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Avatar of Lust Ch 02

"Lily learns of the deep power within her."

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I woke up early the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden light across the landscape. My dreams last night felt empty and devoid of thought, just those words resonating in my head like a frozen TV screen. Maybe I’m still in some kind of matrix, and all of this isn’t real.

I stretched and yawned, watching the mist rise from the water and seeing the misty outline of Tatiana sleeping on the ground next to me. She lay there naked, even more beautiful than she was yesterday. Her hair was wild and free but didn’t appear tangled, cascading down her back and framing her delicate features. Her body was probably second only to mine. And that’s not me being narcissistic; I think it’s just a magical fact.

I walked to the river and splashed some water on my face to wake myself up. Looking into the stream, my hair was the same: amber waves that looked as though I had already brushed it and had been using conditioner since the day I was born. I wondered if that title I have has anything to do with it. ‘Avatar of Lust.’ Sounds intense and kind of pervy. Good thing I’m technically a girl—having that title as a guy would be super sus.

I glanced back at her, still asleep, her face serene, almost angelic. I reached for my phone to check the time, only to realize I didn’t have a phone. Also, I was naked. Because I had just had sex.

“Right. Ha-ha. Awesome.” Well, whether I’m in the matrix or not, this life isn’t too bad. I smiled to myself.

I returned to Tatiana and gently shook her shoulder.

“Tat, wake up. It’s morning.”

She stirred, blinking her eyes open. Her gaze met mine, and a faint blush colored her cheeks. “Good morning, Lily.”

“Morning, Tat. We should get back to the village,” I said, trying to keep my tone light despite the lingering awkwardness.

She nodded, sitting up and stretching. The sight of her naked form in the morning light was almost too much to bear. I quickly looked away, focusing on getting dressed.

“Wait, don’t look away! That was incredible, Lily. Don’t be backward about it. Now where’s my good morning kiss?” She giggled playfully, grabbing me from behind and turning me around to plant a soft kiss on my lips. It was just as magical as any of our kisses last night. Her breath didn’t even stink, considering it was basically medieval times. I figured it would be normal to have bad breath and rotting teeth.

As she pulled away, we took a moment to look into each other’s eyes, and all I could see was admiration and love in hers. I still felt guilt from the command I had given her. “Words of Power”—that’s what the words called one of my abilities, and that’s probably the one. The other ones seemed kinda evil sounding. Plus, there were a bunch of powers involving sin. I guess that makes sense, seeing how Lust is one of the deadly sins.

As we gathered our things, the air between us was charged with a mix of embarrassment and newfound intimacy. We exchanged shy glances and nervous smiles, both unsure of how to navigate this new aspect of our relationship. Although Tat was more bubbly, taking the initiative to give me quick kisses every chance she got.

Once we were dressed, we began our walk back to the village. The forest was alive with the sounds of morning: birds singing, leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The path was familiar, yet it felt different now, as if the world had subtly shifted overnight.

Tatiana walked beside me, her hand occasionally brushing against mine. Each touch sent a jolt through me, a reminder of the night we shared. I wanted to say something, to break the tension, but the words wouldn’t come.

Finally, I broke the silence, my voice barely above a whisper. “Tat, about last night… I just—”

She squeezed my hand, cutting me off with a soft smile. “Don’t worry about it, Lily. I love you. That’s all that matters.”

“No, Tat, that’s not it. I mean, I…”

“Yes, it is. You’re worried that your magic is the reason I love you. At first, I thought it was strange—I don’t recall you using your powers, but suddenly, my inhibitions were gone, so you probably did what you said you did. I think once you used your powers, the idea of loving a woman being impossible or wrong left my mind. And I realized I find you incredibly attractive, fun to be around, and just all-around perfect. Then I could finally understand you, and we were so comfortable together. Maybe magic love isn’t so bad. Maybe the reason you can’t change me back is because I realize I can love you now. So, beautiful strange girl from another world, I love you. Believe it.” She grabbed my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I looked over, and she was smiling, her cheeks bright red from the embarrassing declaration of love.

Tatiana’s words were like a knife to my chest, twisting in a way that made me want to believe her, to trust that what she said was true. But deep down, I knew better. I had made her love me. And no matter how much I wanted to pretend otherwise, the truth was, I didn’t deserve her love—not like this.

We continued our walk back to the village in silence, the tension between us as thick as the trees around us. Tatiana tried to keep things light, occasionally brushing her hand against mine, but I could feel the weight of my guilt bearing down on me, heavier with every step. The village slowly came into view, and with it, the simple, everyday life that awaited us.

As we reached the village, Tat let go of my hand, probably to avoid drawing any suspicion. But I don’t think anyone would expect two girls holding hands to be weird. Oh well. We waved hello to some villagers and headed back to the house. No strange looks, so we were probably safe from any suspicion.

For months, I lived with Tatiana and her grandparents, falling into a rhythm of early mornings and long days. The language barrier made things difficult, but Tatiana was patient, guiding me through the basics of Common, the language of the village. At first, it was frustrating—I couldn’t understand a word anyone said unless Tatiana was there to translate, and I felt like an outsider, constantly fumbling through even the simplest interactions. I wanted to use my power to make everyone understand me, but someone might catch on. So I pushed through, determined to at least try to learn it.

Since my injuries had healed and I had nowhere to go, they took me in. Of course, they also put me to work. Tatiana and I worked side by side in the fields, planting and harvesting crops under the hot sun. It was grueling, but it gave me time to process everything that had happened. Tatiana’s grandparents were kind, if a little distant, treating me more like a strange guest than a member of the family. But over time, as my Common slowly improved and I began to pick up on their routines and customs, they warmed to me, including me in their conversations, even if I could only respond with broken phrases and gestures.

Tatiana, on the other hand, was my constant. She greeted me every morning with a smile, talked me through my mistakes every night, and taught me the words I needed to know every moment in between. She was patient and encouraging, even when I stumbled over the simplest phrases, and I couldn’t help but admire her for it. It made the guilt gnaw at me even harder, knowing I was still taking advantage of her. But she wouldn’t have it. Every late night we shared a bed, sneaking kisses in secret. When we bathed in the creek, we couldn’t help but share a moment of passion. We eventually made it a routine.

