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Rachel’s Trip to Jamaica. Chap. 4.

"Rachel’s last day in Jamaica."

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Author's Notes

"A couple of months ago, I started rewriting this series. I found Chapter 4 in my writing folder, unpublished. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It might make more sense if you read the previous chapters, as they have been rewritten."

The sun pouring in her bedroom window woke Rachel. She lay still for a moment, ascertaining how she was feeling. She fully expected there to be some discomfort from the alcohol and pot she had consumed the previous evening. But surprisingly, she felt great, better than she had felt in months.

She leapt out of bed when she saw it was 7:20, realising she was starving. She moved to the shower, wanting to get to breakfast before the place filled up. The clothes she’d worn were on the chair by her bed, and knowing she would never wear the outfit again when she returned home, she determined to return it.

In the bathroom, however, she saw the crotchless panty set hung over the shower curtain. Just the sight of it made her wet. She wanted to keep those and had a wicked thought: she would wear them to church when she got home.

As she bent to wash her legs, she noticed the tattoo. She’d forgotten all about it and fleetingly wondered if she should cover it. No, Damed, if she would, it was a pleasant reminder that she had let her hair down and lived.

When she left her room, she saw Marty reading outside his unit. He called out, “I’ve been waiting for you. Can I come have breakfast with you?”

Rachel snapped out, “Okay,” but she didn’t show any encouragement. She was not that enthused about how he had acted the day before.

“What about Stephanie? Don’t you want to wait for her?” she pointedly asked.

“No, last I looked, she was still out to the world. I’ll leave her be; the boys have a busy day planned for her. So she’ll need her beauty sleep,” He said sarcastically.

They collected their food and chose a table by the window. And Marty launched into his reason for wanting to sit with her.

“I saw you on the dunes when your boyfriend came and talked to the boys. I wanted to know how much you saw,” and when he saw the look she gave him, “Look, I know I reacted like an arsehole, but I want to apologise for that also. But what she had done was a huge shock to me. I think some husbands might have reacted even worse.”

Rachel eased back in her chair and admitted she was shocked as well, “Your wife treated me like some slut, just because I’d been to that beach. And yet there she was, turning up and paying for sex.”

“I think that act was for me to put me off the scent. Will you tell me what you saw? When we got back to our room last night, she tried to tell me she never paid Frank and that he seduced her.”

“Ha! That is bullshit. I was in the bar when you two arrived at the beach. And Arley and I escaped via the back door and went down to the video van where we watched everything.”

Rachel then proceeded to tell Marty all she’d seen, from Stephanie asking the room boy where and how much they cost to her tipping Horse an extra $50 when he threatened to leave because of her attitude.

Marty laughed at that. Yes, Frank seems to have her number. I don’t think any man has ever stood up to her before. I certainly haven’t, but that will all change from now on.

“How on earth did you wind up married to her, and why do you stay?”

 “She hasn’t always been such a stuck-up bitch. It’s just the last few years that she has gone of sex. Well, if I’m honest, she never wanted to do half the stuff I wanted. But that is pretty much the same for all my mates.”

 “Where did you meet?” Rachael asked.

“I manage a media company. We met when she was only eighteen and doing some modelling and promotion work for us at a show. It was love at first sight, and her lack of interest in sex didn’t bother me much in those days. I was more interested in my job and having a beautiful woman on my arm.”

“I don’t hate her. She can sometimes be difficult to live with, but we have three wonderful children. We have a circle of friends to whom our lives are closely tied. There are dozens of other reasons I stay.”

Rachel was not surprised that Stephanie had been a model and aspired to be an actress. At thirty-eight, she was still a fine-looking woman, and her figure was good, especially considering she had three children. Rachel hoped that when she reached that age, she would be in as good a shape.

“Are you going to let her see Horse again?”

“Yes, he’s picking us up at Midday. Cassius is working somewhere today, so Frank is bringing two of his mates and taking us to a secret waterhole with a waterfall. He says few locals know about it, so no one should be there. I’ve booked the video guy to come with us.”

“I hear that is expensive?”

“They may think so, but the company I work for produces advertisements primarily. And what he is asking for the day is a pittance. Hell! Stephanie is in Real Estate, and just one sale has paid for our holiday. So money is not an issue.”

“How did you meet Michael?”

Looking puzzled, Marty asked, “Who’s Michael?”

“The video guy, his name is Michael. He was in the van filming while I was watching you guys.”

“Oh! I didn’t know his name. He came to the beach after you left and offered to film us. I moved aside and let him film Cassius and Frank doing her. I’m getting the tapes from him today, and we will set up some more scenes at the waterhole. I don’t like the thought of blackmail, but they will be bloody useful should Steph try and revert to her old ways.”

One of the staff members came over to the table and interrupted, “Miss Rachel, there is a caller on the phone.”

Rachel twisted on her seat and went to stand.

“They are just asking if they can meet you out front at 9:00 instead of 10:00. You don’t need to get up. I can give them your reply.”

Rachel told him that would be alright, and the waiter moved away. As she placed her legs back under the table, she saw that Marty was studying her legs.

“What is that tattoo on your ankle? It wasn’t there yesterday.”

“I got it last night. It’s to be a reminder of my time here.”

“Dam girl! Do you know what it means?”

Rachel felt a cold, ominous chill. She wondered if Eldon had any malicious intent in giving it to her, so she quickly made up a story in her head.

“I picked it out. I liked it, and I had the Elizabeth Regina initials underneath to remind me of my time in England. Why? What do you think it is?”

