Even though here in Denmark, we have finally got rid of all that coronavirus nonsense, yes, there are other places that have not yet wholly removed their absurd restrictions. I long so much to be able to travel. Of course, I could go to some of the nearby countries here in Europe, but that's just not what I want. The best thing for me right now is to travel to Thailand once again.
Unfortunately, Thailand's government is a bit weak-minded and, therefore, continues to have unfairly tight restrictions. It is simply unbearable. So, you may be thinking, why the hell would you want to go to Thailand? Well, I´m going to tell you!
My wife and I had been on holiday in Thailand a few years ago. This was before the corona left its footprints on the surface of the earth. At that point, everything was as it should be on a regular charter holiday. Everything was planned, and my wife and I had been given a perfect room, which had the look of a five-star quality hotel. The hotel was officially only a three-star hotel, but in Thailand, most hotels have a five-star look and are rated with fewer stars.
All in all, we were at least well satisfied and had a great view of the sea, while the weather was sunny and dry most of the days. My wife and I were well into our late fifties and had been looking forward to enjoying our summer vacation in Thailand, which we certainly did to the fullest!
Our daily life consisted of much of the same routine. Get up at eight or nine, have breakfast at the hotel, go back to the hotel room, and have a cup of coffee, followed by a few hours of sunbathing down by the pool, where we were typically from ten to twelve. From here, we wandered down into town and sat down at the same cafe as we had done since day one. It had pool tables and sofas with some extra thick and soft cushions, as well as our go-to cocktail. We typically spent an hour here and then went back to the hotel.
On our way back, we always made a pit stop at the same small massage clinic every time. We had gradually started to become very well known to them. There were always two or three of the same young women, while the remaining three changed from day to day. My wife and I had so far only tried to get foot massages for half an hour before going back to the hotel. It only cost a little over a hundred Danish kroner [14 US dollars], so it was well spent.
The last week of our Thailand vacation, it was time for my wife's birthday. On that occasion, I had thought that she should be pampered even more than she used to. So, when we ended up at the small massage clinic and were invited inside, I had other plans than just a regular foot massage. As my wife was guided to our regular seats, I, of course, went up to pay, just like I usually do. But this time, I pulled the Thai lady who owned the clinic aside.
I tried to explain in my broken English that my wife and I were going to have extra service today. She found the menu of the various massages, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the many different massage types. There were so many different kinds. Even though I was an old man with many life experiences, I had no idea what the individual massages were all about.
Oil massage, there was one called. I could easily see what it meant and thought that it seemed a bit too boring. Thai massage was next on the list, which I also didn't find particularly appealing. But the third, which was called tantra massage, sounded somehow intriguing and exciting. I had no idea what it contained, but it had to be that one.
"This one," I said eagerly and made eye contact with her.
"You sure?" she asked back, looking at me a little skeptically.
"You give us very good service, yes?" I conveyed out of my mouth and did not think further about her despairing look at my choice of massage. I discreetly slipped her 3,000 baht and gave a few cheeky winks with one eye. She looked back with a wide-open and surprised look when she saw how much she had gotten.
"Yes, yes, we give you very good service. Thank you, thank you," she said happily and smiled widely as she clapped her hands flat together as if she wanted to pray and bowed forward. It was a typical thank-you gesture that the Thais did.
I usually paid five hundred baht when my wife and I would have a foot massage for half an hour. The price for an hour's foot massage was, of course, twice as much. A thousand baht would be enough, but then it would cost extra if we had to have another kind of massage on top of that.
I couldn't bear to do the complex calculating for the actual price. Therefore, I just thought of putting a decent chunk of money on the table so that the lovely ladies could get an extra tip for their hard work. Also because they had been so lovely and kind to us during the time we had been here.
In addition, I also hoped that they would provide extra good service so that my wife would have the absolute most amazing experience ever. After all, that was my full intention. But I had to admit that I might as well kill two birds with one stone and also take advantage of the well-deserved pampering at the same time.
We sat down in a pair of luxury armchairs in brown leather, which were positioned along one wall in the clinic. They stood in a row right next to each other and were fantastically comfortable and pleasant to sit in. You sank deep down into them when you put your tired and sore feet on the footstool.
Usually, we used to have one leg resting while the other leg got attention from the Thai masseuse. This time, we were almost assaulted, in a good way, by four young Thai women who were working at the clinic that day.
Two of them took care of my wife, and each grabbed a foot, which they thoroughly began to care for, while the other two Thai girls threw themselves at me.
