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Rachel's Trip To Jamaica Chap. 3.

"Over dinner, Andy and Naila ask Rachael to do them a huge favour."

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Rachael woke around 6:15 pm.  The two hours of sleep had left her feeling much worse than when she had laid down. She stumbled into the shower and let the lukewarm water revive her. Then, she turned the hot water off and tried to stay under the cold cascade for as long as possible. Refreshed, she stood in front of the mirror and checked out her body, expecting to see some signs of change after her adventures with those well-hung Jamaicans.  But apart from a raw hickey on her left breast, which she remembered Michael giving her, and her raw nipples standing out like bullets, there was no noticeable change.  She even slipped a finger into her vagina to see if it was now loose, but that, too, seemed unchanged.

Next, she searched through her suitcase for something to wear. But she found nothing suitable for a flash restaurant, so she pulled on her jeans and a clean white T-shirt.

She walked out by the front desk five minutes early, feeling more than a little apprehensive about what she was getting herself into. A tall, attractive Jamaican lady stepped forward and introduced herself as Naila. “You must be Rachael. That was well-timed. I have just walked through the door.”

Naila looked smart, wearing a white top and a knee-length fitting green skirt.  The top looked like a waistcoat with no bra underneath, as Rachael could see the dark shadow of her areola.

She motioned Rachael towards the exit, “Aden is waiting for us outside in the car.”

As Naila turned to the door, Rachael asked, “First, can you tell me why you’re taking me to dinner?”

“That’s what the dinner is for.  We want to explain things and ask you a huge favour.  I’ll leave it to Aden to enlighten you. Come on.”

Rachael only hesitated a second.  Arley had told her about the dinner, and stupidly, she trusted him. So she followed Naila to a near-new silver Mercedes parked just to the left of the main door.  Naila ushered her to sit in the front while she climbed into the seat behind her.  As she climbed in, she recognised the driver as the guy she had met on the beach the day before.

He was light-skinned and handsome. Not full Jamaican, he had to have some European blood in his lineage.

She didn’t mess about but asked where they were going and why. 

Aden replied, “Can you wait a bit for a full explanation?  I want to be sitting down and have no interruptions.  But we will ask you to help us out, as we have gotten ourselves in a bit of bother.”

Rachael eased herself back in the seat and tried to relax.  It sounded a bit ominous, but they looked trustworthy, and again, she was certain Arley would not have sent her into any danger, as he had asked to see her the next day.

Naila leaned over from the back seat and told Aden to take them to her boutique first.

“I thought we were going to dinner first?” Aden replied.

“No! Let’s get Rachael dressed first. She will feel more comfortable after I dress her up.”

As he changed direction, Aden explained that they were working on getting out of the Beach Boy business and attempting to legitimise all their affairs.  He explained that, as Naila was three months pregnant, this had become extremely important to them.

They pulled up on a street of shops near Kingston’s centre.  Naila got out and opened the door for Rachael.   As she stood, she saw the shop they were parked outside was sign-written, Naila’s Boutique.

Once inside, Rachael was astounded by the shop’s size and contents.  Just inside the door, it was like a gift shop with trendy Jamaican souvenirs and T-shirts. On the left wall was a makeup display with many of the top brands.  And the rest of the shop consisted of trendy, fashionable clothes.

Naila guided her down the back of the shop, past two local girls who were closing up for the day.  They acknowledged Rachael, said their goodbyes to Naila and asked if they should lock up as they left.

“Yes, but don’t turn the alarm on Chandice,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, then looked to Rachael. “She plays pranks all the time.”

Once Naila heard the door snip closed, she motioned Rachael into one of the changing rooms and asked her to strip. Rachael paused. She had never been comfortable undressing in front of others, even in the netball change rooms.

However, she stripped to her bra and panties and then opened the curtain.  Naila appraised her, then motioned Rachael to follow her into the Lingerie section, telling her she needed some sexy underwear.  She followed nervously, again not that comfortable, wandering around half-nude in front of a woman she had only just met.

Naila led her to the far wall and stopped in front of a rack of lingerie set in amongst shelves containing vibrators, dildos and a multitude of other sex toys.

“Do you want to try on some crotchless panties?”

“No! I couldn’t,” squeaked Rachael.

“Of course you can. Try these.” And she handed Rachael some skimpy black panties.

Rachael very reluctantly dropped hers and stepped into the skimpy briefs. Looking in a nearby mirror, they looked sexy but normal.  She opened her legs, and the gap in the crotch of the lacy material opened, revealing her open, puffy labia, and she felt the chill from the air conditioning. It sent a thrill of excitement combined with embarrassment flooding through her body.

Naila just threw an arm around her, hugging her tightly. “They’re perfect. Now, the bra!” She handed Rachael the matching lacy bra from the stand.

Again, Racheal’s years of modesty made her hesitate.  But she fought her natural impulses, pealed her bra away and exposed her tingling boobs.

“Oh! What beautiful breasts. These will display them perfectly,” She said, holding them up for Rachel to put her arms through.  As Rachel pushed her arms forward, Naila’s hands brushed each side of her breasts.  It was as if a jolt of current had passed through them. She gasped in embarrassment at her reaction.  What the hell was wrong with her?  There had to be something in the water here; as she was getting turned on nearly every hour, she was on this Island.

