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Lovely Neighbour - Part 1

"Neighbours develop an unforeseen connection."

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“Don’t throw the boxes, you idiot. Pile them up with the labels showing.”

Those were the first words I shouted at my boyfriend as we moved into the house.

The house was actually mine; I sold my previous flat and took out a large mortgage to pay for MY new place. My so-called boyfriend didn’t earn enough to rent a shed.

I wasn’t entirely sure why I was still with him. We’d been together just over a year, and he’s never wanted to excel, earn more and do better for himself.

But we did on occasion make each other laugh, not so much the best of lovers, but sex was… okay for some of the time. I’ve had… let’s say a few lovers, some for longer than others; one, in particular, I liked, but alas was not to be.

I was in my early twenties and felt I should be settling down, and buying my new place was a start.

I heard him shout, “Hey, Sky, where do you want this box?”

I couldn’t see him but shouted back, “What does it say on the label?”

He shouts out, “Kettle… toaster… cups various.”

When I was packing, I labelled every box so it was clear, I shook my head and shouted back, “You’re a dumb dick… kitchen as if that were not obvious.”

That was mid-afternoon, and we had all the boxes, not all open and large furniture moved in and in its place by the evening.

I wasn’t going to cook, I was worn out. I sent him out to get a takeaway, pizza was always easy.

I had just sat down and the doorbell rang. I thought he’d lost the key already.

I opened the door and was ready to shout out some abuse at him when I saw this extremely tall bulky gentleman standing there. I wouldn’t say he was overweight… just a bulk of a giant. He held flowers and a bottle of wine.

He said, “Sorry to bother you, I live next door. My name is Aaron.”

He pushed forward the flowers and wine, and said, “Welcome present from my wife and me, which I hope you accept.”

I put out my hands to take them off him, and said, “Thank you so much.”

He said, “Sorry but my wife is not well, when she is, she’ll welcome you herself.”

I’m not tall, and this man towered over me; I had to look up like I was looking at the ceiling.

I said, “O… sorry about your wife. I’m Sky by the way.”

He said, “Ah like your eyes... Sky blue.”

I smiled and said, “Yes… I suppose so.”

Just then, my delightful boyfriend returned with our pizza. He rushed past almost knocking over Aaron.

And all he said was, “Sorry, mate,” as he rushed into the house.

I looked at Aaron and said, “Sorry about him, he’s a bit of a dope… if you know what I mean.”

Aaron chuckled and said, “No bother, I’ll be off and leave you to enjoy your meal.”

I looked at Aaron and thought he had a nice smile; I smiled back thinking, pizza! Hardly a nice evening meal, especially as it’s a takeaway.

Still smiling, Aaron turned and walked away.

I shouted, “Thank you again.”

And Aaron raised a hand still walking away.

That evening I opened the wine to have with our pizza, it was a really nice wine. I couldn’t pronounce the name so googled it.

It was an expensive wine, gosh, wow!

But this went right over dimwits head; I asked him to try some but refused as he had bought himself some tins of larger.

After we finished and cleared up, I went for a shower, while he set up the TV and then came up.

Bedtime was the usual routine; he threw his clothes all over the floor. I had to suck him off to stiffen him up. Then he would get under the sheet and lay on top of me.

We kissed as he prodded his dick at me, but I was not in the mood. I was tired, and my pussy was not as stimulated as his dick.

I said, “I’m exhausted and I’m not ready for this.”

He went down and smeared some of his spit around my pussy, he doesn’t eat me out like he used to.

Just seconds later he came up; he kissed both of my tits and then my lips. Again he poked at me. I spread my legs wider, and in he came.

He banged away… no consideration of how I may have been feeling, and three minutes later he grunted, unloaded, and kissed my cheek, he said, “That was nice, babes.”

He turned over and said, “What time are we having breakfast?”

Brilliant… he never satisfies me anymore, I mean, he used to. He used to eat me out till I orgasmed. He’s never been able to give me an orgasm through intercourse.

But I knew most men are not able to satisfy a woman in that manner.

The next morning we, mainly me… unpacked the rest of the boxes and put things in their place. I did the kitchen and bathroom to start with, while he sorted out the internet.

I had put the washing machine on when I got up, he was still fast asleep. It was a warm sunny day; I went to hang up the clothes outside.

