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The Wedding, Pt 07

"Sexual Hijinx Between Members of a Wedding Party"

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Author's Notes

"Pt 7 of 7"

The wedding went off without a hitch. Cynthia’s mania for detail paid off handsomely. We performed our steps in concert with her desires. There must have been two hundred attendees, all dressed in their Sunday finest. When the pastor finally declared Cynthia and Kevon as “man and wife”, she grabbed my friend and shoved her tongue so far down his throat I thought he might choke. This caused a ripple of laughter in the church. When Cynthia came up for air, she had that “I got him now!!” look that women get when their long elusive prey has finally been corralled.

I almost felt sorry for him.

We paired off and exited the sanctuary, followed by the crowd. The newly minted Mr. and Mrs. Kevon Simpson stood outside and shook everyone’s hand. Their reception was set to be held in a conference room at the Sheraton (perhaps the very same room with my cum stains on the carpet. I wasn’t sure.).

After most of the guests left the members of the wedding party re-entered the church sanctuary to take wedding photos. This last bit took the better part of an hour, with Cynthia meticulously posing every photo. I held Nicole’s hand throughout. She finger-palmed me at every opportunity. Lisa looked on with a measure of disgust.

“It’s a SAMPLE, Nikki. It’s not a SHARE.”

Somehow I felt queasy about this concept. I’d definitely been ‘shared’ that morning in my hotel room. To me, there’s a very fine line between fucking a pussy and cumming in that same pussy. Did Lisa expect me to fuck Nicole upon demand? Because I certainly could get used to that dynamic.

I’ll be honest, ladies. Fucking Nicole took something away from my obsession for Lisa. Early in every relationship, the idea of oneness is the driving factor for longevity. Young couples build a set of great experiences early on. It is the memory of these good times that tide couples thru the bad times to come. So it’s important to stockpile as many good experiences as possible. These good experiences are money in that bank when the “he/she gets on my LAST nerve” heebee-jeebies inevitably creep in.

Two days in and I’m sharing the best part of my relationship with two women. Did I say ‘share’? I meant to say ‘sample’.

You might say, “Fella, youse a fool. You get to fuck two women who want to fuck all day, every day, non-stop? And you’re complaining?”

I’m not complaining. I’m saying that I’m putting all my eggs in two baskets. This will result in fewer eggs in each basket. I can’t have both baskets going forward. I’m going to end up with a basket that has half as many eggs as I want.

After fucking Nicole last night, I feel as if I like Lisa less than I did yesterday. I can’t explain it. It just is. I’m a guy. I’m going to get used to fucking Nicole. One day, I’m going to want her to suck my dick. I’m a guy. WTF. When Lisa complains, my balls are going to swell up and I’m going to put her in her place.

“You suggested this shit. Now deal with it.”

Little did I know that the situation would get worse.

At the wedding reception, we were all having a good time. The DJ broke out some hits we recalled from college. I danced with Lisa, then Jennie, then Nicole, then Cynthia. We all did the Electric Slide. When the time came for me to dance with Teralynn she whispered in my ear, “Meet me upstairs in ten.”

I haven’t said much about Teralynn. Freshman year, we came THIS close to being a thing. One night after the Krimson and Kreme Ball (K! A! PSI? I said-a PHI NU PI!!) we found ourselves in each other’s arms. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Nothing came of it. In the morning, we kinda looked embarrassed at each other. I had the hots for her. She was a church girl from Dallas and a little inexperienced. Somehow we fell onto the “let’s be friends” track and never moved off it. Suffice to say we’d become the best of friends. We could be crass with one another. She had a great sense of humor. I trusted her like a sister. More, I loved her like a sister.

So when she invited me up to her room, I was certain there was an issue she wanted to discuss, an issue she didn’t want shared with the fellas just yet. She knew about Lisa and me. I thought this clandestine meetup might be an expression of her concerns about Lisa. Terry always had my best interests at heart.

Teralynn slipped from the reception unnoticed. I asked Lisa to dance. During our time on the floor, I whispered that I needed to step out for a few minutes. I’d be back. Lisa whispered that she wanted us to be alone after the reception. She wanted to go to the Hilton and leave Nicole at the Sheraton. I smiled in agreement.

So I get upstairs to Terry’s room. She lets me in. She’s kinda muddlin’ around with her hands behind her back. I could see she’s got something on her mind.

She broke the ice: “How’re you and Lisa getting along?”

“Good, good. There’s a couple things I’m having an issue with but, you know, there’s always that.”

“She’s got that snapper and all…” Lisa observed.

She’d mentioned Lisa’s ‘snapper’ yesterday. Mentioning it today seemed kind of disingenuous. I was immediately suspicious.

“We’re compatible, yes.” I said.

She seemed to sigh a little.

“Terry, what is it? You’re not going to tell me she’s a man or anything like that?”

“No, no. I met her the same day you did. I don’t have anything bad to say about her.”

