feet away. The sun is at her back, creating a halo around her body.

"It's okay, I will be gentle," Ruby assures her as she walks over.

She pulls Amy's head slowly into one of her breasts. Amy opens her mouth and begins to lick lightly around Ruby's nipple. Amy places her hands gently on Ruby's smooth hips as Ruby runs her fingers through Amy's hair. Then massaging her scalp while directing her mouth, Amy alternates between licking, sucking, and biting. She can feel Ruby's nipple harden between her lips as she plays. Licking the deep furrow between Ruby's breasts, Amy can taste the sweat from the run. Her senses are filled with the smell and the taste of Ruby. She wonders what other sensory pleasures are in store for her.

"Let's grab a quick shower," Ruby says, pulling Amy's head up and kissing her. Her tongue probes Amy's mouth tentatively, licking her lips and teasing her tongue. She is gentle and soft, unlike any man Amy has ever been with. Ruby's thumbs lightly stroke Amy's cheeks and ears as her tongue probes Amy's mouth. Amy feels like she could stay here forever. Their mouths part as Amy as she stands up. Her eyes are closed, desperately waiting for Ruby's mouth to reconnect. She feels a hot breath in her ear as Ruby's tongue traces her earlobe.

"Come with me, baby," Ruby purrs. Ruby tugs Amy's shirt over her head, stopping to hold Amy's arms overhead, bound by the material of the shirt. Amy's breasts are stretched up, her firm shoulders and arms accentuated. "Fuck you are gorgeous," Ruby remarks. "I want to taste every inch of you."

Amy's knees almost buckle under her. Ruby throws the shirt on the floor and kneels in front of Amy. Grabbing the waist of her tights, she slowly rolls them down across Amy's firm thighs. Amy can feel Ruby's breath at the apex of her legs, her hips pushing forward, seeking contact. If Ruby notices, she says nothing as she rolls the tights down Amy's legs and off her feet.

Ruby stands and pulls their bodies back together. Hot skin in contact finally, a quick peck on Amy's lips, and she dashes off to the bathroom. Amy sits back on the bed, knees again betraying her. Taking a deep breath, she stands and walks, on quivering legs, to join Ruby.

Amy sees Ruby standing under the hot shower. Steam has already filled the stall, but she is still visible in all her glory, water cascading over her curves. Amy watches for a few seconds before entering the stall to join her. Ruby turns around to allow the water to wash over the front of her body, allowing Amy to approach from the back. Playing lightly with Ruby's shoulders and neck, she hears a low moan. Amy reaches over for the soap. Lathering up her hands, she starts to wash Ruby's back. Amy's belly is churning. She moves the soap around Ruby's back, neck, and waist. Ruby is fit but less firm than Amy. It is a soft firmness; Amy luxuriates in the feel of the curves under her hands.

Ruby's moans are continuous now, light but encouraging, "That is amazing, right there, harder, your hands feel perfect; please don't stop."

Ruby arches her back and leans into Amy's chest. Amy finds her hands in front of Ruby, wrapping around her thin waist. She soaps Ruby's arms and belly, moving up to feel the underside of her heavy breasts. She is being so cautious, unsure of how to proceed.

"It's okay. Please touch them; I want you to touch them," Ruby whispers, twisting her head back to kiss Amy's neck.

Amy moves her soapy hands up to cup Ruby's breasts. She marvels at how heavy they are. Squeezing them, she runs her thumbs over Ruby's nipples, eliciting more moans. Bringing her hands up to Ruby's neck, she slides her hands down her chest, thumbs tracing her cleavage, her fingers pinching as they glide over her nipples.

Getting more daring, Amy runs her hands down Ruby's belly, squeezing gently as they move between her legs. Ruby moves her feet apart with little steps, giving Amy better access. Amy wants to touch Ruby everywhere, slowly running her hands up and down her toned body.

Kissing her neck, she whispers in Ruby's ear, "You are perfect, amazing, beautiful. I love how you feel in my hands; I want to taste every part of you."

She feels Ruby melt into her arms as Amy's hands roam over her soft skin.

Turning to face her, Ruby looks into her eyes. "Let me wash you now," she whispers as she turns Amy around.

Ruby repeats the same motions on Amy's back, front, breasts, and legs. Amy wants Ruby's hands everywhere at once. Turning her around, Ruby pulls Amy under the shower to rinse her clean. Ruby is nestled into her arms, staring up at her with a passion Amy has never seen before in anyone.