Naila just ignored her and reached around to fasten the bra’s clasp.  Stepping back, she exclaimed that she looked incredible, then beckoned Rachael towards the Fitting rooms.  She opened a bag sitting on the floor and pulled out a tartan skirt and a white blouse.

“Here, put these on.”

But as Rachael moved to stand behind the curtain, Naila told her to change where she was, “We are all girls. I’ve seen more naked women in these cubicles than you have had dinners.  Besides, I don’t want you looking in a mirror yet.”

Once dressed in the short skirt and blouse, Rachel looked around for a mirror, but Naila took her elbow, picked up the bag and Rachel’s old clothes, and walked her to the makeup section.

Sitting Rachael down at a demonstration table, she spent the next fifteen minutes working on her face and eyes.  The gentle touches, hands resting on Rachel’s shoulders, the inside of her thighs touching Rachel’s legs as she straddled them, had her mind in turmoil.

She had never been attracted to a woman before.  Quite the opposite, she had been mildly derisive when confronted with an overly licentious woman over the years.  But there was no denying that this beautiful, dusky woman was turning her on.  She could smell her own musky scent and realised she was getting wet between her legs.

“Can I sit on a towel, please?  I don’t want to make a mess of the skirt.  These panties have no protection.”

Naila gave a delightful chuckle, “You beautiful girl, you are so sexy.  You have never dressed up sexy before, have you?”

She told Rachael she had finished anyway, and after helping her stand, she guided her over to a large wall mirror.

Rachael gasped; she was looking at a beautiful young schoolgirl.  It wasn’t until she moved her head and grinned that she knew it was really her that she was looking at.

“Fuck, I can’t walk out like this.  It’s not me!” Rachael objected.

“You look amazing. I’m going to have to keep my eyes on Aden. He’ll get all lightheaded and faint when he sees you.”

Naila was close to being correct. When Rachael got back into the Mercedes, Aden’s jaw dropped, and he exclaimed out loud, “Fuck me! If any men are in the restaurant, you had better follow her if she leaves our table.  We’ll be fighting to keep them off.”

After the twenty-minute drive to the restaurant, Rachael’s heart had somewhat calmed down.  The restaurant was in a house, with the walls between a couple of the bedrooms, lounge and dining room knocked out to allow them eight tables of four.  Andy asked for some privacy, and they were given a table in a corner separate from the other three couples in the room.

A hot, tantalising thrill passed through Rachael as she moved between the tables.  The Jamaican couples gaped at her openly as she passed, with looks ranging from surprise on the women’s faces to longing looks on the men’s.  She was buzzing with excitement, knowing beneath her short skirt, she had on some sexy crotchless knickers.

Her blood pressure went up another notch when the handsome Jamaican waiter helped her sit. She grabbed her water glass as she sat and nearly tipped it over, but she was glad that the cooling water gave her some relief. She returned to reality when Aden ordered, then turned to her and asked if she was ready for their proposal.

Pulling herself together, she looked at them and saw they were nervous.

Aden started, “Naila and I have gotten into a bit of bother with a local gangster.  He runs a club near here and wants me to have Naila spend some time with him this evening.”

Andy stopped and waited a minute to see Rachael’s reaction.  But the word gangster had not raised any alarm, as Rachael had never met nor had much knowledge of a gangster.  The ones she had heard of, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone, etc., all seemed quite romantic.

Slightly puzzled by her lack of reaction, Aden continued, explaining that they had had a business dealing with one of this gangster’s family members, not knowing his interest in her.

“I don’t want to tell you too much about her, but as you can imagine, it was to do with our escort service, and she’s only just turned eighteen.”

“Was it his daughter?” Asked Rachael.

“No! His niece, but I don’t want you to know anymore.  The guy has interests in business ventures all over Jamaica, but few are legitimate, so he must have policemen, lawyers, and even judges on his payroll.”

When Rachael raised her eyebrows at this revelation, Aden told her it was quite common and that they had to pay the local police to keep their escort service under the radar.

“His name is Eldon Ramsaran, but everyone knows him by his initials, E.R. You have to understand this man is quite dangerous.  It is common knowledge that he gained his position by roughing up the opposition.”

“And you want me to go with you to meet him?” exclaimed Rachael, with an incredulous look on her face.

“We have no choice, but I’m asking you to accompany Naila.  I am 100% certain you will be safe.  He has many interests that depend on tourism, and if anything happens to a tourist, it has major implications for the economy. So you will be safe no matter what goes down.”

Rachael looked to Naila, raising her eyebrows, silently asking, why are you going?

“You have to understand Aden and my background.  We are both from impoverished neighbourhoods and met at university.  Andy got there because of his brains, and he got a scholarship.  I also had the brains but only got accepted by sleeping with certain people.  My good looks have always been as much of a disadvantage as any advantages they have given me.  I learned early on that sex was just another tool to be used to my advantage.”