As time passed, I threw myself into learning the language, practicing Common every free moment, repeating phrases over and over until they finally stuck. It was slow progress, but I started understanding more of what people were saying, catching bits and pieces of conversations. It gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, I could make a life for myself here.

One morning, several months after that fateful night in the forest, I woke up and everything felt… different. It was like something had clicked in my brain overnight, like the words and phrases I had been struggling with had finally taken root and blossomed. I rolled out of bed and stretched, the morning light filtering through the small window of the room I now shared with Tatiana, much to our secret benefit.

As I walked outside to join her and her grandparents for breakfast, I greeted them out of habit, my voice still thick with sleep. “Good morning. Hey, Gramps, I need to head to the marketplace today—prices have been shifting lately, so I’m hoping to get a good deal on some new seed varieties. Maybe pick up some fresh tools, too. That old plow’s giving me more trouble than it’s worth. Plus, some more lottock root for the nausea medicine Old Man Dan wanted. Can I get some coppers for that?”

Tatiana’s grandfather looked up from his bowl of porridge, his eyes widening in surprise. “Good morning, Lily,” he replied in Common, his voice full of astonishment.

It took me a moment to realize what had just happened—I had spoken in Common, effortlessly, without even thinking about it. I looked at Tatiana, who was grinning from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling with pride.

“You did it, Lily,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “You’re speaking our language.”

I blinked, the realization slowly sinking in. “I… I am,” I stammered, the words still feeling foreign on my tongue, even though they rolled off it so easily.

Her grandmother chuckled softly. “Well, it’s about time. We were starting to wonder if you’d ever get there.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound light and free, the weight of my guilt momentarily lifted. It felt like I had crossed some invisible threshold, from an outsider to someone who truly belonged. As we sat down to eat together, the conversation flowed easily in Common, and I realized that maybe, just maybe, I was finally starting to find my place in this world.

That night, Tatiana surprised me by waking me up in the middle of the night, ripping off my undergarments. I let it happen, pretending to sleep so I could just enjoy it. After I came, I repaid the favor, and after some sweaty fun, we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were becoming like a married couple. I could honestly get used to a life like this.

After that day, I settled into a routine. After those initial turbulent months, I enjoyed the rhythm of village life. Tatiana and I worked in the fields from dawn till dusk, and while the labor was exhausting, I found solace in our newfound ability to communicate in Common. I no longer had to rely on her to translate every conversation with her grandparents. I was no longer an outsider. And even though the guilt of influencing her love with magic never quite left me, it had dulled to a manageable background hum, something I could almost ignore—at least for now.

The next morning, I woke up to Tatiana beside me, her dark hair fanned out across the makeshift pillow we shared. She had snuck into my bed again sometime in the night—not that I minded. I found comfort in her presence, especially during the quiet moments before the world woke up. I smiled as I lay there, just watching her sleep. It had been eight months since I had arrived in this strange world, and I had adapted surprisingly well, even if some parts of me still struggled to accept it. My body felt more like mine now, though it still startled me occasionally when I caught a glimpse of my reflection.

To be honest, there were a few blessings in disguise—like the fact that I hadn’t had a period since I arrived. I figured it was one of the perks of being "blessed" by whatever strange power had brought me here. I never told Tatiana, though. Sometimes, I pretended to be moody to keep up the façade, and people seemed to accept that explanation without question. It was simpler that way.

After a quiet breakfast with Tatiana and her grandparents, Tat and I decided to make a trip to the village marketplace. It wasn’t much—just a few small houses, some fruit stands, and a couple of drifters selling random wares—but it was enough to supply us with the essentials. The market had become a regular part of our routine, keeping things running smoothly on the farm.

As we strolled through the market, greeting familiar faces, the atmosphere felt strangely electric, as if something significant was about to happen. Tatiana had mentioned that today might be special, though she didn’t say why. The village square was busier than usual, with people milling about and chatting in low tones.

Suddenly, the sound of hooves pounding against the dirt road drew our attention. A large, ornate carriage appeared from the tree-lined path, flanked by a dozen knights in gleaming armor. Their presence commanded immediate respect, and the villagers quickly parted to make way for them.

The carriage rolled to a stop in the center of the square, and an older man, cloaked in black, stepped out. He moved with purpose, his steps slow but sure, as if he had done this many times before. His hood was drawn low over his face, obscuring his features until he reached the middle of the gathering. With a swift motion, he pulled it back, revealing a sharp-eyed man with silver hair and a weathered face. His eyes gleamed with an intensity that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

He raised his voice, projecting it across the entire square. “Hear ye, hear ye! The annual picking has commenced! Bring forth your most bountiful prospects!”

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. I turned to Tatiana, my brow furrowed in confusion. “What’s he talking about?”

Tatiana smiled, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “It’s the annual testing for magic. They come every year to test the village’s youth. If anyone is powerful enough, they’re given a chance to study at the Royal Mages Academy.”

My heart skipped a beat. Magic? Could this be a way to understand what had happened to me? Maybe it was time to see if this strange power I had could be controlled—or, at the very least, explained.

“Do you think we should try?” I asked, glancing at her nervously.

She grinned, a mixture of excitement and curiosity shining in her eyes. “Of course! If nothing else, it’ll give us some answers about your abilities.”

We joined the other villagers as they began to gather around the man and his knights. The knights dismounted, standing at attention as the older man scanned the crowd with a discerning gaze. He raised a hand, and two of the knights stepped forward with a strange, glowing orb in hand. The crowd buzzed with nervous energy as they began calling forth the young people of the village, one by one, to place their hands on the orb.

As the first boy—a lanky, freckle-faced teen—stepped up to the orb, the older man watched closely. The boy placed his hand on the orb, and for a brief moment, it glowed faintly. The old man nodded, though his expression remained neutral. “A minor spark of potential,” he said. “You might do well to start learning some magic at home, my boy. Maybe someday.”

