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If Brussels is only the Appetizer, Then What on Earth is Helions Bumpstead?

"An unexpected Christmas gift can be a wonderful surprise. And surprises come in a multitude of different guises. But sometimes, you get more than you bargained for…"

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

Author's Notes

"If you look closely, you might recognise the signs of sorcery taking place in this little tale. After all, what would Christmas be without a little magic?"

Finnair Flight AY1335, somewhere over Germany

I stopped what I was doing, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. For a moment, I sensed the presence of magic. It was almost tangible; I could virtually taste it in the aether. Not an easy thing to do in a metal tube at 35,000 feet, to be sure. But I was convinced it was there, nonetheless.

I turned to Eva. “Can you feel it, too?” I asked.

My fellow traveller turned to me in surprise. “I’m sorry, what?”

Dressed in a severe, light grey business suit, she was an exceptionally striking woman. Her flawless, dusky brown skin almost shone with its perfection. She had introduced herself as we found our seats on boarding the aircraft. “Hello, I’m Eva,” she had said with a friendly smile.  Over the next couple of hours, I found myself unable to take my eyes off her, glancing in her direction on the slightest pretext.   

I was a regular business flier, but rarely was I offered the treat of such a beautiful creature as the one sitting across from me now. As usual, I had chosen to sit by the window, whilst Eva occupied the aisle position. The seat between us sat empty except for various electronic devices. Neutral territory, it was tacitly understood that we would share the space.

It was the only unoccupied seat on the plane, which was exceedingly unusual given the time of year. But I wasn’t complaining; it gave the two of us just that little bit of extra comfort.

I took another sniff of the sterile atmosphere. There was enchantment in the air – I was sure of it. Or sorcery, or – or what? I shook my head. Whatever you wanted to call it, I perceived something strange was going on.

“I can feel magic in the air,” I said. “And I wondered if you could feel it, too?” Pausing, I realised that I might sound just a little unstable.

The woman – Eva – gave me a puzzled frown. But then she surprised me.

“You know, you might be on to something,” she said. “As a matter of fact, I do feel something slightly unusual.” My stomach flip-flopped as she shot me a gorgeous smile. “Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas Eve and Santa is out there?” She gestured out of the window where dusk was rapidly transforming the sky from a dazzling blue into murky charcoal.

“Any sign of a sleigh?” she asked with amusement.

“Hmmm – probably a bit early for toy deliveries,” I replied po-faced.

But I couldn’t help looking out of the window in search of Santa or his team hard at work on this, their busiest of nights.

“This is the Captain speaking. I have an update on the weather for you, and some disappointing news. Unfortunately, due to the worsening conditions over the United Kingdom, ALL airports have now been closed due to an unexpectedly high volume of snowfall and resulting poor visibility. We have been instructed to divert to Brussels and will be beginning our descent in approximately fifteen minutes. I appreciate this will be extremely frustrating for those hoping to get home for Christmas.”

I glanced out once more at the darkening sky, then down to the thick blanket of clouds below.

“Bugger.” I sighed.

“I’m sorry.”

We hadn’t talked much during the flight, both respecting the other’s right to some privacy. After introducing ourselves with a polite handshake – soft, nicely manicured hands, with a decidedly firm shake for a woman – we’d exchanged a few pleasantries. Perfectly suitable behaviour for a three-hour flight where it would have been difficult to ignore each other completely.

Not that I could completely ignore her. Oh no. She had a delightful charm and magnificent presence that said yes, I will allow you to look, but please don’t touch! During our brief exchanges, she’d learnt that my name was Daniel; I was a consultant, had been married for three years and lived in Essex. In return, I’d learnt that she was a lawyer – dual qualified in both French and British law; that she had been born and raised in the UK, and had been educated at expensive universities in both England and on the continent.

This latest announcement, however, had opened the door for a more familiar, informal conversation – as if we were already friends. It was interesting how mild adversity in travel seemed to encourage this kind of behaviour. It was a sort of ‘we’re all in the together’ type of attitude.  

“What will you do?” Eva asked sympathetically. “Do you have friends in Brussels?”

I’d told her earlier that I’d hoped to be home for Christmas with my wife.

“I have no idea,” I said, slightly despondently. “No – I don’t know anyone in Brussels – or anywhere in Belgium, for that matter.” I reflected for a moment. “I guess it’s going to be a lonely Christmas – for both of us.” I thought of my poor Claire, sitting alone in our new village home with no hope of me joining her for Christmas Day.

After a pause during which we were both clearly considering our broken plans and what to do about them, Eva spoke up again. “It may be bold of me, but I do have friends in Brussels. I’m fairly certain they will be happy to put me up for the night…” she paused, deliberating for another moment, before coming to a decision. “…Would you be interested in perhaps joining us?”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. It was such a surprising, generous, unlikely offer, that I really didn’t know what to say. I took another look at my companion, wondering at her motivation.

Dark, lustrous skin, elegant bones; expensively dressed – obviously successful. Incredibly attractive –perhaps not something I should be noticing, but hey, I was only human. For a moment, a primaeval lust reared its head inside me.

Don’t be ridiculous, I thought inconsequentially. She’s just being exceptionally kind-hearted.

Or – maybe – maybe she really does like you.

She’d clearly noticed my hesitation – though perhaps not the reason for it. “Of course, if you don’t want to…”

“No, no, no!” I interrupted hurriedly. “It’s not that. It’s just that your offer is so out of the blue. Of course I’d love to accompany you. A night alone in a hotel on Christmas Eve really doesn’t appeal.”

Eva smiled with obvious pleasure. She really does have a lovely smile.

Stop it! I said to myself, wondering now at my own motivations for accepting her offer so quickly.

She quickly started messaging on her phone, her dextrous thumbs dancing rapidly.

“Don’t you have plans in the UK?” I asked, curious about her lack of disappointment at our diversion to Belgium at this festive time of year.

“Not really,” she sighed. “I was due to spend Christmas with my parents but, quite frankly, my friends in Brussels are likely to be much more entertaining.”