Both girls were thin, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. They were both wearing a plain t-shirt and some thigh-short shorts, which reminded me of how small and fragile I always thought Thai girls looked. In return, they could give an excellent massage, so it was really a fantastic and lovely surprise to get an extra Thai masseuse approved.
I sent a surprised look to the mama lady who was standing at the other end of the clinic. She winked and gave me a thumbs-up. I reciprocated the same gesture and was very impressed that an additional masseuse was included in the excellent service for which I had paid extra.
My wife's masseurs were more potent in their build and somewhat resembled a classic Thai mutter, but still with a delicious look that made them look like plump MILFs. I was in no way sorry to have had the sweet little Thainips.
I was the type of person who loved to both see and touch small, slender women. I was the type who had been influenced by the typical societal view of the body ideal. Victoria's Secret models were like a delicious piece of candy for my sweet tooth. It was something of a pleasant relief when I looked over at my beloved wife, and she returned a peaceful look as a sign of how grateful she was for her birthday gift. I had expected that she would send a displeased and jealous look that I had gotten the hot ladies. Fortunately, it seemed she was far too busy to register such a minor trifle. Thank goodness for that.
It was a completely different sensation to feel both legs being embraced by two hands at the same time. There were never any pauses, and you could always feel some loving touch. The sweet Thai girls were very chatty and really service-minded.
First, they washed our feet with a wet, warm, small towel. They were thorough and got in between all the toes and all the way up the thighs. They dried the washed skin with a dry piece of cloth and smeared us in a thick layer of sticky oil. Their hands were initially cool but were quickly warmed up by the oil.
I was completely relaxed and had leaned my head back in the comfy chair so I could enjoy the wild touches of the two gals to the fullest. From time to time, I glanced over at my wife, who was lying just as relaxed as I was. There was absolutely no need to worry at all, and I was even happier when I saw how comfortable she was. I closed my eyes again and returned to my state of pleasure.

From time to time, I experienced the young ladies making longer caressing movements up my thighs than usual. At first, I thought it was probably just a coincidence. But after a few times, the long movements became even longer and took on a more intimate feel.
The caressing Thai fingers and hands reached all the way up to my inner thighs and even hit my groin. This happened not only with one of the girls but with both of them, which made me realize more and more that they were doing it on purpose.
I couldn't help but give a low-key groan and a mild squirm in my body when they reached the very edge of my crotch. They giggled a little each time and soon after decided to tickle me even more by both of them caressingly riding up at the same time. Their long artificial nails easily dug into my skin on the way. It tickled pleasantly, and I got a violent chill, which made my squirming even wilder. They both burst into loud laughter.
"Are you okay over there?" my wife asked when she was disturbed by the two Thai girls. I could tell by her tone that she didn't really care but was asking to be polite.
"I don't know what's wrong with them, but I feel great!" I replied, stressing the last word. I put both hands behind the back of my neck and enjoyed the rest of the idyllic massage.
After twenty minutes had passed, our foot massage was finished. The girls wrung the same towel in hot water and wiped off the worst of the oil, then did the same with a dry cloth to take care of the residue. The skin was still a bit sticky, but it didn't matter too much.
"Come with us, come with us," said the many Thai girls almost in unison when they had dried both mine and my wife's feet.
We got up and somewhat confusedly followed our masseurs, who led us to a staircase at the back of the clinic. It was well hidden, so it dawned on us that the clinic had more than one floor. Until now, we had only known about the front hall of the clinic, where the many massage chairs were. We were, therefore, very surprised when we followed upstairs and up to a corridor where there were doors on both sides. Each door led into a small room, with a massage table placed in the middle of the room.
“Enjoy your massage, my dear,” I said gently before I and my wife got parted to be led into each of our massage rooms.
"Oh yes, without a doubt, ciao!" She gave me a sloppy wave with one hand and disappeared into the room next to mine. I smiled, taking her carefree tone as a sign that her birthday was already a success.
"I'm certainly going to," I said contentedly to myself.
The mattress in my massage room was wrapped in a thick blanket with beautiful patterns, while there were a few beautiful lotus flowers on top of it and two elongated silk banners. One of the slender Thai girls began to remove all the fancy decorations and finally spread a huge Bordeaux red towel upon the massage bed.
"Come, lay down," she said kindly when she had finished making the massage bed ready and clapped her hand several times on a small pillow that she had laid out. I took off my holiday shirt and tossed it onto a chair next right to me. Afterward, I put my knee on the mattress and was just about to let my whole body fall into the soft massage bed.