The boy looked relieved, though not particularly thrilled. Others followed, with varying degrees of success. Some had stronger reactions from the orb, and their prospects were met with approving nods from the old man. Others barely made the orb flicker, and they were sent back into the crowd with a polite dismissal. One boy made the orb glow very brightly, and the old man handed him a parchment as the interaction ended.

“Oh, looks like Ronny has been practicing or something. Last year he was rejected. He’s always been using magic to water the crops and stuff. Guy can’t do anything without it. Makes sense that he would get an acceptance note.”

“Last year?” I questioned.

“Yeah, they do this every year. I’ve done it a couple of times, but the orb doesn’t glow very brightly for me, so there’s no chance for me. It’s my turn soon. I’ll show you,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. But in the time I’ve spent with her, I could tell she hates the fact she doesn’t excel.

Finally, it was Tatiana’s turn. She stepped forward confidently, placing her hand on the orb. For a moment, nothing happened, and her smile faltered but rose again before anyone else could see. Then, suddenly, the orb flared to life with a bright, shimmering light. Gasps erupted from the crowd, and the older man’s eyes widened with surprise. But wider were Tat’s own eyes.

“A rare gift indeed,” he murmured. “You are most certainly invited to join the Royal Mages Academy. Your talents will be highly sought after, young lady. Or should I say, future Ascended!” He said with a happy, triumphant hug, grasping Tatiana, who still stood there frozen. Then the surprise passed, and she took her certificate and turned around.

Tatiana beamed, looking back at me with a mixture of pride and astonishment. My heart raced. If she had that kind of magic within her, what could that mean for me? I wonder if I have anything to do with that.

“Barely glows, huh?” I asked with a mocking giggle.

She just sheepishly smiled and hugged me, not knowing what to say in her excitement. Her face turned bright red as she tried her best to suppress her joy.

“Okay, I guess I’m not farming with you for the rest of my life… we’re going to be Mages!” she said, determined.

“Whoa, hold your horses, you dork. I haven’t been tested yet.”

“Really?” she said with a questioning smile.


“Whatever, you’re crazy. Go make the orb glow, silly.”

I kind of liked the way she calls me silly. Very cute and innocent banter. Better than Earth—I don’t think the term "silly" was used often for lovers. Usually, it was "bitch" or something. Movies made it seem like the go-to nickname between girls. Ugh, media was weird.

Finally, it was my turn. I hesitated, feeling the weight of all the villagers' eyes on me. Tatiana nudged me forward with an encouraging smile, but I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. The old man watched me approach the orb, his eyes narrowed slightly, like he could already sense something different about me. Up close, his features were even more imposing—his long white hair flowed beneath a heavy cloak, and his bushy eyebrows framed sharp, discerning eyes. He had this ancient, almost mystical aura about him that made me think of wizards from back on Earth—like Gandalf or Dumbledore. The kind you’d see in a movie, commanding the screen with their mere presence.

I forced a smile as I looked down at the orb. My hands were trembling slightly, but I told myself it was no big deal. I mean, Tatiana had practically lit the thing up like a Christmas tree, and she didn’t seem to get weird looks. So maybe this would be just another fast-glowing orb, get the letter, and go, right? Just a harmless test that proved I was nothing more than a magic outsider in this world.

But as soon as I placed my hand on the orb, that thought disappeared.

For a moment, there was nothing—no light, no reaction. My chest tightened, and whispers from the crowd started to seep into my mind, feeding my growing anxiety. Just when I thought it was over, just when I was about to yank my hand away and accept that nothing would happen… the orb began to change.

It didn’t glow softly like it had for the others. No, this was different. A dark, pulsing red light surged from the center, and then it started to crack. The air around me grew heavy, and a hiss like steam echoed as thick red smoke began pouring out from the fractured orb, spreading across the ground like fog creeping through the village. The crowd recoiled in shock, some people backing away, others shielding their eyes as if they couldn’t bear to look directly at it.

The old man’s expression shifted from mild curiosity to something far more serious. His eyes widened as he stared at the orb, then at me, and back again. "By the gods..." he whispered under his breath. The red smoke evaporated just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving only a suffocating silence in its wake.

Tatiana's eyes were wide with shock, her mouth slightly open as if she couldn’t process what had just happened. I couldn’t either. I mean, what was that? It was like a scene where the villain of the movie shows up.

The old man finally spoke, his voice shaky but authoritative. "You… possess magic unlike any I’ve seen before. It's... chaotic. Raw. Dangerous, even." He paused, his eyes narrowing. "And yet, there's great power in you. Power that must be tempered. You would do well to accept this offer, young lady. Not for just your sake, but for your fellow villagers.”

I swallowed hard, unsure how to react. Was that a compliment? A warning? Maybe both. The knights had shifted their stances, and I noticed how tense they were, like they were ready to leap into action if I so much as twitched.

“Young lady,” the old man continued, his tone cautious now, “take this.” He handed me a parchment, though his hand trembled slightly as he did. I couldn’t tell if it was from fear or respect—or maybe both.

I took the parchment without saying a word and turned to head back to Tatiana. The villagers still watched me, their eyes full of a mixture of awe and fear. The knights didn’t move; they just stared at me like I was some kind of ticking bomb that could go off at any second.

Tatiana stepped forward, her voice soft and unsure. “Lily…”

“Let’s go,” I said quickly, not even bothering to look her way. I couldn’t face her. Not now. I didn’t want to see the pity in her eyes—or worse, fear.

We walked away from the crowd, the village falling silent behind us. My mind was racing, thoughts bouncing around without any clear direction. What was this power inside me? What did it mean? I could feel the weight of the parchment in my hand, but more than that, I could feel something new—a strange sensation, like a low hum deep inside me that had been awakened.

“Lily, talk to me,” Tatiana finally said as we reached the outskirts of the village. Her voice was gentle, but there was a firmness to it, like she wasn’t going to let me walk away from this conversation. “What just happened back there?”