“Well, in certain bars where mostly coloured guys hang out, it means you have a sexual preference for black men. And in some situations, it can even mean you are available to any black man in the room.”

The tattoo making her so vulnerable should have shocked her, but instead, a ripple of excitement ran through her.

“I doubt anyone I know would know that meaning. I picked it because, on rainy days in London, we played a card game called Hunt the Bitch. I think its proper name is ‘Hearts’, but we never called it that. I heard the boys call it ‘Hunt the Cunt’ once…. Oh, goodness, I’ve never said that out loud before, but it always turns me on when I think about it. So that’s what I picked.”

“What are you doing today?”

“Arley is taking me around some places most tourists don’t see. And I might add, I have not paid him a penny. He has just been a good friend to me.”

“Maybe he will bring you to our waterhole. That would be a real plus for me and the boys,” he said, giving her a predatory look.

“You can get that thought out of your mind. That will never happen. I’m nothing like your wife.” And she stood and made to leave.

Marty fired a final question at her, “Where did you get the tattoo done? I’m going to get one done on Stephanie’s ankle today.

“Ask Horse about it. I’m sure he’ll know a place. But if it means what you say. Aren’t you worried about her getting into trouble?”

Marty let out a chuckle, “I’m counting on it. My production studios are in a seedier part of town, a long way from where we live. And I know a bar nearby where only people of colour drink. So I will be taking her there as soon we get home. Well, as soon as I can make up a reason to get her to visit me at the office.”

“That’s not very nice.”

“Probably not, but did you not watch her yesterday? She went off harder than I have ever seen. She’ll love the bar. Oh, sure, she’ll object, but once she has a big black cock in her, she’ll thank me. The bonus for me is the sex at home. You should have heard her go off last night. It was our best sex ever, and how she orgasmed makes me question whether she has ever climaxed before when we have had sex.”

Rachel walked back to her room, feeling uneasy about her conversation and Marty's thought that he had a chance with her. Lord, the guy was over fifty—yuck. It was just as well that this was her last day; she had certainly let her standards slip.

Remembering that Arley said he’d take her to another beach, she picked up two beach towels as she walked past the pool. Then, she hurried back to her room, packed and headed to the reception, where Arley was already waiting.

He led her to Naila’s car and explained that he had borrowed it for the day. Once they were underway, she asked him where he was taking her.

“First, I must go to the boutique; Naila wants a meeting. Then I’ll pick up Tarone and take you to a private beach.”

He looked at Rachel and saw she was looking at him apprehensively.

“What? Do you not want to go to the beach?”

“You’ll think I’m a cheap slut if I sleep with you both again. You don’t understand, I’m not like that. I’ve only slept with one guy before you. So I’m feeling guilty about how I have behaved in the last two days.”

“I don’t think of you as a cheap slut….an expensive one maybe, but not cheap,” and he laughed to show her he was joking.”

“Look, I have been working for Aden for almost four years now, and at an average of around one ride per week, I’ll let you work out how many ladies I have been with. They have all been different. However, there are also some common traits between them. They are almost all widows who have lost their husbands early and have been on their own for several years. And the most common thing they all tell me is that they wish they had not spent their lives conforming to others’ expectations. Some are very blunt about the fact they wish they had been with more men and had lived out all their fantasies whilst they were still young enough to truly enjoy them. So I think you are beautiful and should do everything you want to. You can act as the perfect woman when you find a guy and settle down. Until then, no one knows what you have done except for us guys, and we never talk.”

Rachel shrugged her shoulders in acceptance and asked if he would show her different positions. Then quietly, almost to herself, “Naughty stuff, things you have learnt in your job.”

“The first thing you should learn is how to give a blow job; all guys like that, and many women like giving them even more than having sex. We are still fifteen minutes from Naila’s if you want to try it.”

Blushing at how forward she had been, she unzipped his shorts.

“Your Bob Marley mate is the only one I have ever done this to, so tell me if I’m doing it right,” said Rachael, and she lowered her head to take his limp member in her mouth. It quickly hardened, hit the back of her throat and made her gag.

“Ooooh Fuck. That is nice,” moaned Arley, “You are doing just fine. I might drive off the road if you keep that up.”

He had quickly grown too big for her to accommodate, so the two-thirds she couldn’t fit in her mouth, she wrapped her hand around and jerked like a porn movie she had watched back in London. She sucked on the knob and felt the ridges and glans with her tongue.


She jerked upright as she felt him driving off the road. But seeing he was pulling into a lay-by, she bent and sucked the magnificent engorged rod back into her mouth.

“I’m going to cum if you keep that up, and I’m not joking about going off the road and having an accident.”

She lowered her mouth over it again and sucked and stroked until she felt it stiffen. She went to pull away, scared of it coming into her mouth. But Arley grabbed her hair and held her from pulling back as he ejaculated. Rachael had no choice but to swallow and was pleasantly surprised that the taste was not unpleasant.

She stayed still, feeling him soften, then jerked upright when she sensed a shadow walk past the car. She saw several people walking along the road, none of them seemingly taking any notice of them, but she slunk down on the seat, self-conscious about what she had just done.

“Fuck that was good. Are you sure you have only had one boyfriend? He was a lucky bastard if he got blowjobs like that.”

“I never did that with him!” Exclaimed Rachel.

“I’d like you to teach me some new things today. I may never get the chance again.”

“Well, that was your first lesson. It’s good to get a guy off before he makes love to you. Girls need much more time than men, and guys often can’t last long enough to satisfy them. So making your boyfriend cum, means that he can hold out for much longer when he loves you.”