She blushed. “We were at Uni at the same time,” she explained. “They’re a couple now, but back then we were – well, we had a lot of fun together.”

She didn’t spell it out, but I thought I knew what she was getting at, and all of a sudden, I was looking at her in a whole new light. She caught my speculative look.

“Now don’t go thinking what I think you’re thinking,” she said, wagging a finger at me.

“Well, what am I supposed to think after a statement like that,” I teased.

“Huh! And you a happily married man,” She retorted.  

And this is just the sort of banter that you should be avoiding, I thought to myself. I glanced at her again, unable to stop myself visualising just what sort of things she might have got up to with her friends. The images that popped into my mind were of such an erotic nature that I covertly needed to adjust myself.

The seatbelt sign pinged on.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Brussels. Please turn off all portable electronic devices, ensure your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened.”

I sighed. “Well, here we go.”

Eva laughed. “Don’t be so down. Brussels is nice and the weather here doesn’t look quite so bad. It looks like the snow has already moved on.”

“I love your optimism.”

“Think of it as more of an opportunity. Maybe you could buy something nice for your wife. What did you say her name – oh, here we go!”

She passed me her phone and showed me the reply to her message.

“Of course we’d love to have you and your new friend with us for the night! Don’t even think of staying in a hotel. Why don’t you take the train to the city centre, and we will meet you there – we’re in the Christmas market doing a bit of last-minute shopping and drinking glühwein.”

“See? All sorted.”

I sat back, feeling a sudden thrill at the possibility of spending the night with this breathtaking woman and two strangers who were ‘fun’.”

“You’d better turn that off before you get into trouble,” I cautioned.

“Don’t be so grouchy,” she laughed. “Now, what did you say your wife’s name was?”


“Well, I’m sure Claire would love a gift from your enforced stayover. And you can call her later from my friends’ apartment. Exactly where do you live, anyway? You said Essex?”

“It’s a small village called Helions Bumpsead – we only moved there recently.” I saw her reaction. “Yes, I know – but it is real, I assure you,” I laughed.

“Why is it English villages have such ridiculous names?”

I smiled. “Good question. It’s always a great icebreaker, though. Imagine the reaction when you tell people you live in Bell End or Farleigh Wallop.”

Eva chuckled. “I know – and what about Upton Snodsbury and Boggy Bottom!”

“Exactly! When we were house-hunting we had to be careful not to make fun at some of the names,” I said. “We have now got, however, the perfect cottage in a picture postcard village. There’s a hobbit-esqe stone bridge crossing the local river – though calling it a river is probably a bit generous; we’ve got five-hundred-year-old thatched cottages – not to mention the church and local pub. We’ve even got an old manor house – though I think they rent out some of their rooms to pay for the upkeep.”

“Ooh, okay – you’ve convinced me. I’ll have to visit!” she tittered.

“You’d be very welcome,” I replied, realising I meant it. Claire would like her, I thought. An itinerant thought popped into my mind – an erotic ménage à trois. The image forming in my head showed Eva looking particularly delightful sans business suit.

Eva interrupted my reverie with a question.

“Do you have children?”

Ah, and how have we got onto that sensitive topic, I wondered, inwardly wincing.

“Unfortunately, not. We tried for a while, but nothing happened. So, we investigated, and it turns out that a virus I had as a boy made me sterile.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said understandingly.

I was amazed at how open I was being with Eva. I didn’t usually talk about this sort of thing with relative strangers.

You like her, stupid, that’s why. You have the hots for her and would love to get into her knickers if she was willing.

But what about Claire? My conscience whispered, bringing me back to reality.

“You could always adopt?” Eva suggested, oblivious to my inner turmoil.

I started, surprised at her insight into the discussions my wife and I had been having.

“Yeah, we’ve talked about it,” I admitted. “But I don’t think we’re in the right place for that – not yet anyway. We’re still exploring options.”

“What do you mean?”

This was getting a little uncomfortable. “Well – I guess…” Blimey, this really was getting familiar!

Eva could sense my hesitancy. “How did you meet Claire?” she asked curiously.

“Oh, like many others, at Uni. Claire was a History student and I was studying Business.”

“And was it love at first sight?”

I snorted. “Sort of – she has a twin sister who was at the same college, and it was one or the other for me.”

“Twins – wow! Identical?”

“Fortunately, not – otherwise how would I ever have chosen?” I laughed. “They were both beautiful, but it was Claire that became my soul mate.”

“Then you’re very lucky.”

“Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing.”


The Arrivals Hall was busy with people making their way home for Christmas, but the mood was festive with people hugging and laughing as they reunited with friends and loved ones. My spirits rose at the obvious joy that permeated the atmosphere.

Eva led the way down to the railway station under the airport. “It only takes twenty minutes, so we should be there just in time for a quick bit of shopping and something to drink before we head back to my friends’ apartment.”

A few minutes later we were swaying gently from side to side on the train. “So – tell me a bit more about these friends of yours,” I suggested.

“What do you want to know?”

“Well, if I’m honest, I’m still thinking about all that fun you had together.”

“Ha! I should never have said that.” Eva’s laughing eyes met mine, her lips twitching with amusement. “Very well. Elin is Dutch; she’s twenty-seven years old, blonde, vivacious and a knockout. She’s not particularly tall or slim – but don’t let that fool you. She’s sexy as hell, and – and I think I’m saying too much,” she laughed. “You can figure the rest about that out for yourself. She’s also an artist – a performing artist; she acts a little, but these days mostly writes and directs plays.

“Maurice is tall. He’s about six foot four. He emigrated from Cameroon to France when he was a child and he’s got the darkest skin you’ve ever seen – he’s very much espresso to my café au lait,” she said with a smile. “He’s another performing artist; part of a dance troupe that tours Europe – when they have an act to put on. He’s a true gentleman and the perfect foil to Elin – you’ll see what I mean when we meet them.”

And a few minutes later, having crunched our way through fresh snow with our bags to the centre ville, meet them we did.