I stopped but didn’t turn to face her. “I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know what any of this means.” Tears began to well up in my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away with my shirt sleeve.

She reached out, gently placing a hand on my arm. “We’ll figure it out. Whatever this is, we’ll figure it out together.”

I looked at her and saw eyes filled with only compassion and worry—worry for my well-being. I hugged her tightly as the last of my tears welled up. “Why does crying seem easier?” I whispered, confused and embarrassed, into Tat’s shoulder.

“Um, we’re girls, silly. It’s fine to cry. I think Grandpa is getting to you,” she said with a caring tone.

By the time we got back to the house, Tatiana had mostly returned to her cheerful self, chatting excitedly about what the next few years might hold for us as students at the Royal Mages Academy. I wished I could have shared in her enthusiasm, but the lingering dread of what happened with the orb kept pulling at me. I had magic—serious, potentially dangerous magic—and I wasn’t sure I could control it. And if Tatiana’s powers were somehow connected to me… well, I didn’t even know where to start with that.

We stepped inside the brick-layered house that I had come to know as home, greeted by the familiar warmth of the kitchen. The smell of something savory cooking on the stove wrapped around us like a comforting blanket, but before we could even kick off our shoes, Tatiana’s grandma rushed in from the kitchen.

“There you are!” she exclaimed, her face flushed with excitement. “Well? What happened? Don’t leave us in suspense!”

Tatiana grinned, holding up her parchment like a trophy. “Grandma, we’re going to the Royal Mages Academy!”

Her grandma’s eyes went wide with disbelief before she let out a joyous laugh. “Oh, Tatiana! And you too, Lily?”

I nodded, holding up my own parchment a little less enthusiastically. “Yeah. Looks like we both made it.”

Tatiana’s grandpa, who had been sitting in his chair by the hearth, slowly got to his feet, his face breaking into a wide smile. “This calls for a celebration! A feast! We must have a feast for our girls!”

Tatiana giggled and rushed over to give her grandpa a tight hug. “You’re the best, Grandpa!”

I smiled despite myself, watching the love and pride in their faces. It was contagious, even if my mind was still tangled in a mess of anxiety. As Tatiana and her grandma started preparing dinner, I helped set the table, though my mind kept wandering back to the orb, the old man’s words, and the ominous power that had revealed itself.

Soon, the table was covered in a spread fit for a king—roast meats, fresh bread, steamed vegetables, and a massive pot of stew that filled the house with the scent of herbs and spices. Grandpa poured out cups of wine, raising his glass in a toast as we all sat down together.

“To our girls,” he said with a wide grin. “May their future be as bright and magical as the stars above.”

We all clinked our glasses together, and as we began to eat, the conversation flowed easily, full of laughter and stories about past village festivals and distant family memories. For a little while, it was easy to forget everything else. The food was delicious, and I found myself eating more than I usually would—roast chicken with crispy skin, buttery potatoes, fresh fruit that practically melted in my mouth. By the time we were done, I was stuffed, leaning back in my chair with a satisfied groan.

“Grandma,” Tatiana said as she stood up to help clear the dishes, “you’ve outdone yourself. That was incredible.”

Her grandma waved a hand, looking pleased. “Oh, it was nothing. I just wanted to make sure you two had a proper send-off before you head off to that academy. You’ll need all the energy you can get!”

I chuckled and helped with the cleanup as well, though my body felt heavy from the feast. Once everything was cleared away and the house settled into a calm, cozy quiet, Tatiana and I retreated to our room. The soft glow of the lanterns cast a warm light as we sat on our bed, both of us feeling the weight of the day catching up with us.

Tatiana leaned back against the wall, stretching her arms over her head. “I still can’t believe it. We’re actually going to be Mages.”

“Yeah,” I said, though my voice lacked her excitement. I was still struggling to wrap my head around everything.

She must have sensed my hesitation because she tilted her head, looking at me with concern. “Lily, what’s wrong? You’ve been off ever since the test.”

I bit my lip, debating how much to tell her. But she deserved to know the truth—especially after what I’d seen in the orb. With a deep breath, I finally spoke. “There’s something I haven’t told you. Months ago, I started seeing these… messages. Like the one I saw when I first came here, back when I was in the darkness, and it said, ‘Scion of Lust gained.’”

Tatiana’s eyes widened. “You mean… messages like from another world?”

“Sort of,” I replied, feeling a knot form in my stomach. “I saw one that said I was the ‘Avatar of Lust,’ and it mentioned that you were my ‘Scion.’ I didn’t know what it meant at first, but now… now I’m starting to think that’s why you have magic. Because of me. Because of whatever weird power I’ve got.”

Tatiana stared at me for a long moment, processing everything. “So… wait. You think my magic came from you.”

“I don’t know for sure,” I said quickly. “But it seems like too much of a coincidence that you suddenly started showing signs of magic after I arrived.”

She was quiet for a moment before a soft smile spread across her face. “Well, that just means we’re connected in more ways than I thought. I kind of like that.”

I blinked, taken aback by how calm she was being about the whole thing. “Tat, I’m serious. I don’t know what this power is, or if it’s safe. What if it’s dangerous? What if I hurt you or—”

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Tatiana scooted closer, taking my hands in hers. “Lily, listen to me. I don’t care where this magic came from. Whether it’s from you, or the gods, or whatever strange force brought you here—I’m not afraid. I’ve known you long enough to trust that you’d never hurt me.”

I looked down at our joined hands, my heart pounding in my chest. “But what if I don’t have control over it? What if something happens that I can’t stop?”

She squeezed my hands tighter, her voice firm but gentle. “Then we’ll figure it out together. We’ve come this far, haven’t we? You and me, through everything. And now we’re going to the Royal Mages Academy. If anyone can help us understand this, it’s them.”

I smiled despite myself, feeling a little bit of the fear ease out of my chest. Tatiana had this way of making everything seem less scary, less overwhelming. Maybe she was right. Maybe this was just another step in our journey together. And if anyone could help me make sense of this power, it would be the Academy.