When they arrived at the boutique, Rachael took the schoolgirl’s outfit from her bag and carried it into the shop. Naila directed Arley to wait for her out back as she needed to talk to him. Then she introduced her to Chandice and explained, “Aden and I are throwing a party tonight. Chandice will help you find something to wear, and it is on the house.”

She saw Rachael about to protest, held up her hand, and said, “There will be no argument. You are to take it as payment for getting the tape back, amongst everything else you did for us last night. The party is for our bank manager, but to me, the night will be for you.”

The first dress Chandice tried to get her to put on was a little black number containing less material than one of her short nighties.

“I can’t wear that. I’d be hanging out all over.”

Chandice replied that with such beautiful breasts, she should wear something that showed them off. But the number she finally settled on was a red Strapless, High-Waisted Evening Dress.

Chandice folded it carefully and packed it into a paper carry bag. Rachael noticed she placed a red bra and panty set in the bag. When she protested, Chandice waved her to be silent, “Naila said you were to wear these with the dress. Lastly, they found some red, low, healed sandals that fit her, and she sat by the counter waiting for Arley.

When he finally approached, his excited, happy face told her he had accepted Naila’s proposal. He took her arm and walked her back to his car. Once seated, he turned to her, “I’ve had some good news.”

Rachel replied that she knew what was happening but had no details.

“Well, Aden is going to sell me the beachside bar, and I’m going to run the Beachboy business for an investor.”

“Do you have the money to buy the bar?” Rachel asked.

“I’ve saved a lot in the last four years, but Aden is leaving some money in, which I should be able to pay back in less than a year. Let’s go to the beach and celebrate.”

Arley turned to Rachel, “Do you want me to go pick up Tarone?”

Rachel replied with a quiet ‘yes’.

“Are you sure? You don’t sound very positive.”

“I’m embarrassed. But yes, I want both of you again.”

Arley didn’t comment; he just slipped the car into gear, and they headed East out of the city. After 5 minutes, Arley pulled up outside a dilapidated block of buildings and tooted his horn. Tarone stepped out of a doorway with a duffle bag over his shoulder and climbed in the rear.

On the outskirts of Kingston, she saw a sign for Morant Bay, indicating that it was one hour away. She’d seen the sign before, as the Resort was on the same road.

“Is that where we are going?” she asked.

“No, we’re going to a lovely private spot about fifteen minutes before Morant Bay.”

Arley put his hand on her leg and squeezed, “Remember what I told you about getting your boyfriend prepared, so the loving is good?”

Rachael nodded at him.

He smiled and quietly said, “Be a good girl, hop over the back, and sort Tarone out.”

Rachael hesitated. She would never dare to be so forward. Then, when Arley slipped his hand between her legs and squeezed her sex, she whispered under her breath, "What the fuck," and moved to climb between the seats. But Arley stopped her. His fingers had slipped through the opening in her panties, and he flicked her beach dress up to have a look.

“Oh shit, Tarone. She is wearing crotchless frillies.”

Tarone was grinning like a Cheshire Cat when she clambered into the back. He quickly lifted his hips and slid his shorts to his ankles as Rachael reached for him. She was pleased to see he wasn’t hard, wanting to feel him harden in her mouth. Taking him in her mouth, she almost managed the entire shaft. However, within seconds, it was swelling, and she had to pull back before she choked.

“Jeez, girl, you’re keen today; let me get more comfortable.”

He manoeuvred himself around so he could lean against the side door. Then, he reached over and slid his hand down her back, over her bum and between her legs, searching out the crotchless briefs Arley had warned him about. A huge smile covered his face as he found the split, parted it and sank two fingers into her wet, gaping gash.

For the next fifteen minutes, there was only the slippery sounds of wet pussy being fingered and muffled groans and gasps from Rachael as she worked on his shaft.

When she began to show signs of nearing her climax, she lifted her head and told him she liked sucking cock.

“Well, you fucking good at it, girl. Do you want me to pull out? I’m close to coming?”

She shook her head to let him know she didn’t want him to and bobbed faster. His first ejaculation was so strong it caused her to gag, and she jerked away. The second spurt hit her tongue and lips, and some went into her eye. She pulled away and watched the final spurt dribble down onto her hand.

Rachel sat up, more than pleased with her efforts. Tarone leaned forward, lifted her as if she weighed no more than a bag of flour, and sat her back against the right side door.

“Arley, pull up the seat slider,” he called out.

And when Arley complied, he pushed the passenger seat forward and dropped to his knees in the seat well. Then, gripping Rachel’s knees, he lifted them to her chest and lowered his mouth to her exposed pink gash.

“I’ll happily repay the favour after such an expert effort,” said Tarone as he began to slurp and suck on her.

She noticed Arley adjusting the rearview mirror so he could watch. Her response to being so exposed was to turn crimson, and a flood of heat enveloped her body.

She closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of Tarone’s tongue snaking its way amongst her tender folds. Soon, she felt an orgasm building and opened her eyes to see if Arley was watching. She wanted him to watch her come. But looking up, she saw the startled face of an old Jamaican sitting in the passenger seat of a passing truck.

Being caught in such an exposed situation made her panic, and she flung her hands up to cover her breasts. But the thrill of exposure brought on her climax, and she just lay there pulling and pinching on her hard nipples as she writhed around in ecstasy.

The old passenger’s mouth fell open, and he gave her the thumbs up as Arley accelerated away. The bugger must have slowed on purpose to let the truck pull alongside them.