The Christmas market was a delight. There were colourful lights with jolly music playing in the background. The cheerful wooden huts were selling a multitude of Christmas gifts, food and drink. Patrons were clearly having a good time, making the most of the Christmas Eve spirit before the vendors closed up shop and went home for their own festive celebrations.  

“Ah – there they are! Hey, Elin! Maurice!” Eva called, vigorously waving a mittened hand. I saw two people matching Eva’s descriptions smiling and waving back as they made their way through the merry crowd towards us.

They embraced Eva with enthusiastic hugs and bisou – kisses on each rosy cheek French style – and warmly welcomed me in the same way.

“Hello Englishman!” Maurice’s voice was sonorous and vibrant. He spoke English with almost no accent. Eva was right; his skin had the undiluted, rich darkness that one might equate with equatorial Africa. His grip was friendly and hospitable.

The contrast with Elin was remarkable. In comparison to Maurice, she was tiny. Yet not for a moment did you think of her being in his shadow. Her bubbly presence matched – maybe even exceeded – his. You could not fail to smile at her vitality and enthusiasm.

So different and yet they matched perfectly as a couple, exuding an effervescence that instantly warmed me to them.

Chatting as if we had known each other for months rather than minutes, we made our way to one of the cheerful huts selling glühwein. I could smell the fragrant aroma of cinnamon and cloves as Maurice generously bought us each a glass and I felt the warmth spread through me as I sipped the hot, spiced red wine.

“Oh, that’s perfect,” I said gratefully. “Just what’s needed after the flight!”

Maurice and Elin both laughed. “It will warm you up and help you relax,” winked Maurice with a cheeky twinkle in his eye.

Ruddy cheeked, Eva’s mittened hand found mine. “Isn’t this a great way to spend Christmas Eve,” she said happily. “With old friends and new.” I looked into her smiling eyes and couldn’t argue.

And where was this going, exactly, I wondered. For to me, there seemed to be a certain inevitability to the events that were now unfolding.

Maurice and Elin lived close to the city centre, and after a second glass of glühwein, we started back to their apartment. Dragging our overnight bags through the snow, we walked companionably together through the gayly lit city streets. I felt I had known Eva forever and could only wonder what would happen between us when we entered her friends’ apartment.

An image of my wife alone in our little cottage interrupted my thoughts.

“I wonder what it’s like back home,” I mused, thinking of Claire spending Christmas Eve by herself. And Christmas Day for that matter.

“Where did you say you lived?” asked Maurice.

“Essex – in a small village called Helions Bumpstead. You won’t have heard of it.”

He raised his eyebrows and gave a long whistle. “Actually, Daniel, I have.”

I stopped in my tracks. “Seriously?”

“I’ve got a good friend who lives there. He’s a performer – a dancer – like me,” he said. “He and one of his distant cousins rent some rooms in an old manor house in the village. They’re from Mauritania.”

I was stunned by his comment. How unlikely was that! I thought. What sorcery was at play here?

“I ought to give Abdoul a call, and tell him your wife is all alone tonight,” he joked.

My mind had gone into a kind of trance, leaving me unable to speak.

“Is that Abdoul who you went to college with, Maurice,” asked Eva thoughtfully.

“You remember him?”

“Oh, yes. I remember that night very well!” Eva turned to me as we reached the steps to our destination.

“Maurice, Elin and Abdoul want to college together in Toulouse.” She pursed her lips. “How open are you and Clair, Danny? Because Maurice is right. Abdoul would probably be more than willing to give Claire a call – or even pay a visit.” She gave me an impish smile. “Then she wouldn’t be by herself at Christmas.” She took both my hands in hers. “And I wouldn’t feel so guilty about taking you to bed with me.”

Damn! Why don’t you just lay it out there?

“I guarantee he’d give her a good time.”

Sorcery was the wrong word. Witchcraft was more like it.

“What…” I cleared my throat. “Just to be clear, what would we be doing if you took me to bed with you?”

“Well, now,” she teased. “That’s entirely up to you…”


Once inside the apartment, I quickly fired up my laptop and called Claire.

This was going to be an interesting conversation.

“Hey, you!” I said, as my wife’s lovely face appeared.

“Hey yourself, Mister.”

“How’re you doing?”

“How do you think, Danny? I’m sad. Just sad. I got your message – No Mr T for Christmas. What am I gonna do to keep warm tonight? It’s absolutely covered in snow here! And the river’s completely frozen.”

“I’m sorry, darling.”

“And what are you going to do? Have they put you up in a hotel? Tell me what’s happening, Danny. I hate to think of you by yourself in some soulless hotel tonight.”

Here goes…

“Well, as it happens, I met someone on the flight who has friends in Brussels. They’ve invited me to stay with them.”

“Oh. That’s incredibly kind of them!”

“Yeah, it is.”

There was a pause as I sensed Claire wondering how to phrase her next question. She wasn’t the only one.

In for a penny, in for a pound…

“So, you remember those conversations we had about – you know – maybe seeing what it would be like being with someone else?”

“Uh, being with someone else? Oh! Do you mean, like, Swinging? Yeah, of course I remember,” she said curiously. “Why?”

“Well, one of these people I’m with, this woman – she’s kind of interested in me, and…”

“What do you mean, she’s interested in you?”

“Well, she wants to, you know…”

“Have sex with you? Is that what we’re talking about here?”

“Well, possibly, yes. Claire, we talked about this…”

“Yes, we did. But I kind of assumed we’d work this out together and – and at least be in the same country!”

“Yeah, well, me too. But it isn’t working out like that is it? I’m here and you’re there, and…”

“I don’t believe this! Are you serious? You want to have sex with some stranger in Brussels whilst I – whilst I sit here on my arse on Christmas Eve wrapping your Christmas present and wondering what you’re up to?”

“Um, so, about that.”


“Well, there’s a guy they know who lives – would you believe it – in our village.”

“What? In Helions Bumpstead? And what? You think I should sleep with him?”


“Stop saying ‘Well’! Do you know this guy?”

“Uh, not personally, no. But the woman I’m with…”

“Do you know how that sounds?”

“I know! But listen, honey…”

“Don’t you ‘honey’ me!”

