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Big Cock Fantasy - Part 2

"Jen gets a surprise"

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My problem, when I really considered it, was not Tony. Obviously, I would need his support, permission, encouragement, call it what you will. But the backing of my husband wouldn’t be needed if I couldn’t find a giant cock. I mean, how do you go about such a quest?

It’s one thing to walk into an adult store and buy a huge black dildo - like Tony had done - but where do you get the real thing, the human model? They’re not sitting on shelves waiting for some horny 35 year old to come along and take them home to satisfy her curiosity and fantasy.

Okay, I’ve read stories and supposedly true-life tales about people successfully seeking all manner of things via chat-rooms and contact sites on the internet. But, truthfully, what are the chances of that bearing fruit? There must be someone out there to meet my requirements but the possibility he’ll live anywhere near me must be remote. And, anyway, did I want to go down that world wide web route, scanning pages and becoming a member by entering personal contact details? Not really.

So, what else could I do? I bought a contact magazine but there was nothing in there for me and I quickly consigned it to the garbage bin. It was frustrating but, after a couple of days, I suddenly thought, “C’mon Jen, you’re not that desperate. You’ve got a loving husband and a sex life that’s been satisfying for over 12 years. And there’s always Marcus the Dildo available if the big cock craving persists. Get on with your life, you silly woman.”

I didn’t mention anything to Tony. Instead, I ensured that he knew that I was still more than happy with the way he pleasured me. We continued to have some great love-ins, at least four times a week, and Marcus wasn’t required.

We did occasionally watch DVDs featuring big black cocks and, after one screening, Tony removed his hand from my crotch, licked a finger, and said, “Wow, that really got you wet.”
I grinned and said, “That’s what it’s supposed to do. Why watch porn if you’re not gonna be excited? And look at you . . .”

Tony’s cock was hard in my hand and seeping pre-cum. “Ah, point taken,” he said.

“Not yet, it isn’t,” I said, bending to lick his swelling dome and then sucking three or four inches into my mouth. With one hand caressing his shaft, the other fondling his balls and my head bobbing rhythmically, it wasn’t long before Tony unloaded into my throat. As he subsided, I sat back up, wiped my lips with the back of my hand and said, “Now the point’s been taken.”

I sat on the balcony of our rented apartment, chilled glass of white wine on the table, and peacefully watched the wonderful sunset develop, the pale blue sky being streaked in glorious shades of orange and red. Tony was in the shower, washing off the sun lotion after our first day of seven on the naturist beach. I’d been first in the bathroom and was now dressed in a sleeveless white blouse and knee-length shorts, ready to go out for dinner.

Admiring the view, my reverie was disturbed by the noise of a sliding door on the adjoining balcony and the clack of heels on concrete. I reached for my wine and turned my head to sneak a look at our neighbour.

“Isn’t that a lovely view,” she said in a low, husky voice. A moments silence was broken when she said, “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude or disturb you.”

I stopped sipping the wine and said, “Oh no, not at all. I didn’t think you were talking to me.” I looked beyond her and discovered she didn’t have company. “But, yes, you’re right, it is a beautiful view.”

“Yes,” she almost whispered and took a deep breath, shoulders back and chest rising. Quite a chest it was, too, and I guessed she was without a bra under her loose fitting floral dress. In the fading light, she seemed to have caramel-coloured skin and her dark hair was tight to her head. “Have you been here long?”

“No, we arrived yesterday evening. But we’ve been here before, I mean my husband Tony and me. He’s in the shower at the moment. What about you? How long have you been here.”

“Minutes, just minutes,” she said, looked at me, and then extended her right arm above the waist-high wrought-iron fencing which divided the two apartment balconies. “I’m Gaynor, pleased to meet you.”

I rose out of my chair and took her hand. It was cool, soft and the nails were painted a deep red which contrasted with her skin tone. Gaynor was also some five or six inches taller than me in her heels. “Pleased to meet you,” I said looking up at her. “I’m Jennifer, but everybody calls me Jen.” I paused. “You’re not here alone, are you?”

“Oh no,” she said with a shake of her head which set her big looped ear-rings in motion. “My friend is sorting out luggage back at the airport. There’s been a mix-up but I’ve got my case and there’s no point both of us hanging about out there. So, I came along to book in and . . ."