“All right,” I said finally, leaning back against the wall beside her. “We’ll figure it out.”

She grinned, her eyes bright with excitement. “That’s the spirit. Now, come on—we’ve got a big day tomorrow. Our first day as official Mage students! Can you believe it?”

“Wait, tomorrow?” I reeled back in surprise.

“Yeah, the knights escort those chosen to the college if they’re of age. And we’re both nineteen, so we’re definitely of age. We just made the cut-off age of twenty-one. Sixteen is when people start to attend.”

I couldn’t help but shake my head, still trying to get used to how things worked on this planet. Here, being sixteen meant you were an adult. The implications were bizarre—sure, you could go to college or even get married, but it felt so disconnected from what I was used to. I was still coming to terms with the fact that I'd apparently lied about my age, saying I was nineteen when, in my old life, I was actually twenty-two. To be fair, though, I felt younger. Maybe it was the new body, or just the shock of it all. Either way, I let the lie slip without much thought. Oh well, it seemed harmless enough.

I laughed softly at the absurdity of it all, feeling the tension ease from my shoulders as I looked over at Tatiana. She was lying beside me on the bed, her dark, Tan skin glowing softly in the fading light of the candles scattered around the small room. Her hair, thick and wavy, framed her heart-shaped face in a beautiful halo of dark curls. Her eyes—large and expressive, a deep amber—sparkled with a mixture of excitement and curiosity, as if she were already imagining the adventures ahead.

“This is really sudden,” I said, my voice laced with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. “What about Gramps and Ma?”

Tatiana tilted her head slightly, her lips curving into a soft smile. The faint scent of lavender and herbs from the garden still clung to her skin, mixing with the earthy smell of sweat and the faint smokiness from the cooking fire earlier in the evening. “The monarchy compensates families pretty well for any grievances they might have about their family being taken away to become Mages or warriors,” she said, her voice carrying a calm certainty. “But since we’re considered adults here, there’s not much concern.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the stone walls of the room, making the whole scene feel almost surreal. “So, the feast… it was a goodbye feast, wasn’t it?” I asked, piecing it together.

Tatiana nodded, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. “Yeah. But don’t worry,” she added, her voice lightening as she turned towards me, her arm brushing against my side. “We can visit anytime we want.”

I watched her closely, noticing how at ease she seemed with all of this. Her skin, warm against mine, felt like the anchor I needed in this strange new world. “You seem really okay with all this,” I said, my voice soft but curious. I couldn’t help but wonder how she could be so calm, so ready to leave everything behind.

She gave me a playful nudge, her body shifting closer to mine as she smiled up at me. “Come on,” she teased, her voice full of excitement. “Don’t you want to go on adventures? See the world? I’ve lived here my whole life. I want to do more than just farm.”

I raised an eyebrow, my tone teasing as I leaned in a little closer. “But you said you wanted to grow old with me in this village.”

Tatiana giggled, her laugh light and infectious. She leaned in even closer, her breath warm against my lips as her amber eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well,” she whispered, her voice soft but full of promise, “now I’ll grow old with you as a wizard. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll live a little longer together.”

Her words sent a wave of warmth through me, and I couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, I like the sound of that,” I said softly, letting the warmth of her words sink into my chest. I leaned in and kissed her, our lips meeting in a soft, tender embrace that felt more like a promise than anything else. Her lips were soft and tasted faintly of the berries we’d eaten earlier, the sweetness lingering between us as we pulled away, our foreheads resting together for just a moment.

We giggled softly, the sound of our laughter filling the small room as we cuddled up on the bed. The cotton mattress beneath us was firm but comfortable, covered in soft blankets that smelled faintly of the lavender and herbs Tatiana’s family kept hanging around the house. The flickering candlelight bathed the room in a soft, golden glow, casting long shadows on the stone walls and illuminating the wooden beams above us. The room smelled of earth, sweat, and the faint scent of smoke from the earlier fire, all blending together in a comforting, homey aroma.

Tat’s eyes locked onto mine as we lay there, our heads resting on the same pillow. Her smile was warm and inviting, her skin glowing in the dim light. We lay like that for a moment, just taking in the quiet comfort of being together.

“I love you, you know that, right?” Tat said softly, her voice barely more than a whisper as she gazed into my eyes.

I smiled back at her, feeling a warmth in my chest that I hadn’t felt in a long time. “I do,” I replied softly. “And I love you.”

“Good,” she said with a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she leaned in for another kiss.

Her lips pressed against mine again, soft and warm, and I felt her hands start to roam over my body. Her fingers were gentle but insistent as they lifted my shirt, the fabric sticking slightly to my skin, damp from the dirt and sweat of the day. The smell of earth and sweat filled the air as she pulled my shirt off completely, tossing it aside. I reached for hers in return, feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath my fingers as I peeled the fabric from her body.

Quickly, we raced to remove each other’s clothing, the room growing warmer as we lay there, naked and tangled together on the bed. Tatiana’s skin was smooth and dark, her body lean but strong from years of working on the farm. Her lips found my neck, and I felt the gentle suction of her mouth as she kissed and nibbled along my skin, probably leaving a hickey—something she’d found endless amusement in since we discovered that my healing abilities would erase any marks by morning.

Pulling away from my neck, Tatiana admired her work with a proud grin. “My best work yet,” she declared, her voice full of playful confidence.

“Yeah?” I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Yup,” she replied, her grin widening. Then, her expression shifted, her eyes taking on an innocent, almost pleading look as she tilted her head. “Wanna try something?” she asked, her voice soft and coaxing.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. “What did you have in mind?”

She smiled mischievously and quickly whisked herself off the bed, her bare feet padding softly against the wooden floor as she made her way over to her closet. I couldn’t help but admire the way her hips swayed as she moved, her skin catching the light in all the right places. She rummaged around for a moment before turning back to me with something long and wooden in her hand.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d want to,” she began, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson as she held up the object, “but I saw it at a stall in the market, and the lady was just so persuasive. She said it could feel really good, but I… I want to make you feel really good.” She held up the long, wooden dildo with both hands, her eyes wide and hopeful.

