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What Do You Say To A Naked Niece? - Part Five

"An uncle and his niece discover that being related can have surprising advantages."

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Author's Notes

"Steve, Emma, and Kate are now in Aruba where things take an exciting turn on their first day together."

As my plane touched down in Aruba, I was still flying high from the memory of my visit with Emma and Kate. Never in any conceivable life experience could I have imagined not only bedding Emma, but her mom too. I loved them both dearly and couldn’t wait to see them again. An old friend once told me that incest love was the ultimate love, and now I had it in duplicate.

After grabbing my bags, I picked up my rental car, a luxury SUV this time, to accommodate the three of us. As much as I loved the Mustang convertible from last year, it just wasn’t practical on this trip. Thirty minutes later, I was at the same house I’d rented last year. Why not? It was in a great location, private, with a ton of bedrooms and baths and a wonderful beach. Emma and I loved staying here, and I knew Kate would love it too.

I quickly unpacked and admired the sparkling clean surroundings. The rental agency was top-notch and even managed to have the fridge stocked with food and my favorite beer just hours before my arrival. I donned my trunks and hit the beach to grab a quick swim. Back home, I did my swimming at the health club pool, but there’s nothing like the ocean to challenge you.

Two hours later I was showered, dressed, and on the patio with my laptop. Before my trip, I had roughed out the outline of my new thriller and pulled dozens of documents for background info. This book was going to be set in South America and involved a plot to explode a dirty bomb at a major sporting event. As per Em’s suggestion last year, this book would feature several strong female characters, both heroes and villains. I had just started working when my phone buzzed, displaying Emma’s name.

I answered and said, “Hi there, sexy. I’m lying in the shade working, wishing you were on my lap.”

I heard a giggle and Em replied, “If I were on your lap, working would be the last thing you’d be doing. How are you, Uncle Steve? Did your flight go okay?”

We chatted for a few minutes and I confirmed that Emma would arrive in a week and her mom would fly out soon after. This would give Emma and me time to reconnect and maybe discuss how things would work with Kate in the house too.

“Okay, my love,” I said, “I’ll pick you up in six days. I love you niece.”

“Bye Uncle Steve, I love you more. Hope your lips are in good shape because I plan to wear them out when I see you.”

I settled back in my chair, grinning like a lovesick schoolboy. It was unbelievable that at my age I could feel this way and be fortunate enough to share my happiness with two gorgeous women. I still didn’t know how all of this would play out, but I did know I’d do whatever it took to keep both my girls happy and feeling loved.


The following Saturday, I was at the airport awaiting Em’s flight, which was now an hour overdue. From what I’d heard from the information desk, the plane’s stopover in Dallas took longer than expected due to an issue with the flight crew. But all was well now, and they were expected to land soon. I looked at the arrival board, which showed they were ten minutes out.

Em’s flight was packed, and as hundreds of people deplaned, I had difficulty seeing her in the crowd flowing from the arrival gate. At last, I saw her at the back of the pack, and I yelled her name. I stepped off to the side and Em made a beeline for me. As she got close, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck. Ignoring our surroundings, we hugged and kissed like newlyweds, and I felt immense joy at the feel of her slim body against mine.

Breaking our kiss to draw in some air, I set Em down and grabbed her hand. Even though it had been only two months, she seemed more mature than when we were last together. Maybe it was her attire. For this trip, she’d selected a pair of white linen slacks that deliciously hugged her hips and butt. She also wore a pale lavender halter top that was clingy and helped show off the shape of her breasts. She’d finished the look off with white, heeled sandals, and around her neck was the seahorse necklace I’d purchased for her last year. She looked fabulous and older than her seventeen years.

“Em, sweetheart, you look stunning! So goddamned sexy and beautiful that my brain is being overloaded.”

She beamed her brilliant smile and said, “Mom helped me pick out this outfit from that little boutique in the mall. She thought you might like it. I guess she was right?”

“For sure,” I said. “I mean, you’re beautiful regardless of what you wear, even if it’s nothing at all.”

“Ha, ha, funny one, Uncle. Let’s save the naked talk for when we get to the house.”

We picked up her luggage and made our way to my car. Thirty minutes later we were at the house and as we walked up the steps, Emma stopped in surprise. The entryway was lined with lavender and silver balloons (her favorite colors) and a banner that read ‘Welcome Emma!’

“How cute,” she said, though from the way she said it I suspected my stunt had misfired.

“Thanks,” I replied. “But in retrospect, I’m thinking that maybe I went a little too cute?”

 “No, it’s sweet,” she said charitably. “But it does feel a bit like a tween’s birthday party rather than your girlfriend’s arrival. But I love you for trying.”