The 'William Tell Overture' rang out, stopping Gaynor in mid-flow and she reached for her mobile phone, the screen glowing on the table. “Hi, what’s happening?” She listened for a few seconds and then said, “Good, I’ll see you in about half-an-hour then. Byeee . . . ”

Turning back to me, Gaynor revealed bright white teeth as she smiled. “Sorry about that. But the luggage problem has been resolved, thankfully.”

I nodded. “Well that’s good. Nothing worse than losing your stuff at the beginning of a holiday. Wouldn’t matter so much at the other end.”

“Yes, guess you’re right about that.” Gaynor still held the phone in her hand when it started to ring out again. She looked at the screen and muttered, “Bother.” She glanced at me and said, “Sorry, I’ve got to take this. Been nice talking to you.”

“And nice talking to you,” I answered as she turned away and went into her apartment.

Over our dinner of tuna steaks and mixed salad, I told Tony about meeting one of our neighbours and the missing luggage.

“What’s she like?”

“She seemed nice enough in the brief time I spoke to her.”

“I mean, what does she look like?”

“Oh, sorry. Well, she’s taller than me, quite a bit taller actually, although she was wearing heels. She’s got tight-cropped dark hair, but I couldn’t really see her figure. She was wearing a loose dress but her bosom seemed big. And she is a sort of light chocolate-colour.”

I forked a tomato slice into my mouth and reached for my glass. As I sipped it, I heard a husky voice.

“Hello again.”

“Hello Gaynor,” I said, looking up as she arrived at our table. She had changed clothes and was now dressed in tight-fitting beige jeans and a patterned shirt which was bow-tied under her ample chest, revealing a toned midriff and a ruby jewel in her navel. “You’ve come to a good spot to eat, especially if you like fish.”

“Ah yes, I never got the chance to tell you, did I? We’ve been here many times, so I know all about the local restaurants and bars.”

“Right,” I said, aware of Tony glancing between me and Gaynor. “Oh, by the way, this is my husband, Tony.”

He stood up, all 5feet 10inches of him and they were virtually of equal height. Gaynor took his proffered hand, shook it lightly and leaned to air-kiss his cheek. “Nice to meet you,” she said in a low voice. “My friend’s gone to the toilet. Anyway, I’ll not interrupt you any more, just thought I’d say hello. I’m famished My table’s over there,” and she nodded towards the back of the room, once again setting the gold hooped ear-rings swinging.
She strode away and I looked at Tony’s eyes following her progress between the tables.

“Good view, is it?”

“What?” said Tony and then added, “Oh!” as he realised that I had watched him staring at Gaynor’s departure. “Yes, quite interesting,” he smiled. “She’s quite slender but her hips sway in those jeans. Nice bum.”

“And the tits?”

“Ah,” he said looking into my eyes, “you were right, they are quite big. When she did that air-kiss thing I could see down her shirt.”

“Anything else?”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem quite taken with her.”

Tony picked up his glass and leaned back in his chair. “Well, you’ve got to admit she is different. Tall but rounded in the right places, nice face - and I noticed lots of men looking at her. Not just me.” He took a good swallow of wine, replaced the glass and looked at me. “But, then again, lots looked at you when you walked in and I love it. But they don’t know that you’ve got an all-over tan.”

I shook my head playfully. “Don’t be stupid, Tony. There’s lots of people here without any white bits. Look how many go to the naturist beach. That’s the main attraction of this place for most of us, get brown all over and no wet clingy swimsuits when you come out of the sea.”

“You’re right, of course,” he said and glanced towards the back of the room. “Ah, don’t turn around, but her friend has just arrived.”

“Okay. What’s he like?”

Tony grinned and leaned forward, almost whispering, “Cropped blonde hair, about your height but not so shapely.” After a pause, he added, “He’s a girl,” and leaned back in his chair again.

I twisted my neck to look. At the same time, they both looked across the room and, before I could look away, Gaynor raised her glass to me and nodded. I picked up my glass and gave the same silent toast. As did her blonde friend. Well, that’s friendly neighbours, I thought.

Next morning, I was up early, brewed a pot of strong coffee and made scrambled eggs on toast which we both ate on the balcony in the warm sun. Tony wore only shorts but I had on a thin cotton wrap.