She went silent for a full minute. I could see she was deep in thought, though not, I was surprised to see, as upset as she might have been.


“Danny, this is all very sudden and – and totally unexpected. You do realise that, don’t you? What am I supposed to think?”

“Look, there’s no pressure to do anything. Maurice, the guy I’m staying with went to college with Abdoul…”

Abdoul? Where is he from?”

“He’s Mauritanian. He lives in the village with a cousin of his and Maurice absolutely vouches for him. You could just meet him, and if nothing else, you’ll have some company tonight. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Daniel, I’m really not sure about this. This has to be the most bizarre thing that – that you’ve ever suggested.”

“I know. But why not just meet him? You don’t have to – you know – if…”

“I know, I know. But it’s not as easy as that, is it? He’ll have expectations. He’ll think I’m a total slut and an easy lay. And who is it you’re going to be spending the night with, anyway?”

 I explained about meeting Eva, and her friends Elin and Maurice. Claire opened her mouth several times to speak as she processed things but didn’t say anything for quite a while.

Christ – what I needed now was a bit of that magic that was flying around earlier.

I watched as she finally blew out her cheeks. “Alright. I’ll meet him. Just don’t get his expectations up. And you!” she interrupted my response. “Don’t think we won’t have a lot to discuss when you get back after your – after whatever it is you’re getting up to!”


Helions Bumpstead:

With a deep breath, Claire closed her laptop and looked outside. It was no longer snowing quite as hard as it had been. Well, that was a weird conversation, she thought. What on earth was Danny playing at?

Christmas Eve had been unusual right from the start. All day, she’d felt an almost magical sense of anticipation – a sense that something was going to happen!

And now – now a strange Mauritanian man named Abdoul might be calling round later. And he might be thinking of fucking her – just like Danny was going to be fucking some woman in Brussels.

She felt a strange, nervous flutter in her tummy. Was it the thought of her unanticipated visitor? Or the thought of her husband with someone else? Which, remember, you’ve just given a thumbs-up for.

She wasn’t sure why she’d said yes. It was almost as if she’d been bewitched.

And yet. And yet, the thought of it was unquestionably making her aroused.



I hit the ‘end call’ button and sighed. Eva wrapped her arms around me.

“Is she going to be okay with this?”

I sucked my teeth. “I don’t know. I – I think so.”

“You know, if you’d rather not?”

“No! I – I very much want to.”


I turned around and kissed her. Her lips were soft and her body warm and responsive. Being with her felt completely natural and incredibly erotic.

She gently bit my earlobe. “Tell me exactly what it is you want to do, Daniel,” she encouraged.

I whispered in her ear, and she laughed softly. “Mmmm, that sounds just like the sort of thing I had in mind. You’ve no idea how aroused I am. I’ve been wanting to have my way with you since I saw you on the plane.”

“You have?”


“What about – you know, our hosts?”

“Oh, I don’t think they will disturb us,” she murmured. “Not for a while, anyway. I think they know exactly what we are going to be getting up to.”

I slid my hand up her thigh and under her skirt. Despite the cold, she was wearing stockings and suspenders. “Oh my – what a lovely surprise!”

She giggled in my ear. “I like to feel sexy,” she whispered. “Serious, no-nonsense businesswoman on the outside, and…”

“Sensual, racy Goddess on the inside?”

“Something like that – for the right person.” Her wicked tongue was dancing around the inside of my mouth. “Put your hand inside my panties. I want you to feel how wet I am.”

I didn’t require a second invitation. I slipped my hand inside the flimsy fabric and found an enticing thatch of silky pubic hair covering her mons. My fingers quickly discovered her damp slit and she moaned as I began to explore. She wasn’t wrong – she was already incredibly slippery with desire.

“Oh, yes – just like that!” she breathed as my fingers slid easily inside her.

“You’re dripping! What a naughty girl you are!”

“Yes, I am,” she acknowledged unashamedly. She undid her blouse, exposing her bra. “I can be even naughtier if you help me?” she suggested.

With my free hand, I undid the clasp, and she pushed her bra down, exposing the most exquisite breasts I’d ever had the privilege of seeing. She pulled her shoulders back, pushing her magnificent tits toward me.

“Kiss them,” she directed.

Eager to comply, I withdrew my sticky fingers from her juicy snatch. I circled her nipples, daubing them with her cum, then bent my head to lick and suck the aqueous fluid from her breasts.

Eva watched me in amusement, but I disrupted her poise slightly as I shoved my fingers back into her sodden cunt.

“Ohhh!” She gasped.

With my lips teasing her nipples and my fingers squelching in and out of her sopping twat, her breathing accelerated, and she started moaning with unadulterated pleasure.

I thought she was going to let me bring her off like that, but she stopped me before she reached the point of no return. “Not yet,” she gasped. “I want to give you something first. Do you like fellatio?”

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Do I Iike fellatio?

Not waiting for an answer, she dropped to her knees and quickly unzipped me. Her deft fingers released my hard member. Gently cupping my balls, she slipped her lips over the head of my cock, and I groaned at the warm wetness as she engulfed me.

Oh my God! I won’t last twenty seconds if she keeps doing that!

“If you keep that up,” I croaked.  “I’m going to cum in your mouth any moment!”

I could feel her smile as she continued bobbing for a few more seconds. Just as I thought she’d taken me past the brink, she withdrew her lips with a loud ‘pop’ and grinned up at me. Then she stood and kissed me, open-mouthed; I could taste myself on her lips and tongue.

“Can I let you in on a secret?” she breathed in my ear. “I love sucking cock, and I absolutely love the taste of cum. But you’re going to have to wait for a while. Because it’s my turn again.” Pulling me with her, she lay back on the bed. Parting her legs, she slipped the gusset of her panties to one side and guided my head between her thighs.

“I hope I’m not too ripe for you – I’ve been wanting to have you do this to me for hours.”

I practically growled with contentment as her aroma invaded my nostrils. “No different to me,” I admitted. “And frankly, your scent is just making me want to taste you all the more.”

“Then lick me, Danny. Lick my wanton pussy and make me cum with your tongue,” she implored.

