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A Burglary Bungle

"A young female burglar is caught and given an unusual punishment."

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It was a simple job so far. Four rooms had already been entered silently, and valuables put into the black felt bag, hung at the waist. One last room, then call it a night. It does not do to be too greedy. A simple five-foot jump to the next balcony, then master-key in the lock, and in through the balcony door silently.

Halfway across the room to the dresser, and the bedside lamp was turned on, revealing one man just sitting up in bed, and a second blocking the balcony door. The room door was locked, with no key in sight, and anyway, by then the second man was at that door. Game over.

The two men looked at the intruder, a slightly built figure in black, wearing a one-piece jump-suit with hood. One of the men grabbed hold of arms.

"Put the lights on, Joe," he ordered, "let's see what we got."

The lights came on and Joe pulled the hood down, releasing a cascade of long dark hair.

"Hey, Vic," he exclaimed, "it's a girl."

Vic unhooked the bag from her waist, looking at the contents.

"Looks like she is making a living out of this," he said, "question is, what do we do with her?"

Joe looked at him. "What do you mean?" he asked, puzzled, "we call the police of course."

"In England, we would, yeah," Vic explained, "but over here? I heard what some of these foreign jails are like, not a good place for an attractive girl."

He looked at their silent captive. "Do... you... speak... English?" he said slowly, "English?"

"From the sound of it, a bloody sight better than you," the girl told him.

"Good, so what about it? You want us to call the police?" he asked, "or should we deal with this on a more personal level?"

"How do you mean?" she asked suspiciously, "you mean me and you two...?"

Vic gestured to the girl. "Get out of that jump-suit," he ordered, "let's have a look at you."

The girl looked nervously at him, but stood, unzipping the one-piece garment from neck to crotch, and slipping it off, pulling her feet free, leaving her in just a small flimsy pair of bikini briefs. The two men, both six foot or so, looked at her. Small, about five foot, very slim but shapely, with nice perky tits. Around nineteen Vic reckoned.

"Okay, who are you, and how old are you?" Vic demanded, "and where did you come from? You staying in the hotel?"

"My name is Val, I am eighteen and yes, I am in room 402, "she replied, "so now what? I get fucked?"

"Not by us, little lady," Joe told her, "but I will not give much for your chances if you get put in  jail over here."

"Your choice, sexy girl," Vic told her, "say the word and we will call the local cops and they can have you. Or you might prefer to be good and we can all forget all about this."

"How good are we talking?" Val asked nervously, "you want me to fuck you?"

"Shit, no," exclaimed Vic, "apart from the fact we are gay, we would never force a nice girl like you to do that."

"Wel,l what then? " Val asked, "I guess just saying sorry to you would not be enough."

"Fucking true, it wouldn't," exclaimed Joe, but I think we can find a suitable punishment. You might even enjoy it."

Vic pulled Joe to the door, and Val watched an animated whispering take place, both men smiling by the end. Then they slipped on their clothing.

"Okay, the agreement is, we say nothing about what we caught you doing," Joe explained, "and as punishment, you agree to anything we say until we check out in the morning, and we mean 'anything'. Clear?"

"Agreed," conceded Val, "but anything covers a lot. No limits?"

"No limits," warned Vic, "except you will not be marked, damaged or turned over to the police."

"Okay then," smiled Val, "You are on."

She reached for the bag, but Joe snatched it away from her.

"Oh, no," he told her, "this gets handed in at the hotel desk. I will say we found it on the stairway."

"Now get into that outfit, and come on," ordered Vic, "we are taking you back to your room."

"But why...?" She was abruptly cut off by Joe putting his hand over her mouth.

"No questions, you agreed to anything, remember?"

Val nodded dumbly, fastening her jump-suit. Then she was firmly escorted to her own room. Joe took the key from her pocket, and pushed her into the room.

"Strip," he ordered curtly, "all the way, baby. Every stitch."

Val obeyed quietly, and stood naked in front of them.

"Now what?" asked Val, "you changed your minds about a bit of fucking?"

"No," Joe told her, pulling the thick curtain cords loose, and unclipped them from the curtains, "we are going to leave a little 'thank you' tip for the two chambermaids," he explained, "and you are it. The two maids are both gay, so they will love finding you waiting for them."

