My two friends and I climbed up the stairs to my room after a quick orgy at my sexy black neighbor’s house. Y’know, like ya do. We originally went over for ice cream, but one thing led to another and the three of us took turns blowing him until eventually my friend Courtney took his massive dick for a ride followed by Jasmine. Being the stud my neighbor is, he managed to blow two loads and filled both of them to the brim with cum. Unfortunately for me, we had to go before I got any for myself.
“Seriously, if you don’t marry that man, I will,” my friend Courtney said. Both she and Jasmine were walking like they’d just spent the better part of the day riding a horse bareback. I guess in some ways they had.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” Jasmine said, flopping down onto my bed to relax.
“Yeah, me neither,” I replied as I flopped down next to her.
“Can I borrow a fresh pair of undies? I’m leaking,” Courtney said.
“Yeah, you probably will till tomorrow. He’s a heavy cummer,” I said matter-of-factly, “Top left drawer, help yourself.”
“Grab some for me too, please,” Jasmine said, “How does a guy have that much sperm?”
“You guys are both taking birth control still, right?” I asked.
“Yes, thank god. With how much cum he pumped inside me, I’d be having quadruplets otherwise,” Courtney said.
“It doesn’t work that way,” Jasmine replied as Courtney threw her some of my undies.
“Yeah, the amount of sperm doesn’t really change the result of the pregnancy, just the likelihood,” I said.
“The man is fertile is all I’m saying,” Courtney said as she wiggled out of her panties and into mine.
“The volume of his ejaculate doesn’t determine his fertility either,” Jasmine said.
“Ugh, you’re such a buzzkill. Fine, the man cums like a Super Soaker. Y’happy?” Courtney snapped, “Do you want a fresh pair of undies too, Hailey?”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“Oh, that’s right, you didn’t get a ride to orgasm town.”
“Orgasm town? Really, Courtney?” Jasmine said as she put on a fresh pair of my undies.
“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t cum, I saw you!” Courtney said as she splayed out onto the bed next to us.
“Guys, keep it down, my parents are home!” I hissed.
As if to punctuate that fact, I heard the stairs creak and the familiar sound of my dad’s slippers whacked our hardwood floors. “We’re going to bed girls, have a good night,” he said as he walked passed my door. “I’m still mad you didn’t bring me any ice cream but maybe by tomorrow I’ll forgive you.” The softer patter of my mom’s feet went by as well, then we heard their door latch shut down the hall.
“I know things got kinda hot and heavy in there, but, like, you’re okay with what went down, right?” Courtney whispered to me.
Was I okay with the fact that my boyfriend, or at least I considered him my boyfriend even though we’d never officially talked about it, just emptied his massive balls into my two best friends? Was I okay that they treated him like a circus freak designed for their pleasure? Was I okay knowing that none of us could ever undo what had just been done?
“Yeah, I guess,” I said.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Jasmine asked.
“I don’t think there’s much to talk about. You both seemed to have a pretty good time,” I said.
“I know I sure did,” Courtney said, rolling onto her back and grinning from ear to ear as she reminisced.
“Well, if you do wanna talk about it, we can,” Jasmine said.
“How about we talk about you two lezzing out?” Courtney asked.
Jasmine turned a couple different shades of red and I rolled my eyes. “Courtney, I love you, but could you try to have some tact once in a while?”
“What? She seemed more interested in you than Officer Big Dick, which is weird because she didn’t even want to touch your boobs that night we played truth or dare.”
I just shook my head at her. She was incorrigible.
“It was a very charged situation, we all did things we wouldn’t have otherwise,” I said, trying to defend Jasmine’s admittedly out of character behavior.
“I’d do all of it again in a heartbeat,” Courtney said.
Jasmine averted eye contact and stayed silent. During our surprise orgy she made out with me and fondled me with considerable passion. Courtney was riding my… let’s just call him my boyfriend for clarity’s sake. Courtney was riding my boyfriend at the time, so Jasmine and I didn’t have much to do with the only dick in the room being tended to. That was when she leaned over and kissed me.
At first I was surprised. Shocked really, but I enjoyed it. A lot. As Courtney kept doing her thing, Jasmine and I escalated our passions in ways I never expected. It was fun, but very out of character for both of us. As far as I knew, Jasmine was straight, and I always considered myself straight as well. Not that a little hanky panky during a wild night like that made me gay or anything, but it was just a line of sexuality I had never considered or explored before.
“So what was all that about anyway?” Courtney asked.
“Courtney, shut the hell up, we were just messing around,” I said. Jasmine stayed silent. I tried to get her attention, but she actively ignored me. “Jasmine? You okay?” I asked.
“I’m sorry I behaved that way,” she said, still avoiding eye contact.
“What? Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I said.
“I just…” Jasmine’s voice cracked, and she rubbed her eyes.