I saw Aaron out in his garden and said, “Morning.”

He said, “Good morning, hope you settled in okay.”

I said, “Thank you for the wine, it was lovely.”

He said, “Glad you enjoyed it; it’s one of our favourites.”

I asked, “Is your wife better?”

Aaron smiled, a sorrowful smile, and said, “Thank you for asking, she’s… the same.”

I said, “O… sorry to hear that.”

Aaron said, “Not your fault,” in a laughing manner.

Then he said, “Just something we’ll cope with.”

I asked, “I’d like to meet her, would it be possible?”

Aaron said, “She doesn’t get many visitors, I’m sure she’d welcome that.”

I asked, “Is now okay?”

Aaron said, “Yes, should be fine. It doesn’t suit me but, I’ll put the kettle on.”

I laughed at his little joke and said, “Give me an hour, and I’ll be over. Is that okay?”

He nodded as he walked back indoors.

I went in after hanging up the clothes and said to dim-wit, “We can go and say hi to next door in a bit.”

He said, “Need a longer cable for where the server is going to be. Have to go out.”

I said, “Just be ten minutes to say hello, and be neighbourly.”

He said, “We’ve met, I need to get this sorted.”

I shouted at him, “O… you’ve met… what last night when you barged past him!”

He shrugged his shoulders and picked up his keys.

I said, “Wanker.”

I knew he was not the most sociable of people but thought he’d come with me. I went upstairs to change, put something nice on to meet Aaron’s wife.

When I went round, on my own! Aaron greeted me in and saw me through to the lounge where his wife was sitting.

He introduced us to each other then offered me a drink, and I chose coffee.

While I spoke to his wife, I could hear noises from the kitchen, like grinding and steam hissing.

This is when I found out she had cancer. She didn’t look too poorly, but had low energy, and found it difficult to talk. But it seemed she liked to talk. She wasn’t very outgoing and had withdrawn into herself.

She was seventy, six years older than her husband Aaron, but due to her illness, she did look much older. She’s had it for over eleven years and prospects seemed to be low.

The coffee was really nice, the noises were him grinding the coffee beans and making fresh coffee. The fragrance was amazing.

I spent over an hour talking to both of them. I also found out Aaron doesn’t cook; his wife did all that, apart from some small things like the coffee of course.

I became quite close to both of them after that first meeting. And almost every weekend, I would spend time with them.

Aaron as a thank you for spending time with his wife offered to tend to my garden. His garden looked immaculate.

Aaron was quite handy around the house too; he put up some shelves and hung up quite a few paintings and pictures for me, as dim-wit was useless at that sort of thing.

Dim-wit… of a boyfriend usually had his mates around, drinking, playing games on the play-station… or something. And that became his excuse for not coming around with me to see Aaron and his wife. 

He did come around exactly twice as I remember, in the first three months of us being there, but never since.

And on both occasions, he made an excuse to leave ten minutes after we went in.

Aaron’s wife was getting more poorly as time went on. The cancer treatments took their toll.

It became so energy-draining for her that she found it difficult to stand for more than five minutes at a time.

That was when I started to make them their evening meals, sometimes I would make it and take it round to them. Or I go round and make dinner in their kitchen from what they had bought. That was when they insisted I make enough so that I could take food home for dim-wit and me.

I didn’t have to knock; Aaron trusted me and gave me a key to let myself in.

Dim-wit would always make a snide comment as to why I was doing that, but he never understood.

The relationship went on till one day I went around, I let myself in and shouted out as I always would.

But got no reply, looking around the house, no one was in; I thought it unusual as Aaron would have let me know if they were going to be out.

I called him on his mobile and found out his wife was unexpectedly taken into hospital.

I left the food just lying there on the kitchen table and rushed to the hospital.

When I got there, I was met by a sad man, he had a tear in his eye, and from his face, I could tell… I was too late. She had passed away six minutes ago. I had never cried so much in my life.

I drove both of us home later that evening. I sat with Aaron; neither of us wanted any food. We held hands and sat in silence for most of the time.

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Quite a few times I noticed my phone pinged; it was dim-wit. I took no notice.

It was going on midnight when I got back home. Looser was fast asleep.