Andy interrupted, “The society you have been brought up in is very different from ours.  Naila and I set up the escort business in our first year at Uni.  We saved enough money after three years to set up the boutique and get us on a path to legitimacy.  We are nearly at the point where we can sell up and leave the escorting entirely.  So what Eldon is demanding is no different to what has happened many times before. The reason we are asking you, though, is that as well as getting Naila for at least two hours, he wants a white woman from the beach included.  He gave us two weeks to fulfil this last demand and stipulated that we should not turn up with some old witch.”

He hesitated, sorting through his arguments, “Our only option is Barbara, and she is a bit old, and we think he may reject her.  So you are our only other option. I don’t know what incentive to offer you other than you will be saving our hides.”

“Okay, I’ll come with you guys as long as you promise I won’t get hurt.”

Both Naila and Andy stopped. They looked a bit confused, and Andy asked, “Why? Hell! As I was trying to convince you just now, I was listening to my arguments and realising I would never go if I didn’t have to. So I expected I would need to spend quite a bit more time convincing you, maybe even offer you some money. Again, I ask, Why?”

“My life, up to this point, has been pretty mundane.  The last two days have been amazing.  When I leave here and return home to family and friends, my life will go back to much the same as it was before.  So I want to take all my opportunities here. I feel more alive than I have in years, and I’m glad you didn’t offer me money. That would have made me feel like a prostitute.”

Naila leaned over, hugged Rachael, and kissed her cheek, “We will be all right. I will make sure nothing happens to you.  Eldon is not a very nice person, but I am related distantly to him, so I’m certain he will not harm me, let alone touch you. But I’m guessing he will want sex with me. He has to save face and humiliate Andy, as he thinks he has been humiliated.”

Rachael noticed that one of the couples was smoking a joint. She could smell the pungent, sweet, skunky scent in the air and asked Andy if they could ask the couple for a few puffs. He smiled and pulled out a joint. “I didn’t think you smoked the stuff?”

“I’ve not touched the stuff before yesterday, but I need something to calm my heart.”

Andy pulled out a joint and lit it up just as the desert arrived.  He had ordered them a fruit salad with meringue, which Rachael gulped down. It was delicious. The pot helped, of course.

At 9:30, they departed the restaurant for the Club.  They all sat quietly, contemplating the night ahead as Andy drove.  Rachael found herself getting anxious, even with the drink and puffs of the joint. But there was also a feeling of anticipation at the thought of what might happen.

The guy at the door of the Club must have been warned to expect them, as when Andy pulled up outside, the doorman pointed to a park for special guests around the side of the building. A line of people was out front waiting to be admitted, but after Aden had parked and they approached, the doorman waved them forward and motioned Naila and Rachael to enter.  He held his arm up to Andy, “I’ve been told that you are to return at 1:00 am and wait for the ladies outside until they come out.”

Then he motioned a huge bouncer forward and told him to escort the ladies to E.R. The bouncer introduced himself as Elias, and led them to the left, up some stairs and into an office.  At the far end of the office was a solid door. He pressed a button on a monitor by the door, motioned them to wait, and then sat down in a seat beside the door.

After a minute, the door clicked open, and a voice from within called out for them to enter. Naila led the way into a vast office where a tough-looking man was seated behind an executive desk. He faced a large window that gave a view of the dance floor downstairs and a mezzanine floor opposite. He was not large, probably in his late forties or early fifties. He was wearing a dark suit and tie and was well-groomed.

Eldon welcomed them to his Club, waving them to two chairs before his desk. Rachael noted that his English was not good, and she assumed he’d learned it on the streets and not in school.  She glanced at the people sitting at tables on the mezzanine and, seeing that they looked unaware of them, knew that it must be mirrored glass.

Eldon ran his eyes over Rachael, “Very nice, but is she old enough? She doesn’t look over sixteen?”

Rachael’s heckles went up, and she snapped, “I’m twenty-one, nearly twenty-two.”

“Sorry! Your schoolgirl uniform makes you look much younger.  I have to be careful. I don’t have anyone younger than eighteen working in the Club.”

He got up, turned, and picked up a beautifully crafted bottle of alcohol from a decorated Credenza behind him. He poured a good measure into three glasses.  He motioned for the girls to take one as he returned to his chair behind his desk. He sipped on his glass and waved for them to taste theirs.

Rachael didn’t move. She did not need any more alcohol and wondered if it might be drugged.  But Naila got up, took the two glasses and handed her one, “It is a very expensive liquor rum. Have a taste!”

Eldon held his glass up and offered a toast, “To beautiful women!”

Then, looking at Naila, “Let’s not waste time. You’re here to pay for your husband’s stupidity.  It will not involve pain or hurt to either of you, just humiliation, as he has done to me.”

His statement was directed at Rachael, and she cringed inside at what may be coming.  Naila said nothing, just sat still and waited.

Eldon looked directly at Naila and said, “I want you to make love to this beautiful white lady.  I want it to be genuine, for you both to have climaxes and not fake ones. I’ll know if you are faking them.”

“What here!” squeaked Naila.  It was the first emotion Rachael had seen since they had entered the Club.

“No, through that door there,” he said, pointing to a door to their right. I have a bedroom and bathroom there, where I sometimes stay at night.