"Oh God," gasped Val, "you wouldn't. I am not gay."

"Not if you don't want us to," Vic told her, "and being straight will not matter to the girls. We can always hand you over to the local police if you prefer."

Val knew what that would mean, all too well.

"Okay," she conceded, "looks like I have no choice, if you put it that way."

They laid her on the bed, legs pulled as wide apart as possible, and fastened her ankles in place at the sides of the bed. For her wrists, cords from the bathroom blinds sufficed to tie the wrists to the top corners of the bed.

"Where are your toys?" asked Vic, "I assume you have some."

"What toys?" Val prevaricated, "why would I have toys?"

"Because girls your age always have toys," Joe informed her, "now where are they? Or do have to make that phone call?"

Val gave in. "Right-hand bedside cabinet," she told him.

Joe looked and came back with two vibes of different sizes and what looked like a remote control vibe without wires, just a small box with it.

"This?" he barked.

"Remote wireless vibe," Val informed him.

Joe laid the items in plain view on the bed, then turned to her laptop or tablet, whatever it was called. He turned it on, finding it already logged in. A few moments search and he found the built-in camera and mic, activating both. Val looked at him, an unspoken question on her lips.

"Webcam coverage," Joe explained, "linked to my laptop. Should record a great show for us. I am looking forward to seeing how much Carolita and Rosa can make you come."

As a final touch, he wrote a note saying, "enjoy with thanks, all yours until nine in the morning," and signing it for Vic and himself.

"By the way," Joe warned, "don't even think about asking them to release you, remember I will be watching the show."

Val nodded mutely and the two men left, leaving her alone, naked and helpless, with two gay maids on the way any time, and a written invite laid on her bare belly. She was not sure what time the maids were due, but guessed (correctly, as it happened) that Joe would call the desk and ask for maid service.

Sure enough, it was not long before there was a hesitant knock on the door. Getting no answer, the caller tried the door, finding it unlocked, and entered the room. Val saw two young women, early twenties maybe, who were staring in fascination at the sight that greeted them. They came over to the bed, spotting the note left by Joe. One of them picked it up.

"Carolita, this say we are to enjoy until morning, is signed by the nice misters Joe and Vic."

"It is better than a few Euros," Carolita noted, "and she does look ready for us. See, there are even toys for us to use with her."

"Our shift finishes in half an hour," Rosa pointed out," so we can enjoy for a short while, and tell the manager we are tidying the room. Then we have the rest of the night to enjoy our gift."

"That is a good idea," Carolita agreed, "I will phone and tell him what you say."

She picked up the bedside phone, and Val heard her gabbling away in Spanish, before she put the phone down with a look of satisfaction.

"Senor Hernandez, he say to finish the room, then we can go, but to make sure we do all that is needed."

Rosa laughed, "Oh, we will certainly do all that is needed," she giggled, "and I think it will take some time."

Val looked from one girl to the other, and saw that they intended to make the most of their unexpected tip. She had never even thought of trying sex with another girl, but it seemed the omission was soon to be corrected.

"I wonder how sensitive she is," mused Rosa, "is she ticklish?"

She took a feather duster from their trolley, stroking it across Val's feet and smiling at the reaction that she got from the helpless girl.

"Looks like it," noted Carolita, "let's see just how ticklish she is."

Val squirmed inwardly, knowing how easily they would discover her sensitivity. The feather duster was played over her body, the two girls noting each area which elicited the best responses. It narrowed down to her feet, along her ribs and under her pert tits, and the girls started to focus on those areas, feathers brushing lightly and forcing hysterical laughter from their new toy.

Val was wriggling wildly against her bonds, but in vain. Joe and Vic had made certain she was securely bound, and the two maids tormented her unmercifully, until tears of laughter were running down Val's face as she squealed and squirmed helplessly for them. Eventually, the torment ended.

Carolita pointed out, "We do not want her too exhausted to scream for us as we make her come."

"You are right," Rosa conceded, "and there is much more we can enjoy yet."

She went into the bathroom, returning with a damp towel, which she used to wipe Val's face, then the rest of the helpless girl's body, Carolita using a fresh towel to dry Val off.