“Jasmine, everything is okay, I promise,” I said, extending my hand to touch her shoulder. Jasmine let out a deep breath.
“I think I’m bi,” she said.
“I coulda told you that,” Courtney said. I smacked her.
“Jasmine, really, it’s totally fine. Please, don’t be upset,” I said, “Just because things got hot and heavy doesn’t mean you’re bi. And if you really are bi, it’s not a big deal. No need to get upset.”
She looked up at me with puffy eyes, but no actual tears. “You’re not, like… weirded out?”
“No! Absolutely not!” I insisted, “Please don’t tell me you’ve been struggling with this, afraid to tell us?”
She sighed again. “No. I don’t know. Maybe? I just didn’t want you guys to think of me differently.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Courtney said, and to my relief she was being sincere, “Why would we care?”
“I don’t know. It’s just, like… new information. I didn’t want things to be different because we were all so close. But when we all got naked and passions started heating up, I just couldn’t help myself,” Jasmine said.
“Look, it’s fine. I had fun. It was a heat of the moment thing. We don’t have to analyze it too hard, and we certainly don’t think any differently of you,” I said.
“It was just a bunch of friends riding a big black guy’s cock and making out with each other. Who doesn’t do that?” Courtney joked. Crass as she was, we all laughed. “Besides, just because we fooled around a little doesn’t make you one thing or another. Sexuality isn’t like picking a sport team. You don’t choose a side and make them your ride or die. It’s more of a sliding scale, and we don’t really get to pick where we fall on it. A lot of people tend to be on either side of the scale, but many more are somewhere in the middle.”
“How unexpectedly wise of you,” I said, not believed the words coming out of her mouth.
“Hey, I’m open-minded. I was the one who got that whole orgy going,” Courtney said, “I just don’t want Jazzy to feel like she’s a freak or anything. We all end up somewhere on the scale. I hopped right on in there with you two and I’m not ashamed.”
Jasmine blushed.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I just love you guys,” she said. I smiled and gave her a tight hug.
“Me too!” Courtney said, squeezing herself into the embrace. We held each other for a long moment.
“All right, ladies, I think we should get some sleep,” I said, letting go of them.
“You don’t want to give yourself an orgasm before bed? I’d be going crazy if I didn’t cum after everything we went through,” Courtney said.
“I don’t think now is the time or place for that,” I said, shaking my head. Courtney gave me a look.
“We just had an orgy with your hunky black neighbor. There’s exactly zero modesty between any of us now,” she said. She had a point.
“I still think it would be weird,” I said.
“Don’t be silly, just give yourself a quicky so you don’t get bluevaries.”
“Bluevaries? What the hell is that?”
“Blue ovaries. Like blue balls, but for women.”
“That’s not a thing,” Jasmine said.
“Is too!”
“Pretty sure it’s not,” I laughed.
“Ugh, whatever, go to bed horny then, see if I care,” Courtney said. She got up to go brush her teeth, and both Jasmine and I followed her. After we brushed our teeth, removed any makeup that didn’t get rubbed off during our impromptu orgy, and did any other miscellaneous pre-bedtime tasks, we all crawled into my queen-sized bed and nodded off.
As I tried to fall asleep, I couldn’t help but think about what happened. What began as an innocent visit for ice cream and a chance to introduce my friends to my new boyfriend turned into a deepthroat competition followed by some good ol’ fashioned cock riding. My life was weird. Ever since Mr. Chapman caught me skinny dipping in his pool that night almost a month ago, my life had just been getting weirder.
I was in the middle of a sort of sexual renaissance, a primal awakening of undiscovered feelings. Sure, I had boyfriends, and we engaged in hanky panky, but I was breaking out of an insecure little shell I didn’t even know I was in. It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time. How did this man have such an effect on me? How was I going from virgin to nymphomaniac in such a short time?
Courtney snored behind me. I opened my eyes and squinted into the darkness to see Jasmine drooling a little in her sleep. I bet both of them would have been mortified to know either of those things. I was on my side in between both of them, with Jasmine facing me and Courtney facing the wall. I knew she was facing the wall because I felt her butt against mine, and my back was to the wall.
I lay there for close to an hour before I realized it was hopeless. As much as I hated to admit it, Courtney was right. I was horny as all hell and my distracted thoughts were making it hard to sleep. If I didn’t get any sleep, it would be certain doom for my grade on the big Poly Sci final I had tomorrow. Normally, I would have crawled out of bed and gotten myself off in the bathroom or something, so as not to disturb my friends. Since I was in the middle, it would be tricky to not wake them up.

I didn’t want that. They had to take that big test tomorrow too, and it would be rude and selfish of me to wake them up because I wanted to get off. That didn’t change the fact that I really wanted to get off. Could I just do it quick and quiet between them? Kinda risky, I thought. Risky, but probably the only way I had any chance of getting sleep. I didn’t need much room anyway, I’d be over and done in no time.
