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Rachel And Sami Go Camping

"The Girls Have A Week Away"

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It was the beginning of the long summer break and we were off on an adventure. It had taken several weeks of persuasion, first on mom to get her on side and then on dad who was by far a greater challenge.

Sami wanted to visit the National park near where she had grown up and it seemed like the ideal opportunity for an all-girls trip. That would be Sami my stepsister and me, along with Charlene, Aimee, and Lisa.

Since the rather intimate sleepover which took place a few months ago we had become a tight group, especially for Sami and Charlie. Charlie spending an ever-increasing amount of time at our house.

Eventually, dad agreed to our camping trip with a few provisos; we all had to carry a cell phone, camping knife, and first aid kit. He even bought a satellite phone from an old army buddy that we had to take with us. Oh, and then he had to approve of the campsite, have a copy of the map and itinerary and we had to promise to call in each evening at 1900 or he would come looking for us.

Finally, we were off, we had loaded the family SUV, an aging Jeep Cherokee with all our gear and made our last round of goodbyes and promises to be on our best behavior.

It was a clear still day and promised to be a hot one, the heat was already building and it was only nine o clock. I was driving with Sami up front reading the map and the others were giggling in the back.

We had just entered the highway when a sheer pink bra landed in my lap to a chorus of cheers and giggles, “Well I only put it on for Mr. Munroe’s benefit,” giggled Aimee, “It’s far too hot for a bra.”

At that point, Sami got hit by a lacy peach bra and seconds later a sheer black mesh number landed on the dashboard.

Picking up the peach offering she inhaled the perfume of the owner and smiling widely looked back to Charlie and asked if she was wearing the matching thong, “You know I just love you in this set,” she added.

Charlie simply leaned forward slipped her hands up my sister’s tee and popped the fastening on her bra, “Oh hun it’s strapless you sexy bitch,” she all but purred as she pulled it free. Quickly her hands returned to Sami’s breasts, cupping them and teasing her nipples.

“Hey, cut it out, I’m trying to concentrate here,” I scolded the giggling pair and wriggled in my seat as I felt my pussy moisten.

“This is going to be an awesome week,” chorused the Aimee and Lisa from the back seat as they locked lips in a long deep kiss, their bare breasts mashed together.


Several hours later we arrived at the campsite, it was early afternoon and hot, very hot! I parked in the shade of a clump of trees and turned to Sami, “Well sis we’re here so now it’s time for you to show us your wilderness skills.”

“Ok, first thing is to find a flat area for the tent, and clear any rocks or roots away,” she replied as we all climbed from the truck.

“Oh, and one more thing,” she smiled as she approached me, “My poor sis is still sweating in her bra,” at which point she pulled my tee up and popped the clasp. As my breasts slipped free she dropped her head and planted a firm lingering kiss on each nipple. “That’s better!”

It took a good hour but under Sami’s direction, we soon had our tent erected with a cooking area to one side and a fire pit prepared for the night.

“Ok, let’s get changed and I’ll show everyone the lake and the quickest route to the wash block and facilities,” Sami was clearly in her element here and she was taking charge.

“And it’s best to cover your lower legs, the brush can be quite sharp,” she added.

Ten minutes later we were gathered in walking boots, knee socks, shorts, and tees. Sami led the way through the trees and we followed on, chatting and laughing as we went. It was a great feeling of fun, freedom, and friendship.

I have to say we were a hot looking group, all slim and toned in tight shorts, unfettered breasts moving freely, nipples tenting the material of our thin tees.

By the time, we reached the lake we had worked up quite a sweat and were happy to rest a while. The lake was large, several square miles bordered by pine forests on one side and grasslands on the other.

Aimee opened her pack and passed water bottles around the group, “This is beautiful, so quiet and the air is so fresh!” she exclaimed.

“You can swim in the lake it’s clean and safe but despite the heat, the water will be quite cold,” offered Sami

“Let’s dip our feet in,” suggested Lisa sitting and pulling at her boot laces.