On our second cup of coffee, Gaynor stepped onto her balcony and stretched her arms towards the skies. She was topless, only wearing a black thong. And her boobs were big. And firm with deep brown nipples standing to attention.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t know you were out here,” she said, giving us a big smile. “Looks a lovely day.”

We both murmured in agreement as her friend appeared at her side. She wore pink briefs and she was an all-over golden tan, including her small, perky boobs.

“This is Charlotte,” said Gaynor, nodding at her companion, “but all her friends call her Charlie.”

Tony got up, introduced himself and shook hands across the railing before doing the air-kiss thing. Quick learner, my Tony. I did the same - and noted Charlie was around my 5ft 4ins height but a few pounds lighter. She didn’t have my curves, as Tony later put it.

“What’s your plans for the day?” asked Charlie in a well modulated accent.

“The beach, plenty of rays to top up our tans,” said Tony.

“You’re a nice bronze, already,” she said. “And you too Jen, from what bits I can see, anyway.”

“We like to keep refreshing our tans,” said Tony. “We get away at least six weeks in the year, don’t we Jen?”

I nodded and Gaynor asked, huskily, “Do you go to the nude beach?”

“Yes, we find it liberating and there’s no messing about with wet swim gear. I think it’s great to swim naked.”

“As long as the water’s not too cold,” said Gaynor with a mock shiver which set her earrings wobbling and, more noticeably, got her breasts jiggling.

We all laughed and Tony said, “The water’s usually warm here this time of year. It was yesterday.”

“Good,” said Gaynor. “Well, we’d better not keep you. We’ve got to get some breakfast yet.”

As they went back into their apartment, Gaynor halted in the doorway and said, “And don’t worry about us, Jen, there’s no need for the wrap. As far as we’re concerned it’s secluded up here, no-one else can see us.”

Then she nodded at Tony. “And we won’t be offended if you’re naked as well.” She grinned, gave a fluttering wave of her right-hand fingers and disappeared inside.

We looked at each other and I supressed a giggle as I looked at the surprise on Tony’s face. “There you go big boy. We’re all nudists together, let it all hang out all day long.”

The next two days settled into a routine: all four of us would breakfast outside without bothering about clothes and then we’d wave at each other at the beach, probably separated by a few rows of sun loungers and parasols. On the third day, we arrived at the beach, found four loungers together and saved two for our neighbours. Tony stood up and beckoned them over when I saw them arrive.

“Thanks a lot,” said Charlie, slightly short of breath after plodding through the soft sand. Gaynor, as ever, just strolled along, her long legs easily transporting her swaying hips and jiggling boobs.

I had noticed that Gaynor obviously trimmed her curly dark bush, though it was still dense enough to hide her pussy from view. Charlie was totally bare down there, revealing a neat if slightly puffy mound. I too was unadorned, having recently removed the few wispy hairs which had formed a strip above my pussy.

We spent the day reading, rotating on the loungers to maintain our even tans, frolicked in the water, strolled along the sand and, occasionally, we people-watched and spoke in discreet hushed tones. As with all naturist beaches, the bathers varied in sizes from skinny to almost obese. You didn’t have to be a body-beautiful to enjoy the lifestyle. But, as a foursome, we were exceptional and attracted a lot of admiring glances.

I mentioned this to Gaynor and she put her face next to mine and whispered into my ear, “Bet they think what a lucky guy, having those three women all to himself.”

She chortled and so did I, shaking my head before repeating the comment in Tony’s ear. If he hadn’t have been so tanned, I’m sure he would have blushed. Anyway, I think his limp five-incher twitched a couple of times in the next few minutes. “Stop thinking about it,” I teased, giving his arm a playful punch.

That night, when Tony and I returned from dinner, Gaynor and Charlie were already out on their balcony, sipping from glasses chinking with ice. Again they had disrobed but had not switched on the balcony light. A chink of subdued lighting filtered out from their room.

I got a bottle of shiraz and Tony took a cold beer from the fridge. Having stripped we went outside and Charlie said, “Welcome, we’ve just been talking about you two.” Her refined accent was somewhat slurred. She took a sip of the dark liquid in her glass and continued, “Yeah, we been trying to work out what you do?” She stifled a burp and muttered, “Sorry.”

“What we do?” I repeated.

“Yes, for a living,” cut in Gaynor. “Unless you’re filthy rich and don’t work, eh?”

“I wish,” said Tony.

“Did you come up with any ideas?” I asked.