He rang a bell, and a pretty young Jamaican girl dressed in a maid’s uniform stepped through the door.  Eldon introduced her as Abigay, his maid, and said she would look after them.  Abigay waved for them to follow her, and as they rose, Rachael noted that the office door had also opened at the sound of the bell.  Elias was entering, and he followed them into the bedroom.

The room they entered was about two-thirds the size of the office and had mirrors on every wall and a large one on the ceiling. An open door was to their left, showing a small bathroom.  Abigay told them to use the bathroom, but they were to undress in the bedroom and place their clothes on the couch alongside the door.

Rachael went to decline, but Naila grabbed her arm and led her into the bathroom.  Shutting the door, she turned to Rachael.

“I would bet anything he is recording this. I cannot see a camera, but they are probably behind the mirrors. You need to put on a good show if you want this to be over quickly.  Now pee and wash. I want you clean if I have to eat you.”

Rachael suddenly realised the full impact of what she had let herself in for.  She had never thought about going with another woman and did not think she could do it.  She was super embarrassed, pulling her panties down and sitting on the toilet. She complained, “I don’t think I can do this. Can I back out?”

Naila shook her head. “It’s way too late for that. Put everything out of your mind, and let me do all the initial moves. Then, when you get excited, follow what I have done.”

Then she added, “I saw your reaction when I dressed you earlier. You may have never been with a woman before, but trust me, you will love it.”

Cleaned and relieved, they stepped back into the bedroom.  Eldon was standing in the doorway to the office. Elias and Abigay were standing by the mirror on the opposite wall.  Naila steered Rachael to the side of the bed and passionately kissed her. Amazingly, Rachael found herself responding, and she parted her lips to let Naila’s tongue search out hers.

She did not think she had ever kissed a woman on the lips before, certainly not with any passion.  But just as she had when Naila brushed against her breasts in the boutique earlier that evening, her body was filled with sizzling electric jolts that darted down into her loins.  She felt Naila’s hand move to her breasts, then start undoing the buttons on her blouse.

Rachael reached up and tentatively touched Naila’s breasts. They were firm, and as she was not wearing a bra, her fingers inadvertently touched Naila’s nipples.  They were hard, as were her own, and eager to please her, she kneaded the nipple she was touching between her fingers. She was a lot shorter than Naila, so her eyes were level with Naila’s chin, meaning she only had to dip her head slightly to kiss the elegant woman’s breasts. But as she moved her head down, she caught a glimpse of Eldon using a remote, and she panicked at the thought of others watching.  She pulled away from Naila’s embrace and looked at Eldon.

“I’m not gay. I cannot go through with this. Sorry!  I’m too embarrassed with you all watching.”

Eldon spoke, “It’s far too late now. You go ahead and give me what I want, or I will fasten you to the bed and have you do it anyway.  Show her the chains, Abigay.”

The small black maid stepped away from the wall and held up a black leather cuff attached by a chain to the headboard. Rachael looked and saw similar restraints on all four corners of the bed.

Naila again took Rachael in her arms. “Ignore them and follow my lead.  I’ll make you forget the others are here in a minute.”

She kissed Rachael, whose shoulders slumped in resignation, and she allowed herself to be swept into Naila’s embrace.  Once she had stopped fighting and Naila’s lips moulded to her mouth, she let herself enjoy the sensations of the probing tongue exploring her mouth.  And when Naila’s body pressed against her and the hands searched out her breasts again, she found she could hardly breathe.

Naila pulled away. “Take my top off. I need you to touch my breasts.”Rachael forced her eyes straight ahead, trying hard to put the others in the room out of her mind.  She lifted her hands and undid the buttons. Each she released exposed a little more of Naila’s golden globes.  They were not as big as hers but were perfectly formed and stood out proudly.  When she undid the last button, she pushed the top of her shoulders and lowered her face to Naila’s dark, erect areola.

Naila let out a gasp of pleasure, and with one hand in Rachael’s hair, holding her head against her, she slid the other down under Rachael and started popping the buttons on her blouse. All undone, she pulled the blouse over Rachael’s shoulders, then lifted the exposed black lacy bra up above Rachael’s large, full boobs and felt for her nipples.

Still complaining that she was not gay, Rachael felt her crotch getting hot and sticky from her arousal. Naila lifted Rachael’s head and gazed at her breasts. "Your tits are so perfect, so round and firm. They don’t droop or sag at all. I wish my breasts were as large as yours.”

“And I wish mine were smaller, like yours. Can I kiss them?” Rachael responded.

“Sure, take your skirt off and lie with me on the bed.”

They both stepped apart and undid their skirts, letting them drop to the floor, and they settled back onto the bed.  Rachel moved on top and went straight to Naila’s breasts, taking a nipple in her mouth.  She sucked and rolled the nipple around her tongue and groaned aloud as Naila’s hand moved under and cupped her hanging globes.  The hands then crawled around to her back and undid her bra.  She lifted to allow Naila to remove it and felt her throw it over towards Eldon.

Rachael dipped her head back to Naila’s perky breasts and licked her swelling nipples one by one.  She sucked the hard buds between her lips and teased them with her tongue.  She licked from one to the other, then back again; all the while, Naila was murmuring in her ear, “I’m going to lick you soon. Stick my tongue into you and make you come so hard.”