Her purple silk knickers matched her bra, and they were soaked. The sight of her exposed sex; her damp, black pubic hair perfectly framing pink lips sticky with excitement was a visual feast; her divine fragrance an aphrodisiac to my nasal receptors.

I ran my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top, eliciting another moan of pleasure as I found her nub and teased it from its shell. Her hands found the back of my head and began to stroke my hair as I alternated between tantalising her clit, running my tongue down to her pussy and tongue-fucking her, before returning to her centre.

She was already so aroused that it didn’t take long. When she came it was with a series of primal grunts as she pulled my head into her thrusting pelvis. I revelled in her use of my face as a fuck-toy, sucking and swallowing every drop of the copious nectar she had to give me. When she came down from her high, she pulled me up to her face and kissed me hard, greedily licking her juices from my drenched face.

“Now fuck me!” she commanded. She still had her ruined panties on with the gusset shoved to one side, and I never slipped inside a woman so easily, my rock-hard prick disappearing effortlessly into her warm, liquid cocoon.

“Aaaaaarrrrrgggg,” Eva wailed after a few thrusts. “I’m going to cum again!” I felt her muscles grip me as her orgasm began, and I immediately tipped over the edge and shot my heavy load into her eager pussy. I grunted as I spurted again and again, her lusty cunt muscles milking me of every last drop.

She immediately pushed me back down. “Again!” she demanded. “I want you to taste what you did to me and make me cum again with your tongue!”

Obediently I buried my head once more between her delightful thighs. I could just stay here forever, I thought contentedly. Her labia were hot and sticky, and my spunk was oozing from the lips of her swollen snatch. I unquestioningly lapped at the salty mix; the taste of our mingled cum was a potent, heady fusion of desire and fulfilment. I found her nub once more and quickly circled it with my tongue as she held me firmly against her. She shuddered and her thighs shook as another orgasm overtook her, this one like an earthquake followed by a series of diminishing after-shocks. Her mouth was open in a soundless cry until she finally stopped pulsing and pushed my head away.

“God, that was good!” She huffed breathlessly. “I really wanted – needed – that!”

“Mmmm,” I agreed with a sticky smile.

“Would you make me cum one more time?” she asked – more of a plea this time, rather than a demand. “Please. Use your fingers.”

“Whatever Madame wants,” I murmured. “Madame can have.”

It was her turn to growl with pleasure, and as she came a fourth time, she pulled me up again. “Mmmm, I enjoyed that very much, you wicked man,” she murmured. “I’m so glad I invited you.”

“Me, too,” I admitted contentedly.

“And the night is yet young,” she teased, snuggling into me.

“I’m not sure I’m going to last the distance if we keep this up.”

She chuckled. “Maybe I’ll let you rest for a bit,” she said sleepily.

We dozily cuddled and kissed for a few minutes, and I was almost asleep when she stretched and lifted herself off the bed.

“I’m going to take a shower and clean up,” she announced.

I watched in lazy contentment as she stripped off her crumpled clothes. She threw her stained, sticky panties at me.

“Here – a present for you.”

She watched as I drowsily raised them to my nose and sniffed them appreciatively. God I’d like to be able to bottle that delinquent aroma, I thought.


“Uh-huh,” I conceded.

Naked, she stood in front of me without a hint of embarrassment. My imagination hadn’t done her justice. She was simply stunning! I thought as I feasted my eyes. An Amazonian apparition! Her smile told me that she was enjoying my admiration and enjoyment of her body.

She turned, and headed for the ensuite shower, treating me to a view of her perfect derrière. Then she paused and looked over her shoulder.

“Would you like to join me?”

Damn! What was it with the silly questions?


In the village of Helions Bumpstead, it had finally stopped snowing. The sky had cleared in this unusual place, which tonight seemed to have its own microclimate. There was an almost fairy-tale-like quality to the clarity of the sky over the snow-covered village. The stars sparkled with an unearthly brightness and Orion’s belt shimmered with anticipation.

At one particular cottage, the doorbell rang. Inside, Claire Randall stopped what she was doing. Part of her thinking ‘Who the hell can that be on Christmas Eve?’

But another part of her knew exactly who it could be. She had been in turmoil for the last two hours, whilst she processed the conversation she had had with her husband. She hadn’t quite believed it – not that he wouldn’t be home – or even that he was spending the night in a Brussels apartment with some woman he’d met on the plane. No, what she couldn’t quite believe was that Danny had suggested she might want to sleep with some stranger who just happened to live in the village.

After the call, she’d spent the next thirty minutes oscillating from one thought to another, constantly changing her mind about what she wanted to do.

Finally, she’d taken a deep breath and gone upstairs to – to what? To prepare herself, that’s what. She wanted to be clean and to look – well, to look sexy she admitted. She took a long, hot shower and shaved her legs. She picked out some of her sluttiest underwear and put it on. Looking at herself in the mirror, she gasped at the image. Crotchless panties and a peekaboo bra – what was she thinking?  

What she was thinking was that she might as well take advantage of the situation. If Danny was dipping his wick in some floozie in Brussels, then why shouldn’t she have some fun? It was Christmas, after all. And at the end of the day – as Danny had pointed out – if she didn’t like what she saw when she opened the door, she could always close it again. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say…

Now she had put on her stockings and heels and topped it with a dress which – for appearance's  sake – was much more suitable for meeting a stranger at the front door. She had just mixed herself a strong drink – Dutch courage – and had taken a gulp when the doorbell had rung. It now rang again, and she realised she hadn’t moved for a good minute. She suddenly realised that she was close to panic. Now that the time was here, she didn’t know what she wanted to do. She could feel her legs shaking. Bugger it, she thought, taking another long swallow of her drink. Then she walked calmly down her hallway and opened the door.

Standing in front of her was not one man, but two. They were both tall and had skin the colour of a honeyed bronze. She reflected. Mauritaniathat was in North Africa, right? Part of the Sahel. She realised she knew almost nothing about the place. Both damn good-looking men, though, wherever they were from.