"We cannot allow her to become bored while we get undressed," Rosa pointed out, "this should keep her happy for a few minutes."

She slid the remote control vibe into Val's tight pussy, turning it on and adjusting it to a setting high enough to keep Val squirming without making her come. The two maids undressed slowly, seemingly enjoying the sight of each others bodies, and exchanging kisses and caresses as they stripped.

Val noticed that Rosa was more generously endowed than her friend, which is not to say Carolita was short of feminine attributes. Val guessed Rosa as around 36C and Carolita as 34B, both bigger than her perky 32B. She also surmised that Rosa was the more dominant of the two.

Val watched in fascination as the two girls kissed and caressed each other, both clearly becoming more and more aroused. She had never seen two women enjoying each other in a sexual way and was surprised to find how turned on it was making her. After some time spent with each other, the two girls came over to the bed, lying on either side of her, and Val experienced her first kisses from another woman.

They were warm, soft and so erotic that she found herself responding involuntarily, melting into first one kiss, then having her head moved for the next. Soft lips worked their way down her neck, and sharp teeth were nibbling gently, sending her into ecstatic convulsions.

The two girls moved slowly down her body, teasing and tasting each part in turn. Nipples were teased into full rigidity, then tormented until she was almost screaming with pleasure. It was when they reached between her legs, and took turns in licking and probing with their tongues, that Val discovered what total pleasure felt like.

One of them stayed between her legs, using hands and mouth to take her higher and higher, while the other, Val did not know who and did not care, amused herself by teasing Val's tits unmercifully. Val was writhing frantically, sensations at both ends vying for her attention, and when a vibe was applied to her tingling clit, she went into orbit, Carolita having to muffle her screams of ecstasy by kissing her hard.

Val lay helplessly twitching as she slowly came down from the incredible high.

"Did I not tell you she would be so sensitive?" Rosa asked her friend, "she scream so good for me. Now you have turn making her scream."

The maids changed places, and again Val experienced the sensation of being eaten by a woman, less aggressively than Rosa had been, but no less effective. Carolita had the vibe deep inside her, pumping it in and out, then stopping when she thought Val was near to coming.

An interminable wait, then more vibe work before stopping again. Val thrust up towards the vibe but it was too far for her to reach. Another rest, and more wonderful vibe fucking, and again it was stopped. Val groaned out loud, almost whimpering with frustration. She looked at Carolita.

"Please," she begged, "please. I will scream well for you."

Carolita smiled, and started again, this time plunging the vibe deep and leaving it there throbbing while she used soft fingers to pull Val's pussy lips apart before nibbling and rubbing with tongue and teeth, and stopping as Val arched up as far as she could and screamed her pleasure. The girls lay on each side of her, stroking softly across her body.

"English girl enjoy what we do?" Rosa asked her, "we have lots more to try."

"Ask if she has ever done that to other woman," suggested Carolita.

Rosa looked at her, bewildered. "She lies here," Rosa pointed out, "you could ask her yourself."

They both looked enquiringly at Val. She shook her head.

"No, never tried it with other women," she admitted, "but you can teach me."

While Rosa straddled her head, Carolita lay between her legs again, stroking her tongue along Val's slit, while Val tried emulating her actions with Rosa's wonderful warm wetness. From the moaning coming from Rosa, her actions were having the desired effect, and as Carolita took her remorselessly to another climax, Val was rewarded by Rosa arching backwards and screaming nicely as she came.

She lay gasping for a few moments while Rosa recovered, then the two girls changed places and Val was eagerly tasting Carolita's sweet juices while Rosa worked on Val's still-sensitive slit. She had Val coming in moments, while Val was still working on Carolita, and Rosa carried on with the tongue-fucking with Val coming over and over, until Carolita came, squirting love-juices over her face and neck.

The girls cleaned her with damp towels, then lay stroking gently.

"This girl wears us out," observed Rosa, "maybe we need to invite Sofia and Paula to help enjoy her."

Carolita smiled wickedly. "I will call them," she announced.

"Tell them to bring the strap-ons," Rosa ordered, "I am thinking we have much still to teach our sexy English girl." Val felt a warm anticipation tingling inside her, as she realized she was going to be very well educated in lesbian sex by the morning. 