Like excited kids, we all shed our boots and socks and quickly sat on the boat ramp, legs dangling over the edge. Before long we were swinging our legs, trying to splash water over each other. Everything was funny, everything triggered a chorus of carefree giggles.

Charlie then announced that she was going to paddle as the water was only waist high. She pulled off her shorts confirming that she did indeed have the peach thong on and slipped into the water.

Shrieking and gasping for air she hopped about shouting, “Oh fuck that’s cold!” which triggered another round of laughter.

After a few moments, Charlie had calmed down and stood there enjoying the feeling of the water on her body.

I looked at Sami, she was staring trance-like at Charlie whose tee largely transparent from the being wet had tented over her firm full breasts. Her nipples rigid nubs in the cloth while the cool water beaded on her dark skin.

“I have to join her,” Sami whispered, more thinking aloud than actively speaking. Sami then stood and stripped offer her tee, shorts, and thong. Her eyes never left Charlie who stood watching from the waist-deep water.

I sat and watched my beautiful step-sister as she stripped, she had blossomed since moving to live with us. Full D cup breasts above flat ripped abs, her sex waxed smooth revealing her moist swollen lips.

Now naked she paused to run a hand between her thighs, letting her fingers trail through her slick lips before raising both hands to cup her breasts, and then grip her swollen nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Without further ado, she stepped to the edge of the dock and dropped in. Chilly water splashed us all but our eyes never left our friends as they stepped into each other's arms and locked lips. I could see Charlie’s tongue dancing over Sami’s lips, probing for an opening.

They stood there just hugging and kissing, tongues probing each other's mouths while hands roamed around breasts, buttocks, and thighs. Charlie then dropped her hand into the crystal clear water slipping it between Sami’s parted thighs.

Sami stretched, arching her back and growled with pleasure. Charlie’s agile fingers had clearly found their mark and I could see her arm moving in the water as she vigorously finger-fucked my sister. Without thought, I popped the fastenings of my own shorts and parted my own hot wet sex.

Charlie was holding Sami against her tall lithe body, their lips still locked muffling my sister’s cries of joy as fingers fucked her into a frenzy. I was conscious of my own orgasm building as I worked my rigid clit, rubbing, slapping, pressuring and I got wetter and wetter, and closer and closer to a huge cum.

I quickly raised my eyes to see Aimee and Lisa each with their shorts open rubbing and fingering for all they were worth.

A scream split the air and Sami surrendered to the most savage orgasm I had ever seen. Her body rigid in ecstasy then pain as the pleasure became too much before she dropped back into the water.

“OH FUCK, that’s hot, so fucking hot, uuurrrgh!” Lisa hit her own high at that point, I could see her cum coating her fingers as her short fronts darkened from her release.

Charlie had now pulled herself out of the water and was sitting on the edge of the dock. Sami stepped forward and gripped her tiny peach thong pulling it down her long muscular legs.

Knowing what was coming Charlie raised her knees, resting her heels on the deck edge and opening herself to Sami’s tongue. I can never get over the contrast between Charlie’s dark brown skin and her bright pink core.

Sami just dropped her head and engulfed Charlie’s pussy. She seemed to be eating her whole, her mound, her clit, those swollen lips, everything. I could see flashes of her tongue as her head danced between her lover’s thighs, and clearly, they were lovers, this was no casual fuck.

My own orgasm hit just as Sami slipped a finger onto Charlie’s tight bud causing her to scream and buck.

Aimee screamed her pleasure as I shook and sprayed my own release. I lay back in the hot sunshine and just let the waves of pleasure wash over me, and then it was quiet.

I sat up, Aimee and Lisa were sitting holding hands and in whispered conversation. Charlie leaned against a wooden post with Sami in her arms, both still naked and apparently asleep.

I looked across at Aimee and Lisa and offered, “I love you guys, more than I can ever say.”

After drying off in the sun we made ourselves decent and walked back to the campsite.







We took a slow walk back to our tents, pausing en route to examine the bathroom block.

On arriving back at the tent we pulled out the camp chairs and settled down, each of us had a soda.