I decided to go for it. Careful to not make too much movement, I turned over onto my back. Courtney snorted. I stayed put until I heard her snoring resume. Slowly, carefully, I lifted my knees and spread them apart just enough to make room for my hand without lifting the covers too much. With my left hand I hooked my thumb under my waistband and lifted it for my right hand to slide down in front of me.
At first I just ran the tips of my fingers over myself to incite a ticklish feeling and build my arousal. I’d be lying if I said having my two best friends sleeping on either side of me didn’t escalate the thrill factor. Not that them being there was a turn on, but the thrill of getting caught escalated my feelings somehow. Using all four fingers I rubbed circles over myself and took slow, deep breaths to try to prevent from moaning. Warmth started to build between my legs, both from my excitement and from the friction.
I reached up and licked my fingers, getting them wet to help a little with the friction problem. Jasmine stirred next to me. I looked over at her, but kept rubbing. Her eyes were shut, but she had closed her mouth and was no longer drooling. As I looked at her delicate features, I thought about that passionate look she gave me that turned into an even more passionate kiss. I enjoyed immensely it at the time.
Still rubbing myself, I bent my neck so that my forehead just barely touched Jasmine’s. When my skin felt hers, there was a subtle tingle that came after. I wasn’t attracted to her in a romantic sense, but feeling her skin and remembering her affection toward me was still sexy. My hips lifted slightly as I flexed my butt and activated my kegels to help bring me to orgasm. I wanted to speed things along, and flexing in certain ways always helped. My pulse quickened, as did my breath.
Jasmine’s eyes opened and looked directly into mine. “What are you doing?” she whispered. My instinct was to stop and deny anything. I didn’t want to embarrass her, or myself, not to mention make things awkward between us now that she admitted she was bi. Instead of lying and trying to play it off, I just kept going.
“I can’t sleep. Courtney was right, I need a quicky,” I said. Jasmine gave me a mischievous smile.
“Want some help?”
Oh dear. Help? Like, more girl on girl action? I had always identified as straight. This wasn’t something I ever pictured for myself. But Courtney was right, sexuality is a sliding scale. I could be straight and still enjoy another woman’s pleasures. Right? Even if I concluded I wasn’t entirely straight, it’s not like it mattered. I was just… surprised at myself.
“Please?” I huffed. Jasmine smiled again, and I felt her hand slide down my stomach and between my legs. There’s always something electrifying about having someone else pleasure you. Sure, doing it myself would be faster and more efficient, but much less fun. As Jasmine’s fingers started to rub me at first I was tense, second-guessing myself. It didn’t take long for me to relax into it and enjoy her though.
Where my motions were practiced and mechanical, hers were exploratory and curious. She was trying things, and watching my reactions, taking notes in her head. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning. Her fingers probed and played between my legs, sliding up and down my lips before venturing inside me. I closed my eyes and pushed my forehead into hers as she wiggled her finger and pushed down to her last knuckle. Her finger wasn’t as large as a cock, and certainly not as large as Mr. Chapmans (though I doubt many are), but the precise nature gave it a new sensation I wasn’t very familiar with.
When I masturbate on my own, I mostly stay outside, focusing on my clit. Jasmine dove right in, gently massaging my clit with her palm while her middle finger played around inside me. As my breath quickened, I became self-conscious of breathing on her, since our faces were so close together. I shut my mouth and turned my head so the breaths out my nose wouldn’t be directed at her, but she placed her lips on mine to encourage me to stay close.
I surrendered my mouth to her, parting my lips and letting our tongues wrestle as her finger slipped in and out of me. Soon her tongue mimicked the motions of her finger, and I wondered if she was doing it intentionally. Just as I was growing accustomed to her finger, she slid another one in, moving the pair together and much slower than before. A soft moan escaped my lips.
Our kiss intensified. Partially because I was afraid I would make more noise if I didn’t keep my lips firmly planted on hers, but also because I was very much enjoying it. Hot breaths escaped our lips when we needed air, but otherwise we made out like horny teenagers. I felt her fingers curl inside me and start slowly probing around. Pulses of warmth were already flowing through me, but when she found what she was looking for they magnified tenfold.
I can only assume she found my G-spot because the intensity transformed. Thankfully she rubbed it slow and soft, I don’t think I would have been able to handle it otherwise. Despite her tenderness, as her fingers rubbed over the electrifying little area, my hips involuntarily shifted and bumped into Courtney. She turned over.
“What are you guys doing?” she mumbled, still half asleep.