Minutes later, they pulled off the road onto a sandy track that led down to a secluded beach. Rachel was still breathing deeply from her exertions.

Arley opened the boot and pulled out a bag with the food and drink. He also picked out two short bamboo poles with what looked like lamps on top. He saw her quizzical look and explained, “We’ll set up under the tree there for shade, but the mozzies are bad here, so this lets out a smoke that keeps them away.

She stood excitedly by the car as the two huge Jamaicans set up the picnic blanket and set out the towels, containers and water bottles.

It was an idyllic spot, with waves crashing on the beach - a little piece of paradise. Tarone came over and lifted her to the blanket, and the boys lay on each side of her.

Arley asked her about herself, but she didn’t want to expose her life to date as boring, so she asked some questions.

“What is Aden and Naila’s house like?” she asked, picturing it as a larger version of Arley’s hut. Yet the fancy evening dress sitting in the boot of the car didn’t equate to their owning a ramshackle hut.

“It’s like a mansion. Well, it’s a Jamaican mansion anyway. It may just be a normal house for you. They got it in the downturn a couple of years ago. An American built it but lost all his money, and with the prices collapsing, they got it for a song.”

Rachael asked, “Is Tarone coming with us tonight?”

Tarone answered, “No. I’ve not been invited. I’ve never seen the place.”

Arley countered, “The party has been in the wind for a few weeks. It’s only business acquaintances. Naila wanted you to come, as she’s so thankful for what you did for her. But she won’t tell me what you did,” he said looking at her questionably.

 “I can’t tell you. I was sworn to secrecy.”

Arley pointed at her ankle, “Does it have something to do with that gangster?”

“Surely, if you know who this tattoo represents, you know to ask no more. Do I need to know what the business deal is about so I don’t say the wrong thing?”

Arley hesitated, seeming to think what to say, then relaxed, “I’m not certain of all that might be happening myself. But it must have a lot to do with the sale of the beach boy business, as their bank manager is one of the important guests.”

Tarone piped up, “Rose and some of her girls are invited, so they must be trying to set the bank manager up.”

“I don’t think they are trying to set him up. More they are trying to butter him up to look after them.” Then, looking at Rachael, Arley stated, “They have been setting up a security firm for fitting burglar alarms and security cameras. They have some clever computer nerds from the Uni days working for them and are trying to get contracts to service and maintain large accounts. The Bank is one of them. It’s currently serviced from the States. And at least two others attending own large companies on the island.”

“Why do they need the girls there, then?” asked Tarone.

‘Evidently, the bank manager has shown an interest in having a bit of chocolate. So they’re  hoping he will appreciate their giving him the opportunity.”

Will other women be there, or will I have to mix with all the good-time girls?” asked Rachael.

“I know some guests will bring their wives, but I think the bank manager’s invitation did not include his wife. Which is why I believe they have invited Rose and her girls.”

“Anyway, let’s go for a skinny dip and then have lunch.”

They both stood and shed their clothes, then turned on Rachel. She was hesitant, never having skinny dipped before. And walking the fifty yards to the water naked had her worried. But they had her sundress over her head before she had time to resist. However, she did put up a fight when they started on the bra and knickers. It turned into a game. They tickled and pinched her nipples and bum to distract her and soon had her standing on the grass bank starkers.

“Last one to the water gets thrown in,” yelled Tarone. And Rachael leapt onto the sand and took off.

Her head start lasted no more than a dozen paces, and when she ran into their arms at the water’s edge, she was hefted up and thrown into a wave. So much for all the time, she had put into her hair and makeup that morning.

Spluttering and gasping, she tried to dunk Tarone, and for the next 30 minutes, they fooled around in the shore break like little children. 

Rachel had never laughed so much and had little fight left in her when Arley bent and lifted her by her calves. It made her fall back into Tarone’s arms, who also lifted her for a kiss. Arley kept lifting and buried his head between her legs. And that was the end of their fooling around. They all got very serious. And they had her squirming around like a worm in the sun before they set her down and walked her back to the blanket.


The sun slanted through the overhead branches onto Rachael’s back. She lay prone, her head nestled on her arms as Tarone rubbed coconut oil on her shoulders. An overwhelming sexual longing had taken control of her body. She was acutely aware of their closeness, strength and maleness. Arley was sitting by her head, running his fingers through her hair.

 Rachel heard a car drive up and stop. She tried to get up so she could cover herself, but Arley held her still.

“It’s just some surfers. They can’t see much and will be in the water soon.” Arley whispered.

She twisted her head sideways and saw a car parked on the other side of theirs. She couldn’t see much, but squinting, she could see three pairs of feet and surmised they were unloading their surfboards. Then they appeared out the front, heading for the surf. She cringed as they looked her way, and she felt Tarone work his oily fingers down her bum crack. She knew he was putting on a show for them, and she buried her head in her elbow, embarrassed but also aroused beyond anything she had experienced.

After what seemed an age, Arley told her they were gone. She opened her eyes and had a quick look. Sure enough, the three young Jamaican guys were down by the water’s edge, waxing up their boards.

“You wanted something new. How about a sixty-nine, only one of Tarone and my special ones?”

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Rachel glanced down at the surfers again. They were only about fifty yards away. “Can we wait for them to go or drive further down the beach?”

Arley laughed, “No, half the thrill is having them there. They’ll be way out in the  water soon and not worried about us.”

He spun around and lay beside her, and Tarone helped him lift her to lie on top of him.