“Yeah, some,” said Charlie. As she paused, Gaynor said, “But we settled on you working in a bank and Tony also having something to do with money, perhaps an accountant, or maybe even working in real estate.”

“Wow,” I said just as Charlie shoved back her chair and said, “I need the loo,” and was gone.

“Wow?” said Gaynor. “Does wow mean we’re close.”

“Fraid not,” said Tony. “But I’ll tell you when Charlie comes back.” He swigged at his beer and I poured more wine into my glass and then asked, “What about you two? What’s your story?”

Huskily, Gaynor said, “Ahhhh, you’d never guess.”

The silence was broken by the sound of a cistern flushing and, moments later, Charlie returned. “We’re off the mark about these two,” said Gaynor and Charlie shrugged in the half-light.

“What do you do, then?” she asked.

I explained that Tony owned a chain of garages which also incorporated a car and van hire business. And I was a glorified bookkeeper. What I didn’t reveal, because it would have introduced a sombre note to the conversation, was that Tony’s father and mother had started the business and they were killed six years ago in a road accident.

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“Yep, we were well off target,” said Gaynor.

Tony was quiet, probably reflecting and remembering that tragic day. I squeezed his hand and he forced a smile to the corners of his mouth. Then he took a giant gulp of beer and said, “Right, Gaynor, you said we’d never guess so I’m not gonna try. What do you do?”

Before she would reply, Gaynor insisted that we must accept a drink. She quickly produced two large tumblers filled with ice cubes and the brown liquid which, it transpired, was a very expensive brandy. I sipped and it was strong, burning a course down my throat.

Gaynor didn’t sit back down but stood at the iron fencing, her flat tummy pushing against the railing. She was almost in silhouette and the hour-glass shape was outstanding. I saw Tony shift in his chair.

“We’re in the entertainment industry,” she finally announced.

“Some would say sex industry,” said Charlie, still slurring slightly but leaving her chair to stand next to Gaynor. “Yep, some would,” she mused. “But we’re not into cheap sordid stuff. Oh no, far from it.”

“No, though I say it myself, we’re high-class,” added Gaynor, her white teeth glowing as she smiled. “High-class escorts for rich men, very rich men. We do private shows, have done a few photo shoots. But not porn.”

Tony and I both took gulps of the brandy. “Shocked are you?” asked Charlie.

“No, not at all,” I said, “just surprised.”

“Yeah,” agreed Tony, “surprised. As you said, we’d never have guessed. But we’re not shocked,. Believe me, we are very opened minded when it comes to sex.”

“We’d talked about that as well,” said Gaynor. “We know your comfortable in your own bodies and being naked in public. And why not? You’re both very good-looking and fit. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your truly broad-minded, does it?”

My brandy glass was empty, just a few shards of ice remaining, and Charlie took it out of my hand to refill it. While she did that, Tony said, “Enough to say we’re not uptight about sex. We enjoy it with each other and have wide tastes, don’t we Jen?”

After sipping from my refreshed glass, I nodded and added, “You mention private shows, well we’ve been to sex shows in Amsterdam and we also enjoy porn movies. But we’re not into swapping or orgies or anything like that. We’re a happy, loving, sexy couple. That’s us.” I raised my tumbler: “ Cheers.”

“I see,” said Gaynor. “So neither of you have ever fancied trying another partner.”

“No,” we said in unison, although I suddenly had a vision of a large black dong and admitted to myself that the thought had more than crossed my mind. In fact, I’d dwelt long and hard (so to speak) on the subject.

“I just wondered, as you both seem so liberated. Ah well,” said Gaynor and Tony quickly responded by saying we’d both had sexual experiences before we met and married. But nothing since and we didn’t want it. Oh dear, I thought, you might not need anything else but I still wouldn’t mind having a giant cock service me. Just once would do!

I WOKE next morning with a hangover. The strong brandy on top of wine was not my wisest move. Tony seemed okay and offered to cook the eggs for breakfast. I settled for toast and coffee - black!

There was no sight or sound from next door and we assumed they were sleeping in late. At the beach we again saved two extra adjoining loungers, placing towels to reserve them, and settled back. In a short time, I sought shade under the parasol and told Tony I would try to sleep. My stomach was unsettled and my head still fuzzy.

I had a fitful sleep and was aware of hearing Gaynor and Charlie talking across me to Tony.