“A dildo?” I gasped, my heart skipping a beat.

“A what?” she asked, her brow furrowing in confusion. “She just called it a cock replacer. Have you… used one before?” She looked at me shyly, her face turning even redder as she waited for my answer.

“No!” I shouted, my voice coming out much louder than I’d intended. I instantly regretted the defensive tone, seeing the hurt flash across Tatiana’s face.

“Oh,” she whispered, her voice soft and uncertain. “Um, sorry. Are you… mad?”

Her question hit me like a punch to the gut, and I quickly shook my head, trying to soften my expression. “No, no, I’m not mad,” I said quickly, reaching out to touch her arm. “I’m just… surprised, that’s all.”

Relief washed over her face, and her smile returned, though still a bit tentative. “So, want to try it together?” she asked, her voice full of hope as she sat down at the edge of the bed, her hands resting lightly on my legs. Instinctively, I crossed my legs, hiding myself from her gaze.

I couldn’t process what was happening fast enough. My mind raced, trying to come up with the right words to say. The idea of being fucked with a dildo still felt foreign to me, even though my body had changed. It wasn’t exactly appealing, considering who I used to be.

“Not really,” I finally admitted, grimacing as the words left my mouth. “I like it normal, you know? Your tongue is the best dildo I could ever have.” I cringed at my own awkward phrasing, but Tatiana’s face lit up with a bright smile, so it must have worked.

“Please?” she asked, her voice soft and pleading as she gave me her best puppy-dog eyes.

I sighed, feeling the weight of her gaze on me. “Dang it,” I muttered under my breath, trying to resist. But then I smiled slightly. “I don’t know… can I just use it on you instead?”

“But I bought it for you,” she pouted, her lips forming a small, adorable frown. “How about this: if you let me fuck you with it, I’ll let you do anything you want to me. Anything you can think of, today or later."

That thought was interesting... what would she find weird but super hot? A thought popped into my head, and before I could stop myself, it came out: "A threesome!" My heart dropped the moment those words left my lips. I flinched at my own stupidity. After a moment of silence, I looked up at Tat. She looked blank. I couldn’t read her. But then she came back into focus and looked at me with a serious face.

"Okay," she said blankly.

"Okay?" I repeated, confused.

"Yeah, I said anything. You... want to have a concubine. That’s fine. Just let me approve of her when you finally decide on her." Her voice sounded content, but her face only showed emptiness.

"Wait. No, Tat, I didn’t mean it like that... I mean..."

"Oh, you want to go out and order a whore from a whorehouse. Wow, I didn’t really think you were this sex-starved. You know, that could be fun. Plus, all the diseases she has would be fun to catch."

Okay, now I know that was passive-aggressive. I messed up. I didn’t know what to do, so I made another bad decision. I placed my hand on her thigh. "Tat, forgive me." Instantly, regret surfaced again as her eyes glazed over, and she snapped out of it. She looked at me, then at my hand, confused. Then realization struck her face. I’m sure I saw a little war of self inside her eyes. Then she looked at me with a smirk.

"Fine, a deal’s a deal. A threesome later, but right now, spread your legs," she said with a seductive glare. And with that, I realized all men everywhere should covet my power. I quickly obeyed, leaning back against my pillow and spreading my legs, ready to become a true woman for her.

Tat placed her hand on my wetness, the heat of her palm sending a wave of anticipation through me. "Mmm, good, nice and wet. Shaved too?" she asked, her voice low and husky, laden with approval. The scent of her breath, warm and sweet, lingered between us as she spoke, even though she already knew—she was the one who had helped me shave earlier that day. She let out a satisfied hum. "Good girl," she murmured, bending down. Her lips brushed against my inner thigh, trailing teasing kisses before they finally reached their destination. The first lick of her tongue against my pussy was electrifying, a hot wave of pleasure washing over me.

"Mmm," I moaned, the sound pulled from me by the intensity of her touch. My back arched instinctively as my hips rolled forward, pressing myself closer to her mouth, desperate for more.

The room felt alive with the scent of our arousal, a heady, intoxicating mix that surrounded us. The soft glow from the lantern cast shadows on the walls, flickering with every movement. The cool night air creeping through the open window did little to dispel the heat building between us. Tat’s tongue moved over me with practiced skill, her mouth working in slow, deliberate strokes that made my breath hitch and my toes curl. Every flick of her tongue against my clit sent sparks of pleasure shooting through my body, making me shiver and gasp. But even as she licked and teased, something felt off. The pleasure was there, simmering, but it wasn’t enough to push me to the edge. It was like my body was waiting for something more.

She pulled back slightly, her lips glistening with my wetness as she looked up at me, her eyes full of mischief. "I think you're ready," she said with a grin, her voice rough with desire. She brought the dildo up to her mouth, running her tongue along its length, coating it in her saliva before bringing it to my entrance. My pulse quickened as the coolness of the wood hovered just above my heated skin, the anticipation building with every passing second.

“Do it,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart in my ears.

“Hmm?” she asked, pretending not to hear me. Her teasing smile widened. “What was that?”

I clenched the sheets beneath me, a mixture of frustration and need bubbling up in my chest. Fuck, she’s going to make me beg. “Please, Tat,” I groaned, my voice raw with desperation. “Fuck me. Make me yours.”

“Good girl,” she purred, her voice like velvet against my skin. She pressed the cold wooden tip against my entrance, the sudden contrast in temperature making me gasp and flinch. But she didn’t stop—her hand was steady as she began to push it inside, inch by inch. My walls stretched to accommodate the intrusion, every nerve in my body on high alert, feeling every single ridge and groove of the dildo as it filled me up.