“Well? What is it? You didn’t drag me up here to rehash the Lisa situation.?”

“No, Artie. I…”

I waited. Clearly, there was something on her mind.

“Artie, you remember that time when we were freshmen, after the Krimson and Kreme Ball? What happened there?”

I was shocked. I’d often thought about that night. She and I had never discussed it. Now it was my turn to be flummoxed.

“I… I… I thought you just wanted to be friends.”

“I thought that, too, Artie. But, you know, things went from one thing to another and we DID get to be great friends. BEST friends.”

I smiled. We were on the same page.

“Artie, when I heard that you and Jeannie had broken up, I was hoping to meet you here and talk to you about it.”

“Oh, Terry. We had a big fight. We’d been drifting toward it for a while. It just turned out that we didn’t need one another.”

“I liked Jeannie,” she mentioned.

“I know,” I said.

“But I like you better,” she continued.

“I know,” I said.

“No, Artie. I don’t think you do. I came here to attend Kevon’s wedding. But I also came here to see you.”

I was getting an inkling that this conversation was not what I’d expected. I withheld comment.

“Artie, when I found out that you and Lisa were already a thing, I was disappointed. I was hoping….”

“Hoping what?” I asked.

“I was hoping that we could talk. And... maybe… work something out.”

“Are you saying…?”

“Yes, Artie. That’s what I’m saying.”

Now I was legitimately confused. A man and woman can be great friends… AFTER they have sex. Until that time, sex is always the elephant in the room. Terry and I had never had sex. And if I had a choice of someone to have sex with, it would have been her. She knew this. I did not know the vice versa. Here she was telling me the vice versa.

The other consideration is that sex is the ruination of friendship. Once dick goes into pussy, all bets are off. There are heightened expectations, disappointments, heartbreaks, misunderstandings and arguments. I didn’t want that for Terry and me. I couldn’t afford to lose her as a friend. And now my dick is saying, “Yeh, but… yeh, but…”

I wanted to tell her all this. But I could see in her eyes that she’d considered each and every angle already. She knew me well.

“Do you really want to fuck up our friendship?” I asked.

“I dunno, Artie. I just know that I couldn’t continue without telling you how I felt.”

“How DO you feel?” I asked.

She stepped to me, reached up and slipped her tongue into my mouth. There was no strained breathing, no surreptitious humping, no groping at my belt. Just a pure, unadulterated kiss. It was the same kiss I’d fallen in love with eight years before. She reached up to stroke my cheek with her left hand. When she stepped back, I was in love again… for the second time that week.

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“That thing you’re tasting in your mouth right now? That’s me,” she said.

My brain was awash in the same electric colors I felt when my penis was spraying semen into Lisa’s pussy. But this taste was more pure, selfless and innocent.

“Go back downstairs to Lisa. But I want you to think about that taste. You can have it all the time, if you want.”

I stumbled toward the door. My penis was erect, a third leg. I could barely walk. It was massively prominent.

I turned back to Terry and swept her up in my arms. We kissed and kissed. To my knowledge, none of the fellas had ever been this close to the tipping point. We were all friends. We were not lovers. I wondered what would happen next.

Teralynn unbuckled my belt.

By the time I returned to the reception, the party was in full swing. Everyone was dancing. The music was loud. I’d been gone thirty-five minutes. No one missed me… except Lisa. And when our eyes met, she looked at me as if she’d counted my erections before I’d left and when I’d returned, I was a couple of boners short.

Indeed, Teralynn and I had fornicated fiercely twice in the span of five minutes. People who’ve wondered after each other for years tend to cum early and often. I don’t even think our session lasted five minutes. I think it took one minute for us to bust two nuts—standing up. And then we took four minutes to recover, kissing and mumbling and going on like that. I wiped the sweat from her brow and made sure not to spill semen on her bride’s maid's dress, although I noticed more than a few dark spots on her panties, which had been brusquely pushed to the side.

Making my way back downstairs. I knew enough about women to gussy myself up a bit before returning to the party. I went into a public bathroom and washed my dick with soap. Women can smell the scent of other women on a man. They especially can detect the scent of pussy on a dick, especially if it's not their own.

Two days into my relationship with Lisa and I was already creeping. My first thought was to arrange to spend the night at the Sheraton, not the Hilton. I thought it would be easier to leave Lisa’s room and get downstairs to Terry’s room if I spent the night at the Sheraton. Wooof!

I put on my best “I ain’t did nuttin’” face and asked Lisa to dance. I noticed that Terry had returned to her seat by then. Lisa did not look happy.

“You’ve been gone an awful long time,” she said.

“I hadda go to the bathroom. These canapés give me the trots,” I said.

It was a plausible explanation. Her smile returned.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

“A little better. Can we dip out? And go upstairs?”

“Artie, Nicole is going to have company. We’ll get caught.”


“She didn’t say who. And I didn’t ask. I’m just happy to have you to myself tonight.”

“How long do we have to be here?”

