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Future Steph

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Competition Entry: Humor Month
“You know I hate that shit, Jordan. Yeah, I know, so was the last one you set me up with, and we both know how well that turned out. I swear to god, if this guy turns out to be another loser, I’m going full on carpet muncher. No, I’m not kidding. Hey, I am not always late... Fine, I’ll be there at eight. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Catch you.”

Steph pushed her phone back in her purse and paused in front of a mirror to adjust her lipstick, ignoring the hovering sales girl. “Just looking, dammit,” she murmured under her breath, forcing herself not to glare as she met a pair of hazel colored eyes.

She probably wears nice lingerie just to go to work. Not even sure why I’m here. My cat’s the only one who’s seen me out of a dress in three months, and he’s not remotely interested in pussy. At least not that kind.

She’d come into Vickie’s on a whim, admitting, at least to herself, that she was desperate enough for sex to bring home any guy who looked half way decent after a round or two of shots.

Even if he’s another one of Jordan’s notoriously incompatible blind-dates. Especially if he is. I don’t want him telling all his loser friends he hooked up with some chick wearing granny panties.

Sighing, she flung her lipstick back into her purse, anxious to get her shopping expedition over with, and turned quickly enough to surprise the salesgirl shifting nervously from foot to foot behind her.

“Hey, I’m looking for….”

She froze, feeling a strange sense of displacement, having just turned from her reflection in the mirror to face another, this one decidedly three dimensional.

“Hi, Steph.”

“How do you know my… wait, shit, you look…”

“Just like you, I know.”

“Like my twin.”

“Sort of.”

Steph took a step back, her heart beating a little too hard at the eerie resemblance of the other woman. About average height, chocolate colored hair, hazel eyes… a nice rack. The last thought made her blush a little, partly with pride. Hey, she wasn’t hard on the eyes. Why she had such trouble finding a boyfriend to stick around was… ok, it’s wasn’t such a puzzle. She was way too picky, according to Jordan. Maybe she should lighten up a little.

“We’re kind of hot, aren’t we,” the woman, Steph’s impossible twin, remarked with a knowing smirk.

Steph realized, suddenly, that she was kind of checking herself… no, her other self (ok, this was totally weird) out…

“Umm… who are you…?”

“Yeah, okay, totally not going to believe that, but…”

“My long lost twin sister, separated from birth, raised in secret…”

“Not even close.”

“Some actress Jordan hired to punk me?”

“Nope. I’m you.”

“Yeah, right.”

“No, really. I’m you, only from the future.”

“Uh huh.”

“I can prove it.”



The other woman – ‘future Steph – grabbed a cute little black dress off the hanger with one hand and Steph’s arm with the other, guiding her back towards the dressing rooms, her voice pitched low.

“I… you… okay, we have a heart shaped mark on our inner thigh. I…”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m you, remember? Now hush, get the key. I’ll show you. It’s exactly like yours.”

“This is too fucking weird,” Steph murmured, feeling suddenly light headed.

“I know,” Future Steph nodded, her smile empathetic. “It’s weird for me too.”


“I don’t know,” she answered the question with a helpless shrug. “Just get the key and we’ll sort everything else out once you’ve convinced.”

Once inside the dressing room, Future Steph deftly unbuttoned her jeans and wiggled out of them, revealing red lace panties beneath, living Steph in even more doubt; she’d only wear something like that if she was going out on a date. No way could this be her.

“Take a look for yourself.”

Steph stared in disbelief. It was there, just like she’d said. A perfect match. A dark brown heart shaped mark exactly like the one she’s had since birth.

“I… don’t feel so good,” she groaned, leaning back against the door, her mouth dry, a flash of heat rolling through her.

“Yeah, I know. I remember. Oh, and I hate to tell you this, but… you’re about to puke.”

Steph didn’t even get a chance to reply as she felt her lunch burning its way up her esophagus and all over the floor, murmuring thanks as Future Steph slipped out of her red lace panties and used them to wipe her mouth. Steph felt herself blushing. The subtle smell of her pussy was… alluring.

“Oh, and you’re going to get banned from the store, just so you know. That girl’s not going to be happy about you sneaking out and leaving her with a mess.”

“I sneak out?”

“No. We sneak out. And then I drive you home and we have a very long heart to heart.”


“So, let me get this straight, you’re me from next week?”

“Next Thursday, to be exact.”

“And you’re here because…”

“Because this guy Jordan is setting you up with tonight is…”

“Going to film me and post it on the internet.”

“Not just film you. You’re going to do a porn film with him. A professional film. A really nasty, kinky porn film. You’re going to do some things, Steph, that will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

“But… how do you know all this? I mean, if you’re from next week, how could you know?”

“I was visited by you… well, not you, but by future Steph, too. From a year from now.”

“This is giving me a headache.”

“At least you’re not going to throw up again.”

“Don’t be too sure.”

