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Ways To Bed Your Mom Ch. 04

"A son is obsessed with wanting to fuck his mother and turns to a forum for answers."

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As my eyes opened I could feel the massive hard-on I was supporting already. The previous story that I had read was still fresh in my mind. I couldn't shake the sexual images of how Maria had succumbed to her incestuous desire. It left me wishing my mother would have the same issue.

If only, I thought as I crammed my stiff dick inside my shorts while I got dressed for the day. Besides being extremely horny, I was also starving and headed out of my room.

But I wasn't in a rush and took my time making my way into the kitchen.

"Oh, I thought I heard you up," my mother announced when I grabbed a box of cereal from the top shelf of the cupboard.

I could still feel that raging boner straining inside my pants. I turned away from her and snatched some milk from the refrigerator.

"How did you sleep?" I heard.

"Pfft. How did I sleep she asks," I mumbled to myself. I poured the milk over the golden flakes and thought. It would have been much better if your pussy was nestled against my cock, that's for sure.

"Did you say something?"

"Huh? Um... no. I didn't say anything," I lied when I took a seat.

"Okay, spill it. Something is eating you. I can tell. Is it that, older woman?"

Fuck, Mom put me on the spot, and I replied, "Well, kind of."

"Did you see her after we talked? Did she show any signs that she's interested in you?"

I quickly thought about those signals she mentioned and realized my mother had shown none of them at all to me. This notion only brought out more despair, and I groaned, "Yeah, I saw her, and no... She hadn't."

Mom touched my hand and said, "I'm sorry, honey. I really am. But if she hasn't sent you any of those signals, then I'm afraid she really doesn't have an interest in you."

I said nothing as my sorrow grew strong and then heard my mother say, "Listen, since you’re so blue, why don't we go out tonight? Just the two of us."

"What?" I replied with a look of shock.

"You know. Do something to get your mind off of her. Maybe take in a movie?"

I got up, realizing Mom was trying to make me feel better, and announced, "That's okay, Mom. I'll be fine. I better leave before I'm late for work."

"Nonsense!" Mom shouted. "You need to get your mind off of this, so I'm going to insist that we do something together tonight and that's final."

"Well..." I said and then chuckled, "Since you put it that way, how can I refuse?"

That feeling of being depressed left me as the day went on. Seeing how much Mom cared about my well-being put me in a good mood, and I couldn't wait to do something with her that evening.

I no sooner got home and opened the door when I was greeted by my mother, already dressed for our mother and son time. Only this wasn't the typical attire I was used to seeing her wear. Far from it. Mom was dressed to kill, and I felt my dick swiftly respond to what my eyes had seen.

Mom had on this black evening dress that clung tightly to her body until it hit her hips, where it then loosened and flowed to her ankles. There was also a slit that extended so far up her left thigh that you would think her panties would show. The upper part of the dress had a single spaghetti strap draped over her left shoulder that turned into the fabric of the dress as it fanned out, covering half of her upper bosom when it wrapped under her right armpit.

When I saw my mother's bosom half exposed like that, it only added to my already stiff dick, and I barked, "Wow, Mom. You look fantastic."

Mom smiled as she gave me a little twirl and said, "I'm glad you like it. Now change into something nice yourself. I made us some reservations."

"Reservations?" I asked.

"Yes, since you weren't sure about a movie, I figured we'd spend the night dining in a fancy restaurant before going dancing."

"Dancing!" I expressed, knowing I had two left feet.

"Yes, dancing. It's been so long since I've gone myself, I figured it would do us both some good."

Now hearing that my mother was looking forward to this evening herself, I couldn't refuse her and gave a nod as I went to change.

I tossed my worn clothes into the hamper, then went into my closet and pulled out a white long-sleeved button-down shirt and my black suit. As I quickly changed, I thought about how mom was dressed and felt my dick getting stiff again. But then I pondered, Mom has lots of dresses. Why did she put on such a sexy one? Did she want to see if it would affect me?

"That can't be it," I said to myself as I cleared my head before making my way back down to my mother.

Hand in hand, we walked to my car, and I held the door open for her. My gaze stayed glued to my mother's thigh as she went to sit. I swear that slit in the dress barely blocked my view of her panties, the way it spread open when she slid into the seat.

We drove a short distance before arriving at our destination and Mom wasn't joking about fancy. This place wasn't at all like the family dinners we had frequented in the past. The walls were covered in some type of pinkish-black wall fabric and the carpet was champagne in color. There was also a large chandelier in the center of the room.

The waiter led us to our table for two and, of course, I held the chair out for my mother while she sat before sitting down myself.

"Can I start you off with a drink?" The server asked as he set the menus down in front of us.