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Despite the heat of the day dusk quickly started to fall and we set about lighting the BBQ

A very satisfying meal of barbecued chicken, fresh corn on the cob and rice quickly followed, there really is nothing like cooking and eating outdoors.

Once our phone calls home were made we grabbed our washbags and headed to the shower block

The female showers were compact but very clean. It was basically an open tiled area with three shower heads spaced along one wall and another two heads on the opposite wall with opaque partitions for those of a modest disposition.

We all stripped off and stood as a group beneath the three heads. With all three heads on full, we had a wall of hot water to stand in.

I took a handful of body wash and took to rubbing Aimee down, slicking the fragrant foam all over her body. As I worked my fingers into her neck and shoulders I felt Lisa’s hands envelop my breasts and in no time we had a chain of soapy horny young women. We were very thorough no crevice went unwashed!

Donning large tees and sandals we returned to the tent and the camp chairs. As hot as the day had been there was now a chill in the air and Sami showed us how to light a fire with a steel and kindling. The art is in starting small and slowly adding bigger logs.

Lisa produced a speaker for her phone and her music, acoustic guitar added to the atmosphere, I opened a bottle of sparkling wine and passed the glasses around.

We chatted and laughed, we teased and laughed some more. It was a lovely evening. Wood smoke in the air, music, wine, just a perfect. Then Sami looked at Charlie who was sitting across from her. I saw her catch her eye and the firm nod issued in return.

“I, we… Charlie and I,” Sami took a few beats to get into her rhythm, “We have an announcement to make, we have been seeing quite a lot of each other lately and in case you’re wondering we are now a couple.”

With that, Charlie stood to take her outstretched hand and moved to her side before adding, “We love each other very much. Oh god, that’s so cheesy,” and then they locked lips.

Hugs and kisses followed that announcement. Sami and Charlie hugged. Aimee, Lisa and I hugged them and they hugged us, in fact, everyone hugged and kissed as our emotions boiled over.

I poured more wine, Lisa turned the music up and we danced, Sami in Charlie’s arms, the rest of us taking turns to smooch. All under a bright full moon.

Eventually, we turned in for the day. The tent was a modern one with an external frame and room for eight people. Simply by adding or removing zip in partitions, you could change the internal layout.

We had opted for one big space and filled it with air mattresses and blankets to give us one big sleeping area.

Naturally, Sami and Charlie lay down together, I found myself with a horny blonde on either side.

“I’m not so sleepy yet, it's only 10.30,” announced Lisa.

“Me neither,” added Aimee. As ever the two of them were in tune and thinking alike.

“Would anybody be offended if I lay here and got myself off,” Lisa asked.

“Not so long as you get me off too,” replied her Aimee.

“I can help with that,” I added, feeling my pulse quicken and that familiar tingle start deep inside in my pussy.

Looking across the tent at Sami and Charlie I could see that they were already busy and their muffled moans were all the permission we needed.

Lisa had pushed her covers clear and was already naked, she was tracing the outline of her pussy lips, lightly, while she watched Charlie and Sami.

I cupped my own mound and felt the mounting heat, my lips were already swollen with lust and sensitive to the touch. I rolled over and pulled Aimee’s covers from her body, I could see her sex glistening in the lamp light and her nipples were dark pink berries atop her pale breasts.

I knelt forward and parted her thighs, she groaned in anticipation. Her eyes locked on mine, eager for release. She was desperate to feel my tongue. I dropped my head and she lay her head back. Instead of the soft caress of my tongue, I gave her a sharp slap on the pussy.

She screamed and bucked her hips as I watched her lips flush pink.

My tongue completely flat dragged along her throbbing sex, she was wet and needy. I licked again, this time parting her lips with the tip of my tongue. They were sharp and tangy, just as I remembered.

“Rachel, fuck me, fuck me hard. I’ve needed this since I saw those two at the lake,” she panted, her breath reduced to shudders.

Lisa now inserted her fingers into her own sopping pussy and when they were generously coated in her juices she slipped them into my mouth for me to lick clean. Not only were they identical to look at, but they tasted the same also.