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Naila pulled Rachael up so she could kiss her again. “I’m going to cum if you keep doing that.” She moulded her soft lips to Rachael’s.

They moulded themselves onto each other, trying to get as much physical contact as possible. Rachael moaned into her mouth as their physical contact created new tingling sensations throughout her body.  Naila took advantage of her open mouth and slid her tongue deep. Their tongues met and caressed each other, dancing back and forth in each other’s mouths.

While kissing her hungrily, Naila rolled Rachael over so she was now on top and could be the aggressor.  She licked and kissed her face and neck while her hands moved down to caress her body.  Then she sat up and took Rachael’s breasts in her hands and fondled them. First, she cupped them and lifted them as if attempting to weigh them.  Then, she kneaded them as if they were bread dough.  Rachael moaned as Naila located her stiff, sensitive nipples and rubbed her thumbs across them, making her body jerk up from the bed.

Her hands moved down to Rachael’s hips. It was like she was blind and feeling out the exquisite curves of her figure.  Her skin was hypersensitive now from her building sexual tension. Every touch of Naila’s fingers sent tingles cascading throughout her body and increased her feelings of sexual need.  Eventually, Rachael felt the hands move onto her new crotchless panties, searching for the opening.

Rachael felt defenceless in the hands of this beautiful black seductress.  But she realised she was enjoying being helpless and powerless to defend herself.  Her Catholic upbringing had instilled in her a compelling belief that sex was to be avoided until one was married and that gay sex was the most sinful of all.  So Naila taking control meant she didn’t have to feel any guilt, as she could pretend she was a victim.

The fact that Rachael was no longer in control strangely gave her licence to lie back and enjoy these new, unfamiliar feelings.  Gasping at the pleasure of Naila’s fingers moving deep into her folds, she lay back and allowed her to do whatever she wanted.

While Naila’s probing fingers worked into her, her own hands ran all over Naila’s body, feeling the smoothness of her skin, down her back, her thighs, and her calves.  She spent a great deal of time massaging Naila’s glutes. She palmed each one, felt it, squeezed it, traced her fingers across the swell where the underside met with the tops of her legs, and finally forced her fingers into the tight furrow and lightly touched her anus with a finger.

At Rachael’s touch, Naila also fingered Rachael’s bottom, and she felt the beginnings of an orgasm throbbing in her loins, and her nipples were so hard that they ached. Naila’s questing fingers upped their impetus through the open crotch of her panties, pushing deep into her drenched, wanton cunt.

As she thought she was going to explode, Naila slipped away from her and lowered her head between Rachael’s thighs. She must have sensed Rachael was about to climax as she held back and let her catch her breath.

“Your clit is smaller than mine,” Naila observed.

Rachael’s ability to deliver a clear answer was impeded by her ragged breathing.  Naila’s inquisitive fingers were overwhelming Rachael’s nerve endings and leaving her entire body humming with sexual desire.  She let out another gasp as Naila gently peeled back the hood of her swollen clitoris.  Then, squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger, she slid two fingers from her other hand deep between Rachael’s swollen labia.

Gasping loudly and moaning like a gale-force wind, Rachael reflexively spread her thighs.  This simple act of opening herself up overwhelmed her senses, and she knew she could not hold her climax at bay any longer.  Naila made a “come hither” gesture with her two fingers on a deliciously responsive spot inside Rachael’s pussy.  Her thighs trembled, her hips squirmed, and she gasped out that she was coming.

Naila clamped her mouth over Rachael’s sex, and she sucked hard on the young woman’s clit. Rachael felt the orgasm crash upon her.  She tried to bury her face in the bed cover, aware again that there were others in the room. Her body jerked and twitched, and she tried desperately to control the involuntary spasms. Her efforts to control the orgasm had only helped to prolong its effect. 

At last, the sensations subsided, and she slowly lifted her head to face Naila again. “Shall I try now? I want to make you cum.”

“No! I’m not finished with you yet.  We have plenty of time,” Saying that, Naila wriggled down between Rachael’s legs and kissed and licked the inside of her thighs.  She moved up, kissing around her still twitching fanny, making sure she did not touch it, and on into her tummy button.  Then, she retraced her steps down to Rachael’s knees, where, lifting them, she licked behind each one.

She kept this up until Rachael pleaded for her to finger her needy sex again.  Only then did she thrust two fingers inside of her, twisting them around and searching out that magical responsive spot just inside Rachael’s vagina.  As Rachael lifted her hips high off the bed, Naila planted her mouth back on her clit.

Rachael could feel Naila’s tongue as it searched out every crevice in the folds of her cunt. The feeling was so intense her body nearly leapt from the bed when Naila sucked on her slippery clit.  She moaned and marvelled at the potency of the orgasms now running through her loins.

Naila knew what she was doing. Rachael knew with certainty that this was not the first time this black beauty had brought another woman to orgasm like this.  She found all the right nerve endings and knew exactly how to rub and stroke every one of them.

Her mind locked in the sensations of her never-ending orgasm, Rachael became aware that something was different.  Naila was up on her knees, and her mouth was rhythmically banging on her mound.  She opened her eyes, looked up into the overhead mirror and saw that Elias had lifted her up and was taking Naila from behind.

