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Alice's Wonderland

"After a BBQ, Alice and Ginny make out."

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Author's Notes

"Home and Away is a sexual soap opera set in a fictional English community where the locals follow a libertine lifestyle. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Alice makes her second appearance and invites Ginny for sex at her home."

Our barbie had gone well with friends and neighbours chatting away, lots of wine consumed, and, of course, Stan had done us proud by doing his manly thing with the cooking. As the evening progressed, people started to come over and thank us before wandering off home. Later on, I found myself alone with Alice. Stan was sitting in a small group with our opposite neighbour, Phyllis.

Alice patted my arm. “Let’s sit on the swing seat; you know how I love it!”

The seat is on a patio in a quiet corner of the garden, hidden along a side wall, facing a pretty bed that I plant with annuals every spring. We settled down, and Alice half turned to me while her hand stroked my bare arm. Deep down inside my body, I was reacting. I could feel a gentle pleasure in my pussy, something very nice, very special. She shuffled and raised herself a bit. I tilted my head back, looking up into her eyes, and we both held still, not wanting to move, not wanting to break the spell.

It was I who relented when I pressed my lips against hers. It was my tongue that slipped through her lips, but then there was no me or her, just two pairs of mashed lips, two tongues flicking and probing, saliva flowing one way then the next.

We fell back into the seat’s soft cushions, stroking each other's faces, then arms, then boobs.

Alice looked into my eyes and said, “I want to make love to you; come to my house now, please, please, Ginny.”

I stroked her hair, then let my fingers drift down her cheek, before pressing my index finger across her lips.

“I want it too, but I’m not sure how we can work it around Stan or Geoff.”

Alice turned around and knelt on the cushions. “Stan’s gone, everyone has gone, and Geoff is away tonight on business.”

“OK, but let’s check first.”

We walked back into the main garden, then into the house. There was no sign of Stan.

“I expect he’s gone off for drinks with someone; he’ll probably turn up in the early hours well-pissed.”


I checked around the house and garden, found no one, picked up the floppy hat I had worn earlier, closed up, but left the back door unlocked for Stan. I turned to Alice and smiled. She grasped my hand, pulled me down the driveway, and we walked down the streets hand in hand until we came to her place. Leaving the dim street lights behind, we passed into the dark interior.

Ahead of me, Alice switched on the lights, and we entered the spacious hall, which doubled as her workspace. Alice is a superb needlewoman; she often does jobs for me, like altering clothes - in fact, any job that involves a needle and thread. We sat down on a couple of hard chairs. I looked at her smart outfit: a white knitted v-neck top paired with a knee-length white navy blue striped skirt. Her bare legs were set off with navy blue strappy sandals. She looked gorgeous, twenty years younger than her age.

How does anyone go to a BBQ dressed like her? Scruffy me in an old baggy cream blouse, shapeless shorts, sandals that looked like leftovers from the 1970s, plus my floppy hat. I knew I looked like a mess. And underneath were no better, just plain white granny knickers.

Alice didn’t seem to care; she’d invited me home for sex, so however frumpy I felt, perhaps I needed to play the vamp a bit. I stood up and walked, or rather sashayed, across the room, bending to show my bum tightly encased in my shorts, then I turned back towards her, pulling the shorts up as hard as I could to show off my cameltoe.

Round and round I went, halfway up the stairs, displaying my wares, and I knew she was hooked. Back down, as I approached, she rose to stand by me, her hands wandering over my boobs, gently massaging and squeezing, before dropping down to rub my thighs, pushing her fingers up against my mound. I dropped my hat and stroked her bare arms, enjoying her warm skin under my fingers.

Then she lifted my blouse on both sides and pulled it over my head before throwing it aside, placing her hands on my bra cups, and gently kneading my two boobs. My heart was racing. I touched her lips with my fingers, her mouth opened, and she swallowed the full length of the digits, letting her tongue circle around the intrusion, licking and sucking.

I wanted to touch every part of her body, but I needed to remove her top, pulling it out of the skirt’s waistband and then over her head. We stood there, semi-naked, two white bras pressed together, four breasts squashed between our bodies, as we kissed deeply, arms encircling our bodies, hands exploring warm, bare flesh.

I found her bra clasp and released the little hooks from their eyes, and then Alice did the same to me. Gently, we removed the garments, standing back a bit, upon which she bent forward and held one of my boobs in her hands while she licked and sucked the nipple.

Then it was my turn. I lifted a breast and held it in the palm of my hand while bending down to suck her nipple. Then I reached down with my other hand, under her skirt, to run my fingers over her knickers. Unable to resist the next step, I pulled the waistband out and slid my hand inside, deep down, until I went past her mound and slipped my fingers into her wet, slippery pussy.