“Go back to bed,” Jasmine whispered, never stopping her motions inside me. Somehow she kept her palm rubbing slow circles over my clit as well, and she was making my skin tingle. It was kind of odd to have both pleasure centers stimulated simultaneously. The attention to my clit caused my skin to tickle with a sort of numbing warmth, while her attention to my G-spot sent waves of heat that seemed to build in temperature as her affections continued.
Courtney squinted into the darkness at us. “Are you two finger banging?” she asked, still hazy but more lucid now.
“Go back to bed,” Jasmine repeated. I felt strange lying between them, getting pleasured like this. Strange, but I wasn’t going to stop it.
“I wanna play too,” Courtney said. I felt her hand slide down my stomach and between my thighs. Oh man, this couldn’t be happening. When she found Jasmine’s hand already playing with me, she brought her hand up to massage one of my breasts instead. She pulled the cup of my bra down and rubbed soft circles around my nipple, which sent a tantalizing shiver through my body. What is even happening right now? Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming.
My two friends, who still had my boyfriend’s cum inside them, were working give me an orgasm instead of making me do it myself. My life is nuts. Another moan escaped my lips, I couldn’t help it. “Does that feel good?” Courtney asked, smiling and lowering her lips to my nipple. Jasmine’s hand continued at a slow and steady pace, rubbing circles over my G-spot with her two fingers while simultaneously rubbing my clit with her palm.
I moaned and nodded before kissing Jasmine again to keep myself quiet. “Tell us how good it feels,” Courtney said.
“Shh, my parents,” I whispered. I didn’t want to let lust get us in any kind of hot water. Not to mention the kind of mood killer it would be to have either of my folks check on us because of strange noises. I let out a squeak of pleasure as Courtney pulled on my nipple with her lips. My hand shot up to my face to cover my mouth in response.
“I know how to keep you quiet,” Courtney said. She sat up and took off her tank top. In normal Courtney fashion, she wasn’t wearing a bra. She then leaned over me, letting her breasts hover over my face as she took my nipple into her mouth again. She arched her back and lowered her nipple to my face, which I took into my mouth without hesitation. It was almost like a 69 position, but instead of licking between each other’s legs, we were licking each other’s breasts.
Jasmine leaned in and took Courtney’s other nipple into her mouth while never letting her motions inside me stop. It’s hard to describe the mix of thoughts that were going through my head. On the one hand, I was uncomfortable. I had only really known these girls since college, but it felt like a lot longer. We were tight, inseparable on campus. We commiserated during times of strife and celebrated our victories together.
Most friends didn’t start sucking each other’s nipples and massage their G-spot at the drop of a hat. You only see that kind of ridiculousness in porn or poorly written smut. Yet there I was, with two fingers inside me and a boob on my face like I was some kind of insatiable nympho. But therein lies the rub. I was so goddamn horny. I wanted to take care of it myself, but they offered to help.
Was it because my boyfriend just rocked their world and they were trying to repay me? Were we all just cum drunk and willing to do anything because of our hormones? Or were we just being adventurous? Among the heat and pulsing of pleasures, a new surge rose. It was the all-familiar surge that signaled an orgasm was near. Jasmine’s rhythmic pace continued dauntlessly and Courtney sucked on my nipple like it was giving her life.
My breaths came out fast and sporadic. I felt the rising pleasure take over, but with Courtney suffocating me on her boob, there wasn’t a way I could tell them that wouldn’t also risk waking up my parents. My thighs tensed up. I clenched my fists, trying to hold in the rush of intensity overtaking me. I took in a deep breath and held it, trying my hardest not to make a sound.
Then it hit me like a school bus. My thighs began to quiver, and my arms shook with tension. My fists were so tight I thought I might draw blood from my own fingernails. I felt the walls of my vagina clench and convulse around Jasmine’s fingers, and as she felt it she slid her fingers in and out of me while applying a steady rub with her palm on my clit. This took the focus away from my G-spot and brought on a whole new wave of pleasure.
Once Courtney realized what was happening, she flicked her tongue in quick circles around my perky nipple, moaning into my breast and letting me ride out the ecstasy. Normally, when I do it myself, an orgasm lasts maybe five to ten seconds. This one lasted almost twenty seconds before a second wave hit. I let out a moan, I couldn’t help it, and my arms shot up around Courtney’s back to pull her down onto my face so that her breast would muffle my noises.
My hips bucked against Jasmine’s hand and my breath came out in strangled groans. Courtney lost her balance and literally smothered me with her chest to where I couldn’t breathe. I turned over, pushing her away from me and pulling my hips back at the same time, freeing myself from the all-consuming waves of euphoria.
Both Courtney and Jasmine laughed as I rode out the aftershocks of their attentions. Even without their stimulation, my body was twitching, and the previous warmth spread throughout my body and relaxed me completely. I huffed and puffed on my back between them for a good while before Jasmine asked, “You think that’ll help you sleep?”
She didn’t get a response because I already was.