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Eve Films A JAV Part 2: Arcane Magic – Bukkake Shower

"Eve finds new-found success as a JAV star and participates in a bukkake"

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Eve Films A JAV Part 2: Arcane Magic – Bukkake Shower

Chapter 1 – A Star Is Born

The alarm vibrates Eve’s phone. She opens her eyes as she reaches her hand out towards it. She taps the alarm app off. She lets out an audible yawn and heads to the restroom.

It has been a month since she completed her ‘make-up exam.’ She straightens her long, blonde hair with her brush while staring into the mirror. The restroom ceiling lights twinkle with the same hue as the dressing room from the film set. “Eve, the superstar,” she says as she blows kisses into the mirror. “Well… more like an extra-pointy, horny star.” She entered the film set as a failing student. Now, she’s emerging as a rising star in an unexpected industry.

Something awakened in her after she’d finished filming that star-struck film. She wasn’t entirely sure what had caused it: the fact that she received unprecedented attention from the film set crew or the hot Asian co-star, the thrill of getting her massive tits drenched in some foreigner’s seed, or receiving  a sizeable check that allowed her to pay off her entire university tuition with money left over.

Whatever the case, Eve feels that both she and her life have been rejuvenated. She reaches for one of her tits, gropes it, and lets out a moan. The thought of an Asian man soaking her body or her love canal permeate drench her mind. She places one finger in her pussy with one hand still on her tits. Her moans echo throughout her dorm room.

Something about that man’s god-like body and charm drives Eve to the limit. She collapses on her bed, playing with her entire body.

“Please!” she cries out as she nears her climax. “This white goddess submits her body to you, my liege!” Eve imagines herself in the arms of that man. Her body belongs to him in that moment.

She soaks the bed below her with her juices – then stops.

“Darn it!” she shouts as she lightly taps her forehead. “I’ve got to clean these sheets again!" She crumples up the bedsheets in her arms, puts them in the laundry sack, then takes the whole bag outside, setting it next to her door. “I’ll let our dorm’s cleaning service handle this.”

Her phone rings. She answers it. It is Mr. Fabulous.


Chapter 2 – A Star Rises

“Eve-san! Good morning!” Mr. Fabulous exclaims. “I hope you had a very good night’s sleep!” 

Eve glues her phone to her ear, eager to hear the latest news from her life messiah. He not only rescued Eve from her parents’ constant shouting, but also gave her a new pathway to financial independence.

“My rising star!” he says, his voice still excited and bright. “I want to thank you again for acing that exam for me! I also want to tell you that your short video has made incredible revenue for our company!” Eve lets out a small grin. “In fact, it is now the company’s 10th most profitable film of all time! We titled it, Foreigner Will Do Anything To Pass. I know it is not the most original title, but it has been selling quite well.”

Eve wrinkles her brows at the name of the video. “I guess you can’t judge a video by its title,” she murmurs to herself. Still, she is stunned by confirmation of the fact that she has quickly become a porn star. If some cum leaking out of my pussy at the end of shoots is the price of staying in Japan, so be it.

Mr. Fabulous clears his throat. “Now, Eve-san. I offer some more news. Would you like to star in another video for us? I know you don’t have any more upcoming exams, but I can still offer you just as much, if not even more compensation.” He reclines deeper into his office chair. He knows he’s struck gold and is eager to begin the mining operations.

“Well…I think I could do it…” says Eve with some hesitation. Eve likewise understands that it’s time to start gold-digging.

“Ms. Eve, I can certainly increase the compensation for this shoot,” Mr. Fabulous says hurriedly. “In fact, I am willing to sign you on as one of our cast members with a generous sign-on bonus.”

Eve smiles. The miner took the bait. “You got it, Mr. Fabulous! I expect a 30% increase from my previous check. When do I need to show up?”

“Eve-san! I am so glad to hear this! I need you to report to the studio at 7:00AM this Friday please. You will receive your check from my secretary after we finish filming like last time.” Mr. Fabulous cringes at the offer Eve has made. It means less of a return for him, but he figures the next shoot will mitigate that cost. “I will see you then, Eve-san. Please get plenty of rest these next few days.”

The two of them say their goodbyes; Eve terminates the call. “Another chance to enjoy that man’s seed,” she says to herself.

Eve dresses herself in a yellow summer dress and walks out to campus. The students stare at her as she walks through the campus quad. Some of them chuckle with glee as they say, “Professor-san, thank you for letting me pass!” Eve ignores them; she’s set to make more money and be more famous than any of them. Moreover, the other students cannot deny her beauty: the frame of a goddess adorned with slightly tanned skin, platinum blonde hair, a flat stomach, and massive tits that bounce with every confident stride.