Alice groaned, and her hips rotated with the pleasure of my fingers. I rubbed harder and faster, her groans increased, her mouth dropped open, her head pulled back as her knees buckled, and her whole body shook and trembled in orgasm. We kissed long and deep, mouths linked, tongues flicking, while hands wandered everywhere.

Then it was her turn to pleasure me; her hand slipped deep inside my knickers while I played with her boob, my pleasure mounted until my orgasm came, and my knees buckled while my body shook and trembled.

“Ginny, come; my bed awaits.”

Alice took my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom.


We lay side by side on Alice’s bed, our bodies open for exploration. Alice ran her fingers through my hair, then pulled our faces together for the first kiss of our lovemaking. Our tongues flicked together gently, each probing the other’s mouth.

Alice made the first move with her free hand, probing the waistband of my pants and then pushing her hand inside, gently squeezing my pubic mound, before her fingers slid into the hot, wet space of my pussy. In answer, I slipped a hand down her back, then inside her knickers to explore the crack between her cheeks.

My clitty was already erect and sensitised from my first cum downstairs, so it was not long before my body was jerking from the extreme pleasure of her fingering. As my need built, my kissing became frantic, one hand grasping strands of her hair and the other clawing at her bottom cheeks.

I remember yelling as my orgasm hit, “Yes, Alice, yes. I’m cumming; don’t stop.”

Afterwards, as I lay panting in her arms, I said, “Alice, I love you.”

She smiled, looking into my eyes. “I love you too, and I have a special treat for you, Ginny. Don’t move.”

I watched her slide across to the bedside, and then she sat up and fiddled around in the cabinet drawers.

“Ginny, close your eyes; don’t open them again until I say.”

I was a bit puzzled and very curious, but I rolled onto my back and shut my eyes tight. I could hear Alice moving around and some unidentifiable sounds. Under my breath, I counted slowly and had reached ninety-five when I felt the mattress give a little as she came back on the bed.

“Keep them closed and take your pants off.”

I nodded, pulled my knickers down my legs, and threw them aside. Then I felt her pull my legs apart and crawl into the empty space.

“Open now!”

Her face was above me, her boobs swinging free, stiff nipples just brushing my flattened breasts.

“Look into my eyes, Ginny.”

She was propped on one arm; the other disappeared down the gap between our tummies and was fiddling around with something down below. Then I felt something hard being dragged through my pussy; up and down, she wiggled it, sometimes touching my erect clit, which made me wriggle from the pleasure I experienced.

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“Ginny, my darling, I’m going to fuck you now.”

The import of her words took longer to sink in than her action of thrusting into me. I felt my vagina being entered; something long and hard was inside me. Then she started the thrusting rhythm that was similar to Stan’s but, at the same time, different in a multitude of strange ways.

I reached up, wrapped my arms around her head, and pulled her down onto my lips, desperate to taste and smell her sweet body.

Alice rode high, every thrust bearing on my clitty. Where did her skill come from? Where did the thing she was using in me come from? These questions flashed across my brain but were instantly swamped by the surges of pleasure as the shaft pressed onto my most sensitive place.

I don’t often orgasm from penetration, but as time passed, I knew it was going to happen. Perhaps the novelty of being seduced and loved by my best friend had something to do with it. Looking up at her, hearing her rasping breaths, and seeing the beads of sweat fall from her brow onto my face, no matter what the key was, I was ready, waiting for the surge, waiting for the ultimate pleasure. Except when it came, I was not ready for the immensity of pleasure that flooded my brain. I was lost in a welter of thrusting and screaming; nothing existed except my orgasm.

I opened my eyes and saw Alice watching me intensely.

“Wow, Ginny.”

“Yes, it was pretty good from my side, one of the best of my life.”

“It was fantastic watching you cum so hard. It was incredible seeing your eyes roll up into your head; all I could see was white for a moment until you clamped your lids down.”

“I don’t remember anything after the first thrusts of my body, other than a melee of intense pleasure.”

Alice lowered herself down, lying flat on me, breast to breast, pube to pube. The hard object was still inside me, and I squeezed it gently with my vaginal muscles, which seemed to set off another round of pleasure in my whole pussy area. We kissed and kissed again, murmuring sweet nothings, as lovers do.

“Alice, darling, you have to come off me; I need a pee.”

She rolled to one side, lying on her back, and as I sat up, I finally saw the instrument of my pleasure. A long, black shaft, rising vertically from her mound, was held in place by straps around her body and thighs.

“That’s a lot longer and thicker than Stan's; it’s not surprising I had a super orgasm.”

With that, I hopped off the bed and rushed into her ensuite, sat on the loo, and enjoyed the release of a very full bladder.