The sensation was overwhelming, and yet, something was missing. My body hummed with pleasure as it stretched around the toy, the friction of it rubbing against my inner walls sending jolts of bliss straight to my core. To all the girls out there—a dildo feels incredible. It was like every inch of me was being stimulated at once, every nerve alight with sensation. I wasn’t about to go searching for a real penis anytime soon, but damn, maybe I could get used to this. The pressure, the fullness—it was almost too much, and I loved every second of it. But as good as it felt, I could tell I wasn’t going to cum from this alone. It was like my body was stuck on a plateau, hovering just beneath the peak.

"Fuck, okay, you were right, baby," I gasped, my voice trembling with pleasure. "I’m sorry. Fuck!"

Tat chuckled, the sound rich and low as she picked up the pace, sliding the dildo in and out of me faster now, her hand moving with more confidence. "Yeah, you like that?" she asked, her voice thick with arousal.

"Yes… fuck yes…" I moaned, but the edge I was so desperate to reach still felt out of reach. My breath came in short, shallow gasps as my body responded to the relentless rhythm, but it wasn’t enough. The slick sounds of the dildo plunging in and out of me filled the room, mingling with the soft creaking of the bed beneath us.

Tat must have sensed it too. She paused for a moment, her brow furrowing as she studied my face, and I knew she could see the need, the frustration, the unfulfilled hunger in my eyes.

“Not quite there yet, huh?” she murmured, her tone a mix of understanding and mischief. She withdrew the dildo slightly, just enough to make me whimper in protest, before she leaned in close, her breath hot against my skin. “Let me help.”

And then, she lowered her head again, her tongue finding my clit with expert precision. The dual sensation of the dildo filling me and her tongue circling my clit was like a spark to dry tinder, igniting a blaze of pleasure that spread through me with dizzying speed.

"Oh, fuck, Tat!" I cried out, my voice cracking with the intensity of it. The tension that had been building, held back for so long, finally started to unravel. Tat’s tongue flicked and swirled over my clit while her hand moved the dildo inside me in time with my body's desperate rhythm.

She hummed against me, the vibrations adding another layer of sensation that sent me spiraling toward the edge. The world outside the bed fell away, leaving only the heat, the pleasure, the intoxicating scent of sex, and the sound of Tat’s soft, encouraging murmurs.

“Do you want to cum for me?” she whispered, her lips brushing against my clit, her breath hot and teasing.

“Mm-hmm,” I whimpered, my body trembling with the need to release. My hands gripped the edge of the mattress, knuckles white as I held on for dear life, the tension inside me building to a fever pitch.

“Good,” she purred, her voice soft and seductive, “then cum for me. Scream out my name. The only woman you need.” The purring sending vibrations through my pussy.

Her words sent me over the edge. “Fuck yes, God yes! TAT, IT’S YOU, ONLY YOU!” I screamed, my body convulsing with the force of my orgasm. My back arched off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me, each one more intense than the last. Tat slowed her movements, allowing me to ride out my orgasm, the dildo moving in time with the pulsing of my muscles as I milked every last drop of pleasure from the moment. When she finally pulled it out, it left me with a slick pop, and I felt the air rush back in to fill the space where the dildo had been.

“Wow, how was it?” she asked, her voice now softer, the heat of desire replaced by a gentle curiosity.

“Fuck, Tat,” I breathed, still trying to catch my breath. “It was great. Like, every part of your pussy is being touched. It’s different, to say the least. But honestly, fuck. Hold on, I need a breather.” I lay there, panting, my heart racing as I tried to calm down, the afterglow of the orgasm still washing over me.

“Come on! Honestly, what?” she teased, crawling up beside me and looking into my eyes, her face inches from mine.

“Dork,” I giggled, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the intensity of what we had just shared.

“Come on, I’m going to tickle you,” she warned, her fingers already reaching for my armpit.

“Okay, okay!” I yelped, clamping my arm down in defense, still giggling.

“It was nice,” I admitted after a moment, “but honestly, it didn’t feel as good as your tongue, you know? It got deeper, but it wasn’t textured much, so it just kind of slid in and out. Your tongue, though? That’s a wild sensation. And with the dildo, you miss out on all the little details—like my clit, for example.” I looked at her earnestly. “I liked it, but it doesn’t replace your own skills.”

“Mmm, interesting,” she mused, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Well, it was still fun, and hey, my face isn’t aching from licking for 20 minutes.”

“I guess that’s a plus,” I said with a grin. It was true I’ve noticed sense I have made longer sex sessions a thing for us my chin and hand strength has increased, I’d noticed I could go on forever without tiring. Probably another gift from this body.

“Well, my turn!” she declared, her eyes sparkling as she leaned in to kiss me again. The taste of my own juices lingered on her lips, sweet and intoxicating, making the kiss all the more thrilling. But before I could deepen it, she pulled away and laid down, spreading her legs and handing me the dildo. “Now fuck me good, Lily.”

“How do I say no to that?” I giggled, taking the dildo from her hands. It was still slick with my juices, glistening in the dim light of the room. An impulsive thought flashed through my mind, and before I could stop myself, I brought the dildo to my mouth and sucked on it, cleaning it with slow, deliberate licks. The taste of me lingered on my tongue, sweet and earthy, and I felt a thrill of excitement at the sight of Tat’s eyes widening in surprise.

“Fuck, that was hot,” she breathed, her voice trembling slightly. “But I think I’m wet enough.”

I positioned the dildo at her entrance, feeling her heat radiating against my hand as I slowly pushed it inside. There was a slight resistance at first, her walls tightening around the toy, and I bit my lip as I continued to push, feeling the tension in her body.

“Fuck,” she gasped, her breath catching in her throat. “Wait… that hurts.”

“Oh, sorry,” I said quickly, starting to pull back.

“Wait,” she said, her voice tight but determined. She held onto the dildo, keeping it inside her. “Just… let me get used to it.” I nodded, understanding her need to adjust. While I waited, I leaned down, my lips finding her breasts. I kissed her softly at first, my lips brushing against her skin, then began suckling her nipple, my tongue flicking over the sensitive bud. I could feel her body slowly relaxing beneath me, her breathing deepening as she got more heated.