Chapter 3 – Stars Gather

The studio entrance door swings open. “Good morning, Ms. Eve!” says the receptionist. she stands up and greets Eve with a slight bow; Eve returns a bow to her.

“Good morning!” Eve says. “I am here to begin shooting my next film,” says Eve.

“Right this way, Eve-san,” says the receptionist as she ushers Eve to the film site.

“There’s my star!” says Mr. Fabulous with a deep smile. “Good morning to you, Ms. Superstar!”  Mr. Fabulous and Eve give each other a hug. He wraps his arms further around Eve’s back to push her breasts closer to his body. He still cannot believe his friend managed to find such a pornstar unicorn, let alone a foreign one.

He reluctantly releases her from his embrace, then stares into her eyes. “Eve-san, today we are not actually filming quite at the studio. We will have to travel off-site.”

Eve lowers her eyes. “What do you mean, ‘off-site?’”

“Well, we are going to a forest, to be exact. Not too far off from here. The weather will be quite nice and sunny today, so there shouldn’t be too much of an issue.” Mr. Fabulous lifts a travel bag.

Eve glances up at him and shrugs her shoulders. As long as she receives the promised payment from both the director and her co-star, she has no issues.

“Follow me, Eve-san,” Mr. Fabulous says with a wave. They exit out the back; two vans are waiting. Eve sees the film crew loading the equipment into them; when they notice their arrival, they stop what they’re doing, stand in place, and greet them both.

“Good Morning, Ms. Goddess!” says Kenji as he shuts the van trunk.

“Good Morning, Kenji,” Eve replies with a slight smile. “You don’t have to call me ‘Ms. Goddess.’” She walks toward Kenji and gives him a hug. Kenji savors the hug, especially when Eve pushes her large breasts into his chest. Eve grins; she knows that he relishes that sensation.

“All right, you two, get in the van,” shouts Mr. Fabulous. “We got a film to shoot on company yen!” 

Kenji and Eve release their embrace and smile at each other, knowing the pleasures that await. The cast and crew get into the vans and depart.


Chapter 4 – Stars Shining

The vans screech to a halt on a dirt road. Lush vegetation adorns the landscape, though it gives way to a dirt trail in the center of the forest entrance. “All right everyone,” says Mr. Fabulous as he steps out of the van. “As discussed during our car ride, we will walk into the forest. We will keep walking until we meet the design team in the middle. I want our cast and crew ready to go in the next hour. Let’s hustle, people; time is money!”

He leads the expedition with a hurried stride down the dirt trail. The cast and crew follow suit. Rows of tall trees line the forest, though the team navigates the well-curated trail easily. Soon, they stumble upon a circular outdoor amphitheater surrounded by trees.

The design team is laying out the different costumes on a table when they hear a shout. “Good morning!” says Mr. Fabulous as he rushes towards them. “The rest of the team has arrived! Are the costumes ready?”

“Yes, Mr. Fabulous-sama!” says a petite, older woman. She gestures to the table with the costumes laid out.

“Good,” he says, making sure to make eye contact with each of the crew members. “Now let’s get the cast all dressed up and ready to go! In the meantime, the rest of the crew, get those lights and cameras ready!”

“Yes, Mr. Fabulous-sama!” affirms the crew. They disperse to their duties.

“My dear cast members, please come with me,” says the woman. She ushers the cast towards a makeshift dressing room held together by rows of white blankets. “Now, the men I want in this right corner, and Eve-san in this left corner.” The cast corral into their respective corners as instructed.

Eve notices a cast of men who make their way to the right corner. Eve inquires to the lady, “Excuse me, Ms…”

“My name is Aoki Mitsuri. Pleased to meet you, my Western beauty.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Ms. Aoki,” says Eve.

“Ms. Aoki…” says Eve.

“Yes, my dear?”

“How many co-stars are supposed to be in this film exactly? I thought it was just me and Kenji.”

“Oh my, dear, we have five to be exact,” answers Ms. Aoki with a smile. “Now, I must make a few adjustments to your costume. Please have a seat, my dear.” She opens a foldable chair for Eve.

Eve takes a seat. While curling her hair, she ponders why the director asked for five co-stars. Maybe he needs several extras in case Kenji prematurely ejaculates like last shoot? Maybe they’re filming several different scenes throughout today?

“I’m all ready now, my dear,” Ms. Aoki says. “Let’s not keep the director waiting. Please get into costume now!”

Eve takes off her clothes and dons the costume. For a moment, Ms. Aoki catches a glimpse of Eve’s gorgeous tits, barely held in place by her green bra. “I can see why Mr. Fabulous wanted this woman for his latest shoots,” the older woman murmurs.