"Take me to bed," Ruby whispers. "Make me yours; my body belongs to you, do anything you want to it to me." Amy feels a surge of delight deep in her core. Amy has never been one to take control in the bedroom, although her competitive nature makes being in control a natural feeling. She realizes she wants to take control of the situation, give Ruby pleasure, and make her squeal delightfully. Ruby is soft in her arms as Amy turns off the shower. Ruby is pliant, clinging to her, waiting for her to take the lead. Amy grabs a towel off the rack to dry Ruby completely. As she reaches to dry the inside of her legs, Ruby giggles. "I don't think you will be able to dry that area very well. I am so excited; you are so beautiful. I will do anything you want," Ruby repeats.

Ruby runs a finger lightly between her legs and lifts it to Amy's lips. Tracing her wet finger around Amy's lips and over her tongue as Amy opens her mouth. Ruby stands on her toes and kisses Amy again. The taste of her sex on their lips is intoxicating.

Amy quickly dries herself off. Grabbing Ruby's hand, she leads her back to the bed. Amy pulls the covers back and sits Ruby on the sheets. Amy looks out at the sun streaming in from the balcony, the light breeze cooling the room, and then down at Ruby. She scoots onto the bed and lays back on the pillows.

"This is incredible," Ruby says. "The bed smells like you, a little bit of sex and sweat; I could live here."

Amy crawls up on the bed beside Ruby. Sliding one hand under her neck, she leans in to kiss her again. Her other hand roams Ruby's body, touching, squeezing, and stroking. Ruby's nipples have hardened even further under her touch. Amy leans her head down and takes one in her mouth. Ruby's back arches immediately to increase the pressure. Ruby's legs have spread to give Amy access to her hot, wet folds. Amy moves her mouth to the other nipple, sucking it gently. Her fingers are stroking up one leg and down the other, exploring the smooth skin, avoiding the most sensitive areas.

Amy is driving Ruby crazy. Ruby's hips are grinding slowly, seeking more stimulation. Her breath is hot on Amy's neck, and her hands lightly stroke Amy's hips and legs. Amy leans back to guide Ruby's head to her breast. Ruby begins sucking and licking her hard nipple, filling Amy's body with rippling electric currents. Ruby pulls her knees back, desperately opening herself to Amy's teasing fingers.

"Oh god, please touch me. Fuck, I want you inside me," Ruby begs.

Ruby's pleas fill Amy with a sense of control and excitement. She wants to hear and feel Ruby's orgasm. She wants to be the one to give her that orgasm. She wants her to beg for it. Her own excitement leaks continuously from her onto the sheets. Rubbing her thighs together, she can tell her clit is swollen and sensitive.

Amy leans down again to kiss Ruby. After several moments, she pulls Ruby's head back, remarking, "I seem to remember something about getting to be on the bottom."

Ruby giggles, "Yes, you did pass me right at the end. Your wish is my command."

With that, Ruby sits up and pushes Amy back on her back.

"Is this what you want me to do? Tell me exactly how you want it."

Amy sighs deeply, watching the young beauty hovering over her—hard nipples topping unbelievable breasts.

"Come over here," Amy commands, pulling Ruby to squat over her face. Looking up, she can see every wet fold. Looking down, she can see Ruby's heavy breasts hanging, swaying, brushing against her belly and thighs. Amy pulls her knees back, encouraging Ruby to explore. Ruby shuffles around, hands under Amy's hips, shoulders pinning her legs back. Amy can not believe she is in this position, so totally exposed to Ruby. "Lick me, baby, lick me nice and slow," Amy whispers. "I will try to make you come; tell me when you are close so we can come together."

Amy reaches up to pull Ruby closer to her mouth. Reaching her tongue out tentatively, the nervous first touches quickly give way to more confident attention. Ruby's hips guide her, subtly directing her tongue to areas that require attention. Her movements give away her increasing arousal, moving in time with Amy's tongue. Licking, sucking, and probing, Amy's tongue is everywhere. She occasionally sucks hard on Ruby's clit eliciting tiny squeals of delight. Her hands move continually between holding Ruby's firm ass to playing with Ruby's breasts and nipples. Amy luxuriates in Ruby's tongue, exploring between her spread thighs. She can feel her orgasm building and hopes she is doing the same to Ruby.

Amy feels Ruby's tongue delve down to explore her ass. The feeling is exquisite. Amy's hips revolve up to meet her tongue. Amy's head is filled with the sensation as she reaches her tongue up to Ruby's tight little hole to replicate the gesture. Swirling around the edges before probing inside, she hears Ruby's gasps.