“Good evening, Claire. My name is Abdoul, and this is my cousin Oumar. I believe your husband may have mentioned I might call round to see you?”

Claire felt her insides tingle with anticipation. She swallowed nervously. Then, almost in a trance, she nodded and opened the door wider to let the strangers into her home.


Brussels – nearing midnight.

After our shower, I carefully dried Eva with one of the huge towels our hosts had laid out for us, paying particular attention to her various nooks and crannies. Eva patiently tolerated my ministrations – even when I got distracted between her buttocks. “You’re supposed to be drying me – doing that with your tongue does not constitute ‘drying’,” she chided.


“You’re not sorry at all.”

“No, not really.”

“Bad boy.”

Now, we lay naked on the bed next to each other. I was running my fingertips gently over Eva’s lustrous, bare skin, taking delight in watching goosebumps magically surface.

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Come in,” Eva called, clearly unconcerned about our state of undress.

Elin appeared wearing a sheer, peacock-blue babydoll, a pair of panties, and nothing else. “I’m sorry to disturb you – I thought you might still be awake.” She bit her lip in obvious amusement. “You’ve made Maurice and me horny and we wondered whether you’d care to join us for some fun?”

Wow! I found it difficult to take my eyes off Elin’s body. She was extraordinarily pale, and her outfit left almost nothing to the imagination. Clearly visible through the flimsy material were a sizeable pair of tits, broad hips and sturdy thighs. It was an incredibly erotic image, and I suddenly realised I was gawking like a teenager. And possibly drooling.

Noting my reaction, Eva giggled and raised her eyebrows at me in question.

“So, do you want to?”

“Erm, you mean we…?”

Elin smiled at me. “It sounded like you were enjoying yourselves far too much in here but, you know, you shouldn’t keep Eva to yourself. She’s an old friend and I haven’t tasted her for a very long time.”

I almost choked at her words. Jeez, but the Dutch were direct!

“So, if you want to come and play with us, we’ll see you in a few minutes, yes? We’ll show this Englishman how to loosen up a bit, eh?”

“He’s not that repressed, Elin,” Eva rebuked gently. “In fact, I think you’ll find he fits right in.”

“Ha! I will look forward to that.” She sat next to me on the bed, cupped my balls and gave them a little squeeze. I yelped in protest, and she giggled at my discomfiture. “Have you fucked Eva in the ass yet, Englishman?”


“No, he hasn’t, Elin. And stop making him uncomfortable. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”

“I heard.” Elin leaned close to my ear. “She really likes it in the ass, Englishman,” she whispered loudly. “Ask her.”


Elin hooted with laughter. “What about you? Do you like it in the ass, too?” She leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth, pulling my foreskin back at the same time. “Don’t make us wait, Englishman.” Then she stood up, cackled delightedly, and left the room.

I exchanged a look with Eva.

“So, what’s this – a Dutch treat in Brussels?” I asked warily.

She rolled her eyes. “If you want it, yes,” Eva replied. Encouraged by Elin’s fooling around, she reached under my balls and began stroking my perineum. “You don’t have to, you know. That pair can be a bit full on.” Her hand had reached a more sensitive spot. “But if you don’t mind this… A finger found its way inside me, making me gasp. “…you could be in for a very good time.”

Eva laughed at my expression.

“Genuinely – they are a lot of fun, and I have had some fabulous times playing with them. They are both bisexual, and Elin loves anal. She also likes to watch. This makes Maurice a very happy man. So, you should know what we’re getting into. If we join them, there’s a good chance you’ll lose your anal cherry. Is that too much for you?”

“How do you know I’m an anal virgin?”

“Ha! Am I wrong?”

“Well, no. But…”

Momentarily, I thought about Claire, at home in our cottage, and wondered what she was up to. Neither of us had had anal sex of any sort, though I think we had both been wondering.

I raised my eyebrows at Eva. “So, was Elin right? Are you also into…?”

She laughed. “Maybe you’ll find out, Englishman.” She rolled over onto her front and pulled her cheeks apart. “Anything take your fancy?”

Oh, fuck yes!

“I think Maurice might have got his eye on you. He really digs guys as well as girls, you know?” Eva giggled, then slapped my backside. “And I think he’d love to fuck your white ass!”

I swallowed. I didn’t think of myself as prudish or repressed. But before tonight, I’d never thought about being with a guy. And this would be the first time I’d even been with more than one woman, never mind a bloke as well. What did I think? I considered Maurice – his solid build and strong musculature, his rich, ebony skin and warm smile. I thought about what he might want to do with me.

I thought about him fucking me.

And my cock twitched. Just a little, but it was definitely there, accompanied by an excited tingle in my stomach. Along with that flirty Dutch minx, Elin, who loves anal, don’t forget, and Eva – damn, I was getting aroused! Could I handle this? Let’s give it a shot, Danny-boy.

Unsure of the protocol, I started to put my boxer shorts back on. Eva snorted. “You won’t be needing those, lover-boy.” And to make the point, she stood up in front of me. I caught my breath. I still couldn’t get enough of looking at her nude form – at how majestic she was. I was instantly erect, and Eva smiled with satisfaction at my unconscious response to her proud, naked body.

Discarding my underwear, I rose to join her. “Lead me to my doom.”


Eva knocked on the door of the master bedroom.

“Come!” boomed a deep, masculine voice. We entered to find Maurice lying naked on an enormous bed. Eva was right; I didn’t need the boxer shorts. Like ours, the bedroom was well-heated, and he obviously wasn’t feeling the cold. He held a beer bottle in one hand, but all I could really focus on was the large uncircumcised cock lying dormant along his thigh. Maurice saw where I had concentrated my gaze and smiled.

“Like what you see, Danny?”

“I, uh…” I stammered, unable to take my eyes off his dark weapon. It was clichéd, perhaps, but what I was looking at was stereotypically imposing and sent a tremor of excitement through me. I looked him in the eyes. “Yes, I do. It’s very impressive.”

