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Yes, Auntie Julie

"A thirty-year-old divorced man returns to his home town and gets it on with his sixty-three-year-old auntie."

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Thirty-year-old Glenn Vernon had moved back to his home town after his divorce. He had initially stayed with his mum and dad but that did not really work out, so he now had a modest flat of his own.

He had got himself a job, although not a particularly well-paid one, so life for Glenn was not that great at the moment.

He spent most evenings alone in his flat because he could not really afford to go out very often and he had lost contact with most of his friends from before his marriage.

He had moved out of town nine years earlier when he got married and he got a job working for his wife's father. The divorce was not all that acrimonious and Glenn did not get sacked, but working for his now ex-father-in-law did not seem appropriate, so Glenn quit the job and left the town.

It was a Friday lunchtime and Glenn was wandering in town, not doing anything in particular, just killing time in his lunch break from work. Sometimes he went back to his flat, but not today.

"Hello, Glenn, I heard that you were back in town," said a female voice.

Glenn looked to see that the woman was his mother's older sister, Julie Leyland.

"Oh hello, Auntie Julie, yeah, I am back in town," replied Glenn, seeing a very attractive woman. Julie had put on a bit of weight since he had last seen her about six years ago and she was not skinny then.

Julie did not get on well with Glenn's mum and had very little contact with her sister; she had heard that Glenn was back in town from someone else.

"Do you have time for a coffee?" asked Julie.

"Um, yes, just about; I have to be back at work in half an hour," replied Glenn.

They went into a nearby cafe, and Julie insisted on paying. They sat at a corner table.

"I heard that you and Helen had split up," said Julie, referring to Glenn's now ex-wife.

"Yes, divorced now," replied Glenn.

"I am divorced now, too, don't know if you knew," said Julie, who looked less than her sixty-three years of age.

"Yes, mum told me," said Glenn. His mum had not been too complimentary about her sister in telling Glenn that, making a point of telling him that Julie's marriage ended because she was messing about with a much younger man.

"Yeah, I bet she told you why too," chuckled Julie.

"Well, yes, if what she told me was true," replied Glenn.

"I had a twenty-something boyfriend, but it did not last after Reg and I broke up," confessed Julie.

"Sorry to hear that," said Glenn, because he could not think of anything else to say.

"Ha, so was I at the time, he was good in bed," laughed Julie, who had always been more outgoing than Glenn's mother.

Glenn chuckled nervously; he was a bit embarrassed, not because he was prudish but because he was thinking of Julie having sex, something that he used to think about a lot.

"Sorry, too much information," said Julie, seeing Glenn's apparent discomfort.

"No, it was not that; you will not remember but you and I got close once," said Glenn.

"Of course, I remember, in your mum and dad's back garden at a party, you could only have been seventeen then," said Julie.

"Yes, god you got me so turned on that night," said Glenn, thinking back over the years.

"Yeah, we had both had a lot to drink but I think we both knew what we were doing," said Julie, remembering the snogging and caressing they were doing when they heard someone approaching.

"I was still a virgin then and from then on I wanted to lose my virginity to you," blurted Glenn.

"Sorry if I led you on, but you looked so hunky and I felt so horny," said Julie.

"I wanked for years after that thinking of you," said Glenn.

"You naughty boy, I should give you a good spanking," laughed Julie.

"Yes, Auntie Julie," said Glenn, looking into Julie's eyes.

Julie's face became more serious as she thought of what had just been said and thought of what they had started but never finished thirteen years before.

"What are you doing tomorrow morning?" asked Julie, now looking deep into Glenn's eyes.

"Nothing, why?" responded a sexually aroused Glenn.

"Want to continue this conversation at my house, say about ten in the morning?" said Julie.

"Yeah, yes, do you still live where you used to?" said an enthusiastic Glenn.

"Yes, still the same place. I bought Reg's share of the house as part of the divorce settlement," said Julie, thinking that the male that had been a seventeen-year-old hunk was now a thirty-year-old one.

"Um, I had better get back to work," said Glenn, wishing that he could go to Julie's house right now.