Rachel knew about sixty-nines. She and the girls in the London flat had joked about them, but never in her life did she think she would ever have one. However, here she was, Arley’s loaded weapon right in front of her face, and his head buried in her cunt, or ‘punish’ as he always called it.

She watched the three surfers wade out into the surf as she began sucking on Arley’s mouth-watering phallus. Then, as one of the surfers turned to look at them, she felt Tarone mounting her from behind. She was thankful that he sank into her punash and not her bum. As it had hurt the last time he tried that. But her relief was short-lived as she felt him pouring oil between her cheeks, and as the surfer gave a wave and turned into the surf, she felt Tarone withdraw and push his firm rod into her arse.

Thank god he’s not as big as Arley,” she thought.

The pain was nowhere near what she expected, and in minutes she was humping back into him, her rear tingling from the exquisite sensations the two men were giving her.

She looked out to the surf and felt a twinge of disappointment that the surfers were now well out beyond the shore break and taking no notice of them. She lowered her head and increased her movements, wanting to hurry and get Arley off so she could cover herself before they left the water. But part of her also realised the thrill of getting caught was incredibly arousing.

“Oh Fuck,” exclaimed Arley, “I’m going to come, and I want to fuck you.”

Hearing that, Tarone rolled off to let Arley turn Rachel around, but she fought him. She wanted to keep an eye on the surfers. The chance of them glancing up the beach was turning her on. Arley understood and spun around, so she faced the surf when he helped her lower herself onto him.

Rachel bit her lip, consumed by pure, unadulterated lust, as his slick shaft sank back into her gushing folds. She searched out Arley’s mouth and kissed him passionately, turned on even more by her taste in his mouth.

In her peripheral vision, she saw that one of the surfers had caught a wave and was approaching the shore. She knew he would look up the beach at them, and she reached behind, grasping Tarone’s rigid shaft and guiding it towards her arse. She had no idea if she could accommodate both men, but she was happy to try. A primitive, animal heat consumed her, and as he sank home, she wailed in despair as her orgasm exploded far too quickly.

 The surfer stood in the ankle-deep water, watching as Rachael climaxed. It was a huge orgasm, pure ecstasy. Her heart pounded, and lights danced in front of her eyes. Then she panicked as the surfer dropped his board and walked up the beach towards them.

Thankfully, Tarone had also finished and saw him coming. He stood and walked towards the guy. Who stopped and retreated. Rachael wondered if it was the look in Tarone’s eye or the size of his cock that warned the guy off, and that thought made her giggle.

When they had all caught their breaths, they ate their food and lay back sunbathing. Thankfully, the surfers exited the water after an hour, and Arley let her cover herself with a towel when the surfers returned to their car.

Soon after, they packed up and walked down to the water for a last swim. They drove Tarone back to his place, stopped at Arley’s to collect some clothes, and then dropped her off at the Resort.

As he kissed her goodbye, Arley told her to be ready by 7:00, and she mentioned that she didn’t want to be too late that night. “I have to be at the airport by 8:30 am in the morning, It’s going be a big day. I fly from here to Houston, stop for two hours, then onto LA, where I spend the night.”

“When do you fly home?” Arley asked

“The following day at 6:00 pm, so I’ll have the morning to go shopping. Now that Aden has paid for the Resort, I have some money to get presents and clothes.”


Rachel left her room fifteen minutes early, as Arley was always waiting for her, and she didn’t want to keep him waiting. When she arrived at reception, though, he hadn’t arrived. Stephanie was there, however, and motioned her over to sit with her.

“I’m catching a ride with you. Marty says I need to apologise for the way I spoke with you at dinner the other night. I am sorry. It was my guilt and, I guess, jealousy that you could go to that beach when I didn’t know how.”

“Where is Marty?” Rachel said, looking around.

“Frank wouldn’t let him come tonight. Marty complained, but Frank has something over him as he told him if he didn’t back down, he would not get what he was after. I don’t know what it’s all about, but Marty begrudgingly backed down. Strange, as it is not like Marty to give up on anything.”

She looked at Rachael, saw the look on her face, and snapped back, “You know what it is, don’t you?”

“Well, I have an idea. Do you really want to know?”

“Of course.”

“Well, they filmed you with the boys on the beach on the first day. So I’m guessing that Frank is telling him he won’t get a copy if he kicks up a fuss.”

“Oh! I knew they took some photos today but didn’t know about any video.”

Rachael was relieved to see Arley walk through the door, saving her from any more awkward questioning.

He bundled them into Naila’s car, saying they were going straight to the party as Horse was already there. He had been helping set up all afternoon.

When they arrived at the house, Rachael was pleasantly surprised. Although not in the same league as what she would classify as a mansion, it was much nicer than expected. She recognised three of the beach boys and one of the girls from Naila’s Boutique, but not the other girls hanging out with the boys. There were also several couples, all Jamaican, who, by their smart clothes, she took to be the businessmen and their wives. She saw no sign of Horse.

Naila came to the door and greeted them, telling Stephanie that Frank was away getting supplies and would not be long. Then she offered to get them drinks, saying there was a good Jamaican punch they had made.

Stephanie nodded, but Rachael whispered in Naila’s ear that she would stay away from the drink as she was flying in the morning.

Arley followed Naila to help with the drinks, but some more guests arrived, so she left Arley to do the honours. It was another two Jamaican couples and a European couple in their fifties, and close behind them came Beverly and Razor.

Aden joined Naila to greet the newcomers and guided them to the bar. But once Beverly saw them standing by the ranch slider, she dragged Razor over to join them. Arley introduced them all, which was funny as Rachael felt she already knew Beverly. She also looked at Rachel knowingly and said she had seen her around the Resort.