He was holding her hips and vigorously driving his cock deep between her legs.  Elias saw Rachael open her eyes, and seeing where she was looking, he withdrew from Naila and proudly swung his cock around.  He mouthed to Rachael, ‘Do you want some of this White Girl?’ Then he slammed himself back inside Naila and resumed his thrusting.

Rachael realised that he expected her to be impressed with his size, maybe even be scared of it.  But he was not a patch on Horse, perhaps not even as large as Arley.  Still, it was an impressive tool, and he probably had the right to be proud.

But Rachael had another thought. ‘I want to make love to this beautiful woman, and I don’t want her filled with his mess’. So she broke herself free from Naila, sat up, and then rolled off the bed. Two steps, and she elbowed Elias out of the way.  He was not impressed and raised a hand to react.  But Eldon, seeing Rachael push Naila over onto her back, realised what she was up to and said one word.  No!  And with a scowl, Elias hitched up his pants and moved away.

Rachael bent over Naila and took in the swollen pubic lips and her pitch-black pubic hair framed by her crotchless panties.  Dipping her head, she dragged her tongue across Naila’s inflamed labia and tasted the flavour of her juices.  They had been seeped out by Elias’s withdrawing prick.

She attempted to mimic the actions that Naila had used to make her feel so good. And raised a hand to search out Naila’s nipples but was startled to find that hands were already kneading them.  Looking up, she saw that the young maid, Abigay, was now kneeling on the bed, lips pulling at one nipple, fingers working on the other.

Despite her initial reluctance to make love with a woman, Rachael now found herself savouring the black woman’s tastes and musky scent.  She planted little kisses all around Naila’s thighs and vulva, descending again on her spread lips. The flat of her tongue pushed up through the mesh of dark pubes to gently part the labia and plough the soft furrow to the hood of Naila’s clit.

She was so engrossed with the pleasure she was giving she did not notice Elias until he shoved himself deep into her still-spasming cunt.  She cried out, not in pain, but from the fact she was so sensitive.  He didn’t care what her cry meant. He rammed himself into her again and again.  He was rough, but she found, after her initial sensitivity, that rough was just what she wanted.

Pushing his actions to one side of her mind, she concentrated again on getting Naila off.  She slipped a finger between Naila’s quivering folds and gently played it in and out as she focused on licking her clit.  Now she could feel Naila writhing slowly in time to her licks, and she knew she would soon work her to a climax.  She heard Naila’s breath become ragged as her orgasm approached, and she made little moans of encouragement to urge her along. Naila’s hips were bucking now, and timing her licks and probing in time with Elias’s thrusting strokes, she added another finger and thrust into Naila even harder.

Naila’s orgasm arrived.  She came so hard, her jerking hips bumped Rachael aside, and howling at the loss of contact, she threw her hand down between her legs and pushed two fingers deep into her folds.

Ellis didn’t last more than a dozen strokes before his groan of ecstasy also joined the cacophony of sounds.  It seemed that they were all climaxing, even Abigay.  Rachael rolled onto her side and sat up, fighting a dozen emotions in her head.  She did not know if she should be embarrassed or angry. She felt confused, but she did take in the fact she had orgasmed again. That fact alone was overriding all her other emotions.  In her peripheral vision, she took in the fact that Naila’s free hand was between Abigay’s legs, which explained the young maid’s sharp cries of pleasure.

Amazingly, Elden spoke from the doorway, ordering them to get dressed and follow him. Then, he stepped back into his office. Rachael and Naila looked surprised, and Rachael realised they had both expected him to join them on the bed. Still, she figured the night was not over yet, so that may be something they still had to endure.

Grabbing their clothes from Abigay, they made it to the bathroom. Once the door was closed, they actually laughed out loud, seeing each other still wearing their panties. Once they had made themselves somewhat presentable again, they moved through to the office to find Eldon sitting behind his desk.

He stood and motioned for them to follow, “Your husband’s debt is paid, Naila. I want to introduce you to someone with a proposition to take to your husband.”

They walked back through the office, where Rachael noted the time: 11:55 pm.  She couldn’t believe they had already been here almost two hours. It hardly seemed like one.  They passed through the front foyer, where she noted people were still waiting to enter.  Then, up some steps onto the mezzanine, where groups of people ogled them as they passed.  There was a well-lit bar. The lighting around the rest of the mezzanine was provided from the dance floor below. Rachael took in the large mirror on the wall over the dance floor, which she knew had to be the window in Eldon’s office.

A guard was sitting outside a door at the far end of the mezzanine. He leapt to his feet when he caught sight of Eldon and opened the door.

They stepped into an area where people could hang their jackets, etc. Straight ahead was obviously a bathroom.

Eldon turned and addressed them, “This is the VIP room. It costs a substantial sum of money to belong.  There are never more than thirty members, and seldom more than twenty turn up in a night.  But tonight, there are less than a dozen. All have paid a substantial sum for the show they have just witnessed. One is the bastard who brought my niece’s behaviour to my attention. Another, you will recognise, Naila, he has a proposition for you.  Then he turned and pushed the door open, waving them to follow him inside.