"Yes, okay, see you in the morning, Glenn, it is so good to see you again," said Julie, also wishing that they could go back to her house now.

"Yes, see you tomorrow, and it is great to see you again, Julie," said Glenn.

Neither of them had confirmed it, but the inference certainly was that they would be having sex the next day. It was on both of their minds that afternoon, it was not just a male and female that were destined for sex; it was a nephew and auntie. They both wondered what degree of wrong it was to even be contemplating doing it, but neither of them wanted to back out.

Glenn did not sleep much that night; all he could think of was the morning and Julie; he wanted to wank, but didn't.

Julie also lay awake a lot of the night; she had not had sex for three weeks and she was now on the point of having sex with her nephew.

Glenn made his way to Julie's house for the ten o'clock rendezvous; he felt excited and a bit nervous. His sex life had been very quiet in recent months; almost all of his sexual release had been via his right hand.

"Hello Auntie Julie," smiled Glenn, when Julie opened her door. He then immediately thought about how hot she looked, even more so than the day before because she had applied more makeup.

"Hello, my hunky nephew, come in," smiled Julie, thinking how handsome and sexy her visitor looked.

"Thanks," said Glenn, wondering if he should kiss Julie or not.

They were both a bit hesitant and neither of them was relaxed, both waiting for the other to make a move.

"Would you like a coffee?" asked Julie.

"Yes, if you are having one," replied Glenn, who then followed Julie into the kitchen.

Glenn's eyes went to Julie's big arse, which was in quite tight black trousers. Glenn's cock stiffened in his jeans.

"It was so good to see you yesterday," said Julie, still with her back to Glenn.

"I hardly slept last night, thinking about you," said Glenn, standing a short distance behind Julie.

"Didn't wank, did you?" smiled Julie over her shoulder.

"No, but I wanted to," replied Glenn, honestly.

"Good job you didn't, otherwise I would have to give you two spankings," laughed Julie.

"God Julie, you are so hot," said Glenn, being able to resist no more and moving up close behind his auntie.

Glenn's bulge pressed against Julie's backside as he kissed her neck and fondled her tits over her blouse.

"Oh fuck, Glenn, I wanted you when you were seventeen and I want you now," replied Julie, grinding her arse against her nephew.

The kettle had boiled, but thoughts of coffee had been forgotten as Julie turned and they snogged, tongues probing the other's mouths.

"I think we would have fucked at that party if we had not got disturbed," said Julie, when they came up for air.

"We are not getting disturbed this morning, are we?" responded Glenn, before they kissed and groped again.

"No, baby, just you and me and no interruptions," replied Julie, when the latest kissing stopped.

"That is so good to hear," smiled Glenn.

"Would you like Auntie Julie to show you her bedroom?" smirked Julie, her eyes alight with lust.

"Yes please, Auntie Julie, that would be very nice," replied an equally aroused Glenn.

"Follow my big arse then," laughed Julie, heading for the stairs.

"I will gladly follow your big arse, Julie," laughed Glenn, reaching out and caressing it.

They giggled their way up the stairs, then there was a moment of seriousness as they reached Julie's bedroom.

"We both need to be one hundred per cent sure about this, because there will be no going back," said Julie, looking into Glenn's eyes.

"I have wanted you for thirteen years, so I am sure, are you?" responded Glenn.

"That is what I wanted to hear, yes, I am sure," said Julie, undoing the belt on Glenn's jeans.

Julie then unclasped and unzipped Glenn's jeans, and pulled them down so that they dropped to his ankles.

"Mmmm," said Julie, caressing Glenn's bulge through his boxers.

"Further than we got at the party," chuckled Glenn, unbuttoning Julie's blouse.

"Yeah, nothing going to stop us now," laughed Julie, pulling Glenn's boxers down as far as his knees and taking his rigid penis in her hand.

"I need your trousers off, Julie," said Glenn, unzipping them and dragging them partway down, before fingering the wet patch in Julie's knickers.

With them both partially disrobed, they had another snog; Glenn lowered Julie's knickers at the back and pawed her bare buttocks.