"Oh my god, that's the spot, keep that up, and I will come for sure," Ruby moans. Amy needs no urging. Ruby's tongue on her swollen clit increases its pressure. She keeps probing at Ruby's tight hole, licking, kissing, and biting. Ruby's breathing is becoming ragged. Amy can feel Ruby's ass start to clench around her tongue. "Holy fuck, I am going to come; my ass is going to come on your tongue," moans Ruby.

"Wait for me!" Amy pleads, raising her hips to meet Ruby's frantic mouth. Both women bear down, tongues frantic, fingers sliding rapidly over wet swollen flesh. "Yes, yes, oh god, yes. Come now, come with me," Amy yells as her orgasm peaks.

Ruby grinds down hard on Amy's tongue. Amy can feel Ruby's ass clench and unclench repeatedly. Ruby's wetness is everywhere, leaking down Amy's chin and neck. Amy focuses on Ruby's sensitive ass as Ruby grinds through her orgasm. Gasp after gasp, Amy can feel Ruby's hot breath on her thighs.

Finally, Ruby slows down, raising her head from Amy's legs and rolling off her to collapse back on the bed. Amy is glowing with bliss and more than a bit of pride. She was curious if she could finish Ruby off, being as inexperienced as she was. Ruby's chest is flushed, and her breath still comes in gasps.

"That was incredible; you are so amazing," Ruby says in a sultry voice. "You are so beautiful; your body is fantastic."

Amy blushes from the praise. Propping herself up on one elbow, she surveys Ruby's fit young body. Amy feels a renewed swell in her belly, surprising herself. She desperately wants to taste Ruby again.

Running her hand across Ruby's leg, she whispers, "I think I need to try it on top as well to figure out which I like best."

Ruby's eyes open slowly, a smile creeping across her face.

"Of course, lover, come here."

Amy rolls over to straddle Ruby's face. Sitting up to let Ruby explore, playing softly with her breasts, Ruby's tongue slides across sensitive skin. She bites swollen folds. She probes deep into the wet darkness. Amy's hips move in a slow dance over Ruby's face, eyes shut, soft moans and gasps the only sound in the room. Amy feels the flutters in her belly increase in frequency until they blend into rippling waves. Finally, another orgasm races through her body.

"Yes, oh yes, oh my god, baby, that is so good, fuck," Amy moans.

Ruby never stops her ministrations. Amy lowers her head between Ruby's legs to taste her again. Amy feels more comfortable this time, more in tune with the other woman's body. Their soft licking quickly becomes frantic as they pace each other to another explosion.

Amy laughs, rolling over onto her back. "I need some water so I don't become dehydrated. Do you want some?"

Amy jumps from the bed and grabs a bottle of water from the small fridge. Ruby steps from the bed, grabs her cold coffee from the desk, and walks onto the balcony.

"I'm good," Ruby says over her shoulder.

Amy sits on the edge of the bed, watching Ruby's calm confidence as she leans, totally naked, over the balcony's edge. Amy can only stare, amazed at this simple beauty and the pleasure she has brought into her life. Amy knows it is not a relationship, just a one-afternoon stand, but she has forgotten about everything else going on in her life for a couple of hours, and that is really what a vacation was about, wasn't it?

Amy's mind spins wildly as she watches Ruby leaning over the edge. She gets up quietly from the bed and walks over behind Ruby. Lightly stroking her lower back, she hears Ruby sigh softly. The simple sound is enough to give Amy a slight shiver. She slowly moves her hands to Ruby's hips, kneading the strong muscles. She gets down on her knees and pulls Ruby's hips towards her. Running her tongue down Ruby's back and across her muscular butt, she dips her tongue into the dark crevice. Ruby moans and pushes back against her.

Amy pulls Ruby's cheeks apart, sliding her tongue back to the rear entrance that gripped her tongue earlier. Licking and biting the soft skin around the edges, she hears Ruby's moans get louder. Amy feels a hand at the back of her head, guiding it forward.

Five mins later and Ruby is moaning through her orgasm, "Yes, oh my god, yes, yes, make me come. Eat my ass, baby, fuck yes."