Arley asked, “I’ve just made Rachael a lemon, lime and bitters. Would you like one?”

Beverly agreed and turned to Rachael to ask if she didn’t drink.

“Yes, but I’m flying in the morning, so I’d like to remain relatively sober.”

“What about you? Stephanie. I’ve seen you around the Resort in the last couple of days, being bossed around by your husband. Where is he, by the way?”

Rachael saw Stephanie was embarrassed and did not know how to answer. But Rachael knew Beverly knew what was happening, as she had to have looked along the beach and seen the goings-on the previous day. So, she answered for her.

“She’s here with Horse and has left her husband back at the resort.”

"Oh! Good for you. I wish I had found out about all this years ago. How do you find Horse? He’s a bit large for me, but I did have a lovely night with him last year.”

Again, Stephanie hesitated. Beverly continued, “You’re embarrassed. Don’t be. We are girls in the same situation and should be able to talk.”

Then she turned to Rachael, “Loverly dress, very tasteful. Your choice, I’m guessing?”

“Yes, I wanted something I can wear when I return home,” replied Rachael. “The girl at the shop tried to get me to wear some flimsy little number.”

They all relaxed and exchanged details about where they lived and what they liked. Their conversation was interrupted again by more people arriving. All conversation in the room stopped when one of the new guests stepped through the front door.

He was large in every way. He was well over six feet tall, his large belly was barely contained behind his straining suit jacket buttons, and his loud voice dominated the room. Rachael knew without being told that this was the banker. She had worked with men just like him in London. The woman with him was the complete opposite. She was an attractive, slight woman in her forties, a real trophy wife. She had to be twenty years younger.

Aden hastened to the door and took them to meet the other European couple.

Beverly looked at Arley, “Do you know who that couple are?”

“That’s the banker.”

“No, I mean the couple Aden is introducing them to.”

“Oh. That is the Robinsons. They own the biggest Sugar plantation on the island. Do you want me to introduce you?”

“No. I am trying to remain incognito. Make up some story if anyone asks who I am.”

Introductions were made, and with a drink in hand, the banker surveyed the room. When his eyes alighted on the three European women, he took his wife’s arm and made a beeline for them.

“Hi, ladies. Having a good night, are you?” he boomed.

Rachael grabbed Arley’s arm for protection when he cast her a very belittling look. He was obviously not impressed by her accompanying a Jamaican. Arley spoke up, “This is Rachael. She’s on her way home to New Zealand, and this is Stephanie from New York. Beverly here is also American, but I’m not sure where from.”

The banker gave Beverly a similar scathing look when he took in Razor standing at her side. He returned his attention to Stephanie, who was standing unaccompanied and, in his eyes, untainted. But Beverly stepped forward into his space.

“Elliott. Don’t you dare look down your nose at Rachel and me? You don’t know me, so I’ll dismiss your arrogance this once. I have a meeting with you at 10:30 tomorrow morning. You should know all about it. When you get into the Bank, you will likely find some sealed correspondence waiting. You will leave it unopened and pass it to me when I arrive.”

Elliott stepped back like he’d been struck with a whip. Whereas he had been supporting his wife, it now looked like she was holding him up. He tried to wipe the look of panic from his face, and when he saw his wife’s questioning look, he whispered to her, “She owns the bank. I’ve met her Ex”. Then, even quieter, he said, “He married her for her money.”

“Oh! Elliott, I suggest you don’t say anything else. You are just digging yourself a bigger hole. And for your information, Harry didn’t marry me for my money. He had more than enough of his own. I married him for his business acumen. Like you and your wife, I never married for love, but we did come to respect and cherish one another. We had thirty good years together, and I miss him dearly. Why don’t you scurry off and get your business done?” She then dismissed him by turning away to talk with Razor.

It took the banker a few seconds to realise he was dismissed. Whereupon he grasped his wife’s arm and strode back to the other guests.

Stephanie spoke up first, “You own his bank?”

“Not directly. The Bank he works for is a fully-owned subsidiary of ours. Now that Harry has passed, I have taken over full control, something I would have done thirty years ago when my father died. But times were not as liberal then, and the all-male board would have never accepted the changes I wanted to make. So I had to marry and make my husband CEO to get everything I wanted done.

“When I came to Jamaica last year, I looked up the previous manager and used his office every second day to keep in touch. Unlike Elliott, he was a lovely man and very discrete.”

Horse arrived and took Stephanie out to the patio to dance. When Beverly and Razor also left to dance, Arley and Rachel followed.

Sometime later, they came back inside, where it was cooler, and saw that some of the men were missing, notably the Banker, Aden, and several other suit-clad Jamaicans. The Bankers Trophy wife stood with a group of Jamaican wives, looking out of place.

Beverly waved at her to come and join them, “What is your name, darling?”

“These days, I’m called Melody, but I was born Mary.”

“Which would you rather us call you?”

“It would be nice to be called Mary again after all these years.”

“Where has Elliot and the others gone?”

“He told me they were going to the Library and said he might be a little while.”

“Stay with us then. How long have you been married to Elliott?”

“Twenty years. He’s not as bad as he appears.” Mary responded.

Beverly sighed, “I hope you don’t truly believe that and are only standing up for him as some sense of duty. He’s an arsehole and only on this island for the last two years of his tenure because he’s done something that would tarnish the Bank’s name if he hadn’t been rushed out of New York.”