"I think your spanking will have to wait until later," said Julie, removing Glenn's T-shirt with him assisting by raising his arms.

"Yes, Auntie Julie," said Glenn, removing Julie's blouse and then unclipping her bra,

Julie took off her bra, and Glenn fondled Julie's large tits.

They parted, and Julie removed her trousers and knickers and Glenn got out of his jeans, boxers and socks. They were both totally naked and very ready for sex.

They stood kissing, with Glenn fingering Julie's very wet and hairy cunt and Julie slowly wanking Glenn's erect cock.

"Fuck me now, Glenn, give me the fucking that you wanted to give me all those years ago," said Julie, backing to the bed and lying on it, taking her nephew with her.

"I think that all those years ago I would have cum pretty quickly, I want to give you a long fucking now, Julie," said Glenn, sighing as he eased his penis into his auntie's sticky cunt.

"Mmmm, yes, big boy, give your Auntie Julie a long fucking," breathed Julie, as Glenn's cock slid into her ready vagina.

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Glenn wanted to go fast but decided to go slowly, as his rigid penis moved backwards and forwards in Julie's love channel.

This was slow lovemaking but it was going against their real urges. Julie was wanting Glenn to speed up a bit, but she was not going to tell him to.

There was an increase in pace, and Julie squirmed approvingly.

"Yes, yes, this is so good, mmmm, yeah," Julie encouraged.

Glenn kept his thrusts at that pace for a while, before a sudden upping of the speed which surprised and excited Julie, prompting her first orgasm.

"Oh, oh, yes, yes, fuck, yes," panted Julie, as she started cumming.

Glenn fucked Julie through that orgasm and rapidly took her to a second one.

The couple writhed on the bed; the sex was now very energetic.

"Shit, fucking shit," yelled Julie, as a huge climax hit her.

Glenn kept going on and on, but his ejaculation was fast approaching.

Glenn suddenly started spurting, and he spunked rapidly into Julie, making her shriek as she came again.

"That was so good," said Julie, as they kissed passionately after their fuck.

"Yeah, think I lasted longer than I would have done back then," said Glenn, quite pleased with his efforts.

"Yes, but I still sometimes wish that we had done it that night," replied Julie.

"Well, we have done it now, Auntie Julie," laughed Glenn, with his softening cock still just inside Julie's cunt.

"Yeah, we have," said Julie, chuckling as Glenn's penis slipped out of her.

They lay in each other's arms, kissing and caressing.

"Would you like to stay the night?" asked Julie.

"Yes, I would like that very much," replied Glenn, looking forward to more sex with this horny mature woman.

"Good, I will give you your spanking later then," said Julie.

"Yes, Auntie Julie," smiled Glenn.

"No regrets, I hope," said Julie a bit later.

"Only that I wish that we had got together ages ago," replied Glenn.

"Well, we can spend time together in the future, assuming that you want to," said Julie.

"Oh yes, I want to," said Glenn.

"Ha, your mother would go ape shit if she knew that you and I had just fucked," laughed Julie.

"Yeah, I don't think that she would be very pleased with you or me," chuckled Glenn in response.

"We will have to fuck lots and lots more to make her more ape shit," said Julie.

"I am up for that...well, not at the moment, but later," laughed Glenn, looking at his currently limp penis.

"We have got hours together, baby, so I am sure that your lovely cock will be nice and stiff when it needs to be," said Julie.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Shit, who can that be?" said Julie, getting off the bed and peeking out of her bedroom window to see who was below. She gave Glenn his first view of her bare arse in the process.

"It is the postman, I forgot I have got a parcel due," said Julie, hurriedly putting a dressing gown on over her naked body and going downstairs, hoping that the postman hadn't gone by the time she got to the door.

The postman was just leaving but Julie called him back, hiding behind the door.

"Sorry for the delay, I was just going to have a shower," said Julie, hoping that she did not look too much like she had not long had a fucking.

"No problem, love," said the postman, handing Julie the parcel.