When I woke, my mouth was dry. I was on my left side and it was an effort to turn onto my back. Drums banged at my temples.

“Are you alright, sleepy head?” said Tony, putting down his novel.

“What time is it?”

He fished in his beach bag, looked at his wristwatch and declared, “Just after two.”

I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the lounger. Gaynor was sitting up on her lounger, presumably people-watching through her large dark sunglasses, and I quietly said, “Hi.”

Charlie was on her back, her chest rising and falling with every slow, sleepy breath.

“Sorry, Tony, I’m heading back to the apartment. Think I need to rest in a cool, darkened room.”

“Not feeling to good, Jen?” enquired Gaynor, pulling her glasses down her nose and peering over them at me. “I’ve got some magic tablets for tummy upsets and headaches,” she said.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll be okay once I get out of this boiling sun.”

Gaynor wasn’t satisfied. She insisted she’d come back with me, adding, “Tony can keep Charlie company. When she wakes up, that is.”

She gave a husky chortle, got up and whispered something into Tony’s ear. He nodded and smiled at her.

Back at the apartment, I took off my top and shorts and got a bottle of water from the fridge. A light knock-knock sounded at the front door followed by Gaynor’s distinct husky voice declaring, “I’ve got some pills for you, Jen.”

I let her in and she handed me the pills.

“What did you whisper to Tony before we left the beach?” I asked and swallowed the pills with a gulp of water.

“Nothing, really. I just told him not to worry and that I would look after you. And for him to tell Charlie what was happening. Okay?”

I nodded and Gaynor put one hand on my shoulder and the cool back of her other hand on my brow. “Well, at least you’re not burning up girl,” she said. “Come on, lay down on the bed.”

She grasped my hand and led me the few paces to the bed and I sat. My eyes were level with Gaynor’s huge brown aureola and protruding nipples. Only then did it dawn on me that she’d stripped off before coming to the apartment. Her nipples were long and seemed very firm. Automatically, I felt my nipples. They were soft.

“You’ve got nice tits, Jen.”

The comment surprised me and all I could do was reply, “So have you. They’re much bigger than mine and not at all droopy. Are they real?”

I couldn’t believe what I’d just said but Gaynor snorted. “Sure they’re real. Mother Nature blessed me. Something to do with my Jamaican genes from way back I suspect. Gave me this skin tone as well. Anyway, have a feel of these puppies... go on,” she said as I hesitated.

So I did. They felt firm, full and yet squashy in my hands. I gently squeezed them and Gaynor softly sighed. I slowly moved fingers across and back over her nipples. They were solid and Gaynor said, “Give them a tweak.” So I did. And then I thought, “Jen, what on earth are you doing?”

I’d never touched another woman’s breasts. Yet, here I was with someone I barely knew, both of us naked, and me fondling her caramel mounds. What’s more, I felt a tingle between my legs and my heart beat was racing.

Gaynor reached down and cupped my globes in her hands and began to mash them together, her thumbs caressing my aroused nipples. “Mmm,” she said, “you feel good, very good.” Seconds later, she said, “Suck my titties,” and put her hands on the back of my head and drew me towards her heaving orbs.

I was on auto pilot, transfixed and under Gaynor’s spell. I closed my lips over her left nipple and sucked. She moaned and that encouraged me to rub her other tit and increase my sucking strength. Then I swapped to her right nipple and Gaynor removed her hands from my head. I just carried on sucking and kneading, my eyes closed and savouring the moment. Headache? What headache?

“Oh, Jenny, Jenny, you’ve made me so wet. Feel me.” And Gaynor took my right hand and guided it between her legs. I felt the soft curls of her dark bush in my palm as my fingers slid between her open thighs and found her pussy lips. My middle finger slipped easily between her folds and pierced her damp opening. I rested my cheek on Gaynor’s bosom (such soft pillows) and concentrated on finger-fucking her.

“Wow, that’s too good,” murmured Gaynor and grasped my wrist, pulling my hand from her groin. She looked down at me, teeth exposed as she smiled and said in a very sexy, husky tone, “Stretch out on the bed, Jen. Let’s enjoy each other.”