Mary’s shoulders slumped in resignation. “I knew something had happened. Our move here was so sudden. But he won’t tell me anything and says he will return to his old position when our tenure here is over.”

“Do you have your own finances sorted? I hope you have been savvy enough to set something aside over the years. As he will not be offered his old position back.”

“It’s funny you should mention that. The short answer is, yes, I have. But ten years ago, he got into some difficulties and put the house and some of our major assets into my name. I don’t know what it was, but the IRS was involved. Last year, he made moves to change everything back into his name, which I am still fighting, saying it should become joint names again.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. Will you meet me for lunch after I meet with Elliott tomorrow? I have some things I wish to discuss. I assure you he will not be getting his old job back, which has little to do with me. I have seen men like him after they have been set adrift and lost their privileged positions. They shatter like glass and become sharp and broken. You do not want to be around when that happens. I’d like to set you up with my lawyer to see if we can leave everything in your name.”

Turning to Razor, Beverly said, “Go get Cassius and tell him he has a lovely lady to entertain.”

“Oh. I don’t want to be disrespectful, but I can’t be seen with one of the boys. Elliott would have a heart attack and give me hell,” stammered Mary.

“Let me handle that. I would be surprised if their meeting was finished in under two hours. So you deserve to have some fun, and Cassius is a great dancer. Enjoy him.”

Razor returned with Cassius, who immediately stepped up and asked Mary to dance. They went outside, followed by Horse and Stephanie.

 Once they left, Rachael asked Beverly, “What on earth got her husband in so much trouble?”

“Our Elliot has a penchant for young black girls. He managed to get a staff member’s daughter pregnant. I think the girl may have set him up, he was paying her, and so could have reasonably expected she would be on the pill. But it cost him a big settlement, and he was hurriedly moved aside.”

“Will you tell Mary that?”

“If she asks, I will. But in the meantime, I want to ensure Eliot doesn’t get all those assets back. After all, we must look after our women, mustn’t we.”

After two dances, Mary returned and stood by Beverly.

Looking very uncomfortable, she asked, “Do you really… you know, with the guy you are with.”

“You mean, do I fuck him? Hell, yes, and several of the other boys at this party. And on several occasions, two of them at once.”

Mary gasped in surprise.

Beverly continued, “I’ve wasted years of my life. Privilege poured out my ears, but too much time was spent in board rooms with very boring men who mostly were not the best of specimens. I’ve made millions and, in more recent years, done a lot of good with the money. Building hospitals and schools in underprivileged parts of our country. But I’ve never had much fun myself.”

She thought for a minute, then began again.

“I had some sex at University, but I don’t remember it being much good. I must have met the wrong guys. So when Harry died, I had just turned forty-eight and decided to make up for lost time. Very difficult to do in my position. So, I borrowed my sister’s old Irish passport. It has her first name and my mother’s maiden name on it. The photo looks more like me than the one on my real passport. I threw on a wig, snuck out the Bank’s back door and came to Jamaica. Best thing I ever did.”

Cassius arrived with a drink for Mary, which she gulped down too fast. 

“Slow down,” said Beverly, “what has you so uptight? Surely it’s not my telling you about my Jamaican boys.”

Mary whispered in Beverly’s ear, “Cassius was making dirty comments on the dance floor and touching me.”

My advice is to get yourself to the bedroom and fuck him silly; he is the best lover out of the lot of them.

“I couldn’t! I haven’t been with another man for years. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“Believe me, with these guys, you don’t need to know a thing. How do you think I was the first time? Harry and I hardly ever made love. It was not what our relationship was about. So I had no idea and was a dam site more nervous than you will ever be.”

Cassius leaned over and asked if either of them wanted another drink. When they both declined, he guided Mary outside to dance some more.

Rachel grabbed Arley and followed them to the patio. She wanted to watch Cassius’s progress. And she watched with interest as he lowered a hand to Mary’s butt and squeezed it as the foxtrotted into the throng.

When they returned to the lounge, they had all loosened up and cuddled amorously. Horse behaved more inappropriately with Stephanie, though, not at all concerned about who was watching. Even Mary was showing signs of arousal, although she kept brushing Cassius’s hands away and looking towards the far door.

Horse broke the silence, “Let’s go have a smoke,” and dragged Stephanie towards the bedrooms before anyone responded. Mary exclaimed she did not smoke.

“It’s not tobacco,” said Cassius.

“I haven’t touched the other stuff since I met Elliot.”

But Barbara responded, “It’s time you had another wee puff then. I’ll watch out for Elliot. Away you go.”

Arley and Rachel followed them down the hall. When they entered the bedroom, Horse was already lighting up a massive joint. He passed it around the six of them, and soon, they were laughing and swaying their hips to the music pouring in through the open window.

Rachel was not surprised that Horse moved first. She’d already seen that he loved humiliating Stephanie and that Stephanie seemed to be turned on by it.

He lifted her dress above her waist, revealing that he had not allowed her to wear any panties. And he shoved two of his long black fingers into her slit and began fingering her hard. Stephanie tried to resist, but her legs opened, and she slumped back onto the edge of the bed.

Looking like she was about to flee, Mary turned to Rachel and asked, “Are you alright with this? Surely you don’t want to stay and watch?”

“I watched her take on two men yesterday (Omitting to say that one of them had been Cassius), and it turned me on massively. So, I’m keen to watch what he has planned for her today.

Horse turned to them, “She loves it. Once her juices are flowing, she can’t get enough. I’m going to fuck her all night. Unless any of the other boys want a go.”