“We have to stay until Cynthia and Kevon leave,” she said.

“Their plane to Aruba doesn’t leave until the morning?”

“Yes. They are staying here, in the nuptial suite, tonight.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“So when they go upstairs, we can sneak out to the Hilton.”

I nodded. I didn’t want to push the Sheraton idea so soon after explaining my unexplained absence.

Soon enough, the time came for Kevon and Cynthia to go up to the bridal suite. The entire wedding party followed them up to their room, tossing rice and making lurid jokes about Kevon finally getting his chance to “taste the goods”. Cynthia batted her eyes and feigned embarrassment, but I kept thinking back to the big white boy that she’d fucked into submission on video. If she hadn’t fucked anybody in two or three weeks, Kevon was in for a long night and then a long flight. I couldn’t imagine him seeing any of Aruba’s beautiful beaches. Cynthia’s pussy was going to be in his face each and every minute they were away.

We all went back downstairs to finish partying. Eddie assembled a Soul Train line. We each cut silly figures while dancing down this line, trying to mimic ancient dances from the seventies. On one iteration Terry and I found ourselves matched up. I did The Robot like that guy from Chappelle’s Show. Terry did The Floss. Both these dances created a great deal of laughter. Even Lisa thought it hilarious.

Before the night was out Terry pulled me aside and whispered: “Come back up to my room tonite if you can. If you can’t, I’ll understand. But call me anyway. I’m flying out at noon tomorrow.”

OMG, I was torn. In the span of twenty-four hours, I’d fucked three different women—rawdog. Did I mention Terry’s snapper? Yes, she has one. She’d never bragged about it. In fact, she’d never mentioned it. But once my penis slipped inside her, and the heat and the wetness and silky pubic hair enveloped my pole, I recognized her vaginal fecundity. Nicole was good. Lisa was better. Neither of them had anything on Terry.

I started rationalizing:

“They’re SISTERS!! You can’t have them both!”

“They masturbate to porn videos!”

“She had that white boy’s dick in her mouth.”

“Terry and I are too close as friends for us to be lovers.”

“What happens when the fellas find out about me and Terry?”

“How many other fellas has Lisa fucked?”

“Whose pussy is the best?”

Again, if you are a woman reading this, the aforementioned rationalizations are keen insights into the mind of a doggish man. A man is only as moral as his options. I realize these things make me look like a pig. I should have settled on just one of these magnificent women and left it at that. I did not. I’m a guy.

As I was ruminating, I felt Lisa whispering in my ear:

“We can go upstairs now, if you want. RIGHT NOW. Nicole is distracted. We have a fifteen-minute window.”

A dip out! Who in their right mind is going to turn that down?

“Sure!” I replied.

Lisa dipped out first. She had the room key. I didn’t wait long to follow. Our window was short.

When I arrived at room 1237, Lisa opened the door for me. She was fully naked. That horrid pink bride’s maids dress was a thing of the past. Her body seethed, happy to be free of its constraints.

“OMG. I’ve been dying to get out of that thing,” she said.

Have I mentioned how conflicted I was? An hour ago my dick was clasped in the fragrant embrace of another woman’s pussy. And now my own woman stood naked before me, fully intent upon consummating a quickie in the equally fragrant embrace of her own pussy. Lisa was breathtakingly beautiful in her nakedness. I could smell sexuality oozing from her every pore. She’d been walking around in that magnificent pussy all day, sweating in it, grinding it into her seat, soaking her panties with vaginal manna, lusting to be filled with dick and semen. She was in the grip of PGAD. And now she had the opportunity sedate it. This was an appetizer, an opiate.

I started getting that sticky feeling in my stomach, the precursor to a monster boner and physical release. All my moral conflicts oozed away in the face of the glorious tits and ass standing before me. I’m a guy.

Lisa didn’t bother to start ripping my clothes off. She unzipped my pants and pulled Mr. Happy from his comfort zone atop my left thigh. She knelt and tasted him with her tongue. I lolled my head back. Lisa knew how to suck a dick. I prepared myself for a luxuriant, mind-bending visit to her esophagus.

There was a pause.

“Artie, this dick smells like hand soap.”

I sensed trouble.

“Artie, you’ve been walking around in this dick all day. I know what a walked-around all-day dick smells like. It doesn’t smell like this. A walked around dick smells sweaty and musky and pissy and a little like asscheese, Artie. A walked-around dick is what a woman wants to taste when her man comes home from work. You’ve washed this dick.”

My spidey sense was raging now.

“I told you I had the trots. I had to wash up,” I ventured.

“No, Artie. Wiping your ass isn’t the same thing as washing your dick. In my experience, dicks only get washed to mask the smell of pussy. A soapy dick is the main indicator of a cheater, Artie. Scratch a cheater, find a liar, Artie.”


She looked up at me. Our eyes met. In that instant, we both knew. Lisa stood to face me.

“I think you should go now,” she said.

And that was the last I saw of her.

Written by bardot1990
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