Once inside, we moved her suitcases to the bedroom adjacent to mine. We had already decided that with Kate visiting too, it seemed better to let everyone have their own bedrooms for privacy. When Kate arrived, she could use the bedroom across the hall from mine. Each of the bedrooms featured a private bathroom so that no one would have to wait.

I helped her unpack, noting that she had many more clothes this trip, including some sexy summer dresses. And I was quite interested in the pile of frilly bras and panties she loaded into one drawer. I saw plenty of vivid colors, tiny strings, and lace trim and couldn’t wait to see her wearing it all.

Em wasted no time in donning her bikini and hitting the patio to catch the late afternoon sun. I put on a pair of board shorts and joined her. She wore one of the bikinis we had picked out during my visit, and now seeing it on her, my heart almost stopped. It was tiny, with the bra cups only covering about half of each breast. Also striking, was the color. One cup and associated straps were white, while the other cup and straps were pale green. And the tiny bikini bottoms were a simple narrow vee made up of the same alternating colors. From behind, her ass was completely bare, with only a dental floss strip running between her cheeks. I became so hard, my cock actually ached.

“Emma, Jesus Christ,” I groaned. “You look fabulous. In the store, the bikini looked pretty, but on you, your body elevates it to a whole new level.”

She smiled and cooed, “Well, if you’re feeling generous, how about rubbing some suntan lotion on me? I don’t want to risk burning this early in the trip.”

I couldn't move fast enough, and soon I was reveling in the feel of her smooth skin under my oiled palms. I started with her back, where I untied her bra string and massaged every inch of her skin with lotion. I could feel that her muscles were even more developed than last year, and she moaned softly as I rubbed and squeezed. For modesty, I retied her string and moved lower down her body.

Almost all of her butt cheeks were exposed, so I splashed on some oil and spent a few minutes massaging her ass. In the few spots where cloth did exist, I slipped my fingertips underneath the edges to ensure full coverage. As I massaged her thighs, she spread her legs and I slipped my fingers inside her bikini to fondle her cunt lips. She groaned, and her hips lifted off the chair in response to my stimulation. Not wanting to go too far, I teased her a bit before moving down to her legs and feet.

“No fair,” she groused when I removed my fingers from her slit.”

“Don’t want your legs to burn,” I quipped as I rubbed on more oil.

After oiling between her toes, I had her turn over, so I could help with her front side. This time I started with the tops of her feet and worked my way up her long legs. As I approached her pussy, she spread her legs, almost daring me to ignore her. I paused, looking at her sensual pubic mound, and suddenly realized that she had shaved her pubic hair again. The tiny bikini bottoms molded her pussy with no sign of any errant hair strands, and her mound was smooth and bare.

I didn’t think my cock could have gotten any harder, but it did, and I gave in to my desire. Pulling her bikini aside, I slipped my oiled fingers into her vagina and gently finger fucked her. She gasped in surprise as my two fingers slid fully inside her snug vagina. Using upward pressure, I pleasured her g-spot nerve bump while using my thumb to rub her clit. It took only minutes before her hips lifted, and she came with a shuddering cry of release.

Lowering her back to the chaise, I slipped my fingers out and adjusted her bikini bottoms. Before she could even regain her breath to speak, I moved upwards, now rubbing oil onto her flat, muscular stomach and upwards to her chest. As I reached her breasts, I could see stiff nipples showing through her bra top and as my hands slipped under the cups, she moaned again.

“Stop, too much. I’m on fire,” She sighed.

Gently, I rubbed her breasts, spreading lotion and enjoying the feel of her hard nubs on my palms. I briefly tweaked each nipple before moving on to her shoulders and neck, where I finished my massage. My cock was painfully trapped in my shorts as I moved back to my chair to admire my work.

“Do you think I could get a part-time job as a masseuse?” I joked.

She looked at me with unfocused eyes and said softly, “You better not. Those hands are mine.”

Since we were outside and there was no easy way to relieve my stress, I made a quick jog to the ocean and swam a bit until my libido cooled down. Then I went back to my chaise, where we spent the remainder of the day sunning and relaxing.

Back inside, we both showered and dressed, and I threw together a simple dinner. With only a few days before Kate arrived, I wanted to see what kind of relationship rules we needed to have. I figured the best way was to start slowly and see where things went.

“So,” I said, as I sliced into my grilled flounder. “Out on the patio, I noticed you’d gone back to the shaved look for bikini season?”

“Yeah, I took a break during the cold months and let my pubic hair grow back. I like the look of my hair because it lets me feel older. But with my tiny bikinis, almost any hair is too much, so it had to go.” She forked a potato, and pointed it at me before continuing, “But I also know that guys like the bald look, so I did it for you too.”