"Yes," my mother quickly spoke. "I would like a glass of red wine."

"And you, sir?"

I looked at Mom and said, "I'll have the same."

Mom smiled, and I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye that I'd never noticed before.

The waiter returned with our drinks while we studied the menu. Only I had trouble picking something out. I wasn't at all familiar with these dishes. I think Mom noticed I was having issues and suggested I should try the Chicken Masala.

I looked at Mom and agreed since I did not know what else to order.

Mom had no problem and ordered the Cedar Planked Salmon.

While we waited for our meal, we chatted about our day as we sipped our wine, and truthfully I was becoming more relaxed. In fact, I was having a great time doing this with Mom.

Our meals arrived and Mom was right. The dish was delicious. Afterward, we had one more glass of wine before I reached for my wallet, but was stopped when Mom said, "No dear. This is my treat."

"Mom," I said. "I can't have you paying for this."

"I'm the one that asked you out tonight, remember? So tonight is on me. If you want to pay, then next time you make the suggestion."

Next time? I thought. Did Mom just suggest we do this again? I honestly hoped that was the case and smiled when I announced, "Okay. But remember, next time it's on me."

"Agreed," was her response.

Mom paid and tipped the waiter before we went to leave. Only we didn't have to go far. I wasn't aware that this place also hosted an area that was set up for dancing.

But not the kind of dancing I was thinking. This was formal dancing, and they had a live band that was playing songs I had never heard of before.

"Shall we?" my mother asked, smiling as she took my hand.

"Mom," I said. "Listen... I... ah... I suck at dancing."

Mom placed her palm on my cheek and said, "Honey... You'll do fine."

I nodded as we made our way out to the dance floor.

Once there, Mom put her arms over my shoulders while I placed mine on her hips before we started. Only it didn't take long before I was having trouble and I stepped on my mother's toes. I shouted," Sorry!"

Mom whispered, "It's okay. You need to stop trying so hard. Just relax and feel the music."

Mom pulled me closer to her. Our bodies mashed together. She then rested her head on my chest and murmured, "Like this. Just let your body feel the rhythm."

My arms wrapped around her body, and I held her close. Gently, we swayed to the slow tones of the music. My god, this felt wonderful, and I thought. This wasn't my mother in my arms anymore it was the woman that I wanted to make love to.

Only instead of feeling horny, I was feeling welcomed by her and I hoped she was feeling the same way.

Mom was right, and we danced without any more issues with me stepping on her toes. We swayed, holding each other close for several more songs until she suggested we take a break. Stepping off the dance floor, we found a small table and as we sat, Mom flagged a waitress down.

"Yes, can I help you?" the waitress asked.

"Yes, I would like a margarita?" Mom replied.

The waitress then looked at me and I said, "I'll have a Jack and Coke."

We chatted while we sipped our drinks and just before I finished mine my mother said, "So... Isn't this better than sulking at home?"

I looked at her and replied, "Yes. Much. In fact. I haven't had such a good time in a long while."

Mom commented, "Neither have I."

We both smiled at each other and once again I saw that twinkle in Mom's eyes. I couldn't help but say, "Being with you like this. Right now. Is a moment I'll always remember."

Mom put her hand on mine and remarked, "Me too, Kory, and I hope you now realize that you don't need to be hung up on a woman you can't have. You can always count on me to make some wonderful memories with you."

Fuck, that touched my soul, and I couldn't stop myself from leaning over the table until my face was next to hers.

I could feel my mother's breath washing over my face and said, "I would love to make those memories with you."

"Oh Kory," Mom sighed.

With our eyes locked, I eased closer until our noses touched and heard Mom whisper, "What's happening?"

I didn't answer, but instead softly grazed my lips over hers. She let out a subtle moan before opening her mouth, letting me kiss her passionately.

I quickly embraced her in my arms, and she did the same. Fuck, I couldn't believe it. My mother was really kissing me, and I could feel my cock stiffening in my pants as my sexual desire to have her grew.

Our smooching got more aggressive, and I could hear her breath quicken. We both were getting lost in this moment. I was hoping it would have led us further down this forbidden path that I yearned to take with her.

However, that wasn't the case, and Mom broke the kiss. Then, with a shocked appearance, she pushed me away and shouted, "Wait! Oh Kory! This! This is wrong. Oh... No no no. We... Oh, god! I have to leave."


"I'm sorry, Kory. God, what was I thinking?" Mom barked and quickly rose.

"Wait, Mom!" I yelled as she hustled towards the exit.

I caught up with her outside and again yelled, "Mom!"

My mother turned as I approached, and I could see tears streaking down her face.

It pained me to see her this way, and I pleaded, "Mom, please. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"Nnno Kkkory! It's my fault. God, I'm just so confused these days!"