“Hey, I’ve already lived through this. I know you’re not going to puke…”

Future Steph stopped suddenly as Steph leaned forward and proved her wrong, puking on her jeans.

“Shit! I did not see that coming. I guess things are already changing by my being here. Sorry.”

“Worst. Day. Ever.”


“So this Rafael guy’s done this before?”

“Yeah, he’s suave. He talks girls doing it just for fun and pretty soon, it’s a party, only he’s filming the whole thing.”

“What kind of stuff did you, am I… oh, shit.”

Future Steph stepped quickly back. She’d changed out of her jeans and tee and was wearing a bathrobe borrowed from Steph’s closet. Eyeing Steph with a wary gaze, she waited until the danger of her emptying her stomach all over her again had passed.

“Eventually, pretty much everything. Well, everything legal, anyway. Fucking, blow jobs, anal, rim jobs,” she began counted them off on her fingers like a laundry list, wincing with each one, her voice soft and husky . “DP, lesbian stuff, water sports, even some bondage stuff and spanking…”

“I’m sorry,” Steph began, trying to sound comforting.

“I’m not!” Best weekend of my life!” Future Steph admitted, blushing. “Only thing is, according to my “Future Steph” I fall in love with the guy…”


“Yeah, Rafael,” Steph answered, a dreamy faraway look in her eyes as she repeated his name.

“I don’t get it. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for her to tell me instead of you?”

Future Steph simply shrugged. “She said it was against the rules when I asked. Said there was shit she couldn’t tell me. So here I am.”

“All because this guy falls in love with you.”

Future Steph paused, sighing softly. “I never said he falls in love with me. I fall in love with him, Steph.”

“Oh. Fuck. That sucks. So… he breaks your heart?”

“Yeah. Something like that.”


“Shit,” future Steph agreed whole heartedly.

“So what do we do?”

“Well, since you ask, we – that’s my Future Steph and I – have a plan….”


They spent the rest of the day getting ready for ‘their’ date. Fortunately, Future Steph had planned well before turning the hands of the clock back and visiting herself, bringing along identical pairs of everything; high heeled ‘come fuck me’ red pump, a matching bra and panty set, a skin tight little black dress (purchased from a Vickie’s from out of town which set another string of apologies into motion for throwing up on in the dressing room), and sheer black stockings.

“I look hot,” Steph giggled, gazing, not at her reflection in the mirror, but at her future self, already a little tipsy after breaking open a bottle of Tequila and pouring shots for both of them.

“So do I,” Future Steph murmured, cautiously applying a layer of crimson to her fetchingly plump lips.

“So… I really get into all of that? I mean, seriously, I’ve never even fantasized about some of that stuff. I don’t even like peeing if someone else is in the bathroom.”

“Trust me. You take to it like a duck to water.”

“Huh. I just don’t see it.”

“Have another shot, Steph. Loosen up a bit,” Future Steph said, splashing tequila into two shot glasses, pushing one across the dresser to her younger self, raising the other to her lips. “Bottom’s up.”


“You’re drunk, Future Steph.”

“So are you.”

“I know. I have to piss really badly.”

“I Know. I remember,” Future Steph giggled. “Come on. I’ll go with you.”

The Blue Devil Lounge was bumping, beat heavy music booming from the dance floor, forcing all conversations to be held in raised voices.

“I still don’t see Jordan and Rafael anywhere…”

“There was an accident, remember? I explained that. Stuck in traffic,” Future Steph shook her head, taking Steph by the hand and pulling her along in her wake, apologizing as they navigated the club like errant pin balls.

Steph had been conscious of all the looks they’d gotten since they’d walked through the front door. Hot twins, or so everyone thought. They’d been getting hit on for the better part of an hour now, and quite honestly, she was enjoying the attention.

Yeah, Steph is totally getting laid tonight , she thought, her pulse racing at the thought, giggling suddenly at a stray thought. Me too.

She let herself be pushed into the stall by her future self, not even batting an eye when she joined her, turning the latch to ‘occupied’.

“Having fun?”

“Oh my god, yes. You’re a way better date then any of the losers Jordan sets me up with.”

“Yeah, I am a lot of fun when I’m not so uptight, right?”

“Damn, help me with this so I don’t piss in my panties.”

“After this weekend, you’re going to be into it that, you know.”

“Yeah, right! Steph the golden shower queen, right. Shit, I… hey…”

Future Steph had just finished clumsily help Steph roll the hem of her dress up over her hips and had slipped her fingers into the waistband of her skimpy panties, helping her push them from her hips. It felt nice. Not in a way that she could explain. Certainly not in a ‘what a nice gesture, helping your past self get her panties off so that she doesn’t piss all over them’ kind of way. More in a ‘it feels nice to be touched intimately by myself’ kind of way.

“I can do it,” she mumbled, suddenly embarrassed, feeling her nipples stiffen against the lace of her bra.

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Maybe she won’t notice, she thought, fervently.