I lay down and Gaynor stood on the bed, her long back and big round cheeks facing me. She squatted, her open pussy just above my face, and then leaned forward to put her mouth on my love channel. I squirmed as her tongue licked along my wet slit and then entered my hole. I held Gaynor’s firm crouching thighs - and, for the first time in my thirty five years, began to lick pussy. The smell, the softness, the juices, they all combined for an exquisite experience. Plus, of course, there was Gaynor treating me to a licking, sucking and finger poking that, I must admit, was a step up even on Tony’s expertise.

Miraculously, in what seemed very little time, I felt my orgasm building. I licked and sucked furiously as it built and I lifted my hips off the bed, forcing my pubis onto Gaynor’s chin just as she pressed her pussy down on my mouth. I felt a great surge in my groin and the tension in my thighs was eased as juices flooded out of me. Almost in the same instant, Gaynor gasped loudly, wiggled her hips and spurted her sticky fluid onto my tongue and chin.

We were both panting but Gaynor found the strength to roll off me, scoot round and lay with her face next to mine. She raised her left thigh over my tummy, wrapped her arm over my chest and kissed my shoulder.

“Thanks,” she whispered, “that was great. I’ve looked forward to that ever since I first saw you.”

I didn’t know how to reply, didn’t really know what I was thinking. I’d just had my first lesbian encounter and wasn’t sure why. It just seemed to happen but I knew I’d enjoyed it. We lay quietly and, while I was drained of energy, my tummy pain had gone and my head was only spinning because of what had just happened.

Finally, I turned my head and looked into Gaynor’s brown eyes. “I’ve never been with a lesbian before,” I said.

“You still haven’t,” she said, showing me those white teeth again. “I’m not lesbian, I’m bi-sexual. It pays in my line of work, you know. Charlie’s the same.”

We lay in silence again before Gaynor asked, “Was it good for you?”

“Mmmm,” I said, “it was. Unexpected but good. And, know what, I’m not feeling poorly any more.”

Gaynor gave my right tit a gently squeeze. “That’s good then. But, tell me truthfully, have you never thought about making out with a woman? Never fantasized?”

I shook my head. “No, never, not even when watching lesbian porn. Tony likes that and threesomes with two women. But me, no, I’ve always been a girl who likes cock.”

Gaynor chortled. “You’ve done okay with Tony then. From what I’ve seen of his flaccid cock these past few days, I guess he’s got enough to satisfy anyone when he gets hard.”

“Yes, I’ve had no complaints for the past twelve years or more. But...” I paused and debated whether I should continue with my revelation. I mean, although we’d just had intimate relations, as they say in higher circles, I didn’t truly know Gaynor, did I?

“But... but what?” said Gaynor tweaking my right nipple.

Oh well, to hell with it, tell her. “Not long ago, I got excited when Tony and I were watching this DVD and there was a really monster cock. I mean monster with a huge domed helmet. Anyway, Tony, bless him, went out and got a massive black dildo. It’s supposedly a life-like replica of an American porn star named Marcus.”

“Yes, I know about that guy. That’s one big cock, girl.”

“Mmmm, it is. Anyway, I struggled to use it, couldn’t get it in, hurt too much. But I didn’t give up because I wanted to feel a big dick inside me. Wanted to know what it felt like. Finally, a few days later, I managed it. It was great. Painful at first, you know, but great all the same and I had one hell of a climax, even fainted.”

“Sounds thrilling,” said Gaynor. “So you’ve fulfilled that fantasy.”

“Well, yes and no.” I paused again. “Tony doesn’t know this and you mustn't mention it. After I’d fucked with the dildo I immediately had the urge to try a real cock, real flesh and blood with a man banging away on top of me. See how much cum he’d blast up me.” I looked into Gaynor’s eyes. “Greedy aren’t I?”

Gaynor shook her head. “Not really, it’s understandable. You would be curious.”

“Yeah, curious, that’s it. But I’m afraid it’ll just remain that, a fantasy and a curiosity.”

“Why’s that?” Gaynor leaned up on her right elbow, her left hand sliding down from my tit to settle on my pussy mound.

“Well, I’m truly not desperate enough to go hunting on the internet or anything. I am, I really am, happy with Tony and our sex life. So, that’s it. I’m not likely to stumble across a man with a giant cock am I.”

“Hold that thought,” said Gaynor and got off the bed. “I’ll be back.”

I watched her leave via the front door, all naked and with her juices dried on her inner thighs. I felt between my own legs and thought about having a shower. Needed to clean up before Tony returned.