"Good job we weren't in the middle of a fuck," said Julie, when she got back upstairs.

"Yes it was; you have got a great arse, by the way," said Glenn.

"You like my big arse, do you?" chuckled Julie, removing her dressing gown and turning her back on Glenn and wiggling her backside.

"Yes, I do," said Glenn, moving to sit on the bed and reaching to caress Julie's buttocks.

"That feels nice, but I was thinking that maybe we should have a shower and get dressed, there will be plenty of time for more fucking," said Julie.

"Okay," said Glenn, pleased that they had the night to look forward to.

They showered individually but admired each other's bodies before and after the showers. They got dressed and went downstairs and had something to eat.

"How long is the lease on that flat of yours?" asked Julie, as they sat together on the sofa.

"I have got about two months to go on the current lease, why?" responded Glenn.

"Well, I was thinking that if we are to continue fucking, you might as well move in here," said Julie.

"That sounds good, certainly worth thinking about," said Glenn.

"Yeah, well, we should certainly know if you and me are going well by the time that lease expires," said Julie.

"Imagine what mum would say if I moved in with you," chuckled Glenn.

"Yeah, imagine," laughed Julie.

"I don't know why you and mum do not get on," said Glenn.

"She thinks I am a slut, and she is probably right," replied Julie.

"Right now, I am glad that you are a slut," laughed Glenn, before he and his auntie had a long and passionate kiss.

They watched television for a while, but both were getting twitchy for more sexual activity.

"I think I will give you that spanking now, young man," said Julie.

"What exactly are you going to spank me for?" asked Glenn, feigning ignorance.

"For wanking thinking about your Auntie Julie," replied Julie.

"Okay, but don't you deserve a spanking for fucking your nephew Glenn?" asked Glenn.

"Hmmm, maybe, but that will be for another day," said Julie.

"I will remember that," said Glenn.

"I am sure you will," laughed Julie.

They went back upstairs and Julie moved a chair into position for her to sit on.

"Take your jeans and boxers off, bare bottom," said Julie.

"Is that necessary?" asked Glenn, quite relishing the idea of a bare-arsed spanking from his auntie.

"Very necessary, do it," said Julie, trying to sound stern.

Glenn took off his jeans and boxers without any further protest; his penis was erect.

"Hmmm, I had better take my trousers off, I don't want any sticky mess on them if you get over-excited," said Julie, removing her trousers and sitting on the chair in her knickers, knickers that were damp at the front.

"Over you go," instructed Julie, and her nephew lay over his lap.

Julie had done some spanking in her time but had never been into it in a big way. She ran her right hand over Glenn's buttocks and then commenced the spanking.

She was quite a powerful woman and Glenn was starting to feel it after a few hard slaps. Julie decided to add some verbals to the spanking.

"You," SLAP "are," SLAP "a" SLAP "very," SLAP "naughty," SLAP "boy," SLAP "for," SLAP "wanking," SLAP "thinking," SLAP "about," SLAP "your," SLAP "Auntie," SLAP "Julie," SLAP. "Say it!" SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP

"I am a very naughty boy for wanking thinking about my Auntie Julie," said Glenn, now squirming and bucking as the spanking continued and his arse got sore. His penis remained rigid and was leaking precum.

Julie continued the spanking a bit longer, and Glenn's buttocks were red.

"Let that be a lesson to you, young man," said a flushed, breathless and very aroused Julie.

"Yes, Auntie Julie," said Glenn, slowly getting off her lap and placing his hands on his buttocks. Julie's eyes went to Glenn's erection, which she wanted him to put to use in her.

"It looks like you are ready to fuck again," said Julie.

"Very much so, get your knickers off quick," replied Glenn.

Julie removed her knickers and lay on the bed, legs spread. They both had upper clothing on, but that would not get in the way of what they were about to do.

Glenn mounted Julie and the fucking was hard and fast from the outset. Julie very soon came, and she came again soon after that, with Glenn giving her a hard fucking.

"Oh fuck, fuck," wailed Julie, as she had her third orgasm of the fuck, and then...

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Written by PJH
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