Eva snorted. “Elin is a very satisfied girl – aren’t you, darling?” Elin appeared out of their ensuite wearing the same babydoll – but her panties had disappeared. The remaining garment barely reached her midriff and my eyes widened at what was now on show. The blonde, downy pubic hair growing at the junction of her strong, well-shaped thighs sent yet another huge tremor through me.

Christ, is this really happening? Eva’s already taken me into the stratosphere and back – and now I get the chance to play with these two!

Elin sashayed into the room, knelt next to Maurice and lifted his imposing organ with her fingers. She gently stroked him up and down and then lowered her head to give him a noisy suck.

She popped his glans out of her mouth, and she looked up at me with a playful smile. “Would you like to try?” she asked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “He tastes really good.”

The way she said it was almost a challenge. I licked my lips. Did I want to try? What did they expect of me? I wondered.

I approached the bed and knelt next to Elin. She proffered the meaty, rapidly thickening rod toward me. I tentatively licked the tip, then gathering my courage, I lowered my lips right over the head until the bulbous helmet of his penis was completely in my mouth.

The masculine taste and scent of Maurice’s cock was an aphrodisiac I wasn’t expecting, and I groaned appreciatively. Elin’s fingers were on the back of my head, gently encouraging me. I slid my lips a little further down the lengthening shaft and almost gagged as he reached the back of my throat.

I sensed Eva next to me whispering to Elin and then I could hear them kissing above me as I slowly bobbed up and down on Maurice’s cock. Listening to them making out together brought new images into my head and I found it difficult to concentrate on what I was doing.

Then Eva knelt next to me. “Elin wants to watch me fuck Maurice. Is that okay with you?”

I nodded dumbly as Elin pulled me away and Eva replaced me, straddling Maurice. Her eyes locked on mine as she lowered herself onto Maurice’s now rock-hard cock, guiding him into the pussy I had fucked not so long before. Entranced, I watched as it slowly disappeared inside her. She gasped as his balls reached her lips, and then smiled serenely at me.

As they began to fuck, Elin’s hand found my cock and slowly started to wank me. She put her head next to mine. “They look good together, don’t they?” She murmured provocatively. “I love watching, Englishman. Let’s see how long you last watching Maurice fuck your new girlfriend whilst I do this...”

She slid down to the floor and engulfed my member with the warm wetness of her mouth. My heart rate shot up as she demonstrated her talented oral skills. Combined with the slap of Eva’s buttocks bouncing on Maurice’s stomach each time their thrusts met, I knew I would soon be filling Elin’s willing oral cavity.

Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum! I thought desperately.

It was a losing battle. Maurice groaned deeply and I could see his balls pulse as he fired his salvo, flooding Eva’s ravenous cunt. The sight pushed me over the edge, and I followed suit, uncontrollably filling the warmth of Elin’s succulent mouth with a tidal wave of cum.

Elin rose and locked her lips to mine, forcing her spunky tongue inside my mouth. Her eyes were watching for my reaction and, embracing the moment, I enthusiastically kissed her back, tasting myself, sucking the salty residue from her.

“Mmm – not bad, Englishman!” she cheekily gurgled as we broke for breath. “Now I wanna feel your tongue in my ass!”

Jeez, she really was a seriously kinky little hussey!

Before I could respond, Elin knelt where Maurice’s cock was still buried to the hilt in Eva. Her insatiable tongue hungrily dipped down to embrace the thick, viscous liquid now seeping from Eva’s sticky snatch.

With Elin’s face greedily glued to the messy fusion of cunt and cock, her bum was deliberately raised invitingly before me. She wiggled it encouragingly and I took the hint. I parted her cheeky cheeks, exposing her tantalising ring. I fixed my lips to her pucker and tasted her; my tongue circled the tight ring of muscle, gently exploring the dips and ridges until I took the plunge and slipped it right into her. I could feel her sphincter flex as I pushed inside her ass, and she pressed back with a moan of appreciation as I fucked her eager hole.  

I lost all sense of time as I pleasured Elin’s backside and when I paused for breath, I saw a contented Maurice and Eva grinning at me.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Daniel?” Eva teased. She reached over and French kissed me. “Mmmm, you taste of spunk and bum. You are willing to play, aren’t you, Danny?” Eva commented. “Sticking your tongue in this cumslut’s arsehole. But I think Elin’s had you long enough. Do you think you have enough energy to fuck my ass? Or would you prefer hers?”

I heard mock jealousy in her voice, and she laughed at my predicament. Eva turned away from me, presenting her full, sexy bottom.


Fuck! My cock rose to the occasion, and I didn’t know whether it was that or my expression, but both girls laughed.

Eva reached back and spread her buttocks, exposing her dark pink rosebud.

Oh, my…

“You like looking at that, don’t you, Danny?”

“Yes, I do,” I admitted with a rush.

 “My ass is yours if you want it, lover-boy.”

Damn! Where was I getting the energy for this? It was almost as if I was under some sort of spell.

“Just one thing, Danny. If I let you have my ass, then Elin and I get to watch Maurice fuck yours, okay?” her words were so enticing; the idea of fucking Eva’s ass so appealing that I would have agreed to practically anything at that point. And anyway, I found the thought of Maurice burying his meaty cock in me incredibly exciting for some reason.

Elin began applying lubrication to both of us before her fingers lined me up with Eva’s rear entrance.

“Nice and easy, now, lover-boy.”

Holding her hips, I pushed gently, and the head of my cock slid easily past her sphincter, entering her back passage. She was much tighter here and she gasped at the sudden intrusion; I nearly came inside her right then. I held still for a moment so that she could get used to me – and to stop myself exploding – but Eva had other ideas.

“No – don’t hold back, Danny. I want you to fuck me hard and feel you shoot inside me. It’s not my first time. Go on – own me! Fill me up with your cum, Danny!”

Abandoning care, I did as she asked. I started to pump into her, getting faster and faster, my balls slapping into her cunt as I drove into her backside, giving her the arse-fucking she wanted.

Eva’s aroused cries were growing moment by moment and I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer.

“Smack her bottom!” Elin instructed excitedly.

“Yes!” cried Eva.