“Hey, is it cold in here, or are you just happy to see me?” Future Steph giggled, ruining that particular illusion for her.

“Sorry. It’s been a while.”

“I know. I’m you, remember? Don’t worry. This weekend is all about catching up.”

“I need to pee…”

“Go ahead.”

Steph pulled her lip between her teeth, blushing at the thought of the other woman watching her. If you look at it like she’s me, then it’s ok. I mean, I’ve seen myself pee, so this isn’t any different, right? God, I’m getting a headache trying to figure out how this works.

Not that she could hold it for much longer. She could feel the pressure in her bladder building, pushing, urging her to relax. Finally, with a soft sigh, she simply let go with a grateful sigh.

“See? Not really so bad. Wait until you’re doing it in front of a camera while straddling another woman’s face.”

“Pissing on her?” Steph asked, incredulously.

“All over her,” Future Steph giggled breathlessly as she leaned back against the stall door, slowly adjusting the hem of her dress until Steph could see her matching red panties, unable to keep from staring at the darker patch of lace behind which her future self’s pussy resided.

Steph moaned softly, closing her eyes, concentrating on peeing, suddenly aware of how good it felt beyond just emptying her bladder.

“And afterwards, her pissing on me. All over my face, splashing against my lips, my mouth open, wet golden warmth running down my throat…”

By this time, future Steph had her dress up around her waist and was fumbling with her own panties, pulling them down to reveal her smoothly shaven pussy…

“Hey, when did I start shaving?” Steph asked, blinking.

“Sunday. Looks good, doesn’t it? And check this out.”

Steph squinted tipsily, noting a flash of gold adorning Future Steph’s clit.

“I had the best orgasm when I had it done, Steph. Now, it’s like I’m constantly turned on. You’re going to love it, promise.”

“I will?” Steph, shook her head at the thought, the trickle of pee diminishing, her bladder still half full, but not co-operating suddenly.

“This too.”

Future Steph leaned forward, reaching out, her fingers slipping through Steph’s dark chocolate tresses, pulling her forward as she stepped closer, arching her back, her exposed pussy presented, close enough to smell the scent of citrus and sex, close enough so that all she had to do was stick her tongue out and…

“I can’t…” Steph whimpered, unable to resist.

“It’s you, Steph,” Future Steph murmured, her voice sultry. I’m you. Think if it as masturbation. Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to lick your own pussy? Now’s your chance. We’re exactly the same, right down the heart shaped birthmark on our thigh…”

Future Steph let out a moan, her words lost as Steph cupped her ass in her hands and pulled her against her face, her tongue, slipping between her folds, catching her breath in recognition of the taste of her own pussy.

“Pee for me,” Future Steph moaned.

Steph obeyed, feeling her bladder relax, her pee trickling from her pussy even as Future Steph’s began trickling from hers. It was like peeing on herself in some strange, impossible way. She opened her mouth and let it run over her tongue, swallowing hesitantly, Future Steph’s pee splashing against her lips, running down her throat and over her tits, soaking into her tight black dress. She shivered as she reached down between her legs and began to stroke herself, pushing her fingers inside of her own cunt in sync to her tongue pushing into her future self’s cunt.

Is this incest? Came a random thought. It’s masturbation, she assured herself. She’s not related to me. She is me….

“Hurry, Hurry, I’m going to cu…”

“Come on out of there!” Came a chorus of voices accompanying several loud thumps on the stall door. They seemed vaguely familiar.

“What the…?”

“Oh, god, I can’t stop!”

“Open up. Now!”

Future Steph convulsed in tremors, cumming even as the door was rudely yanked open and several chocolate haired women spilled into the already crowded stall, all wearing Steph’s face.

“I’m going mad.”

“That’s what I thought!”

“Goddammit, what is wrong with you?” Future Steph growled, fingers still clentching Steph’s hair, her pussy trembling, so close that every time she inhaled it brushed Steph’s lips. “Can’t you see we’re having a moment?”

“Yeah, kind of hard not to,” another Steph dryly quipped.

Stephanie just moaned, this time in pain. Her headache was back and, what was worse, she thought she might be about to puke again.

“Someone please tell me what’s going on?”

“Well, for one thing, That woman…”

“Future Steph?”

“Yeah, ‘Future Steph’. She’s not who she claims to be.”

“She’s not me…?”

“Oh, she’s you alright, only she’s not the you from one week from now. She’s the you from last week.”

“Wait, that doesn’t make any sense… “

This time, when she puked, Future Steph was ready for it, gently moving her hair out of the way, wiping her mouth clean for her when she was done.

“Sorry, Steph. You okay now?”

“Yes. I mean, shit. Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?”

“Well, it all started like this…”


“So, your plan was all a ruse to get me to have sex with you?” Steph asked, looking up from between Not Really Future Steph’s thighs, her face dripping with pussy juice.

“Yes! Oh my god, don’t stop...

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