They stepped into a large, dimly lit room. The main light source was from the bar and a massive window on the opposite wall. Both Rachael and Naila caught their breath. Elias had Abigay bent over the end of the bed and was plunging his impressive shaft into the tiny maid. And they instantly realised that they had been the show that Eldon had just mentioned.

The men’s heads swung around at the sound of them all entering, and all broke into lecherous grins.  Racheal threw her hands to her face, her embarrassment almost making her faint, but Naila held her up and helped her follow Elden to the bar.

The large barman poured each a glass of the same rum liqueur that Eldon had served them earlier. Then, telling them to stay at the bar for a minute, he dismissed most of the men from the room, telling them that the show was over. Rachael looked to the window and saw the curtains closing and Elias and Abigay entering the bathroom. There was a slightly raised platform in front of the window, with large speakers on each side and a Pole to the left. She surmised that on some nights, there were live shows in the bar.

Naila whispered in Rachael’s ear, “Be careful of that guy over there,” pointing to a man wearing a Hawaiian shirt. “He’s a nasty piece of work and has been trying to move in on our Beachboy business.”

Eldon returned and led Naila to a table where an astute-looking Jamaican businessman sat alone in the gloom. He spoke a few words to them, then returned for Rachael and led her to another table where two men sat.

The guy Naila had pointed out eyed her up as if she were a sweet piece of meat.  The other guy also ran his eyes over her but then diverted his gaze.

Eldon spoke, “This gentleman is the bastard that spread some rumours about my niece. He thinks he is untouchable, but he has just seen that anyone can be convinced to do my bidding.  Is that not right, Jevaun?”

Jevaun did not look that worried but gave a slightly subservient nod. Then he turned to his friend Stevie and winked at him. Rachael noted that with his head turned towards Stevie, Eldon would not have seen the wink.

“There will be no more talk and some respect shown, or I will take further steps. Now let’s drink to good business for us all,” Eldon said, lifting his drink and bumping his glass against those of the two men.

Jevaun placed his hand on Rachael’s knee.  She flinched, but before she had time to move her hand to ward him off, Eldon had flicked the man’s hand away, “She is not for you, Jevaun. You have had your money’s worth tonight.  Finish your glass and leave us!”

Rachael noted the flash of anger that flickered in Jevaun’s eyes, but he withdrew his hand and downed his drink. She looked over to see Naila in deep conversation with the businessman.  Checking out the other two men in the room, she noted they were deliberately trying to appear innocuous and assumed they were more of Eldon’s bodyguards. Her suspicions were confirmed when one rose and escorted Jevaun and Stevie through the cloakroom door.

Once they were gone, Eldon asked, “When do you leave Jamaica?”

“Early Sunday morning!”

“So you have one more day.  You must be very quiet about what and who you have seen in this room tonight.  It would be best if you were never here.  Do you understand?”

Rachael wiped her fingers across her mouth as if zipping it tight.  Then, she asked what he would do about Jevaun, as she could see the guy would not obey Eldon’s orders.

Eldon laughed. “None of my acquaintances would have dared ask me that question.”

“But to answer your question, Jevaun has been a problem for some time. He took over Stevie’s small enterprise two years ago and thinks he and Stevie are best mates.  But Stevie, who has been working for me for years, will make a move tonight and take both his and Jevaun’s businesses over.  That it will not end well is a given, and although I don’t think many people will learn of his demise for several days, one can never predict these things.  So I will give you a small tattoo so that if there are any questions tomorrow, people will know they cannot touch you.”

Rachael went to object. But Eldon raised his hand and said, “There is to be no argument. It will be small and on your ankle, so easily hidden. But if anyone tries to question you, show them, and you will be safe.”

“Okay, but I have some conditions. I want the tapes from the video cameras you had operating tonight.”

This was a guess, but as Naila was sure they had been filmed, Rachael thought it was likely. Eldon did not blink an eye. He grinned and said, “They could earn me a lot of money. Why should I give them to you?”

“Because if you want my silence about tonight. That is my condition. And before you go saying I have no power. Think how it would look if the daughter of a high court judge were to be harmed or go missing in Kingston. Especially when the resort and others know where I went tonight.”

Eldon laughed, “Oh, you do have some spunk, girl.” He waved to the other bouncer, who was still sitting unobtrusively a few seats away.

Rachael watched him go to each speaker on either side of the window, swing back the fronts, and remove the tapes from the cameras inside. He returned, handed them to Eldon, and then returned to his seat.

“There is a third camera in the room. I will retain that tape for my protection. I will show it to no one and give it to Naila to destroy in a few months when all this has blown over.” He handed Rachael the two tapes, which seemed to burn her hand.

Rachael was far from happy about this but knew she had forced the best result she could hope for. After all, her father was a truck driver, so she didn’t want Eldon checking into her background.

He stood and led Rachael to a door next to the bedroom window. It opened into the bedroom, where Elias and Abigay were tidying up. She wondered why she had not seen the door when they were in the room earlier. But it became apparent as soon as Eldon closed the door behind them. There was no sign of the door; you had to look extremely close to see the faint line running from floor to ceiling in the mirror.

Eldon turned and spoke to Abigay, “She needs to bear my mark. Go get your tools.” Then he turned to Elias. “Go wait in the VIP room until I return. Go!”