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Eve examines the costume. It is a blue and pink corset with a pointy hat in that same color scheme. Her slightly tan tits bulge out of the corset, which is barely sealed by one top button. She notices a pentagram symbol on the button.

Suddenly, she recognizes the costume. “Wait isn’t this the Dark Magician Girl attire from that kids’ show I used to watch, Yu-gi-oh?”

“Shh, Eve-san,” Ms. Aoki replies with a slight grin. “It is, but due to some copyright issues we are calling it the Dark Wizard’s Apprentice. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to make you a proper costume, so we found something from the local costume store and made some adjustments.”

“Whatever the case, I’m guessing we are doing some type of role-play shoot?”

“Precisely, my dear!” says Ms. Aoki.

Eve shrugs her shoulders again. To her, it’s just another detail. She’ll give the director what he wants; she already knows what she’s to receive in exchange.

“Cast members, please head towards the stage!” shouts Mr. Fabulous.

“Time to go, my dear,” Ms. Aoki says, patting Eve on the back. “Good luck, and I will be here if anything happens.”

“Thank you, Ms. Aoki. I will be sure to.” With that, Eve exits the makeshift changing room.

The cast and crew gather at the center of the stage. “All right, everyone, let’s get into places,” Mr. Fabulous says, slipping easily into his role as director. “Lights. Camera. Action in twenty minutes. Cast members, please stay where you are. I need to explain the story.”

The cast listens intently as the director does just that. “Now, our story takes place in a fantasy land, like the ones from an RPG. A war between two nations that has been waged for a long time has reached a stalemate. Your nation hires a magician from the West to turn the tide. The magician has a secret, powerful spell that he can use to end the war. To activate it, a young female spellcaster must cover herself in the seed of battle-worn men and say the incantation ‘Arcane Magic: Bukkake- Shower’ at the end. The magician sends his young apprentice to meet an elite group of warriors who have recently fought in a fierce battle.”

Eve’s eyes widen. “Mr. Fabulous, you mean to tell me I have to have sex with five guys at the same time?”

“Yes, Eve-san,” he replies with a smile. “That is part of the deal for increasing your next paycheck by thirty percent. Everything comes with a stipulation, my dear.”

Eve has had plenty of intercourse in the past with different men, but never more than one at the same time – and certainly not with multiple Japanese men. Eve’s eyes lower and cheeks raise in a sign of slight disgust at the prospect. Her expression changes into a frown of acceptance. “At least I get to enjoy it with Kenji,” she murmurs.

“Everyone, get to your places now,” shouts Mr. Fabulous. “We only have two minutes before shooting!” The cast takes their places at the center of the stage. Eve notes that Kenji along with the other four men are wearing some type of red samurai armor without the helmets. Each man’s hair is wrapped in a bun.

“Okay: lights, camera, action!”

The scene begins. Eve steps into the center of the stage where the men are sitting on the dirt floor. The men appear sweaty, and some of them have white wound clothes wrapped around their arms or legs. “For a director so set on a deadline, he could’ve prepared a script at least,” she murmurs.

Her tits bounce in the costume as she stands above the laying samurai. “My weary warriors,” Eve begins in an overly dramatic tone, “my master, The Wizard From The West, sent me to begin incantations for a powerful spell.”

The samurai look at Eve and immediately ogle at her lovely Scottish face and well-endowed breasts. “Yes, we warriors are expecting you,” says Kenji, “though we are exhausted from battle.” He stands up; his armor makes some clanking noises. “Dark Wizard’s Apprentice, your beauty precedes you. How shall I prepare this spell with you?”

He grins; Eve walks towards him. “Yes, my brave warrior,” she says. “I can assist with that.” She grabs Kenji’s hands and places them on her breasts.

“I will follow your lead, oh wise Apprentice!” exclaims Kenji as he squeezes her tits. Even though it’s his second time placing his hands on her tits, he remains astonished at how his hands can’t completely hold them. Kenji takes his hands off her breasts and removes his armor. The other samurai follow suit with great abandon.

Kenji told his co-stars prior to the shoot about the amazing white goddess that he could not last against. For everyone else, it is their first time working with a white woman, let alone one with such voluptuous proportions. All of them vowed to hold off from masturbation for three weeks before the shoot. Now the time has come to let loose.

All the men undress, leaving only loincloth underwear covering their penises. Kenji begins kissing Eve, which Eve obliges. As they engage in their intense make out session, one samurai pulls down Eve’s corset, exposing her tits to the morning air. Her breasts display in their full glory; despite her thin frame, they jut out perkily and are quite round. The men stare in awe, drooling at the fact that they are starring at 34H tits.