I rained sharp slaps on Eva’s buttocks as I drove in and out of her and the tenor of her wails increased until her orgasm hit, and she started bucking. Her sphincter gripped me hard and took me to a place I’d never been as I shot my third load of the night – this time deep into Eva’s bowels. Eva screamed rapturously before we both crumpled together in a drained heap.

“That was beautiful,” I heard Maurice say. I could hear Elin elatedly breathing her agreement, and Eva turned to me. “Thank you, Danny,” she whispered, my cock still embedded in her.

“Now it’s your turn,” Elin purred. “I want to watch Maurice fuck you, Englishman. Are you ready for him?”

“Do – Do I get a few moments to recover?” I asked breathlessly.

“Ha! Don’t worry – you don’t need to do anything. We’ll get you ready.”

These people were insatiable!

“Go on, Danny. On your knees,” Eva instructed tenderly. “I want you to feel what I just had.”

Like she had done for Eva, Elin began to lubricate me, her greasy fingers gently working their way into my bottom, carefully stretching me. Eva joined her and somehow – somehow, my cock responded, growing at the attention their magical fingers were giving me.

My god, I was rock hard again! My backside was being penetrated by two gorgeous, insatiable girls and…

And I sensed Maurice positioning himself behind me. “Are you ready?” I heard his deep voice asking softly.

“Um, yes,” I replied apprehensively.

Then Maurice slowly began pressing into me. There was a burning sensation as he stretched me and I grimaced, and then I felt the soft plop as the head of his cock squeezed past my ring and entered my virgin bottom.

Eva, kneeling by my side, gently kissed my lips as Maurice pushed his manhood further inside me. She stroked my face and looked deeply into my eyes. “I’m proud of you, Danny.” She encouraged. “The first time is always the most difficult.”

Maurice had been taking things slowly, giving me time to get used to the intrusive feeling of a large, potent phallus in my backside. He was fully in me now and I moaned as I felt my prostate being massaged by the movement of his meaty shaft.

Taking this as a cue to speed things up, Maurice started to fuck me; slowly at first, but then more vigorously as I gave the right signals. Soon, Maurice’s thighs started slapping hard against my buttocks and for the first time in my life, I was being given a hard fucking by another man.

And I was enjoying it! Eva was watching me with approval, and I kissed her passionately as I was pounded from behind, knowing now how she had felt when I was inside her.

But then Elin, that vixen, engulfed my rod with her lips and I burst – for the second time that night I filled her greedy mouth with my hot seed. Maurice, feeling my climax, speeded up his thrusts and a few seconds later his thick meat pulsed hot cum deep inside me.

Oh. My. God!

It was the most intense feeling I’d ever had!

“Wow, Danny,” exclaimed Eva. “I can’t believe you just did that!”

Neither could I. It was miraculous.

I collapsed into a heap, sated beyond anything I’d ever experienced.


Helions Bumpstead:

Claire cried out as she came again. Never had she come so much in one night. Never had she been stretched so much and taken to such heights.

Surprisingly, her unanticipated lovers had been incredibly gentle with her – until she hadn’t wanted them to be. Then they had pounded her mercilessly. Yet still she had begged for more.

She had been utterly, utterly fucked in every way imaginable. And Claire, too, had lost her anal virginity on this remarkable night.

After this, how could sex ever be the same again? She wondered.



Back in our room, Eva and I snuggled together in drowsy, exhausted contentment.

“Wow,” I whispered aloud. “That was…”

“Mmmm,” agreed Eva, stroking my skin. “Is Claire into girls?”


“I was just curious – I wondered if your wife liked girls.”

I considered. “Um – I’m not sure. Maybe.” After tonight I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.

“Black girls?”

“Ha – I don’t see why not. I’m not sure about lawyers, though. We usually try to avoid lawyers.”

She propped herself up on one elbow and grinned. “I might be able to tempt her.”

“You could tempt the devil,”

“Why thank you, kind Sir.”

“I’m not sure it was a compliment.”

She pinched me. “Meanie.”

“I know.” I cupped a breast and kissed her nipple.

“Mmmm, that’s really turning me on.” She reached for my cock. “So, would you consider polygamy?”

I nearly choked. “What?”

“I just wondered if you’d consider a multi-spousal arrangement.”

I frowned. “Is this just you, or are we including Elin and Maurice as well?”

She thought for a moment and shrugged. “Your choice.”

“Hmmm – it is tempting,” I replied, trying to keep a straight face. “But I’m not sure it’s legal.”

“Fuck the law.”

“And you a lawyer!”

“With training, you might make a half-decent husband.”

“You are joking, aren’t you?”

“About the training?”

“You know what I mean.”

She shrugged. “Maybe. It would be fun though, wouldn’t it?”

“You’d probably make a lousy wife – why are you reaching for your hairbrush?”

“You’re about to find out, Englishman!


Helions Bumpstead, Christmas morning:

In Helions Bumpstead, the most magical moment of all was taking place.

Claire lay in her bed sandwiched between Abdoul and Oumar. All three were in a deep sleep after an exhausting night of enthusiastic sexual debauchery. Claire was sore and both her back passage and stomach were contentedly awash with assorted bodily fluids from her two Mauritanian lovers. There was a delighted ‘cat that’s got the cream’ smile on her face.

Whilst Claire slumbered, she dreamt. And though she didn’t think of herself as the slightest bit bisexual, in her dream she was being seduced by an astonishingly exotic woman with skin the colour of café au lait. This enchantress tantalized her with her extraordinary sexuality. Claire moaned in her sleep, her hand straying between her damp, sticky thighs.

“Make love to me,” she mumbled.

Meanwhile, inside her womb, millions of sperms whooped and giggled as they raced enthusiastically towards the prize. Unlike their cousins who had been implanted elsewhere, these eager swimmers sensed they were in the right place to fulfil their purpose. And although they didn’t know it yet, two of them were going to be very lucky indeed.

For on this occasion, two ripe ova awaited them.

And for Claire and Daniel, on this night of unexpected Christmas gifts, it would be the most extraordinary present of all.


Written by TheShyThespian
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