She watched Elias pull down on a light fitting next to the mirror. There was a snip, followed by the door swinging open again.  He quietly removed his large frame from the room.

Abigay re-entered the room and ushered Rachael to sit on the chair and lift her left leg onto the bed.  Then, dropping to her knees, she slid a transfer just above Rachael’s ankle.  Eldon leaned forward and gripped her leg. “This will hurt a little, but look at it as a souvenir of your time here, and although extremely unlikely that you need it, some protection as well.”

When Abigay peeled the transfer off, Rachael looked at her ankle and saw a small Queen of Spade’s symbol with the initials E.R. underneath.  Again, she thought about complaining, never wanting to get a tattoo. But she knew she would be wasting her breath and that it would be a nice souvenir of her time in Jamaica.  Then she flinched as Abigay ran the tattoo pen quickly around the outline of the graphic and commenced the fill.

When Abigay finished, Eldon let go of Rachael’s leg, “The tattoo looks dark and permanent right now, but in a couple of days, the transfer will begin to fade.  It should not be too hard to remove or change into something else if you don’t like it when you get home.”

Then he stood, snipped the side door open and helped Rachael step back into the VIP lounge. She sat and contemplated the tattoo. There was a certain karma to it being the queen of hearts; her flatmates and her had played a lot of cards in London, and their favourite game had been black bitch, where if you got caught with the queen of spades in your hand, then you were penalised fifty points.

Naila rose and approached their table, her business with the well-dressed man completed. She took Rachael’s hand and steered her to sit at the bar. Eldon went and sat with the man Naila had been speaking to. After a minute, he called out to Rachael to show them her new tattoo, and she noted that all three men in the lounge took note of it. Then nodded to Eldon and returned to their conversations.

The barman came over and asked them if they wanted a drink. They both asked for a coke with ice.  Sipping this, they watched the businessman exit the bar by the hidden bedroom door, accompanied by Elias.

They sat wondering if they were meant to leave, too, but the barman indicated that they should sit and finish their drinks. Rachael tried to ask Naila what her discussions were about. Naila, however, just gave her a warded look and whispered, “Not here!”

The barman eventually approached them and said he’d show them out. He took them out through the bedroom’s mirrored door, down a hall with some stairs, and out the side of the building to the car park.

Aden was still parked in the same spot. He had not moved. Before they waved to get his attention, Rachael pressed one of the tapes into Naila’s hand. “It’s one of the tapes Eldon took of us. I’ll keep this one, and he tells me there is a third that he will give to you in a few months.”

Aden saw them, leapt out, and opened their doors. This time, Rachael sat in the back.

“Was it bad?” asked Aden the second he had the car back in motion.

Naila answered, “No! It was much easier on me than I expected. Rachael had it much tougher, as she had to handle Elias, and Eldon put his mark on her leg.”

As she said this, she reached between the seats and squeezed Rachael’s hand, mouthing to her that she would not tell Aden about them.

“Are you okay?” Aden asked Rachael.

“Yes! I’m okay.  It was quite an experience, but I have lots of questions.”

Naila interrupted, “Let’s go back to our place.  I have something to run past you, and there is no reason Rachael should not hear it.”

“No, it’s late, and Arley is picking Rachael up tomorrow at 10:00 am, So tell me on the way back to the resort,” said Andy.

As Andy drove, Naila outlined what had gone down in the bar.  The man she had spoken with was a guy from the police that they both knew.  He was the one who collected their monthly payments, and he wanted to buy them out and run the Beach Boy business for himself.  The price was fair, in fact, more than they had expected they would get.  They had some work to do, as he wanted Arley to stay on and run the show.  So they needed to find out Arley’s views on that.

“Is that why the guy snuck out via the bedroom?” Rachael asked.

“Yes, there is no way he would want to be observed leaving Eldon’s Club.  He would have been ushered out the side door we just used to a plain car.”

“Another question! Why did Eldon not take advantage of us?  I was certain that would happen when we first walked in.”

Naila let out a hearty laugh, “I wondered that as well.  I think he must have a small cock and dared not get it out in front of all those men.  It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.”

But it dawned on Rachael that he had not wanted to appear on the tapes she had obtained.

They pulled up outside the resort. Aden held a hand up to stop Rachael from climbing out.

“We are both grateful for your help tonight.  I’ll go talk with the night manager now and sort out your account with the resort.”

Rachael tried to object, but Andy just shook his head. “We bring the resort an enormous amount of business from wealthy customers. It will cost us a pittance. We will forever be in your debt, and so we insist.”

As Rachael exited the car, Naila asked if she wanted to keep her school uniform or return it for something else in the morning.  Andy escorted her into the foyer, telling her that Arley would take her to the boutique and show her some tourist hot spots on the morrow.

She left him, asking for the night manager, walked to her room and leapt into the shower.  Halfway through her shower, she hopped out and collected up her crotchless panties and bra so she could wash them.  She had the wicked thought that she would wear them for Arley.

Her final task before she hit the sack was to empty her suitcase and hide the videotape under the lining before repacking her clothes.

To be continued…

Written by mingemuncher
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