Carolita and Rosa took turns in making Val come for each of them in turn. Val did not know how many times she had been tongue-teased to climax by the time the knock came on the door, and two more young women entered.

"See what the Misters Joe and Vic left us for our tip," announced Rosa.

"Is it not the rule that all tips are to be shared?" One of the newcomers asked.

"this is why we call you," Rosa said, "you and Paula can share with us, yes?"

This got grins and murmurs of approval from the newcomers. They both stroked along Val's wet slit, Sofia, held out her finger to Val, and Val took it into her mouth, sucking it clean.

"I think we need to taste her before we start properly," Paula decided, "You start, Sofia, while I get undressed"

Sofia smiled as she settled herself between Val's wide-spread legs, stroking her way with fingernails along the flesh, and smiled even more when she saw Val attempt to move her legs without managing to close them even by a few inches.

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She gripped Val's hips, and buried her head in Val's soaking slit, tongue probing and flicking the clit, eliciting moaning from her victim. She applied more pressure, and Val came massively for her.

Paula was naked by now, and moved Sofia out of her way. "I will clean up this," she stated, "with great pleasure.

She started licking the juices running down Val's thighs, then moved slowly towards the source of the love juice. By the time she had cleaned all she could find, Val was trembling, and when Paula's talented tongue started teasing, with fingers rubbing Val's clit hard, Val was coming again.

"I show you how to make her come fast," Paula announced.

She squirmed up the bed, throwing a leg across Val, until their slits were touching. Val felt her clit being rubbed by the friction. She could not believe she was being pussy fucked so wonderfully. The rubbing went on, Paula coming over Val's slit, and Val following suit within seconds.

She lay gasping, pussy twitching, as she realised she was actually enjoying her ravishment. And she suspected it was not over yet. A buzzing sound told her she was correct. As Paula lay atop her, sucking and nibbling her tits, Val felt something nudge against the gaping entrance of her snatch. She guessed, correctly, that the strap-on requested by Rosa was about to be put to good use. 

"I hope we have plenty of batteries for this," called Rosa, "I think it will be well used tonight." 

Noises to her right. She looked to see Carolita looking through her bedside cabinet. Carolita stood up triumphantly.

"See, English girl has spare batteries for her toys," she announced, "I think she will wear out before these do."

There was laughter from the others at this, and then hands and mouths were caressing Val's body, and the artificial cock slid smoothly into her. Val gasped as it filled her, the vibrations adding to the arousal. Rosa also gasped as she began lunging into Val, grunting at each stroke, then starting to groan as the strap-on aroused her. 

Val came, yelling out loud to the satisfaction of her ravishers, and a few seconds later, Rosa came, collapsing over Val's spread-eagled form. Val was granted some time to recover, while the girls changed the strap-on to the next. While she lay waiting, Rosa straddled her head.

"I am horny because of you," Rosa told her, "so you cure it for me."

Val tongued and teased Rosa's wet slit, not slowing even when the vibes were back inside her. Rosa came quickly, then sat to the side to watch Val bucking as she was fucked again, and then again by the next girl. By the time the fourth one had enjoyed coming while rough-fucking Val, she was exhausted, yet still wanted more.

She had never before been so thoroughly fucked in one session, not even in the single threesome that she had indulged in. It was true what they said, girls could and would last far longer than men. By now though, even the four maids were showing signs of tiredness.

The rest of the night was spent with the four girls somehow cuddled together and with Val on the king-sized bed. Occasionally one of them would wake Val from a light sleep to scissor her to climax, or to lie between Val's wet thighs, licking every drop of her love-juices from her. 

Val spent the night in a half-dream where she came every so often for whoever woke feeling horny. By morning she knew she was their sex-toy, and was happy with her new status. Once the four girls were all awake, they contented themselves with kissing and licking Val until she had come again for each of them.

They each kissed her goodbye, Rosa untying Val before leaving the room. Val lay contentedly, still with arms and legs wide apart and pussy still twitching, savouring her recent gangbang by the sexy girls. She wished she had some way to thank Vic and Joe for that unforgettable night.

Written by marie5555
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