I crept slowly into bed and sobbed myself to sleep.

The next morning, dim-wit wanted a fuck, he had his morning wood. I was in no mood for that.

As soon as he got on top, I felt his hard-on, and I shoved him off, I said, “Piss off, go have a wank.”

As he rolled off he said, “Fuckin hell what’s the matter with you!”

I got out of bed and he said, “You didn’t answer your phone last night.”

I said, “I was at the hospital, Aaron’s wife died yesterday.”

Dim-wit said, “Oh!”

I knew that would be his response, no feelings whatsoever.

I said nothing but gave him an angry stare. Then while he lay there I showered, and as I was getting dressed, he asked, “So why are you so upset?”

I thought to myself, ‘There’s no way he’s going to understand, I’d be wasting my breath.’

I said, “Don’t you worry your little head about it.”

He said, “Okay… what’s for breakfast?”

I snidely said, “Whatever you make for yourself!”

I went next door and let myself in, and on entering I shouted out, “Morning it’s only me Sky.”

I immediately smelt the coffee being ground. I went into the kitchen and Aaron was there. He turned around and we hugged. It was a long silent hug.   

No words were said, apart from a greeting of ‘Good morning.’

He passed me my mug, and we drank. I asked, “Did you get any sleep?”

He said, “A little.”

I asked, “What would you like for breakfast?”

He said, “Nothing really, not hungry.”

I said, “Neither of us had anything to eat last night, so I’m cooking breakfast. You’re going to eat before we do anything else.”

As I started cooking, I asked, “Do you want to go to the hospital?”

He said, “No, I already talked to them, and they said, they would prefer if I go tomorrow.”

I said, “I’ll take you, let me know what time.”

It’s been over six months since her funeral.

During that time I got rid of the dim-wit, and I still took food to Aaron, mainly for the chats and company.

My business flourished and I was so much better off financially and personally, especially without dim-shit in my life draining my bank balance.

I even managed to find a nice old lady to manage my shop when I was out.

One evening as I was taking Aaron his evening meal, I called out as usual but heard no reply. I could hear noises, but Aaron was not watching TV in the lounge like he usually would be.

I put the meal into the kitchen and traced where the noise was coming from. It was upstairs; the noises were of a sexual nature.

I thought for a second that Aaron had got himself a lady!

As I got closer, I could make out it was from his bedroom. The door was open, I peered round and saw Aaron naked, and he was wanking off to an open laptop which was between his legs.

He didn’t see me and carried on. His actions were slow like he was just massaging his cock.

I watched him for a while and then crept back down. I got to the front door and opened it. This time I shouted out louder than I usually would.

I said, “Hello, it’s me Sky, you home old man.”

I closed the door making sure it was audible. I walked into the kitchen and started to dish out the food, I heard him shout out, “Be down, two minutes!”

I was away for the next three days and didn’t see Aaron.

The day I got back, I went around with food as usual. I entered and called out, and just like the last time, no answer. I stood still in silence and heard the noises from upstairs, the same sexual noises. I knew what he was doing.

I put the food in the kitchen and went upstairs. I peeked through the open doorway, and I was right, he was naked, wanking off with an open laptop in front of him.

I watched him for at least five minutes, and all he did was wank on his lengthy shaft, he didn’t go up to his cock-head.

I didn’t think he would blow just doing that. And the other thing that surprised me was that he wasn’t using any lube, not even spitting on his hand or cock.

I wondered… would I frighten him if I was to announce myself?

Then all of a sudden he looked straight at me, and as he continued to wank, he said, “O… Sky, hello, I didn’t hear you.”

He surprised me! As I stepped back out of sight, I said, “Sorry old man I didn’t mean to…”

And he interrupted, he said, “That’s fine, you don’t have to hide, come in, I’m sure you’ve seen this sort of thing before.”

I was stunned, silenced, I didn’t speak. And he said, “But if you’re shy, I’ll put some clothes on.”

I slowly peeked back around, and he saw me, he said, “Does this bother you?”

I took a step in, and he reached forwards to the laptop and closed the screen.

He said, “I’m sorry, are you ashamed of me?”

I looked at his cock, it was a healthy length, much longer than any I’d seen or had before. His fist encircled the shaft; it had a meaty thick girth to it.

