Words tumble from my tongue,
Breaking and burdening the breeze.
Things I never meant to say,
Sounds that should not have met my lips.
Pooling in the ether,
Wavering before you,
Dancing like bait,
My edible heart.
Everything I can't say and all the things that I can,
Swarming the silence,
Tangling in time.
Mind filling with fear and wonder,
Fingers slipping between my teeth,
I think.
I fear.
I wonder.
I cling to the silence of your reply.
If you're silent forever, may I be silent with you,
Sealing my lips shut with bonds of appreciation.
Consoling myself with the gentleness of your response,
Which is none.
I turn my back.
Quiet adheres to the veins of my soul,
Heavy in its emptiness.
I hear a whisper
Of an inhale.
The search for breath,
A sound that has not crossed my lips.
I look over my shoulder.
The purse of your pillowed mouth parts.
You speak.