“I can’t speak for all guys, but I’m neutral on the topic. I think it’s the woman’s choice and that either way is attractive. Though I will admit that oral sex is easier when things are well trimmed or bald.”

She smiled and said, “Well, when Mom gets here, I think you’ll be surprised. Her pussy is now as smooth as mine.”

I stared at her, fork halfway to my mouth. “And how would you even know that? I mean…”

“Let’s just say that Mom and I talked about a lot of stuff after you left, including oral sex. And when I mentioned that I would be shaving my pubes again this year, she offered to assist.”

“Okay, interesting, but how…”

“I was happy to let her help because it meant I didn’t need to do gymnastic poses with a hand mirror. Some of the spots are hard to reach, you know.” Em sipped her iced tea and continued, “Then I asked her if she wanted any grooming help, given all the beach time we would have, and she agreed.”

“So you helped each other shave the other’s pubic hair?”

“Oh, yeah,” she practically giggled. “There we were, both naked in the bubble bath together, letting our private parts get moistened. Then we took turns with the electric and safety razors to remove every strand of hair, front and back and in between. It turned out to be a lot of fun.”

“Wow,” I said, shifting in my chair. “I’ve gotten an erection just hearing about it. I would have paid money to watch that.”

Em smiled and blew me a kiss and said, “Well, if you play your cards right, maybe we’ll let you watch when we do maintenance on each other. It’s not like the hair stays away for the whole summer.”

“It sounds like you and your mom have gotten closer since my visit, or at least are more comfortable with sex stuff.”

“Pretty much,” she agreed. “Mom and I were always pretty open with each other, two women living together and all that. But after your visit and all the confessions, she and I have gotten very comfortable talking about sex and what we each like. And I have to admit, I always thought Mom was attractive, but after seeing her nude last week, I now realize she’s gorgeous.”

“Yeah, your mom is stunning, as are you. Your bodies are very similar and since you both have the same eye and hair color, I bet you’ll get mistaken as sisters down here.”

“That would be cool, for sure,” she replied. “Though I’m still waiting for my boobs to catch up.”

“Well, if I recall, your mom’s breasts were like yours, roughly a B-cup, until she got pregnant with you and things popped. So, you may have to wait a while longer. But know this for a fact, your breasts are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. They are the perfect size for your slim, athletic physique. No need to be in a hurry to change things.”

She blew me another kiss and we resumed eating. With all our talk about sex, boobs, and shaving, I felt that now would be a good time to ask some of the harder questions.

“Em,” I began. “One thing we need to discuss is our relationship, now that your mom knows and will be with us all summer. Plus, with the feelings the three of us have for each other, it will make for a complex dynamic when it comes to our love and sharing.”

Em put her fork down and leaned back in her chair. I couldn’t read her expression and worried I’d just led us into a minefield. I was trying to think of something else to say to soften the topic, but she spoke first.

“If I’m completely honest, part of me is jealous about sharing you, but the other part of me feels good that I can help make my mom happy. We talked about this back home, and she made it clear that she didn’t want to do anything to ruin the relationship I have with you. I think she’s okay saying that because deep in her heart, over the long term, she doesn’t believe that you and I have a chance of success.”

“That’s a bit cynical, but I can see your point,” I said. “But even if true, there still is the issue of me sleeping with your mom. We know it’s going to happen. With all of us so deeply in love with each other, how can you and I enjoy ourselves if your mom is isolated and lonely?”

Em stood and gathered some dirty dishes and walked them to the sink. I helped her and when the table was clear I took her arm and pulled her close. We hugged and kissed, and then she spoke.

“I’m dedicated to making us work. And you realize, with Mom knowing and being part of this, that shortens our timeline immensely and increases our odds of success. So, I’m all for letting Mom enjoy a relationship with you, too. As long as you can treat us both fairly and love us equally, I’m ready to give this a try.”

I’m not a crying man, but my eyes did moisten a bit, hearing the pure love and hope in her words. I knew she was working from a position of idealistic youth, while I was more aware of how cruel life could be. But for now, I was going to do everything in my power to build solid, loving relationships with both beautiful women. And damn the consequences.

“Emma, darling, your words are mature beyond your years, and it makes me so happy that you’re in my life. I promise you, I will treat you both equally, and love you with every fiber of my being.”

We kissed again and finally turned our attention to the sink load of dishes. Once the kitchen was clean, we decided to get dressed for bed and then crash on the sofa to watch a movie. I was ready first and grabbed two bottles of beer and hit the sofa. Minutes later, Em drifted out dressed simply in a pale yellow, knee-length sleep shirt. She had brushed her long hair, and...

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Written by nightwish
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