“You okay, Tat?” I asked between kisses, my voice soft, almost reverent as I kissed her skin.

“Mm-hmm, yeah, okay. I’m ready,” she whispered, her voice filled with desire.

I began to move the dildo again, slowly at first, easing it in and out while I kept my lips on her breast, my hand finding a steady rhythm. The sounds she made now were different—her soft moans filled the air, mingling with the slick sounds of the dildo moving inside her. I could feel her body responding, her hips starting to move in time with my thrusts, her breath pace increasing faster.

“Mm, okay, I’m getting close,” she murmured, her fingers tangling in my hair as she pulled my face closer. But my hand didn’t stop. I kept fucking her with the dildo, maintaining that slow, steady rhythm that had her body thrumming beneath me. I’d read somewhere that women orgasm faster if you keep a consistent pace instead of switching up movements randomly—information I never thought I’d be using in that life, but here I was, giving her the most even, relentless ride I could manage.

“Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” she screamed, her voice muffled as she bit down hard into her hand, trying to keep from losing control. Her body trembled violently, hips bucking as her orgasm tore through her, muscles clenching around the dildo as she writhed beneath me. Her moans turned to sobs of pleasure, every movement pushing her closer to the edge of what she could handle.

Her back arched, and I felt the pressure against my hand increase as she instinctively ground down on the toy, riding out the waves of her climax. Her other hand shot down to my wrist, gripping it tightly as she gasped out, “Stop, stop!” She pushed at my hand, trying to force me to let go, her body convulsing with the aftershocks.

I finally got the message and slowly, carefully, pulled the dildo out of her, the slick toy sliding free with a soft, wet sound. She collapsed back onto the bed, panting heavily, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Her face was flushed, beads of sweat trickling down her temples, glistening in the dim light of the room.

“Sensitive, Lily,” she murmured between breaths, her voice weak and trembling, but still laced with satisfaction. “Geesh. Fuck, that was good though.” Her lips curled into a lazy smile, her eyes half-lidded as she basked in the afterglow.

“Yeah, it looked like it,” I replied, feeling a sense of pride swell in my chest. “You were very hot to watch.” I couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her, my lips brushing against hers with a soft, gentle tenderness. The taste of myself and her body lingered on my tongue, a faint sweetness mixed with the salty tang of sweat. It made the kiss feel even more intimate, like we were sharing something deeper than just our bodies.

She kissed me back weakly, still catching her breath. When we broke apart, I shifted slightly, laying my head on her chest. I could hear her heartbeat, still fast but slowing with each passing moment, the steady thump of it soothing against my ear. Her skin was warm beneath my cheek, slightly damp with sweat, and her breasts made the perfect pillow as I nestled closer to her. I let the dildo rest beside us, forgotten for now, content to just lie there with her, feeling the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath me.

For a while, we just lay there, wrapped up in each other, the room filled with the soft sounds of our breathing. The scent of sex and sweat lingered in the air, a heady mix that made everything feel more real, more intense. The silence was comfortable, and I started to drift off, my mind pleasantly hazy from the sex and the warmth of her body against mine.

But then Tat broke the quiet, her voice cutting through the fog of my thoughts as she lifted the dildo into the air, inspecting it with a thoughtful look on her face. “You know,” she began, her tone playful but tired, “I was going to do the same thing you did—lick off my own juices to get you all horny again. But… it’s covered in my blood, so… I’m good.”

“What?” I asked, instantly alert, my heart skipping a beat. I propped myself up on my elbow, concern tightening in my chest. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head, her expression calm and unfazed. “No, no, it’s fine. You just… broke my virginity,” she said casually, as if it were no big deal.

“Oh… your hymen, you mean?” I asked, relief flooding through me.

“My what?” she replied, furrowing her brow in confusion.

“Your hymen,” I explained, trying to keep my voice light. “It’s this thin bit of skin… like, it’s part of what people call virginity. You know…”

Tat looked at me blankly for a moment before waving her hand dismissively. “Yeah, whatever. Hymen. That’s what I said.”

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. “Right. That’s what you said.”

She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Did it feel good, though? You know, after the pain went away?”

“Yeah,” she answered with a satisfied sigh, her fingers absentmindedly trailing over her stomach as she spoke. “Once I got past the pain, it felt really nice. But like you said earlier, your tongue feels Infinitely better.” She glanced down at the dildo in her hand, then back up at me with a mischievous smile. “Still, it’s something new we can use to make each other scream.”

“You really do have a way with words,” I teased, my lips curving into a smile as I reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from her face.

“Why, thank you,” she replied, puffing her chest out proudly, her voice filled with mock importance. The smile lingered on her lips as she settled back down into the pillows, her eyes fluttering closed.

I rested my head back on her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat beneath me once more. Her skin was soft and warm, the slight scent of lavender soap still clinging to her despite the sweat and the sex. I let out a contented sigh, the tension melting from my body as I let myself relax into her embrace.

We lay there in a peaceful silence, the quiet hum of the night settling around us like a soft blanket. I could feel the weight of sleep pulling at me, my eyelids growing heavy as I snuggled closer to her, her breast cradling my cheek like the softest pillow.

As I began to drift off, lulled by the warmth of her body and the gentle rhythm of her breathing, I let my mind wander. The sex had left me feeling sated and calm, but beneath the surface, I could still feel the weight of the future pressing down on me. Tomorrow loomed large in my mind—the Royal Mages Academy, with all its mysteries and challenges, awaited me. I didn’t know what I would find there, but for the first time in a long while, I allowed myself to feel a small flicker of hope.

Maybe the Academy would hold the answers I’d been searching for. Maybe it would be the place where I could finally learn to control this strange, powerful magic that had become a part of me. And maybe, just maybe, it would help me understand why I had been brought to this world in the first place.

With that thought lingering in the back of my mind, I let myself relax fully into Tat’s embrace, her presence grounding me as I drifted off to sleep.

Written by Skygir1
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