I carefully washed my pussy before getting back on the bed beside Alice, and then I reached out and grasped the black shaft; it felt wet and slimy but looked glossy from the reflections of my juices.

“Why do you have this, my love?”

“I use it on Geoff; he likes me to dominate him, and being fucked by his wife is a big turn-on for him.

“Would you like me to use it on you?”

Alice smiled sweetly.

“Yes, darling Ginny, absolutely yes.”

So we stood by the bedside. Alice released the straps around her waist and then stepped out of the harness before helping me reverse the process. I looked down at the unique sight of a long, black cock sticking out from my mound.

Alice flopped on the bed, then set herself up on all fours before lowering her upper body onto the sheets. Taut bum flesh pointed up towards me, and the fingers of one hand appeared between her thighs, playing with her pussy.

“I like it doggy style.”

I felt complete bliss as I mounted the bed and shuffled into position behind her. Just as she had done, I wiggled the tip around her pussy lips, and knowing I was mixing her juices with mine felt incredibly sexy.

“Are you ready, Alice?”

“Yes, darling, do it; fuck me.”

I pushed forward, and the shaft disappeared inside her. It took a while for me to get into the thrusting rhythm; it was very different from receiving a cock, but with perseverance, I got good timing and was enjoying this novel experience.

Every time I thrust in, I felt Alice’s hand as she played with her clit, and heard her groans as she neared her orgasm. When she started to cum, I grasped her hips and thrust in deeper and harder, just about hanging on as she jumped and rolled in ecstasy.

“Was that nice, Alice, darling?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

“Would you like another one?”

“Yes, please.”

I felt her fingers start to play again, and I pulled back, looking down at the nearly full length of the black shaft, glistening with our mixed juices. My hands had pulled her cheeks apart, and I could see the tiny puckered hole of her anus—the same view George had when he fucked me and cuckolded Stan.

Then I had a wicked thought, pulled right out, then positioned the tip right over that little hole and pushed hard. It went straight in; there was no resistance at all. I felt Alice tense, draw in a sharp breath, and then relax.

“Oh, Ginny, what are you up to?”

“George fucked me like this in front of Stan, then I let Stan do the same to me. This was my first time ever. I really enjoyed it, so as you have been taking Geoff this way, it’s about time you were on the receiving end.”

I pushed in a bit more, watching the exposed shaft grow shorter.

“I need more lube; don’t move; just wait for a mo.”

Alice shuffled her upper body around to one side, then groped at the top cabinet drawer, pulled it open a bit, and felt around inside before withdrawing her hand and lobbing a tube towards me. As she straightened up again

I uncapped the tube and then fully withdrew the shaft. I looked down and saw her puckered hole was now a circular space, so I squeezed the tube and let the gel fill her to the brim before dribbling more along the top of the shaft and using a finger to smear and spread it out. I carefully recapped the tube, then chucked it on the floor, took a deep breath, and pushed into Alice forcefully.

To my surprise and horror, it went in up to the hilt, and I found my body pressed into her buttocks.

Alice gasped, “Oh, my, oh my, that’s incredible. I feel so full now. Is it in deep?”

“You’ve got the lot.”

“Fuck me, Ginny. I need you to do it hard while I play with myself.”

I set up the same thrusting motion as before but gradually increased the tempo in response to Alice’s fingering and arousal. Goodness, it was hard work; no wonder Stan always fell asleep after fucking me. I felt as if I were running a marathon. My breath became laboured and sweat dripped off my brow onto her back, and I was very close to being unable to go on when a strange keening started to come from Alice. Suddenly she went into a huge spasm; her whole body was vibrating below me, her feet drummed on the mattress, and her arms flailed about. It was a magical moment for both of us and somehow I managed to keep pumping into her as the orgasm wracked her body.

At her ending, I collapsed onto her back, the shaft still buried deep inside her passage. I felt for her hands; she grasped mine and squeezed hard.

“Incredible, just incredible. I’ve never had an orgasm like it. Thank you so much, darling Ginny. Thank you, thank you.”

Carefully, I kneeled up, got off the bed, and took off the harness, leaving it draped over a chair, before climbing back on the bed and snuggling up to Alice. I felt my eyelids droop and fell asleep almost immediately.

Later, I half woke and groggily peered at her alarm clock. Two o’clock, suddenly I felt in a panic. What would Stan say if I was out all night? I gently disentangled myself from Alice’s embrace, pulled the duvet over her, and groped around for my things.

Five minutes later, when I walked into the house, there was no sign of Stan, so my panic had been unnecessary. I left the back door unlocked for him and went up to our bedroom, stripped off, fell onto the bed, and was asleep in seconds.


In the next story, we discover what Stan did after the BBQ.

Written by SandG_Play
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