I sat up just as Gaynor came back, her phone in hand. She sat back on the bed, pressed a couple of buttons and then handed me the phone. “What about that?”

The picture was of a thick black cock, lolling against a muscular thigh. “God, that’s some dick, Gaynor.”

“It is,” she agreed, taking the phone from me and clicking more buttons. “Look here,” she said.

What looked like the same cock was now in side view, proudly sticking out. Horizontal and very long. Gaynor pressed “play” and I watched with open mouth for the few seconds as the man ran his hand along his shaft before turning to the camera, his bulbous head filling the screen. Then the screen went blank. Gaynor played it again and I was still speechless.

“Is that the sort of the thing you dream about having?’ Gaynor laughed, deep and husky. “Course you do. It’s bloody obvious, girl.”

“Who is that? Do you know him? Or is it just a clip from a porn movie?”

“Whoa, slow down Jen. Yes, I do know him and he’s not a porn actor. Could be, but he’s not interested.”

She looked at the phone in her lap for a few moments, clearly pondering her next move. Then Gaynor asked me where I lived and when I replied she said, “That’s wonderful. He’s only about thirty miles from you. I’ll give you my number and when you get home, give me a call sometime and we’ll fix something up.”

“Really?” I put my arms around Gaynor’s shoulders and hugged her, kissing her cheek. “I can’t believe this.” I shook my head in amazement. What are the odds against meeting someone, who knows someone who... oh, never mind. “Anyway, just how big is he?” I asked with eyes wide.

“Not exceptionally tall,” she said. Then she winked. “But you’re asking about his package which is mighty large as you’ve seen. I’ve never measured him but, tell me, how big is your dildo?”

I told her and she smiled broadly, white teeth flashing. “You wont be disappointed, Jen. Eleven inches isn’t a problem.”

I nearly swooned at those words but, before I could say anything else, I heard a familiar voice as the front door opened. “I’ll check on Jen and then be out on the balcony with a couple of beers. See you in a few minutes, Charlie.”

Tony was surprised to see Gaynor in our bedroom. Probably even more surprised to see us both naked sitting on the bed and the covers somewhat ruffled.

“Oh, hi Gaynor,” he said, looked at me and asked, “How are you now, Jen?”

“She’s just fine,” said Gaynor, standing up and distracting Tony as her tits jiggled and swayed. “I gave her some pills, we’ve had a rest together and it’s worked like a tonic, hasn’t it Jen?” She waved the phone at me, saying, “Byeee for now,” and she wiggled her way to the door. “See you later,” she called, shutting the door behind her.

I looked at Tony and gave him a big smile. “Everything’s just fine, honey. I’m gonna have a shower now and then join you on the balcony. But no alcohol for me, just coffee please. And make it very strong and black.”

As the warm jets of water sprayed my body, I cupped my pussy with one hand and soaped my tits and tummy with the other, letting the suds roll down between my thighs, all the time thinking about the big cock on Gaynor’s phone. My unexpected bi experience was logged in the back of my mind.

Instead I now thought about arranging to be fucked by that big cock. Can I possibly, really, go ahead and do it? When should I approach Tony? How will he react?

Written by JWren
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Interesting so far, the descriptions are fantastic. Great job and I'm hooked and waiting for more of this adventure.

To know someone is 'hooked' on a story is really satisfying. Hope my tale keeps you interested right to the end...
Well that was an unexpected turn of events. This is why life is so great, each day may bring new opportunities our way enabling us to experience new ways of having fun.
another "thumbs up" JW I liked it very much!!
Yes, have to agree - excellent story development along with dialogue that really works - so well done
Excellent story and building nicely as I look forward to reading the next instalment.
Wow, very erotic!!!!!!!!
It 's a bit of a stretch that Jen falls into a lesbian fling yet says she's never done it, never thought about it. But I like the relaxed encounter with Jen and Gaynor.
Very nicely done, and great writing! I love that you're building the story slowly and taking time to create believable characters and tell us what their motivations are. Makes it all seem much more "real" that way! Thanks for sharing this story with us.
Mmmmmmm I am loving this story. It is so HOT
Can't wait to read the next story. My wife had a similar fantasy. (read my story)
A simply wonderful story. I see chapter 3 is already published. I cannot wait to read it.