As I resumed my ministering to on her aimee’s needs she swung her leg over and dropped her own wet slit onto her friend’s face.

Gripping Aimee’s long blonde hair she proceeded to roughly ride her face. Working her wet slit against her nose as Aimee lapped at her juices.

The atmosphere in the tent was electric, we were all groaning and moaning as we gave and received pleasure. There was a strong smell of watermelon body wash and warm wet pussy in the air.

Lisa slipped off of Aimee’s face and crawled across the tent to her holdall. Her sex was so swollen and open with girl cum running down her thighs. She returned and in one hand she had a long thick double dildo, in the other she had a strap-on.

I slipped my fingers into my pussy and started to stretch myself. “Oh fuck!” I needed a good hard cum.

I should have guessed that Aimee would come prepared and I remember thinking how fortunate it was that we were the only campers on the site that night.

“Hey!” Aimee called to Sami and Charlie causing them to pause the sixty-nine they were engaged in, “Try this.” She tossed the dildo to them. Eighteen inches of thick purple silicone flew across the tent hitting Charlie square on the ass.

“We love these things,” giggled Sami as she grabbed it and started to rub it against her slick pussy, smearing its length with her natural juices.

“Hun, that’s another cat out of the bag,” laughed Charlie as she knelt across from her.

Happy that it was slick enough Sami knelt and held the dildo between them, then they locked lips and kissed with passion. Slowly each moved forward until the dildo was touching their pussies. They kissed more and fondled each other’s breasts, they tweaked nipples and groaned and moaned and proclaimed their love.

With every movement, that drew them together the dildo was swallowed by their hot slick slits. Eventually, it was gone, each girl had nine inches of ridged silicone inside her and they had become joined as one.

The world outside had ceased to exist, they were lost in a world of passion. Each knew how to move to pleasure the other and as their pleasure grew so did their cries.

Lisa then turned me toward her and kissed me hard on the lips. Her fingers parted my hair and her tongue parted my lips and invaded my mouth. I could feel her hands cupping and gripping my ass cheeks as my own hands found her breasts.

I knew she had extremely sensitive nipples and enjoyed a little pain and so I gripped her tits and squeezed and stretched them until she yelped.

“Fuck yes!” she growled before delivering several stinging blows to my ass. I yelped in surprise at the sudden fire in my cheeks but those familiar sensations were building in my pussy. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it.

Clutching my face to her chest, she clearly liked me nipping and tonguing her nipple, Lisa dropped back against the mattress.

My ass was high in the air and my wet and wanton pussy was open for all to see.


Aimee was licking my slit, from clit to puckered bud and back again, long slow strokes that made me gasp in pleasure and wriggle my ass for more.

Oh, and I got more. Aimee had slipped into the strap-on and suddenly I could feel its thick blunt end against my throbbing slit.

Lisa held my head, her fingers twined in my hair as her twin Aimee took me. Despite my dripping state of want that plastic cock stretched me wide as she pushed it in. No test runs, no hesitations just the full eight inches rammed straight into my throbbing pussy.

My head reared up, I may have lost some hair. Aimee thrust away, with every stroke I felt her pelvis against my recently heated cheeks.

It was rough, across the tent it was a classical ballet of pleasure, and here it was punk rock.

I was screaming and moaning and imploring her to fuck me harder, I was still latched on to Lisa’s nipples. I could feel her hand beneath me as she fingered herself, her body now rocking and shifting in time with my own.

“Rachel, I’m Cumming!”

Aimee was close, this strap-on evidently had two business ends and its work was almost done.

Several more thrusts and she screamed in release, pumping even harder, that broke my dam and I thrust back and orgasmed like never before. I was shaking and slick with sweat, my pussy throbbing and soaked in a mix of both mine and Aimee’s cum.

Lisa grabbed the now discarded strap-on and kneeling she impaled herself, a few quick thrusts and her body went rigid as she rode her own wave of pleasure.

I sat up and looked around the tent, four sweating cum coated girls lay before me. I loved them all, especially my sister Sami.

Aimee and Lisa were right, this was going to be an awesome week.









Written by leggielibby
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