I said, “It’s only natural old man, you’re lonely.”

He said, “I’ve never had to do this before, well you know…. my wife was always here.”

I was slowly getting closer and closer to him, I asked, “Did she never use any lotions, or lube of any kind?”

He said, “I don’t know, I never watched her, I just felt her doing it.”

I said, “The way you’re doing it… like now, do you enjoy… do you cum?”

He said, “I’ve done this a few times now… you know… since she’s gone.”

Then he stopped, I said, “And… you enjoy it?”

He said, “No… not like she made it feel.”

I said, “Not to be rude but… you’re doing it wrong!”

He looked at me and said, “Wrong… how so?”

I stared at his cock, I mean what woman wouldn’t!

I sheepishly said, “Would you like me to… to show you?”

He let go of his stiff erect cock, and said, “I wouldn’t like to impose, but would you?”

Oh my God! Without his hand there his cock looked amazing, truly a cock that belonged to a giant of a man like him.

I couldn’t take my eyes off it, but I said, “Just a second.”

I knew there was some baby oil in the bathroom. I went and fetched it. I returned and said, “Let me show you what you need to do.”

I got onto the bed, and his cock just seemed to get bigger. I poured some oil into the palm of my hand and then asked, “Can I?”

He smiled, and said, “Please.”

As I took hold, fuck it was hot, and the thickest cock I had ever had, my fingers almost around, I say almost, because they never actually fully encircled his girth. I held his shaft, and coated his lovely cock with the oil up and down, and all around.

He said, “That feels nice already.”

I said, “It always feels better when someone else has your cock in their hands.”

I continued to stroke his shaft, and then used my other hand around his huge shiny nob.

I let go of his cock, and said to him, “Lay down flat.”

He shuffled down and rested his head on a pillow. I re-positioned myself and took hold of his healthy cock again.

As I wanked him, I asked, “Do you mind if I hold tighter.”  

He said, “Please be my guest.”

And I did, I took a tight grip on the shaft, and on his mushroomed head. I stroked faster, and twisted the head to and fro; he seemed to be enjoying it.

I said, “See like this, concentrate on this head… feels good yeah!”

He didn’t speak, but I saw his head nod.

His cock felt nice to handle, there was so much of it. I was a little surprised that he hadn’t blown off after ten minutes of my hand job.

I could hear him make small murmurs, his eyes were closed, and his head tilted back.

I had such a strong urge to take that cock-head into my mouth. Another five minutes and I was still amazed at Aaron’s longevity.

My tight and quick actions made his cock feel like red-hot steel, and my hands were getting fatigued. To him his cock must have been at bursting point I’m sure.

My previous boyfriends would have blown, and gone flaccid after five minutes of my hand jobs.

Aaron’s murmurs increased, a bit more erratic, his hips started to rise and fall. And as I paid more attention to his bulbous mushroom, I saw his hand rise and hold my forearm. Then two seconds later he said, “Sorry,” and took his hand away.

I said, “It's fine old man, you can touch me, hold whatever you want.”

His hand came back and rested on my forearm, he didn’t hold tight, just rested it.

I was getting quicker with my stroking of his nob, it was glowing bright purple and looked so raw.

And then he sharply said, “I’m cumm…”

And before he finished his sentence, he blew, fuck did he blow, cum jettisoned out in such a gush, so high, the first two ejaculations were a meter high at least, I swear!

I continued to stroke him, and I heard him say, “Please… please!”

His hand tightened on my arm, I presumed he wanted me to stop.

I wanted to give him a pleasurable hand job, so I carried on. I re-tightened my grip and stroked tight-fisted along his shaft, encouraging cum to flow out his cock-hole. And cum flowed like lava from a volcano, running down my hand, it was an awesome sight.

There was so much, every time I stroked up, cum came out, and it never stopped. Again I wanted to take that head into my mouth, but I was just in ore of what was coming out of him.

I slowly came to rest as I gazed upon his strained face. His cock still throbbed in my relaxed fist. He then opened his eyes and we looked at each other. He said, “That was amazing, young lady, Thank you that was so nice. I thought I was going to die.”  

I cleaned myself and him off with a towel, and said, “I’ll go and re-heat our dinner.”

Written by Bob_6
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