I held my mother in my arms and replied, "I love you, Mom. Please don't be upset. It's both our faults. I think we just got caught up in the moment, that's all."

Mom held me back and mewed. "Okay. Maybe you're right. It's just..."

"Shhh, Mom. Please let's just try to forget about it. We made a mistake. Both of us."

Between sniffles, she softly replied, "Yes. Forget about it. We can just forget it ever happened."

"Yes. We'll forget all about it," I assured her.

After holding Mom in my arms for a couple of minutes, we silently walked toward the car. But even after the ride home, Mom was quiet. Once at our house, while Mom was walking away, I said, "Listen, Mom, I just want to say, I wasn't joking, when I said that, this was one of the best nights I ever had."

Mom turned and replied, "I'm glad, Kory." With that, she disappeared into her room.

I went to my room as well. What started out as a great time, had ended with Mom being upset. But I then thought. Shit, we actually kissed. She does have feelings for me. She's only being resistant like that other mother had said in the forum.

If that was correct, then I needed to find a way to break her inhibitions. Quickly, I changed out of my clothes before turning back to my online guide on how to seduce my mother.

Instead of reading the next post in line, I flipped through them until I found another post that was written by a different mother, since it appeared like the last one was correct.

Once I got settled in, I started to read.




Hi, my name is Janice and yes, I've fucked my son. But unlike what you've read about the other mothers, it was of my own accord. I decided to post my experience I had with him after reading the confession Maria left.

Only unlike her, my son honestly tried nothing on me. It was all me and I'm here to tell you, Jim; I have no regrets about doing it. In fact, Maria was right about mothers having sexual urges for their sons. I can attest that I did and now can't wait to fuck mine again.

Now I'm not saying all mothers would feel like I did when I first fucked my son. I'm sure they all had their own reason for going down this forbidden path. I can only speak for myself and tell that it all started for me the night of my office Christmas party.

I was supposed to attend this event with my dear, loving husband as we usually did every year.

However, this year he completely forgot about it and now, instead of being home, getting ready for the night, he was calling to tell me he had to work late again.

Upon hearing him tell me this news, I became angry. Not because of his not paying attention to me. Christ, it quickly became obvious to me he never listens to a word I say. It was because I was sure he was fucking his secretary. So now hearing he was once again blowing me off to spend time with his little slut. It had finally pushed me over the edge and instead of saying goodbye and being the understanding wife I usually was. I just hung up the phone.

It was right after I cut off my conversation with my loving husband that my eighteen-year-old son, Brad, walked in the door.

A strange thought entered my mind when I saw him standing there and in the heat of that moment said to myself, "Now that is what I need right now. A young, handsome, muscular hunk that has the stamina to fuck me all night long. God, what I wouldn't give to have his long hard cock pumping deep inside me right now."

A shiver ran through my body after I said those words. Realizing I had expressed that thought openly while staring at my son. But then it suddenly changed into something else. I felt... Sexually stimulated after thinking that as well.

That emotion puzzled me, and I pondered. Did I feel that way because of what I had said, or was it because I had studied my son's body at the time I was saying it?

My eyes once again gazed upon my son's body and as they did, I could feel myself getting wet picturing his naked muscular form in my mind.

My god, I am getting horny thinking about my son! I thought as I looked at my boy's face.

My son was truly a very handsome young man now. His hair and eyes were brown like mine.

However, unlike me, standing at only five foot six, he was much taller. Maybe six feet, I would guess.

Now I'm no slouch and would say I'm still very attractive for a forty-year young woman. I have kept my body well maintained, and I also took pride in knowing that when I flaunted my D-size tits, they could still turn guys' heads. I'm also a very outgoing woman that liked to flirt with the gentleman and on some rare occasions even the girls should I fancy one that caught my eye.

But tonight what caught my eye was my son and, for some strange reason, I acted on it. Yes, I was aware he was my son, but at that moment, I didn't care. I wanted him and if I played my cards right, I would soon be feeling that youthful cock sliding deep inside me before this night was over.

Putting on my womanly charm, I lifted my short yellow skirt up higher than usual. I then undid a couple of more buttons on my blouse to expose just enough of my ample breast to get his attention. Once finished, I smiled while crossing my legs and announced, "Brad, dear."

"Yeah Mom," he replied as he took a seat next to me. I could tell by the look in his eyes my little scheme was working and noticed how his eyes quickly focused on my bosom.

I put on a sad face and, while bouncing my crossed leg, pouted, "Honey, I just got off the phone with your father. Can you believe he has to work late again?"

"What else is new, Mom?" Brad exclaimed...

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Written by bob03567
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