There was a large couch against the wall. Arley pulled Rachael down onto one end and began to kiss her. She felt Cassius pull Mary down to sit in his lap beside them. When she looked, she saw that Mary had given up all resistance and kissed Cassius passionately. Then she looked to see what Horse was doing and saw that he was still fingering Stephanie but, with his free hand, was unzipping his trousers.

 She nudged Mary. When Mary turned towards her, she said, “You might want to see this. Horse is hung, just like his nickname suggests.”

Cassius turned Mary to watch. She snuggled back into his chest, and he hugged her to him. Arley did the same with Rachel, and they all settled back to watch.

When Horse released his swollen spear, Mary let out an astonished gasp. Rachael nudged her again and whispered, “Have you ever seen anything like that? One of the boys told me it measures nine inches.”

Mary just shook her head, her eyes wide and staring. Horse rolled Stephanie onto her stomach, pushed a pillow under her hips so that her ass jutted up. Then, telling her to clamp her legs tightly together, he began to feed his shaft into her.

“God, she can’t take all that. Can she?” whispered Mary.

“As I said to you, she took it all yesterday.”

Horse was rough with Stephanie. He pushed her head into the mattress and began fucking her hard. From the corner of her eye, Rachael saw that Cassius was now fingering Mary, and as she became worked up, she opened her legs wide to give him better access.

Abruptly, Mary turned away from the scene on the bed and asked Cassius to take her somewhere and fuck her. Cassius sprang to his feet, lifted her like a feather, and deposited her across the bed beside Stephanie. 

Mary cried, “Not here. I don’t want anyone to watch.”

But when Cassius dropped his pants, she caught sight of his large dong and sighed and gave in to the inevitable. Her only last spell of resistance was when he tried to remove her dress.

“No, leave that on; I need to be able to get out of here quickly when Elliott’s meeting finishes.”

Cassius trapped her face in his hands and kissed her. Her response was immediate and filled with a yearning she hadn’t felt in years. Mary felt his hands unzipping the side of her dress and pealing it from her shoulders. Her bra came off, and her breasts fell free. His lips were teasing her bare nipples, and she felt his hand sliding up between her legs.

Rachel watched as Mary tried to clamp her legs together. But as Cassius worked her, her legs slowly parted, and soon they were wide apart.

When Mary laid her head back on the mattress and let out an insatiable moan, Rachel turned to Arley, “Take me home, please. I’m horny and need you, and I’m not going to do it here in this room.”

Arley hesitated long enough so they could watch Cassius push his huge rod past her fragrant curls. Mary was as wet as she’d ever been in her life, and Cassius clamped his mouth over hers to silence her cries of pleasure.

 They crept from the bedroom, scared that when they opened the bedroom door, people in the lounge would hear the muffled cries from both women.

They walked over and stood by Naila and Beverly, and both women looked at Rachel enquiringly. She grinned and said, “They’re happy. You may have a situation when her husband comes looking for Mary, though.”

 Beverly smiled back. “Elliot has been out from the meeting and asked where she is. I told him she’d gotten sick of waiting for him and had caught a cab back to their apartment. He looked relieved and went back to the meeting. Naila and I were discussing if we should send Rose’s girls in to keep the men busy.”

“Arley and I are going to go home now. I don’t want a late night, nor do I want to be caught up in what is likely to hit the fan,” replied Rachel.

They said their goodbyes. Once they were in the car, Arley informed Rachel he would stay the night.

“How will I get you past reception?”

“Us boys always use the staff entrance around the side, so that is not an issue. Shall we stop off and pick up Tarone? He wants to say goodbye.”

Rachel didn’t hesitate. She had been wondering if she could see him before she left. She had felt a strong connection with him that afternoon. She even had thoughts about how she could take him home, but knew that was stupid, as her family, especially her father, would disown her if she turned up with a bloody big Jamaican.

Arley picked up Tarone, drove to the Resort, and dropped her off at reception. She hardly had time to use the toilet before there was a knock on her door, and she happily dragged the two horny men into her bed. Their love was frantic, and they were asleep before midnight.

Rachael woke to hands massaging her body. It was Tarone, he was keen to resume the nights activities. She checked the bedside clock and saw she had half an hour before she would need to get ready to leave, so lay back and let him make love to her. She could hear Arley talking on the phone.

All too soon, he was in the bedroom, telling them to get up. Rachael asked him who he had been talking to.

“Several people, but the one you will be most interested in is Aden. He says that Cassius took Mary home at daybreak. Two of Rose’s girls were tasked with getting Elliot drunk. They sculled straight bourbon with him. Only they were sculling cold tea. He’s woken hung over and missing some money. While talking to Aden, I could hear Naila explaining that he had paid each girl US$200 for their services. And he was arguing that they should not cost that much. I’m guessing he will have a tough time getting his head together for his meeting with Beverly at 10:30.”

“What about Stephanie?” Rachael asked.

“She’s still there. She’s had Horse and one of the other boys fucking her all night.”

I wonder how Marty is going to handle that?” said Rachael as she climbed out of bed and made for the shower.

Half an hour later, as Rachael left the unit, Marty accosted her, “Do you know where Stephanie is? She’s not come home.”

“I understand she’s slept over at the party and is having breakfast with the hosts. She’s perfectly all right, promise. I must go. Enjoy the rest of your holiday,” she hurried off to check out.

On the way to the airport, Arley asked if she was going home to a boyfriend.

“No. I will stay with an old netball girlfriend for a couple of weeks until I find somewhere. But I might be alright. I’ve been told her husband is a real hunk!”

Written by mingemuncher
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