"No, no, take off, take off," she said repeatedly. I was slightly confused and could not understand what she meant. I only realized what she meant when she started pointing at my shorts.
"These?" I asked to be sure.
"Yes, yes," she replied while happily nodding her head. I thought it was strange that I had to be naked during the massage. I didn't protest, shrugged my shoulders in surprise, and did as I was told.
I took off my swimming shorts and then fell onto the soft mattress like a big fat and exposed blue whale. I settled down and put my chin on the pillow as I dug my hands under it. I closed my eyes and spread my legs so that my feet lay at each corner.
The other Thai girl also entered the room. She had a red bucket with her, with a cloth hanging on the edge. The steam that was clearly visible revealed the warm temperature of the water. She put the pail on the floor and wrung up a cloth.
"Are you okay?" she asked, slapping the warm cloth down on my bare skin. At first, it was a little too hot, but I quickly got used to the high temperature, which resulted in some nice and pleasant sensory impressions. She ran the cloth quietly up and down my back, making sure to reach everywhere.
"I'm doing very good. It is very relaxing," I answered back and enjoyed the soothing wellness. After she had dried my back and shoulders, she moved on to my plump bottom. It wasn't so bad. Mainly because I thought it was part of the process, but when she took the big cloth and slipped it in between my balls and wiped my ass as if I had been to the toilet, that was where I realized that something wasn´t right.
'She is VERY thorough,' was my first thought. I ached a little as she wiped my asshole, but she didn't notice and just quickly moved on, giving my legs a quick wash as if nothing had happened. When she was done, she went out with the bucket and came back after a short time. She closed the door behind her, causing the small massage room to become slightly dim. The curtains had been drawn, blocking out most of the bright sunlight. Meanwhile, the other Thai girl had put on some low-key background music and lit a few scented candles, which filled the room with mild and sweet aromas. Together, the scent and the music created a cozy and almost romantic atmosphere in the small room.
"Ohh, very, very sexy man," said one of the Thai girls, and she put her hand on my shoulder to run it caressingly down my back until she reached my wrinkled male ass and gave my butt a gentle slap. It made me squeal a little, and I lifted my head from the soft pillow in surprise to look up. I was greeted by the other Thai girl who was standing right in front of me. She smiled lovingly and had just oiled her hands. She placed them soothingly on my shoulders and began to rub my skin into the greasy oil with loving and gentle movements. I smiled back contentedly and laid my head back down on the soft pillow again, then took a deep breath and exhaled heavily through my nose.
"Ahhh," I exclaimed at the same time, enjoying the caring touches. It got even better when I felt two extra hands from the other Thai girl embrace my legs at the other end of the mattress. In a state of complete pleasure, I felt the clean, smooth, and slender fingers of both Thai girls, as well as their soft palms, thoroughly caressing every part of my body they could reach while I lay on my stomach.
The oil made their movements smooth, and it was a wonderful, pleasant feeling. The Thai girl at my shoulders took care of the whole back, while the other Thai girl took care of both legs at the same time. The hands on my back occasionally reached down to the bottom of my lower back and could barely touch the beginning of my ballet tops. The other hands, which were focused on my legs, ran, just like during the foot massage, further and further up my thighs. With each movement, they came closer and closer to the groin.
It was a nice and tickling sensation, and most of all, I was super happy that I chose to buy a massage with extra service. I´d never expected that we would get two masseurs and four hands for our massage. That was really a great surprise. But it came as an even bigger surprise when I soon found that the Thai girl massaging my feet came up so far that her fingertips hit my testicles.
It caught me off guard the first time it happened, but I tried to ignore it and pretend it was nothing. Only after it had happened several times I quickly put two and two together and concluded that the two Thai girls had other thoughts at play and were conscious in their actions.
When she finished massaging the calf, she sat up on the mattress so she could reach more easily and focused on my inner thighs and rear.
'Oh fuck, here we go again,' I said silently to myself and once again remembered how they teased me downstairs with the foot massage.
That was fun to read moving onto part two!
I hope so that
I do hope it’s not long to part two
Interesting story line and finding it amusing as well since he didn't really understand what he had purchased. Chapter 2 should be a fun read as well and can't wait to see how his wife enjoyed her erotic massage💨
Great first story!! Can’t wait for chapter two!!!
Can’t wait to read about the mrs’ experience
Great story waiting for the completion ❤️😘
Excellent story so far👍🔥