Amy can feel the tremors in Ruby's legs as she holds her tight against her tongue. Ruby bends full over, pressing as much as she can into Amy's mouth and rubbing in circles before collapsing awkwardly into Amy's arm. Laughing, Amy pulls her up onto the lounger and holds her close as the shivers continue to move through her body. Amy reaches over and grabs a towel to cover them both up and allows Ruby to nestle into her arms. Amy's face is in her hair, her hand holding her close while lightly stroking her shoulders.

Amy wants to stay here forever, holding her sweet little treasure in her arms. She looks over at the clock and realizes with disappointment that they have less than an hour before Ruby returns to work.

"Babe, you need to think about getting ready for work," Amy whispers in her ear.

Ruby whimpers a bit, "I know, I know. If I try to book off any more time, they will really give me shit."

She rolls over to get up on her knees and kisses Amy passionately on the mouth.

"One quick thing before I leave," she says.

With a smile, she slowly lowers herself down between Amy's legs. Amy is only too willing to give Ruby access. Raising her knees, she spreads her legs wide to allow Ruby's mouth to perform more of its magic. Soon enough, she feels the familiar pressure as yet another orgasm surges from her wet depths.

"Holy fuck, right there, keep sucking," Amy demands, as Ruby quickly obeys. The spasms are even more intense than the last time. Amy can barely breathe as the orgasm wracks her body. "How is it possible to come this hard," questions Amy, as her stomach contracts for the twentieth time.

Ruby leaves Amy in an exhausted heap. Her face is wet with Amy's orgasm as she kisses her on the mouth and skips off to grab a shower.

Amy lays on the lounger listening to Ruby singing quietly in the shower. Drained, relaxed, and stress-free, she feels perfect in all ways. She hears the shower end and sees Ruby walk into the room, drying her hair with a small towel. Her breasts swing as she moves, and her butt swishes from side to side. Ruby is almost dancing.

"You look happy," Amy says with a smile.

"Of course, babe. I had the best morning ever," Ruby replies.

Amy smiles and keeps watching as Ruby arranges her clothes on the bed. Bending over to drag something out of her bag Amy is presented with a full view of her fantastic backside. Amy feels the flutters starting again.

"Holy shit, girl, get yourself in control," Amy hisses to herself.

Despite her admonishments, her hands find themselves moving down her belly. She tries to rub small circles on her swollen clit without Ruby noticing. Ruby turns, bending over to pull on her pants, her full breasts hanging down.

"Fuck you are beautiful," Amy whispers.

Ruby stands up straight, smiling ear to ear. She sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling on her shirt and slowly buttoning it.

Ruby watches the motion of Amy's hand, smiling at her unsuccessful attempts at concealment.

"Don't hide it love. Let me see," encourages Ruby. "Come for me again before I leave,"

All resistance has left Amy now; her knees are drawn up, one hand spreading herself wide as the other rubs frantically. Ruby stands and comes over, sitting between Amy's legs on the edge of the lounger.

"Come now, come for me, lover," Ruby encourages.

Amy is trying to hold it in, not wanting this special moment to end. Her eyes close in rapture and then slowly open to take in the beauty in front of her. Her fingers rub her clit frantically, and then, just before her orgasm takes her, she moves them down to probe inside. Repeating the cycle until she knows she can hold it back no longer. She looks into Ruby's soft eyes and finally lets go. With a loud moan, Amy allows her orgasm to take her. She can feel the wetness spraying from her as everything in her body contracts at once.

"Fuck babe, I didn't know you were a squirter," Ruby exclaims. "Don't stop; let it all out."

With each contraction, a small squirt erupts from her, lessening as her orgasm subsides. With a final gasp, she flops back on the chair. Ruby bends over and drags her tongue up Amy's wet belly, ending with a full kiss.

"Fucking amazing love. Just fucking spectacular."

Ruby stands up, grabs her backpack, and walks to the door. As the door closes behind her, she turns, blows a kiss, and is gone. Amy collapses back on the lounger, pulls her towel around her, and closes her eyes.

The rest of Amy's day is so regular it is almost painful. She spends most of the afternoon lying naked on the lounger in the sun. Reading a book on her iPad, she finds it hard to focus, replaying the morning repeatedly in her head. When she can concentrate on her book, she only manages a page or two before visions of the morning play through her head.

"Mylene is going to love this story," she thinks with a smile.

She finally gets up in the middle of the afternoon, stretching; she walks to the shower to try to wake up. Ordering room service, she realizes she has no desire to interact with anyone else for the time being: chicken burger, fries, and a NetFlix movie. Amy laughs, "I could do this at home much cheaper."

Written by MitziStephan
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