One man pushes away Kenji as two others wrap an arm each around her hips. They place their lips on each of her nipples and voraciously suck away. Eve lets out a primal moan. She feels a great rush of heat as the two Asian men suckle at her tits, hoping for a drop of milk to issue forth. “You must be tired and famished, my warriors!” exclaims Eve, who has submersed herself in the role play. She strokes the hair of the suckling warriors.

Kenji gently pulls the two samurai away from her tits, then pushes Eve to the ground. The other men who were rubbing themselves at the sight of the ritual take the other samurais’ places and start suckling away at her breasts. As Eve moans, Kenji pulls down her underwear and begins to lick her pink, shaven pussy. Her moans grow even louder. She’s losing herself to pleasure.

“Okay, warriors, get on to the sword play,” says the director into an announcer microphone. The men get off Eve. Eve lays there, sweating with pure euphoria.

“Apprentice, I heard you must prepare our swords as part of the ritual,” says Kenji as he strokes his dick with ease. Eve gets on her knees and begins sucking at different dicks. The men form a circle around her as she sucks in a cycle. Multiple cries echo from the amphitheater as the men enjoy their sporadic blowjobs from the white goddess in their midst. The eldest actor, someone who appears in his forties, grabs Eve’s tits as she sucks away at another man’s dick. He sticks his prick between her mounds, stunned at how it vanishes between them. He begins thrusting up and down her massive tits, moaning with great passion.

The men alternate between sticking their dicks in her mouth while another tittyfucks her. The youngest of the group, a man in his early twenties, tittyfucks her rapidly and aggressively. “Stop that!” the director yells. “We aren’t at the cumming part yet!” The man begrudgingly slows down.

Kenji pushes the other men away eventually and says, “Apprentice, we must prepare for the main part of the ritual.” Kenji lays on the ground, dick pointing straight to the sky, as he gestures at Eve to ride him. Eve willingly lowers herself on his dick and begins riding him cowgirl. With her pointy hat still on, she bounces with great enthusiasm. 

“Apprentice, you are so skilled at this!” exclaims Kenji as he holds on to Eve’s tits for dear life. “What type of magic is this?”

“Some Arcane Horny Magic, my warrior!” yells Eve with supreme delight.

The youngest man brushes Kenji’s hand away from Eve’s tits. He places his thin, yet decently long dick between Eve’s breasts and resumes his tittyfucking. The oldest man steps to the side of Eve and puts his short yet thick dick into Eve’s mouth.

Eve steadies herself as she is penetrated in two holes and tittyfucked at the same time. Kenji thrusts his hips faster as Eve yells in pure ecstasy despite the dick in her mouth. The other men join in the moaning as they participate in the powerful, dirty ritual.

Eve’s hat falls off and reveals her long, platinum-blonde hair, which shakes around as she bounces on Kenji’s dick. “Oooh, I cum!” shout both the youngest and oldest men as they thrust faster. They ignore the director’s pleas and proceed to cum.

Warm semen floods Eve’s mouth, which catches her by surprise. She could tell that man was about to climax based on the warmth of his dick. It is the sheer volume of cum which surprises her. Some of it drips out of her mouth. 

The youngest man ejaculates between her tits. A flood of thick, white semen fills the gap between Eve’s two valleys. Both men stumble back from the sheer nirvana they just shared with the white actress.

“God damn it, you were supposed to save it til the end!” shouts Mr. Fabulous. “Okay, Kenji, let’s move on to the climax on your end. Get the other remaining two to join in.”

Kenji slows down his thrusting and helps Eve get off his dick and stand up. The other two men, who were masturbating themselves, can no longer hold it in. They rush to make their deposits. Eve, realizing what is about to happen, kneels and places her breasts together with her hands. “AH-EE!” shouts the first man as his dick shoots out three ropes of thick cum onto Eve’s left tit. The second man immediately joins in after the first man and proceeds to cum on Eve’s right tit. It’s a gentler stream of cum, but still voluminous; it covers her right tit like snow.

Kenji stands directly in front of Eve and announces his climax.

“Ahhh! I cum!” As if performing a bombing raid, his dick volleys five spurts of thick, gooey cum on Eve’s tits. At the end, Eve stares in amazement at how white her tits look from all the men’s cum. Kenji’s covers the widest radius, of course. Cum starts dripping down to Eve’s nipples.

“You have done a fine job, my warriors!” shouts Eve while she holds her cum-soaked tits with her hands. “Now the spell is complete and victory is in sight!”  The samurai lift their fist in the air in solidarity.

“Cut!” yells Mr. Fabulous. Despite some unexpected turns, the shoot went well, in his opinion. “That was beautiful! All of you should be expecting your paycheck in the mail within the next two weeks.” He smiles widely.


End of Part 2



Written by sneakydude123
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